Come in and Blog On!

2023 Welcome to your IE 3 class blog. The object of this class project is to log in and write your comments, web links, answers to questions, and your questions to others at least twice a week. It's fun and you can include pictures or graphics. Keep it original, helpful, and interesting. Don't forget to spellcheck your work before publishing. Also, when you create your user name, please use your real first name, in Romaji (ex. Ryuki, Mari, Lisa, etc.) so that we know who we are communicating with. Enjoy, and Blog on!

Monday, April 30, 2018


The story is set in a country where imaginations are not allowed. One day a boy helps a small fish. Suddenly the fish becomes a mermaid and they become friends. However, other people sees the mermaid as just a normal fish so the boy gets arrested for having such imagination. At the end of the story the boy and the mermaid swim together in the ocean, away from land.

At first I felt confused because I couldn't understand what this story is trying to tell us. However, researching about the circumstance of Japan in 1964 helped me get it a little. It was almost 10 years since the war ended and Japan had been changing a lot. Economy and technology were improving dramatically and people tended to become more similar, not individual or unique. I think Tezuka was trying to tell people that we need to be more unique and creative.
The scene the boy being tortured was quite shocking. I guess Tezuka was trying to show us how strong the state power is and how horrifying it would be if the government starts to make everyone work in the same way.
I could not quite get what happened in the end but in my opinion, I think it is showing that imagination has won the authority.
I think this story is not only for people in 1964 but can be a message for everyone because it includes an important lesson for all of us.

Keywords: imagination, freedom, brainwashing, individual, authority
Osamu Tezuka’a Mermaid


In a county where you weren’t allowed to daydream, a boy saw a fish as a mermaid. He was sent to facility where they were forced to see the reality. When he ran away from the facility, he couldn’t see the fish he caught as a mermaid, and took the fish back to the ocean. When the boy let the fish go, the fish became a mermaid, and the boy and the mermaid swam far away until you could no longer see them.


I think this story has a political message to it. I don’t know much about Japanese history, but after World War II, Japan was trying to fit in with the other cultures, and didn’t listen to what the Japanese citizens actually wanted. In this movie I think the boy represents the Japanese citizens. The boy who was made to think the way the politicians thought, was trapped only to the reality, not the dream. The one way people could dream, made everyone the same person, without a particular personality. After the boy ran away with the mermaid, made me think that the mermaid(the way the boy thought) was actually the correct way to think, not the fish(the politicians thought). I think this kind of thinking appears in the book “ferenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury, and “The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins. We can say what we want and do what we want now, but we can’t take that For granted.

Today, after school,my friends and I went to shopping in Shibuya. Since we are going to Disney land this Sunday, we searched for clothes to wear together. After shopping, we went to the Hawaiian cafe🌺I ate acaii bowl for the first time!!it was very delicious 😋

Golden Weeeeeek:)

I'm planning to do several things in my Golden Week.
I'm going to see my friends from high school, and I can't wait to see them!!!
Also, I will go shopping since I don't have any clothes for summer...
I will go see my grandparents too!
This year's GW will be a real "Golden" week, because I feel it's gonna be so much fun!!!
For the past 6 years, my golden week was full of club activities, (which was kind of fun when I think of it now) so I am very excited to spend the upcoming days!!!

What are you planning to do in your GW?


          The little boy who has a great imagination helps a fish. The fish became a mermaid, and they spent a nice time together. He took the mermaid home, and told his parents about her, but because the country he lived was a place where imagination is prohibited, no one believed him. He got arrested of having such a ridiculous imagination, and was punished until his image of a mermaid starts to fade away.

          Through this short film, I think Tezuka Osamu wanted to tell us that imagination is the greatest ability for a human being. Through the experience of war, I think Tezuka Osamu was shocked of the controlled society where people don’t admit free imagination. I did some research about Tezuka Osamu, and found out that he had a similar experience as the little boy in the film when the war had started. Until the war, he drew many cartoons and had fun with his classmates. When the war started, he was hit by a teacher at his school for drawing such a thing. At first, I think he couldn’t understand why he had to be punished. After years of training and working for the country, he was dragged into an air raid, and barely escaped death. From this experience, he quitted working in the factory and started drawing cartoons at his house. I think this whole experience is related to the story “Mermaid”. In the controlled society, the little boy gets punished, but he never stopped dreaming about the mermaid. At the end of the film, he chose not to throw away his imagination and live with the mermaid, which was just like Tezuka Osamu who never stopped drawing cartoons in the time of war.
At first, I couldn’t catch the theme Tezuka Osamu wanted to tell us. Even now, I’m not sure I got the point right. I guess Tezuka Osamu wanted to warn us about the danger of losing individuality and live with great imagination by including his own experiences.

The movie “Coco”

Today I went to see the movie “Coco”.(Japanese title is “Remember me”) It was the story about the day of the death in Mexico.  It touched me and mede me cry. Also it made me feel like visiting Mexico during the day of the death. When you have time, plz check it. I’m sure you guys will like it.

Tezuka Osamu's "Mermaid"

This movie was about a boy who loves fictional stories. When he was on the beach, he found a fish and it became a mermaid. He took the mermaid to home but the fact that fish became a mermaid was just his imagination. The kingdom knew about the boy and tortured him because free imagination was forbidden. He then forgot how the mermaid looked like, and took the fish back to the ocean. He followed after the mermaid and went somewhere.
I think the theme of this animation was the right of free imagination. Today, people have rights to imagine or create fiction stories, but if people were not allowed to, the country might be simple and there will be no entertainment. In my opinion, Osamu Tezuka wanted to inform the importance of entertainment, especially animation or comic by creating this video.
Key words


It is a story about a country that people are not allowed to think of imaginary things such as mermaid. The boy gets arrested and receives an education so that he would forget this imagination made. However, he escapes from the place and receives freedom.

              I thought the education that was on the video is so much alike what Japan did during the war time. They changed peoples mind and beliefs by educating from their young age to their old age. Even though they got educated, I still think people had a mind to be free. I thought that this video is a symbol of people being free. The boy escapes from the prison to save his faith. On the other hand, I also thought that in the last scene of this video, the boy committed a suicide in order to be free. This made me think of the increasing number of suicide in Japan. Both of my thoughts it came out while I was watching this, is a dark part of Japan. Tezuka Osamu probably wanted to let us know not to turn our head away from the negative part of our country and save the liberal way of thinking.
Key words
              Education suicide negative freedom

Tom yam kung monja

Last night, my mother and I went to Tsukishima and ate monjayaki. The restaurant has some unique menus and we decided to try Tom yam kung monja. I liked it very much but she did not because it was very sour. Although I liked it, I thought it is always true that eating delicious food separately is better than eating a collaboration of delicious food. Tom yam kung monja just made me want original Tom yam kung.

Link to Full Video of Mermaid

Risa and others: you can find the full video of Mermaid here



 One day, there was a boy who had a fertile imagination. He could see things that other people could,'t see, but it was not allowed that time. People tried to make him stop to be different from others by torturing him, and that destroyed the boy. He was sad because he couldn't remember the mermaid of his imagination.


I think in that time, in that country, people were not allowed to be different. Maybe the government were afraid of people who had a different idea, and deny to obey the country's rules. I'd like to take the Edo period in Japan as an example. People were not allowed to have a different religion that time, let alone your own opinion about it.
 I can see the government despair in the way they tried to fix the child who believed in his mermaid. In my opinion, the mermaid means freedom, and the government did every thing to take it from the boy. Even though, the boy could remember in the end. He fought for his rights of freedom. As we could see the mermaid in the end, I think it means that freedom is something no one can take from us.

Bought a new computer

I bought a new desktop computer, not laptop. There was a website called "Dospara", where I bought it several days ago. There, we can buy ones worth 80000~200000 yen. The one I bought is 89000yen computer with mouse and keyboard, and 12000 yen monitor. It's not delivered yet but I hope it will today.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Watching The Mermaid


     It's about a boy who finds a fish that turned out to be a mermaid in his mind.
Although, when he took the fish home and showed to his parents telling them that caught a mermaid, they have thought there boy gone crazy. In his society, imagination was against the law. So the authority locked him up and tortured until he stop fantasizing.
In the end he tries to commit suicide, then the mermaid that he forgot came to the boy and took him away from the world where he used to live.


              Watching this animation, broked my heart. The protagonist was tortured and brain washed by just saying there is a mermaid. Nobody believed him. Sadly it’s a common thing that when someone say something out of the ordinary, people will think that you are strange and they will to segregated you.
In the movie the boy turned in to a mermaid to get away from his society.
My theory is that the boy died and his soul turned into a mermaid to be in a better place.
Where he belongs.
Like the boy experienced, even now in this modern society, many people feels the same way as the protagonist did.  They commit suicide to be free from the suffering.

This animation reminded me that, even though he or she is strange and weird, you just can’t shun them. You need to think a way how to cooperate with them.

Mermaid produced by Tezuka Osamu

     A boy fall in love with a mermaid in his daydream while he does not notice that he is in daydream which is not allowed in this country. When he took her home, his parents recognize that and he starts to be brainwashed strictly. After the long brainwashing, he completely realize that she is a fish, and he disappears to the sea with holding it in his hands.

     I guess there are two reasons why Tezuka Osamu made and disclosed this movie in the year of 1964. The first reason is that he wanted people to remember how harsh and crazy it was in the war while Japan was in the precious mood because of the Tokyo Olympics. From this aspect, a boy is a symbol of children who were educated during the war. During the war, the government forced them to think one and only way which was to be extremely royal to the emperor and Americans are brutal with no exception. After the war, they realized that they have rights to choose. He might wondered that they still feel precious what the government planed with no suspensions. Similarly, the second reason is to emphasize the importance of imagination. In 1960s, Japanese education changed very much since the government started to make the society meritocratic as the economy grew up. Continuously, because common sense and knowledge became very essential to live in the society, in the upshot, imagination or thinking differently became odd. From this perspective, a boy represents Tezuka Osamu himself who likes to see a daydream so the last scene of this movie shows that he tries to go overseas from this restricted country.



    Once upon a time, there was a boy who found a little fish which he sees as a beautiful mermaid. He took her home with him, but in this country, imagination was banned. The government found him and forced him to go through many experiments to make him see a fish as it is, not a mermaid.

    I think this is a kind of a story which could be taken in many different ways. At the ending, What I saw was the boy and the mermaid going beyond the sea where there is a freedom in imagination. I assume that when this animation was created, it was a tough and depressing time for people. In my opinion, Tezuka Osamu's message through this film was that people always have imagination to escape from the reality. The reason why I want to believe it is an happy ending is I genuinely think Mr.Tezuka wanted to encourage people to be imaginative. As a manga and animation creator, that was the way to spread the beauty of imagination to the world. We, young people nowadays could also take this advise and use imagination to either to escape from the really for a while, or create something unique out of it.
Key words
    imagination, freedom, unique



     There was a boy who liked to daydream in one country.
     In his daydream, he thought a fish which he found in puddle by the sea as a mermaid. They played together under the sea. After that, he took her to his house and showed to his parents.
     However, people were prohibited to daydream in the country. Because of that, he was questioned and even tortured by the government until he forgets the mermaid.
     However, he was unable to forget her. Despite the pressure from the government, he stood against them and he ran away with her in his fantasy.


     In this Mermaid vedio, Tezuka Osamu wants to tell us that there are/were a lot of countries which controll people’s minds and thoughts, especially in those in which wars are/were going on. For example, Hitler in Germany. Hitler made people think that his country was poor because of Jewish people and took them into concentration camps. Many of innocent people died because of that. Japanese government during the World War II limited the people’s minds and thoughts,too. Although Japan was losing against America, the newspaper said Japan was winning. People were not allowed to say bad things about Japanese military or the government, but if they do, they would be punished.
     The vedio has a very deep message. It is not only for past things but also for the occasion in present. It’s almost impossible to take wars away from this planet, but we still can daydream whatever we want.
Yesterday, I watched a musical "1789~Les Amants de la Bastille."
This is a musical created in France about struggle and love of people living in the age of French Revolution.
I was surprised because I was moved to tears one minute after the opening of the play. I liked the songs and dances so much that I bought CD and another ticket. I've been listening to the CD all day today😂
If you got interested, you can watch the PV here:)

Mermaid by Osamu Tezuka

     A boy who likes to play in a world of fantasy became friends with a mermaid. However, the thought control institution tried to make him admit that the mermaid is actually a fish by various torture. Finally, he escaped and left for the sea with the mermaid.

     I think the boy died believing he could finally live freely with the mermaid forever at the end of this film. Tezuka wanted to tell us that cotrol of people's free thought means to get rid of their personality and it is equivalent to kill them. According to the official homepage of Tezuka Osamu Production, he created this video to alarm the danger of entrance exam war. When I talked about our dreams for the future with my classmates in junior high school, I was surprised that many students didn't have any particular dreams. They said they would be satisfied if they could graduate a good university, work for a good company and earn a lot of money. My parents have never told me to enter a good school, so I'm studying to make my dream come true, not because everyone else is doing so. However, Japanese belief that the better school they graduate, the happier life they can lead may actually prevent many children from having their own dreams and hopes. We may be brainwashed by the fixed view while we are not aware. It would be difficult for the people without imagination to be happy. Since our freedom of thought was obtained after a long fight of  people in the past, we should keep our own personality and respect to other people's way of thinking to preserve our liberties as free citizens.

imagination,  individuality, control of thought, brainwashing, freedom of thought

Mermaid by Tezuka Osamu

        This video is about a boy saving a fish which turns out to be a mermaid in his imagination. He has a fun time playing with the mermaid and takes her back home where his family see it as an ordinary fish. He gets arrested for his imagination and forced to think in the real world. 
        At first, I couldn’t get the theme and what Tezuka Osamu was trying to say. I watched it again, I think he is trying to abstractly satirize the world especially Japan in the 1960s. Maybe, he was trying to tell us that Japan needs to change in the way of thinking and be more creative. In 1964, the first Tokyo Olympic has held. After the Olympics, Japan experienced cultural exchange and new ways of thinking came in to Japan. Before, I think Japan preferred everyone thinking the same way and that the nail that sticks out should get hammered down. Another thought that came up in my mind was that, since Tezuka Osamu himself is a very creative man, he felt very tight and wanted to be more open-minded. Now, Japan is gradually excepting the unique, but I think there still is a current of being old minded. I think Tezuka Osamu is trying to tell young people to be more open minded, to be more imaginative, and be unique. 
The nail that sticks out gets hammered down
Open minded

having a nice weekend

Yesterday I went to the practice of skating club and I finally decided to join them!
The only thing I'm worried is that they usually practice in the morning before class. I seriously need a louder alarm😓

And this evening I'm going to see the musical "Annie". It's my favorite and what's amazing is that one of my friend from ballet school is taking part in the show!!!


      A boy who makes friends with a Mermaid is punished by the country for imagining freely, which was banned in the country. He is goes through many experiments and tortured until he can see the mermaid as a fish, like every other person did.

       I think the mermaid represents the unknown things that come from across the sea to the Japanese. The boy kept on seeing the fish as a mermaid. He was brainwashed not to see the mermaid but to see the fish as everyone else believed in. In japan at war, the government wanted people to see the same thing as they saw so it was easier to fight against other countries by grouping up. Tezuka Osamu wanted the people to know that not everything is what they appear to be. Another intention he might of had was that he wanted to tell the importance of having your own thought. Just because every one else believes in a certain thing doesn't make it right. I believe that he wanted to tell people at war that by having an opened mind will make a hole difference to their lives. At the end of the movie you see the people seeing the mermaid and the boy playing in the ocean which might mean that Japan and people from across the sea can make peace together

My Mums food

I went back to my mothers house and got to eat sushi. It's been a long time since i've eaten decent food. I don't have time to make food by myself because I have a dog to take care of......... Thanks for the amazing dinner Mum!

Osamu Tezuka.(1964). Mermaid.

Mermaid (1964)
  One day a boy found a small fish on the beach. The fish transformed into a mermaid in front of him. However, in his country free thinking is not allowed. He was sent to the mental institution and controlled his imagination by many kinds os tortures. Then, he run away from the institution and went to the beach. At the last shot, the image of two mermaids swimming toward offshore is projected. 
     Osamu Tezuka tried to tell people in 1964 that how great having imagination is and at the same time how violent prohibiting people from free thinking is. He succeeded in both of them by impressing people by using simple pictures and no line. What I thought through this short video is that under our consciousness thought controlling might still remain in this modern world. Especially in the video, he was forced to read books and gain right knowledge as the last method of controlling his mind. I believe, on the other hand, we are in the same situation by the power of the Internet. If this story happen in the modern world and we were the boy in the story, we would Google "mermaid existence" after we see the transformation into a mermaid. Searching on the Internet destroys the imagination immediately. We surrounded by useful information sources all the time should notice that our thoughts might be controlled by them. Also, we should stop asking right answers on the Internet, but give a lot of care to your original thought.

Mermaid 1964

   The video was about a boy who likes to imagine things, and one day, he was watching a fish in a pond. He then imagined a fish as a mermaid girl. He had a fun time with a fish (mermaid) and took it to his home. However, free imagination was prohibited in his country, so he was taken to a jail. He was tortured in that place until he couldn't have the imagination anymore. When he went back to home, he went to the place where he found a fish again.
  I believe that when this story was made, this country did not had much freedom than nowadays. To express that, Tezuka Osamu made this story to show the beautiful fantasy world that a boy imagined. In the end part, a boy saw a mermaid again, but I believe that that is a thing that Tezuka wanted to tell Japanese people. In 1964, Japan was not a very strict country than before the war, but it was very strict than now. For example, marriage is still strict now in some family, like women cannot choose a men she wants to marry. I think that Tezuka wants to tell us imagination and fantasy stories were what the young people needed in 1964.
Key Words that came to my mind: freedom imaginative fantasy poor

Mermaid by Tezuka Osamu

            A little boy who saved a fish from dying, started to see a mermaid appear in front of him, guiding him to the mystic and magical ocean. However, he is later arrested for having such fictional imagination since the country where he lived strictly restricted free idea and thought. The controlling society then interrogates and medically treats/punishes the little boy.
            The first thought I have processed after watching this video was “disturbing”. Not only do the simple lines and vast movement of the characters add to the creepiness but so does the plotline. I believe the message behind this short video is that certain things can limit children in becoming creative, innovative, and optimistic. Knowing that Tezuka Osama is a very open-minded person, I can see why he felt the need to stress this point to his audience. In Japan, it is only recent that “individuality” has started to become more proven in society. Back in 1964 when this video was produced, there must’ve been a more vivid imagery of how children should be and what they should grow up to be. Being socially accepted, blending in with the society, being part of the mono-tone group was “ethical” and “honorable”. Knowing that many people had such closed minds just a few decades ago, I am immensely grateful for being born in a more open-minded and free-spirited time span.


American Football🏈

I went to see the game of American football today~!!
It was super cool and I really felt that I want to be a member of it by supporting them as a staff but my parents are strict and they seem that they don’t 100% want me to enter a sport team because they are worried about my GPA and stuff :(
I’ll think what I wanna do during the golden week and make my fanal decision.


Saturday, April 28, 2018

Golden Week

Are any of you guys doing something for golden week?

I didn't know we had school off so I couldn't plan anything...

I can already foresee the city getting crowded...I despise it.

Escapism (Mermaid)

The main character puts beached fish into a puddle to rescue it. The fish changes her appearance into an adorable mermaid and they soon get along with each other. He starts to follow her under the sea. Seashells provide a good playground for them to play, but a few of them don’t let him go through. All of a sudden he gets arrested. He is forced to change his thought since then, but it is not an easy thing for him to do so.
 I believe this video was showing the time when Japanese people were suffering from restrictions. The boy in the video was reflecting the reality, which they actually wanted to escape from. Many of teenagers did not get to make love with someone at their disposal because of their parents’ authority or because of the national policy. Also, due to the deprivation of freedom of expression by the government, his frank comment on his thought caused him to be tortured, and eventually thrown into jail. I don’t think video ends happily, however, it allows us, the modern people to realize the pitiful circumstance of the people living during war to some extent. Children can also see this suggestive video that seems difficult to be grasped at first. But as a part of the worldwide famous Tezuka Osamu’s work, Mermaid is worth watching. I could only find the video which had first three minutes, so if anyone of you got to see the full part of it, please let me know where I can find it.


beached 打ち上げられた


Good evening 👋

Yesterday, I went to Lingwave’s party after school with my friends from this IE class.

It was the first time I went to a club, but it was a lot of fun!

I’m planning to join Lingwave and Squash racket for now :)

Yesterday after school, I met my friends from high school! We had a chat for several hours, talking about each other's university life. It was such a relaxing time and I missed friends from high school. However, on Golden Week, my classmates are going to have a party at a restaurant so I cannot wait to see them!



A boy who likes fantasy helps a little fish.  That fish became a mermaid and they had great time spending together. But since that country wasn’t allowed to imagine freely, the boy got caught and tortured by an organization. After many tortures, he decided to run away. He carried the fish to the original ocean and he and the fish became mermaid and swam away.


This animation was made in 1964, the year of “President Kennedy’s assassination”, “Success in China’s nulcar experiment for the first time “ and many more uneasy things happened. But on the other hand, happy things like Tokyo Olympic was too. People’s fear and excitement mix in one, which made Tezuka this animation. I think the reason why he made this animation was to express Japan’s state control of not allowing to protest WWⅡ. Through state control, Tezuka tried to show the danger of loosing people’s imagination.
 Keyword I imagined: fear, lonely, love, restriction

Friday, April 27, 2018

Fall Out Boy

Last night I went straight to Budokan after school to see Fall Out Boy concert. It was my second time seeing them live and it was SO AWESOME. I still can't get over how good it was. If you love a good rock music and have't heard their music, I recommend you do so:)
I’m addicted to Ariana’s new song ‘no tears left to cry’, and Dua Lpa’s ‘one kiss’ .
I’ve never been to a concert, and I’ve always wanted to go to summer sonic, but I have to start my part time job if I’m gonna go.
Let me know if you’re planning on going to concerts!🤓

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Today I met a friend who studies in Rikkyo university and we went to tacos bell for the first time! 🌮 The tacos were amazing, but the fries were magnificent!!!!!
I’m looking forward to try more restaurants that we don’t have in Shizuoka.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The AOMO Party

Hi, guys!!
 Today I’m gonna go to the party that organized by AOMO. If you will join it, too, let’s have a conversation with me. Also I’m so excited to meet  new people there.
See you then:)))
Last night I had a very delicious ramen with my friend after school. It's been a while since I last had ramen at a ramen place. (I sometimes eat instant one at home.) My friend recommended me salt flavored one and it was sooooo goooood. I wish I took a picture of it. It looked pretty

Its always nice to start the week with a nice proposal from a random Russian guy.
I visited my grandparents house in Shizuoka last weekend and the Mt. Fuji was very beautiful
so I tried to post some, but sorry, I don't know how to post the photos.


So seeing students posting there companions last week, I also would like to share my companion too.

This is my cat, Luki. She will be 4 years old this year.
 I was only  able to find her photo as a kitten.
 In this photo she was about 1 month old I guess ;)

Monday, April 23, 2018

miss being a "JK"

Since these few weeks had been very exciting, I can't believe April will end soon!!
So many things to remember, especially people's names...

University life is so much fun, but I kind of miss being a "JK". (girl high school student)
I must hang out with the people from my high school in the Golden Week!
On Saturday I got a phone call from my best friend from high school.
The main topic was about clubs and circles, and we also talked about classes(she studies marketing in Aogaku), new friends, and how we sometimes miss our high school(teachers, friends, classroom etc).
How long do you think we had talked for? Five and a half hours!!! We ended talking at 3am.

The problem is that I still can't decide which one to join; figure skating club or musical circle.

Beautiful Flowers

When I was on a bus to go home, I found azaleas (in Japanese, tsutuszi) blooming on the side of every street. They were colorful and beautiful.
What kind of flower do you see in your neighborhood?

Another side of my day

Yesterday,  I also had an interview for my part time job. I went to my interview after going to the rugby game. 
I signed up for Starbucks and I was accepted! I'm very excited and worried at the same time starting a part-time job for Starbucks. I'll try my best!! 

Rugby Game with Mayu :)

As Mayu posted, Mayu and I went to the 7's Rugby game (played by 7 people) at Gakushu-in University!
I love watching rugby games since junior high school.  It's because the school I went to played very well and always went to the nationals.

The players were amazing and there were amazing plays. Though our school ended in 2nd place, it was a very nice game. Hope I can see rugby union (rugby played by 15 players) some time.
Thank you Mayu for going to the rugby game. Hope you liked it!!

P.S. the volunteer for Rugby World Cup 2019 began today, and I signed up for it! I hope I pass and do it in 2019!

What I watched on YouTube

I watched movies on YouTube and in the movies, drunk people were screaming and kicking the doors on trains. I laughed out loud
                                                      2:10 60 different Genders Leftist LGBTTQQ Proposal ridiculed by AfD Politician in German Parliament AFD-Infos •                                                                                                      

The best thing on the internet. It's so sarcastic and an amazing speach
I didn't do anything last week but I watched my favorite movie over again. The movies title is "The Full Monty". Its about men who are out of jobs trying to make money by stripping. Its an old English movie and I recommend you watch it.

R.I.P. Avicii

Avicii, one of the most famous DJs ever has passed away on April 20th, 2018.

I still remember the first song I listened to from Avicii...
he was only 28 years old when he passed.

Rest in Peace to one of the most amazing DJ, remixer, and record producer.

Part time job

I have been working as a waitress at a restaurant near my house since June of last year.
Yesterday I was supposed to work till 7pm so I finished on time, but I started talking with my coworkers and I ended up leaving there at like 9pm lol I love my coworkers very much and I cannot wait to see them again next week!
This is one of the meals my closest coworker who works as a chef made me the other day haha

Boots and Cats

I do not know why but I suddenly remembered. My host father told his children and me that you can do beat box easily by keeping saying "Boots and Cats" when I was in Washington as an exchange student. My four young host brothers all had fun with this thing and I just looked at them since they were so cute.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Rugby Game!!!

Went toa Rugby game which was held at Gakushuuin Uni.with misaki~~!!
She invited me to go there and i had super fun time watching the game.
Our school ended up in the second place, but they were very cool and handsome💪💪
I hope I could go again soon!


The second post of this week

I went to tennis practice of “Let’s tennis club activity” today. It was very hot and I got suntanned.

I still can’t decide which club activity I would join.

Whether I should buy a computer

I've been thinking of buying a computer to play computer games. Because my laptop has weak GPU, I can't concentrate when playing them.
Yesterday, I went to a picnic of the brass band club in AGU. It was sooooooooooo hot, and I was very tired after the lecture. We did a lot of games such as "fruit basket", "gesture game" ... and so on. It was a nice opportunity to talk with seniors and I really liked the atmosphere of this club!

This club even goes to the Hakone Ekiden to cheer the track and field club!! It seems fun, but I'm really worried if I can keep up with the club and also studies......
Good afternoon!! It’s sooo hot today that I already had sun burn...😵
As well as last weekend, I went to lacrosse practice this weekend too.
I had a lot of chance to talk with the teammates! It was so much fun😊
What did you do for the weekend?

Mochi mochi

The trend of showing pets almost ended but I would like to share my dog. Actually I have an allergy to dogs and cats so my dog in my house means just a stuffed animal. He came from Korea. My friend sent me him as my birthday present! He is very cute. And most importantly, when you touch him, he makes you feel very relaxed since he is mochi mochi!!!!!


I went to a concert today at Hibiya Yagaiongakudou with my friend from highschool.
Since it was a nice day the concert (held outside) was wonderful and I enjoyed myself there. It’s my first time going to a concert that it isn’t ONEOKROCK, so I felt fresh to experience an different type of a live concert!!!

I think I’m spending too much to hang out somewhere, so I seriously think that I should strat saving my money😂😂

Do you have something you are crazy about??

Hope you have a nice weekend:)

OMG…it's so hot today…I was walking to a train station but it was too hot for me so I took a bus. I want to have some icecream to cool down!

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Good night

Lately, my stomach feels heavy and I have bad stiff shoulders, but I don’t know why.

I might be becoming like  an elderly person or something...

The wrong train took me to a baseball stadium

  It happened this morning. 
  I was on my way go for lunch from where I was taking a make-up driving lesson since I miserably failed the driving skill check test last week. I was supposed to change trains at the next stop, but I didn't. I was so absorbed in texting messages that I forgot to get off the train at the right station. The wrong one was bound for Metlife Dome (Seibu Dome) so I accidentally reached there. What was worse, I missed another train to go back so I was very late for the restaurant where my father was waiting at. He was nicely calm, maybe because he was outside.
  Well, the messages that made me excited were from the person who overcame challenges in a city and successfully went back to his hometown. I may encounter some difficulties in a big city Shibuya, but I'll try to be courageous like him.

The other day I went to a Mexican restaurant with Risa and Chiyako.

I love Mexican food so if you know any delicious Mexican restaurant, please let me know😋

P.S. I really want to go to taco bell sometime!!!!

Friday, April 20, 2018

It’s Fridaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!! I love Friday night💙
I had a delicious chocolate pudding to end my day.
Tomorrow I’m going to practice squash racket! It will be my third time practicing, and I’m loving that sport.
I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend😃😙

I lost my voice!

I woke up to find my voice so husky that I can hardly make myself heard today.
My throat has been achy since yesterday, but I can’t imagine that I’m having such a symptom in spring.
It seems a big disadvantage, however, look at the other side.
When I was at home this morning, no one including me heard me scream ” I have to hurry!” since I’m reluctant to speak up.
So my terrible voice has brought my family a peaceful time.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Hi! Since everyone's posting their pets' photos, I'll introduce my dog too.
His name is Puff and he's 4years old.
He never barks to my mother, sometimes barks to me and my brother, and always barks to my father😅