Come in and Blog On!

2023 Welcome to your IE 3 class blog. The object of this class project is to log in and write your comments, web links, answers to questions, and your questions to others at least twice a week. It's fun and you can include pictures or graphics. Keep it original, helpful, and interesting. Don't forget to spellcheck your work before publishing. Also, when you create your user name, please use your real first name, in Romaji (ex. Ryuki, Mari, Lisa, etc.) so that we know who we are communicating with. Enjoy, and Blog on!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


 Exams are coming up next week but I have a big Spanish test this week. I don't really like Spanish but I need to study....
After the exams, we have the holidays coming up!!:)


Lately, I have not been getting enough sleep.


During the summer vacation, I'm going to my grandma's house in Hyougo. Every year we go there to visit my grandpa's grave, and go out to many places with my family. However, this time my parents are going to Hyougo because my younger brother has a soccer match in Osaka. But I don't want to watch soccer match, so I think I will spend my time sleeping all day.

Summer vacation

it's only about two weeks till summer vacation!!!
I'm so excited to plan out things with my friends :)
but at the same time I'm really sad because we're not gonna have this IE class for the next semester...


I am going to see fireworks at Kamakura tomorrow! So excited!

Club activity

I'm one of the member of English newspaper club. From May, first graders were making our own article to publish on the extra newspaper, and we finally finished writing it. So from last Saturday, we started to think about the next newspaper we are going to publish. This time, our topic is about Aoyama, so we are going to have a walk around the school and decide where to interview after we finished the test. I wish we will finish the test without problems and enjoy the next club activity.

Nuclear boy

While Japanese animation was using hand written character with a carm narrator, English animation was using digital character and apathy narrator. Thus, children may prefer Japanese one. However, I think it is necessarily to tell the truth about nuclear from childhood, so I think showing the English one will be effective later on.

Sorry for the posts

Sorry for posting so much in the last minute.Now the blog board(?) is filled with my name:))
....I really should have done this properly and not like this :-/


Before saying hello to summer, we must say hello to the dreadful exams first.
Since it's our first exams as an university student, I don't really know how to study for it... How about you guys? Can someone give me tips?:))

IE class is almost over...

Time does really flies by fast when you're having fun.
I can't believe the first semester is almost over. I really loved this IE class with it's very unique and awesome members. Hope to still be friends with you guys after IE3!


The setting is a land filled with green, the timeline seems to be in the near future. The characters have a similar appearance to a rabbit. One day other creatures came to this land and started the cause of pollution. Before all the plants died, the main character was able to save a branch from a tree. Day by day the pollution gets worse and soon enough the main character and the plant are starting to get affected by it. At the end, a jellyfish like creature came from the plant and saved several creatures from the pollution.

The theme of the story would be, pollution will eventually lead to extinction of all living things so we should protect our nature.

Stanley pickle

The film takes place in a small house in a rural countryside. The main characters are Stanley, his parents and the girl Stanley's infatuated with. The conflict is Stanley vs. himself. The climax was when all of Stanley's collection stopped moving and he finally comes to realize the real world. The irony is when he taught the artificial bird will make the girl he likes happy, although what happened was the exact opposite and she ran away, scared. Bird is the symbol of life. The theme of the story is no matter what artificial things can't overpower reality, and only reality can make a person truly happy. 

The fan and the flower

The main characters are a fan and a flower. The film takes place in a house owned by an old lady. The conflict is fan vs. fate. The climax is when the fan sacrifices itself to save the flower. The rain symbolizes the fan and flower's sorrow. The irony of the story is that the fan and flower fell for each other although they can never be together. The lesson in the story is that sacrifices and sorrow always comes along when you start to love somebody.

Late posts....

Although the due dates have passed, I'll post the entries that I wasn't able to. Just for the sake of catching up😞

Nuclear boy

Compared to the Japanese version, the American version seems to be more informative due to it's straightforward words and lines. Although because of it's robotic voice   and scary/weird animation, it may not be suitable for children. On the other hand, Japanese version's was somewhat cute; easy to watch and understand for children.

Summer vacation

Do you guys already have plans for summer?
I have plans mostly with people in ski circle. Since we can't go skiing in summer, we have BBQ, fire works, and a camp in a kind of island instead. I already bought a bikini, and I'll buy another one tomorrow! I need a Yukata too! For all of these stuffs, I need to earn money more! So this month, only thing I got to do is to work and study for exams! I can't wait the summer!!

Busy day

Last Sunday, I was working all day at my part time job restaurant. Since it was middle of 3-days-off, so many people came to eat. It was busiest day ever! I wish I could go out to have lunch or dinner like those people and wish there was no school on holidays.


Today is our group presentation day in IE core class. I'm quite nervous when it comes to presenting in front of people but I hope everything turns out well.


Good morning everyone. I woke up about 10 minutes ago but I'm still very sleepy. No matter how much sleep I get, I'm always sleepy...

last IE core class

 Like everyone is writing, this week is the end of this IE3 classes:(
 It was a pleasure meeting you all and I hope I have a chance to interact with all of you again in the future!
Great memories, and I hope everyone does well on the test and have a great summer vacation.
Can't wait till summer:)

Disney land

Last thursday, I went to Disney Land with one of my friend from university!!!
Tons of happenings and tons of laughter, and I had I very fun time so I am motivated to work hard for the exams.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Plan for summer vacation

Hello again.

Do you start planning for your summer vacation?
I am thinking to go back my home town about 10 days. I cannot wait to see my friends in Aichi. I almost finish filling my whole staying days with friends.. Now I worry about money. How can I survive days with little tiny money.. I really need to save some money for vacation!

I really enjoyed IE class. I am going to miss you guys, thank you for being such a nice classmate.


How university exam scared me.


I will talk about same thing with Mai mentioned on her blog. So we had same exam on last Friday. It was just disaster. I proudly can say that I got one right and the other whole questions,,, I think I failed that class. I really enjoyed the class. Class was about English Literature which is I really wanted to learn at university. Also, I liked the teacher. His smile just makes my day. haha. He knows my name!! I just talked him only once and the other day, I walked up to him and he called my name!!!! I really wanted to take his class on next semester. Bye-bye Mr. Sasakawa..

Cat or Dog

Hi everyone! 

I just got curious how many of you like doggies and how many like kitties!

It is an inevitable fact that both are just amazingly cute but...
I do feel like doggies are still better than kitties because kitties often act like a human and that freaks me out.

So everyone? What do you think?


I've done it.
I think I got too carried away or was feeling like I'm still a high school student...

Last Friday I had an exam of Introduction of English Literature and I was like OH MY THIS IS LIKE AS IF I LITERALLY SEE THE END OF THE OWRLD OR WHAT.

I couldn't get even 30% of them right I guess...

But this experience totally boosted me and I feel like getting the full score for all the other exams.
I mean, who wants to get dropped out. Seriously.

Sunday, July 17, 2016


yea that pretty much says it all.

Last IE listening class

We had our last IE listening class last Friday and I already miss all of you. :(
I know we still have a double period for IE core and writing, I'm gonna miss all of you when we start IE seminar.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE all of you guys. I feel so comfortable around you all because lots of you have a similar background as me.
TONS OF LOVE.... xxxxx


I'm going to eat sushi with my family today. It's been quite a while since all my members of my family are together eating outside. I hope I'll enjoy it.

last classes

Last Friday we had our last IE listening class. I'm really going to miss my classmates....


This weekend was so boring. All those exams and reports.I wish summer vacation was a little bit longer like other universities.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Nuclear boy

The japanese version of it seems more appropriate for children since the voice narrater uses is quite soft and animation is used to make them understand easily. Unlike Japanese one, narrater focuses more on telling the truth in american version of this and I had the impression that it is used more for adults.

Korean exam

I have been learning Korean as my second language and I had the final test today.

Although I expected it to be more of writing test rather than multiple choices ones, there were actually many multiple questions. I regret that I prepared more on vocabularies and grammatical things.
I will try much harder next semester  and hope I can acquire Korean when I graduate uni!!


This story takes place in a city where the whole place is made of Logos from all over the world. The Logos includes McDonalds, Nike and other famous Logos around the world. The climax is everyone in the town is living peacefully at first but it was devastated by McDonalds who is very mean and violent. However a big earthquake occurs and the whole city was ruined. The symbols are the Logo representing each characteistic. The story tells us that people who behave well are meant to overcome the difficulties unlike  the bad ones.

Friday, July 15, 2016


It's been a long time since I last came into this phone broke and the touch screen isn't working right now.
Anyways. Mirage was a mysterious story with lots and lots of symbols. The main character, the robot seems to live by putting water inside his body. Unfortunately, he fells and the water spills. He searches for water, and finally finds it by the heart of a big tree. He gets the water, but then he finds a fish almost dying from the loss of water. He takes the fish with him to the ocean, and becomes a fish of his own.
I think the water represents the energy, like the gasoline for car. The big tree is a symbol of something that we cannot see; god's hand that wraps up this ecosystem to work successfully. The sea is heaven, meaning that the robot boy had died after all. Maybe the whole story might have been a mirage.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Nuclear boy

I found the American version to be more informative while Japanese version did not make the point clear enough. Although the American version was very informative, the pictures and the animation itself was a little threatening. Some of the pictures were not appropriate for kids.


I have recently started to get addicted to games. Apps, video games, all sorts. If you have any suggestions on a good game, let me know!

Test week

It`s almost test week and I hav`nt started to study anything yet.  To get grades, I better start studying. So many reports are do also and I`m overwhelmed. I seriously cannot wait for summer vacation to start.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Nunclear Boy

The Japanese version of the animation was made easier for children to watch and understand. It used animations that suits perfectly for children. The narrators voice was easy and suitable for children to watch and learn.
However in the English version, it was scary and kind of grotesque, so it is not suitable for children to watch and learn. 

Nuclear boy in comparison

Both English and Japanese videos of nuclear boy are created with cute but simple illustrations and easy explanations. However, there're some differences you can spot on them.
The voice of the narrator is much softer and bit rediculous in Japanese version while English one uses mechanical machine voice. There are not many changes in nuclear boy's facial expression in English version so I get the feeling that it's more serious and cold.

I personally prefer English version of it simply because it is made more seriously.
Certainly, it is important to teach children about this accident without scaring them and in an easiest-to-understand-way as much as possible. However, I'm afraid the Japanese nuclear boy is lack of seriousness and even children must understand that it is not a joke.

Sleeping problem

I never sleep enough. Even if I go to bed very early, I do not wake up earlier. I hate aram because they do not work for me to wake me up. I usually stop them in my sleep so I do not realize if it aramed or not. Can somebody help me?

Nuclear boy comparison

There are several differences between Japanese nuclear boy and English nuclear boy. Both shows talks about how nuclear system works and it is made for kids to understand easily. On the other hand, comparing both shows, we can tell that English version is much more serious than Japanese one. Japanese tend to make everything smaller issue and everybody try to not make people worry. English version is more sever than Japanese. For instance, in US, people like to reveal everything and as a result, they get trust. From this short film, we can say that English version is more open.

Nuclear boy

The Japanese version of the nuclear was obviously made for kids. Narrators voice was soft and easy to listen to. In addition, the cartoon used for it was suitable for children. The English version was not really suitable for kids. Though its content is the same, digital voice sounded cold and the cartoon was scary.

Nuclear Boy

The Japanese version of the Nuclear Boy was easy to understand, but it seemed like it didn't actually make the whole point clear enough. I think Japanese children wouldn't take the situation seriously. The english version was way different. Instead of using someone to explain the situation, a robot explained everything and I thought it would be hard for the children to understand.

Dance battle

I was second place at the dance battle I participated the last Friday night.

Nuclear Boy

In japanese version of the video the speaker was talking enthusiastically with cheerful atmopshere. The pictures used in the video was plain but comical. Overall it was easy to watch and suitable to educate young children. The English version was far too creepy because of the grotesque digital image of the half-robot babies. The monotonous digital voice also added the effect. It was generally unconfortable to watch and probably difficult to catch childrens' attention as it had very flat tone through out the video.

too hot

Its too hot that I don't feel like doing anything.....
I just wanna get over all the exams

Nuclear Boy

The Japanese verson was made to allow children easily understand the circumstances we are facing at the moment. The images used have an effect to draw children`s attention. In addition, the narrator spoke in a loud clear voice, which also draws children`s interest. On the other hand, the English version seems to be more of a serious one. The tone and the images do not allow children to understand easily. If the video was for people who are in middle school or higher, then it would be the proper way to educate them.

Atomic boy

The idea of using a character is really effective to persuade people.
Japanese version was narrated by a man's voice, drawn in pretty picture so the kids will understand and study easily. On the other hand, the English version was in mechanical voice and the visual of the atomic boy was creepy. This makes the film scary so the children's will understand how serious it is.
I think the Japanese clip is more effective because if it's too scary, children won't even go near or think about it calmly. The point is to make children understand about the circumstances now, not to scare them away.


Summer is almost here. I can`t wait to hang out with my friends. I better start saving money...


Hi everyone! How's the preparation for the exam going? :P

You see, in Japan people try to distance themselves from ones who have tattoos.
I think it has something to do with those "Yakuza customs" whatever.
But I think it's so stupid to exclude people with tattoos because not everyone is a bad person you know.

Especially for those who come from foreign countries, it is so not fair that they cannot enjoy hot springs and stuff just because they have tattoos.

There's something funny about this country.

Nuclear boy comparison

Both the Japanese and English version talk same thing about nuclear issue by animation. Both of them are easy to understand for kids. While the Japanese one uses cute animation and voices, the English version uses more serious voices and digital animation. I prefer the Japanese one because it will not scare kids. The English one scared me not because of the seriousness of nuclear issues but because of the animation and voices. I think kids can focus on more about the issue of nuclear in Japanese version.

Euro 2016 final

Yesterday, I woke up at 2:45 a.m. to watch Euro 2016 final. It was worth waking up early because I was able to watch Portugal winning the game against France. Although Portugal lost their best player Cristiano Ronaldo who is also the captain early on in the game with injury, Portugal showed great spirit and desire to win the game for themselves and for their captain.

nuclear boy comparison

Watching the Japanese version and the English version, I thought both of them were easy for children to understand. However, I was skeptical whether the video were taking the problem as a serious issue. If I were to choose which one was better, I would say the English version since the narrator's tone of voice seemed proper.

very disappointed

I'm very disappointed about the fact that Kevin Durant went to the golden state warriors. I thought he would stay in OKC but he didn't.

nuclear boy comparison

I thought that the Japanese version of nuclear boy was very easy to understand for Japanese children. However, it may be a little bit less serious about the issue that not a lot of people would consider the issue as a serious one. On the other hand, the English version was more serious as the narrator was talking more seriously about the issue. This will make the kids think that the issue is a serious thing and worth thinking about.

Monday, July 11, 2016


This summer, I already have too much plans so I am kind of worried that I can do everything I want to, but I hope everything goes out well:)
I can't wait until summer vacations!!


We had a sleepover at Mari, Hinano, and Lena's house yesterday!
It was my first time after entering university to go and visit my friends house so I had a terrific time!

Since I had part time job this weekends, I couldn't go and watch Hinano walking the runway, but the pictures I saw was very cute and adorable!

Book Report #2

I'm glad I have started working on my book report a little earlier because I'm almost done with it. :) I can work on my other assignments which is great!!!

Driving license

Hey guys how are you doing?
I've been going to a driving school for about 5 months now, and I took a qualifying test on Saturday and guess what!!!! I PASSED!!!!
I'm super happy right now but I still have the writing test.
I need to study hard to pass the test but I have too much going on right now so I'll probably be getting a driving license in August... :(
Do any of you go to driving schools?


Yesterday was my sister's 23rd birthday. We had dinner at home. She will go to a graduate school in Ohio from this September. This is because she wants to get a license for athletic trainer. It'll be hard to catch up with Americans for her but I think she can get through it!


It's really hot these days! I can't wait until the summer holiday!! I really want to wear yukata and go to see the fireworks!!


This story takes place in a world which everything is consisted of Logos. McDonald's character is the villan and running away from the police which is a Michelin's logo. In the end, a giant earthquake happens and everyone except from a women and a child dies.  
I think this story wanted to tell us that anything that human made, will eventually be destoyed by the nature

House of Councillors election

So, on Saturday I went to vote for the election for the first time in my life. To be honest politics is not my strongest area and I had no clue who or which party to vote for. So I read the public promises and couple of news paper columns but still they all looked quirky to me. Some people around me has said that they don't understand or not interested so they won't vote.

What is the point of lower election age if the politics are put aside by the young people like carrots on the plate?? They don't look palatable in the first place and they are too tough and when you even have enough courage to have a bite.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Summer vacation

I'm really looking forward to summer vacation. When I was in high school, I was in the member of the football club so I had practice almost every day. Since I'm not in any club at university, I will have time to do lots of stuff. I hope it's going to be awesome.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


This story mainly focuses on the escape drama of Donald McDonald, who possesses illegal weapons. He wages a battle between Michelin, but that battle was disturbed by the earthquake. At last, everyone except the woman and the boy dies. 
The theme of this story might be the real strength of natural disasters. 


On Saturday, I went to Disneyland with my friends. It was a long time since I last went there, so many thing was changed. Even it was Saturday, and we entered after 3 o'clock, we were able to take a ride on many roller coasters, so I enjoyed a lot!


This story takes place in a city where everything consists of logo's that exists in real life. The story is mainly about Michelin police man chasing after Ronald McDonald who appears to be a terrorist. At the, an earthquake occurs and mysterious fluid comes out of the cracked open ground destroys the whole city leaving two survivors.


In last Saturday and Sunday, I only ate tofu for my main dish.

28,943 minutes.

Hinano's Ipod broke this morning.
I don't know what happened or what she did but it's locked and can't be used for another 28.943 minutes. By the way, that's about 20 days.


Welcome to the world where everything consists of advertising images of many brands from all over the world. Psycho criminal-turned Ronald Mcdonald and Michelin tyre mascots as hardcore policemen, in a kick ass car chase all over Los Angeles. What will happen when well known characters comes to life and gets involved in a crazy action filled situation?

I think this short movie wanted to show us how our current society is filled with advertisements and how our world revolves around them.


I started studying for the upcoming exams and realized how much I had to catch up on everything.
I just can't believe how fast time passes!! :/


This short film takes place in a city where everything is made up of Logos, which actually exists in real life. For example, McDonalds and Nike. Everyone in the city lives peacefully until Donald comes and trys to destroy the city. He has a gun fight with the police, but an earthquake happens and the whole city is destroyed leaving two survivors on land.


This story takes place in a city where the whole place is made of Logos from different existing Logos in the world. The Logos includes McDonalds, Nike and other famous Logos around the world. The climax is everyone in the town is living peacefully at first but it get ruins by McDonalds who is very evil. However a big earthquake occurs and the whole city collapse. The symbols are the Logo representing each characteistic. The story tells us that good people are able to survive than the bad ones.


On July 2nd to 4th, I went on a camp to Nagoya to play Lacrosse. I was able to make friends from different universities and was able to play Lacrosse with them. We also had a BBQ party on the second day and it was so much fun!!


The story is set in a city where everything is comprised of cooporate logos like McDonalds and Michelin. Donald is depicted as a terrorists who wrecks a havoc in the Logorama city and the Bibendum police chases after him. After fierce gun fight, suddenly the ground tores apart and oils splashes out and swallows the city except the two survivors.

too hot

It's been too hot recently and I can't sleep over night. I get up like at 2, even though I sleep at 12 so I usually take a walk and spend the night at a park.
I really like it and enjoy it but the problem is I am not sleeping enough.


Setting: A city where many logos exist.
Conflict: Commercial world vs itself, Logos vs themselves.
Climax: When a huge earthquake occur and collapses the city.
Symbol: Logos represents our world.
Irony: Good characters being able to survie unlike the bad characters.
Theme: The impression and thoughts towards our logos and commercial world may be wrong.


This story is about a world which literary everything that appears in it is made out of logos that exist in real life. All the characters live peacefully until the villain; which is the Donald in this story, tried to destroy everything. However, in the end, the land collapses and only the good characters remain as survivors. The theme of the story is how some brands fail in business because of other companies' success (such as the gains of sales)


This is a story about elusive criminal and the police who chase him in a world only comprised of cooperate logos such as McDonalds and The North Face. On the chase, the michelin-like-police and the Donald-like-criminal brought chaos to the logo-city involving small children. This whole chaos eventually led to the collapse of the city itself.

I assume creator wanted to express that nowadays we live in a commercial world and how easy it is to get broken down by anything.

Monday, July 4, 2016


Entering university, I realized how much money I need in order to meet my needs. I am thinking about doing another short period part-time job I can do during summer vacation to earn more money.

nap time

Yesterday, I took a nap for about six hours in total!!
Speeping is very important and I want to take enough time sleeping in bed.
From tomorrow, I am going to work at my part time job for 5 days, so I don't touture my body too much. 


This short film takes place in a city where the world is made up from logos from real existing companies. Everyone lived a normal life until the evil McDonald's tried to ruin up the town's peace. However, a big earthquake occurred and destroyed the whole city, let alone the other good characters.
The theme for this film is the impression on logos may sometimes be prejudice.

Caffein addict

Here's the things.

My good night ritual is to make a fine cup of green/black tee at night to go with my assignments.
It helps me get relaxed and somehow concentrated also.
I'm also a huge fan of Redbull and it's my soulmate when exam season like now comes.

People warn me it's not good for health and in fact, that it keeps me awake but I didn't believe it because I always have no problem falling asleep right after having one strong coffee.

However, I just read the article which says the people who believe that caffein doesn't keep them awake and think they can sleep without problem with caffein, actually simply are simply not aware of how great real sleep is.
Turns out that I'm always under the influence of caffein when I fall asleep and my body is so used to it, I do not know how it is to truly sleep.

I'm like... Oh my.
But what can I say?  It's too late to quit anyway.


Setting-an imaginary place with many logos.
Climax-when the earthquake kind-of disaster strikes the place.
Conflict-man vs society ??
Irony-where the two characters manage to survive the strategy and ends in a good way.
Symbol-Logos represent firms.
Theme-the society is built up with many companies.

Off Season

One of NBA's greatest players are about to announce where he will play next season.  We're waiting for you in golden state.


How fast time passes. It's July. Can you believe that it's already passed three months since we entered a university. In this month, we will have a very exciting event. That is..... TEST!
I love test. I just love the sounds of test. what a beautiful name is that.
I hope you will spend great time with studying. And please wish me a luck........

Good Luck guys..


In this show, Logo human live in an island. The conflict is Logo VS themselves. The climax can be the part when everything was collapsed. The irony part is  that logo does not mean anythings. It is very easy to get collapsed. The symbol of this story is the Logo. Logo makes up our world. The theme of this film is that we cannot rely on marks.

Missing the states/Vietnam

I miss living in the states and Vietnam.
Living in Japan has been fun but I don't really feel comfortable and feel like a lot of things are stressful in this country even though a lot of things are convenient at the same time.
To me, living in the states/Vietnam were more interesting.


This story is about advertisements like McDonalds but they form and live like human in a world like ours. The land collapses somehow when the bad Donald is killing other characters, and eventually he dies. In the end of the story, only good characters survive. 
The theme of this story is the images we have for the advertisements.


It's already July, and we have A LOT of assignments and exams this month:(
Yesterday, I was doing my reports all day, and I still have a lot. I hate this month but after all done, we have summer vacation!! I'm sooo looking forward to it.


This film takes place in some kind of an island with many ads. The conflict is the commercial world vs itself. The climax in this film is the part where the island collides. The irony is that the more ads there are in this world, the more easier we are likely to get confused. The symbols in this story is the logos which represents the world, everything in this film. The main theme in this film is that the commercial world we live in can sometimes be dangerous.

Boring weekend

this weeks weekend was so boring. I didn't even get out of my house.


Recently, I started playing puzzle & dragons. It so much fun.


The setting in this film is underwater. The conflict is the robotic baby vs his desire of water. The climax is the part where he gets the fish in his body. The irony of this film is that the robotic baby cant get what he wants such as water.
For the symbols, there is a fish wish represents life. The main theme of this film is that people may destroy things when they want to achieve something they really want.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Germany are through to the semi-final

Did you guys see the match between Germany and Italy? It was a great game to watch and I thought the quality of the game was very high. The result was 1-1 so the game had to be decided on penalty shootout. In the end, Germany won. I was disappointed to see Italy go out the tournament since they were a fantastic team and well organized. I think Germany are capable of going all the way and winning the tournament.


Apparently it was 31C today! it's becoming like a proper Summer now... I am naturally a polar bear person (I wonder if anyone have thought of this expression before) and as I have spent past six years in UK I much prefer being cold than hot. So This is my least favourite season of the year. How about yours?