Come in and Blog On!

2023 Welcome to your IE 3 class blog. The object of this class project is to log in and write your comments, web links, answers to questions, and your questions to others at least twice a week. It's fun and you can include pictures or graphics. Keep it original, helpful, and interesting. Don't forget to spellcheck your work before publishing. Also, when you create your user name, please use your real first name, in Romaji (ex. Ryuki, Mari, Lisa, etc.) so that we know who we are communicating with. Enjoy, and Blog on!

Friday, January 20, 2017

About positive action

Good morning, everyone.

I know positive action is difficult but I hope that I can do it as much as possible. But just considering it or to know it will make a difference.

Yusuke Habu

About the expansion of Japanese culture

Good morning, everyone.

I think it is good that the acquaintance of Japanese culture is increasing all over the world. Moreover I think it will be better that if more people can understand it in detail. Not just an image of it.

Yusuke Habu

About the safety of food

Good morning, everyone.

These days there are many ways of processing foods but I think just considering the problem about the food additive will be great.

Yusuke Habu

About barrier free

I think it is a good thing to make a barrier free environment for everyone but I think the more important issue for barrier free society is to teach about good heart and kindness.

Yusuke Habu

About child on waiting list (kindergarten)

Good morning, everyone.

I think it is a difficult issue. But the solution of this is maybe to make a public facility that every child can get knowledge where you can acquire at kindergarten except 幼稚園&保育園.

Yusuke Habu

About social protection (社会養護)

 Good morning, everyone.

I think to protect everyone's lives is good. So I think we should do it.

Moreover if we do, maybe one day,everyone can get the infinite possibility of life.

Yusuke Habu

About child welfare

I think it is difficult to maintain the enrichness of  the child welfare because of the population of children are decreasing. So to promote the benefit of having a child will be good.

Yusuke Habu

About nursing care manager

Good morning, everyone.

I think care manager will be necessary. But however we should also make an organization that watches the moves of the manager if they're doing it right or not.

Yusuke Habu

About nursing care salary

I think from now on,nursing care will be more important than before so I think raising the salary will be a great motivation for the future nursing care workers.

Yusuke Habu

About nursing care short stay

I think short stay is good for the people who really need nursing care. But I think it is necessary to not make nursing care people work every day.

Yusuke Habu

About nursing care day service

Good morning, everyone.

I think day service is good but this can use the time of the people who work for nursing care services. So I am not an expert but maybe putting a robot will be a good idea.

Yusuke Habu

About the life style of elderly

Good evening, everyone.

These day there are problems that there are many elderlies who can't shop because of their condition.

I think to solve this is to build a vehicle that can drive by the machine itself. I hope technology will develop for our convenience and infinite possibility.

Yusuke Habu

About nursing-care service

Good evening, everyone.

About nursing-care service, I think the population is decreasing steadily so I think it is necessary to build a nursing-care service that humans and robots cooperate together.

Yusuke Habu

About the rate of aging

Good evening, everyone.

The current aging rate is that in the city, is low. On the other hand, in the suburb, it is high.

Of course people like city because of its convenience but I think we should try to appeal each part of Japan so Japan can be a colorful society.

Yusuke Habu

About the population of labor

Good evening, everyone.

I think employment of elderly should increase. Because they could play an important role of society and I think it will be good for them because they can get a stable life for a longer time than now.

To do this, I thought, it is important to consider about work life balance.

Yusuke Habu

About elderly society

Good evening, everyone.

I think the solution of this is very difficult because it all depends on everyone's will. So I think it is necessary to build a system that elderlies can easily work and deal with the problems they have.

Yusuke  Habu

About terminal care (終末期医療)

Good evening, everyone.

I think terminal care is one of our most important decisions in life.

I think it is necessary to think about your life deeply because once you get lost in the environment of life, it is difficult to deal with many things related to life. Moreover, I think planning is a great thing because from doing it, you won't get lost.

Yusuke Habu

About organ transplant

Good evening, everone.

I think this is one of the most difficult problem in the medical industry.

In my opinion about this, I think putting somebody's organ on my body is not good because I can feel the person who donated my body. I feel I am not myself.  But however maybe it is important when it is necessary so maybe we should continue this system.

Yusuke Habu

Thursday, January 19, 2017

About mental health

Good evening, everyone.

I think mental health is one of the most important issues for our life and condition. I think to maintain our mental healths in good condition is the key of convenient life. I hope we can enhance them.

Yusuke Habu

About reproduction medical (再生医療)

Good evening, everyone.

I think reproduction medical is a good thing. But however it depends. If it is possible to reproduce our cells from our body, it is great. But not reproducing them by using other's blood.

Yusuke Habu

About eating habits

Good evening, everyone.

I think eating habits are one of the most difficult issues to solve. The solution of this is I think is to check up your health situation as much as possible. I think this will make a difference. Moreover to acquire knowledge of food may make a difference too.

Yusuke Habu

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

About school counselor

Good evening, everyone.

I think school counselor is a very good thing. Because what is important for people to enhance their abilities and possibilities is related to mental health. I think mental health is a key for living. If our mental health is healthy, I believe the world will become more motivated.

Yusuke Habu

About education

Good evening, eveyone.

I think education is one of the most difficult issue to make it successful because the needs of each era are different. It changes rapidly every ten years.  I hope education will be always successful.

Yusuke Habu

About sports education

Good evening, everyone.

I think sports education is essential for our health and lives. But however this can be hard time for people who can't play sports well. I think what is necessary for this is to try to be careful the way of instruction and be the heart of trying not to hurt someone's feeling.

Yusuke Habu

About information literacy

Good evening, everyone.

I think it is a good idea to make more environment for information literacy because these days many things are made of technology.

I hope more and more people will get used to computers. If more and more people do, I think everything will be better.

Yusuke Habu

About digital textbook

Good evening, everyone.

About the digital textbook, I think it is good for a certain way. That is when we study the material from school by yourself. I believe studying with computer will be easier for people to understand. Moreover it is easier to organize your studies because sometimes papers are difficult to organize when you study.

Yusuke Habu

Monday, January 16, 2017

About information society

Good evening, everyone.

I am glad that computers is making our lives efficient and convenient. But I hope more people will consider to use it in a good way. If that happens, our society will be a much better place. And also
new problems has occured because of computers but I hope it can solved little by little.

Yusuke Habu

About computers

Good evening, everyone.

I am glad that computer exist and it is evolving steadily than we expect. I think the infinite possibility
of life comes from computers. I hope computers will play more roles in our live than before.

Yusuke Habu

About private information

Good evening, everyone.

I think private information is the most touchy subject in the information society. If it is possible, I think to focus on the security system is a good way to solve this problem because sometimes it is inevitable to exchange private information.

Yusuke Habu

About digital divide

Good evening, everyone.

About digital divide problem, I think it is very difficult to solve. However I think it is possible.
If it is possible, I think the government should make a guidebook of  computers so people will understand what they need to adapt to information society. I hope it will be solved.

Yusuke Habu

About mass media

Good evening, everyone.

Mass media has been showing us the way to live in society. However we should be careful with poverty. If we become a better person, the mass media will be a much more brilliant thing.

Yusuke Habu

Sunday, January 15, 2017

About applications

Good evening, everyone.

I think applications are making the information society. So I hope there will be more applications that requires little memory. If we do that, I believe information society will exapand much more than we imagine.

Yusuke Habu

About electronic books

Good evening, everyone.

I think electronic books are great because we can read many books at one time and it is good for the environment. But however we should keep ancient and long time ago books because it is necessary to understand history. And I believe history must be known to the people of all generations.

Yusuke Habu

About GPS

Good evening, everyone.

I think GPS has made our lives comfortable. But I think in order to maintain GPS, I think we need to develop security. I know security services are developing rapidly but I hope security system will be much more better than before.

Yusuke Habu

About smartphone

Good evening, everyone.

I think smartphone is a very convenient and a magnificent device. But however we should be careful with it because every action you do on your smartphone will be written forever or almost forever.

Yusuke Habu

About online shopping

Good evening, everyone.

I think online shopping has expanded the variety of the range of can buy product. I think we should expand this more than before. It is great to check the product at your free time. It is convenient.

Yusuke Habu

The way to treat information

Good evening, everyone.

I think we should use information to acquire a lot of knowledge and thinking with Internet web. But we should be careful that we have each resposibility to each information. If we don't forget that, I think the world of information will be much more safe than before.

Yusuke Habu

About telework

Telework is a person who uses the Internet for work at their house.

I think the existence of this is a good idea. The range of people who can work comfortably will expand. I hope this will increase more than before in the future.

Yusuke Habu

About Internet Web

I think Internet Web is great for us to check or do many things in a short time. However if we all be careful with our personality, I believe we will have a convenient, safe Internet. I hope the world of the Internet will become a better place.

Yusuke Habu

About robot development

I think robots are very efficient and great. But we should be careful of making the robot too smart. If we consider about this, I think the infinity of technology will expand and it will be great for our lives.

Yusuke Habu

About space development

Good evening, everyone.

I think space development is making our lives very convenient so I agree with this. However we should be careful with the problem of space trash. That is usually a fragment of satilites.

Yusuke Habu

About nanotechnology②

About nanotechnology, I heard about nano size hypodermic needle(注射針). And it is made for a purpose that people won't get hurt because of the needle. I think this will encourage more people to take the shot like prevention of influenze. Because we don't have to think about the pain of the needle when we do the shot.

Yusuke Habu

About nanotechnology

About nanotechnology, I hope it will develop more and more because I want to see some beautiful things that I can imagine. I like the convenience of technology and I hope it will expand much more than before.

Yusuke Habu

About biotechnology

Good evening, everyone.

About biotechnology, I hope it will keep on developing. But however we should be careful about the things like cloning some living things. For this reason, I think we should always be careful if it will not harm the balance of human.

Yusuke Habu

About reuseable energy

Good evening, everyone.

I think this will become one of the biggest key for the enviromental problem, moreover I think this topic will become a bigger topic in the future than now. I hope many reuseable energy will come up in the future.

Yusuke Habu

About the environmental problem No.2

Moreover I think the key for the solution of environment depends on how we achieve the 3R (Reuse, Recycle, Reduce) in many ways. I believe this is the biggest key for the environmental problem.

Yusuke Habu

About the environmental problem

Good evening, everyone.

I think the key of the solution of the environmental problem is how to make a great suggestion which is realistic and specific. And also if it is possible for humans without losing human life time.

Yusuke Habu

About the ecosystem

I heard many animals has extincted. I think the way of solution is to make a forest which animals can easily live. But it is difficult as long as we are humans and also making a great place for each animals to live easily and comfortably.  I hope the ecosystem problem will be solved in the future.

Yusuke Habu

About the water pollution

Good evening, everyone.

I think the solution of the water pollution is maybe to make a place for the water that is used and not clean. Maybe for the future, we should make a technological machine for it. I don't if this is realistic but I hope water pollution will be prevented as much as possile.

Yusuke Habu

About the air pollution

Good evening, everyone.

About the air pollution, it is difficult to cope with making the environment better and living as human at the same time. However the solution of air pollution depends on technology. I hope for example, gases will become something eco friendly. I hope the infinity of technology will expand in the future.

Yusuke Habu

About the desertification (砂漠化)

Good evening, everyone.

About the desertification problem in the world, I believe we just need to consider and keep on repeating the action which is to make oasis and try to make green in it as possible.

Yusuke Habu

About the decrease of the number of forests

Good evening, everyone.

I heard the problem, from 2000 to 2010, the number of forest are decreasing at the amount of 521ha.

The solution of this is maybe to decide which place to make it a forest or not. I think that will make the difference of the number of forest.

Yusuke Habu

About the ozon layer

Good evenig, everyone.

About the ozon layer, I think the only solution of this is to do little things. For example, not wasting foods and so on. Moreover I heard the existence of alternative fluorocarbon(フロン). I hope more and more of this will be used all over the world.

Yusuke Habu

About the protocol (議定書)of the environment

Good evening, everyone.

The protocol of the environment was held in Kyoto in 1997.

When I heard this, I was very happy that Japan is representing the world environment. I hope more people in the world will know that Japan is a country that represents the world environment.

Yusuke Habu

About the food consumption and the environment

Good evening, everyone.

To keep its shape and condition of the earth comes from little things. I was shocked to hear this. For example, be careful when we eat and consider about if you can finish the food or not.

Because the food we don't finish releases many chemicals and affect the earth. So I realized these little things are one of the biggest solutions for the environment problem.

Yusuke Habu

About heat island problem

Good evening, everyone.

Today I would like to talk about heat island problem.

When I think about it, I can understand that heat island will happen. Because city has many buildings and the place uses many energies. So the solution about this is limited but however just considering the problem will be a big way to prevent or decrease the problem of heat island problem.

Yusuke Habu

About global warming

Good evening, everyone.

About global warming, it is a big scale problem which is difficult to solve. But if we keep on progressing the eco friendly technology. I believe we can maintain the natural course of the climate of the earth. I hope technology will develop soon.

Yusuke Habu

About the beauty of Japan

Good evening, everyone.

In my opinion, I think the beauty of Japan is manga and animation which you can see the original way of painting in Japan and also the temples and castles that represents each era in Japan.

If we try to appeal these two things about Japan, I believe more people in the world can understand the beauty and the greatness of Japan.

Yusuke Habu

About ecotourism in Japan

Good evening, everyone.

About tourism, in my opinion, I hope ecotourism will develop more than before because I believe, to experience the differences of each region in Japan will be the most enjoyable way to enjoy Japan. The reason why I say this is because the city of each era in Japan is different. For example, asuka era and heian era.

Yusuke Habu

About the promotion of Japan's tourism industry (観光振興)

Good evening, everyone.

Today I would like to talk about tourism.

I am very happy that the number of tourist in Japan is rising steadily.

I think many foreign people visit Japan because there is a beauty different from other countries. I hope more and more Japanese uniqueness will be seen and experienced by many people in the world.

Yusuke Habu

About globalization

Good evening, everyone.

Today I would like to talk about globalization.

In my opinion, I am very happy that the world is globalizing. However on the other hand, there are few worrys for me. That is to take care and respect each country's culture. For this reason, I hope the variety of the world will maintain as now.

Yusuke Habu

Friday, January 6, 2017

First class in 2017

Today,  we had first class in 2017. I am glad meeting my friends again.
Tomorrow, after class, i will go watching my seniors to dance on a stage. I can't wait!

Thursday, January 5, 2017


Today, I went to Asakusa with my friends from the circle. They were so many people who came to hatsu-moude. For omikuji(paper fortune), I got "han-kichi", which isn't too bad.
Afterward, we went to Sky Tree, although we didn't go to the top. The view from 31th floor was still very nice.
I spent my last day of my winter holiday very well!

korean restaurant

Today, I went to eat "cheese takarubi(I have no idea how to spell it)" at Shin-okubo with three of my friends from AGU. The food was very tasty and I could have eaten it forever. Afterwards, we went to eat shaved ice for dessert which also was delicious.
This was my first hang out for 2017 and was a perfect start for it!!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Happy new year

A happy new year! Hope this year gonna be better than last year. I spent my new year's my grandfather's house in Saitama. Long time has passed since last time I met him, so I was really glad meeting him.

Happy New Year

It's already the 3rd but still, Happy New Year everyone!
2016 had been a challenging year for me because there were a lot of new situations I had to deal with since I have entered university. However, it was also a fulfilling year, joining circle and archery club, and keeping my days busy. I hope 2017 will also be a year of new challenges. I am looking forward to every events coming up this year.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

News article by the Japan news: Norovirus patients increasing

Good evenig, everyone.

When I saw this article, I was surprised that many norovirus patients are increasing. This made me

reunderstand that it is important to take care of yourself.

Yusuke Habu

News article by the Japan news Radio cassette players signal a comeback

Good evening, everyone.

I was surprised at this news.  I did not think radio cassette players would come back. 

Through this article, I thought when old things are gone, I realized we miss these thing. I thought it is

a good thing to know and understand things like long time ago.

Yusuke Habu