Come in and Blog On!

2023 Welcome to your IE 3 class blog. The object of this class project is to log in and write your comments, web links, answers to questions, and your questions to others at least twice a week. It's fun and you can include pictures or graphics. Keep it original, helpful, and interesting. Don't forget to spellcheck your work before publishing. Also, when you create your user name, please use your real first name, in Romaji (ex. Ryuki, Mari, Lisa, etc.) so that we know who we are communicating with. Enjoy, and Blog on!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Room cleaning!!

I cleaned my room perfectly. It took 7 hours.
There were lots of dust in my room so I wore mask and cleaned all the corners.
Now I feel comfortable(^v^)!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas party

We held a Christmas party in IE listening class.

It was very fun!!

I wish we had party every day.......

White Christmas

We have a lot of snow here in Niigata on the Christmas Day. It seems to keep snowing in a few days.

Mr.Krueger's Christmas

1) What does he do?
He is a cleaner for a building.
2) Why is he living alone?
Because his wife passed away.
3) Why is he lonely?
Because he has no friends.
4) What are the name of the cat, his wife, and the little girl?
The cat is George, his wife is Martha, and the little girl is Clarissa.
5) What would you describe 'caroling'?
the group that sing songs for Christmas
6) To whom does Mr.Krueger say 'I love you'?
To Jesus.
7) What messages do you think the filmmakers want us to learn / remember?
I think the film want to tell us the importance of religion. Perhaps, Mr.Krueger is lonely, even on Christmas, but Jesus watches him and saves him, though he has no family, and no friends.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

to Shuko

Thank you for your celebrating of my birthday! I'm very happy!

I'm looking forward to seeing you in a few days.
Have a happy new year!

Mr. Krueger's Christmas

What does Mr. Krueger do?
-He keeps a building clean.

Why is he living alone?
-It is because his wife died several years ago.

Why is he lonely?
-It is because he has no companion to celebrate Christmas except his cat.

What are the names of the cat, his wife, and the little girl?
-His cat: George, his wife: Bertha, a little girl: Louisa

How would you describe "Caroling"?
-I think "Caroling" is the act that some Christians sing carols walking along the streets in Christmas season.

To whom does Mr. Krueger say "I love you"?
-Jesus Christ.

What massages do you think the film makers wants to us learn/remember?
-I think the film makes claims that all our happiness comes from Jesus Christ.

Friday, December 23, 2011

I'm tired..

I worked from 11:00 to 10:00 today. A lot of people came to see illumination.
I was tired bacause many people couldn't line and wait. Unbelievable..
Tomorrow and day after tomorrow I have to work(;_;)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

In celebration of the birthday


Sorry, I was late to celebrate your 19th birthday, December 21st! ><;

I hope that the next year will also become a good year for you.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mr.Krueger's Christmas

1)What does Mr.Krueger do?-He is an apartment janitor.
2)why is he living alone?-Because his wife has been dead.
3)Why is he lonely?-He has to spend Christmas Eve with only his cat, and he has nobody who care him in the day.
4)What are the names of the cat, his wife and the little girl?-The cat= George/His wife= Martha/The little girl= Clarissa
5)How would you describe "caroling"?-It is perhaps the symbol of well-being.
6)To whom does Mr.Krueger say "I love you!"?-His closest friend, Jesus.
7)What do you think the filmmakers want us to learn/remember?-They want to tell us how important and holy Christmas is. Christmas is originally celebrated solemnly, but many people forget it. moreover, this movie move people that the connection with others is valueable through the lonely character, Mr.Krueger.

Mr.Krueger's Christmas

1) He is a cleaner
2) Because his wife passed away
3) Because he has no friend to be with on Christmas
4) cat.. George
his wife.. Martha
little girl.. Clarissa
5) I think caroling is the song that brings joy
6) To Jesus and little girl
7) The message that film makers want us to remember is Jesus Christ is always with you and the real meaning of the Christmas. No one is alone. Jesus is always with you, so Christmas is the day that we celebrate the birth of Chirist not only getting present from Santa Claus.

Monday, December 19, 2011


They jumped. This picture always makes me laugh.

Mr. Krueger's Christmas

1) What does he do?
He is a custodian for the building.
2) Why is he living alone?
Because his wife was dead.
3) Why is he lonely?
Because he is alone even on the Christmas Eve.
4) What are the names of the cat, his wife and the little girl?
the cat-George
his wife-Martha
the little girl-Clarissa
5) How would you describe "caroling"?
I describe it as the symbol of happiness.
6) To whom does he say "I love you"?
He said it to Jesus.
7) What messages do you think the filmmakers want us to learn/remember?
I think they want us to learn the importance of Christmas. Nowadays, there are lots of people who don't know the real meaning of Christmas. We should celebrate the birth of Christ. Filmmakers tell us the importance of it through this video.

colder and colder

Yesterday, I practiced tennis at school.
It was soooooooooo cold! Coldness made me difficult to run.
Winter is not good to play sports.

I'm going to join a team competition of tennis this Wednesday.
I hope it isn't cold;;

Friday, December 16, 2011

Mr. Krueger's Christmas

1) What does he do?
His is a castodian of the apartment.
2) Why is he living alone?
Because his wife has already gone.
3) Why is he lonely?
Because people around him are not kind to him even on the Christmas Eve.
4) What are the name of the cat, his wife and the little girl?
Cat is called George. wife - Martha, the little girl - Clarissa.
5) What would you describe "caroling"?
To sing Chrismas songs in a small group walking on streets.
6) To whom does Mr.Krueger say "I love you"?
To Jesus.
7) What message do you think the filmmakers want us to learn/remember?
I think they tried to say that just a small kindness makes people very happy.

Public seating in Japan

I think there should be more benches and seats in streets in Japan. We don't have places to rest, and eventually we only go home. However, the streets in japan are so narrow, so there is no space to put it. Besides, if benches or seats are put in the street, young people occupy them, and older people can't seat it maybe. This is a very difficult problem.

A Heart for Africa

Why do many adults die? And why are many children left behind?
In Swaziland, many adults die by HIV and AIDS. Maybe they are not educated about the problem of sex, and they don't have the idea about preventing them from infecting venereal disease. However, children don't suffer from HIV, even if they have HIV in their bodies, so there are many children in Swaziland.


I went to Omotesando Hills to see the illumination with my friend yesterday.
The illumination is celebrating for Walt Disney's 110th anniversary, so there are many Disney characters.
It was very beautiful and so cute!! XD
It is near the Aoyama campus, so I recommend you to go when you have to go to Aoyama campus.

Public Seating in Japan

Why are there few public seating in Japan?
I think that the narrowness of the land of Japan caused this situatiuon. We do not have extra space for public seating.

A Heart for Africa

Why not the children but the adults die in Swaziland?

I think it is because it takes a certain time to exhibit symptoms of AIDs.
So, the Children that left alive will also become AIDs when they get older.

Public Seating in Japan

Do you think more public seatings are needed?

I think more benches should be set along the streets in Japan. There are lots of elderly persons because of the aging society, so benches may help them. Especially, they are needed in famous places. Many foreigners visit the places and such places are generally crowded, so they will be tired because of it.

A Heart for Africa

Why more adults died in Africa than children?

In Africa, hygiene are not controlled sufficiently, and there are not much menical treatments. I think that is why most Adults in the country suffered from AIDS. Because of it, lots of children are left.

A Heart for Africa

Why not children but the adult died?

I think it's because the outbrake of AIDS takes long time.
So, the present situation of Swaziland doesn't mean that children are not on a knife's edge but they also would die when they grow up.

canceling classes

I usually have Reading and Listening classes in afternoon Thursday. However, we had no class today. So, I had only second period, French class. So I went to Disneyland after the class to watch a parade. All of you didn't have final period, listening class, did you? What did you do??

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Public Seating In Japan

I do think Japan needs to set more public seating. We may not sit in there very often, but the population of old people in becoming bigger and bigger. We should concern more about what they need. And a public seat is just what they need when they feel tired at walking and want to have a rest. To make more public seat is a good start.

Public seating in Japan

I think it is an good idea to put some seats in public area. Today, almost all of have cellphones and it is easy to get in touch with others. We can know our friends life without meeting thanks to e-mail and SNS. However, I think it is very important to meet friends and talk on face-to-face. So, if there are more public seats, we can talk more easily. Some people say if we have public seats, teenagers will have them to themselves and people who really want to use them cannot use do. But I think it is not only to be said about teenagers. We can solve the problem by setting priority seats.

A Heart For Africa

It is a difficult question why adults dye leaving their children. It is may be because of HIV, hunger, poverty. However, I think it is because parent's love of their children. If I have a children, live there, and we are so poor, I want to let my children eat as many as possible. I will give all food. It I had some money, I will buy them some clothes. That is, I will give them what I have. Therefor, parents cannot live longer.

Hearts of Africa

I think the reason why the adults in Swaziland are dying because of ADIS but children can still alive is because that the medication to control HIV in there is far more better than before. May be some of them is carrying HIV, but they started the treatment when they was very young. So they can live in a very long time .that's why in Swaziland there is only children left.

Public seating in Tokyo, Yokohama

I think we hadn't better install the punlic seating in a city that has many young people, such as Shibuya. If we install it in Shibuya, many young would mass the space, and it would be used as a hangout. The atmosphere in Shibuya will be worse. However, we had better install it in a city that has elder people, such as Sugamo.

A Heart for Africa

Africa doesn't develop the education and medical treatment. Many adults in Africa can't receive enough education, so they don't have enough knowledge for HIV. Also, If African adults contract HIV, they can't be treated enough because medical treatment doesn't develop. That's why, adults die leaving their children.


I have lots of homework and tests. And I haven't finished IT skills. Its due will come before soon so I will finish it at any cost.

Public seating in Japan

I think that the place where the public seatings should be built depends. Like in the video we have watched in the last class, the interview was recorded in Shibuya center street where lots of teenagers gather and hang out. Place like that don't have to have public seatings because elderly people rarely go there.

Heart for Africa

I think because of lack of knowledge about HIV, adults in Swaziland get the disease. We are be careful not to touch someone's blood because we know it causes HIV sometimes, but maybe they don't know.
Children don't have a chance to touch others' blood so much. Adults have to help injured people if they're there.

A Heart for Africa

Why not the children but the adults die in Swaziland?

I think it is because of sexual relationship even if they don't have enough knowledge about HIV or AIDS. Also, I hit upon more more reason. That is the time lag until the disease happens.
I hope the number of orphans will decrease.

Heart for Africa

Why do many adults die by HIV/AID in Swaziland? And why are only children left behind?

I think the reason why many adults die by HIV/AID in Swaziland is because the incubation period of HIV virus is long. What is more, people in Swaziland have more knowledge of diseases than before, so the number of people who contract such diseases decreased.

Public Seating In Japan

There are few seats in public in Japan. If the number of seats increase, I think young people gather around seats, and I think it's not good.
I want to sit down when I'm tired, and I think if there were seats. However, people spend days even if there are few seats, so I think it is OK to continue this situation.

Public Seating in Japan

Why are there few public seating in Japan?

I think the reason why there are few public seating in Japan is that most Japanese people don't like to take a rest in public. Maybe, although some people need places to take a rest, there are no public places to take a rest comfortably because of other thoughtless people.

Public Seating in Japan

Should there be place to sit down?

I think public seating is not necessary in Japan.
We are get used to going to cafe or restaurant when we want to take a rest, so there is no need to make public seating for us Japanese people though it is inconvenient for foreign people who came Japan for traveling.

Public Seating in Japan

I think if there were public seating, we could eat or drink outside much easily.
However, I don't think we really need the public seating bacause I think we will not use them so much anyway. In rainy season, no one would sit outside. In the summer, it is too hot outside and we would get dehydration. In the winter, it is too cold so most people would prefer to rest inside. Also, Tokyo is a big city and always crowded. There is no space for public seating.

A Heart for Africa

I think mainly there are two factors of more adults dying than children.
First, HIV takes long time to cause AIDS, so more adults are infected with AIDS than children.
Second, women have many babies. It means they have a risk of dying everytime they give birth to their babies.

Public Seating in Japan

Why are there few public seating in Japan?

I think Japan has many building in the city, so there are no space for public seating. And Japan
is an automobile society. People use their cars when they move, not walking. But I think Japan needs to put public seating more. In this city like Tokyo, there are many people and building, so we feel very tired even we are there. We have to take a rest more, so it's necessary to put it.

Heart for America

Why is it the adult who are dying leaving children?

I think Swaziland's medical care doesn't develop so much. As our country, Japan, there are many doctors, developping medicine and medical devices. Because of that point, many people can recover from disease. I suggest to send them for Swaziland. That can help Swaziland's adult, I think.

Heart for Africa

According to what I hear, HIV takes a long time to appear a symotom from getting infected. For that reason, I think Adults die by HIV more than children in Swadiland. Also, Africa perhaps don't develop medical treatment, so there are a lot of occasions to be infected by HIV.

Public seating in Japan

Campared with foreign countries, There are few seats in Japan. I think it is inevitable, because there are many people and buildings though Japan is a small country. Maybe, there is no space to make seats. It is sure that public seating is good for us, because we can rest and chat with friends without using money. I think Japan should make a lot of seats in the park existing now.

to Sonoko

I also had a very good time today although we couldn't watch a

We bought lots of things in spite of the limited money.

I was happy because I could buy watch. Thank you for your helping to look for it!

Today, I ate Wonka chocolate for the first time. (I've longed to eat it.)

And Sonoko and I drunk tapioca juice. They were very delicious!

Thank you, Sonoko!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

to Yoko

It was so much fun although we didn't watch a movie! xD

This is the video of "Memories" by Within Temptation, again.
I think this video has a story. You'll understand more if you look at the lyrics!

Public seating in Japan

I think there're few public seating in Japan. If we want to rest, we should go to cafe or something.
And if there're public seating, sometimes it's too dirty to sit down.
I think because there are not park so much, we can't sit down. In park, there're many benches and we can sit on grass, too.

The king of beasts

I made a hat and a mustache for my stuffed lion.
I took this photo at the entrance in my house.

Really messy! What's the spray can?! :/

Public Seating in Japan

Why there are few public seating in Japan?

There are little space in Japan, so Japanese would like to secure seats. They do this act anytime even in seeing the cherry blossoms or fireworks. If the seats are put on public space, the seats are full of anytime because this national character is reflected on it.

Heart for Africa

Why not the children but the adults die in Swaziland?

It takes several time to die by AIDS. I think a lot of people begin to have sex from adolescence, so the percentage of dying increase sharply at the age of beginning adults.

Heart for Africa

Why do many adults die for HIV in Swaziland?

I think it is because there are no protections. Many adults are not having enough education. So, they don't have knowledge about the risk of AIDS. Also, there have no money to go to the hospital and cannot get medicine for their disease. That leads to few adults in Swaziland and many orphans.

Public Seating in Japan

I see many public seating in the States. Wherever I go there are benches everywhere. So, when I get tired I used to sit down on them. However, I don't see a lot of public seating in Japan. But I don't usually look for it. Because I don't walk around like tourists do. If I think about the tourists, public seating is needed. But if there are too much benches, young people would gathered around it. It was said in the interview. That doesn't make a nice environment. So, too much public seating is not necessary.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

to Sonoko

I'll watch movie with Sonoko tomorrow.
I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Public seating in Japan

I think the roads in Tokyo or Yokohama are narrow so there are no place to make benches. More, if we make public seating in such cities, the young may stay there and it become hindrance and more difficult to get thorough the road.
In my opinion, Japanese people doesn't become familiar with being looked by someone while they are seating. If there are benches at city road and someone sit there, I watch them unconsciously. However, I feel uncomfortable to sit at conspicuous place and don't want to be watched during a break.
I want to sit without paying money but it's difficult in Japan especially in a big city because of that reasons.

Heart for Africa

I think it is because adults have more sexual relationship compared with children. The more they do it, the more they get risk of appearing AIDS.
In addition, the incubation time is about 10 years so if children have HIV virus, they'll have become adults when AIDS appear. So adults die more than children, I think.

to Madoka

Sounds nice :P
I wish I could taste it! xD

Public Seating in Japan

We should not to install public seats. If there are seats on the streets, somebody will scribble or break them. Moreover, the streets in Japan are narrow and many corners are in there.
In addition, without seats, people --especially tourists-- will possibly go to the shop they can drink, eat and take a rest. This problem is quite effective for the Japanese economy.
Therefore, There should not be seats to keep the economic situation and public health.

apple scone

I made an apple scone yesterday.
Although I intended to show you a picture of it at first, I ate it up before I take a picture.

It was delicious!
Next time I make something, I will show you :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Birthday Massacre

I like The Birthday Massacre, the Canadian band.
Their music whip up my girl's mind. But I recommend this band for male and female! Looking Glass
I like this video the best. Chibi(vocal)is cute! I love her...<3 In The Dark
This video is kind of horror! Chibi is cute, though :) Blue
Good video... Cute Chibi and scary dolls!

A Heart for Africa

Why do adults in Swaziland die for HIV/AIDS more than children?
HIV/AIDS takes time to show symptoms. It takes from 7 to 10 years. Therefore, if child contract it from mother, he or she will not notice soon. It also takes a long time to die, so they die after they become adults.
Moreover, people in Africa generally have sexual intercourse at the age 15 to 49.Virous can infect people through intercourse. As mentioned above, HIV/AIDS takes years to become ill. This is perhaps one of the reason for death of adults.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Public Seating in Japan

Do you think more public seating in Japan needed?

In my opinion, there is no need to put more public seating in Japan. Japan has large population in its limited area. There are lots of narrow paths here. If we put more public seating in such a country, different paths will increase. It makes the blind more hard to walk.
When people feel like seating, there are some benches in a park. They should make more use of them.
That's why I think there is no need to put more public seating in Japan.

A Heart for Africa

Why do many adults die by HIV/AID in Swaziland? And why are only children left behind?

I think it's because AIDS takes lots of time to appear (for 10 years or so). If people pick up HIV in their childhood, one does not develop symptoms immediately upon infection with AIDS. Then, after people infected by HIV give birth to babies, they die. That's why lots of adults die by it and many children are left behind.

There are lots of information about HIV/AIDS in Swaziland in this web site. If you have time, please look at this.

Friday, December 9, 2011

My part-time job

I work at Japanese style bar now, but it's very hard. Honestly, I want to quit the work, and want to find a new job!

Do I really need a DSLR?

Some of my friends bought DSLR(Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera). It looks so cool to carry it. Makes you like a Photographer. Affected by them, I want to buy it, too. But do I really need it? I mean I have already had a DC(compact) and it's enough for me. It is nessnessary to spend a lot fo money to buy a DSLR? I am still considering......

Class in two hours

I have IE Core class in two hours.
I was absent last week because I was feeling sick.
I went to the hospital.
The doctor said I was "pneuumonia".
I had a high fever but I recover from it.
I'm fine now.
Ok, see you later, mates :)


It is really cold today!
It was snowing early this morning.
I can't beleive how cold it is now.
I prefer summer.
Come back summer vacation!


Today, it is SO cold.
I see young women wear skirts, but I can't do so because it's very cold!
I cannot help wear much clothing.

Everyone's strong in cold.


It was snowing! I was very's unbelievable!
And I heard that in Kumagaya, it snowed, too. That's kinda funny, Kumagaya is one of the hottest place in Japan :O

Take care about yourself not to get a cold!


Today is very cold!!!
I couldn't get up easily because it was warm in my bed...

My mother and my aunt who live with me caught a cold, so I'm careful not to do so.

Smell of Winter

I got up early in this morning to do my homework. I have never woken up at 4:30 untill today. It is quite different between being up till 4am and getting up at the same time. Opening the window, it was cold and dark outside and I could smell like winter. I felt refleshed. It will be a good day today!

christmas songs

I like christnas songs very much!!!
This monday, I sang the songs with my gospel circle members.
It's very fun because all of us love singing :)

We practice to sing these songs for our concert which is to be held on December 17, in Omotesando.
I'm glad if you come to the Union Church :)


I'm going to watch a musical next month♪ I'll watch "The Phantom of the Opera" by Shiki Theatrical Company. I like musical VERY MUCH and I like Shiki Theatrical Company!! I can talk about musical all day long^^ I'm VERY looking forward to watching it♡

My part-time job

I work at a cram school as part-time job. But my pay is very low. I can get only 6000 yen in a month!! My life is hard. I want to get one more job><


It have been cold these days. I don't like winter because I can't wake up soonly in the morning. I hope it becomes spring, and warm days will come early.

bath time

I always take a bath in the morning because my hair gets mussy while I sleep.
But I'm going to take a bath at night from today so as not to be late for school.( ; ; )
If possible, I want to bring lunch. I haven't cooked my own meal for several days…

to Madoka, Sonoko, and Yoko

I'm looking forward to the Christmas party too(^^)♪
I want to eat a cake that the teacher will bring, soon!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

I and my sister

I and my sister made supper together yesterday because my mother wasn't at home then.
We worked hard and made it, it took us about 2 hours.
My hand still smells because of carry powder... I noticed we should appreciate mother's work more.

to Madoka and Sonoko

I'm very happy to have a Christmas party in IE class, too!
I'm looking forward to holding it!

As Sonoko said, I wish I could have a party in every class;;

cold very cold

Today is very cold, so I had shivered all the day. I don't like winter and summer because the two season's temperature is extreme. I like spring or autumn. It's confortable for me.

to Madoka

I anticipate it! I hope it's gonna be fun!! xD
I wish every class became a party...

IT skill

I may not be able to finish IT skill. I will do it next year.


We will have a party in our IE listening class :)
I wish we will be able to hold a party in our IE core class too.

To Shuko

I can't get up in the morning recently too. I was good at getting up early during the first term.
These days I'm busy with my part-time job.It's already 11:30 p.m. when I get home. And it's too cold to get up, so I don't want to get out of my bed.
But I don't want to fail credits any more. I must do what has to be done.

Listening Class

I don't usually have part-time job in Thursday.
However, today I will have part-time job.
I will have to arrive at Fuchinobe station until 6:20.
It seems impossible.
I hope today's class will end a little early.

It is raining...

It is raining now!! oh no!!! I don't have an umbrella today...I hope it will stop raining soon.

It is difficult for me...

I was late for the class today, although I was not late in the first term. I have not been feeling well in every morning recentry. I have to get up earlier.
I am really busy these days. I have a lot of homework.
Also, I and Erika have to plan hot spring trip with ESS members at the end of December. We go to Yugawara and spend last time with seniors. It was sad, but I am looking forward to it. To make the trip very enjoyable, I want to do my best :)

To Suzuka

I'll also go to the concert of EXILE next Monday!
I'm lookig forward to it, so I can't wait until Monday...
And you know, today is TAKAHIRO's birthday!
This concert will be special.
Please tell me the detail of it tomorrow :)*
Enjoy it!

to Yoko

I took French lessons, too.
And I also think it is so hard.
However, I studied so hard so I got good score in last semester.
I think you can do your best! Good luck!!

to Aya

I had wonderful time, too.
It was the first visit in three months... hahaha
I love christamas season because it is so fantastic and romantic!!
I want to go there soon! XD

So cold!

It's very cold today! I like winter the best, but I can't stand the cold! I bought these mittens last month, and now I can't go out without them. This month I will buy another mittens. I want to buy black or white ones next time. I'll show you if I get new mittens:)

from now

I have French class;;
I took French as a second foreign language, but It's too difficult for me!!
Some of you take french, too. French is difficult, isn't it?

Work work work...

These days I don't have much time to study and to play with my friends because I work almost everyday. However, I don't have a part time job tomorrow! I'm going to read a foreign book for the next book report. I wish I was rich enough not to need to do part time job...

Excel is too difficult........

It’s already December now but I just got into Excel1. I can’t understand the guide book at all. I was terrible at math since I was in middle school. I will have a headache as soon as I see numbers and count. But the excel is what I have to finsh, so I think there is no other way.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


What are you guys planning to do on Christmas? Some of you must have partners to spend the day together. <3 I am so jealous. I may be having an all single ladies party. It would definitely be fun!!!!


I've been busy like I've never been before. Lots of events coming up, lots of assigments I got to do. Every week, I seem to have christmas parties. It is fun though. It's tiring me too!


I'm going to go to a concert twice this week. The artist is EXILE. I'm looking forward to seeing them for a long time. I'll enjoy it !!


I started second part-time job, so I am busy these days. My new job is a box lunch shop. The work is hard for me, because I must work as a casher, pack a lunch and so on. There are a lot of things I have to do. I feel the work as a cram school teacher is very interesting still more by experiencing other job.

Korean drama

Recently, I am watching the Korean television drama "Dae Jang Geum", "チャングムの誓い" in Japanese.
This film came in when I was in junior high school.

In this film, Japanese appears as "Wakou."

I like rather the period play dramas than contemporary ones.

I can't help watching them! What shall I do?

What kind of movies do you like came from foreign?

pleasant events

I have been busy recently. I don't like being busy.
However, I have many pleasant plans in this month.

Especially, I'm looking forward to Christmas and omochitsuki with my friends.
Have you ever done omochitsuki ?
Freshly-pounded rice cake is delicious!

I hope those events will refresh me.

New Year's Eve

I got e-mails from one of my junior high school friends and promised her to spend New Year's eve.
Many friends gather at a shrine near my home on New Year's Eve every year.
It is very fun to talk with them :)

Although we will have more than three weeks before that day, I can hardly wait to meet them.

To Yoko

Thank you for your cookies!
It was very delicious and I liked it!
I didn't have a lunch because I was busy today, so it made me satisfied very much♪

Like Yoko, many of my friends are very good at cooking sweets.
I often get it from them.
I want to be "dekijyo" (good girl?) like them some day...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas song, again! Blood Red Sandman/Lordi
This video is a little scary, but this is a Christmas song, definitely.
Lordi is my MOST favorite band. Their sound is not only heavy but also catchy.
You will like them! I promise!! Hard Rock Hallelujah/Lordi
They won Eurovision Song Contest as representative of Finland for the first time!
Great song...I really love it.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Great Achievement

Yesterday, I and went to Shinjuku with my friend and saw Muai-Thai matches.
A member of my Muai-Thai gym made a professional debut in this match.He won the game on points. We had a lot of excitement. I hope I can do as good as him in my match.

to Yoko

I'd love to eat your cookie!
But I don't have any plan to meet you tomorrow... :,<

Tokyo Metropolitan Government

I went to Tokyo Dome City on last Saterday because I would participate in the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Seminar. This seminar is held every year. I could know about the detail works of civil servants. I have wanted to become a civil servant since I was a junior high school student. This seminar was so interesting that I will go this again in the next year.


I made cookies today.
I like cooking, but I have not cooked for more than 8 months.
Because there are not enough tools to cook in my house now;;
However, I enjoyed cooking today!

If you meet me tomorrow, I'll give you some of them.

Christmas song

This is a song "Gothic Christmas" by Within Temptation.

Below is not a Gothic or Rock or Metal song, but I love it... Memories/Within Temptation
Sharon Den Adel has a really beautiful voice, and she is beautiful, too!
Watch this video, and you'll feel wistful... I recommend this song so much!!

To Maiko

I was surprised that you saw me in Disneyland.
You should have talked to me:D
I had a wonderful time!
I wanna go again soon.
How about you? Did you enjoy your stay?

Tokyo Disneyland

I went to Tokyo Disneyland with my friends yesterday. Although the wind was cold, the weather was so good.
Disneyland was crowded with many people and there were long line in each attraction. But we talked while we were lining up so I didn't feel like I was lining up for a long time.
We ride on many attractions such as big thunder mountain, splash mountain, space mountain, pirates of Caribbean.
I had a great time!
I want to go Disneyland again soon!

Today is

Do you know whose birthday today is?

It is Walt Disney's birthday today!

In addition, this year is 110th anniversary of Walt' birthday!!

There is a special Christmas illumination in Omotesando Hills for celebrating it!

To Aya

I saw you in Disneyland yesterday!
You were so cute in your school costume.
Did you enjoy your stay in Disneyland?

Tokyo Disneyland

Yesterday, I went to Tokyo DisneyLand with my friend.

It was not too cold, but the wind roared.

The theme of TDL's Christmas is "Santa Village" this year.

There were so many Christmas decorations.

It was very wonderful!!


I went to Shibuya to watch HiGE's concert the day before yesterday, yesterday and today! 3 days!
I'm so tired but feel happiest ever! It was sooooooo much fun :D
Today was Aigon's birthday and so they celebrated him, we sang a birthday song along with his little daughter.
HiGE is a nice band...

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Part time job

Today, I worked at Showa Kinen Park.

At there, illuminations event is held until December 25.

It was really beautiful!!

When I finished working, no one was at station(@_@) Only me!

Being cold and dark, I was lonely then.


Yesterday, the leading members of my tennis club retired from active play.
They are very kind to me and I always rely on them. Then, I'm very sad;;
However, I should not feel sad for any length of time.
Club members including myself have to make better club for them from now on.
I'll do my best!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

A film

Yesterday, I watched a film named “Toilet”. The story is about a family. I think it is a Japanese movie, but all characters speak English except Bachan, who is played by Motai Masako. One of the family members is what is called a “Hikikomori,” but he is the coolest and most active withdrawal ever. He became one of my most favorite characters in movies that I have watched. I have not seen so many Japanese films, but I got interested in them after watching it.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Last one!

This is the last Japanese persimmon in my garden.
This year we could get about 40 persimmon from this tree.
Every my neighbors grow this tree so we don't have to buy it!
Besides kaki, our family grow perviridis, nalte,
green soybeans, and so on.
We enjoy growing and eating them(^0^)/

My life in these days

These days, I'm very tired. After I eat dinner, I sleep soon. So I can't do anything.


summary: An animal lived in rich nature peacefully. But suddenly, environmental disruption occured.  The rich nature disappeared, and many buildings appeared. The animal lived in it, but his phisical condition became bad because of bad environment.

main point: The problem of environmental disruption

What's happening in the end: When the animal's condition were bad, a mysterious creature helped him. The creature brought the animal away where the environment is good. After that it could live in rich nature again.

new book report

I'm wondering which books I should choose for the next book report. I want to choose an old famous book, but I think everyone in my IE class already used them on book report #1.

What should I do?


1. The main point of Vermintz was the importance to cherish nature.

2. I think protecting nature is good thing. If we lost all nature, we cannot live anymore. We should think of environment as much as develop our lives. Developing and preserving are both important.

3. All the creatures in this film continue to live in the white balloon forever, but I think the planet will not revive anymore. They will regret construct many buildings neglecting environment.

It is unbearably cold!

It is very cold today.
Although I like winter, such an abrupt change of the temperature is not comfortable.

I will not be able to go to university without gloves and a muffler in this winter.


summary: An animal is playing outside surrounded by the beautiful nature. Suddenly, a building like a factory appears ,and all plants around him begin to wither. Staying at the building for several days, he becomes less cheerful because of the bad environment of there.

1)What is the main idea?
The main idea of this film is the frailty and importance of nature.

2)What do you think about the movie?
After I finished watching this movie, I felt a little sad. Although the animal in this film can move to the better place in the end, I can't think this is a story with a happy ending. This is a difficult movie.

3)What is the end of the movie?
At the end of the movie, something like a jellyfish appears, and it helps him. He begins to live in it and meets his friend again.

Heart Burn

Something wrong with my throat again. Maybe it is not a sore throat, but something different.
Have you heart Gastroesophageal reflux disease? We see about it on TV commercial lately. It happens when stomach acid flows back into the food pipe (esophagus). I am not sure if I have it or not. On the commercial, they say that I should consult with a doctor. But I am afraid to swallow a gastric camera……


1) Summary
One day, an animal was walking around the place where is rich in nature. However, when he fell asleep by a tree, other animals destroyed the place and built many buldings. The beautiful place was disappeared, so he became disappointed at the scene and sad. He tried to ask them why they did such a thing, but they didn't care about him. They looked tired and as if all the will had gone out of them, so he had to live in the building.

2) Main Point
environmental disruption by humans

3) My Opinion
I was surprised at the scene of destroying the beautiful place in the movie. This scene reminded me of the Earth where we live. The animal in the movie is compared to a wild animal, and the other animals are compared to humans. This movie is made of Animations, but is very realistic. The movie taught us how terrible and sinful destroying the nature is, and how important the environment is.

4) What happened in the end?
A few days later from that day, the buildings collapsed suddenly. A potted plant which he an animal tried to raise up became dying and he would also die, but a strange living thing helped him. In fact, it was a paradise where he used to live in. He was glad that he came to the place and could meet a girl who he like again. However, it remained unsolved that outside was being destroyed and dirty.


summary: This story's main character is animal like a dog. The animals researched many kind of plants. The place was covered with rich green, but suddenly many buildings were built. Trees and plants were dead. The environment became bad. Some animals came down sick. Then, buildings started to collapse and creature like a jelly fish appeared. There are rich green inside the creature.

main point: the environment's change

what happened in the end of the story:The animals enter the creature, and they live with rich green and continue to research trees and plants. they make friends each other and live happily.

my opinion: I thought the beginning of this story was cute and good, but soon the scene turned to darkness. It was very scary. This story represents the impoetance of environment. I feel we should think of environment.


I am going to see Muai-Thai match with my friend this Sunday. I want to study punching combination by seeing them.


summery: There is an animal in the field. Suddenly, the city is built rapidly and nature got broken. At the city, people are very dirty and seem to be hopeless. People die everyday because of air pollution. One day, big creatures shaped like jelly fish appear. They catches people. Main character get caught, too.
my opinion: I think the theme of this animation is environmental protection.
This animation is suggesting our current society.We will destroy nature like this animation unless we do something to protect them.


This film's main character is the animal like a dog. He loved nature and spended under the tree. Suddenly, all of natures were destroyed. Tall buildings were built and other animals working without pleasure. He also worked there. He took care of the plant and it was his only pleasure. Finally, the monsters like jellyfish attacked his city and he was caught by them. When he awoke, there were many nature.

1) What's the main point?

I think this film's main point is "importance of nature". The city without smile and pleasure represents our busy society. People (animals?) working without feeling and mood was full of darkness. On the other hand, the world full of nature was clear and he seemed to be happy. this film tells us that we can't live happly without nature.

2)What's your reaction?

I feel scarely when I was watching this film. The animals looked weirdness and back ground music was also gloomy. I think nature is very important and they make our life bright.

3) How this film end?

As I refered, he animal was caught by monster. It was serious accident, but he could be in the place full of nature. Maybe he will live there happily from now on.


I recently lack the will to study. I'm fed up with memorizing words of TOEIC.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


The film is very good. We should consider nature more and it's important to protect forests than improving technology. Natural resouces are limited, so we must not waste of resouces and not destroy the nature, otherwise we will be not able to live in the earth any longer.

I should finshed IT Skill Check earlier...........

I havn't started doing IT Skill Check untill recently. I thought it is very easy for people who use computer every day, but it turned out to be more difficult than I thought. Now the computer room is full of people every day, today I couldn't get in. If I finshed it during the past 6 mounths, I wouldn't be so worried now. Right now there is no other way but do my best to finshed it before the term over.

To Kazue

Casually, I have been reading "Pride and Prejudice" for the next book report.
So if I can't understand the part of the story, please tell me!!


It is a great film ,I think the main point of this film is to make us think the relationship between nature and us. Can we really live without any green trees or glass? I think the answer is no, if we broke the nature balance just like they do in the film, the nature will revenge. The jelly fish which appeared at the end of the film is a symbol of the revenge of nature. I think it’s hard to say the ending is sad or happy , the jelly fish destroyed the city, but they brought some people inside them. It think it means that nature still want to give a chance to human.

asparagus-bacon boy

Do you know asparagus-bacon boy?
It is the antonym of meat-staffed-cabbage boy.
Meat-staffed-cabbage boy (ロールキャベツ男子)means boys who looks gentle but ,in fact, they are very manly. Asparagus-bacon boys(アスパラベーコン男子) means boys who looks manly but, in fact, they are very gentle.
Guys, which do you like better??


summery: in beautiful green field, a varmint inspected plants. He is the main character. Suddenly, he found a big dark cloud were coming. Then, a big black city stand and all the world become dark. There is no color. He brought up a little plant and he share it with a female varmint. One day, the plant which he brought up withered and big somethings like jellyfish appeared. He got off into a faint and he found himself in the something with the female varmint and there was filled with beautiful greens.
my opinion: I think this film is the symbol of our life. Today, our technology are developing more and more. In contrast, many forest are destructed. This film teach us if we continue environmental destruction, we will be not able to live on the earth.
the end of film: The ending of this film reminded me of Noah's ark. Varmints were no longer live in the city, so they were taken into the creature like jellyfish. A lot of down came down to the city, and it was filled with white. I think this means varmints live there again.


1) An animal which looks like rabbit was in natural. Suddenly, the buildings were built and the city was established. Then, the pollution happened, and the environmental condition got worse,. That animal got sick. Finally, the fish jelly made the nature recover.
2) I think this film tells us that our environmental is in the crisis. We need civilization and nature. However, what is the important thing is to think what is needed for us to spend comfortable life with nature.

3) I think this film ends that animals spend happy life surrounded by nature.


1) summary
There are an animal that loves nature. He were ilving in peace with nature. One day, his peaceful life was suddenly taken away. Other many animals started to build there. The more the city's industry thrived, the more they got ill and died. But finally, he was able to live in beautiful place with nature that exists in huge jelly fish.

2)What do you think about the film?
I think this film suggests a part of our own. We do anything for our prosperity. Now, there are many envilonmental problems such as global warming, ozone layer destruction, desertification, and deforestration.But we can never control nature completely. Every time a major earthquake and tsunami occur and a typhoon comes, the ferocity of nature surprises us.

3)What happens in the end oh the film?
Huge creatures like jelly fish saved some of them, that is, others weren't saved. I think this means people who try to live with nature in harmony could survive.


1)What is the main point?
I think the main point of this film is how destruction of nature affects to human's living. Some of them could live without nature, but most of them were sick. Those who weren't sick might had mental illness because there's no nature and landscape never changes.

2)What do you think about the film?
When animals came dragging many buildings, I was scared. That was kind of horrible scene.
Then the fancy animal lived there, too. First, I thought he could get out of there, but even outside of the city, there's no nature and he couldn't go anywhere. We can go somewhere from where we are, but is it the real escape? We can plant some seeding or something, and it's going to make a fruit. That is more productive. It will make some effect, it doesn't matter if that is good or bad.

3)What happens in the end of the movie?
The creatures like jellyfish represent nature, but nature had already gone.
They took fancy animals with their tentacles and put them into their body.
In their body, there's still nature, but it is kind of dream. We can't get back what we lost.
The jellyfish represents death, too.
The city was broke down, at least the fancy animals felt so, but the city was still there.

In short, they died and by the jellyfish they could be together with nature.

to Kazue

I bought the Japanese edition of "Pride and Prejudice" because I must read at least one of English literature for the exam of イギリス文学概論.
I haven't read it at all, and so I'd love to hear your impression as a bookreprt.
I'm not going to copy it...