Come in and Blog On!

2023 Welcome to your IE 3 class blog. The object of this class project is to log in and write your comments, web links, answers to questions, and your questions to others at least twice a week. It's fun and you can include pictures or graphics. Keep it original, helpful, and interesting. Don't forget to spellcheck your work before publishing. Also, when you create your user name, please use your real first name, in Romaji (ex. Ryuki, Mari, Lisa, etc.) so that we know who we are communicating with. Enjoy, and Blog on!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Dear Sakie

I always see you eating curry at the cafeteria.
I want to eat it too! If you are free, do you want to go there next week?
Is there anyone else who wants to go with us?

The Transgender Power

Character – Crystal
Where she lives – Thailand
Where she works – a cosmetic company
The problem– For being a transgender, she was not allowed to go into the hotel.
Solution – She stood up to set up a new constitution for people like her.

I agree with what Karen said. We have to be more active and we also need courage like her.


G.IAM is the Korean idol group which I'm really into right now.
They are new singer group in Korea, but not as young as those new Korean idol groups that have been debuting recently.
They are well experienced, and also very nice to their fans.
I was so happy that they remenber my name and when they see me, they often talk to me.
I have took many pictures with them.
Right now, they are back in Korea practicing hard for their next Album.
Because of that, I don't get to see them so often, but I'll wait for them to come back to Japan soon!


Main Character- Suttirat Crystal Simsiriwong
Place she works- L'Occitane (manager)

Where she lives- Thailand

Conflict- Crystal was not allowed to enter the club inside the Hotel because she was a transgender.

Solution- She spoke up to the media what she had experienced.
What happens next- It changed Thailand's costitution to protect transgender people's rights

The lost thing

Setting- dirty polluted town in near future
Point of view- first person
Conflict- the thing is lost and and the man wanted to take it back where it belonged to
Climax-when the thing finally finds the place where it should belongs to
Symbols- the lost thing is the symbol of the lost person
Irony- the boy was not able to see the thing anymore.
Theme- even if you are lonely, you should never give up, because there is a place that fits you best in somewhere on the earth.

The Transgender Power

Who is the main character?
     -Suttirat "Crystel" Simsiriwong.

Where did she work?
     -Cosmetic company

Where did she live?
     -She lived in Thai.

What happened?
     -He was a man but changed into a woman.

What is the problem?
     -A night club didn't allow her to enter because she was transgendered.

What did she do to solve the problem?
     -She took action to set up a new law for people like her. A new constitution was made in Thailand.

What happened in her country?
     -A new constitution was made in Thailand.

I was impressed by her ability to take action!


On Wednesday, I went bowling with some of my friends. There were four team and our teamwon so the other team bought us ice cream! Yay. After that we went for some ramen. It was delicious and I think all of you guys know Ipu-dou? You guys should go there because it is awesome! I thought we were all going home but we went to a park and played tag. I can't believe I played tag in university. It was fun though. Also, I finally got a job. Yippee.

Transgender Power

1: Suttirat "Crystal" Simsiriwong
2:She works at a cosmetics company.
3:She got kicked out of a pub because she was a man.
4:She sued the pub.
5:The constitution was rewritten to give transgenders equal rights.


I hate doing laundry! I also hate it when i wake up the next morning and my clothes aren't dry yet, it sucks.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Next book report and Comment to 佐藤愛奈

The next book I am planning to read is To Kill a Mockingbird.  I don't know the story but I heard that the movie is very attractive, and my friends recommends it.
This book is maybe too difficult for me, but now I don't have other ideas so I would like to challenge this book.

Comment to Mana
If I were you, I will choose The Joy Luck Club because I'm in the same reading class as you so the class learned about the stories author, Amy Tan.  You might choose a different book but if you choose The Joy Luck Club, please tell it to me!

Dear Nami

I love curry!
It's one of my favorite foods and I eat one at least once a week in our cafeteria.
However, they sell only curry and rice.
I haven't eaten naans for a while, and it made me crave them by just looking at your nice photo!!
Moreover, I like stores that is free refills, for it both enables you to make your stomach and wallet satisfied!
I heard that the store is cheap, isn't it?
Well, I must try them as a curry lover!
If you are planning to go there again, can I go with you next time?

Transgender Power

Main Character/Suttirat Crystal Simsiriwong

Where she works/L'Occitane

Where she lives/Thailand

Conflict/Crystal couldn't enter the club in the Hotel because she was a transgender.

Solution/She decided to tell what she have experienced to the media.

What happens next/Thailand changed it's constitution to protect transgender rights.

A thousand years

my favorite song is "A thousand years" by Christina Perri and I'm listening this song often  these days.
I found it on youtube.
I want to find other beautiful song:)

Transgender Power

Main Character: Crystal
Where she works: Cosmetic company.
Where she lives: Thailand
Conflict: She couldn’t go into a club in a hotel because she was a transgender.
Solution: She got on TV shows and brought out the problem.
What happened that changed the country: A military coup happened and the constitution changed so that gay people were treated equally.

Transgender Power

Main character: Crystal
The place she lives: Thailand
Where she works: a cosmetic company
The problem: She was denied by the night club because she was a transgender.
Solution: She had help by the media with this problem.
What happened next: The constitution had changed.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My first part-time job

Today, it was my first time in my life that I worked at a part-time job.  I am working at a dining restaurant.  I was very worried if I can work all right, but the people who were working there were all nice people and we had fun talking about each other (there were not many customers who came....).  I was the youngest in the employees, so I think it would be a good experience to get to know older people.

Did anyone start to do a part-time job like me? How was it?

About my next book report

I am wondering what book should I be working on in my next book report, but I am thinking of picking a book that I have at my house.  There are three books: Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, The Joy Luck Club.  Although I have these books, I have never read any, because they were all challenging books.  I thought that Jane Eyre is a love story, and it's a good book to write about.  Then I realized that I had read about Amy Tan, the author of The Joy Luck Club, in my reading class and I am interested in her right now.  Pride and Prejudice is a famous book and I hear that it's a really good book.  So I am really wondering which book should I use for my second book report.  What do you think?

Thai Transgender Power

Main Character- Suttirat "Crystal" Simsiriwong

Where she works- She works at a French cosmetics company, doing a manager.

Where she lives- She lives in Thailand.

Problem- When she went to a nightclub one day, she was not treated in a right way; a hotel refused her to enter, because she is transgender.

Solution- She cooperated with Bangkok Rainbow Association and decided to tell all the medias that what they did to her was erroneous. Eventually, the act made the hotel aware that what they did to her was wrong and apologized for their behavior.

Changes from the problem- The constitution was reconsidered and a new constitution was made, informing that all people have rights to be equal whether they are transgender or gay.

Comment to Kevin

I agree to you.
Having a lot of friends is a good thing, but it is impossible to have deep relationships with all of them. I want to make real friends I can hang out with for the whole life and I thought high school has a better environment to make those friends. However I'm really enjoying my life in university!
I really love the IE members. I always feel relieved when I see them. So maybe I'm starting to find the real friends at university too!
By the way let's go to a picnic again! lol

Transgender power

Main character: Crystal
She lives in Thai and works at a cosmetic company.   She was originally a man but she became a woman by a surgery. The conflict was that she couldn't enter the club because she was transgendered.
She took action by telling what she experienced to the media and that led her to be very famous. The country thought about the transgender and at the end Thai became the first country in the world to mention about transgender in the constitution.

I feel really sorry for her to have an hard experience. I thought people like Crystal has to have the same right as those who are not like her. And our country Japan should take an action to accept them too because there are a lot of trans genders in Japan.

comment to Satsuki

Thank you for the snack you gave me.
It was so delicous!
Hope you had a nice time in Izu!


This is something so delicious I ate the day before, curry and nan!!
I don't know how to say nan in English so I'll just say nan.
There is a restaurant called Mikado in Shibuya and there you can eat as many nans as you like!
Actually, Takeshi told me this restaurant. Thanks Takeshi!
It was too bad that I couldn't eat much but next time I want to eat 2 or 3 nans.
I bet you try it! It's so delicious!

Transgender Power

The main character of this video is a woman named Crystal. She lives in Thai and works at a cosmetic company. She used to be a man but changed genders. The problem was that she couldn't get into the club because she was transgendered. She took action to set up a new law for people like her. A new constitution was made in Thailand.

I though that this woman was very brave to stand up for herself and other transgender people. If I were her, I think I would not have that much courage and the motivation to make a new law. People in Japan says big things but do not actually put that into action. I think more people should be more active.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Comment to Taiga

It is pretty hard to choose a club that fits yourself. Even though I already belong to a club, I am still thinking of joining an another club. I think you should choose a club you feel comfortable. And also, I suppose a club that has relationships with other universities. And I think there is no need to join in right now. There are some people who joins a club from the sophomore. So, just relax thinking of it. I can't recommend a club as I don't know all of the clubs in this university. I'm sorry about that. I hope you'll find a club that fits you!!

Transgender Power

     The main character in the video was a lady, Crystal who lives in Thailand and works at French cosmetic shop. The problem was that she was denied to use the Hotel because she was a transsexual. After that, she spoke up for gay rights in her country. Her action played up in the media, and finally Thailand accepted and enacted the law that guaranteed same rights for transgenders.

Love Chorus

The circle activity has begun in earnest. I belong to Green Harmoney, which is a chorus club. I had belonged to a chorus club for 4 years. My part was mezzo-soprano. Our chorus consisted of 3 women's parts. Howeves, Green Harmoney consists of 2 men's parts and 2 women's part, so my part changed the name into alto-part. The practice is very fun. I can't wait for the concer in next month.

Transgender power

The main character on this video was a person named Crystal. Crystal was not allowed to go in to the hotel because she was a man before. Therefore she made a movement and was able to make the hotel to apologize to her and also a new law for the transgender people was made. Her movement changed many people's prejudice against the transgender.

Almost two months since university started

Every thing has tottally changed since the start of university. The time I wake up, how I do my homework, how I talk to friends and so on. It might be changing too much.
I feel like I'm not myself. The simple life of going to school at the same time, going to the same class room, seeing the same faces is gone. Now I see different people everyday. Before I entered into university I always thought that it would be cool to see new people everyday, but not anymore.

Simple is best. Don't you agree?

Transgender Power

Main Character: Crystal

Where she lives: Thai

Where she works: At a cosmetics Company

Conflict: A hotel refused her to come in, just because Crystal was a transgender.

What happens next: A new law about transgender was set.

Transgender Power

We looked at a short documentary about transgender people in Thailand. The main focus was on a lady named Crystal. The issue started when Crystal was denied access into a hotel because she was transgender. She later decide to speak out and with the help of a group that advocates for transgender people, she got her story out to the public. After debate, the Thai government decided that transgender people get the same rights as everyone else. We shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

Thai transgender power

A couple of years ago, a woman who used to b a man tried to enter the hotel but she got refused of entering just because she had changed her gender.
She stood up and against the idea that the transgender has limit to the public.
As she has worked hard, the hotel apologised her and this act has effected the Thai government as well.


Last weekend, I went to Izu!
I am a member of Aoyama Kodomo Kai.
This club is a volunteer club for children.
It was a trip for new member like me, and it was really fun!

We did a sports competition, and our team won!
I was really surprised because I am not good at sports.

Since we spent the whole weekend together, I think I got close with the other member.

Has everybody joined any club?
Or do you have any club you want to join in?

I'm so sleepy now, but I can't go to bed since I haven't done my homework. Like others wrote, there are many things to do recently and I often fall asleep in the train in the morning and also in the afternoon. Even if I'm really sleepy I somehow wake up before the train arrives at the station where I suppose to get off. It'll be Narita Airport station if I ride over, so I have to be careful not to.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Thai Transgender Power

Main character: Crystal, who is transgender.
Where does this happen: Novotel
Where does she work: She works at L'occitane in Thailand and is the best manager.
Problem: She was not treated well at Novotel because she is transgender.
How does she solve: She told her story about how she was treated at the hotel to the media, and criticized those injustice.
What happens next: The constitution has been changed and allows transgender and gay rights.

Thai Transgender Power

●The main character
 A person called Crystal who is transsexual.

Where she lives
  She lives in Thailand.

Where she works
  She works at a French cosmetics company as an manager.

  She couldn't get into a hotel because she was transsexual.

●The way she solves it
 She uses the media to criticize the hotel.

●What happens next
  The constitution was changed in Thailand and officially accepted people who are transgender.

Comment to Tomomi

When I have trouble going to sleep early, I try to think of something  boring so it would make me sleepy.  I also drink allergy medicine that makes me sleepy, but I do not think this the best way.


It's been almost 2 months since school started and I've started to get used to the flow of school. But since I started working, I haven't been able to balance school, work, and orchestra very well...

Last Saturday, I participated in the first orchestra concert, and while it was very fun, it was tiring. I came home after midnight because the reception was held at Shibuya at a really late time.

I think the fatigue is getting to me lately because I haven't been feeling well for the past week... I hope that I'll get used to the new busy life style soon so I won't be missing any more classes....

I hope everyone else stays healthy! I hear that the cold is going around too, so I hope the IE 3 people will be ok!

Transgender Power

Main Character: Crystal
Place: Thai
Where she works: a cosmetics company
Problem: when she went to a hotel, she was rejected because she was a transgender
How it was solved: she and the Bangkok Rainbow Association worked towards the media and made the hotel appologize to Crystal
What happened afterwards: the constitution was rewritten so that gay and transgender people have equal rights
I stay up late these days because I have to make some reports. I stay up late and wake up late on the weekend, so I'm not used to going to bed early. But I have to sleep early and get a good sleep because I sometimes get sleepy during classes. Does anyone have good ideas?

Thai Transgender Power

Subject: Crystal
Work: the manager of a Frence cosmetics company
Conflict: She wasn't allowed to enter the hotel because she was transgender.
Solution: She showed the problem to the public through the media.
Next: The constitution has changed.

Transgender Power

The main character of this film is the woman named Crystal. She works as the manager of the French cosmetic company in Thailand.  The problem was that one day she was rejected from the hotel because she was transgender. She felt humiliated, and in order to solve this problem, she turned to the media and made hotel acknowledge that they had wrong policy. The constitution had changed at last.


I went to Yamanashi for 2 days in the sleepover held by the AGU circle named ARDORE. It is the footsal circle and I have made many friends there. We enjoyed playing footsal, eating dinner, party, and talked all through the night. It was sunny throughout the sleepover and we really had a good time. The best thing was that I could get to know the people from other colleges in AGU. I hope I can do well in footsal! We are going to have BBQ party next week, and I am really looking forward to it!

Thai Transgender Power

Subject: Crystal
Place: Thailand
Work: manager of French cosmetics company
Problem: She was denied by nightclub because she is transgender
Solution: She got help from the media to prove the Novotel's policy is wrong
Next: constitution has changed


Yesterday, there was a competition of the dance club. It was our (juniors') first competition. There are about seven other universities participated in and there are many students. I was really nervous because I had a goal to be in the final. I did my best and the result was the 6th place. I wanted to get in the 1st place, but I'm satisfied with it and happy about it. In the next competition in September, I want to be in the 1st place.

Trancegender power

main character- Crystal

place of work- manager of  french cosmetic company

place of living- Thailand

conflict- she was rejected to enter the hotel because she was transvestite

solution- she made the problem public with help of media.

change- the constitution has changed.

To Takeshi

     I agree with "making mistakes is important"
I mean my life is full of mistakes. On the other hand even if someone works hard and never gives up, there are things in life that people can not accomplish. Then I believe Giving up is important and much more harder than Keep on trying.


These days I don't have a spare time to rest. I had my part time job Saturday and I had to do my homework from school on Sunday. School is fun and I like my friends in this school but I sometimes feel that I want to go back to my highschool times where I had many time to rest.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Transgender Power

Who is the main character- The main character is Suttirat "Crystal" Simsiriwong.

Where does she work- She is the manager of a French cosmetics company, L'Occitane Thailand.

Where does she live- She lives in Thailand.

What was the problem for her- One day at the Concept CM2 Night Club in Bangkok's Novotel Silom Hotel, Crystal was not treated the way she was supposed to be treated. She was rejected to enter the club because of her sexual identity.

What did she do to solve the problem- She went on media such as newspapers, tv, and the internet to prove that Novotel's policy was wrong.

From the problem, what changed her country- The constitution was changed in Thailand that all transgender and gay to be treated equally.

Comment to Takeshi

I totally agree with you;) People don't learn unless they make mistakes, but the thing is we, people are afraid of making mistakes. I mean who isn't?

Comment to Yurie

You are brave... I could never dye my hair. I'm so scared of dying my hair... I could never imagine my hair being brown! It would of been interesting if I was born with light brown hair.

Transgender Power

subject               Crystal, a transsexual lady

place                  Thailand

her job               a brand manager of a French cosmetics company

problem             a hotel didn't let her in because she was a transsexual

solution             she made the problem public by the help of the media

then                   the government changed the constitution to materialize the sexual equality

What I want to do with my hair

Right now my hair is dyed brown with strings of hair dyed into brown that is little bit brighter.
Before dying it I was thinking about getting my hair done in a gradation, but since my hair wasn't that long I thought it wouldn't look good on me.

So I'm growing my hair so that I can have my hair like that!
I want my hair to be first like a brown that's close to a yellowish color and have my ends of my hair pink before I become a senior because I'll have to dye my hair back to black!

Thai Transgender Power

Main character- Crystal
Place of work- manager at a French cosmetic company
Place of living- Thailand
Problem- a hotel rejected her because she was a transvestite
Climax- she fights for the discrimination and the problem becomes famous in the news
What changed- the constitution is arranged and there is more equality between people

The Lost Thing

Setting- a polluted town in the future
Point of view- first person
Conflict- the thing which is lost vs. the society
Climax- the thing finds a place to belong
Symbol- the lost thing is a symbol of a lost person
Irony- it turns out that the boy cannot see the lost thing anymore
Theme- everything belongs to a place

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Comment to Sakie Watanabe

I'm sleepy too, especially when taking the lessons I'm not interested in.

But I have many ways to wake myself up.   The first way is to think something else.  The second way is to use eye drops.  The third way, this is the most useful way I think, is to sleep for a few minutes and wake after I become awake as I can' t fall asleep again.

Does anyone have some ideas to stay awake when you have to?

busy day

These days I've been really busy because I have a lot of reports and a competition of my club this week.
I do enjoy this life, but I want more time to rest.

Dear Sakie

When I get sleepy I listen to my favorite song in a big sound and jump around if it was a place I can do that.Most of the time that works but when it doesn't work, I'll just sleep!

It's over

A busy week is over and I need to put an effort to focus on other assignments which deadline is coming up soon.

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Lost Thing

Setting – In a small town maybe in the future.
Point of view – First person
Conflict – the thing was lost and the man wanted to take it back where it belonged to.
Climax – when the man found where the thing belonged to
Symbol – the lost thing is a symbol of a lonely human
Irony – the boy was not able to see the thing anymore.
Theme – I think this story is telling us that no matter how busy our life is, we must not forget what is important in our lives.