Come in and Blog On!

2023 Welcome to your IE 3 class blog. The object of this class project is to log in and write your comments, web links, answers to questions, and your questions to others at least twice a week. It's fun and you can include pictures or graphics. Keep it original, helpful, and interesting. Don't forget to spellcheck your work before publishing. Also, when you create your user name, please use your real first name, in Romaji (ex. Ryuki, Mari, Lisa, etc.) so that we know who we are communicating with. Enjoy, and Blog on!

Thursday, May 31, 2012


I dislocated my finger yesterday and it hurts.
It's not fun. I can't use my hand much.


I think e-book will be the new standard for reading books. The problem in Japan is that downloading Japanese books are as pricey as buying a paper book. But in America, there is a company called amazon and they sell digital books online. It is much cheaper than buying a paper book. The amazon sells kindle, which is a good size to read books and the battery doesn't go out for 10 hours. You can buy books cheap, doesn't take up space, and you don't have to go outside to buy books. There is pretty much no negative thing about going digital. Only thing that you have to care about is the battery.

To Saki

Hi, Saki!! Whose concert did you go?

Class canceled

 My reading class today got canceled and I was a bit embarrassed because I didn't see the Aoyama site beforehand and ended up knowing after I reached the empty classroom. Usually I would have been glad to have a class get canceled, but the teacher was already sick last week and the stomach flu might have gotten worse so I do hope she will be alright by my next class.

about e-books

I think e-books are great.
I think many people go sell the book after finish reading it or throw it away. If you use an e-book you dont have to waste paper. It also wont take place.


I'm going to a concert today.I'm so excited! I'm wearing a blue skirt and I'm kind of embarassed but it's okay. Is anyone going to a concert today?

A part time job

I tried to get a part time job at Tamapraza two weeks ago and failed, but now I am tring to be get hired at pool side as a teacher. Of course it's a part time job. I'm goin to have a interview this Saturday. I'm nervous. What kind of jobs are everyone doing?

Obaachan's garden

I saw a movie on IE3 class on Tuesday. The title was "Obaachan's garden" by Linda Ohama. It was a documentary about a woman recalling her life in Japan and her arrival in Canada as a picture bride. It was a sad movie but it was difficult to understand because the movie looked quite old and the main character of the movie, Asayo Murakami was over 100 and what she was saying was hard to listen, but I understood that she had a hard life. Although the movie was a sad documentary, I thought the last of the movie was happy ending. She met with her daughter who thought to be dead at Hirosima's atomic bombing.


I had a badminton practice yesterday. After the practice was over, I ate "onyasai" with my badminton club members! I was looking forward to go Takarazuka concert which Minori invited me, but the practice continued late at night so I couldn't go(・_・; I'm looking forward to go next time! "onyasai" is a kind of "shabushabu" and I love it! It is very healthy food because we can eat not only meat but also a lot of vegetables. It is very good especially for girls I think. I reached home at about 0:30(>_<) I'm so sleepy right now because of the reason. Anyway, I'll do my best in class today.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


There is everything there, I walked at Shinjuku and I saw 3 Biccamera. Why is there 3 Biccamera at Shinjuku? I don't understand. And also I saw 2 Doutor coffee at the same street. I don't get it, same shop at the same street? that is wired as crazy. I saw Tokyo prefectural capital too. It was really big and it looked like a modern castle. I wish I could get in there.


I think E-books will become more and more popular because it’s already very useful and expected to improve in the future (easier to write in, turn over pages or the like). However, in my opinion, paper books will never vanish. It is also has good points (not hurt your eyes, fit your hands), which E-books won’t have.

I like to use both of them, so I want them not to vanish in the future.

book report

I am working on my book report now.

I am having a very hard time!

I read Christmas Carol, written by Charles Dickens.

It was very interesting. I loved it.

It is difficult to write the symbol, and irony.

I have been thinking about it since yesterday

and I can't find the answer yet.

Maybe there is no answer.

But because the book report is due the day after tommorow,

I have to get this finished!

We're required on handing in a media discussion?

Hi, there!
Today I have no class but I went to the university.
It's because I have a meeting of summer camp of my circles.

After the meeting, I went home at 9 p.m.
I had typed my book report from that time and will finish it if it's copied.

I have another assignment, which is in Mr.Hinton's class.
But, today I don't supposed to do it.

By the way, next Friday we are required on handing in a Media Discussion?

The Lost Thing

I think the last quote in the film represents the boy's life. He has grown up and became busy. And he stopped noticing about the creature. I think it also means that we should stop and notice the little things in life. For it may enlight us.


Certainly, E-book is useful but I won't use it. To look at a screen for a long time will make my eyes very tired. According to certain TV program,  Japan publishes the largest number of magazines. Considering it, Japanese loves books and I think E-books will not become popular.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The favorite things

I have many favorite things. Listeing to the music, playing the guitar, and eating baked cheese cake and are some of them.
Recently I found one more favorite thing.
It is hearing the teacher saying "No homework for this week!".

Is that same with you?

E-book look set to....

In my opinion, E-books will spread more and more in many ways. Especially it will be used for study. We can easily recongnize it wil soon become ,or already becoming huge economy market.
For me, it is mixed blessing. Main reason is that it is hard for me to look at screen for long time. Last year, I took TOEFL. I used paper-based textbook for preparation. The real exam was iBT, which stands for internet based test, and it was pretty difficult to focus on reading the text.
It is also hard for me to learn new words or stuff without writing it down on the paper.
For this reason I am paper-based person. I guess I will not use it that much in the future.

june 16

Did everyone know we don't have school on that day?

the lost thing

It was really difficult for me to understand this movie. I really like Yusuke and Satsuki's idea.

The Lost Thing

I think the strange creature, that a yong man found on a beach represents thin human relations in today's world. We are too busy with working, studying, or doing their own tasks to care about others. So, this movie may implies the importance of close relationships among people.


This week i think everybody did too but it was awesome! No homeworks thank god!! But this week its gonna be tough again. Might as well get working.

The lost thing

I found this short movie very interesting. I think the lost thing represents garbage which has been thrown away even if it can still be used. This movie is telling us not to thr things away so easily and don't sort every single thing in order. Old things are still good in many ways.

E-books and concert

I think E-book is a good way to read novels, magazines, or newspaper.
We needn't buy shelves and can save money.
It's true what Japanese people say, but if we read just for enjoying, we should use e-book.
I agree with the author of this article.
We will say "Hon wo chotto pin shite."

Tomorrow, I and my friends will go to a concert in Shibuya.
Actually, I went there four days ago.
It was fun and exciting.
If you're interested in it, please tell me.
I'll invite you for free.

The Lost Thing

I think lost thing is things we used to have when we were young.
Story begins when boy found the lost thing on the beach. Because everyone else didn't notice about it, he began to look for the place lost thing can fit. And at the end, they found a place where many strange creatures like lost thing live.

In the video, lost thing is representing our younger days and our hopes or dreams we used to have. May be everyone else couldn't see it because they already gave up their dreams. My opinion is kind of similar to Yusuke, may be :)


I'm so sleepy right now. Good night.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Reading [teacher:Okuno]

We have no assignments this week.I appreciate it.
In Another Country is very deep and represents sorrow of wars.
Sentences are very short and simple but very deep.This is what Hemingway has.
I want to read the Old Man and Sea,but I chose another book for next Book Report.I hear Masaya Aizu reads this book,so Masaya,could you tell me this story strongly strongly Strongly.
[Masaya could know what I mean.]

See you tomorrow!!!

The Lost Thing

This is a very interesting film.
The leading character recollects old days when he was wandering with a strange creature which probably came from garbage and was thinking about whether things around him were able to use or not.
At the end of the story,the boy and the creature entered a vivid and beautiful world in which things,especially used things were moving vividly and very freely.From this part, what the film has to say is that every things have minds and they want people to use them until the things are not able to be used any more,as Minori said.Of course,the producer considered the fact that when things get to be a little older,we refrain from using them or even throw them into garbage bins.This movie features modern cities not particular cities.Deduction of senses of things around us becomes a price for the fact that cities become modern and rich .

Finally,I think lost thing is in our heart not in the visible world,that is,lost thing is not entity.

Finally finished!!!

I just finished writing my first article of AGU English newspaper! Ive never made such an output towards the whole school. So I'm looking forward to see my article on the school newspaper... I can't wait!!!

About the Lost Thing

To me, this movie seems to make us realize that things we used to cherish when we were children, are still around us.
We are just unable to notice them since we grew up too big and being surrounded by many other stuff we have to do.

nice day

Today I couldn't work out so I'm not in a good mood but I'll work out tomorrow.
And tomorrow morning I'm gonna make some Ichigo Daifuku.

The Lost Thing

I think that lost thing represents "waste". Now, we live very convinient world and we all forget how important things are. For example, we always thorow plastic bottles away if we finish drinking. However, we can reuse it. I think one who made this film want us to know this kind of thing.

Minori's comment.

I think same way as Minori's comment "We have to respect all things around us."
Yes we need to appreciate them.
If there were none of things, we cannot live.

did it rain today?

My best friend who went to a boarding school in California just came back today!
She graduated at last!
I'm so happy I'm able to see her more often than before! :)

I've known her since when I was 6.
I used to sleep over her house almost every week... haha
Well, that's only from first grade to fourth grade though. Still a lot. lol

So, did it rain today? Even once?

Work out

Today Coe and I were planning to go to the gym after school though the gym was full of people and we could not even enter T_T FML


I had a barbecue on Saturday at futakoshinchi. I am in basketball club now, and some of this club members planned to do this. It was very nice weather, and I had so much fun! I'm glad I went there.

About E-books

 Although I think to be able to get books, magazines, and comics all in the Internet is a nice idea, I would like the publishing companies to still make them in paper. Even if reading them on a portable tablet can reduce the amount of cutting down trees, it hurts my eyes to stare at the screen for a long time and I wouldn't be able to read  the weekly comics at the convenience stores for free if they make it all digital. I'm sure those who have a habit of reading weekly magazines and comics will not like that at all.


I had so much fun going to my circle's camp on the weekend, but I am so worried about my book report!!
I will keep on working on it today.

The lost thing

First, I didn't get the meaning of the lost thing, but I think I understand better now. The young boy found a weird creature which looks very old. He tried to find the place where it belongs to, but nobody cared about it. I think the lost thing is people's enjoyment and dreams. They lost this because of the technology growth, and people these days don't realize this since they are too busy.


I had been working with my book report all day today and I'm finished!!!
Tomorrow, I'm gonna borrow my favorite comedian's DVD and see it!

The lost thing

 In the time of the industrial revolution, products are largely produced every day. People at that time enjoyed there "comfortable" lives. They used to buy new products and then they used to waste them easily. And soon they bought new one.

 I think that this story tells us what was "the lost thing" in return for the developped technology. I think the lost thing at that time is human relationship. And that is true in the present day.


I went to SALU Sagamihara, which is located in Kobuch, to play footsal as a circle activity on friday.

The members of the circle were so many that I could play only 2nd times...:p

but I got a goal and played well, so that's okay. :D

The lost thing

One day the boy found a strange creature. It could not belong the real world, so he tried to find where such creatures live. He finally thought about it less and less, or maybe just stopped noticing them.

I think the lost thing is the symbol of person's individuality. These days people are losing their own individualities and try to behave in the same way as others, and they hate other people's outstanding personalities. The movie tells us the importance of getting one's own individuality.

the lost thing

First I didn't really come up with an idea what the lost thing is, but I watched the clip again on youtube, and I think I know what it was trying to tell us...

Well, in my opinion, I think the lost thing was the enjoyment of life and tolerance.
The young boy (man?) was collecting bottle caps, until he found the crab-looking creature at the beach.
I think he metaphorically meant that he was having a slow, monotonous life.
But because he found the creature, he saw and did something he had never done before.

Yes, he was able to see intolerance of the people around him, and did something good for the creature, and his life.

I think the creature was in a same situation as the boy.
Because of the boy, the creature was able to share time with him, and was able to go to the creature's belonged world.

It was an warm story :)

I just came back from my part-time job. I'm so tired I feel like I'm going to fall sleep in a second.
But I have things to do, so I can't do that...too bad.
I wish I can sleep before 1:00!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The lost thing

I think people lost their heart to think about other people.
All things have mind.
Trash is not just trash.
I think a concept of"TOY STORY" is like this story's concept.
We have to respect all things around us.


Today, I watched volleyball match against Serbia, and Japan got a ticket to the London Olympic!
I went to see the match on Friday to Tokyo Taiikukan, so it was amazing to know that Japan won the chance to go to Olympic.

the lost thing

Well I really didn't get it but I think that the monster like thing was the boy's dream and that was what he always wanted or dreamed of.


A really good  summary of the plot of The Lost Thing by Haruka, "One day, a man found a strange creature at the beach but other people didn't care about it so the man decided to take care of it. He tried to find where the creature belongs to and finally, he found a place where many strange creatures live."
and  Rena H. has given me a new perspective on the movie, commenting that "The lost thing represents the discovery in the childhood. I think the author is criticizing the indifference of adults." Great.

The Lost Thing

The main idea the story tries to tell you, I think, is that anyone has a place where they belong. "The lost thing" represents outcasts in society. It personally struck me as a symbol of disabled people. The awkward organization of "the lost thing"'s body (so hard to identify it, btw.) particularly made me think of physically disabled people. The comment the narrator, or the main character makes at the end of the movie, I think, implies that we tend to be set in the order of day-to-day life naturally and comfortably, so that we won't take risks of involving ourselves with things we are unfamiliar with, afraid of, or uncomfortable with.

I suppose that you can taste a little irony in the story. When he found "the lost thing", the man recalls "Nobody else seemed to notice it was there. They were all too busy doing other stuff, I guess." But in the ending, he says "maybe, I've just stopped noticing them.....too busy doing other stuff, I guess." Thus, the protagonist who once found "a lost thing" turns out to be "too busy doing other stuff" to find another one like the people on the beach were, which is unexpected? (I still don't get the idea of irony completely. I welcome you guys pointing out my misunderstanding.)

In other news, my dad came to see me all the way from Aomori to Tokyo. I'm having a great weekend with him. I hope you're having a good weekend, too. See you tomorrow.

The Lost Thing

It was a story about a man who took care of a wierd creature which everyone didn't notice. I think that lost thing is a thing that only people who are not busy about doing own things could see it. So in the film, most of the people didn't notice about the lost thing. In my opinion, the man in the film will not be able to see the lost thing as he gets busy about himself.

The Lost Thing

At first,I couldn't understand what this video wants to say but as I looked a lot of opinions in this blog, I could imagine what this video tells us.
One day, a man found a strange creature at the beach but other people didn't care about it so the man decided to take care of it. He tried to find where the creature belongs to and finally, he found a place where many strange creatures live. In my opinion, I think this video criticize people who are indifferent to imagination and creation.


Although E-books is very useful because you don't have to carry heavy things around, I prefer paper books more than E-books.
It's because paper books fits in to my hands more than technical device, and you can go back to wherever pages you want to read. You can do that in E-books too, but doing that in E-books is more troublesome, I think. And, using E-books for a long time tires my eyes!
That's why I prefer paper books more than E-books, But sometimes, I read some novel using cellphones. That is when I feel like I would like to read some novels on cellphone sites. Most stories are written by ordinary people.
And, in the future, I think that there will be a lot of people using E-books because it's convenience, but I think there will be a people who prefers paper books more than E-books. Therefore, I think E-books and paper books will coexistence.

Great Saturday

I went bowling after the club activity in aoyama campus with my friends.
It was fun cuz I hadn't done bowling since two years ago.
And I suddenly realized that I'm spending too much money on those kind of thing. I used up almost 6000 yen, just on this weekend!! Boy, should I think about managing...
And gotta find part time job too


  I'll talk about E-books itself and its future.

  Recently, the number of paper materials such as books seems declining. On the other hand, that of electronic material products is sold on the Web,  mobile phones, or smart phones. Probably, the number will not be changed in the future or the non-paper materials will account for the larger proportion of the gloss publish.

  However, I think that paper materials such as newspaper will not vanish from the future world completely.

That's why I assume that the number of non-paper materials is larger and larger as time goes by but the heavy materials will remain forever.

This summer

I went to aoyama campus today.
This summer, I'm gonna go to Oxford university.
I'm looking forward to it, but I'll miss all of you including Dr. Armstrong.
The teacher who explained the system of this course was Mr. Strong.
In this university, there are many teachers whose name is related to "STRONG."

Saturday, May 26, 2012


I just started Twitter! Please follow me (^o^)
→ @haruharu911
Then,I'll follow you!

No homework this week

so finally I get to enjoy my weekend stress free:)

Wonderful day♪

Today, I had a badminton club in Sagamihara campus. It was early in the morning that I reached there! The practice was from 9:00 to 12:00. After that, I teached English to my friend in the club at cafeteria. Then, I went to Tachikawa to join ACF's activity! It was really fun\(^o^)/ I had a wonderful day today!!

a magic show :)

Can you see this!?
A table is floating!

I watched a magic show in a party, and amazed by every magic.
I couldn't believe my eyes!

It's been 8 hours

..and finally I finished my book report!
 Lord of the flies killed me.

It's been 5 hours

since I started working on Book Report...

: (

The doctor told me not to wear contact lenses so I have to wear glasses for a week :(

The Lost Thing

I also think about the meaning of the lost thing in a little bit similar way as everyone said.

The lost thing is something only the boy knows though the others don't know.
So the place where finally the lost thing went was the place where the boy's imagination lives.
Maybe a world, after the separation from the lost thing, symbolizes a busy world without free of imagination or thinking.

The Lost Thing

Walking on the sand beach as usual, the boy found a weird looking creature.
People don't notice it because they are tired and in a hurry.
He thought that it was lost, so he tried to find where it belongs.
However, everybody including strangers, his parents and his friend who has a lot of knowledge did not know about it and rejected it.
At last, he found the world where such creatures live and said goodbye to it.

The lost thing represents the discovery in the childhood.
I think the author is criticizing the indifference of adults.

Friday, May 25, 2012

E books

I think ebooks is a great idea because it enables us to not bring heavy papers. For example, if we need some dictionaries to carry, it's really great to have ebooks of them. However, I don't prefer those ebooks when reading novels. Because the ebooks don't make me feel satisfaction when I finished reading. I think this is a part of what people like about reading novels.
So, I don't think there will be no paper-based readings' demand. But the number of the usage of ebooks will be intensified. Because it is still useful.

Online digital service contents

As a handout about E-books saying, it seems like online digital digital service contents are getting more and more popular. It's cheaper, easier to buy and free from caring how to store it, but still, I prefer to have books, music and so on materially. It just feels much better having something actually in your hands and also when it comes to music, it's sound quality is better in CDs or other material forms. Sounds are richer and played in wider range, so that you can hear each note more clearly and individually.

Bad weather

Bad weather today( ̄ー ̄)

The lost thing

I think this story tells that when you are
young you can be sensitive in a lot of things and could be imaginative.
But as you become old you become to forget those feelings and that is a sad thing.
I really like the pictures and the sounds of this story.


 I left my window open again today. I sure hope it isn't raining too hard in Komae because my bed and book shelf is right next to my window. All my textbooks, books, comics are gonna get wet and if that happens I might as well curse myself. orz

The Blue Dungeon

Yesterday, I bought a pasta source called The Blue Dungeon for my supper, but it cost, I think around 280yen. It tastes pretty good and because I bought bolognese source, I could eat meat which is uncommon in pasta source world, but I still think it's a little bit excessively expensive.


This is Orie posting from my iPhone. Glad to know that I can post using a device other than the computer. Now I won't have to turn on my PC to post. Today my 5th period class is cancelled, so I only have to go to the IE class! Posting from my iPhone and the 5th period cancellation makes me feel happy. What a nice day... But I still have not finished my book report,and this is becoming a big problem.

The lost thing


I'm on my way to school.

It takes me 2 hours to get there and it sucks!

I'm working on my book report on the train.

It is very difficult for me.

The short movie we saw in class last week, The Lost Thing,

it was very interesting.

It made me think of many things.

I think the lost thing is himself, that he was lost of his mind.

He wasn't enjoying his life.

The creature helped him.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Part-time Job

  Yesterday I had a part-time job as a teacher of a cramming school.

  To tell the truth, I don't actually start to teach my subject there. Namely, I'm in term of preparation before classes.
After my preparation will be finished, I'll be supposed to be in charge of junior high school students.
But, I had a harder time of teaching English to them than had expected.

I have to learn how to teach it with easy understandings, and how to praise them if they can't answer the whole questions.


I wasn't interested in dancing that much but the video I saw changed my mind completely. I saw Genki Sudo's WORLD ORDER. Their dance are something I have never seen. It was like a mix of Japanese art and robot dance. I got to know them when I was checking blogs. One of my friends said that he saw them on TV but I don't watch TV so I didn't know. Now I am completely a fan of them. I wish I could of known before.

The Lost Thing

I was very impressed by this heartwarming movie. I also liked the touching pictures.
I felt that this movie has a strong message.
In my opinion I think the lost thing represents the creativity and the imagination of people.
Since people tend to exclude someone who is different from others, unique idea is sometimes shut off.
It is making hard for people to be free-minded.
This movie conveys the fear of  regulating independent idea and prevents people from being free-minded.

The lost thing

The boy is going to home after school. He sees a thing but nobody seemed to know the thing. so he brings it home. But his parents want it where it used to be. But its a lost thing so there is no place for it. He goes to a place where he can leave it, but the small guy gives him a message that he should bring the lost thing to a certain place. He goes that place and frees the lost thing. When he gets old, he seems to think that there is no more lost thing. I think that this means that when you are young you feel you have so much time that you can see everything around you and when you get old your times goes fast and you feel like as if you can't see everything around you.

part time job!

Today, I had a part time job.
It was my second time to work!
Last time, I did the cleaning of the shop most of the time, but this time, I heard customer's order!
I was very nervous( ̄△ ̄;)
I think I did well for the first time, but I also did a lot of wrong thing.
I guess I have a lot more things to learn...

part time job

 I had part time job today. Sometimes, I feel like I want to quit my job because it is soooo busy. But I cannnot live without eating makanai at my baito saki anymore! You should come to eat next year:) It's close to Aoyama campus.


There are a lot of works to be done.
I wonder when I can sleep.
i havent got a reply from Mrs. Wakui yet. i can understand this. she is a university proffessor. she is very busy.

i think Yumi is right. im going to make a color copy of my picture on my id card and bring it to class.

see you tomorrow.


I'm very sleepy now. By the way, I overslept today and Tuesday!!

Altough I use three clocks, I can't wake up these days. Do you know the good way to wake up early?

About Mrs.Wakui's e-mail

I remember she said something about photos in the first class.
I guess she just wants our photos in the same way as Mr.Anderson does, so I will bring my ID photo.

Mrs. Wakui

To Cory and others wondering what Mrs. Wakui meant by the e-mail,

I didn't understand the e-mail either, because I don't remember her talking about anything about any photograph on the last class for AL 3. But I'm not totally sure. So I sent back an e-mail to her asking what kind of photo we are supposed to bring, and what for. It also asks her if she wrongly sent the e-mail to our class. I sent the e-mail at about 12:30. I haven't got a reply from her yet. As soon as I get it, I will copy it, and post it here, hopefully by about 23:00 because we have her class tomorrow IN THE FIRST PERIOD. Let's help each other out, everybody.

what paper?

I'm also not sure what Mrs. wakui means. What kind of paper does she suppose? Self-Directed Paper? or discussion paper?

To Mistuyasu

It was Wednesday that I heard Mistuyasu had an interview for a part time job. How was your interview, Mistuyasu? Did it go well? Good luck on your part time job if you get hired.

The lost thing

I saw a movie in IE3 class on Tuesday. The title was "the lost thing". A boy finds a machine or monster or whatever that was on the beach. It was lost and the boy plays with it and becomes friend with the lost. The boy first tries to keep the lost in the house but his parents said that it wasb too big to keep it in the house, so he decided to keep the lost in the back shed. Then he goes down to a town and search about the lost. He finds an information about a place where lost things gather. He finds the place and leave the lost there. That part was little sad. After a boy got older, he still finds lost things in his town but he starts to care about them less and less. This reminded me of tje movie "mermaid". I thought thim movie was also about imagination and as you get older, you forget a heart of a children and lose imagination and be realistic.

To Cory

I think "picture" which Mrs Wakui mean is that photo …a kind of a photograph for identification. I'm not sure but something like that…I guess(・_・;


Did she send the mail to the wrong group?
or is she talking about something she never mentioned that she thinks she did...

does anyone have any information about the "picture" we are supposed to turn in on friday?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


i hung out with Takumi. we were just in my apartment talking watching tv a lot of laughs. too bad Mitsuyasu couldnt join us. Mitsu, how did the interview go?

To Cory

Does she said such a thing? I can't understand what she's trying to say too…(゚o゚;;
Todays plan was canceled.
but, maybe I should work on book report.
I dont feel like it though...

the lost thing

in the end the main character said "maybe i just stopped noticing"
i think it is because no he is lost in the world

the story starts out on the beach meaning he was still young
but as the story goes on he gets older and at the end he is an adult
the goes to work on the train.

now hes in the adult world he cant have as much fun as he did when he was young.
and he lives in a boring world now

cross culture
kid world→adult world

to cory

dude! iknow
i have no idea what shes talking about


What does Mrs.Wakui mean?
She said to bring a picture to next class and I do not understand...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Lost Thing

This movie was the most difficult of all movies I have seen in IE class!!

I think this movie taught us the importance of liberal way of thinking.
When we become adults, we can't imagine with freedom. It's a fact because I thought the creature was a huge hermit crab. However, if children watch that movie, they may not think so, and imagin what it is with a freedom.

I became aware that I should have a vivid imagination.


I hate quotations. Tell me what you know. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

People often quote from famous people. So do I.
This maxim made me think that I have experienced many things so I can say something with my own words.

The Lost Thing

I thought it wants to tell us how we forget something as we grow up. This world is society of pragmatism. What people do is to seek thier profit. The lost thing does not have specefic shape or definition. It depends on respctive experience. For me, it is a figure of Ultraman, playcards, and the memory of my father taking me to park on his day off. These things are not tangible now. It lives in my memory. We gradually forget to remember these things in daily life. The lost thing is memery, feeling, and something like these. What I committed was that I show gratefulness to my family and friends before that the feeling of thankfulness goes away.

book report

Book report was tough for me.I couldn't sleep so much so todays gonna be tough. Well I′m going to read jump on my way to school.


I prefer paper books than e-books. e-books makes my eye tired. Nowadays, people are using too much electricity. I don't want the paper books to disappear. Going back to old customs may be needed.


Now I've finished my book report i could sleep!
Well hope to see you guys in few hours! Good night!

Book Report

I am writing book report.
In order to develop my report,it takes a lot of time!!!!!
[  I'm sleepy!  ]

Anyway,seeyou later!


I'm almost finished with my book report:)
right now, I'm having hard time making work scited section... It's hard to write things in MLA style :(
anyways, I'm glad that my classes tomorrow is starting from second per. almost there!


I think E-books is really usful. You don't need to bring all books anymore, only one E-books will be fine from now on. But the problem is that if everyone will be using E-books, paper books will be not read anymore and it might cause big problems to the book companies. Not only book companies but also newspaper companies might cause a big damage because newspapers can be read in the E-books, too. For elderlies, I think E-books is not good because they are not used to using these electronics. I think E-books are usful but to read paper books are also important, too.

Monday, May 21, 2012


I could watch an annular eclipse because I didn’t have classes in the morning.

I didn’t look forward to watch it, but actually, I was so impressed. It was very beautiful and mysterious.

Did you watch it? From where? :)

Book report

I'm now finishing up my book report and I didn't notice that we don't need to(?) put a summary in this.
If so it's just like I wasted my two hours working on it. FML Q_Q

P.S.: Never mind about this post it was actually needed.

e books

I think i prefer reading in e books. I think it won't take much space and there's enormous amount of books and it will be easier to get them on e books. Though those original books has a good part too. it has history and I think written things don't lie but there's no knowing what will happen if the Internet goes down and there's no more electricity in the world. You won't be able to use e books and there will be the need of the original book.

e books

I like paperbacks than e-books. I just like the structure of paper and the fact that I can put them in my shelf. Also, I like book accessories, like book marks and post-its :)
I think e-books are more convenient way to access to many books, but it is sometimes fun to just look at the cover of the book and enjoy them in analog way.


I prefer book to e-book. If I want to read some stories, I do not want to stare a liquid crystal display monitor for a long time. I think paper is soft and gentle to our eyes. I like to watch something on TV and play video games but, I don't know why, I do not want read a book through display.

e books

Whenever I want a book so badly, that I want to put in my book collection, I would by a paperback or hardcover. However if I want to just read a book that I would probably forget about reading afterwards, then I would use e books.

A Result of This Weekend

How were your weekends?
Well, mine turned out to be great, because I became God.

I have given life to a pencil. I have a hard-bitten (HB) pencil who's got a tatoo on his chest.

The recycled pencil: Oh, brothers, may you rest in peace. Never will you be forgotten as you are parts of me. Short as my life seems, I shall fear no death, for it is never wasted.

For those who have read this post (no, I didn't try to prove my vivid untalented-ness for painting and photography), thanks for putting up with my silliness. This is what a man who has stayed home alone all weekend comes up with. I needed a little break from homework. Now, it's your turn to be God; comes up with any good anthropomorphism, post it on the blog. Let's see who will become the truest God. Amen.

I'll see you guys in class. Bye.


How was your weekends?

I went to a sports bar called HUB, which is located in Shibuya, with my kohai to watch CL final.
Chelsea is my fav team and so I'm pleased ^^

Blue is the color!!

Chelsea's the best!

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Yesterday, I went to Tokyo with my badminton club members ,our coach,OB and OG\(^o^)/ We went to Asakusa and Odaiba by car. Our coach paid everything for us to eat! We went Asakusa to eat lunch and dinner to Odaiba. We ate Chinese food for our dinner and it was very delicious! I had a wonderful time with my club members and I thought I want to spend a lot of time with them.

The Lost Thing

Hi! Did you enjoy your weekend?

  Last Friday, I watched a video titled "The Lost Thing".
I wonder what "the lost thing" is many times
but I can't choose a particular answer out of this video,which wants to convey some messages.

  However, I can tell you only that people have made a sacrifice of something for the development of science. Judging from the video, the creator of the video thinks that we lost nature, imagination and aspiration.

 I think whether or not we can recover what we already lost  depends on us.

Annular solar eclipse

It is tomorrow that we can observe annular solar eclipse!
My father bought eclipse glasses and my families are looking forward to seeing that, but the weather seems not good...

I hope the weather will be fine tomorrow morning!

Will E-books replace paper books?

I'm pretty sure E-books will overwhelm real books.
The merits of E-books are obvious.

First, the simplest and biggest advantage, they are convenient. I don't know the exact number of books it can hold as data, but I'm sure it's capable of containing data of more than 10 books. We can't carry 10 books with us to read, but E-books enables that. Whenever we're done with a book or bored with the current one, we can switch books easily.

Second, they are environmentally friendly to the earth. E-books do not need paper and ink. This would save the trees from being cut down to produce paper for normal books. This will lessen the need of paper and might slow the speed of deforestation.

Third, if E-books replace paper books, printing factories will become completely useless and we can build parks or condominiums or something. I don't know how much land printing factories occupy, but there should be enough to build something much more useful.

I acknowledge many people love paper books and publishing companies will be desperate to stop the spread of E-books, but the majority tend to use convenient modern devices and put away thing that were used for ages.

The Lost Thing

This movie reminded me my childhood. When I was a child, my treasures were small shells, a piece of gold folding paper, a cute eraser, and the like.
I think the lost thing not represent something exactly. The lost thing means things or feelings which are not worthy for us anymore, and it varies from person to person. For me, they are like small shells.
By the way, the world the lost thing finally went was so colorful and seemed to happy and comfortable, on the contrary, the human’s world was gloomy and discolored. In my opinion, that means humans, especially adults have lost many things as they adapted to the society, but actually, the lost things are much more valuable than the things they cling to.
I think the message of this movie is “Haven’t you forgotten something important, or the fact you forget something? Do you still have what you truly wanted to protect, or threw them away without knowing?”.

About "The Lost Thing"

 After watching the film, I thought the lost thing represented childhood or imagination. In the narration at the beginning, the narrator said that he used to know a lot of interesting stories but couldn't remember any of them except for the time he found the lost thing. No one around him didn't seem to notice the lost thing or maybe they weren't able to see it. The concept might be we lose our personality when we grow up. The houses, streets, trains, and clothes of people were very similar. It was if they were controlled to do that way. This movie reminded me of Peter Pan, especially the part where the boy finds a place to go for the lost thing. The world there must be a fantasy or a dream yet the boy didn't follow the lost thing and go in as well. Perhaps he thought he will be trapped there forever and never be able to go back to his world.
 To tell the truth, I was pretty freaked out by the movie. I couldn't feel any life from the people in the movie except for the main character. In other words, I felt nothing from the extra characters. The world so different yet somehow closely related to the world which we live in now makes me feel uneasy and think about the differences and the lags between them even though it 's not real.


yesterday i went out to buy my hockey gear.
it costed a lot!!!
so i could buy all the gear. all i got was my skates and elbow pads
cant wait to use the at practice next Wednesday!

The Lost Thing

I love this kind of video. Sad but entertaining, and very mysterious.

I think that the "lost thing" is a symbol of wasted items that we throw away very often.
The lost thing the man (or a boy) found is hard to identify what it is, but the other ones looked like a TV, a pencil, an aircraft, and so on that are used in our daily life.
When we throw away something that we used to use, the "item" suddenly becomes a "waste". "Garbage".
The item, now a garbage, gets thrown out, never to be used as an item again.
Once something becomes a waste, no body actually pays attention to it any more.
It could be recycled if thrown away properly, but if the item was just left on the side of a road, in a bush, or maybe at the beach like the "lost thing" in the video, no one will recognize it as an item.
For example, if a broken chair was left outside, will you expect it to be useful? Probably not.
Most of the people would probably see it as a garbage, and never try to make use of it.

About the place the "lost thing" went in the end, I think it represents some kind of our feelings.
When we throw something out, we don't make any use of it, but still, we don't expect it to be left outside.
For some reason, every person expects a garbage to be sent somewhere, so it could be buried, burnt, recycled, and so on.
The place the "lost thing" went is probably SOMEWHERE we expect the wasted items to end up in.
We don't know where the items go, but somehow we think the item goes to a place for it.


beautiful day out side!!
great day to stay home and do your homework, eh? haha

Book Finished

Finished reading The Hunger Games. It was about 400 pages and loooong but it's finally over.
Great book. Gotta do the report fast!


I went to university and worked part-time job yesterday.
Actually, ESS had an event yesterday, so I wanted to go there!
All members wrote on Facebook or Twitter that it was so great or exciting.
Today I'm gonna work part-time job too.
BUT! I have to finish my book report!
Did anybody finish it ?

To All

Do you know anyone close who's going to enter the koukoku-kenkyuu-kai?

I didn't go to the BBQ they had last time, and I can't go to the event they have today too.
So basically I have no connection with this club(?).... ;(

At last(>_<)

I bought an iphone yesterday! It's really complecated and I still don't know how to use it so I might ask someone for help :( So today, I'm going to Ikebukuro to buy a case for my iphoneヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ


I prefer paper books to e-books.
Paper books, I can hold them by hand so that I can feel how much information in it.
To see how many pages I read gives me a sense of achievement.
And, a great thing about paper books is that I can possess them in my shelf and see  everyday if I bought them.
However, e-books are so easy and light to bring. This enables us to read whatever we want even if it is a thick book when we go out.
But e-books cause decline of eye sights, this is a serious problem.

Anyway, I do want to read paper, not electronic.

Bonus for I・E Listening [instructor:Ms.Wakui]

Do you have any idea of the bonus Ms.Wakui gives?
I think eating out with her or getting some chocolate is good!!
[The deduction of the book report is best!!!!!!]

Anyway,let`s give our energy to the book report!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

To Haruka and Satsuki

It was so much fun!

Haruka, I like your Justin song.

Satuki, let's go to karaoke next time.

The Lost Thing

It was a nostalgic, gloomy, strange and lovely movie. I'm scared of something with this kind of atmosphere, because it's like unsubstantial and unreliable on a point that what it shows superficially is not always true and it has some dire truth, but I think this movie had a clear happy end, so I was relieved that it ended peacefully. I think the lost thing symbolizes simply something lost, but I don't have a persuasive reason at all. It seems like it has some different symbol, but I feel it's just about something lost. I'm saying this because of my lack of imagination. If I try to expand on it more, I think it symbolizes a new beginning, guessing from the ending and what the protagonist was saying at the end. He was saying that the place the lost thing arrived finally was not the place he originally belonged, but he was happy, so I think it means a new beginning or new life.

The lost thing

This short movie is really difficult to write about this movie! (・'・;)

I think this movie's "lost thing" is a thing that was not useful for people of that time.
So for most people, this movie's "lost thing" might be seen as a garbage.
But, boy found the "lost thing" at beach.
I think that is because boy still had a child's heart in himself.
He didn't have to think about it's usefulness.
You can say that from his hobby. He liked to collect caps of bin!

So, maybe the people who made this film wanted to tell the people not to forget child's heart, I guess.
It's important to look the things in a way of efficiency, but it's boring to think like that all the time.

I liked the music of this film!

The lost thing

I didn't understand what this film tries to tell, in the class, so I watched it again on YouTube. Then, I found out the message!
In my opinion, The lost thing in the film is representative of curiosity. Even though the lost thing was so big and it seems hard to ignore or not noticing, all adults act as if they are not seeing it. From this expression, I thought the lost thing is worthy for only children. At the end of the story, the main character mentions that he is becoming not noticing. I thought that means as the boy gets grown up, his curiosity became less.

The Lost Thing

I loved the film so much.
In my opinion, this is all about the sadness of losing curiosity, creativity and imagination, so it is basically same with the movie "Mermaid", which we saw in class.

Every child in every place--from New York to a hamlet in China--has pure, pure mind that is not affected by anything.
But as the time passes, and as human beings get easily affected by their surroundings, most of us leave our flexible way of thinking somewhere.
"The lost thing" might be that.

I felt really emotional when I saw this movie, because I always think in that way.
Thinking how it is sad to get matured, I would stop here.
Goodnight everybody


Wow! You did go to karaoke?! It sounds really fun! I also want to go somewhere with all members of the IE class(^^)!

Friday, May 18, 2012

transgender & e-book

I watched the transgender video again on youtube.
I really respect people like Crystal because she has her own ways to live.
About the part that she decided to make a movement when she was denied to enter a night club because of her sexual identity, I think it's hard to think that way because most people get upset and tries to obey to the generality.

I wish I can do something by not caring so much about other people's eyes.
I don't want to, and I'm not trying to but there are many times I'm fearing people's eyes and frightened that maybe people will criticise me.
I was really moved by her action.

AND! About e-book.
It's not like I don't like to rely on electronics, but I think I don't need it.
I might use it, but for now I don't want to.
Like the article said, I like paper-printed books and manga. I feel a strong attachment to it.
You can also keep it in your shelf! Forever! You can stare at it anytime you want!

In addition, if you read books through e-book, I think your eyesight will fail, and that's super inconvenient!
Screen lights of electronics are not good for your eyes. I think mama always told you not to watch TV too close. It's the same situation.
Well, you can say the same thing to cell phones too so if you don't want to make your eyesight fail then you should decrease the use of electronics as possible.

Then we shouldn't use cell phones? That's right, but can you do that?
It's almost becoming (or already become?) a "no cell phone, no life" world.
Without a cell phone you can't contact anybody and you can't get quick information.
So we don't have a choice using cell phones.

But e-book, we don't need them!
You can actually read books and comics on your celly these days!
I recommend you not to use money for that and buy something you desperately need, like... I dunno, food?


I went to Karaoke with Yuko,Yusuke,and Minori(IE class members) today(*^^*) It was so much fun and I had a wonderful time ! Yuko sang a lot of "Anison"(?) and Yusuke sang "Sennokazeninatte" and so on…! Minori sang "Takarazaka" song. I sang Justin Bieber and other kinds of English songs a lot. They are all very good at singing and I was very surprised about that! I want to go somewhere with my IE class members a lot!

To Yuki

 I would not think putting the skin inside the shoe is not a good idea at all. It could make the shoe smell even worse and maybe you'll end up gathering the fruit flies in your shoes as well.
 Try using them on mosquito bites. That really helped, only after it dried it smelled fruity and a bit sandy.

How to use a banana in 7 unexpected ways

 The video clips starts with a man waking up in the morning after a big party and finds his house is in a mess. He needs to have it all cleaned up before his parents comes and he panics. While he was collecting the trash, he was about to throw away the banana as well when his friend stops him and shows him how to use the banana to clean up things in house in 7 unexpected ways.
 It really is amazing how little we know about the skills one daily things in part of our lives have. I think the moral here is "Think twice before throwing it away, it may be somethimg worth of value".

Taking a photo in a photo machine

Yesterday, I needed to take a photo by a photo machine in a train station yesterday, but although I heard that it costs 400 yen and thought it's expensive, it really cost 800 yen! I was so mentally disorderd because of it that I didn't take a photo afterall.

E books

It was surprising that so many of you preferred paper books to E books.
I think the digitization of books is epoch-making.
It is absolutely convenient and good for the environment.
So, I agree with the article's idea that E books will spread rapidly.
I love paper books too though :))

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Rina and I went to Tokyo Disney Sea yesterday.  It wasn't crowded so we could ride lots of attraction. It was very fun!


My grandmother's sister returned to Japan from Chicago where she lives in, and she and our family had a dinner together. It has been three years since I saw her last, and she said she would stay in Japan for a month.

We had a great time! :-))


I strongly believe that e-book is handy at all and all Western high schools should introduce Kindle or that kind of e-reader as a substitute for heavy text books that students have to carry everyday. 

It is pity that even though it has many strong advantages, there's still a concern about durability.
Therefore, more greater reliability of e-readers is the key to make e-reader more popular, I think.


I read about e-books in class. I think e-books are good at carrying and doesn't take space but mabe it's too small. On the other hand, reading paper books feels more relaxed than e-books, but if books are heavy like the statute books and dictionaries, e-books are more useful.

I have a question to Mituyasu. Aren't those dictionaries you have heavy while movingto another class?


I admit E-books are really useful and high-tech, but I prefer paper books to E-books.
I like to feel the papers and turn over the pages by my own hand, but for E-books I can’t do that. Also, when we read E-books I have to watch a screen for quite a time and that is very tiring.
Thus I think paper books are much better:)

to Mitsuyasu

I hope you can find your dictionary soon. I know dictionary is equivalent to your life!!!

To Mitsuyasu

I hope you find the dictionary(゚o゚;; I'll tell you right away if I find it!!


Yesterday I went to disney sea with Natsuki! It was so fun!!
Now I have a cold but I'm very happy!


I prefer paper books than e-books. E-books are so tiring for my eyes and I get more impression by reading paper books.


I have French class today. For me, It's getting so difficult than I thought! Does anyone have French class? Let's do homework together next time(;o;)


I totally agree with Haruka's opinion. I think Japan's trying to make everything too convenient and I don't think it's necessary.

to mitsuyasu

I hope you can find themヽ(;▽;)ノ


I firmly disagree with this article. There are two reasons why I think so. First,as it is said in the article,we(especially) Japanese love our books and periodicals. As for me, I like the smell of a book and the form of a book itself. I like weekly and monthly magazines too,so I buy my favorite fashion magazine every month. I think Japanese people or public are not to be easily weaned off paper. Second,watching a computer screen or digital device's screen to read a book is bad for our eyes. It is less harmless to read a book on paper rather than on computer screen. For these reasons, I disagree with the use of e-books.

lost my dictionary!!!!

I  lost my dictionary and book, Who Cares about English Usage? .
If you happen to have it ,tell me as soon as you can!!!!!!


I met my mom and my big sister, Rio, today.
3 weeks has past since we last met!

Even though we all live in Tokyo, we can't meet each other often because I have school, and mom and Rio have to work hard. I have my part-time job too.

Well, Rio works in my mom's company so they see (?) each other a lot.
But I can't really meet them so often...
Maybe a time might come when we can't meet for a month or more. ;(

It's a sad thing, but today's dinner was so fun!
I just get so relaxed being with them!

I get more excited to see them when I haven't met them for a long time, like today.

A family is the most important thing in your life.
No one has no family.
Without a family, you were not born and raised.

It was mother's day last time, and it will be father's day next month.
Let's say thank you to our parents, brothers and sisters even if it's not those holidays :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


It was a fine day today. It was as hot as 28 Degree Celsius.
They said it was the hottest day in this year, and it is still May.

What I want to say is that I got tanned and became darker today. Don't be surprised to see me tomorrow.


Today, I have no class, so I went to TSUTAYA. I finished reading The Notebook, so I rented that movie. I like this movie because my favorite actor appears in this movie!! 
I also rented The Lion King. I really like the Disney movies!!


there are good things and bad things about ebooks
good things:
it doesnt use paper
its easier to keep track of data than paper books
series like harry potter can all be read in a hand held device

bad things:
the number of libraries will decrease
security problems(hack)
cant peel the page
cant smell the scent of paper



Character: university student and Banana master

Settings: They had a big party at home. When he got up, he noticed that the room was very messy. However, the university student's parents will come soon. He was very upset but Banana master appeared and instructed him how to use a Banana in seven unexpected ways.

~ Seven ways by Banana master~
 First, use a banana skin to polish anything made of leather.
 Second, use a banana skin to wipe leaves.
 Third, use a banana skin to polish the table.
 Fourth, rub a banana  on an insect bite.
 Fifth, use a banana to erase the ink.
 Sixth, use a banana skin to repair CDs.
 Seventh, put a banana in a plastic bag and leave it to catch fluitflies.

I think that this movie tells us not to hold a party before the important day and, that finally, his parents wouldn't notice that he had a big party and the Banana master will make appearance at other's home...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


For 3 days I've been drawing a single picture, using all my free time...
And I'm finally done! Hurray!!
It took me about 11 hours in total to draw it.
I often spend 5 or 6 hours drawing, but I've never spent  11 hours for just one.
How surprising......


I wanted to wash my clothes and dry my clothes today but when I woke up, it was cloudy out side. And when I looked at the weather forecast, it was rain all day. I was shocked. But it was no problem because I don't have to wash thick clothes that I wear in winter so it won't take that much time to dry up inside. Right now I am drying my clothes inside so my room is smelling like a pool.

Tomorrow is...

I have no classes on wednesdays...which is really cool.

Watched movie wuthering heights

I had watched it in the library of AGU. The movie came out in 1939, in which age, they don't have colors in pictures.
So I felt weird a little at first, but I got used to it soon. Although The special effect technology wasn't developed enough,and so some scenes looked lousy, it was still a good movie because of its good plot.
I should utilize the university library even more... Its great!!!

Banana Polisher

As we watched  the Banana video, I tried one of the unexpected way. I polished my shoes with Banana skin. Actually it worked! My shoes got shiny. And another idea came up to me. It is embarassing to tell you, but my shoes smell so bad(according to my family), so I thought I could put  the skin in the shoes. Do you think it is a good idea or a bad idea?

Thai Transgender Power

Crystal is a manager of cosmetic brand and at first her colleague did not know she is a man. When she wanted to go to pub, there were a licence check. She showed her drivers license but she was not allowed to enter because she is a transgender. She thought it is a descrimination and wanted everyone to know this issue. As a result, she changed Thai constitition. I think she is a brave person. If I were her, I felt embarassed and hide that issue. Now, there are a lot of transgender talent and comedian in Japan. I like Matsuko DX because she always says what she thougt directy. A lot of transgender person go to Thai to have prastic surgery. I want to know why Thai is so popular in transgender.


I'm just so sleepy recently! I don't have much time to sleep. I want to sleep more than 6 hours but I sleep only 5 or 4 hours recently. It's too short for me! I'm always trying to read the book for my book report in train but I can't concentrate on reading it(>_<) Anyway, see you in today's IE class♪

Good morning

I have full class today so I think I'll be tired after school. But I'm excited to meet with my friends. Today is going to be little cold I think, but tomorrow will be very hot like 28 degree! Temperature goes up and down these days, so be careful not to catch a cold! See you
I have free two periods today...
Well, I gotta finish interaction assignment.
So maybe I'll do that..


Good morning everyone! did you guys have a good sleep?

I really don't have anything to say but i just want to say
I hope to have someone join the AGU football team because there isn't enough people. Well i just hope someone has some interest.

Good bye! and see you guys in few hours!

David Crystal

When I looked at the name Crystal,I remembered David Crystal who study language.
I want to talk about him later.

Anyway,good night!!!!

Thai Transgender Power

The video shows a  history of a  lady who is named Crystal and her repercussion.[Crystal is very beautiful.] She became transgendered at a certain age,but I thought It  was hard and appalling to change her sex though transgender is authorised in Thailand.[Her parents seemed to get annoyed.]

However, it is a good thing to change sex ,because we have natural desire to accustom our physical sex to our mental sex.These days,the world is getting to look at human races not only from values shared in 19 century ,20century,and so on  but also from postmodern values.It takes a time for people all over the world to share the new values,but this news triggered.
Another example is that Miss universe rejected a transgendered woman because she is transgender.This has a very strong repercussion on people allover the world.Ironically, This gave transgendered persons courage.

There is a lot of problems about transgender,but importantly,people have to think about people who have another values.Concisely intercultural communication is a must.I think lives like hers is very wonderful and we have no right to criticise them!!!! We should give up delusion and stereotypes.

It may be a good thing to forge a relationship which  relationship is more than friends with them!!

I am sleepy!!!!

Thai Transgender Power

Crystal is a person who used to be a male, but transgendered and became a female. She worked at a normal cosmetic companey. One day, when she went to a nightclub, she was refused to enter because of the fact that she is a transgendered person. This affair had a great influence on Thai. She won the lawsuit. Then, the rights for those who transgendered was guaranteed in constitution. Crystal could have had really experiences, but finally achieved her goal. I think not only Thai, but other countries should carry out some measures for such people to live comfortably.

It's too late but...

Happy birthday Naoto!!!!! I know It's too late, but I want to celebrate!! And, by the way... Today is MY birthday\(^o^)/hahaha I will write about Thai transgender

Thai Transgender

I think it it okay for Crystal to make this choice. In fact, I thought it was a really strong and brave decision. I think the rules for transgenders should be changed in Thai. Being who you are openly is an important thing and it also shows your identity.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Crystal is a man who wanted to be a man since he was little and now he is living as a female. In the ending Thai′s constitution was changed. I think confessing something that is unusual is a really tough thing so we should make a more easier world to confess. Changing bodies to the opposite gender is a difficult problem. Doing it will be good in mental but physically, not good. Many risks come with the transferment.

Thai Transgender Power

Crystal, who was born as a boy but he always wanted to be a girl.  After she changed into a girl, one problem happened: she couldn't get into the hotel because she was a trangendered person.
Soon after that incident, millitary coup happened and millitary took over the government. They decided to make new constitution for the country, and in the new declaration, it gave equal rights to transgendered people.

I think what crystal did was a great thing, and I think new constitution suits Thai's situation(there are many transgendered people). But if you apply this to Japan, I don't think this will work. Of course it will help many transgendered people, however, in Japan, there are many people who still have a prejudice about it and it is difficult to pass new declaration in today's situation. I hope other countries will come up with ideas that will suit all countries and help those suffering right now.


Crystal didn't do anything wrong. She should have been born as a girl but her body turned out to be a man but i still think she is a women.
Well everyone good night and see you all tomorrow in class!

Transgender Power

Crystal, a transgendered woman who lives in Thailand, had been refused to enter a hotel because, according to the hotel, her sexual identity violated the code of the hotel. This problem spread all over the country and as a result, Thailand government officially admitted transgenders' rights, at last.

Transgender in Thailand

I think Crystal is right. All people have the right to live their own life.I don't feel strange about people like Crystal. Whether they have a gender identity disorder or not does't matter.We should accept all kind of people.I hope people like her will become more accepeted in the world.


Hello !!

I have been sick in bed since last Wednesday.

I think it was just a cold but because I had to go to school to turn in my homework

on Thursday and Friday, it is not getting well.

It's almost been a week and I really hope I will get better soon. 


Yesterday, I went to see a tournament of archery. There I had to wear suit on and just cheer for the team. But at the same time, the place was extremely hot and since I didn't wear a hat, my nose got fire red. When I came back home and took a shower, I touched my nose and it hurt like crazy. I thought my skin on my nose was about to tear apart. I was standing outside in a extremely good weather for about 4hours so I knew I had a bad sunburn but I didn't think it would be this bad. I should of brought a hat or sun lotion to protect my face.

Club Trip

I attended a trip to Yamanakako with my club members and since I was drunk, I lost one of my contact lenses. T_T
Gotta absent from school for few periods today...

It is cool

Fear is only as deep as the mind allows

Do you think so?

I think so!

How to use a banana in seven unexpected ways

This is my guess.

Character: A college student, Banana angel
Setting: Sunday morning (last night was party), 30 minutes before the college student's parents at 12:30 in a messy room
Conflict: He must clean his room otherwise his parents will get mad at him and stop paying for the rent. But he only has 30 minutes.
Climax: When the bell rang, which means his parents arrived.
Irony: He was panic and could not think what to do next, and his friend(Banana angel) helped him clean the room with using bananas.
Theme: Whenever we face the difficulties, there is a way we can obtain the help. We should cherish our friends.


Everybody thank you for celebrating my birthday! I had a great birthday.

Transgender in Thailand

I think Cristal is NOT unusual. I don't know the feeling, though.
I saw Lady Gaga's concert on TV and she emphasized that it had nothing to do with gender, skin color, age and so on.
She can say that again!
Especially in the U.S, there are lots of kind of people.
I don't know in Japan.
Today many transgender people are on TV and we don't care about it, so perhaps we've already felt that it is normal.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Bed time

I'm getting ready to go to sleep. Finally I can go to bed.
I had a long and tough day and I need to rest for tomorrow.
I'll stretch for about 30 minutes, than go to sleep.

Thanks for posting the homework for this week, Mitsuyasu.
I really appreciate it!

part time job

Yesterday, I went to application interview for part time job.
I took two, Mastsukiyo and cake shop, and I'm now waiting for the results. I really want to work in some place because since I entered college, I keep spending my money and not earning it... I need some money :(
Anyways, I'll see you in tomorrow's writing class :)
Group B people, don't forget to bring something to record voice :) lol

and Yuko, I watched Naushica too! It's such a great movie!!

To Minori

Weren't you a Seisen-Jogakuin student!?
I was in Kamakura-Jogakuin!! Do you know?

Where do you live?
I feel a kinship with you~!!!

Thai Transgender Power

Crystal was born as a boy. Having developed feminine behaviors since he was little, he wanted to practically be a woman, and chose to be a transvestite. Crystal's parents are having a hard time accepting the fact, particularly her father, but she told him that he didn't have to worry about her life because she would do it properly. She lives in Bangkok, Thailand, and is a well-respected and committed manager for a well-known French cosmetics company. She has a very clean and healthy life. She doesn't smoke or drink, and is a vegetarian.   

One evening in June in 2007, She went out to a nightclub in a hotel. The door staff checked her ID card. Once the staff found out that she was a transvestite, she was not allowed entry. She was shocked and could not agree with the policy. She made a phone call to Bangkok Rainbow Organization, a recognized non-profit organization in Thailand specilized in gay issues. The organization publicized the story through mass media. Because the hotel brand was Novotel, which has close to 400 hotels and resorts in 60 countries, The news spread across the world. Eventually, the hotel arranged a press conference and made an apology to her. 

The story didn't end here, and had a much larger concequence than anyone could have imagined. On September 19, 2006, a military coup took place in Thailand. An interim government was installed, and Constitution Drafting Assembly was selected to change the constitution within the year. Crystal was invited into the Assembly as a representative of gays and transgendered people. The Assembly wrote equal rights for gays and transgendered people into its constitution. On August 19, 2007, Thailand voted in favor of the new constitution, ensuring that Thailand would have transgender and gay rights for the first time in its history.

What I felt watching the video clip is that people need to be considerate for others. I would never treat gay people like the club staff, because I know how I would feel if I was discriminated like that. Golden Rule: Treat others the way you would want to be treated.

I wondered which to refer to Crystal as, he or she, but I figured she would be pleased if I referred to her as she.
Also, does anyone know how christanity is against homosexuality? I don't know that because I've never been involved deeply with christanity. If anyone knows and tell me, I'd appreciate it.

Transgender in Thailand

I think Cristal who are transgender did right thing. Still, although a lot of people today think transgender is not normal, people have their own choice how to live. They would feel bad if we refused them. We have to realize that they are just normal as we are.


i think what the woman did was a great thing.
but just because Thailand accepts transgendered people i don't think japan should necessarily do the same thing.
because if done it would change japanes culture completly


I saw "Naushika" yesterday on TV. I think Hayao Miyazaki is genius. I would like to Naushika's comic book also.

I mean, the day before yesterday.

Thai Transgender Power

The character of this video is Crystal. He lives in Thailand, but he actually spend his life as a women.
She works in a famous cosmetic company as a manager and people who work in that company didn't know that she is a transgender because she is very natural as a women and anyone could imagine that Crystal was a man.
On June 22 2007, she was rejected to enter the night club because of being a transgender.
She was disappointed about this, so she called Bangkok Rainbow Organization and took it to court.
Consequently, the manager of the organization apologized and the military took over of the government in 2006. The Assenbly wrote equal rights for gays and transgendered people into its constitution.

I don't know why so many people feel that transgender people being wrong and crazy. Human beings have rights to live happy in their own life, so I don't mind whether a person is trangender or not.

How to use a banana in seven unexpected ways

  The video was very humorous, I think.

  Probably all of you have the same question who that guy is.
I have the same opinion about him of Kazuhiro's one.
Kazuhiro thinks that he is banana itself. So do I.

  That's why I think that the guy waked up when the banana was thrown away into a trash can, and teach bananas' useful ways to the main character who got into a panic.

Thanks all of you!!

  Thank you for your answer about my questions, Rina, Mituyasu, Aki, and Kazuma!
I'm happy to get your opinions about English Education from your past experiences.

  All of you say that enjoyable classes depend on teachers, don't you?
I have the same opinion about that.

  However, we were divided in opinion on the second question about the need to change English Education.Personally speaking, I think that we have to reform not only the English Education itself but the JUKEN system, which is referred in Kazuma's post.
  Anyway, I'll thank all of you regardless of whether you posted or not!

To Yumi

I went to the festival twice, because my high school is in Ofuna. Do you know?
"Jagabata" is one of my favorite food there :)
We can go there wearing kimono, but it's hard to move, isn't it?
I also recommend you cold pickled cucumber :)

How to use a banana in seven unexpected ways

I couldn’t believe the seven ways, so I tried one. While I was polishing a table with a banana peel, my sister came and laughed at me (“What are you doing!? Hahahaha! :’-D” ) I insisted that bananas are very useful and pointed at the table, but there was no clear change and she laughed more. That's why I recommend you to prepare for ridicule when you try them :’-(

Anyway, the video was very funny. I want to show my sister the video :-)

to Masa [English Education Overview Tuseday5th period]

No. 1 Did you feel enjoyable when you took English classes of your high school? and why?I  think to take the classes is not interesting,but it depended on teachers.
Some teachers usually reprimanded ,and delivered  practically nonsense lessons.Other teachers teaches us not only syntax and word usage but also etymology.The teachers who know and learn Etymology, English History,Phonetics,Philology ,and so on might be minority!!!!!!!Teachers should study harder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No. 2 Should we change high school English education or not ? and why?
The English education hitherto has aimed to get many more students enter universities.To teach nature of English has been slept. It is true that teachers inspire students to get them pass entrance exams,but there should be more important things.To break down things,we should reform!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Happy Birthday!!!!!!

To Dr.Armstrong....

I  want you  to present examples of book report.
I do not mean to be pushy,but examples of  textbook is not applied to MLA style and inconvenient.
Also I guess many of the students want the example in order to make the report better.

Anyway,I am happy to see you Tuesday.

to rina

What do you meanヽ(;▽;)ノ?

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Thai Transgender Power

This film was about a person called Crystal who changed his gender from man to woman because he already had a girl's heart since he was small.She is in full activity in the cosmetic company and at first the person who employed her completely didn't notice that she actually was once a man. One day, she was not able to get in the club because she had her sex changed and the Thai's constitution changed that everybody should be treated equally including transgender.
I don't matter whether who' transgender or not but many people still look at transgender strangely.Like Yumi said, I really want to have a friend like Tanoshingo and Haruna Ai  :) I think transgender know more about beauty and cosmetics then us so I want to learn from them :D

Thai Transgender Power

The main character of this movie is Crystal, who was once a man but had a sex change, and has been working at famous cosmetics company.
One day she is refused to enter into nightclub just because she was a transgender.
She feels discriminated against and so decided to sue Novotel.
In the end, the government inserted new provisions into the Constitutions that transgender people have an equal right as other people.

I know there are many people who suffer gender identity disorder in the world, and have a hard time with being accepted their conditions.
I can't understand why some people hate them. Transgender is a part of people's personalities.

I like Onee-character such as Matsuko-deluxe, and I really want to be friends with people like them someday!!!

to Koki

Wow you live in Hiratsuka!?
My best friend lives in Hiratsuka, and so I know much around there!

I go to Tanabata festival every year:)

To Satsuki

I live in Hirastsuka. A place far far away from Machida. I didn't know you live in Machida. Sorry I didn't remember your name:{

I forgot

Anyway, Happy Birthday Naoto!

Wait a minute

I heard that it was Naoto's birthday. Is it today or was it yesterday?

Thai transgender power

It's a movie from IE3 class again.

Main character of the video was Chrystal who changed hisself to herself. When she tried to get a job, she was not treared well because she was transgendered. This became news and Thai's government decided to give equal rights for gay and transgendered people when a military coup took place in Thailand and the new constitution was made.

I haven't seriously thought about gender recently and I can't understand why Chrystal could't live as man. Can you imagine yourself becoming a different gender?

To Momo

LOL I laughed so hard because you posted happy birthday to Naoto but you didn't actually say the word "happy birthday!!"

Transgender Power

The main character of this documentary is Crystal who is a male-to-female transgender woman lives in Thailand.
She works as a manager of a famous cosmetic company and nobody doubts that she is a transgender because she is so natural.
On June 22 2007, she was rejected to enter a club in Novotel for being a transgender.
She was shocked, so she called Bangkok Rainbow Organization to talk about the issue and decided to sue Novotel.
As a result, the manager of Novotel apologized and resigned taking responsibility.
After that, the military coup took place in Thailand and on September 19 2006, the government set up the new constitution which stated the equal rights for gays and transgendered people.

It is amazing that one transgender woman has changed the constitution of one country.
Gays and transgendered people are in the minority in Japan, but we need to think about this issue as well.
I chose an article about gay marriages for the next media discussion.
I am looking forward to talking about it in the class.

Have a great weekend :))

How to use bananas in seven ways.

I watched it yesterday. I didn't know banana is so useful. I always eat banana in the morning. Maybe I should try some of those...
I don't know why only a guy stayed at his house. Was he a fairy or something? Well, he looked like Jesus, but I don't know.
Anyways, I thought the video has theme. It might be "don't waste easily"

How to use a banana in seven unexpected ways (*´∇`*)

The video which we saw today was really funny!
When I saw the video first, I thought it was a fake information. But when Dr.Armstrong said that it was true, I was very surprised.
I didn't think banana peels was that much useful!!
Although I won't try it because banana smells....

And I don't have an idea who is the man who was teaching a way to use banana.
First, I thought he was a friend of a house's owner, but how come only he was staying at home?
When there was a party a day before, it will be natural to have two or three people left, I think.
Maybe he really was a god or fairy or something like that (*^▽^*)

Friday, May 11, 2012

To Coe,Yusuke,Cliff,Cory and others

I had an English  grammer class today! This class mainly consists of group presentation.
People who don't do presentation only listens to it while One group(about 5 people) doing the presentation. My group has a presentation in the second semester so I can relax in this class now(^ω^)
Today's group which did a presentation was Coe,Yusuke,cliff,Cory(IE3 class member)'s group!
 I think you guys did a great job in today's presentation. All of you prepared for it and explained about "Nouns" very clearly. I'm not pretty good at English grammer but I could understand it thanks to the presentation! I think you guys get a high grade♪

Answer to MASA's question (^-^*)

   My high school's English class was sometimes fun but sometimes boring. It depended on the teacher who was teaching. To me, class of the teacher who gives us reading assignments was fun. We read that at class, and we translated it at home. I liked to translate English assignments because it feels good when I had my Japanese in a good shape. And it was really fun to hear other's, too!

   My high school had a lot of English class, but there was very few communication class. I know that communication class is not so useful for writing test, but I think Japanese should learn to talk using English. Therefore, I think it will be nice to have more talking class in high school English class.
When I entered this university, I was very surprised to have many opportunity to talk English in class!

Is this ok, Masa?
It was really fun writing this (*^^*)



How to use a Banana in seven unexpected ways

I watched the video today, and I thought it was pretty humorous.
I wonder why that guy had so much knowledge of how to use banana peels...
Maybe he's the Banana King(´▽`)
If you know a video called "Charlie the Unicorn", I think you know what I mean.
You can find them on YouTube. It's very weird.

About the seven steps, I think they're great, but hard to practice in real life.
I think the seventh step, "gather fruit flies and throw it away" is the most realistic one to try.
Other steps, like polishing furniture, are hard to challenge if we think about the smell of bananasXD

How to use a banana in seven unexpected ways

I think the guy telling him how to clean with a banana is a banana itself. That's why he knows so much about a banana....(:

to Cory

About a part of assignments,we have to comment on what we watched in the classroom,but as I said, the video clip is able to watch on your screen.
●Website: Current TV
●Title of the clip: "Thai Transgender Power."
 You don't have to  make accounts and log in.
●What we write on the blog:  1 Who is Crystal?
2  What happened on Crystal ?
                                                3  What was the result(not only of Crystal but also of the nation itself)?
Also it is good to write reaction.

If you have a Question,tell me.
[    ]
Notice:you should put "mi" into[    ]

today is a special day for....

Naoto! Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a


 All the experiments and torture that made the boy in last half not to be able to see the fish as a mermaid was really shocking to me. I understand that long time ago was a era were people had to obey all kinds of rules that even includes our free will, but so long as you keep it inside your mind,  no one will know. So, there is no way in stopping us humans to think and imagine whatever we want. Maybe that was the moral to this story that Tezuka wanted to tell us.
 There is a comic called "Calvin and Hobbes " that also includes lots of imagination. Please try it, it's really funny and I recommend it.


 After seeing this movie, I couldn't eat octopuses(not that I eat them very often) for a while. The story begins with the octopuses couple being seperated and if it turned out all wrong, the female one would have be buthchered. The male despertly and daringly go after the truck that she was taken away. The climax was probably when they were united but still being chased by the man from the fish store.
 All animals probaby have a way of feeling emotions, and this kind of romance is just what we humans sometimes forget. For those that doesn't speak or you feel nothing about are really hard to think about what they might be thinking. In Japan, octopuses were merely just a part of our food and in some countries, they are even callled devilfish because of the way they look. So maybe the movie was trying totell us that even octopuses feel love love and that love can't be easily broken.


 Yesterday I accidently left home without closing one of the window because I didn`t check the weather forecast and I couldn`t see any reason why not to refresh the air inside while i was at school. But, as most of you know, yesterday poured down and I was really feeling uneasy thinking my room would be all soaked. However to my surprise, when I got home, there was not a single drop of rain inside and i was very relieved. I will try to check the weather forecast every day from now on.
 By the way, today`s weater will be sunny until 11 and will be partly cloudy after that. Be careful because it might rain by 40% after 5.