Come in and Blog On!

2023 Welcome to your IE 3 class blog. The object of this class project is to log in and write your comments, web links, answers to questions, and your questions to others at least twice a week. It's fun and you can include pictures or graphics. Keep it original, helpful, and interesting. Don't forget to spellcheck your work before publishing. Also, when you create your user name, please use your real first name, in Romaji (ex. Ryuki, Mari, Lisa, etc.) so that we know who we are communicating with. Enjoy, and Blog on!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


1) summary
There is an animal that lives around nature. One day, many building were built in the city, and rapidly the city was polluted by trash or smoke. Creatures who live there get disappeared and they run away from the city by help by mysterious creatures. The animal is likely to be left there, but he is also helped by them finally.
2) What do you think about the film?
I felt this film showed us the fear of environmental problem and the importance of nature. There is no human in this film, and animals can't do anything for stopping the city developping. It showed us that human's desire and haughtiness. I thought we should stop excessive developping. Besides, I thought humans should die out, if we can.
3) What happens in the end of the film?
While the city is breaking, animals are helped by mysterious creatures. At finally, the animal is also helped by them. The animals recover former life again, and they lead happy life.

a short story

These days, I have a lot of writing assignments. Among them, what is called “Reading Journal,” which is a assignment for 基礎演習 class, is really interesting for me. I am writing about Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s short story whose title is “The Yellow Woman.” It describes how a woman who has depression is getting crazy. The story is a bit scary but it is more than that. Since it has just about 15 pages, you can try any time if you want.


I have fever now. I am not feeling well. I think I played too much this weekends. I should stay home today :(

Fun Time

I had a great weekend. On Friday, I went to karaoke with my ESS Speech Section friends. We sang for two hours. It was really fun. We were so hyper that we stood on the chairs. At the end of it, my voice was totally hoarse. Then we moved to one of my friends' house. We were awake until 3:00am and slept until 9:00am. We had enough sleeping time. I went back home to get shower quickly because I had another sleepover with Risako and Sayume. I went to Sayume's house with Risako. It was surprising that Sayume's brother came back. Four of us played UNO. I had an awesome time!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

class cancellation

My reading class was cancelled today. I didn't know it, so I went to university as usual. Then I realised that the class was cancelled today. I was surprised.
I didn't have any plan then, so I talked with Suzuka, Ayana and Mai throughout the time. I enjoyed talking with them and I had a very good time although I wanted to talk with them more;;


I bought this at Family Mart. No, I made it a companion of me, I gave it a "Mamono no esa".
I don't know when I pushed its head... slime should have a sharp head.
I named it "Surao".
It was hard for me to say goodbye to it, but I was hungry.

To Mai

I'm envious of your going to the Land mark plaza in Yokohama :)
I also like to see various kinds of illuminations, but I haven't watched any illumination this winter yet...

I heard from my friend that there is an illumination for cerebrating Walt Disney's birth in Omotesando.
I want to go there very much!!!

Training camp

I went to Oze from last friday to Sunday, because we had a tournament. I played basketball with 1st grade and 2nd grades. I was very tense, but I did my best due to seniors' kindness. This training camp was very pleasant to me. Iwant to do training camp again. I love my circles' members.

Monday, November 28, 2011


This movie's main character is animal like rabit or dog that loves nature. Suddenly, the city is built and nature is disappeared. At there many animals are tired and lose hope. The environment is the worst condition. However, finally the creatures like jellyfish come and bring main character to comfortable place above the worst world.

1. I think main point is to value nature and have hope.

2. This movie feels me scary. I think tired animals represent recently human. Everyone works as if they possessed by something. They don't care for others even thier company die. If they change their view and look up, they can enjoy beautiful comfortable life. I wonder why they work until they ruin environment and their health.

3. This movie end with hope because there is comfortable and wealth nature place in the jellyfish. Someone who always have hope and notice the importance of environment and health could be helped. Then tired people also cen be helped when they notice the importance of these things.


An animal enjoyed play in natural, but one day, other animals built their city and broke the nature. The city developed favorably for them. On the other hand, they suffered from the desease which caused by industrialization. The animal took care his potted plant every day. Something from the plant grew up, and it helped white animals when the city was on the verge of a crisis to break. Finally, the animal and his friend met again in the new nature.
2)what do you think about it?
・How can we live and let live? ・It will break theirselves if they try to control the nature.
These are probably themes of this movie. the background looks like the Industrial Revolution.The more the city developed, the worse animals's physical condition became. Maybe, the animals that have black heads and white bodies worry about the environment, but the other animals that have white faces and black bodies don't. Moreover, there was the contrast of the city and the nature. I think this movie show us the danger by the contrasts.
3)What happen in the end of film?
The animals that helped by the white creature will make a new society. They perhaps try to build the society that will be able to live with the nature, and they will maintain the balance between the nature and the society.


(1) short summary:
There is an animal that likes nature. He also considers important it. One day, however, the nature is suddenly destroyed (by the civilization). Gradually, he becomes less energetic in no natural environment. At last, he can go to the environment surrounded nature.
(2) my opinion:
I think the theme of this film is "how great nature is" and "people should value nature." Nowadays, people all over the world overestimate their own abilities. We can't exceed the power of nature. We, however, are destroying nature just as we like. We are able to live now thanks to nature. Recently, lots of people including myself forget it. I realised the importance of nature again through this film.
(3) the end of this film:
I think the animal leads a happy life surrounded by nature with his friends. It can be a hopeful future.

just now

I went to the library to find book for next book report with Shuko.
I found "The Color Purple" there.
Maybe I will read it for my next book report.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Philips Collection

Today, I went to the national art center with my friend. We were going to see American modern art. I'm interested in arts, especially paintings, so I really enjoyed it. The Phillips Collection was very the wide variety. There were realistic painting, abstract painting and so on.

(The man and wife in the top picture are Phillips!)


Afeter about a month, we'll have Xmas!
Recently, beautiful illuminations start lighting in many places.

Last Friday, I saw lighting festival of Xmas tree with Madoka, Sonoko and Maiko.
The tree was smaller than we had thought, but it was very beautiful!
And yesterday, I went to the Land mark plaza in Yokohama with my friend.
There were many threes and their illuminations were very romantic!
The night view of Yokohama was very beautiful!

I want to watch various illuminations till the end of Xmas this year.
I heard from my friend that Omotesando's illumination is very very beautiful, so I want to watch it :)


I went to a local festival last night with my friend. We haven't seen each other since the summer. We are friends from junior high and high school. It was good seeing her. The festival was fun too . :) But since it was after 6 hours work, I was so tired.

The Varmintz

Main idea
An animal shaped like a dog plays a main character in the story. He loves the nature and likes to spend time on the grass, leaning on the tree. But the nature soon faded away because animals started to build. The city got air pollution, animals get sick and die because of the lack of nature.
Then, a huge creature which has the shape of jelly fish appears and save the animals.

What do I get from the film?
The theme of this video would definitely be " Protect nature". Not to mention that the animals appear in thie video are people in real life. We build buildings by cutting the tree. We, people do whatever we think is comfortable for us and end up with regrets. Although the goverments promote to plant trees in urban city now, it's still not enough to have back the nature we used have a long time ago.

How does the film end?
It ends with a huge creature shaped of jelly fish saving the animals , have them live in a place where they have lots of nature.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


I saw "Kaiji2" with my friend.
She said that was okay. I couldn't judge it rightly because I knew the story.
I wonder why Ichijo became a manager of the casino in the movie.
He worked as a footman and became a manager in the original, but in the movie, that point isn't clear. I like him because he's kind of eager-beaver, he bore awful things up to become a king...he wanted to be a king(I don't know what this "king" means, though).

At the end of it, the author of the comic appeared! That was kinda exciting, me and my friend laughed silently.

club activity

I have a club activity today.
During my club activity, I play with many children.

It is a little cold today, so I think I can enjoy exercising outside :)

Friday, November 25, 2011

About Book Report

I had a lot of difficulty about my book report.

I read a biography of author, but it was not easy to read because there are many difficult words and the characters were so little and detailed.
It took a few days to read them!

my weak point

As I said in the last contribution, I'm very easygoing.
Although Yoko invited me to come to her home yesterday, I couldn't do so!
This is because I didn't finish writing my book report.

I'm very sad that I couldn't talk with my friends in Yoko's home.

I will study harder to have enough time to talk with my friends.

Book Report

I finished writing my book report at about 3 o'clock.
As most of my friends said, to finish doing this assignment was very hard!!

I chose "Anne of Green Gables".
I read this book for the first time.

One of the reasons I couln't finish doing this assignment quickly is that I'm always easygoing.
Not only I can't finish reading books quickly, but also I can't type well.
Maybe, I should finish my work more efficiently next.

Although I don't have any confidence in my book report, I believe I can do better in the second book report.


It is a sunny day!
We feel a little cold, but I like this kind of morning because
Sunshine is very warm.
I feel comfortable :)

I'll do my best in today's classes!!!


I have just finished my book report!!!
It was the long way to finish.. x(
My book is "Adventure of Huckleberry Finn".
This story is very long, so it took for a long time to finish reading.
But this is interesting story!
Do you know "Adventure of Tom Sawyer"? My book is the sequel of that.
If you have a chance, please read it!

Fron now on, I'll do book report earlier than this time...
I'm very tired and sleepy now!
So, I'm going to sleep right now.
All your effort today were very much appreciated, everyone.
Good night and see you today's class!

Book Report

I have already finished a book report!

I read Bridget Jones's Diary.

It is first time for me to read this, but the book was very amusing! :)

I want to read or watch the second volume in the near future.

How much

How much is Iphone4s?

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Book Report

This time, I read "Anne of Green Gables" by L.M. Montgomery. This work is popular in Japan, but I have never read this work before even in Japanese. It is quite a long story, but I enjoyed reading it. Book report was hard work for me, but I hope it is good one.

to Shuko

Thank you for your replying to my posting.
I think TDR is very romantic and fantastic in Christmas season.
I hope you can go there in Christmas season again.
However, it takes some cost to go there, so if you want, I can show you many photos of there.;)

Book report

I have just finished my book report on Bridget Jones's Diary.
It is very hard work, but I enjoyed looking over many things about this book.
If there are anyone who haven't finished it yet, I hope you would make good report!
Do your best!!

Book report

I have finished writing book report just now! It took me almost a month to finish it.
Now I can sleep well.

Book Report

I have finished writing my book report. I could understand that classic books are really suitable for it for that they usually have strong concept in it and still there are many ways to be interpreted.


There was a final game of my club. I played the game as one of the regular players.
I could not win;; But I could enjoy my game!

Thank you for your cheering!!

A book

I think it's not clear which book is proper for bookreprt.
I'm planning to choose a book for next bookreport, but I don't whether it will be accepted or not.

I'd like to read an interesting book so that I can write a lot on my bookreport.

To Maiko

I really envy you! I couldn't go the Christmas event in TDS since I was a junior high school student until now...
Your pictures are pretty!:D You seem to have been enjoyed there.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Book Report

My book is "Sundays at Tiffany's". This book is really romantic!! I enjoyed reading it and I'm disappointed at finishing to read this book.
Main character is handsome! He has green eyes, but in the TV version, he doesn't heve these so I feel shock..
I haven't finished writing my book report then I have to do it right now!!


My cellphone was broken because it fell into the water. I am very sad. And do you know the book, “ To Kill A Mocking Bird” ? I read it to write book report. Give me some information if you know about it.

I'm very busy!

I'm very busy this week and next week!
First, I have a lot of homework like reports and preparation of presentations.Also, I'll have the test in German class tomorrow! It is more difficult than English, so I'm very nurvous....
Second, I have important schedules. I work at cram school three times for a week. My students have the test next week, so I have to teach them more than usual. And recently, I started another part-time job, so I have to work a lot!
But I think the busy life is fuller than the free life. I like it! And also I have the schedule of playing with my friend, so I'm looking forward to that. I want to study, work and play hard for two weeks! :)

to Yoko

I'm sure you'd win!
And it was sunny today. God was on your side xD

Book report

I'm working on my bookreport. Have you all finished it?
It really takes time, I think. I haven't figured out what I write on it yet.

Book Report

I wrote a book report about " I Robot" written by Isaac Asimov. I just finished my book report! I can't belive it. It took me about 4 hours to figure out and finish it. I hope I made a good one. :)

Book report

I'm reading "Nineteen Eighty-Four" written by George Orwell. The story was very scary. It makes me gloomy. It is hard for me to analyze the book, but I want to manage to finish it. I'll do my best to make a good book report.

new part-time job

I started to work as a cram school teacher. I teach junior high school studens and high school students math and English. The first day was yesterday and today I was less nervous. I have to study math(; ;), but I don't dislike studying math. All of other teachers are very kind. I want to work hard and contribute to student's features. It would also help me mature. :)

to Yoko

Don't be nervous and do your best!!(^▽^)/~~

To Yoko

I hope you'll do your best! Good luck!
I also have basketball games this Saturday and Sunday. I'll do my best.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Book Report

I selected the book "Around The World in Eighty Days." This book was written by Jules Verne. I really like his stories. He is a famous author who wrote "20000 Leagues Under the Sea ." It is one of models for Mysterious Island in Tokyo Disney Sea.
Around The World in Eighty Days is different from his SF works. This is traveling story but not written the detail of countries. I think it makes this story to be interesting.

tomorrow is.......

......the final game of my tennis club!!
I'll do my best. Please be sunny weather!

High School Friends

I met my four high school friends on Sunday. I haven't met them from in August, so I was really looking forward to that day. Firstly, we ate dinner at Shinjuku. We talked a lot about our daily lives for about three hours. Then, we went out the restaurant, but we were not satisfied wih our talking because we wanted to talk more, so we went to the Starbucks, and talked for about two hours. We hadn't seen for a long time, so we have many things to talk.
After that, we went to see illumination. That was very beautiful.
We decided to meet in December. I can not meet with my high school friends so often, but whenever I meeet them I spend happy time :)

book report

I read 'P.S. I Love You' for book report. It was a sad story and made me cry a litte, but I like it. However, I found book report really tough. It takes long time. Has anyone finished already?

my book report

I read "A Christmas Carol" written by Charles Dickens for my book report. Maybe most of you know this story.

There are lots of people who like Christmas in Japan. Most of them, however, don't know the real meaning of Christmas. Christmas is the day to celebrate the birth of Christ. We should thank Christ for our birth on the day.
Scrooge changed his life and became a pleasant person through Christmas.
Christmas may bring fortune on us. I'll spend a Christmas day on thanking, and then, I would like to have a good time on the day.

I thought them by reading this story.


recently, I am absorbed in listening to the radio. Especially I like Ninety-nine's taiking.

Saying Good-Bye to Seniors

I have a big speech contest on December 10th. It is called "All Aoyama Speech Contest 2011". This speech contest is for saying good-bye to 22 seniors. They will deliver their speech including one sophomore and me. I am already nervous. I have to finish up my speech until this month. I don't have enough time. I respect my 22 seniors a lot and I will miss them so much.

Suffering from Book Report

It is fun reading the book I chose. I like this story. I am reading "Holes" written by Louis Sachar. I recommend this book. There is a film too. It is made by Disney. But I prefer the book. I want to finish the book report by today. Because I have so many things to do this week. I realized that writing the book report is tough. But I will do my best! Good Luck to me and everyone :)

Monday, November 21, 2011


It's very hard to complete my book report.

The catcher in the rye

I have finished to read "The Catcher in the Rye".
I liked it but I can't tell how I like it. I just like it.
I think I shouldn't write about it too much because I have to write it down as my bookreport.
But it's hard for me to find the climax in this book...

In the story, it's almost Christmas, and I thought it kinda timely.
They are getting ready to Christmas in a shop or something. I think it's too early.

part-time job

Yesterday, I worked 10 hours at Musashimurayama citizen festibal!
I like this job because I can watch many performances at there.
My shop sells healthy doughnuts. This doughnut is made from soya milk and bean curd lees. I have been working there for 5 months so I learned how to make these delicious doughnuts(^o^)
Someday I will make this and want everyone in my class to eat!! Looking forward to eating this doughnut!!

Nabe Party

I went to my friend's house and we ate nabe. I ate nabe for the first time this year. It was surprising that many kinds of soup of nabe were sold in the supermarket. We tried to choose tomato nabe but finally we bought kimuchi nade. We put various gredients, even boild gyozas and ramen. Rice gruel which my friend cooked as shime was really delicious. I want to imitate him. ^^ Next party, I want to eat tomato nabe. :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011


I have just finished making PowerPoint about Steve Jobs for tomorrow's IE writing.
I like using PC, so it is not hard work for me.( In fact, I finished skill checks for 2 weeks.)
However, I started making it today, so I haven't finished my book report yet and studied french.
I'll have presentation, a french test, the listening report, and book report...
If I can finish all my assignment, I want to go to TDL/TDS on the next weekend.←

These days

I've been so tired these days. I just finished my listening assigment but I still got book report and reading assigment. I always tend to rush before deadlines. I actually skipped my schedule of hanging out with friends on Saturday and Sunday. Hopefully I can manage to finish my assigments as usual. :)

to Maiko

Thank you for telling us many things about TDS :)

Last month, I went to TDS and saw "Fantasmic".
It was very nice!!
It was the most beautiful show I had ever seen.
What is more, it was very touching.

There are many shows I have never seen in TDS.
The next time I go there, I will see more shows!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

to Maiko

Your blogs and pictures are very interesting!
I want to go to TDS/TDL as soon as possible!!

By the way, November 18th was my father's birthday, too. lol
I want to make lots of people smile like Mickey Mouse someday.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Today is...

Do you know who's birthday it is today?
It is Mickey Mouse's birthday!! Today is the most special day for me in a year.
He was born in 1928. So is he 83 yeas old...?←
He has been making a lot of people smiling for 83 years.

And, today, I realized my long-time dream.
So, I'm very very happy today!!

TDS's Chrismas

Finally, I want to tell you TDS's Christmas.
TDS is very romantic in Christmas decorations.
You can see various type of Christmas decorations in 7 theme port.

There are some special show for Christmas.
First, they held "Christmas Wish." This show is very cute.
However, it is difficult to see this show because you are required an admission ticket, and admission ticket is distributed by lottery. In fact, I was a loser...

You can see "Wrapped in Ribbon."
This show is only held in the morning but if you want to see, you have to run to go to the spot where you can see the show. It is performed only small area, so it become full after soon opening TDS.

Finally, I recommend you "Big Band Beat."
Do you like jazz? If you so, I'm sure you will love this show.
The big band is very cool, and the most coolest guy in this show is Mickey Mouse.
He plays the drum!!!!! It's sooooooo cool!!!

This is my last posting about TDS.
If you go to TDL or TDS in this winter, please ask me anything!
I can tell you many things!

Tokyo Disney Sea's new shows

On 4 September, TDS saw 10th anniversary!
So this year, it has many new shows for celebrating the anniversary.

First, it has "Fantasmic."
It's very nice!! It uses water screen, and you can see many Disney characters, including Villains!
It is a night show, and I think it is a little difficult to see clearly, but I'm sure you will surprised at this show!

Next, it is my favorite show, "A Table Is Waiting."
It's very cute and very brilliant. In this show, many Disney character, such as Mickey and Minnie, introduce many foods in different cultures.
All the costume of them are very nice. Daisy, which is my favorite character is so sexy!!XD

New flaver

Today, I want to talk about TDS as I said.
First, I tell you some new foods.

Some of you eat pop corns when you go to Disney Resort.
There are many flavors, and TDS have a new flavor, cranberry.
It was very nice, it's not too sweet!
So, I think most of you will like it.

And, I recommend you "miso cream soup."
It is more delicious than you may imagine.
It will make you warm in winter.
If you go to Tokyo Disney Sea, please try them!

to Mai

I like karaoke, too!
It'svery interesting and we can relieve stress by singing.
If you have time, let's go with me!!

Catch a cold

I have caught a cold for a few days. On Thesday and Wednesday, I had a fever. It was not high, but I was hard. I live alone, so I must have prepare meals by myself. It was a very hard week for me.


I will have dinner with the members of my circle today.
When I'm at the university, I'm so busy that I can't have enough time to talk with them.

I will enjoy talking with them :)

Obaachan's Garden

I was very shocked after I watched this movie. Her condition was very complicated. I can't forgive her parents-in-law, and imagine her pain of living in strange country. If I were under the same condition with her, I would commit suicide. I think her mental was very strong. I was so sad to have fallen an atomic bomb in Hiroshima, where she was born. I was touching that she lived until 104 years old. I respect her strength.

Obachan's Garden

I like this movie very much.
There are many touching scene in this movie.
Especially, the scene in which Asako meets one of her daughters again is very touching.
When I watched the scene, I couldn't help crying.
This movie taught me many important things.

Obaachan's Garden

I felt so happy that I saw the scene when Obaachan and her daughter in Japan had met.
I think there is no one who doesn't have secrets even if someone seems innocent.

My collection

I do love seeing foreign movies, and when I found favorite movie I often buy that because I see tha same movie many times. These are my collection of DVDs. If you have any recommended movies, please tell me!

Obaachan's Garden

When I saw the movie, I was surprised how hard things Asayo had got through. It was such a moving scene when at last she could meet one of her daughters, Chieko. It was a good movie.

obaachan's garden

I felt very hard and sad when I wacthed this movie. Asayo Murakami had left Japan for Canada, with many complex feelings. Even after getting married, she continued to conflict with her husband, people around her, and herself. Now for us, we can't think the life during war. Therefore, we should learn her strongness and overcoming suffer during the war.

Good Morning

I'm very sleepy...
because I sleep only for 3 or 4 hours these days.
There are lots of things to do.
I know that I shouldn't put off doing them, but I do.
I want to be a person who do things efficiently.

obaachan's garden

After watching the movie, I realized how comfortably we live. At present, we don't marry someone to live. Females can live alone through them life if they want to, because women's status in society rose and they can earn enough money. I thank my parents for raising up me and I want to cnsider importance of my family.

Obaachan's Garden

When I was watching this movie, I empathized with Asayo, who is Linda Ohama's grandmother. The thing which I was impressed the most is that she had a strong mind whenever she was in the face of adversity. She always wanted to go back to Japan, but she couldn't. If I were in her situation, I wouldn't be able to stand it. Asayo Murakami's life story told us lots of important things. After watching her movie, I thought I mustn't give up anything no matter how difficult it seems to be, because many people in the world overcome more difficult hardships than mine.

Part-time job

I want to quit my part-time job because of working job. 8 hours work per a day in the middle of the night is not comfortable thing. I will get rid of this job as soon as I get a money.

My hobby

I like music very much! As I posted before, I can't live without my iPod :(
And also, I like singing very much! I love going karaoke. I live in apartment, so if I sing at home, my voice is heard by my neghibor. It must be trouble.. So I sometimes go there by myself!
Yesterday, I went there with my friend. She also like it, so we enjoyed very much. Her voice was wonderful and I enjoyed listening her singing very much.
I want to go there with IE members, too. Let's go and sing with me~:) ♪

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Obaachan's garden

I think this movie was great..More than 80 years ago, she moved to Canada alone, where the culture is different from Japan. She had overcome a lot of hardness. I felt Obaachan-Asayo Murakami was very strong lady! I think strong mind ladies are really attractive.
And I was impressed the scene that Obaachan met her daughter again. For her, this renution seemed to be the most wonderful. And this scene made me a little missing. I'm living alone, so I wanted to see my family. I think family is very important existence.
I was moved a lot, so I'm looking forward to next class!

it's cold;;

Recently, it became colder and colder.
I can't bear the coldness without muffler.
I like muffler and gloves very much!
But when should I start to wear gloves? Is it early to do it now?
I don't know;;;

TV game

I am going to play TV game, which title is Biohazard 4. It's so exiting. But I must read a book to complete the book leport, so I can't decide whether I should play or not.

Obaachan's garden

I thought this her story was so sad. Because of the war, she was separeted from her doughter. She must have felt very sad then. There might have been other people who got separeted from their family like Obaachan of this film. The war causes only sorrow and doesn't bring a person good fortune. That's why people all over the world must not break out a war.

to Shiori

Yes, I learned that they can't live without a cup of tea through this story xD
I'll bring some of the books for you for real if you want!

Obachan's Garden

It was very touching movie. At first, I could not understand the details of this movie , so I watched it again on YouTube. The sorrow of separation with daughter is immeasurable.
I could hardly imagine the difficulties before before I watched this movie living in hostile countries during the war. And I was impressed by her love for Japan. She never lose the identity as a Japanese though she spent long time in foreign country.

Obachan's Garden

I was really shocked after watching this movie. I felt that there is no life such as hers. Nowadays in Japan, we marry someone we love and we don't have a war. I felt sorry when Asayo was separated from her children. I don't want to live without my family. I thought I have to care about my family more.

Obachan's Garden

That's very good touching movie.
I could learn about war and Japanese people in Canada.
When Asayo Murakami saw her garden's filled by flowers again, I felt happy. I like that scene very much.
And also, when Asayo met her daughter, they seemed to be happy and it brought home something to me.
I wonder if my grandparents had spent such hard times. I'll ask them, we shouldn't forget about war.


Today, Risako and I were planning for a trip. ESS members are going to hot spring trip at the end of December. We are charge of it. I am really excited to go :)

Final Fantasy Type-0

I had been playing Final Fantasy Type-0 for about 3 weeks and recently I finally reached the end。
At the end of the game all of the main character of the game were died, which made me very said。 I almost cried when I saw the Ending。 Even the ending is very sad, it’s one of the best RPG I have ever played, and the ending song 《Zero》 by Bump of Chicken is also a great song。

Obachan's Garden

When I saw this movie, I was very sad. This story happened because of the war.
Now, there is no war in Japan, so I can only imagine how serious the war was. However, wars have hurt many people. Even now, wars happen in foreign countries and many people have become victims. We the people shouldn't hurt other people. I consider my happiness and peace in Japan.
Also, I think of the relation with my family and relatives. It is not natural that I can be and spend lives with my family. Everyone has to think the time with the family precious.

About Obachan's Garden

It’s a great film ,it touched the deepest part of my heart. The film showed us that how cruelty the war is. Because of the war, Obachan' lost touch with her two daughter, but she never forget them. The climax is at the end of the film, when Obachan finally met one of he daughter,I was moved

I think that violin is a simple of Obachan’s thoughts of Japan. No matter where she go, she always carries her violin. The scene which most impressed me was when Obachan heard that Hiroshima was attacked by citybuster, she felt desperate but couldn’t do anything to save her daughters, so she kept on playing violin hoping the music could bring her affection to Japan, to her daughters.

I was also surprised when I found that the woman who played Obachan in the film is Linda Ohama herself. She is a not just a great director but also a good actor.

Obachan's Garden

I can't tell how hard it was for Asayo(Obachan) to suffer such disaster and marry someone who she's just seen on photos.(although she could divorce). It was so heart touching that Asayo could reunite with her daughter. I would be devasted if I were her and couldn't see my daughter for such long time. Watching this film,what I thought was I should care about my family more.

Obachan's Garden

This movie was very touching and delicate. Asayo Murakami lived eventful life.
The lives like her hardly exist nowadays.

It was probably painful for her not to meet her children who were left in Japan.
To my surprise, her family tried to find her children after her secret cleared.
Asayo could meet her child at her 100 birthday party, this scene was the most impressive for me.

I thought that I had to make much of my family through seeing this wonderful movie.

To Yoko

I'm very glad to hear that you like my souvenir.
I want to tell you about the day very mach, so I wrote about it tonight!
Please look forward to it!!

I like Ikimonogakari, too!
I like "Kimagure Romantic", too. It is very cute and it always makes me cheerful.
My favorite song of them is "Blue Bird". I love it!!

to Suzuka

Happy Birthday!!
I'm sorry to celebrate your birthday late, but I had not know it until read your posting...
I hope this year will bring a lot of happiness to you!!!

Obachan's Garden

This movie made me sad, bat at the same time, I think it is very hartwarming.
When I watched this movie in the last class, it is a little difficult to understand the story.
Then, I saw it at YouTube and looked over this movie.

We know a lot of Japanese people were suffer from the war in Japan.
However, I had seldome heard the stories about Japanese in foreign countries during the war.
They also had many troubles.
I recognized anew that wars make no happiness by this movie.

to Sonoko

i also love the movie "the hitchhinker's guide to the galaxy." it is really british, eh? i have to read the books, too.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sundays at Tiffany's

I finished reading my book report book!!
This book is really interesting. I like it (*':'*)/
Therefore, I need to start writing my book report. Fight!
To Maiko
Thank you for your present! The chocolate was delicious.
I became to want to go TDS when I read your blog.
To Suzuka
Happy birthday! Sorry but I didn't know your birthday date.
I hope you will spend a good year again.

To Yoko

I also love "ikimonogakari"!!
Their songs are very cheerful and its' lyrics are meaningful, so
I often listen to them.

I have watched the PV of "kimagure-romantic" before.
It is very cute(^^)
I like their dancing in the movie :)

Let's talk about Ikimonogakari at university! :)

to Suzuka

Happy Birthday!
I hope this year will be the nicest one ever for you :)

Girls Award

Last Saturday, I went to Girls Award that is a kind of fashion show like Tokyo Girls Collection with my cousin. I saw many models. I felt very happy to see my favorite models such as Mirei Kiritani, Lina Fujii, Rola and so on. I like watching models on magazine or TV shows. That is my happy time. If I have an opportunity next time, I want to go that again.


I hate cockroaches because they are move quickly and ominously shine. I have met them six times this year and I can't swat them with newspaper since I don't want to see that they are crushed.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Obachan's garden

My best moved part in this movie is the scene that Asayo (Obachan) and Chieko (real her daughter) met again. She surely left her children in Japan and went to Canada but she always had her children's picture. She believed children were safe because they were near emperor. I really think Chieko is was lucky not to die by atomic bomb.
As another thing, I think Asayo has spiritual strength and patience otherwise she couldn't endure going to Canada alone or going back and forth to Japan. If I were in her place, I can't stand these situation even if it was during the war.
This movie tells us the strong family connection. Even though many years past, they tried to find real children and finally they could meet. And more, granddaughter and obachan are on good terms with each other. After watching this movie, I decided to set great value on my family and relationship with them and live strongly like her.

Obachan's Garden

When I watched this movie, I felt sad and forceful. I was moved by the story, especially Asayo Murakami's a way of life and fimily's love.

Once she married for love, but they had to get separated. She subsequently became a picture bride and went to Canada to marry. On arrival, she wasn't attached to him, so she decided to go her own way. This made an impression on me. I think it is hard and amazing because probably the position of women was inferior in this age. I think she who do just as she please is great. I also want to have a strong will.

Good day

Last Saturday was my birthday! My circle's members held my birthday party. I got many presents and a cake. I was really surprised and happy. I spent a pleasant time with them.

to Maiko

Thank you for your present from TDS!
I want to listen to your story about TDS.
I'm looking forward to talking with you.

Monday, November 14, 2011


As some of you have already know, I went to Tokyo Disney Sea yesterday with my best friend!
I really enjoyed very much!!
I want to tell you a lot of story, but I came back home so late at last night, and I had part-time job today. So, I was very exhausted...X<
I think I will tell you many things about the day several times this week.
I can tell you new goods, new foods, and Christmas event with some pictures.

Design Festa

I went to Design Festa with elders and betters. It was so much fun!
After that, I got tired very much because I walked and walked throughout the place.
I didn't buy so many things, but if you have much money you might lose most of money...
There're so many cute and nice things! I'd like to go there again!

to Saki

I wanted to donate my blood too... :,(((
Not for a cup noodle but for people!! xD

Blood donation

Today, I did blood donation. Sonoko, Satsuki and I went together. This was first time for me to do it so I was really nervous. However, Satsuki and Sonoko couldn't do because their weight are lighter than the standard so I became more scared. However by doing blood donation,there was a big discovery !! I found my blood type is A!! My family member have been thinking that my type was O. I told that fact to them and everyone was surprised it. After starting collectiong blood, we found my blood vessel was suitable for blood donation and finished in less than no tme. As small present, I got drinks and cup noodles. I was happy to get these things for free!!

Last Friday and Saturday

My friend, Kaede came to my home and stayed overnight. When we rode on the train toward my home, she couldn't read many station's names. She read 福生 Fukunama, 羽村 Hanemura, 小作 kosakku, 河辺 Kawabe. The correct answers are Fussa, Hamura, Ozaku, Kabe. We laughed about that all day.
After, we arrived my home, watched her homestay DVD with my family. That day we sit up late at night so our next morning's wake up time was noon!! It was very fun to talk a lot with her(*^_^*)


Yesterday,i hanged out with my friend in Shibuya,Akasaka and Roppongi. We were supposed to watch a movie called " Paranormal Activity 3 " which starts at 15;15 at the Shibuya theater, but since i got late, we couldn't make it. I apologized to him a lot. Then we went to Akasaka for skating. The website of the skating said it holds from yesterday and that's why we went there. But unfortunately the ice on the link was not frozen enough so it will officially open from 18th Nov. Having nothing to do, we ended up going to Roppongi to watch some random movie. The movie called " Contagion" we watched, was horrible. I don't really recommend you this movie. It's like the worst movie I've seen this year. But guess what, the Roppongi hills area is now decorated with illumination! It is so beautiful.

a sports day

I had a sports day with the members of my circle at Yoyogi park yesterday.
To tell the truth, I'm very bad at exercising :,(
However,I could enjoy exercising yesterday!

During a break time, I and my friends were asked the way to a shop which I don't know by a Korean woman in English.
Although it was hard to talk with her in English, I think this experience was good for me.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Obachan's Garden

I was moved by the scene that her daughter, Chieko, and obachan(Asayo Murakami) met again.
This movie and scene made me think about "family."

The family of obachan(Asayo Murakami) broke up because of the Great Kanto Earthquake. There also was a big earthquake in Tohoku on March 11th, 2011. I, however, did not suffer any damage from it because I was in Yamaguchi. I always was with my family. (I'm living by myself, so I get separated from my family now.) Lots of people including myself forget the importance of family recently. It is not natural to be with family but thankful. I could realize it through this movie. I want to spend time with my family as possible as I can.

my favorite singer

I like "ikimonogakari(いきものがかり)" very much! Their songs are easy and attractive.

I like "kimagure romantic(気まぐれロマンティック)" the best. PV of this song on youtube is distinctive and interesting. If you have time, please watch it!

To Ayano

I went to high school near Akasaka Palace!
I used to ran a marathon around Akasaka Palace at PE class, but I have never entered inside that.

I want to visit!

come to stay

I went to a movie, "the three musketeers", with my friend yesterday. It was interesting and amazing. The cast of the movie were really handsome. After we watched the movie, I bought a birthday present for Kazue. We went back my home and Kaue joined us. She looked so pleased at the present, and that made me happy too. (^^) We watched a movie "p.s I love you". It was really good and made me cry. ( ; ; ) I thought I wanted someone to love. Yet one who was able to watch the movie to the end was only me and Kazue is sleeping even now. We had a very good time. Today, I have to study. ><;

Saturday, November 12, 2011


For some of you, let me explain about "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".
That is a science fiction comedy by an English writer, Douglas Adams.
It was written as a radio drama, and it became very popular so novelized by Adams. And there're TV drama series and a movie, too. Trailer is here
That story includes lots of humor and irony, and is very interesting.

The series is made of 5 stories.
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", "The Restaurant at the End of Universe", "Life, the Universe and Everything", "So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish" and "Mostly Harmless".
In Japanese it is called 銀河ヒッチハイク・ガイド.

When Adams had finished writing "Mostly Harmless" he said that such negative ending is not suit this series, he would write a continuation someday. But he died before writing proper continuation.
I was so shocked but I can read the continuation now. Eoin Colfer wrote it! That's named "And Another thing...".
I didn't expected it so much but it was really nice, great ending.

This is getting too long...I will put an end to it soon.
If you want to know the answer to the ultimate question, google "the answer to life, the universe and everything". You will know it then.
DON'T PANIC, and know where your towel is. Thank you for reading this post!

To Ayana

Yesterday was very very cold, wasn't it?
But I love winter, too!
Winter's clothes are very cute, so I can enjoy choosing and wearing that. Oh, I want to go shopping!
And winter has interesting events like Christmas, New Year and Vallentine. I want to enjoy this event with everyone.

I also want to fold some parties! Since I'm living alone, I feel a little missing everyday..
So I want my friendsto come to my house and fold Nabe-party very much!

I wish you can enjoy this winter, but please be careful not to have a cold, everyone :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

to Ayana

Although I can't bear the coldness, I like winter, too.
Because there are lots of interesting events: Christmas, New year and my birthday←!

I want to enjoy this winter because I couldn't enjoy it last year because of entrance examinations.

To Ayana

I like winter very much, too!! I like winter's event; Christmas, the New Year, etc. I also like a kotatsu and mikan. The air is very clear in winter, so we can see much more stars than summer. I wish it would fall snow in Tokyo...
However, I sometimes catch a cold, and begin to miss human in winter. So I like summer from this point.

That's a good idea to have a party with IE members!
I'm sure it's very fun♪

To Ayana

I love winter, too!xD
In winter, my tension becomes high, and I want to go out more than summer.
We can see a lot of stars at night, and the illumination light will give everywhere a fantasia effect!
It's a very romantic season!!

That's a good idea to having a party with IE members!
I'm sure that everyone can enjoy the party.


It's getting cold day by day...

Most peopole around me don't like winter, but I love it!!!(^^)
I like the atmosphere of winter.

I want to hold a party with IE members!

To Saki

I have full clase on Thursday, too. I can understand hou you feel in the crowded train in the morning. I don't like to take crowded trains. Besides, I'm not good at getting up early so taking the first period is a big challenging! I hope university is next to my house!

To Ayana

I'm not good at waking up, too...because I act very slowly at night.
Recently, I sit up late whether I have a important schedule or not.
But, I'm going to try to go to bed earlier!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What a good day!

Now I just got home and it was such a good night for me!
Though we had not much time,I and my friend talked many things.
I'm so sleepy now and I want to go to bed as soon as possibleX(

to Ayana

I'm not good at getting up early either.

I often try to come up with various ideas to get up early.

Judging from my experience, the best way to get up early is to put several alarm clocks out of my reach.
However, sad to say, I sometimes can't get up in spite of my device.

After all, we should go to bed early if we want to get up early.

fitness exercises

I did fitness exercises with my friend after school. We took two short programs, boxing and core training. The former took an hour and it made me so tired. The number of students who took the program was about eight, but girls were two, only us.(^^; The latter is training that straiten up backbone by relaxing on a pole. I took it because I heard it could make a slim waist. I really enjoyed both of exersises. I haven't got enough exercise since I entered the university, so I felt so refreshed. I want to do exercises periodically for my health.


I have full class on Thursday...
Taking the first class is hard for me because train is very very crowded in the morning.
I sometimes can't ride on what I want to. However, every week in that train, there is good looking guy so I managed to get through this difficulty^_^

Kansai Expedition

I went to Kansai Expedition as ESS activity. I belong to ESS, discussion section, and we have the Kansai Expedition from November 2nd to 7th. This was the only one time when I could do discussion with people in Kansai. I discuss medical issues with people there. The procedure of discussion is different between Kansai and Kanto. I had very valuable experience and got stimulus from them.
The club activity is very hard for me, and there is the time when I feel I want to give up. However, when I enter ESS, I swore that I never give up, so I have to do my best to improve my English skill.
I had good experience, but I felt really tired when I came back.

interview for a part-time job

I had an interview for a part-time job today. I also took a test of math and English. I thought I was good at math and studied hard when I was a high school student, but there were some mathematical problems I couldn't solve. They were vexatious. If I'm employed, I want to be able to solve all problems. I am probably an amitious person, but I want to keep humbleness in mind as well. I want to study hard like students who go to a cram school.


I found an article about Linda Ohama, but I have not read it because I am overwhelmed by homework. Now I am going back to it.

part time job

Yesterday, I had a part time job in the early morning.
It began at 6:30, so I had to get up at 5 o'clock.
Actually, however, I waked up at 5:55!
I hurried very much and I managed to get there in time, though I couldn't eat anything or do other things enough.

I'd like to be able to get up by myself no matter how early my part time job begins!


I'm going to meet my high school friend at Yokohama! I don't see him these days, so I 'm looking forward to seeing him very much! We will have an enjoyable evening♡

Akasaka Palace

I went to the Akasaka Palace(迎賓館)with my father last sunday.It's a former imperial residence that functions today as the "State Guesthouse." It is a national treasure of Japan and it's REALLY beautiful! It has many big, beauiful,gorgeous and elegant rooms. Though it is an European style palace, it also has Japanese style part. The palace is SO beautiful and sublime. I recommend you to visit there!
On Saturday and Sunday, I have a part-time job every week in convenience store. However, I can't earn much money.
I want a headphone, so I will buy it before long if I saved enough money.

Part-time job is killing me

I have five days' part time job tihis week and next week. I really got tired. When I got home from school it almost 8 o'clock,I have to eat supper quickly in 30 min, then go to the workplace in 9 o'clock.I want to have a rest !!
However, tihink in the other way, if I can get through this,I will get a lot money next month. so may be it's not a bad thing.

To Sonoko

Your rabbit is very cute! ><

I heared from you that your rabbit resisted you. Did your rabbit take to you?

I want to bread some pet, too.

University Festivals

On last weekend, I went to a lot of University Festivals. I went to, Gakusyuin, Toyo, Shibaura Institute Of Technology, and Chuo University. It was because it is my work from club activity. I'm a liaison staff. I have to go to many places to get acquainted with a lot of liaison staffs of other uni verity's art club. It is very interesting jobs.
Shibaura and Toyo University's campuses are very cool. Shibaura Institute is at Toyosu. There are many rich and high building. I was very surprised!!
I went to both Korakuen campus and Tama campus of Chuo University, but Tama campus was so far. It was very imposing, but I think I can't go there everyday.
Anyway, each univerity has an idiosyncrasy. It is very interesting to talk many people!

my aim in my part-time job

I have workwd part-time in TULLY'S COFFEE for about 4 months.

There are many chain shops of TULLY'S COFFEE.
Yesterday, I went to one of these shops which I had not been to.

The shop assistants of the shop were very kind and considerate of guests.

As for me, when I'm working, I'm so absorded in doing my work that I can't be considerate of guests.

I want to be a wonderful shop assistant like the shop assistants I met yesterday.
I will work harder!!

To Yoko

I know the owner of the strap. The owner is always smiling girl.
I think the strap is cute, but it is somehow spooky look in his eyes...


I take tennis class on Wednesday with my friends. I did a match today. It was very fun!! In that class, I made friends, and I talk with them during rest time. I enjoy not only playing tennis but also talking with them. However, the one thing that is hard for me to get up early on Wednesday.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Angel I Made

I spend about a month to made this gunpla. Not just assembled it. I also changed the color,and made the wing more beautiful. The last picture was took before alteration, and first and second picture was took after I altered.

My father

Today, my father returned from Korea. He went on business but enjoyed very much!!
As I wrote before, my family is blabbermouth so he wanted to talk about what he experienced and other members of family wanted to talk about what happened while he was at Korea. It was really noisy(++) He gave us some souvenirs such as Korean nori and tea. We already ate all of things! Listening his story, I want to trip to Korea as soon as possible!!

To Yoko

It's very cute and I like it very much!

I have seen that charm many times... But as Sonoko said, I don't answer because someone doesn't want to hear the answer!

shocking accident for two days

Two days ago, I faced very shocking accident.
I finished my part-time job of the cram school and I was walking to Fuchinobe station with listening to music. I like listening to music very much, so I always use my iPod when I walk, ride train and I'm free. Suddenly, the song I was listening at that time stopped. I tried to push the button, but any sounds couldn't be heard. And display was black.
I was very boring when I rode the train. And I couldn't listen to my favorite songs when I wanted to. "Oh my god! I can't live without you. Please come back to me, my Ipod!", I cried in my heart.
I spent the life without iPod for two days. It was very bored.
But now, my iPod is moving! I'm very very happy now!
My iPod is very crazy, but it is my good partner! hahaha :)

It's cold... I wish I had fur like him.
But I don't like fur stuff because I don't want to kill fluffy animals :/
I have not finished IT skill, but I have a mind to do it. It's difficult for me. Probably, I won't do it.
I have much free time these days. So I spend my free time watching Youtube or studying English.


Recently, I took a licence test of kick-boxing. Atmosphere in my gym was very tence. I got nervous with that atmosphere.Though I passed that test, I am not satisfied with my performance.There is still large room for improvement. I need to try harder and get a better grade.

To Saki

I can't cook well too. It is hard for me to cook. As you say, I also think I have to be able to cook, because I want to marry. I'm going to try to practice cooking. I hope my cooking skill progresses.


I had supper with my friend yesterday. I like having a meal with friends because I live by myself and I feel lonely about having a meal alone. We went to BAQET. It is an all-you-can-eat bread restaurant. The breads were very delicious. I was satisfied with eating many kind of breads, and I also enjoyed talking with my friend.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

to Yoko

Yes, definitely that's cute! xD
And I know the character, but I keep silent because there must be someone doesn't know the answer.

Last Sunday

Last Sunday, I joined in volunteer activity. This was the first time that joined in volunteer.
It was held in Aoyama Gakuin University, and we washed pictures that was soiled by tsunami in Tohoku, striken areas.
Many pictures were soggy because they were under the seawater in a long time, and they made me surprised and sad.
The pictures that we washed are going to send to  the striken areas.
It was a hard work, and I was very tired.
 However, it was a very good experience.

to Shiori

Your photograph is great! It's beautiful.
I'm looking forward to seeing other photographs on this blog.

to Yoko

I know whose charm it is.

It is very cute and original. I think the owner of this charm has a sense of humor.
The expressionless face of this charm is very different from other goods of Disney characters.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Do you know whose this is?
If you know and want to check an answer, please ask me.

By the way, I think this is cute.
How do you think?
(Maybe I think Sonoko will say "it's cute."lol)

Kei Nishikori

Do you know Kei Nishikori? He is a professional tennis player.
He took 24th place in the world rank today.
It is the best rank in tennis history of Japan. It's amazing!

His play is wonderful!
I want to play like him;;; so I should practice tennis harder.

to Saki

Cooking is really hard for me too! :/
We need to cook to get married but I think men can cook as well.
And women can work too! It would be better if men and women divide their own jobs. xD

I and my friend had a supper together tonight.
We ate too much, and she said "I wish I could bring up...", I said "From top or bottom?" and she said "Whatever." Sorry for filthy story.

Btw my rabbit is cute!! He's cute!! Cuter than any creature. Creator did a great job...
Actually I have nothing to write at all and so I took a picture of him. I don't have ability to take a picture, though.

to Shiori

What a beautiful picture! Just beautiful :D

I don't like cooking, but..

Today I cooked curry and rice. You may think curry is easy to make and this is the very beginning of cooking. However it was really hard for me (+0+).. I'm bad at cooking because it's hard task for me. As a family member, we each have different housework role. My role is the whole housework except cooking such as washing the dishes or cleaning the bath or drying the washing. My younger sister does cooking and she can cook efficiently so I don't need to help her. As a result, I have an awareness that cooking will be hard to deal with. I know this is bad but somehow I don't want to do that. However, today's my brother's words changed my thiking way. He said to me "Saki, you have to practice now. It's too late after when you have a boyfriend. For me, the woman who can't cook is the same as the man who can't work." I haven't known that man thinks that way. I need practice because I want to marry. I promise here that I cook little by little since tommorow and make my brother and father surprised.

taking a picture

Here is a familiar sight to you. As you know, it is a picture of Sagamihara campus. However, you will notice that it is a bit different from what you always see. It has a nostalgic feel and fantastic atmosphere. Actually, it was taken with what is called “toy camera.” Toy camera is a kind of instant cameras. It emphasizes light and shadow better than other cameras, so the picture looks a little different from usual. Letting us see different aspects of a scene is one great point of photographs.


I've watched Captain America. It was pretty amazing. I wouldn't tell you guys the story but I highly recommend it if you like one of those marvel movies. Also, I saw the trailer of new spiderman series called "amazing spiderman" which is going to be on screen next Summer. It was supposed to be on screen this summer but it got postponed. I can't wait. xD

Last Wednesday

I work every Wednesday and Saturday. I wouldn't say this job is boring but when I work 10;30am to 8;30 pm standing all the day, my feet starts to shake at the end of the day. I feel exhausted. So on Wednesay, As I was folding the clothes, I saw someone who's familiar to me passed infront of me, 5 seconds or so later , I realized that it was KimTaeHee. She was literary gorgeous. Having seen her, i felt refreshed and could devote myself in work.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

My family

All members of my family are noisy('0')!! Especially, when we are watching sport game. Today, there were Ekiden and volleyball game on TV. My mother has the loudest voice. She always says "Hurrah! Wow!! Oh!! Ah!" I wonder why my neighbors don't complain about that noisiness. However, thanks to her loud voice, I can know a report on events still in progress or result when I'm in my upstairs room, that is, when I don't watch the game because I can hear her loud expression and clap. Because of her influence, every my sister and brother including me are noisy(^^)v Now I live in rural area so the distance between the houses is long. I wanted to live in a city in the future but I found it's difficult for me because the houses stand close together there. At there, I will surely be complained about my loud voice.