Come in and Blog On!

2023 Welcome to your IE 3 class blog. The object of this class project is to log in and write your comments, web links, answers to questions, and your questions to others at least twice a week. It's fun and you can include pictures or graphics. Keep it original, helpful, and interesting. Don't forget to spellcheck your work before publishing. Also, when you create your user name, please use your real first name, in Romaji (ex. Ryuki, Mari, Lisa, etc.) so that we know who we are communicating with. Enjoy, and Blog on!

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Queen of crime?

God I still can't get over how boring that book was
so I went to the VR park today. went on this ride where I have to get a cat sitting on this plank hanging off from a 200m tall building(WHY).
I was sure I was going to do just fine until I put the goggles on but it is so realistic and so terrifying!
Thought of my will, will no.1: don't get my funeral in a church, don't want that Jesus dude to be around me while Im about to sleep cause he doesn't seem to go away for 2000 years apparently 
I have to get my back teeth pulled out soon, but since they're facing a weird direction I have to get it done surgically.

Apparently, it's going to be swollen for about 2 weeks...
don't you think that sucks?

Anyways, wish me luck...

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

I find Instagram amazing

You know I began using Instagram last week, right? While touching the screen, I learned I could research the person whom Id like to follow. One day, I thought of my bestie in kindergarten. I had moved before its graduation, so I typed her name and tapped request with little hope because I thought she must have forgotten me. But I was betrayed in a good sense and she became my follower. Both got really surprised at being able to get in touch with each other for the first time in a decade. Since then, we chat on Instagram every single day. Risa

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

My book is A Walk to Remember by Nichols Sparks. It is about a teen love story.
It is very lovely but a  little surprising. He is a very famous writer and I hope many of the students in this class will read his books including mine!

They go through difficulties in love, friendships, and family relationships.

This book is really a traditional love story where one tells the other not to fall in love with him/her but falls in love and live happily ever after. However, in this book, something surprising gets revealed near the end. It is very surprising but touching. It makes you think about your relationships.
      I chose The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn as my first book report. In this tale, Huckleberry and his friends go down stream by their raft. The author Mark Twain is famous for his novel The Adventure of Tom Sawyer in the 19 century. He is one of the greatest writers in America, so I think his books are worth reading.
      If I were him, I would rather stay with a violent father than set off on such a risky adventure which I may die. Even though I felt I wanted to escape, I would accept my circumstance and live under the father’s stress. I really admire him of a brave boy.


I just finnish my first Book Report!
About reference  when I want to add japanese books, should I change the title (written in Romaji) in to Itaric? Anybody knows the answer, tell and help meeeπŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»


Good morning!
I totally forgot to post a blog this week....I’m on my way to school right now. See u then:)))))

In her shoes

Do you have a sister?
By reading this book I thought about this question.

This book is about two sister that characteristics are different (one is super smart but not beautiful, and the other is not smart at all but has a beautiful out look) and used to fight each other, but in one point they reconciled and become very close to each other.

I personally have an three year older sister and we are totally close each other and we’ve never fight against each other. So by reading this book made me think that there might be a family that has the same circumstances like the sisters in the book. I want to tell whoever isn’t in a good roll with your siblings time and some courage would definitely change the situation you face on.

I’ll be happy to know if you have any sisters or brother and Also I wanna know if you and your siblings are  in a good relationships.


I went to Yamanakako last weekend and played tennis all day long.
It was almost 7 years since I used to learn tennis, so I really sucked at playing
My circle members are nice an I really had fun going there.

Monday, May 28, 2018

flowers for algernon

I finally came home from the club activity, so I will finish up on my book report from now......
This story was about Charlie Gordon who had a low IQ getting the chance to take the experimental surgery that may increase one's intelligence. It was already tested successfully on a lab mouse Algernon.  Charlie's intelligence expanded after the surgery until Algernon suddenly deteriorates.

It was a nice story, I really liked how the story moves. I wish I had more time to finish it with more details.

Confessions of a shopaholic

I don’t usually read romantic novels. Maybe, this was the first time I read it.
I like mystery and science fiction novels than romantic ones, because I can see clearly that a pretty girl will be together with a handsome guy in the end in the romantic novels 😑

Well, this novel became a Disney movie which has a little different story from the book.

If you like romantic novels or a Disney movie, please try this book!

The Notebook

I've never read such a good book!! It is a wonderful love story that I am sure I will never forget. I've just finished watching the movie now, and I got surprised how different it is from the book. it is my first time reading a book that turned into a movie, because I always prefer watching movies than reading, but now I realized how important it is to read the original story. I could feel totally different emotions by reading this book, so I'm upset that the movie doesn't show every wonderful moment.
Finally finished reading the book 
Not impressed 
Now I have to write about it.... 
I live on hate so it shouldn't be hard<3


Before I got started to work on book report, I was not happy so much. It seemed taking so much time and making me stressed. Also it was not a novel but a play which I am not accustomed to. However, I made it with enjoying. It was very fun to research about it even I cut information to put in the paper. Since I am interested in sociolinguistics, I think I chose a book very well. I would like to give myself applause! yay!

Thank you!!!

Last week, I enjoyed delicious tapioca drink with some of the classmates in IE. I had a great time talking and laughing with them. I wanna hang out with you again...

The Secret Garden

I'm writing about "The Secret Garden" in my book report. I'm going to watch its musical next month, but I wanted to watch it earlier so that I can write about it. However, I found the script & lyrics in the library in this university! I'm very happy to be a student in Aogaku.

Animal farm

I’m doing the book report about animal farm.  It is a short story,and easy to read. So I recommend you to read it! Also you can learn about Russian politics a little bit. The animation movie is on YouTube too!

Book Report

I am finishing up my book report! I rented the movie last week, and I liked the movie better than book so I've already seen it for three times:)

tradition sometimes make me unhappy

Yesterday I had to work in a tea ceremony party held at my grandmother's house.
We have these parties several times every year because my family is a descendant of Sen-no-Rikyu and is a close relative of the current "Iemoto" of the Sen family.
I like how many guests visit our house and serving them tea in a beautiful kimono, but what made me unhappy is that I really wanted to work on my book report yesterday.

One more thing making me unhappy is how my mom and my grandmother keep on telling me I have to study tea ceremony more. I know it's a nice thing to have knowledge about and I know I shouldn't stop the tradition, but I still cannot have enough interests in it for starting taking lessons.
If I have time to take tea lessons, I want to use it for doing part-time job or taking skating lessons...

Nice way to spend a Saturday

On Saturday I went to see a ballet with my mom.
We saw a story called "Coppelia" performed by K-Ballet Company. Coppelia is not so famous like the Nutcracker or Swan Lake, but it's a cute story and I enjoyed it.

After that we went to a tapioca shop which opened in Shibuya this month. It was really good and that made my nice relaxing Saturday even better!

Sunday, May 27, 2018

First quiz for American Literature tomorrow

I’ll take my first quiz for American Literature tomorrow 😭
I’m really nervous if I can get any scores.
I’ll do my best!

busy day

Today I worked for abut 9hours... It was very busy and weren't enough staff so it was an exhausting day indeed. I am glad I finished my book report and started my history report yesterday.

sleep sleep sleep

Recently I take a nap almost everyday but sleep at night properly. I think I spend time for sleeping the most. However, it is clear that I need more time to focus on study.........


Yesterday I met some friends from high school, and also my homeroom teacher.
I did a volunteer, and taught English to the elementary kids! We had some kind of a workshop. The children were so active and cute.


Yesterday, I went to Costco. The last time I went there was quite a long time ago, so I had a great time shopping.

Friday, May 25, 2018

I finally started Instagram two days ago. I'm trying to get accustomed to it, but I'm still begging for somebody's help when I use it. I found it very exciting since many of Aogaku students have their accounts compared with Facebook that I've been using for two years. Instagram makes me take pictures frequently, so I'm looking forward to getting a better photo taking skill by using it. Risa
Yesterday, I met friends from high school. We went to meat bar and had a tons of meat.
After that, I ate kebab and ice cream and crapes. Then,we took purikura twice.
It was so fun!!! Meeting with old friends are really good. I want to see them again near time.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The lost thing

 There is a boy who was collecting bottle caps. While he was finding some bottle caps, he found a strange Thing at the ocean. After a small journey the boy takes the Thing to the place where it belong.

Setting : Future , a place that speaks British English

Conflict: Adult and society  vs the boy

Climax: When the boy sees the other side of the world.

Symbol: The thing= children's imagination

The place to take the Thing= The place that reject imagination and to be kid.

Irony: When the boy was not able to notice the Thing any more.

Theme: As a child every thing we see and touch is interesting and exciting.  When you grow up society and the people force you to fit in.

After the boxing game

I really wanted to post this on Saturday but I was totally tired to write it down on my computer :X

Our club members went to Shake Shack after the game and it cost more than 30,000
I won't totally forget the face of the people in the kitchen.( they were like wtf are you ordering this much hamburgers)

The game our senior participate succeed and the next match is gonna be on the June 2nd(maybe)
Hope you guys pray for our success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The lost thing

A boy founds a strange creature that isn't realized or maybe ignored by the human socity. The preacher wasn't accepted to any place in the world. However, when the boy tried to help him and brought him to the big factory that was governed by the human, they met another creature and it leaded to the world with all the lost things has lived. The strange creature lived happily ever after.

place: somewhere in the coast side in Australia
time: the near future(around 2100)

The boy vs the society

When the boy and the strange creature opens the door of the world which many lost things lives.

bell: raising attention
red color: danger
arrow: fixed society
many paper to do: so much work to do in these days

The lost thing was nothing to care about in the surface of the society, but inn the deep side, the lost thing ended up to be a precious and unique thing.

When you bump into a thing or an environment that doesn't fit you, don't be afraid to step forward to receive some help from somebody. By following them and making your own decision, you may find your place that you will fell comfortable in.


I decided to continue doing brass band.
Yesterday, I came back home really late, because of the marching practice.
It is so tiring, but I'm having fun. People in the same grade are very nice and fun too, so I'm looking forward to having lots of fun in the next four years.

The bad point is, I have no time to finish my reports. I can't finish reading books for the coming book report!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll try my best.

The lost thing

The boy finds an unknown creature which looks lonely, and “lost” at the beach. He plays with the lost thing and took it home. His parents both didn’t welcome it, and no one in the society seemed to care about the lost thing. He took it to some kind of a center, and met a weird creature telling them a place where he should take the lost thing to. When they followed the signs in the city, they made there way to a utopia, where all the weird unknown creatures spend their time happily. The lost thing found the place to be, and went off to live in the atmosphere that adapts it.
Near future, a city in Australia
The man/the lost thing vs the city
When the door of utopia opened
Ball: happiness, fun, childish
Same houses/trains: plain, ordinary, restricted
Door: border of utopia and the society
How he started not recognizing the unknown objects
People living in the busy society tend to miss thing that should not be forgotten in your life. I personally thought that the lost thing was something to represent memories and happiness. People living in the current society tend to forget these precious things because we get too focused on business, and how others evaluate us. Because many things are more restricted, people tend to forget what the most important factor in order to live fun.

Yesterday, I went to Tokyo Gakugei university for the joint practice with Aogaku’s lacrosse team. Since I had a chance to go to Kokubunzi station, my friend and I went to Eggg cafΓ© to eat very very super soft and delicious pancakes. We tried cream brulee and the standard one. Both of them were so good. If you have a chance to go near Kokubunzi station, I really recommend you to go Eggg cafΓ©!!

Monday, May 21, 2018

The Lost Thing


              A boy found a strange object that looked like pot on a beach. He decided to find the lost thing’s home because it doesn’t seem matched to the world we live. By following the same shape of the arrow, the creature could find its own home and says goodbye with the boy.


One sunny day in Australia in the future.


The boy vs society
Lost thing vs society that the boy lives


When the door opens, and the utopia world showed up


The creature is a symbol of the boy’s having hard time fitting to the society
The announcement at the beach is a symbol of warning the danger
The utopia world is a symbol of ideal life.


The boy noticed about the creature at first, but in the end, he didn’t notice them because he was busy.


There are many times that we might feel that we do not fit in the society well but tends to hide about that. You should look back yourself to think whether you are pushing yourself or not.

The lost thing

     The main character Shawn is collecting bottle caps at a beach when he finds a object referred as "The lost thing" and looks for its place to go home. When he is rejected at home, he goes to a factory for the lost thing to go where he encounters a man and tells him where the lost thing belongs. The boy takes the lost thing to the suggested place where there where many others like him.
     Near future, Australia
     the boy vs society
     When the boy sees the world of lots of lost things
     Lost thing: Ambition, creativity
     Bells: our inner ambition crying to get noticed
     Humans: people who threw away the lost thing
     Dark world: a dull society with no dreams, fulled with people who can't shine as individuals
     When the boy met the strange creature in the factory and told him the right place for the lost thing to go.
     We always have ambition and dreams in our selfs but society makes us so busy that we forget about it, but thats what makes us individuals, and when we forget our ambition and dreams, our life becomes dull and we can no longer shine as individuals.

The Lost Thing

      One day a boy finds a strange creature at the beach and becomes friends. Since the thing seemed to be lost, the boy tries to find his home. He brings it to a building he saw on the TV but actually it was a place for making things lost and forgotten for ever. Finally he finds the right place for it and they say bye.

  Near future, city near a beach (probably Australia)

  Boy vs himself / the lost thing vs society

  the lost thing→ People who seem not to fit in the society
  playing with a ball → Connection, friendship
  the bell→ the thing's voice, emotion
  collecting bottle caps→ freedom of doing what you like, even if other people don't understand it.

  He didn't do anything to another lost thing he saw at the last scene.
  Even he became too busy to notice the lost things in the society.

  When the door of the Utopian land opened.

   There are things and people who cannot easily fit in the society. However, there is somewhere right for everyone so we have to pay attention and help the lost things instead of ignoring or not noticing them.


Today, I went to have a “rainbow-cheese sandwich” and ice cream with a friend of mine for lunch.
They were so delicious that I managed to survive Monday.

My cold is getting better, but still I have a headache a little bit.

Four more days till weekend ~~~!
I went to my mums house today and saw my sister getting older... and fatter.
She grows like a bean stock. Im terrified of the day she'll become taller than me.

The Lost Thing


 A man found a lost thing in the beach, and played with it for a while. Then he tried to find its home by asking around, but no one knew it. As he was not allowed to keep it in his home, he tried to find somewhere else. In the end we could take the lost thing to a world it pertences.

 2050s in Australia

 The man vs the world

 When the boy and the lost thing finally finds the world that the lost thing can be accepted.

 Bells> a calling for attention

 Same houses> No freedom

 The world of different things> An opened mind

 The lost thing> what society ignores and sacrifice to have another thing, such us time, love and happiness.

 The man ends up not seeing different things as everyone around him.

 If we continue living the way we are, in some years we will not be able to see what is calling for us, and we may loose many things in the way.

The Lost Thing

A boy, Shaun, who loves collecting bottle caps was walking down the beach when he encountered a strange living thing, what they call the Lost Thing. He tried to figure out what the creature is but cant lead to an answer. One day, he comes across a creature that tells him that if you care about the Lost Thing, he shouldnt to be here and go to where the arrow, given from the creature, is pointing. Thanks to the creatures advice, the Lost Thing finds a place where he actually belongs. 

Near future in Australia 

Shaun vs himself
Lost thing vs society

When there is a way for an utopia for the lost thing 

Door- way to open a new thinking
The lost thing- something thats there but not much noticed. 
People not in color- everyone is the same
Buildings in black and white- dull, not exciting, no uniqueness 

When he goes to the warehouse where strange creatures are kept distinctive creatures and makes them disappear

You might think youre left out and dont fit in to the society, there is always a place for everyone and to feel comfortable. Also, dont think youre invisible. There is always someone who thinks and cares about you. 
We also need to show that we care to others. 

too much ramen

I've been eating too much ramen since I came to Tokyo, because it's cheap. I buy two packs of six noodles, so on average, I eat at least 12 noodles in a month. That doesn't sound healthy.

my second time in Harajuku

I met my friends from high school this weekend, and we went to Harajuku! Harajuku is awesome!! There is so many people and shops!! It was my second time there, but I can't help being impressed by the fun we can have there.
I loved the food in Red Rock! I really recommend it.

The lost thing

The boy found the lost thing and asked people about it, but everyone had no idea. He took it his home, then strange creature told him to take it to a place. He and the lost thing found where it should be, and the boy left.
Central city in Australia, 2000s
lost things- what we had before and forgot today
the boy vs society
When he and the lost thing found the place where it should be
People today tend to forget what we had before, such as enjoying leisure time


I'm still at school to finish my assignment.
And I need to prepare for tomorrow's test in a Spanish class. Spanish is a harder language than I thought. I cannot sleep tonight. sucks

The Lost Thing

The Lost Thing

     A man found a strange object/creature called lost thing on the coast. The creature was not seen and accepted by everyone ,and he was at a loss. When he and the thing were walking around together, another strange creature talked them to take the lost thing to where it originally lived. The lost thing was happily able to go back to its home world.

One warm spring day in the small town near the sea in Australia

A man vs society around him It’s because nobody except him cares for the lost thing and he was bothered about it.
A man vs himself

The moment the lost thing rang the bell(that belongs to the lost thing) to represent good bye to the man.

The lost thing- something important the busy modern people never care about.
The bell- the tool to represent the lost thing’s feeling
Square shaped buildings mainly colored in dark- too stuffy modern world

People being busy in modern world always miss something important and joyful.

Take your time and watch your step, and you will find what you’ve missed due to your busy days.

The lost thing

    A boy found a lost unordinary creature at the coast. He tried to figure out where it belonged but he couldn't get any clue. Then, he found a place for the lost things but it turned out to be a place all the lost things get completely forgotten. Eventually they find a place where all the lost things live together in peace and the boy leave the creature where it belongs.

    Near future, Australia. A city by the sea.

    The boy vs. himself

    When they say goodbye and do the wired clapping action which I guess is waving to each other.

    the creature: people who has hard time fitting into society
    beach ball: joy, hope, connection
    the place for lost thing with a black tall wall: the reality that misfits get misunderstood and pushed away
    Maybe the lost thing was just a lost thing for many people, but for some people it is the thing they care about.

    When you encounter people who doesn't really fit into anywhere or who you don't feel like you will not get along, it might be scary to walk up to them. Although you could be judging too soon. Even someone doesn't fit in particular place, there could be a whole new community waiting for them. Don't give up too soon, help one another and find your own happy place.


I saw my favorite coworker for the first time in 2 weeks yesterday! He comes in every Sunday and works as a chef. I really wish I had a big brother like him cause I can talk to him about almost anything and he will give me good advice. At home I am the older one so having an older sibling has always been my dream knowing that can't actually happen...

The lost thing


       The boy finds a thing that is lost at the coast. The lost thing bonds with the boy, but he couldnt keep him forever, so the boy sends the lost thing to a place gathered with other lost things. The boy says goodbye to the lost thing and came home.


        Australia in the near future


        The boy vs society


        Saying goodbye to the lost thing


       The dark basement- something bad is going to happen afterwards

       The ornaments- something to celebrate, feeling blessed
       The alarm going off at the beach- danger, unsafe society

       The lost thing- somethings we often don`t notice but exists

       Where the lost thing was taken- a place unknown to many people, but exists. The things living is unique, and fit in.


       The advertisement on tv showed that the lost things will be taken care of, but in the end it was actually not a place that will take care of, and another place no one would know, where the lost things live together was a better place than the boy thought.


        Everyone and everything belongs somewhere, and even if you get lost you`ll eventually find a place you fit in. Being unique might stand out, but there are others who feel the same way, and will make a great place to live.

The Lost Thing

      The boy finds a living thing which is lost and get familiar with it by playing out with it. Since the owner does not come out, he takes it home and starts figuring out its identity. He finds where it should be and takes it there. After he says goodbye to it, he starts to insensitive to those kinds of things.
       This video is set in recent times in a little rural area of Australia which has a coast.
       the boy vs. himself
      The climax is when the boy says goodbye to it.
       objects seeming having life...unsurprising things if  there are them.

      gray color...neglect
      mass buildings...staying steady
      signs of arrows...hesitation
      Although the boy makes good memories with it without regarding the society, he becomes a part of the society which is insensitive to those kinds of things. 

       Do not forget everything around you is common and treasure them.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

The Lost Thing

   One day a boy find the lost thing that everyone else didn't notice (maybe they pretended there is nothing.)He took the lost thing home but did not know what to do with it. Then one day he saw on a TV about bringing the lost thing to a building. A boy took the lost thing to there, and when he opened the closed door, the lost thing walked into the room by itself.
   Near future in Australia, beachside
   The boy vs. society
   When a boy and the lost thing waved thier hands as the lost thing steps into new room filled with lost things.
   Ornaments:symbdlizes star, celebration of something good
   The lost thing:things that are important but forgotten
   When a boy decides to bring the lost thing to the place where he saw in TV.
   Thiking about past is sometimes a good thing, because we can refresh our memory and might find the lost things that we forgot.


Yesterday, I went to the Disney Land. It was during 35th anniversary, so there were many new parades and illuminations. It was so beautiful that I wish if I can post some pictures...

The Lost Thing

     One day, a boy found a thing on a beach and had a great time playing with it. The thing looked like being lost, so he began to ask people where it belonged. However, he couldn’t find it, so he decided to take him to a place which would make things forgotten. Then, a worker at the place gave him a card which would lead the thing to the right place, and finally they found it.

Setting: time- modern Australia in summer
             place- modern society
Conflict: the boy vs. society
Climax: when the boy took the thing to the place which would make things forgotten.
Symbol: the lost thing- people who have trouble being a part of society, or those who are a part of society, but in disadvantageous positions. Also, something we are too busy to notice such as the beauties, the preciousness, and pleasure.
Irony: long time after he found the place where the thing belonged, he came to see less and less “things”.
Theme: In modern society, as we become older, we tend to overlook the important things because we are too busy doing our own things.

The Lost Thing

     As the main character Shaun, a fan of collecting bottle caps, was walking down the beach he meets this strange living object which is referred as the “Lost Thing” throughout the whole video. Shaun asks Pete for an explanation of this creature but ends with no luck, which leads Shaun in going to this huge agency that supposedly takes care of Lost Things. However, he meets a creature that tells him that if he cares about the “thing”, he should not leave it there since that warehouse was just a place where these “Lost Things” were hidden and forgotten about. With the arrowed card he received, he finally finds a utopian land that exists for all the Lost Things.
     Near future in a dystopian country (maybe Australia?)
     Shaun vs Society Γ  Although Shaun cares for the “thing”, nobody else seems to really care for it. Everybody just walks past and seems as if people do not want to have anything with it. Shaun realizes what society really is since the uncategorized/complicated are pushed back in the shadows.
     Lost Things vs Society
     Shaun vs Himself
     When the door for the utopian “lost things” land opens.
     The dark colored buildings Γ  no light/hope in the lives of the people
     People wearing similar clothes Γ  difference and creativity is not seen appropriate (communist?)
     The door which leads to the place where lost things belong Γ  you would never know the existence of such a place unless you were looking for it. An achievement and sense of success for the ones who have tried.
     The Lost Thing is seen as a piece of trash but at the same time it is creating and making waste. The pipes connected onto the body gives out smoke and pollutes the air.
     Towards the end of this short movie, there is one “thing” that chose to stay in this society. Unlike the other “things”, it carries a mop and bucket and cleans the waste that this industrial society is creating. This “thing” seems to be the only one that has a purpose in existing in society, however, it has a very upsetting and dark aura.

     Even if we do not realize in our daily lives, there are many things that do not fit in well with society and have trouble finding their own positions. We should not ignore those who are different but instead help them find their own place.
I've always had my eyes on the Nike Air Max 97s.....

and as you may have already guessed... I FINALLY GOT THEMMMMMM!!

They just came out with a new colorway and its all silver.

Superrrrrr cuteeeee. I'm in love. 
Has any of you guys gone shopping recently? 

The lost thing

A boy collecting bottle caps on the beach runs into an animal-liked machine that has been lost. He tries to find out what she is by asking people, which he doesn’t get clues. He encounters a dilemma between his willingness to take care of her and his parents’ negative attitude toward her. When he is at a loss, a TV commercial encourages him to take her to a place that looks like an office. Following a small creature’s advice, she successfully comes back to her hometown.
          In the 19th century, where wars are taken place
          person vs. country
When he made his decision to help her go back her home instead of following his parents’ suggestion that he should leave her at once
The machine being with the boy an orphan/debris of war
An announcement at the beach alert
A beach ball A little hope people have during war
People walking in lines people lacking in desires in wartime
World composed of animal-liked machines orphans’ homeland
          A small creature with a broom at the office implies that the boy shouldn’t leave the machine there unless he wants to stop considering her .  
          Wars broken out in the past is included in lost memories. Memories and objects are gradually forgotten as time goes by, however, we’d rather try to keep them in mind so that we can look back on what events we’ve had so far.