Come in and Blog On!

2023 Welcome to your IE 3 class blog. The object of this class project is to log in and write your comments, web links, answers to questions, and your questions to others at least twice a week. It's fun and you can include pictures or graphics. Keep it original, helpful, and interesting. Don't forget to spellcheck your work before publishing. Also, when you create your user name, please use your real first name, in Romaji (ex. Ryuki, Mari, Lisa, etc.) so that we know who we are communicating with. Enjoy, and Blog on!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Summer Holidays.

The first semester is over. I'm quite amazed at how fast the four months have gone by. It was such an intense couple of months trying to survive for me. I have always had these beliefs during the first semester, "Take it all in stride and deal with one thing at a time" and "It will all be worth it in the end". So I somehow managed to get through some hardships and things worked out well in the end.

Now summer holidays have just begun. And my motto is to make the best of it.
First, I might be starting to work as a part-timer since, from as far back as I can remember, I am running out of money, really! I had always had some money in my piggy bank but just lately my bills are disappearing as if they sptrouted wings and flew away. I'm seriously skint at the moment.
Also, I'm going to develop the relationships with my mates. I have realised like a couple of months ago, that I was feeling slightly diconnected from my mates. I appreciate all my mates for always being there for me even though sometimes I couldn't treat them as well as they treated me. My summer holidays are going to be pretty hectic (Since I'm going to England with one of my bestfriends Naoki from the IE3) yet still I'm just going to try to arrange the schedule so I can spare some time for my mates along with someone special.

Lastly, I appreciate you Dr Armstrong for offering me a lot of advice on so many different things. I hope to see you again sometime soon. Also, I hope you guys enjoy your summer holidays!

to anna

Thank you for asking me a question and i'm sorry for making a confusion.
I did group presentation on media and we researched what source of media do many people use and what did they use during the earth quake.
However, on the blog about trans thailand, I meant the media discussion which we used to do every week. For the topic of cross-culture, one of my group member used news paper article about trans gender and we discussed on it. It was very interesting to hear others' opinion and watching the film about trans gender in thailand made me think about the problem much deeper.
I apologize for my unclear writing.
I wish I was there to listen to your group presentation about cell pohone :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Four months

I cannot help being taken aback by how fast time has passed since the start of the IE 3 class, as everyone says in this blog. Everyone has his or her own plan to do during this summer.

About four months have passed since the earthquake of the largest scale ever that will never escape from our memory occurred. Left with almost nothing to do after all the examinations have come to an end, I watched some videos concerned with the earthquake on the You Tube, some of which were way more realistic than what we are informed of by the media, including some pictures of the dead and videotapes in which many people were caught trying to run away from the stunami with some other people being even washed away. Watching them, I said to myself, "What can I do?" Donation? Of course. That is one of what we can do. But what else? I can think of Setsuden, saving electricity, and working as volunteer. By the way, I was moved, when Ryo, my IE 3 classmate, said that he did not use the airconditioner in order to save electricity. This is exactly what we can most effectively do for the inflicted people and regions. I do not use the airconditioner, either, with the exception of when it is especially hot. And I try to put the changes into the donation box when I buy something.

Working as volunteer is what I do not recommend, though I have raised that as an example of what we can do. When I worked as volunteer in my city in Fukushima just after the earthquake, there were a bunch of girls who participated in the programme and looked as old as I did then. I applied to that programme alone, but they seemed to have done it together. They were always together and talking with each other in spite of the presence of the sufferers just in front of them. I was very ashamed of them. Such people will no way recognise that they are mentally hurting the sufferers. They were not supposed to be there to make friends. I was very irritated by them whilst I was working.

So far, what we can most effectively do is to save energy. Let us save energy. If I think of how many people have been killed and how many people have lost their own houses and how many of them are still missing, I find no problem at all not using the airconditioner, turning it always off.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

to Narumi

i read your post and wanted to know what kind of presentation you did!
my group did our presentation on media as well and talked about cell phones. but you mentioned something about trans gender. how does that relate to media? sounds interesting!


This semester was really short!
Thank you Mr. Armstrong for teaching us many things. I really enjoyed being in my IE class and I'll miss you guys and Mr.Armstrong (and the blog maybe lol)
We are gonna be in different classes next semester but we can still meet anytime;)
I'm so excited about where we're going next next week.
Fujikyu Highland HERE WE COME!!!

bye everyone and have a nice summer vacation!


Because I really really hate ghost stories (especially japanese ones) and also because Mr. Armstrong said it might be a little scary, I sat between Anna and Maya just in case lol
But it ended up not that scary even for me. It was probably because like Minako said, the lotus frog part made this film very cheap. I wonder if they really needed to put that part in...
Anyways, I was glad I didn't have to scream (:

trans thailand

I agree with Anna. The outside (how people look) doesn't really matter to understand people. I talked on this topic for media discussion with my group and Itsuki had a great opinion: Those people who have problems on gender are people who are really talented on other fields.
Hisae's opinion really made me think. I thought that those differences should be taken as one of the characteristics.


oh my gosh! i can't believe we finished our last IE class!!!!! time really flies!!
i am going to miss you guys!!! i really liked our IE3 class... :(
but hopefully, i will be seeing some of you during the summer!!!
have a great summer ;D

and thank you so much, Dr. Armstrong!! IE core was quite challenging, but i really enjoyed it! hope you have a great summer too!

Anna xoxo

Friday, July 8, 2011


The period on which this film is based must be between about 1935 to 1945. We can obviously infer that Chiyo's father was conscripted by the Japanese government. And, it was Obon. By the way, in my hometown in Fukushima Prefecture, Obon has never failed to be practised. During that period, we are told never to go out to such places as the sea, the mountain and the river. And, as was referred to in the film, it is believed that the dead come back to our world from the world of the dead. On the last day of Obon, we visit the graves to see off the dead.

Anyway, Chiyo was taken to another world by her father, which means that she is dead.


This film was a little scary X(! Though I don't hate horror movies, I'm not so good at wathcing them.
It shows obon season, which is Japanese traditional season in August, so I felt this story a little familiar. Chiyo left home to find her dead father and finally she found him, but the end of this story left us some questions. Why could she meet her father? What was a creature like frog which she meet while looking for her father. I think that the frog is kind of god in heaven and appear in front of her to pick her up to heaven. So maybe she died and could meet her father. The reason why she asked him if she can meet him every year when she met him is that she had not realized at that time what she had already dead. It is really sad story.

transgender in Thailand

Through watching this video, I thought Thailand is free country in that many transgenders live openly compared to any other countries. What I was surprised is the government of Thailand established new constitution, ensuring that Thainland would have transgender and gay rights for the first time in its history. It is quite unique constituion that few people come up with. But then, does it mean that transgenders hadn't had rights before this constituion was established? I doubted it. Transgenders should have rights since they are born just like us. So I suppose that the background of establishing this constitution shows that there are still kind of a prejudice against them even we don't realize it.

to yuri

i am soooo sad><
i can't believe that it is our last class of IE III x(
i am charging my camera right now!!!

gonna miss you guys!!

well, let's have fun today!!


I made the power point for tomorrow's presentation because
no one in my group got power point in his or her PC,
but I'm sooo bad at this...I hate using power point.
It's too complicated for me to use.


It was such a touching story.
I liked the scene when Chiyo tells her dad that she put some
candles in front of her house.
It was an amazing short film, except for the lotus god thingy.
The CG of lotus god made the film very cheap so I think I don't need
that. But it was funny that the voice actor was Ato Kai.

girls talk

Today after school, girls from my IE class held a girls talk! (sorry Minako for not inviting you since you went home so fast that we couldn't :( )
Well, it was a lot of fun that we were like laughing endlessly! haha
Oh, and tomorrow is going to be our last IE class and I'm so sad cause I really like you guys. I hope we could keep in touch like forever! lol ...just kiding. lol No, but seriously, we should gather again sometime in the future, or maybe during summer vacation.
Well, let's make our last class a super memorial one, and do our best on our presentation!
gd night!


This film was kind of scary to me since I really hate these kind of story, like Obake kinda thing. However, it was a bit sad though because Chiyo couldn't meat her dad (well at last they did). Well, as most of you guys thought, I wonder why her grandma didn't stop her going outside alone in the mid night.. Usually, I think adults wont let kids, especially young kids, go outside alone in the dark.. hmmm.

To Yuri

Thanks for the reply and all the information you provided!

P.S. Have fun in your last IE class tomorrow! ;)

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Chiyo wasn't that scary as I thought. I felt sorry for the her.
I hate videos about wars or people dying. They make me really sad and unhappy so much.

At the end, I didn't really understand what they wanted to tell.
I don't know why her dad was blind and where they were talking.
I hope she can go back to the real world where her mom is and see her dad again next summer.

Harajuku Cosplays

I never knew that those fancy wears origin was Harajuku, well, they do say that Harajuku sends the hot trends so maybe it does makes sense?

Anyway, from my perception, I personally do not think their clothes are not cosplay, it is a fashion, although it does seems like one of cosplay. Those fashion do not choose a particular character, it does have a motif. For instance, the “Gothic” is based on black, red color and dress with lase; its origin comes from England and motif of vampires (if I remember correctly that is.)

Tomorrow is last day of class, and I lack in sleep from last night’s hard work.

I hope the success for everyone’s presentation in my class, and nice summer vacation for Tuesday class’s ladies and gents. :)

P.S. to Mitsu

I’ve missed the chance to say, but thanks for the planning. I will be looking forward to the next opportunity. :)


To Ryo

Hi : ) Im from the other IE core class on Tuesdays.
Most of the groups in our class presented for about 20 minutes,some took even longer!
We prepared a PowerPoint Presentation, brought a laptop to class and showed it on the screen.
All four of us presented each part and we asked some questions to class in order to interact :)
sorry for being late!I hope this helps
Good luck tomorrow!

To people in my IE class

tomorrow is actually our last day of IE :(
everybody bring your cameras!
I had such a good semester!!
Thanks for everything!!
and as Narumi says i hope we can hang out in the summer :)!


Unlike Lisa, I couldn't really understand what the film wanted to tell us.
I did think that the film was funny and interesting, but couldn't get what was going on.
The city was full with logos. This may be representing our world today. Advertisements are everywhere, and they have a big influence on our society.
We shouldn't be taken controlled over those advertisements. We have to consider whether the information is worth to be trusted every time when we look at them.

to naoki

wow!! nice discovery!!!
I guess you have found someone who you can truly show "yourself" to!! :)
I am happy for you^^


I have no idea why but many of the students in my class were scared tof this short clip. Anyway, the movie was about a girl traceling all the palces she can go in order to find her father. She loosk for her father but she never does, until in the end. They go hold the hands together and in the end they go somewhere together. I think in my opinion, Chiyo is already dead. She was killed by her mother when Chiyo had asked her why her father does not come back. her mother probably got angry at Chiyo and killed her. After that, Chiyo was able to find her father's soul and was able to go to places with him. It was a happily ever after story or bad ending if you change the point of views.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


My internet hasn't been working very good and it just got fixed recently. I haven't posted in so long time.

We saw the video of Chiyo which were suppose to be scary. I, myself didn't know what abonn is so it tought me a lot of things. I thought the man came back to see her and he is dead. chiyo is still alive I think.

To people in the Tuesday's IE core class...

Please, may I ask about the presentation itself?
How much time do we have? How did your groups present? In what kind of flow was the presentation occurred in?
Anything about the presentation would be fine! I would deeply appreciate your cooperation! :)

IE group presentation

Yesterday was our last class of IE core & section with Dr. Armstrong.
And did the group presentation.
My group members were very cooporative that everybody did what they are supposed to do. Itsuki totaled everybody's result of the questionnaire; Miyu typed and printed out papers for the presentation; Yuri made the power point and took a great leadership on us :)
I guess it went ok ^^

I had soooo much fun this semister!!
I'm going to miss everyone!!!
I hope we can hang out during summer :D


Since I was busy for weeks, I couldn't post any blogs for long time.. I'm sorry...
I have many things that I have to post..... got to catch up!!

Before we watched the film, Dr. Armstrong said that it is a scary movie, so I was scared. well, it wasn't that scary, rather, it was a thoughtful story.
Even though I'm japanese, I don't know much of my cullture; the fact that grandmother told chiyo that a ghost will return to home by riding vegitable horses were new to me.
As others said, i expected the women at a graveyard to be a nopperabou, so i was like "huh?" at first; however, it was scarely to find out that her face was same? simiar? to chiyo's mother later.
As Yuki said, I couldn't catch what really happened to chiyo at the end... but considering what the frog said befor chiyo meeting her father, I guess she went to a death world.

to aiko

you are welcome^^

i had so much fun at the cafe, but did felt sad at the same time...
i can't believe only ONE more IE class is left..... ><

I will miss you and all the IE members!!!

Transsexual Thai land

It was a very interesting clip to watch, I had an image that these kind of matter will be strict and hard to understand by public, I didn`t know why Thai land is so tolerant to it: It gave me some light why they are. Probably the culture strongly relates to the response….

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


because Mr.Armstrong said that it's going to be a ghost film, all the girls got scared, especially rika! lol but the film turned out to be not so scary! yey
but the lady in the graveyard looked creepy! i seriously thought she was going to be a "nopperabou"! haha glad she wasn't :P
as many of you already mentioned, i thought it was really weird that Chiyo's grandmother wasn't worried about her going out in the night. and the part with the frog. what a spoiler!!! lol i really think that the frog wasn't necessary.
in the end, Chiyo meets her dad and takes her hand. many people were saying in class after watching the film that he took her into another world, death, but i don't think so. i don't know how it happened, but somehow, Chiyo actually did meet her father and she will be seeing him every year forever. maybe in her dream? i don't know. but i really think that Chiyo isn't dead.

last week of this semester

finally!! summer holidays are starting next week and i'm very excited!!! do you all have plans?
i am glad that summer holidays are soon starting, but this week has been a very tough and tiring week. lots of tests and reports to work on!!! AND, we only have two more ie classes left! i'm sad :'( i have some people who are taking the same ie seminar classes as me, but there are a few people who i won't be seeing at all next semester!!!!!!!!! i'm going to miss you guys!!!!!!! x(

The Exams

I think everyone has a lot of tests this week. So far, I think my grade is going to be terrible!lol I hope you guys are doing well:-)

I'm studying hard but french is so difficult... Since I lived in America when I was small, and my parents spoke Japanese at home, I actually have never tried to study a new language. I kind of just acquired it. I should have studied how to learn a new language when I was younger!!


I always get very scared when I watch stories about wars. I feel very sorry for all the children who lost their parents in during the war. I thought that Chiyo`s mother killed her because she had the knife in her hand in the kitchin.So, Chiyo was already dead when she went to the temple to find her dad. I am not quite sure though. Did anyone think this way??

Anyway, I had so much fun @ the cafe today :) Im gonna miss everyone SO much!!!!

Chiyo & Excelsior Caffe

hi, everyone! I'm sorry that I havn't posted for a long time...
"Chiyo" was quite sad story and kind of scary. especially the scenes of the dead people (or ghost?) made me frightened!! I don't it was all chiyo's dream, mika. I guess after she went out of her house, she entered the world for dead people (or ghost) somehow and got lost. Then the frog, the god of the lotus, led her where she should go, and it was where her father was. At the very last part, she walked to the other side of the bridge with him, so I think she entered into the land of the dead then, and died, too.

we went to the excelsior caffe during the IE writing class. it was fun going there, but some of IE members and I needed to study for the test in the next period (an introduction to communication). I was afraid how the test would be like because there were too much information on the powerpoint the teacher made, but how easy the test was!! it was like a quiz. I think I was lucky to have that lecture.

I'm afraid only two IE classes are left...I hope we are going to hang out even during the summer holiday^^

Japanese Homeless People

When we hear the word homeless, we normally think of bad things but I was very touched by the story of when the earthquake happened when the homeless people gave cardboard they usually sleep in to the people who were forced to sleep outside because of the earthquake. I thought this was very touching and changed my ways of thinking about homeless people. We all have times when we need help and I believe that not everyone is confident to neglect helping the homeless people we see on the streets. I could be a homeless tomorrow. Who knows? The video that we saw in class made me think a lot about it.

Monday, July 4, 2011


i was really impressed by this short movie.
as some of you have mentioned, i also thought that the woman who was crying had no face.
i was little scared.
however, i cannnot remember the last scene.. Was that all chiyo's dream?:(


Today, because it was our last IE writting class, we all went to excelsior cafe near fuchinobe station! JunN bought me a drink as a birthday present!!! Thanks Jun!!!!!! and Narumi, thanks to you too for giving me such a cute present!!!!! Im gonna use it right away!xxx I talked a lot with my classmates and had a great time:) but at the same time felt sad that we can't take classes together any more! my IE3 class was a group of very unique people and I always had a great time with them!lol I'm gonna miss you guys sooo much!xxx

excel cafe

I had lots of fun in the excel cafe with IE members.
but I wanted to sit all of us together.
I had a chocolate bagel. that was really yummy.
but I ate another chocorate bagel and chocolate rusk in the morning.
I love chocolate!


the video,Chiyo was very moving but I felt sad.
missing somebody whom you love is the saddest thing, i think.
but I thought Chiyo was really brave because she looked for her father by herself.
when she saw a woman who was crying in front of the grave, I was really really scared!
because I thought the woman did not have a face as Mr Armstrong says.
Even now I sometimes remember her face...


The movie Chiyo was quite sad, almost made me shed a tear. Over all story was so so good. Some who you know ghost stories might have enjoyed it better I think.

The monk that warned Chiyo to go home, he didn`t have ears right? If you know the story Miminashi Houiti, you might understand he is not kidding. The actual story of Miminashi Houiti is, this blind monk plays biwa every night, and someone comes to listen to it every night. The problem is,the people who is listening to the music is a ghost. Other monk has recognized it and wrote a protection spell on him, but forgot to write it on his ears. Ghost couldn`t find the monk, so the ghost ripped the monk`s ears, which was the only part that the ghost was able to see.

Anyways, from that story, the monk`s word was quite strong to me, and the end of the movie, Chiyo walked away with her father. I think she is taken to the world of dead. Lantern's fire represents fire of the life, she paid the price to see her father.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

OMG :((

Only 3 more classes of IE!! I might cry :(


I thought the video would be more scary because Mr.Armstrong said "some of you may cry",but it wasn't that scary....and Im glad it wasn't because I hate horror movies!!

It was a rather sad video than a scary one. I felt sorry for Chiyo


lol kent, "everyone else except me" yeah right, I know you were scared.

Anyways I don't like horror movies but I don't mind them as long as it's not grotesque and bloody. So I was actually hoping for it to be scary, but it wasn't at all. The frog just totally ruined the movie, it was too fake! Why would anyone think of adding that in a movie like that? lol
I'm sorry but I was hoping for something scary and horrifying :(

To Ryo.

Thanks mate :)


As soon as Dr Armstrong played the video everyone else except me was starting to feel the goosebumps that ran through their backs.  (Maybe it was a little bit too cold in the classroom, I guess...?....HA!)

Well, it was such a sad story. Chiyo keeps waiting for her dad to come back home from the war not knowing he is dead already. She goes out looking for him all the way to the bush and everywhere. Finally, in the end, she falls asleep out of fatigue and when she wakes up in front of her standing is her dad. She finds him blind (He presumably got shot in the eyes). Then they head back home together which may imply that Chiyo dies of fatigue from the search of him.

To Kent

You should go to sleep. Don't be like me. :P


I just can't sleep. x)


I totally agree with Tomoka. The woman at the graveyard was creepy, the grandmother was an idiot, and the frog was a mess... lol
I also thought the dead Samurai was........... interesting!
At the end, I thought Chiyo was spirited away by her dad, but Tomoka's perspective definitely sound more like a better ending.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Japanese cosplay in Harajuku

Watching this video, I wasn't surprised at their wearings, because I like Harajuku and have seen such people many times. Their fashions are certainly more humorous than ordinary people's ones and they may sometimes look kind of strange for others. In fact, my father once said, "Are they OK? ..Well, it's OK if they just work industriously." when he saw them in Harajuku. I think their fashions are not bad, because they are just one of the ways to express their characteristics. If they go to school or work hard just like us, it's no problem that they wear humorous clothing in the holidays.


Also, during the class, we watched the short film Chiyo yesterday. Dr. Armstrong told us that it will be a little scary, so I was frightened. Though, I think it was a sad story rather than an horror. Oh, but the weeping woman in the graveyard was creepy:-(

But I think was funny when the grandmother of Chiyo didn't run and get her back!lol She should have made more effort to make her stay at home, because if I was her, I would be more worried about my granddaughter suddenly going out in the night. It was possible for her to guess that Chiyo would go to the graveyard.

I forgot what the frog was... Was it the God of the Lotus? However, that scene was terrible! It totally ruined the film. They should have used better CG!lol

What do you guys think happened to Chiyo at the last scene? I think she didn't die. I think it wasn't in the real world, but in her dream. Her father said that they can meet next year, and the next next year, and forever. I thought that means, if Chiyo doesn't forget him, he would exist in her heart forever.


I'm writing a lot recently. Yeah :-)!

Yesterday, we did the survey(is it the right english?) in the cafeteria. It was a little bit hard for me to talk to people I don't know because I'm kind of shy. But many people cooperated with us very kindly so it was not troublesome than I thought it would be. While Anna, Azusa, and me were doing the survey, Mitsu was working hard on the computer. Thank you everyone!

It's fun to talk with the IE member, but I still can't get used to talking in English in daily conversation... Everyone's looks so cool to me!

Friday, July 1, 2011

It is so hot.

It has been so humid as well as so hot, hasn't it? But actually, I like this, because all this presents the season that it should be now, the summer. Were it cool now, we would feel very comfortable for a while. However, I think that we would feel uncomfortable little by little, if it were much cooler in this season and continued to be so.

Trans Thiland

i didn't know that thiland was a county with a lot of trans gender people. well, i haven't met anyone who's trans gendered themself in person, yet, but i think there is no problem with someone like that. i think this is because there are so many "onei" people on tv recently. for example, Haruna Ai or Matsuko-DX. lol they are people who were born as a boy/girl in the outside but happen to be the opposite on the inside. i think there's nothing wrong with that and it is shocking that some people are very rude and don't respect them. so i think it is a very good thing that thiland was the first countrie to give rights to the transgenders and gays. other countries should learn something from this.

Japanese anime/cosplay fashion

whenevr i go to harajuku, i see all these people dressed like anime characters or fairy tail dolls or something. i wouldn't wear it myself, but i am always admiring their courage to express themselves so fearlessly. if they did it in other countries, i don't think it would be the same. people would say some pretty awful things i think. it is a fashion that could only be done in Tokyo (specifically harajuku) and i think this is all posible because the japanese are so polite (or maybe ignorant) of things that are unusual.

Homeless in Tokyo

unlike the homelesses in other major cities, many of the homeless in Tokyo are very clean, neat and sometimes they might be happy with their situation. There are several homeless people near a park where I live, but they all don't seem miserable. it is hard to understand why they would "choose" to become a homeless. but it is true that some people do. i would personally want a home to live in, and yes, there are people who are homeless not because they wanted to be, but if they feel like they could have a free lifestyle and prefere it, i don't think we have the right to say they should go away. they are doing no harm to us. they are not drunk or drug addicts. they are just normal people like us and i think we should respect them.

homeless people

Since I was absent last week I can't write about the videos, but reading everyone's comments, I think I got the idea.
In Japan, maybe they become an homeless to run away from the society. Japan is a complete collectivistic culture. When we introduce ourselves,we start like"I'm ***, and I belong to ***". Sometimes we should have timeto think what and how we should be individually. i don't want to be an homeless.


It's going to be the last last weeks video, but I thought it was funny. Especially the McDonalld's character! After watching the video, I thought that there are not much differences between the real world and the logorama. It seems that the people are getting more and more symbolized through the computerized culture. Well, it was to difficult for me to understand all of it lol

I was lazy

That day I didn't feel like doing anything
i just wanted to lay in my bed
Didn't feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
Cus that day I sweared I'm not doing anything

Last week, I should have turned in the book report, but to tell the truth, I overslept and when I woke up, it was past 13:00. I'm am really embarassed to write this and I feel really sorry. I hope Mr.Armstrong accepts my apology...

Trans Thailand

About Thailand, I've heard that their society is more open to trans-gender people. There are restrooms just for them and I found this very interesting.

GothLolita fashion in Harajuku

I go to Harajuku every so often, but I sometimes see people in there outfits.
Now, I don't mean to be a stereotype, but I don't quite understand this kind of fashion. Of course I understand it as a genre in fashion.

Trans Thailand

I was very impressed by the story of changing transgender history.
It is sad thing that some people are still discriminatory against
gay people like the hotel in thailand.
I thought that it was very interesting that thailand is the first
country to have some legislation about transgender people.

Cosplay in Harajuku

Well, it is true that you can see many people wearing goth-lolita fashion
in Harajuku, and I think it's ok to wear those kind of clothes.
Maybe some people wear it to express their individuality and that is
a good thing. However I still don't like that kind of fashion.

Homeless in Tokyo

I think it's interesting how homeless people in Japan are diffrent
from those in other countries.
Homeless people in other countries are living as homless because they
don't have money or house, but homeless people in Tokyo become homeless
because they want to become free from society.
It was very interesting to know about their life.

Homeless in Japan

After watching the video and listening to Dr. Armstrong's ideas, I thought that it was quite logical.
There are zillions of people out there in the world and everyone has different ideas and thoughts about ways in life. The homeless people in Japan just got the idea of being homeless as another was in life. I also think that many people are being stereotypes about this kind of issue and they are just judging them from their appearances from what I think.

Japan Anime Culture & Trans Thailand

I think it's good to show our own personality through what kind of clothes we wear. But like Maya said, people who have gone a little too far might want to care more what other people think about their fashion.

In the trans Thailand video, I was impressed to see how that one person stood up alone to change history for gay and trans people. I have heard before that there are a lot of transgendered people in Thailand so I never knew those people had hard times living in the society. Now that Thailand has a gay, trans rights on their history I hope they are able to live more actively.