Come in and Blog On!

2023 Welcome to your IE 3 class blog. The object of this class project is to log in and write your comments, web links, answers to questions, and your questions to others at least twice a week. It's fun and you can include pictures or graphics. Keep it original, helpful, and interesting. Don't forget to spellcheck your work before publishing. Also, when you create your user name, please use your real first name, in Romaji (ex. Ryuki, Mari, Lisa, etc.) so that we know who we are communicating with. Enjoy, and Blog on!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I couldnot understand very well what this video want to say.
I think the varmints(looks like a fox) are symbol of an endangered species and the jellyfishes? are symbol of advanced technologies that we have developped. If we continue to destroy the environment, we also lose lands to live.


The small clod was qute, but it made too much noise...
This video was difficult to understand.
I think the small clod is a symbol of little anxiety that is easy to disappear and the larger one is a symbol of big anxiety that is difficult to disappear.


I would like to make some references to the movie which we were shown in the IE class of last Friday, Varmints.

Actually, in the middle of watching that movie, I got very sleepy, for which I am very sorry. In the beginning scene, we saw a cute green animal. There spread nature at first. That part can be compared with the human history before industrialisation,the period when the industrial revolution was given birth to in Britain for the first time in our history. Before that, human beings were in harmony with nature, not going against the power of Mother Nature, all work being done by human labour,or by utilising animals' labour at most. As there used to be ever more green nature in the world before the industrialisation than after it, in the Varmints movie, the animal sees there is less and less green nature as time passes.

After all, there appear many buildings and skyscrapers where there used to be just green nature, which can be analogous to the part of our human history, in which our ancestors experienced industrialisation at the cost of Mother Nature. The green animal was forced to live in the crowds brought about by what can be analogous to industrialisation.

I thought that this movie emphasised how our society kills nature for the sake of industrial progress. As our society puts too much value on getting more and more industrial progress and profits, it is so prone to get blind to what has supported us for a very long time throughout our history, nature.

The Clod

That little black thing, I think it was a living being in general.
It is living in a home, but the big black thing swallows it altogether.
What I believe that big black thing represents is environment itself.
You can try to fight against it, but living being have to surrender to it, and the big thing lining up means a constant environmental change.
Mmmmm..... I forgot my work at school... and sleepy too!
I might upload my work on thursday...


varmints made me think about earth because I thought this represents our world.
if we continue our present lives, i think this earth will be the varmints' world


I loved this video so much!!
It was very easy to understand and genpatsukun was cute!!

But the other one was like, more serious i thought.
The tone of the voice was different.
when we watched the American one i felt like the speaker was angry or something.
But the Japanese one was just fun:)
The way the spesker talked was like a dad.
That's why the Japanese one was easier to understand.

The word unchi is just cute!lol
And it has the kind of humor that everyone has in common.
Everyone loves the word unchi haha

The Clod & The Verminets

The Clod
The tiny black ball thing represents a person.
A big black creature represents an obstacle in our daily lives.
Theme, Life is hard, but keep challenging

The Vermints
Vermin.....? like cockroaches? Nope
Vermints were actually cute and they are symbol of human beings or could be animals.
They lose their habitats because of the hurricane.
(This part illustrates that people exploit nature for their own sake, maybe)

Theme, human beings and nature are correlated, so be nice.

Varmints and clod

This animation warns people to the danger of the Earth. Varmints represent human beings, and we live and develop our technology with only thinking about ourselves. We didn't consider about the result and other effects. I think the animator want the viewer to think the way of living and realize that it directly influenced on the whole world.

This was so difficult to understand. I just guessed that the continuance of that strange events symbolize our daily life. We faced some difficulties every day, but finally, we can get over these things.

Genpatsu-kun and Otaku

I'm so sorry for my late post.

At first, I talk about "Genpatsu-kun". Actually, I have already seen this animation soon after the earthquake occurred. Since I didn't know the nuclear plant system, I thought it was good way of explaining what was going on. Some people might think the fact was not so easy like this animation, it was really serious. However, I think this way of explanation is good for children and also adults, because I think we cannot understand only with the fact. We sometimes need something that helps our understanding.

Next, "Otaku". I thought those movies were so interesting. I don't exactly understand otaku culture, but I thought some definitions were wrong. One of them is "Tsundere". In that movie, saying harsh words means she likes him. However, I think it is not true. "Tsundere" means the behavior that changes depends on the situations. For example, usually, a girl isn't interested in a boy (it means "tsun"), but when the situation becomes just two of them, she becomes more kind, and take interest in him (it means "dere").
I tried to explain otaku culture in english, but I'm afraid it wasn't clear. Anyway, I thought to tell our culture in english is quite difficult o



Personally I don't think that 'varmints' is a cute name, so at the beginning it was kind of difficult to imagine what kind of creature it was. Although when i saw it i was surprised in how cute the animations were!

Watching this animation made me feel how self-centered we human beings are. We use the environment freely and make it as dirty as can be. We should think more about the environment!


This was REALLY mysterious!To be honest i didn't really understand it :P
well i just think that the mysterious thing keeps on getting eaten by a bigger thing

Monday, May 30, 2011


this video simply made me think about the environment like somebody else said. i dont always think about the environment in daily life, and even though theres a chance given for me to think about it, like when we watched this video, i just think " oh, this is terrible..." and thats about it, i dont take it seriously because im thinking "oh, it gonna be just fine, the worlds not gonna end just by this" somewhere in my head.

but i think this video was trying to say that nows the time to take this environmental issues seriously and have everyone around the world to think about it... you never know, a disaster like the one in the video can hit us any time due to the environmental problems...


this clod thingy, well i could tell from the last part of the video that the small clod's gonna be repeating the same thing over and over, since there were so many big clods lining up one after another.
but i dont know what repeating that would mean, i mean its just the small clod getting eaten by the big one, then it comes out but gets eaten again... and so on!!

and i also thought that the small clod was so stupid, its not learning anything... what a boring life to repeat the same thing over and over again ;(


The story was very hard for me to understand but I thought that the expression of the varmints were very human like and realistic. I thought that the background music was very effective and it made the movie more emotional. From the dictionary, the word "Varmints" didn't sound very positive but the actual main character in the story was very cute and seemed like a very nice creature. It made me feel very bad about what we do to the environment. The gloomy industrialized city may symbolize our future and this movie might be a warning from the creater of the movie to tell us that.


Im so sorry for the very late post on genpatsukun first of all :(

I thought the video was humorous and easy for everyone, especially children to understand about the radiation issues in Fukushima. I remember myself hardly understanding what the news on radiation was all about when it all happened. So, I guess the idea of using animation to briefly explain what's going on in the nuclear powerplant right at the moment is
nice and original.
But the thing is that I thought it isn't necessary for children to understand the entire issue, however there are more important points that needs to be covered.
I felt that only Japanese could have create such an animation like Genpatsukun.

listening to silence

it is 2:30am right now and i am reading Benjamin Franklin's "Autobiography" for a report, but got tired of it and remembered Mr. Armstrong saying "sit down on the floor when there's no one and try to listen to the silence." since everyone in my family is asleep, i thought why not?

so i sat on the floor with the yoga kind of pose, closed my eyes and tried to listen.
the things i heard were the clock tik-toking, the rain hitting my window, some kind of machine making a noise (i think it was my computer), the water going down the drain, and that wired high tone sound you hear when it is absolutely silent.
i usually don't notice the clock ticking, or that weird high tone sound.
it was interesting.

now that i've got my brain switched on once again, i'm going back to reading my book..

try doing the same thing! i'd love to know what YOU heard in your room/house in complete silence :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

To yuri

Did you get any clue???
I'm sorry if I'm I'm too late...

well, example point outine is on one sheet of paper we got on 23rd.
on each paragraph(example), I think you need to describe in detail.
...for example for historical prefectures-kyoto: what kind of shrines and temples are there and their history and facts...i guess><


I am now thinking and actually starting to read "Maximum Ride" by James Patterson for my next book report, but I found it out that it has more than 400 pages.
Actually, this book is really interesting, exciting and think I would like to write a report of it, but I don't think I can finish reading it. :(
What do you think of it Mr.Armstrong?
Should I or should I not keep on reading it, or can you recommend another book for me to read?

Nuclear Boy

Like most people have said, I prefer the Genpatsukun than the Nuclear Boy. The animation was better in Genpatsukun and the explanation of the nuclear power sounded weird in English. I thought the Japanese version sounded more for children. I don't know why, but maybe it was because I understood the Japanese version more.
Most of the time, the original one is better and I thought this one was a good example.


In the last class, we watched "Varmint," but I couldn't relly understand it so I just watched it again on my computer.
To say something about this film, I would say "wow!!"
It was very deep, and was very meaningful.
I cannot describe what the author wanted to tell us because the story was something very big and deep...

On my dictionary, a word, varmint means a troublesome wild animal, especially a fox.
Well, I guess the world in this film is of fox,but I don't think the main character is a varmint.
He is a nice fox (you can tell this from his eyes).

Ok, let me answer two questions from Dr. Armstrong.
The purpose of this film: I think it is to make people think about how the products and buildngs which they are making will affect the enviroment. In this film, many (kind of slavery) foxes built tall buildngs so that rich and beautiful nature disappeared.
Changes in the environment- it is of course, a bad thing. However, the changes in the environment is an exchange of our convenience lives.

I'm curious what the ending meant by showing many jellyfishes flying.
One thing I can say is that they had a contrast of black and dark world vs white and peaceful world... too deep..!


Today, I worked for 8 hours at my part-time job!!!!! I'm so tired!!A female regular employee is stirict and easy to get madX( ahhh, she is scary!cheer me, anyone!X( lol

Mr.Armstrong, I'm sorry to be late for posting!
I had never watched genpatsu-kun before, but I liked it. It was easy to understand even for little children. The problems about nuclear and radiation is very difficult. Though I've been watching the news about such problems, actually I'm not sure whether I've been able to understand them well. For children, it may be still harder to understand them. The animation uses good comparison: it compare the explosion of hydrogen to gas so they will be able to understand them easily and also get interested in these problems. I think it is good animation.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

To people in IEⅢ(A~C)

To people in my IE class

Does anyone understand what kind of essay we're suppose to write for the Mr.Anderson's writing class??? I know it's a classification essay but I don't know exactly what we're suppose to write :P Does anyone have a clue?? I'm desperate!somebody help me out ASAP!

Nuclear Boy

i agree with Ryo. i like genpastu-kun better than nuclear boy. the animation was something that a little child would prefer i think. and the narration made it sound more serious and boring. all in all, i liked genpastu-kun better than nuclear boy. but maybe that's because i've lived in japan for almost all my life. nuclear boy might be more of a easy animation to watch for the children in the west, i don't know. maybe genpastu-kun seem too babyish for them.


Anna: you challenged a really hard text for your first book report so a shorter work like Pygmalion is fine.

(I can tell from what you said that you won't underestimate Pygmalion just because it is shorter; there's a lot in there . . . go for it!)

Nuclear Boy

Nuclear Boy wasn't bad, but I preferred Genpatsu-kun. The tone of the narrator in Nuclear Boy sounded more serious while Genpatsu-kun had a more comical tone, which I thought was easier to listen to. I also thought the animation of Genpatsu-kun was better. It had more of an illustrated touch, which I thought kids might find easy to watch. Though they were both had the same script, the tone and the animation seemed to make a big difference between the two.

the clod

the small clod was cute but the big one is not that cute...
but the small clod was too noisy for me
I agree with Narumi's opinion about what the directer? wanted to tell us.
may be he wanted to tell us that there are many obstacles everyday and it comes again and again in your life.

so the symbol of small clod is yourself and the big one is a thing that you need to over come with.

Friday, May 27, 2011

To Aiko

Good evening. Thanks for your agreeing with my idea. Yes, it can be no one but me who wrote that.

I have heard of some cases of people from Fukushima being refused permission to stay at hotels in other areas, just because they come from Fukushima. I have heard even of the case that children forced to change their schools to the ones in Kanto, especially Tokyo, because they were destroyed by the earthquake and the tsunami, were bullied by the classmates there. I was struck as angry at the news. It is unbelievable to me that people of the same nationality, the Japanese, discriminate against those from Japan, on the basis of the incorrect information.

Surely, some parts of Fukushima Prefecture must be polluted with radiation, which does not mean that all parts of the prefecture are as polluted with radiation as anywhere in the prefecture. But that movie analyses problems and some possibilities in the future and provides us with them with all the contents included in them easy and concise for any of us to understand.


i was thinking what to read for my next book report and i thought "pygmalion" will be good. it's got feminist and class issues, and there is a great film starring Audrey Hepburn. i think i can make it into a good book report. BUT, one problem is that it is under 200 pages... what do you think?

club activity

I had a club activity yesterday. I went to Aoyama campus and felt very tired.
Aoyama Gakuin Orchestra club will have a charity concert on June 5th at Aoyama auditorium. The conductor of the orchestra is Kent Nagano. Do you know him?If you have nothing to do, please come to the concert!:)

I have to comment about the video we watched in class. I will write on this blog later.

Don't forget . . .

 . . . to bring your media discussion (on the theme of "environment") to the next IE class. Spellchecked. As usual. Blog on!

The Clod

Thank you for all of you who said happy birthday to me!! :) I still cant believe that I am 19!

Yesterday, I was on train and the air conditioning was on really cold, so I feel very bad today. i think I have caught a cold. I dont think that they should put it on yet because it is not that hot and there were only few people on the train. I dont know why they put it on???!! :S

I totally agree with Narumi`s point of view on "The Clod". It was a cute movie and the screaming woke me up a lot! lol I think that the creater of this movie wants to tell us to start learning that we are going to make same mistakes over and over again if we dont start caring for the environment.
To Naoki
Wow, the comment you made on Genpatsukun was really good : ) I was sooo impressed! You're the Naoki i know right? did you make somebody write it for you??lol.

I'm on my way home from school right now. I've just attended the IE listening class in the first period which was quite fun:) I'm going home 'cause we're moving to a new house today!!! Excitingggg!!!!!!! It's gonna be a hard weekend cleaning up my room messier than usual. lol

To naoki

I agree with your genpatsu-kun post!
The genpatsu problem happening in fukushima doesn't really means that whole fukushima is in danger.
On tv news, farmers grieve at the fact that people consider their vegitables dangerous to eat, even though the vegitables went though safety(?) tests.
We all should get rid of our prejudice.


i forgot to write about genpatsu-kun!

i thought it was a good idea to show a very difficult problem by using anime for children,
it is true that the video wasn't telling the whole story, and people in the comments below were quite harsh. yes, children have the right to know the truth. but for a 5 year old child, wouldn't it make him/her worried too much? and i don't think they'll be able to understand it quite yet.
so i thought it was not a bad idea to let the children know roughly what is going on, but not too harsh on them.

The Clod

I thought the film was
The little Clod's!
Well, I would like to answer the questions.

I'm not sure what kind of message did the author wanted to tell us.... maybe that there are problems coming up occasionally in our lives and we have to get over it everytime. The long line of the big Clod may be showing the length of one's life; telling that it is long, and you gotta to be accept the fact.
I guess the enviromentally message is that we, human beings can't stop repeating same thing over and over again, like make the earth polluted; and we got to change the fact...(?) Does anyone has a good idea of this?? This is very hard!! I was surprised when Dr. Armstrong asked us if there are any environmentally message after watching the film in class.
The big Clod is symbol of the pollution of the environment, and the little Clod is symbol of human beings. At first, the little Clod was afraid of the big one, however, in the big one's stomach, it started to sleep in a second; which I think is showing the human getting used at pollution. maybe.

The film was so hard to tell the meaning..


I forgot to write about Genpatsukun, so I'm gonna do it now.
I thought that Genpatsukun was an interesting way to teach
small kids about things happening to nuclear plants in Fukushima.
However, it was kind of dirty expression and maybe it would
promote bullying children from Fukushima in elementary school.
But it was interesting to watch it after all.


I wasn't really sure if those meanings were entirely correct. Burikko definitely wasn't. Their definition made it sound like it only applied to those who were old. Burikko is like people who try to act cute and can be applied to all ages.
Tsundere, yeah. The maid was just telling the guy to die that's not really tsundere. There are perfect examples listed right below this post.

I actually don't really remember any of the others lmao besides like what, MASK? I think it was? I thought S was for Samurai.

It's like 3 in the morning, I can't concentrate.


I saw this movie. I found it very funny. What is more is that it precisely gets the most important points with the easiest terms and ways of expressing them. Even small children can understand what is going on in the Fukushima nuclear plants. What I think is important is that all of us,regardless of how old we are and whether we are children or adults, should know what the situation is over there. I have been fed up with and hate those stupid and ignorant people who just cannot help labelling Fukushima Prefecture and everything from Fukushima as so seriously polluted with radiation that they should be refused. As a person from Fukushima Prefecture, I never want Fukushima to be treated like that. In order for that treatment to be avoided, we should have the correct understanding of the nuclear plants in Fukushima and its situation, and hand that down to everyone in Japan. It is because they do not correctly understand such correct information that they tend to discriminate against Fukushima. I would like such a kind of animation concerned with Genpatsu as what we saw in the last class to increase.


So popular and ubiquitous has Otaku culture already been that it is recognised as part of Japanese culture. Actually, this is all that I know. I am not specialised in the technical terms such as Tsundere and some other technical ones. But when it comes to Tsundere, as is generally recognised, refers to the tendency that whist one verbally violates the other, he or she actually loves the verbally violated one, ambivalence. Or should I go all the way to Akihabara to learn the true definition of the technical terms? Nahhh.


"Tsundere" is the combination of two words,"tsun," which means aggressive and "dere," which means friendly. In Japan, we use "tsundere" to express girls who assume to be cold and strict just to hide true feelings.

I...I didn't do it for you. I...It's just my assignment. can't be helped. Don't misunderstand, idiot!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


well, well, well, about the otaku video right?
what I thought when I wathched this film is that what the hell is that man saying?? lol
I almost know nothing about "otaku" and things related to it, but I do know what tsundere or moe means, and what that man said/explained seemed wrong to me, or maybe to you guys as well.
I also thought that the voice coming out from the maid figure(?) was sooo scary wasn't it?
well, it was an interesting film I think. I maybe got to know about Otaku a little, maybe.


this film was really cute and funny. :) I really liked it
the most interesting thing of this film that i thought was, it explained about the actual radiations and stuff in a funny way that kids might understand and be interested in it. I thought this is really cool since watching news of radiation, I cannot catch everything, but if it explains in this kind of way, it is easier to understand not only for me but especially for kids.( though it was a bit
ahhhh, radiation.. things seems to be really serious thesedays.
BTW, don't you guys think that earthquakes are happening again though it is not so big?
maybe a big one will occur again in the near future, and it is actually said it will... oh my goodness i'm scared :'(


It was really interesting to watch Genpatsukun. I haven't heard of it until I saw it last week during class. I thought it was a pretty good explanation of radiation for children. It's better for children to know what a radiation is and how it will affect our body. Children could watch this without being bored and understand a lot from it. I highly recommend this to young children.

Otaku Video

I actually disagree with some of them like tsundere and burikko. But I really want to focus on tsundere a lot, because Lika says that I am tsundere.
The basic of the basic, my defintion of tsundere is a person who cannot say their true feeling to the others because it is embarassing, so in the end, they say the opposite of what they actually want to say. So if a tsundere says "I hate you!!" it can be taken as "I love you".... but that is my definition. I might be wrong.
However there was no dere part to the explanation. The video only talked about the tsun part of tsndere and that is being harsh and rough on to people. Well, that gives some "moe" to people who are maniac, but that is not the actual tsundere. In order to become the true hardcore tsundere, I think people need to say harsh and rough words to people, but in the end they whisper, murmur or do what they actually want to do. The gap of being harsh and nice gives "moe" to more people than the tsun fans. So tsundere is basically saying and doing are two different things thing.

Coke is dangerous

Dr. Armstrong, thank you for your advice, I decided not to drink so much coke ever again. I mean, I have a little trauma because of coke... I'm a little scared of coke now, but the thing is that I love coke. It's like being a guy who loves chocolate milk, but the only thing is that he is allergic to milk....


One last reminder to the Friday class: don't forget to spellcheck your book reports before printing them out.

(Based on blog entries, Christopher, are you reading this?)

to Yuki

Happy Birthday game-kun!!! lol just kidding :P
happy birthday Yuki!!!


I thought the video was really cute. The only thing I did not like was that it was a little grose... Like the fukushima genpatsu was farting a lot of gas which was not that bad, but compared to that, Chernobyl chan not only farted, but she had terrible diarrhea and she kept on running around and around in the class room. What made me sick was that Chernobyl chan was a girl..... having a terrible diarrhea.... I mean that just made me shiver a bit...
Anyway enough of diarrhea comments, I thought it was really Japanese made because Japanese like to show poops in anime and manga.... like.... gintama.... OMG I talked about poop again. I thought in order to go more global, I thought the poop should have been changed to something else... like umm.... oh great.. i can't think of any other example for it....

I am sorry for those who read this, because I pretty much talked about diarrhea the most of the time not genpatsukun. But hey, the video was really easy for anybody to understand and all of you know that!

To Dr. Armstrong

Thank you for the reply Dr. Armstrong!!!
I shall see you tomorrow.


I'm going to write about the otaku thing but I'm not sure about it.
I thought that they've done good explanations on otaku and cos-play ,
but I felt that the explanations on moe, tsundere and burikko were not exact.

They said that they use "moe" only to the characters on anime and manga,
but some people say "moe" to actual people like their favorite idol or maybe
to their friends.

I'm not sure about this, and it's really difficult to explain tsundere,
but I think tsundere is someone who can't tell their favor to someone they like
and behave a little cold.

Lastly, they said that burikko is used to old women who fake their cuteness,
but actually it is used to every female who fake their cuteness.

To Miyu and Yuri

Wow, how great you guys are!!! lol

Miyu: I liked your picture! I thought it shows not only the fact that somebody left garbage in a class room, but also shows sadness of the garbage(plastic bags)!! haha

Yuri: That is sooooo true!! Every candies and snacks in Japan are in separate wrappers eventhough people eat almost whole bag at a time!! I'm also trying to bring my eco-baggs with me when I go shopping :)

No more wastes~

To Yuki

Hello! I'm Narumi from the other IE III.
I do not know who you are really, but wow! What a bad luck you were having yesterday!!

Happy late Birthday to you!!! ^^

I hope you had a good day after you posted the misfortune one on the blog.

Wish you a best luck*


I thought the film was interesting! I realized how Japanese words (which young people made) are hard to define!
I thought alomost all the definitions which Patrick and Bartholomew made were correct, however, I think "tsundere" and "burikko" were different.

They said that tsundere is something "Icy-hot," which girls can't show off their true feelings. Well, I guess a part of it is right, but their examples were
In the film, a maid came to Patrick and Bartholomew and said "die" repeatedly, but tsundere is said to whom speak ill of someone (who he/she like?), then, turns to be a cutie right away...??? That is sooo hard to explain!!
Well... Tsundere is people who are shy to show off their true feelings.

For "Burikko," they said that it's girls who are faking their cutness, and I guess it is a good definition. However, same as Lisa, I don't think it is used for old ladies. When I was in Elementary School, there were some


Good afternoon, weather is changing cold and hot.. and from that, I think I am catching a cold.
Got to get rid of it somehow... make sure you don`t get one too everyone *sneeze*

The little movie that we watched the other day, I think that is quite good to show to little kids.
The expression that was used were something very easy and familiar way for little kids to understand. They do have fun teesing each other with fart, but no one likes something that has "faul smell fart or poo with a terrible stench", yes?
However at the same time, there is a strong metafar (symblize?) in it, so it is very understandable for mature adults as well. I do think it lacks the details, but if you think about it to show it to small kid, I think the video is well thought out.


Ryo: Websites---no more than two may be used---, the URL is just the source reference. So, first one writes the name of the website writer (if you can find it), then the name of the page in " ", then the URL in italics, and finally the date written.

Blow, Joe. "The Master Works of Edogawa Rampo." 4/8/2011. 

if you can't find a part of it, don't include it . . .

Another Question....

A few question about my book report again...
How do you include a website in your work consulted?
I looked at the IE textbook but I have no idea how to do it... If possible, can someone explain how to do it? I especially don't get what the name in the beginning of the examples are in the text book. Where can I find that?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


To Miyu

It was so nice of us to throw away an other person's garbage:) lol

I think that we, Japanese use too much plastic bags when we go shopping. So some supermarkets use less plastic bags and ask customers to bring recyclable bags, and I think that is a very good idea :) So when i usually go shopping i try to bring recyclable bags and don't get any new plastic ones.

we need to save the environment :)!


and I forgot to post about "genpatsu-kun" and the otaku thing.
well, maybe tomorrow? if possible?
first of all I really have to finish my book report.
actually I watched a movie of it today. Well, it was kinda old film that it was black-white.
....gotta return to my work. orz


tomoka: glad to know you liked it, I mean, Bruno Mars! yeah he's awesome I really like him. Besides "the lazy song", I'd like to recommend a song of him called "just the way you are". This one's also amazing that I listen to it like almost everyday. My favorit song ;)

lika: saaaaaaame situation :( my sis is singing Nishino Kana like your's! terrible! ahhhh irritating

yuki: happy birthday!! 19 now? hope this year would be a wonderful year!

oh, and I have to finish my book report...almost finishing but cant conclude it well.
see you guys tomorrow

Dear Lika

Same here. I'm working on my bookreport and the translating thing for thursday's class. I'm sure that I'm not gonna finish it.
How to make people shut up? It's easy. Just act like your crazy and SCREAM! They will be

Replies! :)

Thank you Dr. Armstrong for your reply!

To Yuki: Happy Birthday Man!!!
Does that make you 19? If so, I envy your youth... lol

To Lika: I'm sleepy and tired as well and my book report still has a long way to go...
I feel sorry for your situation though... Try calling the cops on the highschoolers and telling your sister that you're recording her singing or something like that. lol

Advice and Felicitations

Lisa: Don't starve. Eat something. We need you to survive at least until you have gotten back your first book report . . .

Yuki: Happy Birthday! I hope you have some happy events to replace the previous misfortunes . . . (Quick, somebody bring this kid a birthday cookie or something ASAP!)

environmental problem!!!

okay, on Tuesday after IE, yuki, yuri and i was havhng a chat in the classroom.
and we found garbage that someone left!!!!lol
so we put it in the trash can. what good

but seriously!!!
take your garbage!hahaa


Great questions!

Ryo and Anna: Yes, biography at beginning of book and book itself can be listed as separate references. A few terms of vocabulary listed at the end may be your choice (if there are particularly difficult terms), but not absolutely required for book report.

Anna: It would not be a crime if the book report ran to four pages but note that you don't have to utilize all the research ideas I gave you, just the ones that seem to be the most interesting . . .

soo sleepy

first of all, happy b-day yuuki-san!!

soo tired and sleepy but can't sleep until i finish homework for tomorrow and my book report.
how are you guys doing with your book report?

ps. there's like these thirteen high school kids playing in the park right in front of my house, and they just started playing "tag" and.. OMG it's SOOO loud! can't concentrate on my book report!!
to make it worse, my sister started singing Nishino Kana in the shower.

anyone have any good ideas on making them shut up?lol


i think they did a pretty good job in explaining "cos-play" and "moe", but like how everyone is saying, "tsundere" wasn't exactly explained right.
"tsundere" is really hard to explain actually. i tried to right now but i couldn't.
but yeah, it's like.... Mitsu lol
also, it said that "burriko" is usually used for old women who fake their cuteness, but no that's not true. i thought that burriko existed for only young people.
i mean, if you look around there's burriko everywhere. ughhh

well this video made me think that i need to do some research on these kinda japanese culture related words so when i'm asked by my friends abroad what they mean, i won't tell them any wrong information.


Hello everyone. Long time no see. I hope you haven't forgotten my name. I'm Yuki Taniguchi. Today I'm suffering from a lot of misfortune. First, the lighting in my room has broken. Second, my private PC has broken. And third, the cooking stove has broken, so I had to eat frozen food since this morning although today is my birthday. What the hell!

question... AGAIN!!!

i know i've already asked a few questions, but there's another one..

Mr. Armstrong said the book report should be about 2.5 pages to 3.5 pages, but if i write down all the biography of the author, history of publication, history of period, influences to and from the author, other incarnations, social issues and topics, and controversy, there is no way i can fit that in 3.5 pages!!!
can i just pic up few of the topics above?


Too hungry. I'm going to take a break.

The Lost Thing

A boy finds a strange big robot-like creature by the beach which I think is a mixture of a crab and an octopus. He then realises that the 'thing' is lost but ''nobody else seems to notice that it was there'' because ''they're all too busy doing other stuff.'' I think there are a lot of lost things around us but we just don't seem to notice as we are all too busy doing other stuff. But if you take a look around you might find something that you never noticed before. Also, people tend to notice what is lost after losing the thing.


I totally agree with Mika S. It was easy to understand but because they chose this way to explain the state of Genpatsu, I just couldn't take the video seriously. I thought the video was frivolous, and I also think the problem of genpatsu is much more serious. I think the video was simple and easy for the kids to understand but they missed out few important points that kids also should understand.
I don't know why the Japanese explained it in this way. Dr.Armstrong said that Americans never relate anything to poop but how would you explain the state of genpatsu instead of relating it to poop like the video? If you can't think of anything, maybe the idea of using poop is the best way to explain. Therefore, there will be no cultural difference of talking about poop.

To Kahn 2

I didn't realise about the empty post until you told me!! About the post, to be honest I can't remember what I wanted to say! lol. I think it was to do with the izakaya thing lol. I'll tell you when I remember!


Only the Japanese can relate something so serious to something so humorous lol

It was a pretty simple explanation but do children really understand what's going on by just watching the video?
Though they don't really have the need to understand the situation fully, I think a follow-up explanation by their parents are necessary as well.


i want to ask the same question that ryo asked.
do we have to write down a list of vocabularies ? and if so, will that mean every word i didn't know from the book, or just few words that were important in the book which i didn't know the meaning of? and should i include the words i found while i was researching about the author, background and etc?

book report

guess where i am right now! at the Aoyama campus! haha
wanted to borrow a few books for my book report and thought of going to sagamihara, but decided coming here was more sensible.
reason number 1, they have more books here than the library in sagamihara.
reason number 2, it's so much more nearer from my home here than sagamihara!!!!

so, here i am.
and i found 2 books that might come in handy :) woop!

Book Report AND Band Practise.

Ugh! I'm running out of time!

To Dr. Armstrong

It's about the references of the book report sir.
There is a slight biography in the beginning of my book and I was wondering if I should write the biography from the book and the book itself as different references.
Also, do we have to include a vocabulary list?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


This video was interesting and easy to understand.
However,I think this video lacks seriousness.
The problem of genpatu is more serious than the video said.
Before we tell children the problem of genpatu, we ourselves should understand the seriousness of genpatu, I think.

Otaku introduction movie

Ohhhh... That thing was full of sterio type, they must be punished for that!
Hehe, just kidding, however I must say that they got the basic idea, but it is full of steriotype yet. I think YuriW has done a good follow up of it.
I wrote all about the explaining, but it built a short informal essay of 473words, so I would not upload
Yeeeees, I am an otaku as well, I guess. :p

The lost thing

this was a very interesting video.

what i thought was that the lost thing had to be lost to find out that it really isn't lost. it was feeling so lost and lonely that it acouldn't even think about looking for other things, the things that are feeling the same way. it's impossible for us to understand what it really is like until we actually experience it, especially the pain or sorrow. but when we meet someone who has the same kind of experience, we feel close to the person, don't we?lol either the experience is the good one or the bad one, to share it with people who understand it too is always a good thing. and it gets better when the person has a different opinion or feeling about it tough the experience was the same.

i hope the lost thing is living a happy life now:)


Feeding the fish right up there makes me hungry. <><


I thought that the video was funny at first but I thought that there were better ways to explain the problem about radiation. I think, instead of making it metaphoric, they should tell the truth about what genpatu is and what happens if we get radiation in our body so that children would not miss understand anything. They all have the right to know the truth and so, the adults should tell them the reality.

Monday, May 23, 2011


i thought the way this video explained about the disaster was pretty interesting, and it was very easy to understand too!! but when we watched the american version of it, after watching the japanese version, i thought the american version was really freeky. i dont know why i thought that the american version of it sounded freeky, even thought it was both talking about the same thing... and what i thought was, was that "unchi" and "poop" is totally different.

well its both the same, but it sounds different... i cant explain it well in words, but to me, the japanese word unchi and the english word poop sounded totally different, even thought it both means the same.

hope you guys got what i meant;;
its so hard to explain it in words!!


I really enjoyed watching it. Of the five words, I don't agree with the definition of "tsundere”. In the movie it said if someone is tsundere to you, that person likes you and she would want to see you again. I don't agree with that. I think some people are always tsundere and they would be tsundere to everyone.
Most of my friends like tsundere boys, so I it might be a good thing to be tsundere!!!


A title saying "To Kahn" but an empty content...How scary!lol What is she trying to say? I'm doing my best to read her minds but I can't So Lisa!What DID you want to tell?


I also agree with some of you on "burikko". I thought as well that the video's explanation was inaccurate and I also hate people doing "burikko".

To Megumi:
Why do you think that the accident in Fukushima is as serious as or even worse than the Chernobyl disaster?
In the Chernobyl disaster, there was a nuclear meltdown and a series of explosions involved. There were also deaths directly caused by the accident,but Fukushima had none. Also keep in mind that this video was made a few days after the 3/11 earthquake, so it might be quite a normal thing for the video to be wrong on this.


Actually I enjoyed watching it though I don't like Otaku people.
I was impressed to know that コスプレis put costume and playing together.
I think foreign people know more about Japanese culture than me.


Genpatsukun was interesting!
It explains well about current nuclear power plant in Fukushima so I think young children can understand what is happing there.
The video says Fukushima's nuclear power plant is not as bad as Chernobyl(チェルノブイリ)but I don't think this is true.

To Kahn

To Narumi

Hey Narumi!
It was such a surprise that I was noding unconsciously and also a bit embarrassing too!lol

Well, it's nothing compared to Kenny:)He's much more popular than me and I'm so envious of his position.

AH! I'm looking forward to going to the Izakaya with you then!

OH I almost forgot. Thanks again for participating in the gathering on friday. It was so so so so!, at least until the Keizai people


to minori
i didn't like the American version of Genpatsukun either. It was kind of scary and the way the characters spoke was awful...!!!

I thought Genpatsukun was a good film for young children to watch in order to understand whats going on right now. the serious news about the nuclear power plant disaster we see on TV might frighten them and give them a terrible shock. but it's also important to know that there might be people who think this film is careless. especially for the victims it could be unpleasant.

Genpatsu-kun/nuclear boy

I did not know about these films, and am surpeised that people came to an idea of making them to teach children what's going on in Japan.
The films were interesting and did helped me a lot to understand about the nuclear problem.
Also, they were funny!!! :D
However, same as Minori, I didn't really liked the English version. I felt uncomfortable watching it.

I think the movie(Genpatsu-kun) is done in it's way because poop is much closer thing for Japanese people. I mean that there are many books for children about poop and it isn't something strange thing for us. I guess there are some cultural differences of taking "poop."

I thought it interesting that there are people who understood it and who didn't.

the lost thing

When the boy first finds the strange looking thing, he says that the people around him didn't notice its existence because they were too busy with what they were doing. Also at the end of the story, the boy says that he could see less lost things than before but actually there were many lost things drawn around the boy. In this scene the boy has grown up and is wearing a suit, so probably he is a business man or something... therefore, i thought maybe "the lost thing" could be things we tend to forget in our busy daily life. Something we have in our childhood and lose as we grow up... I wonder what that could be!! perhaps it differs from person to person but imagination could be one thing.

Dear Hisae/now playing

Forget about it! Why does it have to be the haagen-dazs?(I don't know the spelling) Can't it be the cheepest one in the cafeteria?

By the way, I'm now listening to Bruno Mars's "The Lazy Song." Azusa, thak you for telling me the artist's name! I really like this song. This song makes me feel like not doing homework.LOL

to tomoka!

I exactly remember your promise!You have to buy haagen-dazs icecream for me!haha

I'm so sleepy now that I'll write about Otaku and genpatsukun next time.
Good night:)★


Hey Jun K, don't be ashamed that you didn't recognise about genpatsu before you saw the video.Cause that's the same with me too!!:D haha

The video really helped me know about the basis of genpatsu and made me want to know more details about the genpatsu.

It was cute and fun story to watch!!!

But to tell the truth...
I didn't like the American ver.The baby was ugly and people in the video spoke in a way that annoyed me a lot.

I don't know why the American made the video this way.

Sunday, May 22, 2011



I think it is very difficult to explain the Otaku culture in English.
Especially the Moe feeling.
It isn't love, nor it isn't crush, but it is a Moe.
The reason why I think this feeling is hard to describe is that I think that the definition of this word, or the reason why he or she feels Moe is different among people.
But I thought that is is very interesting that the foreigners are trying to introduce and interpert the Japanese culture, and I think we can be proud for it.

2.The Lost thing

This movie was very difficult.
It is my opinion that the Lost thing was the kindness of the people.
The giant "Thing" was obviously at the beach.
But, there wasn't anyone who was kind enough to help that "Thing".
They all didn't put their eye on it.
But the Boy,which was the main character,was the first people to have the kindness to lead the "Thing" to where it should be.
I know that this is very dramatic, but this is my evaluation.


It was very humerous and funny for me that they explained the very complicated nuclear power plant issue.
Actually, to tell the truth, I didn't quite understand the issue until I saw this video. How dumb I am!!
But I thought that this kind of thing is very important for the people to understand.
Well , at least it was very plain and simple for me to understand comparing to the speeches made by the smarties of TEPCO.
I think this type of information should be more famous for all the people to understand it.
But I wish they won't use the "poop" to describe it though...


If I was asked what an Otaku was from a non-japanese person, I would probably answer the following.

An Otaku is a kind of person who loves and knows alot about a particular character,person or thing.In english you would call Otaku a maniac. If you want to see an Otaku with your very own eyes go to Akihabara. There would be millions of Otaku's of anime and manga.


hey Kan!
That is so funny!! You are popular among other IE class! wow :D
I wish I were there to see how it was!!lol


The video we watched in class was interesting.
I was surprised to know that the man in the video was a student of Tokyo University.
I think that he knows everytthig about Jpanese otaku culture. In addition, almost all words he taught us were correct. However, as some of you indicated, I aloso think that the meaning of the word "burikko" was little bit different. Regardless of age, any person faking cuteness can be a " burikko".

Otaku + reply

the first thing i would like to say is that the guy in the dragon-ball cosplay (can't remember his name..) is CRAZY!!! lol

so, i thought most of the otaku terms were explained pretty much correctly, but i have to say the term "tsundere" and "burikko" were a bit different.

he said that "tsundere" was icy-hot. the person is too embarrassed to say they like you, so instead they say something terrible (maybe "tsun" in this case). in the video, the girl (?) was saying "shine" to the man, but i thought that was kind of extraordinary. just being plain rude instead of "tsun". but i think they have the correct idea of tsun.
and as Ryo said, there was no explanation of the "dere" bit and i agree with him that if you don't have the "dere" bit, that won't be "tsundere".

so, i think that "stundere" means that someone is too embarrassed that they say or do the opposite thing instead of expressing their true feelings, but on the other hand, they are sometimes really nice.

now, "burikko". the actual meaning was correct, but he said it as if it's only old women who do it, but that's wrong. any age of person could be a "burikko". if someone's faking their cuteness and using that yucky sweet childish babyish voice, that's a "burikko".
this is my personal opinion, but burikkos make me sick. they annoy me so much! gets on my nerves :P lol

watching this video reminded me that there are a lot of words out there that are difficult to translate into either english or japanese.


As you all know, we watched a video which described 5 different terms related to and including Otaku. I knew what these words meant, so I thought that most of them were good definitions except for Tsundere. That is because there wasn't the "dere" after the "tsun". Am I right on this? Give me a response somebody.


ive never thought about describing such words like otaku, but i would explain it as someone whose detailed, especially in anime, manga, and games.

well the video we watched was pretty interesting because the way they described the terms was a bit weird, and they were seening it (like moe, tsunndere and ect.) a bit different then we do.

i mean burikkos arent only for adults, there are some teenage burikkos too, lol. and tsunndere... this ones a bit hard to explain in engish, but i can tell ya for sure that the way the video described it was wrong, i thought.


In the class we watched a video about how to explain OTAKU to a person who have no knowledge. If I were to explain it I would say that OTAKU is a person who has many maniac imformation about a thing or a person than a normal person. Also I would add that it is a person that has lots of rare figures and stuffs in their possesion. Because I already know about OTAKU I thought that that was enough to explain it but is it difficult to understand?


In Lisas post it said something about finding me in a izakaya. After that I asked Lisa and Aiko where they were and what I was doing. They said that it looked as if I recognized the two and was noding quietly a bit scarely as a response. But the TRUTH is that I didn't know at all that the two was there!lol WHAT?!You ladies were there too?! I would of gone there if I knew all right!lol Well, the reason why I went to the izakaya in the first place was because I was invited to participate in a IE class 2?or1? (I don't know) gathering. Saying it simple, something like Kenny's place when we had a gathering. However I found it very hard to keep up since I was different classes with them and I thought that was what Kenny must of felt when he came. That's probably why Lisa felt that I was looking bored!lol It was fun, and we took a purikura at the end but once again... I would of joined Lisas group if I had noticed!SORRY nd lets go smeday.

The Lost Thing

I'm a bit late again and I'm afraid to say that I really didn't understand the story about The ost Thing like guys below. The 'lost thing' represents something and my opinion was that it was a symbol of the spirit of the boy. The boy felt very lonely and wanted a friend. So the 'lost thing' appears and he spends the rest of the time with him. However the 'lost thing' goes back to his original place menaing that the boy has become mature and his spirit has become very strong. I think that the story told us how many people are feeling and that it is very different.


I have previously watched this video soon after it was up on the internet and I had quite a laugh when I watched it. As Dr. Armstrong stated, I realized how good they were at explaining the situation in a way nobody in other countries would come up with. I also felt the same way when I saw the feedbacks and comments on the internet saying that it had a good explanation of the serious issue. I would like to see the translated versions that Dr. Armstrong was mentioning during class sometime.

Replies and Comments

Anna: You should definitely mention the main characters in the book in the summary and evaluation but no need to mention them separately from those.

Mitsu: I'm shocked that you are still alive! No one I know (relatives, close family, friends) has drunk Coca Cola in twenty or thirty years--- much less doing ikinomi with it. It has nothing good in it. The original "lift" in it was from cocaine ("coca plant"). Now---cocaine having become an illegal substance---it is high fructose corn sugar (the ubiquitous ingredient in almost all American processed foods that makes them obese), caffeine, and a variety of acids and chemicals. It is so toxic and acidic that farmers in India use it as cheaper way to kill insects on their crops! Literally, you are destroying your health every time you take a drink. I recommend that you avoid Coca-Cola like the plague if you have any hope of reaching thirty . . . Please take care of your body while you are young so that you can have a long and healthy life later.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Book Report

i have a little question about the book report.
besides the 7 literary terms, do i have to mention the main characters of the book??

Friday, May 20, 2011

Wednesday's afternoon

I went on to a karaoke place with my friends on Wednesday.
I don't like singing very much and we stayed there for only an hour and a half. However, it was a lot of fun.
Now, I have to do my homework.
There are lots of things that I have to do...


On tuesday, I told Hisae, if I didn't post about the mermaid and the oktopudi? thing this week, I'll buy her an ice cream. And now look, I haven't posted about it yet!!! It's time I have to go to school. I hope she doesn't remember it.

The Lost Thing

Hello! Yesterday I had a cold and couldn't go to school. Sorry for not being there in the IE active listening class. It was the presentation, wasn't it? I'm afraid my grade is going to be terrible...Well, I am fine now! Yahooooo!

I thought that this animation was VERY hard to understand. But I think the symbol was the "lost thing" and it represents the thing what people tend to forget when we get older, such as imagination or the fun feelings.
In this story, I think the"lost thing" shaped like a crab? was the man's "imagination." At the gate, "something" told him that he shouldn't leave the "lost thing." I think this "something" was the man himself. Being an adult, we have to cooperate with others, and sometimes have to act the same like others. I think the story taught us that although how busy we are, we shouldn't forget our own idea and feelings.

The Lost Thing

I really liked how they showed the name of the staffs in the begining. It was really interesting.

The film started by showing a boy collecting bottle caps. I could not have imagined what the story be like then.

I think the "thing" is symbolizing things which human beings have forgot about as the time passes. Even the giant red thing was at the beach, at the sidewalk, nobody noticed it's presence except the boy; people are so busy living their own lives.

The meaning of the "thing" being lost is very hard to say...
Well, I guess it is showing people's minds; we, humans tend to forget memories although it meant really special to us at the time.
The world of lost things seemed very happy and peaceful comparing to the world which the boy was living (: it seemed busy, boring world). The film may telling us how wonderful to keep our lives like human beings.

The film was interesting, but was hard to make it into my words to describe.

The lost thing

This one was really hard. It was hard to tell what the thing actually represented in our lives. Anyway I might be wrong but I will try my best on this one. It is in 3rd person and takes place in umm... Australia because of the accent. But it could be anywhere. I think the symbol is the lost things, which I believe that they represent as people's imagination. The conflict is the people vs their imagination or imagination vs the society. What I believe this movie tried to say was that when we are young, we believe in anything even if it is imagination, however as we get older, we think in terms of theories that we no longer believe in our imaginations. 
Maybe the reason why the boy found the place for the lost thing was that he no longer needed or wanted his imagination in order to grow up.

the lost thing

Well, to be honest, I really couldn't understand about this short film. I know the "lost thing" represented something, but I can't figure it out what that something is. Quite tough huh ?
Reading my classmates post, I thought it could be anything. Your childood, hobbies, what you really had lost, I mean anything. It maybe depends on you.
Walking around the town, you suddently meet to the "lost thing" and that might be what you have lost which is not visible. Some feelings, hopes, dreams...And it happens to apear in front of you, visibly, and maybe makes you remind what you have lost.
However, I really liked this film. Though it heard as if Kent was the narrator. lol


Finally I can write about the "Mermaid". Since this whole week was kinda tough week for me, it was a bit hard for me to log into the blog....Sorry for the excuse.
Setting: a place where imagination is not allowed
Character: a boy and a mermaid
point of view: third person
conflict: the boy vs his imaginaion
irony: why cannot have an imagination?
climax: when the boy lost his imagination
This short film was really cool, I mean it let me think about what I imagine, what I actually desire. It was wierd that where the boy lived was a place that imagination isn't allowed, and this is imposible.What I thought at last that it is sad to loose your imagination. Imagination isn't only a thing like this kinda mermaid, I think. Imagination can also be your desire, your wishes, anything! Without imagination, I think probably we couldn't be able to live, and that's why when the boy suddently couldn't be able to see the mermaid, he got crazy.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Lost Thing

I forgot to post about the movie!

I thought the the lost thing was a symbol of things you have in mind only in your childhood. People forget their pure mind as they get older. In the movie, adults only cared about themselves. They didn't care about the the lost thing being lost, they didn't notice the the lost thing walking on the sidewalk.

This movie was difficult to understand, but I liked it.

The lost thing

Since like everyone in my class is posting this already, I might as well do so too.

The lost thing represented something that is no longer available in the boys life. I agree with many other members of my class, and I think the lost thing represented childhood as well. The lost thing is unique and nonexistent in another persons' mind as every childhood is different. Though childhood is an important part of human life, people do end up forgetting bits and pieces of their memories. As the boy grows up, he stops seeing many 'lost things' and that may represent the fact that he's slowly moving on and forgetting parts of his life.

"The Lost Thing"

So, when it comes to the accent it was rather easier than usual for me because it was the Australian accent :P

So the "lost" things in the short film are a symbol of any kinds of things we all used to use earlier in life and then abandoned. They get "lost" because our hobbies or interests will be different as we grow up and end up chucking away those things. I remember, in the film, the man walks along the seaside and finds a huge robot thing and he seems friendly, which implies that any "things" could still be used in some ways. They could never be rubbish.

Alright this is pretty much it...!


Yesterday I learned that may favorite drink, coke, can be extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemely dangerous. Well, I am in figure skating club and after my practice yesterday, I asked one of the teammate to buy me a bottle of coke. I was expecting to get a normal 500 ml bottle, but he brought a huge 1500 ml of coke to me. I asked him if we were supposed to share it, but he said, "No, it's just for you. So drink it up!! otherwise you have to run around the building as a punishment!!!" First of all, what did I do to deserve a punishment; I mean isn't drinking this huge bottle by myself a punishment???? I seriously did not want to run, so I opened the bottle, and started to drink 1.5 liter of coke. And somehow I managed to drink it..... I..... I cried....... it really hurt..... None of the teammates thought that I would actually drink the whole thing in less than 5 minutes, so they were really amazed at me. In the end, the guy who bought me the coke bought me another 1.5 liter of coke as a prize....... I DON'T WANT TO SEE THAT HUMONGOUS BOTTLE FOR AT LEAST A WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Lost Thing

We saw that movie in the last IE3 class. First of all, it was too abstract for me to understand. Honestly, as I was completely confused, I would like to listen to others' opinions about what was going on in that movie.
So, i have been working on my book report recently, but it's a lot harder than I thought. That book has many history and you can find many things you didn't know. It's very interesting when you realize many things that was happening in the past and those kind of things are in the books.

the lost thing

The video clip was very interesting and very tricky. It was hard for me understand what the lost thing was. Well, I thought about it over and over and I came up with idea that the lost thing was problems that there is around us. There are many problems that we are not solvinmg right now and maybe only few people are realizing that problem.

the lost thing

Okay, I was going to write a looong paragraph on "The Thing", but right now I can barely keep my eyes open since I haven't slept a wink last night, so I'll just post very briefly.
To tell the truth, I really didn't get what this video is trying to say. This is hard.. so maybe "the lost thing" is a thing that we used to use, but now new stuff has come out so everyone is forgetting about it. And since nobody cares about it anymore, "the lost thing" became invisible to the people.
I don't know how to explain, but anyways, I'm glad that in the end "the lost thing" was able to find it's home and the place where it belongs.

Oh, tomorrow night my IE class is going to Fridays! yaayyyy.
good night everyone!

ps how are you guys doing with your book reports?

The lost thing

This short movie was very interesting and I felt that it was very deep.
I'm not sure, but I thought that the lost thing might be the incarnation of the things
that used to be people's possession which are now forgotten.
I think it shows everything that people have forgotten, like something people
do not use anymore.
That can be old toys, old furniture, or old home appliances.

Oktapodi Mermaid

I know it's waaaayy too late, but now that I finally got in bed early I'm going to post on Oktapodi and Mermaid before I go to sleep.


Setting: A sunny day in Greek?
Characters: Two octopuses(the blue one a guy and the pink one a girl and are probably in love), the man and the bird
Conflict: A good relationship vs something that tries to break it
Irony: The blue octopus saves the pink octopus from the man and are happy together again, but next the blue one gets taken away by a seagull.
Ending: At the end the blue octopus was carried away by a seagull and the pink one went after it. I think that they will be able to be together again, but most likely the next enemy is ready to separate them apart. But as long as they have feelings for each other, I think they will find a way to work things out.


Setting: Near the sea. A time when imagining freely was prohibited.
Point of View: Third person.
Conflict: imagination vs reality
Symbols: The mermaid is definitely a symbol of something... maybe in this case imagination.
Ending: So the boy goes to the ocean to return the fish to where it belongs and then the mermaid that he couldn't see suddenly appeared again, and somehow he had fins too and they swam until no one could see them. It turned out to be a sad and shocking story in the end, since he probably died. But this is one of the the best stories I have ever seen without any words.

No title

Well,,,,,,,, I forgot to post in to this blog for a loooong time!haha

I've gotta pace up my posting pace in order to get the grade!!
I'm going to post about the Otaku thing and the Genpatu-kun thing maybe tommorow.

For today, I'm just going to post in about what I thought about recently.

I'm having alot of fun every day through the IEclass and having a satisfying school-life now,
but contrast to the members in the IEclass, I feel that my English ability is totally low.

This doesn't mean that I'm very sad and it doesn't mean that I'm so depressed through the experince, but I'm very happy for that.

In my highschool,I'm sorry to say this, but there wasn't anyone who will be my English rival.
But ever since I came to Aoyama univ., I felt that my English wasn't good at all through meeting the class member of IE3.

I have to work hard to catch up with these guys and that I hope that this emotion makes my English ability improve.

So, my wish to you guys is that, don't change!

Well, I also think that these guys aren't stupid at all to become lazy at the same time; opposite to me really!

So, see you tommorow!


There is an outrageous rumor saying that I'm gay, but Jun Kikuchi is totally STRAIGHT!!


To: Miyu and Yuri

The picnic was so much fun!!! :D

Same as Yuri, it was my dream to eat on the grass with IE III people, and it came true!
I am happy to be in my class and am soooo sad to say good bye in less than two months! :(

Let's have picnic every week!!!

Miyu, thanks for bringing leisure seats(?) for us!!

Darts tournament

So there was a darts doubles tournament at the darts bar I work at yesterday.
My partner and I got out the preliminary block 1st, won the quarter final and won in the semi- final. But unfortunately lost in the final....
But we won ¥20000 so we're happy! \(^o^)/


i saw this donkey in harajuku yesterday!!
i never thought i would see one in tokyo, especially in harajuku!!!! lol


Today, I watched "八日目の蝉" with my friend. The main character, Yurina, is played by Inoue Mao. the story is too confused to explain, but it was really good movie. so if you are interested this movie, please ask me directly!!

I want to watch "black swan", but i heard that it was scared, so i hesitated to go today.
are there anyone who watched this movie?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Sorry Miyu for repeating but.....

Yesterday our IE class had a picnic on the grass between 2nd and 3rd period.
We've been wanting to do this for a long time so it was our dream come true :)
It was so much fun!

We should do this every week

I don't want to say goodbye to everyone at the end of this term:(
Our class is so much fun :(

the lost thing

This story was interesting for me.
I suppose the thing is the symbol of human's heart.What I felt when first I saw the boy in this story is that he looked a little sad, his heart was not so warm and he hadn't been able to find the place in which he could be relieved. I think the thing stands for his unstable mind. It was like a robot and might be made by iron so it is contrary to humans or human's heart. Since they met at the beach for the first time, they seemed to have especilly no change for a while.But after that, the boy put some colorful flowers into the thing and I think it meant that the thing gained kind of warm heart like humans. Then, it found the place to which it should go back and said good-bye to him. I think through this experience, he learned that the heart is necessary for humans. It shouldn't be empty but be filled with warmth to some extent. It may lead people to find their own place they can be relieved in. I don't know if he could gain the warm heart, but the thing might have him grow up than before.


we had lunch outside on Tuesday. i brought some leasure seat (?) from home but they werent big enough for all of us and we just sat on the grass haha
it was fun:) lets do it again guys :)
we have little time to see each other:-( i wanna make lots of memories with you !

ummm i dont know how to comment on someones post.

anyway, see you on friday lol

tuesday night :)

I went out for a dinner with Aiko and Mayu on Tuesday after school :D It was so much fun. We randomly chose this izakaya to have dinner and we were so surprised to see Kan there with his friends! Since there's so many izakaya in machida, we both chose the same place. We didn't talk to him but he seemed a bit bored but maybe that was just our imagination. Also on the way home with Aiko we were so surprised to see Miyu as well! She seemed very....happy lol.

The Lost Thing

to be honest, i didnt get a thing about this film ;(
but i gotta post something!!

well i got the part where the thing was lost, probably because it looked totally different from everything else. and at first, i thought that the thing was the boy himself, or i should say the boy was looking at the thing, and at the same time, he was also looking at himeself, because i thought the boy was also lost and felt lonely and didin't feel like he had a place to go home.

and as the boy grew older, he found what he wanted to do, and as soon as he found a place for himself, the boy probably felt like he found somewhere that made him feel like he belonged.

and so when the boy started feeling like he belonged somewhere, he couldn't see the thing anymore... because the thing was himself, and now that the boy isn't lost anymore, the thing isn't lost anymore too.

but i don't even know if the boy felt lonely and felt like he was lost in the first place so maybe my opinions might not make any sence, but thats what i thought after watching the film.
now that i've finished writing about the "lost thing" i'm going to work on my presentation for thursday and in the afternoon, i'll be going for a job interview! wish me luck ;D

"The Lost Thing"

this video was very interesting, but complicated for me at the same time.
i don't know if i can explain my thoughts precisely, but i'll try..

i thought that the symbol of the "lost thing" is some sort of feeling that we all had when we where younger. everything seems fun and exciting to children. like the boy in this video, he thought collecting bottle caps was fun. i think everyone has experienced this phase of life when you're really obsessed with something, and when you grow up and look back you think, "why on earth was i so into this?!?!?". and i think the "lost thing" was that. the excitement and joy you felt towards everything you saw when you were young.

so the meaning if the "thing" is lost is that people grow up and grow out of those things you were interested in the past.
remember in the video, at first, every one or thing except from the boy and the "thing" was black-and-white, but the boy and the "thing" had colours? i think black-and-white meant that the people around were all grown ups' that no longer had the same feeling as they did when they were younger. the scenery was all black-and-white too because this whole society is making us forget those feelings.
when the "thing" went into the special room, i think it meant that now it was safely kept in the boy's memory.
after that, the boy couldn't see much of those "lost things" anymore and he turned into black-and-white as well as the other people on that train. he had grown up.

hope you can understand what i want to say :P

The Lost Thing

This short movie was really difficult for me to understand.
I think "the lost thing" means things that people do not use now.
Because of the development of technology, people don't use them any more. As long as people develop new products, "the lost thing" would keep on increasing.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Oktapodi & Mermaid


First of all there are 3 main characters in okatapodi. An orange and pink octopus and a man appearing to be a fish monger. The two octopus seems to like each other but on the other hand the man wants to sell the pink octopus.
The pink octopus gets put in the truck and drives off but the orange octopus jumps on to the truck in attempt to help the pink octopus. Near the end the orange octopus manages to save the pink one but after that the orange one gets caught by a seagul. I think that in the end both octopus will end up in the sea.
This movie is probably set somewhere in the mediterranean since there were many white houses.


The relationship between the mermaid and the boy is slightly peculiar since the mermaid is only seen by the boy. It's in his imagination. The boy lives in a place where imagination is not allowed and goes through a series of problems with the police. Finally the boy looses his imagination and is not able to see the mermaid again. But at the end when the boy goes to the sea with police in the background, a mermaid appears in the distance.
When the boy went to the sea I think the boy wanted to commit suicide since he lost his imagination. At the end mermaids do appear in the sea but no one will speak of it because they might be imagining something.


Well done, Yuri!
Fryday was awsome:)
I had really really fun time with IE members
I wanna go again oneday!
of course with Kenny:)

I am going to have spanish test in 3 minutes.
I should have studied harder...

Lost? Maybe, maybe not. Do you want to dig it out?

Hmmmm, it is much more bright now! Nice layout.
Hello ladies and gentlemen! My name is Christopher.

Last week, I`ve watched the “Lost Thing” video clip, it was pretty interesting.
Strait to the point, I think the meaning of “Lost Thing” in that clip is flexibility of imagination and lost personality, it reminded me the last clip “Mermaid”, it is a different approach though.

The biggest reason I thought that was in the last part of clip, did you noticed the main character`s clothing changed?
I think that symbolizes he got older, he stopped his hobby picking up bottle caps (it was, right?), and not being able to see those lost things. If I say it more, he is now insignificant by buried in to the social. That is what I thought it was.
Oh wow the new blog layout changed! I really like it!

I'll write the report on The Lost Thing later this week ;D

And I only have like a few pages left of my book.

Blass band

Good morning*
I would like to talk about brass band and baton club, where I play 3 times a week.
We have about 70members right now, and 20 of them are freshman.
Right now, we practice for the annual concert and a competition in summer.
I play alto saxophone and all the seniors are cool and nice.
The best part of the club is that we can go to the baseball games and cheer players by playing music :)
About two weeks ago, I went to a game at Gingu-kyujo, and it was so much fun♪
Next time, why don't you come to the game and cheer with us!


this video was hard to understand but this left me a deep impression.

A boy who liked to imagine things
The mermaid who the boy met

The boy and the mermaid were good friends or they might have become more than friends as they spent time together in the sea!

What do they want?:
The boy wanted to see the mermaid again. He couldn't forget about her. But since imagining things was not allowed in the world he lived in, plice tried to make him forget about her.

The boy and police

In a country which imagination is banned

The boy decided to go into the sea to be with the mermaid again. And the nernaid really existed.

The lost thing

Sorry for having the same thoughts with Sayumi and Megumi ,but i also thought that this was very difficult.

I thought that the 'lost thing' was something that people don't use anymore or something that people forget about. People forget about these things because new technology develops.

The Lost Thing

It was a difficult video to understand. I couldn't get until the very last part.
Megumi has already mentioned but i'll write my opinion again.
I think the lost thing in the video means obsolete things that we don't use now. At the end of the part, there were many obsolete things (but i only remember an accordion) inside of the door the main character (the boy) opened. And the big lost thing being together with the boy was a doorbell that we don't use because we have intercoms now. I think this video wants to tell people that our lives have developed one by one, and we should not forget obsolete things we don't used as a process of development.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Lost Thing

??I could hardly understand this short movie, so I asked IE friends what they thought about it.
??Finally, I guess the thing is symbol of memory or curiosity, and to be lost means forgetting those things. I thought this movie was like "The Toy Story". Story is not similar but the world which everybody doesn't notice is the same, I thought. Additionally, I think to lost some senses we once had in our childhood and they have the own world is in common.


oh, just logged in and found out the design of the blog has changed!!
i like it :)

The Lost Thing

This video was very difficult for me.
I do not really know what the lost thing mean but the thing looks like a trash to me.
Why the thing is lost is because people no longer use it as they got higher technology machine ( this is what Sayumi told me...)
And the symbol of the thing is this world.
There are many things we do not use anymore.

The Lost Thing

The characters are a boy and the "thing". In the story,The thing was lost mentally because it didn't belong anywhere.People in the world were too busy to think about themselves and no one noticed the thing and listened to his story."The thing" symbolizes all the neglected things and creatures that we tend to forget. Today, people are sometimes too busy to think about convenience and quickness, we face too much on the reality and forget our imagination and things that we really have to take notice of. I think that is what this animation makes us think about.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


So, I'm finally done with the essay for applying to the England study abroad programme thing and I got around to writing on Mermaid.

Setting: Seaside. Somewhere without freedom.

Point of View: Third-Person.

Conflict: Person vs Society.

Climax: The boy loses the mermaid.

Symbols: The mermaid. It is a symbol of any kind of dreams and imaginations.

Irony: After the boy loses the mermaid, he goes into the ocean to look for her and then he turns into a fish like creature and somehow manages to see the mermaid again.

Theme: Never give up on hopes.


The film was much different from what I was excepting from hearing the name, Osamu Tezuka.

Characters were: A mermaid (which is a small fish), a boy, boy's parents, and a large number of police. The boy is living in a country which doen't allow their people to do imaginations, however, he is a one who is being seized by wild fancies.

The boy hopes to look at the mermaid for long and wants to show it to others. However, it is just a fish in the real world, so no one can see the mermaid. The boy's parents want him to be released by a awful imaginations and ask the police for help.

The conglict is that the boy sees a fish as a mermaid. Others (his parents and police) trys to make him say that what he saw was just a fish. Although the boy went through many experiments, none of them could have changed his mind. Then, police started to do much harsh things to the boy in a jail. The boy got so tired after many tests and was not able to remenber what he was believing. One day, He got out of the jail and went back to his house to see what it really was. He figured out that there was not a mermaid, just a fish.

In the end, the boy went back to the beach and brought the fish back. It seemed to end peacefully, however, the police came to get the boy back to the jail. The boy took the fish quietly and killed himself in the ocean. After his death, I guess the boy became a mermaid and had a happy times with the mermaid. Sadly, I think the police were seeing just two fishes which were jumping out of the surface of the sea.


There are three characters in this film: pink octopus, orange octopus, and a truck driver. I guess the pink octopus and the orange octopus are in love. The truck driver seems to be a tempered person, and is under an absession of getting the octopuses.
I think the truck driver wants to deliver the pink octopus to a restaurant, and the orange octopus wants to help the pink octopus out.
The conflict in this film is that the driver bought the pink one from a shop and the orange one trys to get her back. Neither of the driver nor the orange octopus give up.
In the end, I think the pink octopus reached at the back of the bird and start to attack him. Then, the bird releases both of them. However, where they landed was a dog's head! Though it seems like they will start fighting in a moment, the dog smiles nicely and took octopuses to the sea :)

Mr. Armstrong

no, i meant "the boy" in the film. i thought the boy was a symbol too. i think that's what i wrote, wasn't it..? hahaha i don't remember.
i know the mermaid is a symbol and i think i said it was a symbol of imagination.
what i thought at first was that the boy was a symbol too. i thought he was a symbol of freedom. but you mentioned in class that a human could not be a symbol.
so what i want to say is that the only symbol in that film was the mermaid. i think.

Mermaid as Symbol

Hey Anna. A mermaid can be a symbol. A mermaid isn't human. Anything non-human, especially something mythological can be symbolic. As part animal (fish) and being a freaky combination, mermaids and other mythological creatures were created to represent/symbolize aspects of human nature/Nature that we can't explain . . .

The mermaid is totally a symbol and, hey, that's the noun in the title.  


I know it's too late to post an entry on "Mermaid" but I will write on it tomorrow. I have been working on the essay which is required to apply to the England study abroad programme and it's due Monday. I apologise, Dr Armstrong, if I haven't done the "Mermain" duly.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


i know i'm pretty late to write about this, but as i have already said in my last blog post, couldn't log in for a while. i tried to log on on thursday night, well technically it was friday, but i couldn't so i'm going to write about it now.

i know several Tezuka Osamu's animations, but this one didn't look like the other ones. but i liked it.

the characters in this film are the boy, a mermaid, the boy's parents, and the people from the government, military (?).

Setting: at a country where they don't allow free imagination.

Point Of View: third-person. but sometimes it was the boy's first-person point of view.

Conflict: person vs society.

Climax: i think the climax was when the boy couldn't see the mermaid anymore and only could see it as a fish.

Symbols: obviously the mermaid is a symbol. i think it's a symbol of imagination. at first, i thought the boy was a symbol of freedom,but then i remembered Mr. Armstrong saying "a person can not be a symbol", so i suppose he isn't.

Irony: the boy could no longer see the mermaid and he went to the sea to return it, but after he returns it everyone, including the boy, his parents and the whole army (government?), saw the mermaid.

Theme: to allow freedom. this film pretty much reminded me of the old germany and japan back during the WWⅡ.

so those are the 7 literally terms if the film "Mermaid".


finally!!!! i can post!
i tried to log in to write a post about Mermaid at about 1am on the 13th, but the site wouldn't let me log in..
but it seems like i can now :) thank god!

The Lost Thing

The lost thing is a symbol of interests held during a person's childhood. That's why I thought that everyone else around him didn't notice the thing.
It was lost because at a certain point in life, people start to grow up and start to think logically. In the short film, the boy was always working on his bottle top collection and after he left the lost thing at that odd place, he became an adult and moved on with his life.

What do you guys think?

Thursday, May 12, 2011

IEclass feat.Kenny

Our IE class and Kenny from class H (?)went out to Friday's Tonight:)

We talked and ate alot and had a really good time!

I hope we can get together again!


I finally came back home! I'm so tired today, but I still have to do my newspaper article homework... I hope I can finish it by midnight...


I'm very late, but I will talk about the video we saw in last class.

It was very interesting video for me. Maybe it was first time seeing a video without a sound.

So the setting in the video was in a town I think.

The conflict was that two octupus wanted to be together, but the truck driver wouldn't.

Ending was that one of the octupus was trying to save other octupus from the bird.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Hello, everyone! Today, I finally got a license!!! I started going?to the driving school at the end of January, so It was a quite long way. I wanted to get it before university was started,but I didn't go for a month after I got a pre-license,so that getting a license during a spring vacation became impossible |o| Anyway, I passed both driving skill's test and paper test, and got a license today. I don't want to become "a paper-driver", so I will practice driving at least once a week. Until I become to be good at driving,?I never want to put my friends into my car.So my car is only available?for my family.


→octopus(pink one was the girl , orange one was the boy)
 driver(who deliver the octopus to a cook)

→the two octopuses are lovers

what do they want?
→the octopuses want to be together
 but the driver guy wants just one of them, i guess...

→the two octopuses can't be together because of the driver

→on a usual day in Greece

→the pink octopus tries to get the orange one from the bird


I forgot to write about the Tsunami by Lafcadio Hearn,
so I'm going to write about it.

This reminds me of the big tsunami occured because of
the terrible earthquake in March.
I was impressed by the quick wit of Hamaguchi,
and learned how preparation and quick judgement is important.
And I was surprised when I found that his writing about this made
the word "Tsunami" famous all over the world.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I was planning to write the blog last night but it turned out that I fell asleep on my bed with my pc on my lap.. :O

A boy, fish (which turns into a mermaid in the boy's imagination), parents, police

The boy is in love with the mermaid but the police is against the boy's imagination

Probably a country ruled by strict communists and where one's free imaginations or beliefs were not acceptable.

The boy sees the fish as a mermaid while everyone else only sees the fish itself. He starts to doubt his mind why people are so skeptical about what he is seeing with his own eyes. Then the police come to chase him and confines him in a jail to make him forget about the mermaid.

The boy returns to the sea with the mermaid, leaving behind the country where freedom is restricted. I personally think that all his imagination came in reality in where he headed for.

This story made me think what freedom is and what Tezuka Osamu wanted to convey people by creating this story.