Come in and Blog On!

2023 Welcome to your IE 3 class blog. The object of this class project is to log in and write your comments, web links, answers to questions, and your questions to others at least twice a week. It's fun and you can include pictures or graphics. Keep it original, helpful, and interesting. Don't forget to spellcheck your work before publishing. Also, when you create your user name, please use your real first name, in Romaji (ex. Ryuki, Mari, Lisa, etc.) so that we know who we are communicating with. Enjoy, and Blog on!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird

     I chose To Kill a Mockingbird for my second book report. It is the story about a lawyer who tries to defense an innocent black man. While reading the novel, I couldn't help myself thinking what is right and what is wrong. Too strong sense of justice can be sword that hurts the others. Naturally, every man is not guilty. Racism never disappears completely...
Many thoughts go this way and that way in my mind, so it was a very hard task for me to put them together and make up as a report. I hope I did a good job. I'm not sure, though.x(
However, there was no enough time to read it completely. To be honest, I skipped some pages. So I'm thinking of reading it again during summer vacation. I guess I can get more information to realize the theme, or have new impression that'll broaden my horizon.


I had a French test last Thursday. It was too difficult for me, and I couldn't answer half of the questions. I hope I would pass.

Starbucks card

A week ago, my mom lost a Starbucks card that I gave to her for her birthday. She said she looked for it about an hour, but she couldn't find it, so I looked for it for her. Finally I found it. Where do you think it was? It was in my mom's bag!!


Do you know how cheap the food is in the cafeteria? It's amazing ! I only had 450yen including the money inside my school card and I was full!

Bob Dylan

I've started listening to Bob Dylan since most of my favorite singers listened to him. I guess it's not bad. It's pretty easy to get bored since it's mostly repeating the same melody. To learn music, i'll listen to it !!!!!!!!

My brain

I really don't know why I remember things on the last minute. It always happened to me since I was little. At least I remember!


I'm staying up late to finish my homework right now because I tend to leave it till the last moment.
It's not really a good routine but I always fail to improve it.

So, I'm trying to wake myself up and I had a can of coffee downstairs at my living room.
However, I realized that listening to music or playing the bass guitar keeps me awake better than caffeine.
I don't know why but I get excited when I listen or play music and it keeps me from getting sleepy.

I recently started practicing playing new songs so that I can improve my skills.
It's actually very fun to have a hobby that keeps you awake.
You only have to make sure not to spend too much time just for your hobby.

Monday, July 20, 2015

To Taiga: Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday, Taiga!

I'm lucky that I found out your birthday is today before the date changed.
I hope you had wonderful day today and many nice presents!Becoming older can be tough sometimes but I'm sure it is worth it. You'll have to take more responsibilities but you will be more independent as well. I hope this year - and all the coming years will give you wonderful opportunities to challenge yourself and gain valuable experiences.

Book Report

I read "The Catcher In The Rye" for my second book report.
The setting of this book was in New York which was exactly the same as my last book.
I like reading books from New York because I know the place well since I lived around there.
Also, the main character, Holden Caulfield, is about the same age as I am, so it's easy to understand the character's mind.
I hope I can right a report that's better than my last one.

Today was my birthday

...and how unfortunate it is for today to be a Monday. I wasn't able to meet any of you and I had only one class - written French exams.

Ah, well, so it goes. It's partially my fault for not telling anybody about what date is my birthday.

The rest of the day went pretty well, adding final touches to my book report on Voltaire's Candide and a glorious sunset.


Lately, I've been tripping on utopias from stuff that I've read. The one from the most recent, The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas, was like one of the greatest breaths of fresh air that I've ever inhaled when it comes to short stories. Omelas, by Ursula K. Le Guin (author of the Earthsea series, which was adapted by Studio Ghibli as ゲド戦記), is mainly a story about utilitarianism.

In the titular city, the folk live in compassion and peace throughout their lives, while a child remains locked in the bowels of some cellar there. This child, kept in suffering and given a meager amount of sustenance, is the very reason Omelas is prosperous and peaceful; if the child is taken out of his suffering and taken care for, Omelas is guaranteed to fall into ruin (mechanisms are not explained well, because this is probably a metaphorical story). The citizens are required to see and be taught about the child as a sort of rite of passage. Some rage, some cry, but eventually get over it and learn to appreciate the child. A few others walk away from the city, never to return - the ones who walk away from Omelas.

Would you stay in Omelas? I would, considering that leaving Omelas would do nothing but give me a sense of satisfaction. I believe that what counts is that everyone in Omelas is appreciative and acknowledging of the child's harsh existence as the preserver of their city. I still wonder whether the kid is conscious that his suffering is the equivalent of the happiness of a thousand people?

Candide's El Dorado is interesting too. Yet, I'm not sure that it has much glory without the rest of Candide's world in the background. What's more surprising about this heaven-on-earth is that the main character decides to leave it in order to chase down his maiden.

Although it might not be related, there's one more "utopia" that I've been conscious of recently, but it's not a heaven-on-earth in the sense of its meaning. It's, instead, a faction in one of the multiplayer games I play. Each faction has the ability to claim land for themselves on the server that I play on, but the virtual world gets reset every few months so that everyone can start anew.

One of the largest factions, Eutopia, was home to many players over several maps, from when the game was still in beta. It had some of the best facilities and most impressive homes on all of the server and I had the pleasure of being in the faction for a few months. That was about one or two years ago. Last time I checked, Eutopia had only one player to its name. Just like I only check in every once in a while, I suppose that real life caught up to everyone else. I still sometimes imagine how Eutopia sprawls through the land, now belonging to nothing in particular.

My favorite sweet

These days, I eat kuzumochi between meals. I don't like Japanese sweets on the whole, because I don't much care for bean jam. Bean jam is too sweet for me. However, kuzumochi is not so sweet, and its texture is very good.

Consecutive holidays

This week, I'll have five consecutive holidays from Thursday, so I don't have to prepare for the tests in a hurry. I'm looking forward to the holidays!!

Driver's license

 Tonight, my dad and I talked about me getting a driver's license this Summer since I have a lot of free time and it's only this year and next year that I have a lot of free time since last two years of univeristy is going to be career hunting and I know that I won't have much time after I graduate university. I have been driving on my dad's lap since I was a little girl since my dad works as a designer in Honda and is really good at driving that he got his driver's license in less than two weeks. Also, my personal driver that I had in Shanghai used to let me drive when I was 14 or 15 since you can get a license at the age of 16 in most countries except Japan. So I'm not so scared of driving. But my dad told me that I need to be responsible when I drive since I'm going to be responsible for people's life while driving. I hope that I'll be able to get a driver's license as quick as I can!! I'm also excited that if I get my license before I go to Hawaii in September, I'll be able to drive in Hawaii!!

Hair cut:)

 Hello people!! I am so happy right now and I am in such a good mood right now. And the reason is because I got a hair cut!! And it's looking so pretty!! And it's not the normal hair cut that I get. Because usually, I just cut like 2 or 3 centimeters of the ends. But this time, I had a huge change! I cut almost like 15 centimeters of the ends. Also, since I haven't cut this much since 2012 fall, I was so scared to go for it. But I am so happy that it ended up being so pretty. I know this doesn't really matter to other people than me, but it's just an update!:)

Sunday, July 19, 2015


I really feel sad when I hear about bullying. According to an article written by Rieko Saibara, who is a manga writer, One student in Iwate prefecture committed suicide because he was being bullied. It seems that he had been writing and telling about what was happening to his teachers, but the teachers did nothing to stop it. The one interesting thing is that he couldn't tell his parents about it. However, this seems to be a normal thing. One reason he couldn't share was because not going to school means falling out of society's net.
The fact is, you can continue living even if you don't go to school. School is not the answer to everything.
Having grown up without going to school, I feel that not going to school has many good points as well as challenges. Yet, here I am in University. I just hope that more people will be aware that one doesn't have to be ashamed of not going to school.


Something big happened yesterday 
Every 18th day of the month, is my pay day from the work
I didn't expect that much but once I checked it,it was just like "Whoa! This is almost double amount from previous month, lucky:D!"
Money is not everything.
But surely 
Money talks everything to make people happy in second!
Gotta go shopping😍

New hair

Hi everyone!

On Friday, I had my hair cut and dyed it to a dark brown. My head feels lighter and it is no pain to dry my hair anymore. It's getting hotter and more humid so I thought a new hair cut will help me to overcome summer better. I don't think that I look much different but I might look strange to you. 

Friday, July 17, 2015


I don't like the stormy weather these days.
It annoys me on my way to school because I can't ride my bike on rainy days.
I have to wake up early and walk to the nearest station.
I miss sunny days like the beginning of this week.
I also have to work on my reports and study for exams so my upcoming weekend won't be as enhancing as usual which is upsetting.
I hope something good will happen in return.

Looking forward to the weekend

I haven't been excited about the weekend in a while. Usually I sleep and do homework on weekends because I'm at school, work or dance practice on week days. However this weekend I will go back to my home town. I will see my dance club friends from high school and go to my high school's school festival. My high school dance club kouhais will perform! I look forward to that. I hope that they have grown in their dancing skills and I look forward to what kind of show they prepared. Also I will meet my family back home. It has been 3 months till I left my home town and begun my college life here in Tokyo. Although I've somewhat adapted I think can never become a city girl. I mean my home town is so boring with rice fields and old people and limited places to hang out and have fun however, the thing I miss the most are my friends and the memories I have there. So I am very excited and look forward to it.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Exam Hell

Tomorrow, I have three exams in one day.
It is awful that I have to prepare for three completely different courses.
Also, there aren't much time between classes.
The worst thing is that I'm going to have a party during third period class which is in between the classes that will have exams tomorrow.
I won't be able to enjoy the party since I'll have to think about the exam next period and it'll be quite stressful.
I wish I had four different brains so that I can concentrate on each subject.
Well, what I've learned from this is that I should've prepared for the exams earlier so that I didn't have to make my brain mashed up with test preparation.


A verse from Shakespeare's play, Macbeth, haunts my thoughts.
One professor said that its quite famous, but just wanted to share it because its so thrilling.
To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing. 
When I'm busy or tired or stressed I'll just read this to perk me up.
It makes me feel more appreciative towards life.

book report

Just a few more tests, reports, and presentations until Summer vacation!
I can't wait for the summer holidays.
I'm still working on my book report, and it's difficult because I have to juggle several different reports, while studying for tests.  Oh, how I long for a good long summer vacation!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Stay Motivated

Hello everyone!

In two weeks I have many exams and I'm not prepared at all. I still need to do book reports and presentations but I'm motivated. I know that there is good waiting for me after I finish all my duties. The day I finish my final exam of the spring semester, me and Madoka are going to celebrate the beginning of our summer holidays. Maybe we go out, have some dinner at a fancy restaurant or we go clubbing. Regardless of what it is, I'm very looking forward to it. 

Monday, July 13, 2015

two books a day

Today, I read two books in order to finish the report. It was very hard for me. I should have started earlier.
I want to go to sleep already today, but I have to prepare for the tests....

Neko Funjyatta

         These days my younger brother (age 6) possesses great passion for playing the piano. The first thing he does after waking up is to go straight downstairs and plop himself on the stool in front of the piano. He then starts warm up practices by hitting notes all across the keyboard. Once his fingers are thus exercised and he feels ready to start, he plays a medley of his two favourite songs. He sometimes deftly repeats the same phrase over and over again, trying to make it sound just right, (though others may think differently).
Of course, he has a limited repertoire. In fact, his repertoire consists of only two songs: Kaeru no uta and Neko funjyatta. Nevertheless, he practices with considerable consistency fit for a professional pianist. The only problem he has is that he absolutely refuses any hint of help. Unfortunately, little does he realize, that it is only when he listens that he really improves.

Apolo chocolate

I ate Mint Apolo Chocolates last week. It was very tasty, and I loved it very much. Mizuki said she loved it too. Since the first day I bought it, I've been buying it once in a two days. It's only sold during summer, so I will keep buying it.

Summer vacation

It's been hat days recently summer is coming and exams are coming. First time to take univ exams so I'm worried but feel it's easier because it's not really studying studying that examinee do. 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Dance circle performance

yeasterday was my first dance performance in my dance circle. This performance is the first assignment for the freshmen. We have to barrow a studio and set a date and time for the performance. Each of the teams , divided by genre, must choreography and perform a dance number. The guests or audience were our dance circles senpais. I am in the lock and wack genre. The other teams that performed was pop, house, hip hop, girls and breaking. Our senpais gave us feed back on our performances which is an honor. My team had very good feed back. Many of our senpais said we had the best performance. I think it is because we don't have many people in our genre and  we had midnight practices together a couple of times for this event. For that reason we all grew very close. Of course the other teams and genres had great performances as well however, according to the feed back our team looked like we were having  the most fun performing our performance. Our genre is lock and wack which is quite funky. There are many aspects of soul in the genre  as well. This is probably why we were able to dance with a smile and and enjoy performing. Over all it was a fun event and our senpais are crazy but when it comes to dance everyone is very focused and works hard to become better and better. That is the best part of my circle work hard play hard! Lol

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Awesome sister

Monday was my birthday. However I had had midnight practice the night before and slept through most of Sunday since I didn't have work. So I was in my room  still very sleepy, trying to do some homework. All of the sudden my sister came into my room and turns off the lights! I was thinking what? I'm doing homework here?! And the next thing I know she walks in the door way with a cake with candles singing happy birthday. I never heard her go out the door so I had no idea she had bought me a cake. It was a nice surprise. I'm glad to have such a sister. Thank you!

My tailbone hurts

Yesterday I slipped on the stairs at Omotesando Station. All the reason was the weather. When I realized I was already fell over on my back. It really really hurts....I even can't crouch down.


This short story was about the lives of logos. It began with a nice and peace day, when suddenly a thief came in and then the huge earthquake, and their peace life went into a huge mess. A lot of people were killed, but it ends peacefully again.

I thought this short story was trying to tell us that we are too into everything we have in this world nowadays, like the advertisement that is everywhere and the environments. We think it as if it will surely happen. But on the other hand, it means that those advertisements are very important to our lives, and we can't live without them. Through this movie, I learned that I am living with a lot of help.

Ice cream

On Saturday, I went to part time job in tennis school. There is a nice guy who works with me. When I told him that I was tired, he bought me a chocolate ice cream. Also after my job was done, he bought me another ice cream. It was a watermelon pop bar, and it was so yummy! 


Even though Ronald McDonald was a bad guy in this film, I still like him. There were many logos in this story, and I realized I've seen most of them before in America. I see some of them in Japan too. This film made me realize that many companies are supporting our lives.

My friend

One of my friend from America came to Japan so I met him a couple of days ago. He came as a exchange student about an year ago, so me and my friends from high school went to a internet cafe. We did darts, billiards, and karaoke. It was great meeting him and my friends from high school again. We all changed on the outside, but we will never change on the inside.


Logorama is a story about a world made out of logos.The marshmallow men are trying to catch a theif that is Ronald Mcdonald. A lot of action happens. Big boy and harybo are brats. Pringles are ordinary guys mith mustaches. Other logos were all over the place.

I loved the old fashion songs that they were playing. I don't know why but I really liked the evil Ronald Mcdonald. It suited him. The details were really good that in some parts, it was hard to discover that it was a logo.

4th of July

 For 4th of July last Saturday, I didn't do anything special, but I still got dressed up a little. I was wearing red tee that has an American flag on, navy lace skirt, blue bow on a hair, blue eyeshadow, and red lip. I was hanging out with my friend and I ate an Independence Day cupcake I n the cupcake store. After that, we were hanging out around Shibuya crossing. And there was a whole crowd of demo against "Anpo". We definitely guessed that they were doing it on purpose on 4th of July. But to be honest, I feel like why can't everyone be happy and celebrate 4th of July for now? I was a little afraid to pass that area because they might think that I'm Asian American.

Watching the "Logo Rama"

 "Logo Rama" is a film where all the things on a planet is based on logos of companies. It starts from a rural nice day with a nice music but suddently, the McDonald character causes problem and police starts chasing him. Soon after that, there comes earthquake and the magma starts flowing from the bottom. The whole city gets messed up, but ends with a nice music as if it's still a rural day.

 I think what this film is trying to tell us is that first of all, they're obviously trying to offend the McDonald character. And also, they're trying to tell us that the time goes on as if it was a rural day even something huge happens.

Test week

It's already July, and I need to prepare for the test.
The happiest thing for me is that IE classes doesn't have a test!
I need to do my best in remaining IE classes.

Dear Arisa

Aogaku IE3 Daily Blog

I read this article. The situation was perfectly same with me!

I went to the eye doctor lastweek, and was said that my left eye was getting worse.

We need to be careful not to use electronic devises in dark places.

Lets be careful not to make our eyes worser…

Monday, July 6, 2015

Re: weekend

You know, my sister also took the second phase of the Grade 1 exam as well yesterday. It was her second time. Why, I myself had to go through the interview for Grade 1 three times before I got my certificate. Let's hope you can quickly jump up the ranks to the point where you can succeed at the Grade 1 exam - it was difficult even for me, especially the interview, where two examiners challenge you on your speech-making skills and knowledge of current news.

I suppose one important way to study, just like you said, is to immerse yourself in an environment where speaking English is natural. I myself know it well because although speaking and writing English was second nature for me, attempting to fit in with the Japanese environment here was a struggle when I first arrived. Yet, my three years in Japanese high school, where I studied in mainly Japanese for the first time in a few years was helpful in getting me back up.
Today, I went to the eye doctor in order to buy contact lenses. My eyes were getting worse, so I had the degree of the contact lenses changed. Now, my vision is perfect!!


In this short film, logos are used in everywhere. I had never watched such a creative movie, so it was very interesting! The message of this movie is the greatness of logos, the ideas of the company. Logos support not only our daily lives but also the company itself. We are reliable to forget that huge numbers of logos are around us, but they are essential for our daily lives.


Hi it's Umeka
First of all, thanks to Madoka and Taiga for your response to my question!
It was really interesting to read your opinion about traveling alone. Thank you!

This Friday I have my first exam! I had so much time this weekend
but ended up doing almost nothing....I feel so bad now :( I hate how bad I am 
at scheduling. I still need to finish my book report and two other reports.
This week is going to be hard because I want to finish all three reports within this week before Friday. 


About Logorama

In the short film Logorama, the story is set in Los Angeles where the city is made up of famous
brands and logos. Two police officers try to catch a criminal who is presented by Ronald McDonald.There is a dangerous car chase and many violent scenes with gun shooting. At the same time, there is a big earthquake which destroys the whole city including all brands and logos. 

This video shows us that we are constantly surrounded by advertisement without really recognizing the huge amount they take up in our lives. Logos, brands and mascots everywhere we can look. 

I think the animation was very entertaining. Especially, the rampage scenes with Ronald McDonald. The music did also fit very well to the story. At the beginning "Good Morning Life" by Dean Martin created a good mood. At the end "I don't want to send the world on fire" by The Ink Spots highlights how the wold is in chaos after the destruction.


About Mirage

Sorry for the late post. I totally forgot about it!

The main character is a robot with a human-like face and it is in search of water.
The robots needs to collect water from plants in order to sustain his life.
On its search for water it the robot finds a tree and when it tries to open a fruit to get water,a gold fish comes out of it. The robot takes the gold fish and puts it into his glass chest because the goldfish would die without the water.

The message of this video is that we need to share things to sustain live and that we cannot live alone. I think this video had lots of irony. Firstly, the robot was collecting water to survive although it was the whole time under sea, inside water. Another thing is that robots and water don't really go well together. Water will cause damage to the robot.


Yesterday, I took Eiken second, oral exam. Last year I failed the test but this time I felt fairly easy. This is probably because I'm with ie3 mates and take English classes and study english unintentionally. This sort of ways is the best way to study languages I guess.  I worked afterwords and went drinking. It's been a while I enjoyed weekend. But I regret I didn't study.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Logorama (logos, logos, everywhere)

I think that the catch line on the poster says it all: "Spectacular car chases, an intense hostage crisis, wild animals rampaging through the city, and even more..." Logorama sends the audience on a crude, action-packed adventure through "Logos Angeles", where the people and buildings are all corporate icons/logos.

The movie is clearly a satire, in my opinion. What first gave it away for me was the story. It was pure, disposable action without much of a clear plotline, along with crude language and hit-after-hit of violence. Let's not forget the logos. What logos are supposed to do is probably the first important way to understand. First of all, who doesn't find logos good to look at? They're all supposed to catch our eye in a pleasant way and be catchy as well - see how many logos you can recognize in the film, if you want to see evidence! And there's clearly no better place to use logos than in films, where celebrities would use products that you obviously will need. Logorama's plethoran use of corpo

The Great Gatsby

I am currently reading The Great Gatsby and, finally, the Great Gatsby has come out! Well, from the beginning, I've been drawn into the story by the vivacious and lively descriptions of the scenery. F. Scott Fitsgerald delicately depicts how people act, and shows how people say what they don't mean. In the previous book I read, The Call of the Wild, relationships weren't that complex. The characters mainly acted according to their own will. In The Great Gatsby, the characters carry complex motives and aren't so straightforward. I enjoy the difference.


Yesterday, I went to Nakano to browse some costumes of characters from the Vocaloids.
One of my favorite Vocaloids is Hatsune Miku and I bought a costume of her song "magnet".
The reason I had to buy it is because I'm looking forward to joining a cosplay event of Hatsune Miku which will be hosted in August.
I'm so excited because I haven't joined those kind of events for more than a year.
It used to be my hobby but I couldn't do it since I had to study for entrance examination.
Also, I didn't have much money left so I couldn't get any new costumes.
Now that I have time and money, I'm looking forward to starting my hobbies again.


    The video Logorama was very interesting. The logos were embedded in every landscape possible. I recognized some like Domino's pizza, malboro, IKEA, Epson, nintendo, Canada Natural, and Walt Disney. It was fun to find them in unexpected ways, and I was surprised at how much I knew.
   This short film made me realize how many logos there were, and how they affected my daily life and the world. I bought their products and used them. They use our money to make more money. They dominate the world's economy.
    In the film, the mascot of McDonald, Ronald McDonald was depicted as a terrorist. As Dr. Armstrong said, the usage of a big company in a negative way has caused protests by the company. The court turned down the company's attempt to prohibit the film, stating that the use of the mascot was a part of freedom of speech. However, I sort of understand why McDonald would want the film to be prohibited.  After watching the film, I didn't feel like eating at McDonalds.

Friday, July 3, 2015


Logorama is a short film created by all sorts of logos.
I could enjoy watching it since the characters of the logos were very comical.
Apparently the characteristics matched the logos almost perfect.
I also found some familiar logos that I used to see in the states.
I could tell that the world is full of ideas since it is possible to create a world only with logos like this film.
Logos cannot be created without brilliant ideas.
I could also tell that the logos fight each other to be the best seller or an advertisement.
We can find countless unique logos that catch our eyes.
I wish I could find more unique logos in the future.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Logorama is a animation film which won an accadamy award in 2010. It is about a city made completely out of logos and the people in it are logo characters as well. The city is most likely LA. The story starts off with a conversation between two cops which are the logo character michline men. There is a transmission saying there is a suspicious suspect with red hair and white and red striped socks. At that moment one of the cops spots Ronald Mc Donald who fits the description exactly. A large scale chase occurs. Things get broken, people get squashed and big boy is taken hostage! In the middle of this conflict a gigantic earthquake happens. It destroys the city and causes a large wave that envelopes the whole city. At first I wasn't sure what the earthquake represented however, after thinking about it for a while I think that it represents a new era or a large movement; change in society. The logo city and citizens represent the different logos and brands that influence our daily lifes. Though we may not recognize them they are everywhere and have a large effect on the world around us. I think that is the main message the creators wanted to portray. The influence and strength of logos and labels.


First I appreciate it that our professor introduces us interesting films and have me have a habit to see any kind of films!!  
This film was a little difficult for me because I'm not familiar with the slung. But I could feel that the creator wants to show us every stores have bad aspects, bias like we have towards people.


A robotical man is looking for water which is the heart for him in a world water remains little. He finds the core machine producing water and breaks it to get. However inside of it fish lives so he decided to live with it. He may die because fish consume water.

This story tells us that we waste tons of water and we are going to be hot water. 


The story was very interesting. I saw it twice after I went back home!! 
I first thought that the directors were so smart. I've watched many movies till now but, I never seen such a unique film like this.
I think the directors wanted to tell us about our rights. They showed us the right and profit of using logos with no permission. I think this had an influence on many companies.


This morning, I received my new American passport!!!! I felt happy that it won't expire until 2025.
The design was cool and I really really liked it.


The main character in this short animation is a robot which is looking and collecting for water.
The little grotesque looking robot splashed its water when falling, and starts
again to search for water.
After finding an apple like watery fruits, he sheepishly takes it for water and a goldfish in it dies.
Even though the fish looked like it died once, the robot puts it in his stomach and it
becomes alive again.
I thought any kind of species should cooperate to live, after looking at this film


This story takes place in Los Angeles, lots of famous logos are included.
Ronald McDonald was chased by cops, which were the Michline men.
There were also the Esso girl and the Big Boy as the important character in this short film.
My favorite one was the one when the Esso girl droped something when the Pringles man touched her and the spoiled drink changed into the logo of Nickelodeon.

Even though we are not watching at the logos so carefully in our daily life, we unexpectedly remember lots of logos, and that's what the logos are meant to be.
They have been made to attract customers unconsciously.