Come in and Blog On!

2023 Welcome to your IE 3 class blog. The object of this class project is to log in and write your comments, web links, answers to questions, and your questions to others at least twice a week. It's fun and you can include pictures or graphics. Keep it original, helpful, and interesting. Don't forget to spellcheck your work before publishing. Also, when you create your user name, please use your real first name, in Romaji (ex. Ryuki, Mari, Lisa, etc.) so that we know who we are communicating with. Enjoy, and Blog on!

Tuesday, April 30, 2019


  In the story there was a boy who loved to imagine. One day he found a fish at the shore and imagined it to be a mermaid. He took the imaginary mermaid to his home and showed it to his parents. However, free imagination was prohibited in his country,so not only his parents but the whole country denied the boy's imagination. He was forced to erase the imaginary mermaid from his brain. Nevertheless, the boy was able to maintain his imagination through reading books. The story ended with the boy disappearing into the endless ocean with his imaginary mermaid.

  I think what Tezuka Osamu wanted to convey through this animation is the importance of literature. No matter how strict the society prohibits a person from imagining, literature can give numerous tips of getting free imagination. The role that literature plays in people's life can be extremely big.
  I have heard of a woman who survived the Holocaust because of drama. Life at the concentration camp gave her no freedom physically and mentally. She could have lost the will to live at any moment. However, she thought of saying the lines from the dramas that she remembered aloud. The woman and the people around her started to enjoy the time of acting out the dramas which offered them the vitality.  

  I think the sea that is stretching endlessly to the horizon is symbolizing people's bottomless brain. Even though the adults tried to control the boy's way of thinking, they failed in doing so. The boy was able to find a way to freely imagine within himself. Nobody can dye the blue sea completely red. In the end, the only person who can control your brain is you.

Start of Golden week

On Monday, I went to a concert with my friends! It was a lot of fun. It was the bands first concert as well so it was great seeing them in live for the first time. The band’s name is Ace Collection. It’s not a band really famous, but I was surprised to see flowers from Aimyon (あいみょん) there! I believe not but is there anyone who’s knows the band Ace Collection? They’re really good!
After this, we stayed up all night at a Karaoke so now I’m really tired today. 


The story starts with the boy seeing a fish as a mermaid. He plays with her and brings her home, but everyone says that it’s just a fish. He was brought to prison and tortured. He was able to get away so he ran to the to his mermaid, but he only saw a normal fish. He went to the sea with it and was able to see the mermaid again. They went into the sea playing together with the police watching.
I think that this story gives out a message against the freedom of thought. The boy was tortured for claiming something that everyone else said wrong. In Japan people who had different ideas or thoughts were punished and the director of this lived in this period. Thus, I thought that the director of this short film wanted to let many people know about this problem and to let people understand that how people think is free.
I think at the ending the boy was no longer accepted in the society that he originally was in so he decided to go to somewhere else. Where his ideas were accepted.He went in to the sea heading further and further. When he decided to go the fish turned back into the mermaid. Also, as he went further away from the land they played together happily.


     A boy who likes to imagine things was sitting on the beach alone. He found a fish jumping on the beach、 so he decided to put the fish in the pond. When he was watching the pond、 a mermaid appeared. Then、 the boy went to his house with the mermaid and showed the mermaid to his parents. However、 from his parents sight、 the mermaid was only seen as a fish. Since the country prohibited free imagination、 the police brainwashed the boy that the mermaid is a fish. Then、 the boy ran away from the police and went back to his house and realized that the mermaid was a fish. He returned the fish to the pond and sat alone on the beach again. The police caught up with the boy、 so he walked to the sea with the fish. The、 the fish and the boy both became a mermaid and swam together to the horizon.
     I thought the creator was trying to show the Japanese society's problem. Japanese society consider group behavior important. That is a good point、 but also a bad point of Japan.  Group behavior makes individuallity's personallity disappear. The video tried to tell that we need to respect each person's characteristic.
     I thought the boy and the mermaid is going to go to the place where it accepts them. The country where they were wasn't a place that accepts them、 so they decided to ran away to the place that fits them.


  The animation was about a boy who likes imagination. In his eyes, even a little fish can turn into a mermaid, and that mermaid becomes his friend (maybe girlfriend). He likes the mermaid so much that he tries to take the her home, but when he introduces her to his parents, they get terrified. In this world, to imagine is a sin. The boy gets caught by the police, and people try to make the boy admit that what he saw was just a little fish. Under the interrogation done over and over and over again, his image of the mermaid starts to vanish. He was scared, and runs away to see the mermaid again, but what he saw there was, like he was told by everyone, a little fish. He was sad, and he brings the fish back to the ocean, and after seeing police officers coming after him, he gets into the ocean with the fish, and the mermaid appears again.

  This animation is a metaphor of the society that does not allow extraordinary thoughts. People think in different ways, and that makes it natural that people see different things. However, people are afraid of differences. When I saw the animation, I recalled the story of Galileo Galilei. Today, people all believe the heliocentric theory, but when Galileo tried to prove this theory, people could not accept it. Galileo was put on a inquisition, adjudged guilty, and was forced to admit that he was wrong. This is just like what happened in the story. People believe in things, and try hard to make sure that they are right. It may be that those criticising are blind and actually not seeing the truth, but one person can barely win a group of people. A world without freedom and personality is just plain and gloomy, and Tedsuka probably wanted to express the danger of uniformity and the importance of imagination and personality.

  I think it was not a happy ending. I think that the boy did not come out of the ocean again, meaning he died. He chose to live in his imagination rather than to live in the world without the freedom to imagine. People who were looking at the ocean probably could not see the boy and the mermaid happily swimming around. What they saw was a poor insane boy running into the water and never coming out again. They are probably only regretting that they could not save the boy from imagination.

mermaid (assignment)

The whole thing happened when a boy who likes to imagine started to saying that he saw a mermaid but it is actually a fish. The boy kept saying that he saw a mermaid so he got arrested and had many torture to fix his mind but he did not stop believing. He maneged to escape but he found out that what he was saying mermaid was actually a fish and at that moment, police men surrounded him to capture him. Then suddenly the fish turned into mermaid and boy himself also turned into mermaid and they went swimming into the sea.

Director of this animation, Tezuka Osamu has experienced war and I think that this is an irony to government at that time: the time when it was wrong to think differently and citizens thought was limited.

I think the last scene when the two mermaid swims away, was the sight of someone and the others saw the boy laying down with a fish. The one who saw the two mermaid will say that he saw it and the story will be repeated.

Today 4/30

I had nothing to do today, so I worked on English Central, started to read my book for the book report, and went outside to buy groceries.
After that, I had played this game called "BanG Dream!" for a few hours and noticed that I had forgotten about writing the blog for this class. 
I need to find a way for me to remember to write the blog every week. 

Anyways, tomorrow I'm going to the movie theatre to watch the new Avengers movie, so I bought the ticket on the internet today. I was persuaded to watch the film because I heard that characters from the Black Panther were going to be in the movie, but I don't know if I can stay awake because it's such a long movie.



     This video was about a boy who loves to imagine. One day, a boy finds a fish that had been left on the sand when the tie was ebbing. He carefully scooped the fish and let her swim in a small puddle. Suddenly, the fish turned into a beautiful mermaid and they enjoyed their time together. The boy brought the mermaid to his house using aquarium, however no matter how much he explained, his parents could not see a mermaid that the boy brought. In his country, imagining freely was not allowed. As a result, the boy was forced not to imagine about the mermaid using numerous experiments. He was followed by the army and police all the time, however towards the end boy felt the limit of the environment he was in. Therefore, he rushed to his house to see the mermaid only to  find himself no longer capable of seeing the beautiful mermaid. He could not accept the reality at first, but gradually as he spend his time at a beach where he first met the fish, he got back his ability to imagine freely.


     Imagination is something that can easily controlled by environment that one is surrounded by. In this short film, the boy could not imagine freely due to the environment he was surrounded by. Being forced to believe in something that you do not agree with is very hard to accept at first, but at the same time very effective that you sometimes completely forget what you were believing in before. In my opinion, through "Mermaid", Tezuka was trying to tell how important it is to imagine freely about what one believes in. For a boy, it was a mermaid, but it can be anything from ghosts to destiny. What is most important is that the environment surrounding that one person should not force he or she to be "normal", because "normal" is something that differs depending one each person. Being forced to become "normal" would deny ones character. This should no longer happen, and everyone should be able to imagine freely is the main message I got through this film.

    This film had a happy ending. The boy was able to overcome the obstacles that he was forced to given, and he became capable of imagining. He chose his own way with mermaid he loves. Ocean is the majority of the earth. Someday somewhere beyond national border he will be able to get to a place where he and his imagination be accepted by people around him.



    The animated film is about how a boy filled with imagination meets a mermaid, lived in a world that was forbidden to imagine. After swimming in the ocean and spending sometime together the boy decided to show the mermaid to his parents. However, his parents were only able to see a fish. The boy was then taken by the government and was brainwashed to not make him imagine again. After the government succeeding, when the boy went to go see the mermaid, instead only saw a fish. In the end when the boy releases the fish into the ocean, it turned into the mermaid that he was able to see in the beginning of the film.

    This film was made in the 1960's and I believe that still at this time, no form of diversity was allowed here in Japan. Having living in Japan, I noticed how rules are strictly meant to be followed and if you do not you can not fit in with the society. In the year now, rules and regulations are starting to bend little by little and the generations now are fine with that. However, if Japan is still a harsh environment to live in, I think that it was normal for a person to be treated as it was for the boy in the 1960's.
    I believe the direct message that Osamu Tezuka was trying to tell us was simply, to not let anyone judge you for who you are and to tell you what you are. In the world we live in now, it has become a habit for a person to determine what a person is like just by looking at them. No matter what a person believes in, if no one else supports a person with that idea then they are made fun of and would not be taken seriously. In 2019 people are still trying to figure out what diversity means when Osamu Tezuka has realized how absurd it was more than fifty years ago. This meaning, I believe that this film is still relatable and should be meant for everyone to watch.

    I believe that in the end, when the boy was sent into the ocean by people with the wish represented how a person being pushed into a corner because of having a different idea than others. However, when the boy looked at the fish, it turned into the mermaid which he was able to see in the beginning of the film. I believe that this shows us how no matter what another person says or does to you, to just believe in yourself because someday, someone will realize how you were right this whole time.


Today I went to a café to do my assignments because I cannot concentrate at home. I’ve never done such a thing like this before. I finally feel like a university student.


          This is a story about a boy who found a fish jumping on the land.  The boy saved the fish by putting it back into the water.  However, suddenly the fish turned into a mermaid.  The boy was very excited and took the mermaid to his house to show her to his parents.  Unfortunately, the only thing they saw was a fish.  The boy was taken to a place to check if he was alright, but nothing good was waiting.

           I believe this story was made to tell people how strict the country was, of having creativity and imagination. The boy used his imagination, which turned the fish into a mermaid, but nobody excepted it. Everyone treated him as if he were crazy. The officers took the boy in a room and kept asking him what he saw. The boy kept on saying that he saw a mermaid, but every time he answered so the officers punished him. They were trying to make the boy forget about what he saw. From this I can see that the country is using its power, in order to stop people from dreaming. Making them only face reality. At the end the boy had no choice, but to give all his creativity away.

what happens in the end
            In the end of the story the mermaid appeared again and when the boy saw her he looked very happy. Although since many people were putting pressure on him there was nothing he could do. The mermaid swam far away until the boy could not see her anymore. I believe this last scene has two meanings. One is, due to the non-freedom country people had to give up all their dreaming. Another is, because the boy was able to see the mermaid in the end there is still a possibility to meet her once again, which shows hope.

The last day of Heisei

Today is the last day of Heisei. I didn't do anything special. (笑) New era begins! Yay! Nothing actually changes... (笑)
Are you guys all excited???


1. Summary

This video begins with a boy meeting a beautiful mermaid. As they play and swim together, they become good friends and the boy decides to show the mermaid to his parents. When he arrives his home, he puts her into a big fish tank and calls his parents to see her. However, what his parents saw was a little fish, not the mermaid. The boy tries really hard to tell them that it is mermaid, but his parents never believes him. Everyone thought that he was having a weird imagination, so he was taken to the police. After that, many kinds of experiments were done to him to change his thinking, but the boy couldn't easily forget about the mermaid. He escapes from the prison and goes back to his home and see the tank. What he saw in the tank was no more the mermaid, but it was only the little fish. Then, the boy walks into the sea to release the fish, while many police watching from the behind. At the end, the fish and the boy turns into the mermaid and they swim together into the deep sea. 

2. Messeage

I think Osamu tried to change the idea of not being allowed to think or imagine in an original way. The boy gets discriminated only when he insisted that the fish is the mermaid. All of the people around him, even including his parents became the boy's enemies. Many kinds of people live in one society, therefore, there should be no correct or wrong. Everyone should understand each other's different thoughts and ideas, and respect them. There is no need for every single people in the society to have an exactly the same ideas and follow the same way. 

3. Ending

At the very end of this video, the boy and the mermaid swim together and go to the sea. After this, I think all the police and his parents will recongnize that the fish was actually the mermaid and they feel very sorry for him because they have been discriminated him for a lont time. This happening becomes a great news and people in the society starts to  rethink about the concept of everyone having the same ideas. The law of which to execute the one who has different thoughts would be eliminated. The society  changes into  a place where people respect each other, and everyone puts great effort to live cooperatively. Happy ending!


I went to Shinjuku to go watch the Avengers today with my friends from high school. It was the type of movie that I needed in my life right now. I don't want to spoil anything on here in case anyone is planning to go watch it. So if anyone has seen it, let me know :)

Rainbow Parade


On Sunday, I went to the library and borrowed a book for my reading class with my friend. After we got our books, we walked to the Takeshita street. Since it was Sunday, there were so many people everywhere and it took us a lot to path through the street. We got kebab for lunch and it was so delicious😆 We then went to the Yoyogi park and the Meiji Jingu. It was my first time visiting Meiji Jingu and I enjoyed it a lot.
On the main street of Omotesando, there was a parade of the Tokyo Rainbow Pride. It was a parade for raising awareness and supports for the LGBT. There were many people with rainbow colored items, and they all looked very happy and joyful. The shops in the streets had rainbow colored logos and shopping bags, and I was happy to see that many people were having more positive thoughts about the LGBT. I hope more people will know them and hope that there will be more equality to all of the citizens.

Monday, April 29, 2019


1. Summary
This animation is about a boy whose life changed by saving a small fish, which then turned into a mermaid. He played music and went swimming with her, and decided to bring her to his house. After putting her into a big fish tank, he introduced her to his parents, but what they saw was the fish, not the mermaid. People thought he was having a weird imagination, so he was sent to the police. Many experiments were done to the boy, but nothing could make him forget about the mermaid he met. He escaped from the prison and ran back to his house, but what he saw in the fish tank was the fish he saved in the beginning. The boy brought the fish back to the beach and let it go. Finally, the police found him, but did not capture him since he started going into the water.

2. Ending
In the end of the animation, the boy releases the fish into the ocean and he also goes into the ocean. The fish turned into the mermaid and started swimming again, but the boy did not appear on the screen. Not being accepted by the society made him suffer and commit suicide after releasing the fish. The mermaid made his life enjoyable, so even if the police did many experiments on him, he was not able to forget her for a very long time. She was a very important person to him, and being forced to forget her made him to think that death is better than forgetting her. Therefore, he chose to commit suicide in order to escape from the society and to live together with her.

3. Message
Osamu Tezuka wanted to change the typical Japanese idea of 'everyone needs to be same' through this animation. The boy saw the fish as a mermaid, but everyone else saw her as a fish. Since he was the only one who had a different opinion, all of the people, including his parents became his enemy. Just by having a distinct thought made him the target of discrimination and lead him to feel isolated. The creator wanted the society to know that being unique is not a bad thing, and that we all should accept and understand different opinions. There is no need for all people to have the same thought and follow the same path.

Day 3

Today was the third day of goldenweek and i did nothing but reading comic book. I wish i used time more efficienctly.

My Analysis on 人魚 by Osamu Tezuka


The video starts off with a boy meeting a beautiful mermaid. The two develop a bond as they spend happy times together. However, the atmosphere changes when the boy shows his parents his companion, only to find that the mermaid is a fish in their eyes. The boy gets imprisoned and brainwashed to believe that the mermaid is a fish. As stern-faced officers watch behind him, the boy releases the mermaidnow only a fish in his eyes toointo the sea. Just before the fish disappears into the waves, he catches glimpses of the mermaid that he once loved.

Ending Analysis:

Loss, confusion, and sadness can be felt from the last few moments of this animation. In the last part, the boy releases the small fish that used to be the mermaid he shared happy times with. The boy doesn’t seem to be crying, or in extreme pain. However, it can be said that he looks empty inside, like he had lost something he cannot replace but also does not exactly know what it is. The boy catches sights, of just a second or two, of the mermaid in the ocean waves. I think this shows that the boy still has memories of the mermaid deep within him, but the memories vanish as soon as he thinks he has successfully recalled them.

Theme Analysis:

Watching the video, I recalled a television program I saw a while ago. At one point in the discussion the cast were having in the TV studio, one person mentioned how children tend to get their colors all wrong in coloring books. For instance, they would color in people’s faces blue, or eyes red. However, the mana professional in a field related to childcare, if my memory is correctemphasized that parents should not scold their children for doing so. He explained to the cast, listening carefully, that telling young ones what color they should use to color certain spaces will lower their ability to think creatively and express freely. I strongly agreed to his points, and considered the possibility of the parents being the ones taking away from children’s ability to imagine and create. I felt that this resembles the boy in the video, who was forced to replace his memory of the mermaid with a fish. Moreover, when I saw the text, “Free imagination was not allowed in the country” on the screen, I thought about Japan. Japanese people tend to believe that to be well-mannered, one must stay modest and quiet. In this kind of environment, metaphorically speaking, we’re expected to use colors that the majority of people believe is suitable. In other words, we are expected to agree with and support what most people think. Resistance could lead to that person getting excluded from a group or bullied. Fortunately, I am surrounded by people who allow me to have my own opinions. However, we cannot forget about the people who feel uncomfortable in the tight world of expectations and unwritten rules. This video is interesting and thought-provoking, because it can have many different themes and messages, depending on what people perceive it to be.


Qinyu Fu
April 23.2019
In this hypothetical world, where a boy is playing aside the ocean with a fish and the fish turn into a mermaid .They had a lot of fun playing together under the sea.But when the boy ask the mermaid to come home with him the mermaid shakes her head at first but go home with the boy eventually.
The boy tells his parents about the mermaid and show it to them but in his parents eyes it is just a fish in the tank.His parents worried about him so they call the police. The police shows the picture of many kinds of fish and electric shocks the boy as a mental therapy; Showing picture of mermaid while tickling him to raise a habit associate see the mermaid equal to tickling.But it all fail.
finally by telling the boy to read a lot books he can not think of the image of a mermaid.he lost the ability of seeing mermaid. He took the fish back to the sea while a lot of red clothe police looking at him standing on the seacoast edges.he walks toward the ocean and the fish turn into a mermaid again.He and she began to smile and play around where the red cloth police seeing this and turning into a white-black people just like the boy does part by part.and then there’s two mermaid jumping out the horizon by the end.
What they are trying to tell us?
don’t forget the ability of dreaming just because you are not supposed to. Always be creative and believe in what you’ve believed.there will be many of the obstacle on your way for you to say your opinions which might against the resident knowledge that we’ve believed and come all the way through. But  the world is changing always updating with new  knowledge we never heard before. So be brave and trust yourself.The world will change because of you.
  I think the ending of this anime is going to be the polices saw the mermaid too so they tell the other people in this country and they fight against the authority to change the law of “no day dream is allowed”.And since then there are more and more peoples who can see the mermaid and the life in this anime also in this country is becoming more and more colorful and they lead a happy life afterward.  
By the end the red cloth police is turning into white and black people just like the boy does.And another reason is before the boy was arrested by the police when a scene showing a sentence which said”this world were not allowed to daydreamed as you pleased.”It use the past tense so in my opinion  if  it’s possible that this country now is free to daydream now but it used to be banned.So that there is a video or documentary telling this story to the people whom lives in this country and to tell them to be creative and to raise never-give up spirits.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

met with my old friends

Yesterday、 I met with my old friends. They were my Japanese friends who were in America with me. They didn't change as I thought they would be.

Friday, April 26, 2019

What is everyone's part time job?

I am looking for a part time job now, and wondering if there is anything interesting.
One thing I heard from my friend is called ”お迎えシスター”. As the name suggest, you first go pick up children to their school. Then, on the way back home, you talk to them in English. After you get home, you do a English lesson for an hour or two.
There are many people doing tutors, but I though this one is pretty unique. Also, the rate is pretty good.
Is everyone doing part time job? Any interesting part time job you know about?

I don’t like to eat

One of the things I don’t like to do is to eat. The reason is because it is bothersome. Since I don't eat so much, I am thinner than average weight.

too hot

why is it so hot in the train!!!!!!
I'm sweating like crazy and I really can't stand it anymore!!
Why's the air conditioning so weak, please do your job better.
I don't even want to think about how it would be like in the summer.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Great Book Report News!

I have some great news for you guys. I’m sorry I didn’t have it on Tuesday (but better later than never, right?) and maybe it will help some of you. There is a GREAT website for downloading FREE books that I want to recommend. It has almost every book there that you guys have chosen (yes, Alisha, even The Martian) The website is https:/  You have to make a user name and password but then you can download books free to ePub (should go automatically into iBooks on your phone).

Check it out. 90% sure YOUR book is there!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


In this film, one boy finds a fish in the ocean.
Later that fish becomes a mermaid, and they play in the ocean
for a while. The boy then tells the mermaid to come to his town.
The mermaid first shakes her head, but the boy says that he has a
tank for the mermaid to be in, and carries her to his house.
After putting the mermaid into a tank, he tries to show her to his parents. However, his parents were not able to see the mermaid. 
The only thing they saw was the fish that the boy found in the ocean
at the beginning of the film. The country couldn't accept the boy's claim because they weren't able to see the mermaid. The boy was then brainwashed in many ways by the people in the country so that he won't be able to see the
mermaid anymore. Discouraged, the boy returns the fish into the
ocean. The boy was able to see the mermaid again, became a mermaid himself,
and swam away from the land with her.
The people in the country was looking into the ocean as they swam away.

 I think Tezuka wanted to emphasize how in modern society, individual's creativity skills are limited because the government have most of the control over what we believe and do in the country. Because children's thoughts are being oppressed, many people are not able to be creative when they become adults and deny other people's feelings when they think that those people's opinion doesn't match with theirs. 

In the end, the boy becomes a mermaid himself. The people in the government were looking at the ocean, but they didn't seem to be surprised or anything, so I think they weren't able to see the boy as a mermaid. I think the boy kept on standing in the ocean in the eyes of the people watching him. He was able to become creative again after going into the sea in the end. If the film went on for another minute or so, I think the people in watching the boy will drag him out of the ocean again and repeat the same things that they did to brainwash him like they did in the middle of the film. I don't think this film has a happy ending because Tezuka made this film to address the danger of the government in modern society, that we need to change the government to keep being creative.


After watching Osamu Tezuka's "Mermaid"

 The protagonist is a boy "who likes fantasy", as he is described in the sentence that appears in the beginning. He finds a fish in the ocean, which turns into a mermaid. However, others don't see the mermaid. Moreover, he will be arrested for claiming the fish being a mermaid.
 The authority uses different majors such as machine, confinement, and education to brainwash the boy. Right when he was about to forget the mermaid, he escapes from the authority. He returns to his home and finds a fish, and not a mermaid.

  A contrast is made between the first half and the second half of this film: the first half peacefully illustrate the boy and the mermaid swimming with muted colors, whereas the second half depicts the intimidating authority with vivid colors. The main message of this film is to criticize oppressionist government. Tezuka argues that some authority are so oppressive that it kills people's creativity, and the freedom to think out of the box. 
 The film also makes audiences think what actually is "real" in a world where someone is always in control of the society. In the film, those who don't see the mermaid, always appear in a group. This is suggesting that there are social oppression and peer pressure, that also stops creative people to be themselves.

 I think the film had a happy ending for the boy. Tezuka was trying to argue that it is important to embrace one's imagination even after facing oppression. The boy was able to turn himself into a mermaid by not giving up his fantasy, which no one of the people on the shore could not oppress. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

book report

1. 1984
2.  charley

Book Report

I was planning to make this post yesterday before the date changes... but I woke up holding my phone with this page opened.

There were numbers of books that were attractive and interesting that it was a very hard for me to decide the two books.
Two books I am interested in are

The Notebook By Nicholas Sparks
I am interested in the unique structure and the language that this book uses, because reading these type of book would provide me with a new ways of description for my writing.

1984 By George Orwell
I read Animal Farm few years ago and I defiantly enjoyed reading that book. Since this book is written by same author, I thought 1984 would also provide me a unique world described by George Orwell, however this book is pretty long. I have to read another book for my reading class so it might become challenging for me to choose this.


Last Friday and the Friday on the week before, I went to eat dinner with my bandmates from junior and senior highschool. So I will write a little bit about the band.We formed the band in the club activity at our school. Our IE classmate Yuka was in the band too! Yuka and I played the acoustic guitar and the two other members played the electronic piano and  the drums .Yuka is really talented with her beautiful singing voice, so you should definitely ask her to sing for you! Every year we would get ready to perform at our school festival. It was really fun playing from Japanese songs to English songs. I am learning Korean as my second foreign language , so I want to try playing Kpop songs too.

Choosing a Book

The two books that I am interested in for my book report are Coraline by Neil Gaiman, and Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë.

I remember animated version of Coraline on television a while ago. Although I am unable to recall the exact plot and storyline, I remember that the dark and thought-provoking feel to it caught my attention. Since I enjoy analyzing metaphorical works, this book seems fairly suitable for me.

When Dr. Armstrong said Wuthering Heights was a nineteenth-century love story, I immediately included it in my mental list of books I would like to read. I enjoy love stories very much, and stories set in the olden days can sometimes make you feel like you’re traveling back in time.

I am planning to purchase a book on my Kindle. It’s been a while since I last used it. One of my goals this year is to make it a habit to read more books. Ganbaru!!


The books I want to read are The Great Gatsby and Pride and Prejudice. I lookedup a little bit about both books to see if i wanted to read them and they both were appealing. The  character named Gatsby in the book The Great Gatsby seems like he is a mysterious rich person. I think it is going to be fun for me to read through and figure out who he is. For the latter book, I was drawn from the very direct title. I want to find out  how pride and prejudice is depicted in the novel.


On Friday, I went to a concert of my favorite singers with my friend. It was about 3.5 hours, and I enjoyed it a lot. I was able to listen to many of my favorite songs, and it was a very fun day.

On Monday, I went to a fan meeting event of the same singer with my friend again. They sang fewer songs than the concert, but there was longer time spent for games and talks. The seat we got was 5th from the front, and was very close to the stage.😭


I'm still up!!working on the essay and listening report==
I'm just really bad at this writing stuff
has everyone done their work yet?
anyway I should probably work harder> < cuz I still haven't finished the IT skill test yet
It's so hard!not just the skill but reading Japanese lol
Everything is gonna be fine, right?:-)
Good night~~~

Monday, April 22, 2019

My book choice

I want to read Animal Farm and I, Robot for my book report.
Animal Farm is the book that I was intending to read in Japanese, since it was recommended as one of the books we should read during we are a teenager. I am curious how animals are described in the book.
I, Robot, I once saw the movie, and I want to see how it differs in the novel. I also like SF stories.
I am not so good at reading, but I hope I can enjoy it!
Golden week!!

Hello guys, this is Kitori.
I just can’t wait for the Golden Week! I don’t have a very special plan, but I’m just happy that I don’t need to come to school. Do you have any plan for GW?? :)

See you〜

No Printer Here

I don't own a printer so I usually go to the 711 that's near my house. I still haven't finished my media discussion paper for tomorrow so I'll have to go print that out later:(  I mean at least it's not cold out anymore so that's good.

The weekend

This weekend I went Yokohama with my two friends from high school. We stayed there for two days with our mothers because our mothers are friends as well. We had a lot of fun together. We ate a lot and talked a lot. On Sunday we went to Yokohama Cosmo world and got on roller coasters. We went on one that measures how load we screamed and ranks it. We wanted to get first place so we screamed like crazy. Now my throat hurts. I had a lot of fun, but I was really sleepy today.

Golden Week

I was busy surviving  everyday and I hadn’t thought about it much but we have like 9days of holiday this year?!?! My family would usually go somewhere given such a vacation, but sadly, my father will go abroad for work, and my sister has her club activities, so we won’t be able to go on a trip. I’ve thought about just staying at home watching movies and dramas, but now I’m thinking that it’s a rare opportunity and I should make the most out of it.. So what should I do?? I might be able to work and earn money or even go explore things! Are any of you planning to do something during  the golden week? :)


The books I want to read are Out of my mind by Sharon M. Draper and Wicked by Gregory Maguire.

Out of my mind was a book that I have always wanted to read, but didn't have much time to read it. It sounded interesting to me when I read the introduction, so I thought this was a good chance for me to read it. As for Wicked, I've watched the musical and movie and loved it so I want to read it as a book.

caught a cold

Since last week, I have been catching a cold and my throat soars which makes me not speak well. Even though my throat hurts, I went to karaoke with my friend and my throat hurts even more now.

no title

Hey guys this is Bryan.
I just figured out how to post blogs.
I’ll constantly be posting blogs  from now on...
Nice to meet you guys.
See y’all tomorrow!


I ate breakfast at the school's cafeteria this morning.  It was only a hundred yen and it was a much bigger portion than I expected.  For people who do not eat breakfast at home should definitely go to the school's cafeteria to get the day started.

Welcome party

On April 20, I participated in a welcome party for the English literature department. After the two Korean classes in the morning, I went to Shibuya with my friend.
We went to a pizza restaurant and ate lunch with a lot of the other students. I was able make a lot of new friends, and went to Karaoke with few of them after the party.
I also went to Shin Okubo and bought a birthday present for my friend.
It was a very long and tiring day, but I am very glad that I was able to make many friends!


I don't know why but I accidently posted a couple of drafts on this blog... I erased it but did I do it right? Anyways today was Easter. I went to church to celebrate Christ's ressurrection from the dead. He had died on the cross for our sins. My mother is a Christian and I believe in Christ too, but I am still not baptized yet. I grew up going to Christian scholols. I am planning to join the Aoyamagakuin Christian Fellowship. Christian or non christian, religious or non religious, I hope to get along with everybody in the IE class!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Sunday afternoon

It was a great weather today so I decided to go for a walk with my camera. I’m not an expert about cameras, but I believe taking pictures and saving them is a great way to save your memories. As the technology improves, it’s pretty amazing how clear the pictures turns out ! I’ll share my favorite picture that I took today where a little boy and his father enjoying their time.

Book Report

I looked for some books to read for the book report today.

I've found three books that seemed interesting to read, which are:
・The Girl next door(Jack Ketchum)
・The Lord of the Flies
・The Silence of the Lambs

I read the rating for The Girl Next Door, and I'm not sure if I can get through reading that book since it seems too depressing.
So I'm kind of leaning towards The Lord of the Flies and The Silence of the Lambs.

I want to read the latter for my Reading class though, so I think I will choose to read The Lord of the Flies for this book report.

sleep over

I went to one of my freind's house and had a sleep over there  yesterday.  We played video games all night  long, so I did not sleep at all. I tried to get some sleep when the sun rised, but they would not let me and they took me to karaoke.  Though it was a lot of fun, I am all exhausted. I hope I can get good sleep tonight.

What to do

Today I woke up now (15:00) and wondering what to do. I really regret sleeping too long in a day off. There is only a short time left for me to do something meaningful. Next time I will try to get up at least at 12:00 but I am not sure I will make it.

I just accepted the invitation email and I’m here!😂
I keep waking up late if I don’t have school next day...
Anyways have a nice Sunday everyone :)

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Book 📕

I've been looking for a book to read for the class and I found two that seems interesting.
・The Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
・The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
However, they both have more than 300pages and I am debating rather or not to write my book report  on either of these books... Doushiyo

Still Beautiful

Hello again. Lol.

I'm really enjoying this blog, honestly. So I'm going to post again even though I just posted a few minutes ago.

This is a photograph that I took when I went on an "ohanami" with my family. It's really fascinating how cherry blossoms are beautiful when they are still buds, when they are in full bloom, when they are falling like snow, and even after they have fallen.

Earlier Today


I woke up this morning to find the morning light filtering in beautifully through the windows. It usually takes me quite a while to get out of bed, but today I immediately hopped out of bed, grabbed my camera, and had a mini morning photoshoot. Maybe waking up early for Saturday class isn't so bad after all:)

Thursday, April 18, 2019


I watched the movie Halloween at the movie theater yesterday.

My high school friend told me that it wasn't that good, but I watched it anyways.
The movie was a little bit better than I thought, but I can't really say for sure because I've never seen the other movies in the series.

I am interested in watching the original one after watching this version. I might try it during this weekend if I have time.

The old man and the sea, Lord of the flies

These are the 2 books I am thinking about writing my book report on.
I am interested in those two because I have heard of them before, even mentioned in other books I read as a reference.
I briefly researched both, and their stories seems very intriguing.
I am a bit more leaned towards The old man and the sea, since I am not a very good reader.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


I literally just got on this blog because I didnt notice the invitation from the teacher in my inbox😂 

Anywayshellomy name is Yukino. Its written like 雪乃 ,and my parents named me this because it was snowing when I was born. I was surprised when a girl asked me if I was mixedbecause Ive always thought I had a very Japanese-like face. Im 100 percent Japanese,(or at least as far as I know), but I spent seven years in AustinTexas so I guess I am pretty fluent in English. 

Oh and also! I remember Dr. Armstrong mentioning that he was raised in New OrleansLouisiana. My family actually almost lived there, but a hurricane came so we ended up moving. I definitely dont regret it thoughTexas is a very beautiful place. I really want to go there againits kind of become like my second hometown:) 

Sorry, that got pretty long. This seems like funIll probably be blogging pretty often! 

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


I don't know how to comment on the other people's blogs!!!
somebody help me😂
I had a busy week since our class started
feels like got too many thing to do at the time
But lucky for me I find another classmate who's Chinese~~
Oh,and also am I the only one who didn't take any of the aoyama standard class...just my luck.🙃
(also pretty nervous about tomorrow's IE classes cuz I did't finished the essay yet lol)

My siblings

I have one older sister and one older brother.
My sister is six years older than me. She goes to a college in America, and studies music technology. She loves music and can play piano, guitar, and the drum. She is also good at singing, and one of her talents is to compose musics and to write down lyrics.
My brother is three years older than me. He goes to an university in Japan and studies economics. He is currently job-hunting and is busy going to many companies. He played baseball from fourth grade to twelfth grade, and was the captain of his high school baseball team.
I am very glad to have them as my siblings, who I can respect and look up to.

Monday, April 15, 2019

I am 20

As the title suggests, I am 20 years old(turning 21 this Sep.).
I am assuming most of you are born in 2000, so I guess I am from a different millennia.
I am saying this just FYI, and not because I want you to use 敬語 to me or anything. Also, I would love to know if there is anyone who aren't born in 2000.


It seems like people are talking about their hobby here, so here is mine.

One of my hobby is listening to Rakugo.
I'm sure we all have heard of 落語(Rakugo), from shows like 笑点(Shoten).
Many of you might know it as a form of comedy(mainly because of the show), but I would say it's a form of storytelling.

No matter how many characters appear in the story, Rakugo is always performed by a single actor.
They have to be sitting on a zabuton, so not much action is allowed.
They are only allowed to use their body, a sensu fan, and a tenugui hand towel.
The beauty of Rakugo lies in the creativity in oral expressions.
A good Rakugo teller can perform a conversation between sometimes more than 5 people, just by himself.

Rakugo stories are not limited to comedy.
Some are horror tales, some have romance elements.
Some stories are as short as 10 minutes, and some goes on for more than an hour.
Most stories are classic tales told from Edo era, but it is allowed for an actor to come up with their own tales, which can have a modern setting.

I think Rakugo is one of the best way to spend time with your headphone during the mind-numbing train rides.
They are on Spotify so I highly recommend you to try it out.


I started listening to music with my earphone since I was in elementary school, so music has been a huge part of my life.

I love listening to an artist's album over and over until I get annoyed listening to them. That has been my routine since middle school; I choose one artist, listen to their songs repeatedly, then change the artist and repeat the same thing.

I don't listen to a variety of artists, though.
When I stop listening to an artist, I move on to the next artist, but I usually go back and listen to the artist I used to listen to again.

Recently I started listening to Spitz' songs again.
Last time I got into Spitz was in middle school, and at that time my favorite song was "Blue Car" and "The magic word."
Right now my favorite is "I want to be a cat" and "The sign of love."


Ever since the school began all the train I go on it doesn't get to Shibuya station on time. Every morning I'm worried about getting late to class. I hope the trains will become better some day.


I went to my first concert this Saturday! It wasn't a concert with famous singers, but I had a lot of fun.
It was my friend who invited me to go with her and I'm happy I went! I am now planning to go to other concerts with her. I'm really excited!

Expensive notebook

Yesterday, I fell in love with a notebook. It was a B5 sized notebook with a hardcover, and a beautiful glittery picture was drawn on it. I thought I found the one, but I saw the price, and it wasn’t appealing at all. But I decided to buy it. It is probably the most expensive notebook I will buy in my life.

Captain Marvel

Yesterday, I went to the theaters to watch "Captain Marvel" in 3-D with my friends from high school. My expectations were pretty low for the movie, but 10 minutes into the movie and my mind was completely changed. I'm a huge fan of the Marvel comics and this film has become one of my favorites. Would recommend 100 :)

Powerlifting Club

Last saturday I participated in the powerlifting club.  There were only four fisrt year students, including myself.  Compared to other clubs, the powerlifting club's total number of members were also small.  Everyone was really huge and I was wondering why.  But when I saw them training I was convinced.  They were using massive amount of weights.  I will train hard to catch up to them.

First period

I have to attend four first priod class a week and this really get into my nerves.
I need to leave school at least at 6:50 but its really hard for me to get up in such an early time. I won't take first period class next semester.

average sleeping time

Before graduating from high school, my average sleeping time during the weekdays was about 4 to 5 hours. Right now, I can sleep at least 8 to 9 hours a day, and I am in a reasonably good mood during the day time.

Sunday, April 14, 2019


I don’t like coffee because it’s too bitter for me. But I started working at a cafe last month, and I will eventually have to learn how to make coffee. So I decided to start off by getting used to 
drinking latte. I’m still not used to it, but I hope my taste buds will adjust to the bitterness...😅

sleeping all day long

Since today is a weekday, I was planning to finish all of the homework, but instead, I slept all day long and spent most of my time on bed.  From next time, I wish to spend my weekday efficiently.

Worikng at convenience store

Yesterday was the first day I worked at midnight in convenience store. Most of work is simple and easy but the biggest obstacle was you need to fight against sleepiness. I don't think I can get along with this work.

Korean class

Yesterday, I had two Korean classes in the morning. In the first class, we learned few Korean alphabets and vocabularies. In the second class, we learned more vocabularies using the alphabets we studied in the previous class. The teacher also taught us how to pronounce and write each of the letters. After the class, I ate lunch with my three friends at the cafeteria.👍
This week was very tiring, but I am glad I was able to make new friends.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Fitness Center

I went to the school's fitness center and there were much more machines than I imagined.  I had an amazing pump.  Also I  made new friends there.  It is always nice to make new pals.  We were working out supporting eachother.  People who want to exercise should definitely go there.