Come in and Blog On!

2023 Welcome to your IE 3 class blog. The object of this class project is to log in and write your comments, web links, answers to questions, and your questions to others at least twice a week. It's fun and you can include pictures or graphics. Keep it original, helpful, and interesting. Don't forget to spellcheck your work before publishing. Also, when you create your user name, please use your real first name, in Romaji (ex. Ryuki, Mari, Lisa, etc.) so that we know who we are communicating with. Enjoy, and Blog on!

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Detective Konan

I watched the latest movie of Konan yesterday, with my friend from the circle. I really liked the plot, the way we never can guess what will happen next. Since there might be some of you that are planning to watch from now, I can't really tell what happened, but I loved the silver-hair lady, one of the main characters here. The theme, color, is important too, making us cry at the end, when we realize the true meaning of it. If you haven't  watched the movie yet, I recommend watching.

Midnight practice

On Sunday, I had a dance workshop from 24:00 to 6:00. It was very fan but exhausting at the same time.

The fan and the flower

This short film takes place in a house owned by an old lady. Main characters are fan and the flower. The conflict is that they are not able to get close to each other since the fan is attached to the ceiling and the flower is also not able to move. The climax of this story is when the fan breaks a hole into the ceiling by overly spinning itself to save the flower from drying to death. The symbol in this film is the dust showing time. The irony in this story is that though the fan and the flower look alike, they cannot be together. Theme that I found in this story is that power of that power of sacrifice is always significant.

The fan and the flower

This story is about a fan placed inside an old woman's house at the ceiling, and a flower in the room, somehow loving each other. At first the flower tries to attract the fan by changing its style, and gradually they both tries to get close, but they never can't touch each other. Then the flower gets withered, for the old woman forgets to give it water. When the fan sees it dying, it flies away through the roof, making a hole, so that rain will pour directly to the dying flower. The flower, in the end, changes its design to a fan. I think this story's theme is the romance between two people who never can meet.

The Fan and the Flower

The story takes place in a home where an old lady lives and there was a ceiling fan who it felt very lonely all the time. The main characters are the ceiling fan and the flower. The conflict of the story is the fan and the flower vs. themselves, because they want to be together but cannot quit the fact that they are just a ceiling fan and a flower that serves under the house. The climax is when the ceiling fan tries to help the dying flower by running its rotation at the full capacity and then flies away making a hole in the ceiling, which the hole makes a perfect water supply for the flower. The water is the symbol of life, without it the water would not survive. The irony is after the ceiling fan had gone away, the love that flower feels about the fan turns its petals into the shape of a fan. The theme is love, which cannot broken easily.

The fan and the flower....

Setting: in a room

Characters: the fan  & flower

Conflict: the fan and the flower vs. the distance between them

Climax: The flower finally blooms.

Irony: The fan kills the flower on purpose because he sees that the flower can change her appearance. The fan also knows that the flower will come back to him as a fan so they can finally reach each other.

Symbol: The fan is a circle of life. the flower reappeared as a fan.

Theme:the theme is in the end love wins/

Sunday picnic

This Sunday i had a picnic with my friends from high school.
i made lunch, and we played with water balloons and baseballs.
i had so much fun.


Every Tuesday and Wednesdays I wonder why I'm up all night on the computer.
I always just regret that I should of done my assignment before.

The fan and the flower

The setting of this story is at an house owed by an old lady. The main characters in this story are the fan and the flower. The conflict in this story is the flower which is on a desk can't touch the fan since it is attached to the ceiling. The climax in this story is when a fan sacrifices itself to make a hole on the ceiling so that the flower can be watered since it has become very weak. The rain(water) is a symbol for life. Irony in this story is when the flower's petal turned into the flower. The theme is love.

Making Love

I invited my friends to come over to my house tonight. The night is going good so far and we are going to make the best of our times. Cheers.

book report

The book I'm reading for my book report is called "A Separate Peace". I'm finding this book very interesting but at the same time, I'm finding it a little difficult as well. I usually don't read books although my parents always tell me how wonderful books are. I'm hoping I can make a decent book report!

book report

Hi everyone!

How far have you guys finished reading the book for the book report?

I have been working on the book called"the devil wears prada" which is my favorite one.
I have watched the movie version of this story for many times before, but I somehow get the different impression of this story when it comes to the written style.

I am planning to watch it again before the due date so that I can deepen my understanding of it and do the comparison.

love at first

The main characters of this story is a man who moves into a new apartment where the next room is nearby. This takes place in a small city where people are living quite peacefully. 

He felt in love with a women living next his house and tried to get her attention, though he kept failing to impress her. The climax comes when the women turned out to be blind and the women was actually in love with him too, which was the part of irony. 

The theme of this story is probably do not give up until the last moment and keep hoping that your dream will come true at the end.

Monday, May 30, 2016

The fan and the flower

Setting is at an old women's house. Conflict is him and other person. Climax is that he spins as fast as he could and break the ceiling to give water to the flower. Symbol: rain means blessing, fan means deep love, flower means fragile. The irony is that he sacrificed himself to help the one he love. The theme of this story is you can sacrifice yourself if you love someone deeply.


Today I ate dinner with Maya and Joe at a restaurant in Shibuya.
We had an awesome time talking about all kinds of stuff and laughing at random things.
I hope we can go out to eat again.
Now I have to finish my homework before i go to sleep. Good night guys

The fan and the flower

The short film takes place in a room of an old lady's house.
The main characters are the ceiling fan and the flower. The conflict in this film is that the ceiling fan and the flower aren't able to touch each other because of the far distance they have between them. The climax in the film is the part where the fan breaks the ceiling in order to pour the rain for the flower. The irony is that the flower was about to die from drying out, but the ceiling fan was able to save her at last. The theme of this film is that love will last forever.

Love at first sight

This film takes place in a city in Spain.
The main characters in this story are a blind woman and a man who falls in love with her.
The conflict of this story  was (the man vs. his own feelings) when he tried everything he could to get her attention. The climax is when their hands touched for the first time and realized that the woman also was in love with him. The typewriter is a symbol of love and hope.The irony is that the man thinks the woman does not care about him, but she actually was also in love. The theme of this film is that even though you think something is impossible to come true, it actually turns out successfully if you don't lose your hope.

Spanish exam

Hi guys :)
I have my Spanish test tomorrow and I'm so nervous.
I did study for it but I'm still nervous because this is my very first time learning Spanish.
The reason why I decided to take Spanish was because I simply wanted to visit Spanish and I also found the pronunciation of Spanish similar to Japanese.
What do you take for second language?
Do you guys have any exams coming up soon?


Yesterday was our very first windsurfing practice ever since we joined the circle.
Although I have practiced a few times during the trials, I still can't control the board very well while riding on it.
The seniors told us to practice a lot to actually be good at windsurfing.
I think everything requires a lot of practice.
I really want to hone my skill and eventually take part in races.

The fan and the flower and flower a house owned by old lady 
Conflict...lover(fan and women) vs others
Climax...The fan sacrifices himself and make a hole on the ceiling so that the rain pours to the flower.
Irony...the flower's petal changes into the shape of the fan.
Theme...true love

Flowers for Algernon (spoiler alert)

I have finished reading my book for book report, Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes.

It is a story of a mentally retarded man named Charlie who undergoes an brain surgery to increase his IQ. His thoughts and experiences are written in the first person style, in a form of diary report. This is the most fascinating part of the book as you can see his writing style becomes more and more sophisticated after the operation. However, as he becomes more intelligent and surpass the levels of intelligence of people around him, such as the university professors and doctors who operated on him he realizes that the artificially created intelligence will decrease by the speed proportioned to its increace. He becomes certain of theory by observing the behavior of a mouse named Algernon which had been operated just like him. After Algernon died, his intelligence also starts to decrease rapidly. In the end he enters Warren. (a mental hospital)

I watched two movies, but they had very different story to each other and the book. The imterpretation of the ending seems to be various...

cram school friends

Last week, I spend most of my time with my cram school friends.
I love my friends even if they go to different university or school, and that I need to treasure my old friends.

The fan and the flower

The setting of this film is at an old lady's house.
The main characters are the fan and the flower.
The conflict is the fan and flower vs the distance.
The climax of the story is that the fan breaks open the ceiling and saves the flower from dying out.
The irony is that the flower's petal became the fan.
The theme is love

The fan and the flower

The main characters of this short film are the ceiling fan and the flower. This film takes place in a small house owned by an old lady. The conflict of this film is that the ceiling fan and the flower can't be together because they are far apart. The fan is high up on the ceiling and the flower is on a desk. The fan tries its best to reach the flower but it is impossible. The climax of this film is that the fan sacrifices itself and makes a hole on the ceiling so that the dying flower can be watered and live again. The symbol is the rain showing sadness. The irony of this film is that they both want to be close to each other but they can't. The theme of this story is that even though you might like each other it is never easy to be together and at the same time love goes on forever.

Book report

I am reading a book called 'The Notebook' by Nicholas Sparks and I'm enjoying it a lot!! On Sunday I watched the movie and I actually loved it. 

I hardly read books but I realized that it is sometimes nice reading them:) 


Today I went out with my friend. We met in Shibuya on 10 o'clock and went to Karaoke. At first we were going to be there for 2 hours, but at last we spent almost 5 hours. It was very fun, but since we sang too much, I'm so tired that I don't want to speak or even open my mouth. 


Hey how are you guys doing?

Next Sunday, I'll go to Avicii's concert with Sana and one more friend.
Personally, I believe Avicii is the king of the EDM Djs and now am ridiculously excited to see him for real!!

Anyone jealous? ;P


Every Friday, I go to lunch with my friend. We go to famous places. Because it's weekdays, we don't have to line up! last Friday, we went to Azabu and ate yakiniku! It was really nice and it's cheap! It costs only 1000yen! It's great but I need to stop eating too much because I'm getting fat!!

Need a new job

Few weeks ago, I wrote about my part time job. But, since the payment is not good and the place is close to where I live but far from Aogaku, I want to get another job in Shibuya or Omotesando.
If you have any recommendations, plese tell me!


Cavs made it to the finals!!!!! I'm so hyped right now. I really want to see them play against the Thunder. I just got to hope that they make it to the finals too...

The Fan and the Flower

The main characters of this story are the ceiling fan and the flower. This takes place in a small cottage maybe somewhere on the countryside. The conflict is the fan and the flower vs their distance between them. In the climax, the flower dries out with no water but the fan sacrifces his life to let rain pur down on the flower. The fan breaks the ceiling and rains falls down, providing the flower with energy(rain) to live again. The dust on the fan`s surface is a symbol of darkness and sadness. The irony of this story is where the fan crashes outside but blooms to become a flower. The theme of this story is love.

The fan and the flower

The maincharacters of this story are a fan(male) and a flower(female).
The setting is an old lady's house at maybe old time.
The conflict is that the fan tries to attract the flower. He uses his lights and tries to reach her but he never did because he is hanged from the ceiling. Later, the old lady forgot about the flower so the flower was dying.
The climax is that the fan tries to save the flower. He moved his fan so fast that he finally broke the roof and gave the flower water from the rain.
The irony is that the flower was saved but unfortunately the fan broke himself. But, few days later, the flower became a flower with fan. That means the fan and the flower unioned.
The symbol is the fan, the flower, the house, the old lady, people, rain, dust, and the table.
I think that the theme of this story is that love can be endless.

the fan and the flower

This short film takes place in a room of an old lady's house. The main characters are the ceiling fan and the flower and the old lady. The conflict in this film is that the ceiling fan and the flower can't touch each other due to their distance. The climax in this film is the part where the fan breaks the ceiling in order to let the rain pour on the flower. The irony in this film is that they love each other so much but they never get to touch each other. The symbol in this film is the rain which represents life.

a little surprise on Sunday

I will talk about my Sunday.

Let me start with explaining my part time job.
I have two part time jobs. On Sunday I was working at Shibuya. This shop has two floors. First floor is coffee and wine Bar. Second floor is Italian Bar. I was working lunch time yesterday. What a surprise, my friend came over to second floor! I did not recognize her until she said "AAAA!". She did not know that I was working on that day.  I was little embarrassed but I was also little happy that I could see her on the weekend.
After finishing my work, I headed to her work place! I had some coffee at there while I was waiting for her finishing her job. We went back home together.

How was your weekend?

the fan and the flower

This short film plays rule in a house which is owned by a old lady. The fan and the flower is the main character of this story.
Conflict is person VS person. The fan VS the flower.
The problem is that they do not have a way to get closer in distance, top of the roof and top of the desk.
Climax is the death of the flower.
Symbol is wind. Wind symbolize gentle love. We can feel love softly but it cannot move things for real.
Irony is that they can not touch each other because they are just objects.
Theme is love lasts forever even if the ones which fell in love were objects.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Champions League final

Today at 3:45 in the morning, I watched Champions League final on TV. It was Real Madrid vs Atletico Madrid. Champions League is basically a competition to decide the best football team in Europe. The score was 1-1 so the game was decided on penalty shootout and Real Madrid won. I was happy because Cristiano Ronaldo, my favorite football player scored the winning penalty.


We were down 3-1 in the conference finals but we somehow got two consecutive wins. Now, we're tied at 3-3 in the series. Game 7 is at home, having a better chance of winning. LJ23 is waiting for us...

The fan and the flower

In this story are the lonely ceiling fan which falls in love with the flower in the pot. As for the setting of the story, it is mainly about things happen in one room of an old lady’s house. The fan is in conflict of the flower so it is Person vs. person conflict. 

The flower first shows no interest in the fan but eventually gives into his sincere appeal. Those two in love try to touch each other but are not able to in the distance from the ceiling to the table. The old lady forgets about the two as she ages and the flower becomes dried up and weaker. The fan realizes the flower is dying. 

He sacrifices himself and makes a hole on the ceiling so that the flower can be watered again to survive. And next comes the climax of the story which the flower blooms a flower in shape of the fan after being planted from the pot to the garden. The flower never forgets the fan.

This video was made in black and white. The only element that has a color in it is a flower. This symbolizes that the flower was the only thing that brings colors into the fan’s life. The rain at the climax does not only mean water for the flower but also the symbol of goodbye. The irony in the video was that a fan and a flower fall in love only to be never together.

What I figured out the theme of the video is “Love is not necessarily about being together but about asking nothing in return”. Even though they are never able to be together, the flower will never forget what the fan has done for her and live forever together in her memory.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Obama's speech in Hiroshima

If anyone haven't heard this speech yet, you can check it out from link below:
The focus of this speech was "The world without nuclear weapons"

Though his words were indeed inspiring and moving, I questioned myself whether it is possible
to eliminate nuclear weapons...? In my opinion, the answer is no. However, I believe that his speech is historically remarkable as it could be incentive to reduce the number of the weapons.

This is video clip from yahol news, evaluating Obama's speech. Robertson gave an interesting comment regarding the part "Empire has risen and fallen" in the speech

Friday, May 27, 2016

The fan and the flower

The main characters of this movie are the fan and flower.
The setting is in a old lady's house.
The conflict is person vs person. Because of how they are positioned, they cannot reach each other.
At the climax the flower begins to die and the fan sacrifices himself in effort to save her.
One of the symbols in this short film is the flower that bloomed after she was moved to outside which was shaped like the fan.
Irony is the fact that at the end of the story, the fan crushes but he reborn as a flower.
I believe this whole story has the theme of eternal love.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

love at first sight

This story takes part in a small city where buildings are close by.
A man moves into an apartment and he sees this woman which he falls in love, on the opposite side. He tries many things to get her attention but it all doesn't work.
The climax comes to the point where the man finds the woman with another man and thinks that he's her boyfriend or something. Actually the woman was just blind. Even though you were blind, you can listen to music so I thought music in the film represented connection.
The theme is that don't always believe what you see.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


So my fever settled down, and I was finally able to go out.

I went to the zoo in Chiba with my friend on Sunday.

It's been ages since I've last been to a zoo.
My friend picked me up at my house, and we drove there.
The weather was amazing.
We went to every corner of the zoo making sure we didn't miss anything.
I had so much fun, it was unbelievable.
After we finished seeing most of the animals, we sat at a bench and ate the sandwiches which I had made.

After the zoo we went to makuhari outlet, met up with 2 other people and went to lalaport.
When the shopping finished we said goodbye to the 2 others and I went over to my friends house and we played Mario party on the Nintendo 64.

It's been a while since I've been out on a Sunday.
It was an awesome Sunday.

How do you guys spend a Sunday?


Yesterday, I watched "64(routine)". It is a suspenseful film, and I wanted to watch it since this movie's original work won Japan Booksellers ' Award. Also the actor are so gorgeous, so not only the story, but watching all those actor made me enjoyable during this film. I highly recommend you to watch this movie!!


It's getting really hot these days. I wonder how hot it is going to be in summer. 

Although I was born in summer, my favorite season is winter because I like the cold weather. 
What's your favorite season???


The other day I went to Japanese Omelette Rice restaurant called Pomme No Ki, which is located right across from our school. Their omelette rice was just phenomenal. AMAZING. The food in Japan is way too delicious that it is making me fat. One day I will be like the pig on the table and get eaten by some white tiger I don't even know.

Love at first sight

The story takes place in a city in Spain. The story is about the man falling in love with the woman who lives across from his apartment and the man tries to impress the woman, but keeps on failing. The conflict of the story is person vs. person. The climax of the story is that when the woman comes into a cafe and sits next to the man, then they both start humming to a song. The symbol is a typewriter, which it represents the feeling of the man and was used as an expression of himself. The irony is that the man thought the woman has a boyfriend, however the woman was actually blind and he was just a helper. The theme of the story is about being determined and never giving up.

Love at first sight

This story takes place in a small town, and judging from the type writer, it is probably about 20 or 30 years early from now. It is about a man who falls in love with the woman that lives nearby. The conflict in this story occurs between man and the woman since they both try hard to  communicate with each other. The climax is when the man and woman meets at cafe and it is revealed that woman was blind.

Symbols of this story are color and the light from the window. I noticed that everything was colored after the man fell in love with the woman. So color could be the symbol of happiness. Every time he opens the window, the light shines upon him. This might be the symbol of bright future.

Irony in this story is that though the title of this story is Love at First "Sight", the woman was blind and actually had no sight.

The theme of this story is that love does not have to be visible.

Dance circle

I went to  Nagano with the dace circle.


Today, I watched this movie called Chihayafuru.
It was about these high school students all aiming at the same goal; to win as a team at the karuta
I liked the main character name Chihaya Ayase. Suzu Hirose played her role. I liked Chihaya because she's so straight (or maybe too straight, for she fell during the tournament), and very kind to others. Syuhei Nomura wear my shirt. It's coincidence, isn't it?

Monday, May 23, 2016


I'm sorry for coughing a lot in class recently and for spreading any germs....

Love at first sight

This story takes place in a small town in Spain. It is probably taken 30 years ago in the countryside. The main characters of this story was a woman who is blind and a man who falls in love with the lady who was living close by. The man geos to the balcony at a certain time to see the woman and he thinks that she is beautiful. 
The conflict of this story was the man fighting against his own feelings that he likes the woman. The climax of this story takes place in the cafe and the man realizes that the woman was blind. 
The symbol of this story might be the flowers showing fortune and love between the two main characters. The irony is that the man actually finds out that the woman is also in love with the man. 
The theme of this story is never give up until the end and one day if you keep hoping and wishing your dream may come true. 

Love at first sight

This story takes place in a city. A man moves in and falls in love with the woman who lives opposite to his apartment. I think the time is about 40 years ago because the man uses typewriter to write a message. the conflict is him vs other person. I think the climax comes where woman was thought she has an boysfriens, she was actually blind and the man which the main character thought he was  the women's lover, was helping her with daily life. There were many symbols in this movie,the bell ring, I think this is the symbol of joyful or blessing. a window and the curtain is the obstacle that he needed to come over. the irony is that she didn't actually have a boyfriend. the theme to this is that love is in-expectable. you don't know what's going to happen!!


In this summer I'll go to Germany like always. It's a sort of my ritual that I go there whenever I've got time.
However, this time I decided to drive to Italy since somehow I've never been there!
I really need to get out of this country now. How can anyone not get bored after living here for almost 20 years...

Everyone! Why don't you go out and see the world a bit more ;) Life is short my friend.

Love At First Sight

This short movie is about a man living somewhere in what seems to be a part of Europe. He’s got his first apartment and started to live alone. It was when he opened the window that he fell in love instantly with a lady from the opposite side of the street. The man is in conflict with the girl. What I think the climax of this movie is when the lady came into the café where the man was drinking coffee and she sat next to him. It turned out that she was actually blind, and started humming the song she would often hum before. The man started to make a sound along her humming and at the very end of the movie, her hand touched his.

There are so many symbols you can find in this film. The light comes into the room when he he first opened the door represents something new and promising. The white curtain from the lady’s room symbolizes purity and 2 birds that constantly appeared in the movie are love birds. And of course, him getting first apartment means the new world that awaits him.

Irony in this movie is when he found a man coming out from her room to catch her at the balcony when he was enthusiastically writing a love letter to her. He hit the bottom from the heaven at that moment. Also, the title of this film contains the biggest irony. The lady, the very key person of this film, is actually blind even though the title is “Love at first sight”

Conclusively, I figured out that its theme is “Not every important thing is visible”. Sometimes you just miss something only because you cannot see it at the moment but if you be more careful and don’t give up easily, you will eventually see it.