Come in and Blog On!

2023 Welcome to your IE 3 class blog. The object of this class project is to log in and write your comments, web links, answers to questions, and your questions to others at least twice a week. It's fun and you can include pictures or graphics. Keep it original, helpful, and interesting. Don't forget to spellcheck your work before publishing. Also, when you create your user name, please use your real first name, in Romaji (ex. Ryuki, Mari, Lisa, etc.) so that we know who we are communicating with. Enjoy, and Blog on!

Sunday, June 30, 2013


Right now I am having to do so many reports for my classes. I do not mind writing them but what I hate about them is the fact that we have to write A LOT!!! 

I better get started on them...

Are you guys having the same problem as me??


The setting of the story was in the 21st century of somewhere in the United States. The conflict of the story was not being able to stop Ronald McDonald. The brands I saw in the video are Malibu, CruiseAmerica, Pringles, GMC Truck, Lego, Pizza Hut, Esso, Hotwheels, Heikeinz, Heinz, Taco Bell, Fanta, Crunch, Burger King, KFC, Michelle, Haribo, Audi, Big Boy, Nickelodeon, Starbucks, M&M, Levi's, Mr.Peanut, Nintendo, Dolby, PHILPS, Dunkin' Donuts, Paramount, BMW, Windows, Malbro, Kmart, IBM, evian, VAIO, The North Face, Snickers, Panasonic, SAMSUNG, Apple, Nike, Dole, Pepsi, MasterCard, NASA, Milky Way, Stop&Shop, 76, and so on. I felt that the message of this video was to stop the competence of the brands because everyone of them have its own uniqueness. More of saying be the only one instead of being number one.

My Dog, "Shinnosuke"

  Today, I'm going to introduce my dog named Shinnosuke.  He died about two and half years ago at the age of 19. 
  The first time I met him was when I was reading newspaper during my college years in San Francisco.  One day I found one article which looked for someone who would take care of dogs.  I became interested in living with a dog, so I decided to take care of one of the dogs.
  Soon Shinnosuke and I became wonderful roommates, and he followed wherever I went.  When I went to my friend's house, he followed me.  When I went on a date with my girlfriends, he was there, interrupting us.
  The biggest event for Shinnosuke was when I went back to Japan.  He went through physical inspection to come to Japan both in the Untied States and in Japan.  It must have been tough times for him.
  Since then, he became one of my family members and lived a happy life for 19 years with us.  Sometimes the sight of dogs on the street reminds me of my happy days with Shinnosuke.


I went to gyukaku with my friends last night.
They were so funny as ever and I really enjoyed.
I wanna see them again soon!

Saturday, June 29, 2013


Main character: a cyborg

Place: in the ocean

Time: in the future

Problems: The main character needs water to live, but the water runs out.

Ending: He found a plant which has water in it

Message: we have to help each other because what we need is also what other people need.


Are you addicted to something? I started using eye drop medicine about a month ago and I just can't stop. I think I should try to get natural rest for my eyes and stop depending on this medicine to keep me awake. Do you guys use eye medicines?

Friday, June 28, 2013

My friends in high school

On this monday, I went to Ikebukuro to meet my high school friends and have a dinner with them. It's been more than two months since we saw each other last, and I was looking forward to seeing them since we decided to meet again. I expected to see their changes, but they didn't change a bit. We went to Obon de Gohan and had a dinner there. The food was delicious and I recommend people going there if you like Japanese food. After that, we were chattering about our high school memories, our daily lives in colleges, and lots of random stuffs and had a wonderful time there! I wish I could see them maybe sometime in this summer again. I want to go to karaoke next time!


It's been almost three months since we be and a student at Aoyama Gakuin University! I can't believe it. Time flies so fast.


An extremely realistic cyborg and it is hard to tell if it's a he or she

Underwater and a place that both do not have enough fresh water

In the future probably

There is not enough water for the cyborg to live happily

New problem
In  trying to get his/her own water to live, the cyborg was about to kill the fish which also needed fresh water too.

The cyborg puts the fish into its see-through tank and lives together happily

It is a bad idea to be selfish and only think about what is best for you. Instead, it is important to think of ways where others can be satisfied as well.


A small creature that looks somewhat like a mouse or a rabbit.

In some time in the future

In a very clean environment at first, but then it becomes a polluted place afterwards.

The air becomes very polluted

A big jellyfish-like creature swallows the rabbits and puts them into the clean society

We need to take care of our planet and keep it clean

Part time job

My part time job is a temporary work.  This time I worked as a waiter at a restaurant in Ebisu because there was a party held there.  The restaurant was very beautiful, and it had a 360°screen.  I've never worked at a restaurant so it was very difficult for me.  The other people who works there were so kind and helped me a lot.  I am very tired now, but I want to work at the restaurant again.

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Main Character- a humanoid robot

Setting- in the future, probably in the other planet

Problem- water ran out from the boy, but he needs them to live

New Conflict- There was a fish living in a water plant. While the boy managed to survive by breaking it up and supplying water into his body, it was also necessary for the fish to live. In contrast to the boy, the fish was suffering from the lack of water this time.

Ending- Both the fish and the boy were satisfied by allowing the fish live in the boy's stomach.

Message- an importance of connection and cooperation between one another, and a significance of water


The other day I stayed at my friend's house.
Her house is new so the room was almost empty.
We talked a lot until 4 in the morning, so the next day was really sleepy.
But it was fun!


I can't believe June is almost over. I can't believe the tests are coming up too. It felt so fast since I came to this school. I guess I am having fun everyday so time flies very fast. I should probably study on my tests now. Bye.


character:robot boy
setting: in the future
conflict: The boy needs water but there are not enough around. Also, there is a fish that needs water.
conclusion: The boy puts the fish in his tank
message: people can be very selfish once you find something you really want


Main Character: A cyborg
Where: In a city of some sort
When: In the future
Conflict: He needs water to live and finds a water plant but there was something living in it.
New Problem: The fish that came out of the bag was dying because he doesn’t have water.
Ending: He puts the fish into his water tank and sees a mirage of him and the fish swimming in the ocean.
Message: I think the message is the importance of water and that humans aren’t the only ones that need it.


What's the main story?
This story is about the characters that are in many logos in the US.
The police are chasing Ronald McDonald which is the bad guy in the story, but all the sudden, an eart h quake occurs and the cities goes out of control.

How many logos do you recognize?
I couldn't count all of them!  There were tons of logos.

What do you think is the message?
I think it wants to tell us that there are many logos in America that they can make a community out of it.  It wants to show how America is powerful.


Who- a possum like creature with intelligence
Where- a peacefully field to a polluted slum factory area
When- future
Problem- No more plants and less water for it due to the pollution.
Solution/ending- aliens? or creatures with clean biospheres in side them took in the remainder of the possum creatures and saved? them.
Theme- at first I thought that the protagonist was going to do something about it, but couldn't. I believe that one person cannot change the fate of society and make a difference, but can be the difference.


Who- Humanoid boy
Setting- Future, a place with little amount of water
Problem- The humanoid needs more water to live but their are very few of it around.
                He found a decent water supply but there is already life within and getting water
                from it will mean death to the fish that lived there before him.
Solution- putting the fish in his "tank" so that they can both survive.
Message- People are collecting things that they think they need in order to satisfy their desires. True satisfaction or the "goal" lies within one's mind.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Hey Fuyuka

I love the rain and I love rainy days. I only get frustrated when I don't have an umbrella during a rainy day. The rain is so fun.


Who- A robot boy who needs to collect water to satisfy his needs.
Setting- Under water in the future.
What is the problem- The robot boy wants the water to satisfy his needs but there aren't much water for him. He sees this big building and he climbs up to find that there was a huge water plant. He first hesitated to break it but eventually he does it to fill his 'water' tank.
In finding a solution what new problem occurs- The fish needs a place to stay.
Message- Filling up your desire is not the only thing you should be doing. People can be selfish at times when it comes to desires. Therefore, sometimes it is important to control yourself for being selfish.


Do you guys feel happy or sad when it's raining?

Because for me I sometimes feel really happy but other times, I'd be really irritated.


Plot:The short was based in Malibu. It starts off with the introduction of the town made up of logos. Everything in the town was made up logos. It's made in the form of an action movie. Ronald McDonald is the villain and the cops chase him as he goes on a crime spree in the town. 

Logos: The film's main brands include the McDonald's mascot Ronald McDonald who was the villain, and two Michelin Men used to depict the protagonist cops. Other logos included were MasterCard, seven eleven, Microsoft, Burger King, Wendy's, KFC, Bentley, AT&T, American cancer society, American family, Central America, Bank of America, Bank of New York Mellon, Barnes & Noble, Bath & Body Works, Bebo, Taco Bell, Capital One, Converse, Nike, Delta, CVS pharmacy, Dole, Evian, Esso, Avis, Betten, Ryobi, Sega, Craftsman, Dominos, Nomura, Marlboro, Pringles, m&m, big boy, grease, Berkshire Hathaway, Panasonic, Sony, ArcelorMittal and Suez, 
Walmart, ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch Shell, BP, Toyota, Chevron
ING Group, Total, General Motors, ConocoPhillips, Daimler, General Electric, AXA, Citigroup, Volkswagen, Dexia Group, HSBC Holdings, BNP Paribas, Allianz, Credit Agricole, UBS, JP Morgan Chase, Carrefour, AIG, Siemens, Samsung, ArcelorMittal, Honda, HP, Pemex, Societe Generale, McKesson, HBOS, IBM, Gazprom, Hitachi, Valero Energy, Nissan, Tesco, E.On, Verizon, Metro Group, Nestle, Statoil Hyrdo, Cardinal Health, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, etc.

Theme/lesson: Nowadays, branding is very important for people. For example people would waste so much money on Starbucks coffee when we can get the same quality at a cheaper local coffee shop. For me, Branding is not important.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

What's the next big idea!!

All success stories are filled with great ideas. Great inventions that changed the world, amazing discoverys that shocked the common sense in people, heart warming poems that touch the souls of the cold hearted, these all come from a innovative idea. What I want to do during my university life is to get a ton of these ideas and take action. So what's the next big idea? What's your original cool idea?


Who: a guy in a type of space suite.
Where: in the sewer
When: some time in the future
Conflict: lack of water
New conflict: there needs to be a place for fish
Theme: don't waste water because all living things, not just humans need water to live.

This was a very interesting film. Didn't quite get what the author wanted to tell the viewers but I know it has to be about the lack of water. It's crazy thinking that there is a lack of water when more then half of the world is covered with water. Why can't the sea water become drinking water? If it's not drinkable what is the use of it? I always think that the sea has a big meaning in our life than we think. If not why is there so much? I wonder what the real use of it is and hope to see it used for the good of humankind someday.

Spanish class

I'm having difficulties understanding Spanish...
I don't understand a single thing my teacher is saying.
Someone teach me Spanish!!!


Who: An android that looks like a human.
When: In the future.
Where: In a strange world.
Problem: The android has no water left and needs water to survive.
Solution: The android breaks the water ball.
Next problem: The fish has no water to survive because the android drank it.
In the end: The android puts the fish in his stomach which is filled with water.
Message: Water is important for a living thing and we should not waste it.


Who: A creature that looks like a mouse or a rabbit.
When: In the future
Where: At first, in a clean world. Afterwards, in a dirty world.
Problem: People are dying because of pollution.
Solution: The jellyfish save it.
Message: Don`t pollute the world.

I`m sorry for posting it really late.

<Transgender Power>
Main character: Crystal
Setting: Thailand
Where she works: A cosmetic company (L`OCCITANE)
Conflict: She couldn`t enter the club because she was transgender.
How it was solved: She took action and set up a new law in Thailand.
What happened afterwards: A new constitution was made.

<The Lost Thing>
Setting: A polluted town in the future.
Point of view: First person
Conflict: Boy vs Society
Climax: When the thing found it`s place to belong.
Symbol: The lost thing is the symbol of a lost person.
Theme: Everyone has a place to belong.

<Binta and the Great Idea>
Setting: Senegal, 2004
Conflict: Binta`s cousin, Soda vs her father
Climax: Soda insists to her father that she wants to go to school and her father couldn`t say anything because everyone was on Soda`s side.
Symbol: The bird is the symbol of intelligence.
Irony: Soda`s father was in charge of making decisions but in the end, the kids decided to go to school.
Theme: All children have the right to go to school and learn.


Main Character - A cute creature which looks like a Chinese Mickey Mouse
When - near future

Where - place with beautiful nature→dirty city→nature inside of jelly fish

What's the problem - beautiful nature were all destroyed and city was polluted.

How is the problem solved - jellyfish-like creatures came to save them
Messages- the importance of protecting nature/ The human races are polluting the earth and it is damaging the animals.


The story was quite difficult for me to understand clearly, but I've got a lot of ideas.

I suppose main character was a human. (It didn't look like a human, looked more like a robot, though.) At the ocean floor, he was walking around and looking for some clear water to live. However, it was quite difficult for him to find enough amount of water, so he was nearly dead.
Then he found out that there was a source of water on the top of building. It took for a while for him to climb up, but he made it with barely left clear water in his body.
He saw a tree, and there was a small ball holds water inside of it. It looked mysterious and also beautiful, but he destroyed and poured clear water into his body from it. Suddenly, a fish jumped on the ground,and he found out that what he destroyed was a dwelling of a fish. He felt really sorry, and put a fish inside his body.

I am not really sure, but the story seems like it's based on the fact. The Earth has "water" in the ocean, but that water is not clear enough for human to use or drink. This video is a warning for the world to use limited water wisely.

The great gatsby

I went to see the movie The Great Gatsby with my friends in this class. It was an exciting movie but the last part was very sad. By watching this movie, it made me want to the this book for my book report. I really had a fun time spending with my friends afterschool and I hope we can go again.


   A cyborg robot
 which needs to fill his chest with water to live.
   In the ocean an first place.
   In the future.
   Even though the cyborg needs water to live, there is no water anywhere.
Solution and New Conflict
   He finds out a ball shaped object filled with water. He puts the water until his chest is filled with it.           Then, a fish which is almost going to die comes out from the object. Therefore, the cyborg puts it into his chest that is filled with water.
   The fish is saved by the robot. At the same time, the robot can live.
   I think the film tells us the fear of  the development of the technology.


Who: Cyborg that represents human

Where: in the ocean

When: in the future

Problem: He needs water in his stomach to survive. He is searching for water.

Solution: He finds a source where water comes from. He breaks the ball and gets enough water.

Another Problem Caused: He took the water which was the source of other plants and fish.

Ending: He picks up the gold fish and puts in his tank.

Message: Don't be greedy. It's difficult to solve environmental problem without victim.


On Sunday, I went to Chukagai with my friends. We ate while walking. I ate gomadango and it was so good. After that, I invited them to my house. We watched Aku no Kyoten since I'm a fan of Hideaki Ito. He was just a phycho-pass killer and the impression from Umizaru is now gone. While walking toward the station, we ate 31 icecream!


character     a human like robot with a water tank in its stomach
where          in a town
when           in the future
problem      the water accidentally spilled out from its tank
solution       put a pipe into an big orange object, and the tank was again with water in it
another problem caused          many fish living in the orange object lost water to live
ending         the main character puts the fish into its tank
message      it's important but also difficult for us to coexist with other things, and we have to try to


We had dinner with my friends yesterday. We went to the Korean BBQ restaurant in Shibuya. We had lots of delicious foods and cake for desert. It cost less than I thought, so I want to have dinner there again. After that, we went to karaoke. It was fun because I didn't go to karaoke for ages. I had so much fun last night.


 Mirage was a very difficult movie to understand for me.
The main character was I think it was a robot with an AI in it. It looked very similar to human.
It took place in  a mysterious world where no other human or something looks like it exist.
It was drawn with gray based darkish color, far from beautiful nature.
I think the theme of the movie is like some people are saying, no sacrifice no gain.


Who-a robot or some kind of creature
When-in the future
Where-in a town.  There are no other creatures like him.
Problem-he needs water to live, but if he takes the water, a fish will die.
Solution-he gets water, but doesn't want to kill the fish, so he puts the fish in his body.  They can live together.
Message-I thought that the story had a lot of messages, but difficult to know.  Maybe one of the message was coexistence because the last scene ends with that.  The other message I felt was that, we have to think about the worth of water.

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Great Gatsby

I saw the movie, The Great Gatsby with my friends last week.  I didn't know the story but I was very attracted to it.  The story was very interesting and I thought many things after the movie.  I want to see the movie again!


This Sunday, I will participate in a debate competition held by ESS. Other schools like Rikkyo University and Meiji University are participating in it, too.
For the preparation, I will go to my senior's house tomorrow after school and practice debating for Sunday all night. This will be the second time preparing all night. The first one was on last Friday night to last Saturday morning. The last all night preparation will be on this Friday.
You might think why we have to prepare all night so many times, but we have only 2 weeks to prepare while other schools are preparing for about 2 months. That's why we are in such a big hurry. 
This is the first time experiencing debating, but there are a lot of things to learn and to memorize, and it is really hard. But I will try my best.

Trip to London!

Have you ever been to London? This summer I’m thinking of traveling to London! I used to live in England when I was in elementary school, but I lived in Miltonkeens, which is little bit far from London. So, because I finished entrance examination, my family decided to go England for sightseeing.

              In London, we are thinking of visiting the Tower of London, the London Eye and the shooting spot which was used for “Harry Potter”. I am really exciting from now and I have to make a plan for this trip! It is little bit difficult for me, but I will try my best.
              We are planning for visiting London for a week. If you guys know somewhere wonderful or exciting to visit, please tell me!


Main Character: A robot

Where: In the ocean

When: One evening

Conflict: In order to live, the robot needs to fill his stomach with water, but he accidentally spills the water.

Solution: He takes a container that has water in it and fills his stomach with the water, but he notices that there was fish inside the tank, and the fish is about to die because of lack of water. Then, he picks up the fish and put him in his stomach also.

Theme: We need to preserve water and the environment


Who/ The main character is a humanoid robot.
When/In the near future.
Where/A mechanical place with no water.
Problem/The humanoid robot needs water to live.
Solution/The humanoid robot finds a plant filled with water.
The robot managed his life although, there was a fish living inside the plant, so the robot put it inside his water tank to rescue him.
Message/I think this video wants to tell us the importance of water.
Water is a precious resource and we should share it with everyone.


The movie titled “Mirage” was really difficult for me to understand clearly, but on this post, I will try to express it well.

The main character is looked like Android for me. He was walking under the sea and looked like searching for a clear water. He was saving clear water inside his body. I thought the clear water is his fuel to live. At the middle story, he found something on the top of the building. He climbed up and found something looks like someone’s heart. He crashed it and put all the water in his body. He was filled, but unfortunately, there was a small fish inside. A fish was suffered and also he got sad. Finally he put a fish inside his body and a fish got alive!

It was really difficult for me to understand this movie. I think of it very much and imagined that the Android indicates the earth. Most of the part of earth is made by water, and many animals or fish are living there. I think the theme is that the importance of clear water and warning that how limited the clear water is.


Character: A robot which has human face

Where: A dark place with no water

When: In the future

Conflict: The robot needs water but it's difficult to find.

Solution and new conflict: He found something which has water in it and he pop it and then he filled with water. However, there was a fish and he also needs water to live.

Ending: The robot put the fish in his belly to save him.

Message: When you needs something, other person or things may also need it.

To Miyuki

I think you know, but my brother is also 6 years old!
A brother that's 12 years younger is so cute isn't it?
I hope your brother will improve in soccer and piano!

The Great Gatsby

Last Friday I went to the TOHO cinema in shibuya with my friends to see "The Great Gatsby."  It was interesting for me because I kind of knew the story since I chose it as my first book report.  I also watched the "The Great Gratsby" from the 2000 version, and there was many things that were different from the 2013 version.  I won't say it here because I don't want everyone to know the story here, but I want them to watch the actuall movie.  Anyway, we had a lot of fun that day!


What is the main character?
half human half robot like creature.

at a mysterious place that has many buildings.

One evening

What's the problem?
The main character needs water in his stomach to live, but he trips and the water spilts from his stomach.

What's the solution?
The main character finds a plant that looks like it has water inside, so he rips the plant and spilts the water in his stomach.

Does the solution cause another problem?
Yes, when main character rips the plant, the water comes out, but at the same time a fish that was living in there dies, because the fish also needed water to live.

What's the message?
When we need something to live we always have to sacrifice something.


 a creature that has a ear like a rabbit

First, at a place like a field where there are much green.
Then, it turns in to a place where it's very polluted.

one afternoon

What's the problem?
All the sudden, the field turned in to many tall buildings, like a polluted city.

How is the problem solved?
A huge balloon like creature that has a clean field inside, swallows the creatures that looks like a rabbit and saves them from the polluted air.

How does it end?
The main character was swallowed from the balloon like creature and ends happily.

I think this video reminds us that the city is very polluted and we should remember that all places would't be polluted if we didn't do anything to the environment.

Comment to Yuri

The movie sounds classic... I might check it out later :)


I know it's late but I'll write about the clip Varmints.
The main characters are little animals who lived in a place that was once green but as technology progresses, they are forced to live a dull life.
They solve the problem by using a plant that grows into a giant jellyfish and takes the animals to a safe place.
I think the message was that we should not let technology completely take over our lives.  This is because it could lead to actually destroying it.

Sun Burn

Last week, after going to a tennis match, I got sun burned so bad that I couldn't move and also got a fever.  Right now I'm okay but my skin is still peeling like crazy.  I hope that my new skin grows and recover completely.


Main character: an human like robot
Where? : In the ocean
When?:  In the future
Conflict: The main character has to collect water to live but his water runs out.
Solution: He finds a mysterious plant and picked it.
Does the solution cause another problem?: The main character survived but the fish in the plant lost it's home.

Got fever but I still go to karaoke

Last Thursday Afterschool I kind of felt that I am tired, but after getting home I took the temperature and saw 38.4 celcius in the thermometer. I felt very depressed because this was the first time I got fever after I entered this university. The next day I slept all day, and I regained my power! Then my friends asked me to go to karaoke with them the next day so I went. We sang about sixth hours and my throat was okay. I think I can get power from karaoke! Then we went to the roof  of the building named SOGO to see the super moon, but it did not appear at all so we ate ramen and got home. I hope I can remain healthy this week.


This story is about the robot who tries to collect water in order to sustain his life. This takes place in the place where there is no water, nor green, nor human. I think this is in the future.This robot cannot live without water so he collects in the tank attached to the body. Hoever, his water runs out and he cannot find source of water anymore.He finds a sphere shaped object filled with water, so he tries to tear it and obtain water. Hoever, after tearing down, he finds that the fish was living inside it, and he almost killed the fish because he took all the water. He solves this situation by putting fish in his tank. I think this story is trying to tell us that we should not waste water because it is possible that this situation can happen in the future. I also think that the author is trying to tell us that we should not be greedy and selfish.

My brothers sixth birthday

Last Wednesday was my little brother's 6th birthday! He was born when I was twelve, so we have the same eto. His name is Natsuki.  He goes to the elementary school in Saitama, and is doing well in soccer! He recently has started learning piano, maybe because my mom and I can play piano. I hope he becomes good player both in piano and soccer! We did a barbeque and ate cake. The cake was strawberry tarte, and my parents could not eat it because it was so big and they were not hungry so I ate almost half of it. Happy birthday my lovely brother Natsuki!


who- a robot who collects water to sustain his life.
when- in the future.
where- a place with lots of pipes, place with no water.
conflict- the robot can not live without water, but there are not any left.
solution and new conflict- he finds a sphere shaped thing filled with liquid. But when he took the liquid away, he almost took away the lives of the fishes which was depending on that liquid for survival. The main character has the desire for water, but it's not just the robot who needs the water to live.
ending- he saves the fish by putting him into his chest
message- don't be too selfish, don't waste water.

I think the designer designed him that way as a symbol of humanity and future. I think the face is designed realistic to show us that it's a human, and the body designed as a robot to show us that the technology is fully developed.


who- a wild creature that looks like a raccoon with bunny ears.
when- in the past, when technology started to develop.
where- a place filled with green, and a place with dirty buildings.
problem- animals lost its homes.
solution- jellyfish-like creatures came to save them.
message- our world isn't just ours, don't destroy other living creatures homes.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Mt. Fuji as World Heritage Site

   Yesterday, Mt. Fuji was named 'World Cultural Heritage Site' at last.  People in my city are really excited to hear the news, and of course I'm the one who was excited about it, too.
   Mt. Fuji has been considered to be a symbol of Japan for a long time by people all across the world as well as Japanese, but Mt. Fuji was not considered to be valuable enough.  I don't know why, but I know many people who have contributed to this so far, so I really want to thank them. 
   Also, I remember that when I was in an elementary school, I volunteered to clean up Mt. Fuji.  That's why I'm happy that I could also do something for Mt. Fuji.


Don't run with pencils, you can die!!!!

Roman holiday

I saw the movie "Roman holiday" in reading class.
I've never seen it so I was excited.
Though I only saw the half of it, I found it really interesting.
I'm really looking forward next week.

Book report

I'm going to read "wicked" for the 2nd book report. This book is about the wicked witch of the West from "The wonderful wizard of Oz "(ozu no mahoutsukai in Japanese). Of course I have read the story of The wonderful wizard of Oz, and love it.  The wonderful wizard of Ozs is told by Dolocy and we see the story from her view,  however wicked is told by the wicked so we can see the story from the witch's point of view. I'm so excited to read this book and see what the wicked witch is thinking. Also, this story"Wicked " is performed by Gekidan Shiki recently, so I hope I could go see the musical too. So excited to read!


who- a humanoid which needs to fill his grass chest with water to sustain his life.

where- in the ocean

when- in the future

problem-a humanoid run out of his water and almost died.

solution & new problem- He found a ball which filled with water. He broke it and took water from it. However, a fish came out from the ball and was dying because he took the water in which the fish live.

ending-He put the fish into the water in his chest so that the fish won't die. He was swimming  in water with the fish at the end of the story.

message- think of others

Saturday, June 22, 2013


who- a creature which looks like a mouse but has ears like  a rabbit

when - in the future

where -first in a plain, and late in e city with a lot of buildings in which the air was polluted.

problem -buildings were built and because of that, the place which used to have beautiful 
nature changed into the place in which there was no nature and the air was polluted so badly. Creature living in the place were suffering  from the pollution, some of them were dying.

solution- jellyfish-like creatures which have plants inside came and saved the creatures in the city. I thought the white things that was falling down from jellyfish-like creatures were seeds, so plants will grow and  the polluted city will be the place with beautiful nature. 

message - We can't live with out the nature. We need to take action to preserve them.

Comment to Mika

I always learn many new words during the Media Discussion too. And Everytime, I understand how incapable I am in vocabulary. I really understand that I must study English harder. However, I just didn't go for it. But from now on, I will study more and learn a lot of words by reading books and articles. Moreover as I belong to the news paper club, I would like to write a lot of articles as I can to get used in writting. And whenever there is a word I had never seen, I will check it out and try using the word.I may need your help for continuing this. I hope you will brush up your skills.

Friday, June 21, 2013


I considered this whole video was a dream that a dog as a pet had one day. Since pets are taken for a walk every day and see or hear what humans do in their daily lives, I thought they might know something about our environment. In the dog's dream, it imagines animals as if they were human beings and made me consider about the environmental problems from their point of view.

Main character- an evolved dog which could walk on two legs

When- past, at present, and near future

Where- the earth in the dog's dream

Problem- civilization had destroyed nature and people are suffering from the pollution

Solution- the dog was taken to a place where nature is abundant by a hand given to him

Message- significance of nature

I thought it is too late for us after we lost all our natural resources, so we must act before we lose them. In addition, it reminded me that not only humans but also animals are suffering from the environmental problems. We tend to give priority to ourselves that we sometimes forget about what others feel. However, in my opinion, a bunch of sprouts that fall from the sky in the last scene represented that we are working on the problem nowadays and there's a hope to it. For these reasons, I thought what the author wanted to tell us is to keep on working hard on the environmental problems and think about others more.

this week

I've been very very busy this week.
I had to wake up at 4 in the morning to work, then go to school, and then go attend club-activity.
Everyday was repetition of this cycle.
I'm really tired and sleepy now.
I have school tomorrow so I better take a bath and go to bed now.
Good night!


Main character - some kind of animal that is the mixture of mouse and dog
When - near future 

Where - place with beautiful nature→dirty city→nature inside of jelly fish

What's the problem - beautiful nature were all destroyed and city was polluted.

How is the problem solved -huge jelly fish saved this mouse-dog like animals
Theme - protect nature, pollution is caused by our own action so be careful


Today during my media discussion, I learned a lot of vocabularies and I noticed the importance of knowing various kinds of words. From now on, I am going to make a vocabulary notebook and every time a new words come up I will write it down. I decided to study more harder!


The character is a dog and the setting is in the future. The problem is that people in a city is all dying because of pollution. But in the end, tons of huge jellyfish came and rescued the citizens. This video wants us to know that pollution is getting worse each and every day. We need to prevent this from happening.


On Wednesday, I participated an event. And I listened to two lectures by an university student and a business man. I was really impressed by the lecture. What surprised me more is that I met a friend in six years. When I saw her, I just hugged her and called her name. And I became friends with other university students who also participated the invent. I'm looking forward to participate more invents.


Main character - a creature that looks like a mouse in black and white.
When - near the future 
Where - first, it was a planet that was surrounded by beautiful nature, but turned into a place full of buildings.
What's the problem - all the nature were destroyed and buildings were built. When the nature was gone, the planet became dark and became a difficult place to live. 
How is the problem solved - an object which looks like a jellyfish appeared, and inside it was a place full of nature.
Theme - this film tells us how nature is important to us and if we lose it, our life could be very dark and full of depresses feelings.

Have you ever thought if this.

Have you ever thought life starts and ends at the same point.
For example motors skills, when you are a baby you can't move that much and elder people can't move so much either.


Who: a rabbit type ferret dog. 
When: in the near future 
Where: on another planet that is similar to earth. 
Problem: because of modernization most nature has been lost and making it difficult for some creatures to live. 
Solution: put the endagered species or the species that take care of nature in a none polluted jellyfish container as captivity. 
Message; We have to take action to stop pollution or else, out earth will become something like this polluted planet. 

Genpatsukun and Nuclear boy

1.I think it is effective for education. But  it would depend on the ages. If it was taught to kindergarten it would be effective. They could understand it, but for older people that would not be able to tell the main point.

2.Since the characters look childish, the problem does not seem serious.

3. I prefer the Japanese one because the other one's  character looks scarier.
4.I would not want to put either poster in my room. I'll have a bad dream. 


Who: the cute dog in black and white
When: in a near future
Where: the beautiful field with trees which later becomes a dirty city
Problem: The field gets dirty because a lot of buliding are built. All the plants are dead and the air is polluted.
Solution: A jellyfish appears and saves the dog.
Message: There are heaps of buildings and the nature is getting destroyed. We need to consider what the world should be in order to live happily and comfortably.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Main character: A dog-like creature that stands on his legs.
When: Probably in the future.
Where: A plain field but became a city afterwards.
Conflict: The creatures that lived in the city were dying because of pollution.
How it was solved: The dog-like creatures were saved by bunch of jellyfish-like creatures.
Message: People should save the nature in order to live without pollution.


On Tuesday, afterschool, I had dinner with my friend who was a doubles pair when we were in high school. We went to Kamakura Pasta where we always went for lunch after club activities. We talked about our university lives and memories in high school. We ate salad, soup, pasta, dessert, and breads. It was a lot!

This week I ate too much and used a lot of money, so I will have to control my appetite and also save money next week. I will try.

Genpatsukun & Nuclear boy

1.     I don’t think it explain a lot about nuclear plant

2.     Although it is maybe entertaining for children to watch, it is not good way to teach how serious the nuclear problem is.

3.     I prefer the Japanese version. I didn’t like Nuclear boy because words he used were not appropriate to teach children and its narrator voice was spoken by a computer

4.     I will put a poster of Genpatsukun in my room because he looks better than Nuclear boy.


Main character: a creature looks like a mouse, rabbit and dog.

Place: at first, in a plain with a lot of trees and flowers but later, in a town with a lot of buildings

Time: maybe in the future

Conflict: the green and peaceful nature was broken because animals which seem very sad and exhausted built many buildings. The nature was soon disappeared and the air also polluted very seriously.

Problem solved: places with trees which looks like jellyfish, appeared from buildings and the main character was rescued from the polluted area

The end: the varmints live happily like the past

Message: protect the environment. Otherwise the world will be horrible place and many people would die


Main Character
 Black an white colored creature.
 A town where used to have a lot of nature.
 It is showing the present time.
 The nature is destroyed by the human beings.
How is it solved
 A jellyfish shaped thing appears. Inside it, there is a lot of nature just as the town had been before. There are a lot of living things, including plants and animals.
 We must think about the nature. And also, we must understand the problems the environment has. I think this is what we are told.


 I watched a video called Mirage.  The main character is a cute cyborg. It is set near a pipe line somewhere were water is scarce. Since cyborgs are not a reality yet, it is obviously set in the future. The main problem is that the cyborg needs to survive and there isn't much water in the place that he was. The cyborg solved the problem by climbing up to the top of the pipes and got water from something that stored water and had a fish living inside too. By taking the water, the fish couldn't survive, but the cyborg used himself as a home for the fish. In the end the fish and cyborg were swimming together, this symbolizes that we and nature should  work side by side to help each other. 
The message the creator tried to get across was that if more and more development takes over the  natural environment. We will be at a point where we will not even have clean water to survive.