Come in and Blog On!

2023 Welcome to your IE 3 class blog. The object of this class project is to log in and write your comments, web links, answers to questions, and your questions to others at least twice a week. It's fun and you can include pictures or graphics. Keep it original, helpful, and interesting. Don't forget to spellcheck your work before publishing. Also, when you create your user name, please use your real first name, in Romaji (ex. Ryuki, Mari, Lisa, etc.) so that we know who we are communicating with. Enjoy, and Blog on!

Friday, July 20, 2012

the last day

I can't believe that today is the last day of IE3 class!

Next week

Next week, there is so many important tests! What if I fail? There are so many things that drive me crazy but when I think that it will end in a week, I fell comfortable. But when it comes to grades, I get afraid. Next week is a really bad week.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Last class!!

We have last class of IE tomorrow!!
I'm really sad we have no more class in this member...
First, I thought I can't have any friends in this class because I'm not good at making friends.
But everybody was very kind to me.
And I was very exited to have IE class every week!
I don't really want to finish this semister....

I can't believe it

It is too hot today. I can't concentrate on anything even reading favorite books and I can't sleep enough. I'm going to be sick at this pace.

study, study, study!!!

I studied in Starbucks with my friends for 5 hours!! After that, we ate sushi! I got tired but I had fun.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I have German test tomorrow.(again!!)
I have to study, but I don't feel like it.....
But I guess I have to (゚-゚;)

John Lennon / (Just like) Starting Over

Sorry but I love John Lennon so much (except he is a communist) that I would like to post another song of my favorites.
I think the best band ever has already appeared and there would be no better music.
just watching finger smith. I am freaking tired of watching this, but I need to get the story for the English literature class...

This summer vacation

I'm planning to go to Izu(Sizuoka Prefecture)
with members of my circle on from 6th August to 8th August.

After the trip, I return back to my hometown in Niigata from 10th August to 19th August.
In the return, I enjoy fireworks and karaoke or something with my friends.

Now I am very busy but I'm enjoying planning in this summer.
I wonder why my boss doesn't send me my part-time job shift in this summer.

This tight-schduled day


I'm busy for studying German and Reading for each tests.
Maybe I'll do my best in German test but
Reading exam force me to drop the hell.

Omg! I wish tests were gone from this world.

Driving School

Finally I started going to driving school! I already drove 3 hours or something.
Car driving is so difficult, especially when you change gears, but it's somehow fun.
I hope I can get the licence during this summer!


I started to use air conditioner last night. How comfortable!! Because it is very comfortable, I somehow overslept this morning!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Freakin' hot

It is freakin' hot.
I am working for Subway and I had work today, but who on the earth wants to eat sandwich on this hot day??

Really English

Omg I totally forgot to do it!!!
I'll try to finish it tonight:-)
Thanks for the person who posted the Really English post ;-)


I went to the Mitama-matsuri with my friends yesterday! Though it was so crowded and hot, we wore yukata. I ate a shaved ice, anzu-ame, and yakitori xD
i dont think i will pass the exam of English literature.
I hadnt even read the books, and so yesterday i went to tsutaya to rented the movie of the novels i hadnt read. but i couldnt find any of them but just one.
now, how can i pass the exam??
oh, godammit...

Sunday, July 15, 2012


I've finished my program of reallyenglish!!! I'm sleepy but I can't sleep because of the heat...

can't sleep!

Why It's so hot?!


I can't sleep well these days because of this heat and humidity! I can't survive this summer!!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

It's too hot outside

I want to go outside for a little while, but It's so hot outside that I can't even go out!!

Curry without rice

I haven't had anything for dinner today, but I have some curry, though I don't have rice to put it on. The only way to solve this problem I have is pasta. I have a plenty of pasta, so if I want I can put curry on pasta, but I'm not sure what kind of taste it's going to be, so I'm still wondering I'm going to do it or not. Probably, this is the most troublesome problem I've ever had in my life.

Billy Joel

Please listen to this old song. This is my favorite song.
Especially anyone who has a partner, please listen!

Crazy weather in Kumamoto

I go to Kumamoto this September for trip.
I watched the news about its crazy weather. They say they have never experienced this much of rain in the past. I saw cars floating and the stream destroys the houses. We can never overcome the force of nature. Hopefully lives of people there will be restored soon.


I have 7 tests and 3 reports coming up
I think the school is just trying to kill me with tasks...

beautiful weather

today im going to nitori and buy some furniture for my room.
then after that im going out for dinner because .its my girlfriends birthday

Friday, July 13, 2012

New Shop

This was the resume of Core Section. I feel nervous about Book Reports when I first heard of them:when we had first lecture.
However, after doing Media Discussions(which totally amounted to nine times)、I came to get the hang of them.I learned from this course that you cannot know anything before you do, so it is good to do anything in a challenging and interesting way!!!!
In Japanese, this phrase is almost the same as
When I feel depressed, I want to remember this phrase.
I love love love I E.
Thank you !!!!!


What we only have!!!

We have I E class today, and we only have one class next week.
Next week, we have a test and a farewell party, and presentation.
I hope this test will be easy!!!

To Ryuiti, as I said before, you are supposed to come to this class next week!!Everyone in your team will be happy if you come.


I think I haven't been on this blog for... 3 weeks or more?
Wow, what a waste of marks. I just keep forgetting. Bad habit.

I think robots are good, and might become more human-like in the future, but never will be able to replace human beings.
This is not because humans are the smartest animal on Earth or something.
It's just that "who makes the robots are humans."
Human brain is said to be more high-spec than a super computer, but it is also the most mysterious part of the body.
If scientists try to make robots just like us humans, the main point would probably be the main computer which works as our brain.
If we don't fully know how the brain is working, how will it be possible to make a robot exactly like us?

However, I personally love robots and electronics.
And my favourite robot, also was in the video, is ASIMO.
My father works in Honda, and I've actually met the real ASIMO when I was in Elementary school.
It's in the past, so ASIMO is more developed than that time now.
Robots at that time had a very, very hard time on walking on two legs.
ASIMO was pretty famous for the smooth walking skills.
Now this type of robots are increasing a little, but ASIMO is still in the lead.
It could run in two legs now, without falling or losing its balance.
I also like the cute look of him, so if a robot is becoming a companion in the future, I want ASIMO to be the one.

I'm lonely

I don't see any of my IE3 classmates at next IE seminar class. It's sad(;_;)

Image Trip in Iezima,Okinawa

Do you happen to know about "Iezima" in Okinawa prefecture?
I have visited there once. It was very good!!!
Let's do image trip!!!

This is Iezima looked over.

We have to take a ship trip from Motobu port to Ie port.
Ship trip is good!!!

Beach I went!!! There were few people. Very beautiful beach!!! For those who feel alone or who have no girlfriends or boyfriends,it is best to go this beach!!! You must be very consoled.


Morning guys!
Today I've got my IE Core class and will hand in my final book report! woo!
I slept earlier last night, as I can't be late for the Core class though it made me sleep a little bit longer and made my morning much better.

Today: Book Report handing in
Thursday: Listening Exam
Next Friday: Presentation
Summer is waiting for me~~~~

to Jeff

Thank you for supporting English Education Overview!!!
I am sorry my presentation was not so good and persuasive presentation.
Anyway,have a good vacation and let's give the class all we have!!!

To Ryuiti

Good morning,Ryuiti!!!
You should attend to I E Listening because your team is supposed to be presenting!!!!!

To Jeff

It was fun because we were chatting for the most part!!lol
Anyway, let's do our best!!! And after the exams, let's watch "Twilight"!!lol

Staying up all this night.

I had done my book report.
But, today I must stay up all night because I have to clean my room up.

If my parents told me that they cannot come to my home, What an easy task it was!


Robots are certainly convenient
 but they won't replace human beings, I think.

Imagine you are in a disaster-attacked area.
 If you have to find a person from a collapsed house, you should use a robot.
But, if you have to care for mentally or physically damaged people, you should not utilize them.

To sum up, they have both advantages and disadvantages. So, they're used on the scene, which are high-risked for human health or life.

I love・・・・

I love I E Listening!!! However,first period is tough.

Meanigs of circle

Generally speaking, circle has the good meanings.
In human relationships, couples put pair rings hoping that their love last forever. Circle might have the tendency to settle issues relating to their marriage life.
I do not have girlfriends and so I could not exactly know the power of rings.I want to try the power of the rings when I have girlfriends.


When I think about the word "dynamic",because Dr.Armstrong referred this word many times,I find that I am not good at being dynamic. My media Discussion was not dynamic, and my Presentation was not dynamic. Furthermore,My life turned out to not be dynamic. Dr. Armstrong asked us to do dynamic discussions, but I could not do discussions in that way.
I like to be dynamic: I love dynamic experiments, classes, persons, even dynamic lives. However, I have hesitation to some degree, and probably this stops myself from being dynamic.I want to remember the fact that if you can do something difficult or irksome, joy will be greater!!!!!
I want to remind myself of this phrase when something difficult to practice. Also, in I E Seminar, I want to do dynamic discussion!!!!!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

To Jeff

I couldn't imagine you studied together until eight pm. You are very industrious!!!
I realise I  have to study hard!!!!

IE Listening

Tomorrow we have IE Listening class and then we have presentations of four groups.
My team delivered a presentation, but the four teams will present better than mine!!!

Also,sadly,we have only two Listening class.
I don't want to be absent or delayed.
Studied with friends after school until 8pm :-)
Surprisingly, it was kinda fun;-)


I think it is no problem to live with robots. From our childhood, we watched many robot animations such as robots and heros in Japan uses robots to fight against monsters. Sony even made AIBO as a robotic dog. Our culture is extremely used to robots.


I will make a presentation today, but I am still writing notes. I have to finish it right now and start another stuff :-C

End of IE3 classes

Time goes fast and it's already end of IE3. I felt very comfortable in my class but I'm not sure if I can do well in IE semminar. Anyway, I have to do the reports......darn.

Tests and reports

Everyone is saying they have tests and reports these days. I have tests and reports at end of July so I always think I still have time but getting more nervous as days go on. I don't feel very well these days because of that. Oh, my stomach hurts.


I had my French class test last week, and another test is coming next week. When I study, I realize how much I have to prepare for the test. So I'll try to do my best.

summer vacation

I'll go to Toyama to see my cousins during the summer vacation. I am so excited about this. Toyama is a beautiful place. It's quiet and they have lots of nature. Now, we are planning what we are going to do after I get there.


Robots have no feelings but as we can see in the movie, the aged seemed to be happy to touch robots of seal. There may be many people who were helped out of loneliness, so I can't say that robots can't be our friends.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

about robots

I think robots cannot be substitutes of humans completely. Of course robots are able to do some dangerous jobs which humans cannot conduct, but I think, still there will be impossible area for robots because they won’t have minds.

If robots get minds and characters…I think that is the time robots can be substitute of human!


 Just right now, I received a package from my parents back in Aichi. I'm ver y surprised the post office even does delivery at this hour.
 In the package there were few foods, contact lenses and a sunscreen. There was no note but I suddently miss my home.


I had a Chinese test yesterday. I studied hard just before the day so I'm very worried. I was so sleepy yesterday so I woke up at 9:00 today. Also, I took a nap too! I have a test tommorow so I have to study tonight. I want to go somewhere with my friend after the test was over!


 I am having a really stressful time right now with all the wxzms and the reports and all other stuff I have to hand in! I wish I had 48 hours a day to clear up things. sigh......

Dear Mr.Armstrong

 I have decided to change what I will be writing for my book report. I ordered "Farenheit 451" on Amazon on the 11th last month and was due to arrive in three weeks at the latest. Yet, Amzon sent me an e-mail explaining that they were sorry for the delay but couldn't find the book and still can't figure out when they can ship the book. So instead, I have decided to write the book reort on "Lord of the flies" which I have been reading in case I didn't have time to read "Fahrenheit451". I am very sorry for the sudden change but I will be able to hand in the book report on time.

summer vacation

I'm planning to go to a lot of places in summer vacation. I'll meet with my cousin who lives in America. She'll come to Japan to study Japanese more deeply. She said that she wants to improve her Japanese skill. I'm looking forward to go shopping with her and go to many places with her! Also, I'll go to badminton club's training camp and ACF's camp. I especially want to go to Australia, sydney so I'm looking for some part time job only for summer so that I can save a lot of money.


First of all, I apologize for my delay. I forgot to write onn the blog last week.

About the movie that I saw about the nuclear reacter problem in cartoon, I thought Japan's "Genaptsu-kun" had more soft impression compared to "Nuclear-boy". The people in "Nuclear -boy" looked more tired while the other one had more smiling faces. Also, the way the narrator talked was different. Japanese version had more slow steady explanation while the America version had more sharp and fast tempo. Since this was made to be shown to kids, I'd prefer the "Genpatsu-kun" because it may be more efficient to explain children what's going on in Fukushima without panicking them.


Yesterday, I had a test in German class. It was really difficult! I really hope I could get a good grade because I really worked hard this time for German test.


today was our last ie core class.
had fun and learned a lot. i hope i get to see Mr. Armstorg around the school.


i thought the video was really funny. i didn't know Ronald McDonald was such an evil character.
i didnt quite understand the ending. what kind of message was it trying to tell us?
I'm really sleepy, but I can't sleep because I have to wait my washing...

Can robots be a substitute of human??

We saw the video of robots last week. I thought the Japanese technology of making a robot was great, but I think robots can not be the substitute of human. Even though robots can do some kind of task better than human and can make the impression in the face, I think it can't share the feeling such as human. When you talk with your friend, you may feel happy. But what about robot? I don't think robots can give that kind of feeling to human.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Today is our last class and I enjoyed everyone's presentation. All of them were very interesting and I learned a lot from them!


I'm going back to my hometown in 25days! Im so excited to see my friends!


Summer is my favorite season. This summer I want to go to Enoshima and go over seas.

last class

today's the final class! I can't believe 3months already passed! I hope our presentation goes well


I have two exams today:( I'm not sure whether I can do well...


Today is the last day of IE core. Im happy but Im sad at the same time. Today is the presentation and Im nervous. Ill do my best. To Dr.Armstrong I had fun studying in your class! Im still going to take your vampire class. Im looking forward to it.
The exams are comming close , I cant believe it . But when its over its the holidays!!! yipee!! I cant wait.


We have some tests coming up so we have to study...
so much studying to do


Today is the last class ;(
I'm so sad ;(
I love all members in this class and Dr. Armstrong!
I think we have to meet even after summer vacation once a month.
I love Dr. Armstrong's classes and actually, I have his CD.
It's so interesting, so I want you to listen to it.
Anyway, let's enjoy today's class :)!

My favorite teacher ♡

Yesterday I worked part-time job and stood in front of my workplace to say "hello" to everybody who comes to our cram school. And I saw my favorite teacher who was from Canada :) I wanted to talk with him, but I couldn't x( Next time, I'll talk to him!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Last core class

See you tomorrow.


I went to cats cafe today for first time. I may go there tomorrow or Wednesday too.


Tomorrow is a presentation day. Our team will present environment.


I thought this movie was really exiting action film. In my opinion, this film want us to know that each logo has some kind of personality.

IE 3 Core Class

I'm really glad that it is Dr. Armstrong that teaches us. He is a very inspiring professor. He's always tried to tell us how much of fun it is to learn, and help us explore a movie or book and grab the message behind it. I wish I could take the class once more and work harder because, looking back, I feel it is a really good one with discussions, book reports, blog and reviews of short movies. Tomorrow, it is going to be the last class, and we are going to make presentations. I'm going to do my best.


All the logos represent the big companies, which many people have put a lot of efforts to build up and sustain. And almost all of them are swept away by the series of natural disasters. I think one of the possible messages behind the short movie is that human beings can never control or overcome nature. Irony: human beings have established many kinds of things and will continue to do so with the constant possibility that they will be easily destroyed by nature natural disasters.

writing class

We had the last writing class today. I'm so sad!!!:-(


I have lots of assignments to do this week. I just finished book report today, but there are more to do...

logorama / last writing class

I didn't know what the author wanted to tell us. First I thought maybe it means that "looks don't tell the truth."
But I wasn't sure if that's the main meaning of this short film.

Anyway I had fun watching this film. Is was very funny and entertaining.
I liked the idea on where to use each logos.

Last Writing Class:
Today's the last day of our IE 3 writing class ;(
I'm so sad. I wanted to spend time with my classmates more, and I also liked Tom.
Let's enjoy our last class  to our heart's content! :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

To Satuki

I am sad that we finish Writing Section tomorrow!!!

Also, Tuesday we have the last Core class: Dr.Armstrong class.

I have learned so many things that I could not remember.
Oktapodi,Mermaid by Tezuka, Osamu ,Transgender power,Tango, Banana man, Obachan's Garden by Ohama, Linda, the Lost Things, Logorama, Geothermal Energy, ・・・・・.
We also have Media Discussion nine times.
Book Report two times.
There are so many things that I could not completely remember them.


We have the last IE3 writing class tomorrow. I don't really want to finish this semesterX(

The Branding of Japan

I also feel the idea ''robot as a friend'' is rather unreasonable. It's just a programmed thing, so it's completely different from living things. Also, the old ladies who were talking with the seal bots were I think not seriously trying to have communication with them. I think they were doing it for fun. And Saya! She is very unique, though really scary. It was so scarry and shocking that I forgot what it was for. By the way, I have read an article about a hypothesis called uncanny valley on internet before. What it mainly says is that robots looking and moving like human are really scary, because it's very weird, so Saya's frightfulness is founded on a scientific theory.

The book report

Writing the book report is so hard that I haven't done anything yet....

Branding of Japan

I think robots will help us in daily life in the future. So I believe it is good to use robot to help senior's life. Especially in Japan, there are less youths than seniors. This gap is even expected to be intensified. So I think it would be quite practical to make usage of those robots. What's better about using robots is that robots will never harm patients if it were maintained. I have heard about seniors being abused because of people who had taken care of them. It is a large source of tiredness for those people to take care of them in the state of physically and mentally healthy. So they can feel like to try to kill the seniors, even if he/she is their family. But If robots take care of those people, this kind of tragedy will never happen. So it would be great way to put robots in those scenes of our lives.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Branding of Japan

Robot can be used in our life, but not as a friend.
It is often seen in movies that the robots become to have feeling or heart as human. I do not believe it comes to true. It is mere a human-made product, so it is not perfect.
About Saya, she looks really scary. Children will cry if she is in the house when they go to bathroom in the midnight. We can have affair to the robot as a thing but not our friend.
It should be clearly separated and we should not depend on it too much because they cannot recognize the danger that can only be sensed by eye, nose, and ear.


I finished book report at last.

Now The old man was dreaming about the lions....


I went to badminton club today. The gymnasium was very hot!! I couldn't believe it!! It was so hot that I had a headach. After the practice was over, I ate a set meal at cafeteria in Aoyama campus. It was really delicious♪ I'm looking forward to eat that menu again.

The Tanabata Festival

It is July 7 today. In my hometown, there is an interesting custom.
 On tanabata day, children visit houses which display tanabata ornaments and sing a tanabata song, then the residents give children snacks or candle.
It is like a halloween.
 I also used to visit houses and sing the song.  I do miss my hometown!!

it has been four hours

I am working on book report.
It is pretty hard for me. The old man and the sea is quite a simple book, but it is deep.
However, I have not struggled as much as Santiago yet.


I thought Logorama was beautiful.
In my opinion, it predicts in a comical way how this world will be if industrial society continues to glow and the whole earth get americanized.
The nature and human beings are far better.

Friday, July 6, 2012


Today, we had two groups make presentations in IE 3 AL class. My group had to make a presentation about a short movie, and we did about Oktapodi. Everybody in my group did a great job, except me. I shouldn't have kept on looking at the paper when I was reading aloud the summary of the movie to the class. I'll be careful not to when making a presentation in IE 3 Core class. I enjoyed the other group's presentation as well.


I played until 2am last night,,,,
So sleepy today,,,,

Gempartsu kun and nuclear boy

Ok, so it's not a big deal at all.
Iceland should take a look at those clips!!! LOL

What should I do??

These days, I'm very sleepy! I fall asleep before 10p.m(^-^; There's a test ahead of us and we have a lot of reports to do before it! I will have to think of some ways to solve this problem(*_*) Does anyone has a good idea?(*゚▽゚)ノ

parttime job

I worked 7 hours yesterday. need more time to sleep!

Gempatsu-kun and Nuclear boy

I thought it was important to explain children what genpatsu is in a easy way. However, the video was so childish and oprtimistic that I think children who watched these videos will not know how dangerous genpatsu is. For the reason, I disagree to make children watch these videos.


Logorama was a funny video. We saw many worldwide known logos.

At first I thought the directors tried to express the images we have for those logos and brands, but I've never thought of Mc'Donald's of being such an offensive restaurant (though it IS bad for or health, I don't think it's so harmful to us like Donald was in the video).

Maybe the message was to alarm us the dangers of this world with overflowing stuff and all the waste companies make by producing goods which we truly don't need (which ends up in the huge earthquake).

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Reason of today's absence

Today, I caught a cold and relapsed a terrible low blood pressure.

Originally, I had 4 classes from 2nd period.
I got up at 8:30 but tried to prop myself up many times. Finally, I couldn't.

Because of a cold, I was suffered from headache. And because of the low blood pressure, I was in anorexia.

But now, I am almost completely recovered except a headache and sleepiness from a side effect from a cold medicine.

I  skipped all classes today. I was supposed to take a German test....


Today, it is very humid. I'd never experienced the rainy season because I am from Hokkaido. I feel that I am in a tropical rain forest!!!

Gempatsu-kun and Nuclear boy

Gempatsu-kun and Nuclear Boy are good animations for teaching children that dangerous situation of Japan after March 11 disaster.

I found a difference in the anime.  To sum up, in the Gempatsu-kun, Japan is located in the center of the map while in Nuclear boy the country is in the edge.

Healthful Pepsi

I bought the Pepsi yesterday at the Lawson in Urawa.
I had never tried it until yesterday, and contrary to my exception, it was not good,it tasted bad, because it is a healthful drink!!!

However, I advise it to those who care about healthy.For them, it must be very good!!!!!

Genpatsu- kun

Both Genpatsu-kun and nuclear boy are cute. I think it's because children will not be scared of a movie with cute characters. However, on the other hand, a part of the movie is not true. I think it was more serious situation.    Although we shouldn't scare children too much, we also should tell them truth, I think. I don't know which is more important.

test schedule

The test schedule is opened! Mine is a little hard : ( But I'm happy because I can see a fireworks display. There is no test on the next day!

Genpatsu kun!!

Wow. I don't know why but I couldn't log in to this blog for a while and I finally could!

About the short movie? we saw in class,

I liked the Japanese version because I thought it was more understandable for kids.

The American version spoke too fast, and it was even hard for me to hear it.

The illustration, also, I liked the Japanese one better. It was more cute!

I think that was a great thing to show kids what is happening now in Japan.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Nuclear boy and Genpatsu kun

The nuclear boy and Genpatsu kun are good ways to teach children the condition of Japan. Thanks to the "Nuclear boy", not only Japanese children but also foreign children can understand what is happening in Japan easily and the importance of electricity.

to Jeff

I think it is better to get access to Dr.Armstrong directly by sending E-mail.

I bet you could make one of the best reports!!!!!!
Good Luck.

to Yusuke S.

I am going to take Mr.Bundt's course!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Are we still allowed to change our book for book report?
I just found out a DVD released recently and that's a movie of I book I read:-)
"extremely loud and incredibly close"
I checked and it is fiction:-)
I'm going to get the DVD tonight:-¥)


I think this movie is hard to understand.
I am afraid I don't have creative mind very much.
However I think what the creater of the film wanted to say is that to bland ourselves or themselves excessively can cause absolutizing and later, it can make blanding ourselves or themselves nonsense.


It is cool today, anyway, today's class is before the last class of IE core(maybe).
I am sad...because everyone in this class is very kind and funny!


There are a lot of  logos in the video.
However, when one of them made a problem, the other logos(companies) were so confused.
Finally, all of the logos(campanies) except one or two disappared.
I think this shows one of relationships of this world.
If one makes soething wrong, it effects the others in a bad way.

great time

last night I had dinner with my IEⅢ members and they celebrated my birthday! I was sooooo happy and had a great time! thank you all<333


In this video, many advertisement characters, such as McDonald's, Windows, Starbucks and so on, appear. It shows that in our world today, there are so many characters that can create a whole short movie. In the movie, some characters acted differently from what we think they'll act like. A good example is McDonald's character. In the movie, he was mean bad guy.

By watching the movie, I thought it's ironical because there were so many characters that we don't recganize even though the companies spent so much money on making the character. I think they can come up with another idea for the advertisement so that we can get interested in and remember them.


In this short movie there were many logos like michellan, kentuky, McDonald, Haribo, green giant, starbucks, pepsi, the north face. I found this movie ironic because the characters are saying bad words when their trying to advertise. Also the companys are suppose to be rivals but they are on the movie together for a long time. i wonder how much is being spent when making this video.

English newspaper

The 110th English newspaper has been all written, and edited!!
This time, I wrote an article of interview with an actor of Shiki Theatrical Company, so if you are interested, please get it and read! It'll be set in two weeks or so.


I went to eat with my friends from IE Ⅲ yesterday night. I had very good time there. We talked and laughed a lot. I want to do this again!


 The logo is the image embodying an organization. I think this movie intend to make an ironical remark about the modern heavy consumption. And it also has a message that we should look inside of any codes or images.


I went to Machida ACT, which is a livehouse, to see my friend's performance with my friend. She sang 4 songs of Tokyo Jihen, which were very good. After the performance, I hang up with myfriends in Machida. That was very fun.

My mother's birthday :)

As I said, I'm going to go to England from August 25th. Before gonig there, I want to surprise my mother because her birthday is on 17th. Actually, I want to take my mother to somewhere with my own money, but I don't have enough money and also don't know how to surprise her.
If you have any idea, please tell me.

Happy Birthday!


today? yesterday? We went to eat dinner with the IE class. Itwas so much fun. Masaya has got a great character!


The film was awesome and pretty funny to watch.
In addition, I somewhat feel relieved because I understood that I wasn't the only one who thinks Donald McDonald looks like a criminal. lol


I always wonder why people change when there is love.
I change but i try not to show it but it is pretty hard not to show that they do not have a crush on them.
Why do people change? I really think that it is a funny thing to study on.

Monday, July 2, 2012


I thought this film is very interesting and I've never seen this kind of movie before. I recognized a lot of logos in it such as McDonald's, Hollywood, THE NORTH FACE, Malboro, HARIBO, IKEA and so on. My image of McDonald's is kind of friendly, or happy but my image of McDonald's was changed a little bit by this film. I think this film wants to tell us that our image of logos are not always correct and we should think more deeply about the image of them. I think it is dangerous to accept all TV commercials without question. We should always pay attention to our image of logos.


I watched this video and I still can't understand what this film wants to tell us. But it was really interesting. There were a lot of logos that I know. I'm surprised how many logos we are using today. I thought we are becoming to depend on logos in many ways.


All colors, logos, action means something.
We can understand the movie just seeing the logos, so we depend on logos so much everday.
I think irony is that we all know the logosas funny things, but they were not such things.
After seeing this movie, I don't go to McDonald's so often.
Image is so important.

“Gennpatu-kun" and "Nuclear boy"

I thought this video was very easy for children to know about nuclear problems of Fukushima No.1 power plant. But I thought this video is too childish to describe the desaster of Nuclear power plant. And in this video, the announser says a lot of time that radioactive released in the air is safe because it's amount is small. But there was no proof mentioned about that.
And also, we watched the remaked version of “Gennpatu-kun”. It was called "Nuclear boy". The touch of the picture was very different from the one that we saw first. But the content was exacyly the same. I thought it funny to have difference between two countries.


Today I went to Noborito for my circle's practice :)
It was really fun, and we sang for several hours!!

I can't belive that almost 3months have passed since our first day of college...


can you believe it?
it's already JULY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

summer's going to start! I love summer!
Beach! Pool! Tanning! Kaki-goori! BBQ! yaaaaaaaaaay!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

To Mitsuyasu

Who's going to be your next teacher?
It seemed so many people in our class will take Mr. Armstrong's class again. (I'm going take Mr. Bundt's T_T)


I enjoyed watching the short film, "Logorama"
I wondered how the creater got permissions from all the companies.
I realized many logos including Colgate, THE NORTH FACE, M&Ms, Malboro, HARIBO, IKEA and so on.
It was interesting that the creater used STOP & SHOP logo as the signal light.

Today, when I was reading the TV shows lineup of WOWOW channel, I found "Logorama" on it.
In the class, I couldn't catch some words, so I want to watch it again on TV.

IE Core and Writing

We have only two classes left.
I want to take a picture of Dr.Armstrong and others at final Core lesson.
I think I had learned many things through Core and Writing(of course, through Listening)!!!
I want to take a lesson of Dr.Armstorng if I could.

Thank you!!!!

Anyway, I want to learn and absorb as many things as possible.

Gempatsu-kun and Nuclear boy

I felt it was very catchy and effective to let people know about the problem Fukusima and Japan's having right now. May be not only for small children but a little older as well which includes me. I'm saying this because I feel people tend to avoid studying or knowing something difficult, complicated or not directly connected to them especially among the youth, so the way video introducing the problem in an entertaining way was effective at letting people see the video anyway and introducing them the nuclear problem. Also, I saw this video viewed million times on a video sharing website, so this video really is being very very popular. It's a definite confirmation of effect of this video.