Come in and Blog On!

2023 Welcome to your IE 3 class blog. The object of this class project is to log in and write your comments, web links, answers to questions, and your questions to others at least twice a week. It's fun and you can include pictures or graphics. Keep it original, helpful, and interesting. Don't forget to spellcheck your work before publishing. Also, when you create your user name, please use your real first name, in Romaji (ex. Ryuki, Mari, Lisa, etc.) so that we know who we are communicating with. Enjoy, and Blog on!

Monday, April 30, 2012

My songs!

I want everybody to listen to tracks from my band, called DONFAN.

Girl Found Key

If you like can download them free, simply clicking on the button with an arrow!
Give me feedbacks~~~

Oh, and of course, you can listen to them on your iPhone/Android devices! Just click links above!


My plan for GW

Momo! I'm going back to Fukuoka for GW~! Who wants a souvenir?

Golden Week

Does anyone have any plans(^-^)/?


I think everyone know that today was compensatory holiday. But we had school today...
My 1st period's teacher said that we had to come today otherwise the number of classes we have to take in a year (it's said by minister) won't be enough.

By the way, Thank you Mitsuyasu, for letting us know about IE listening :)


I think this movie illustrates a regulation of speech. Maybe Osamu Tezuka want us to think more freely. At end of this movie, the boy walked into the sea. I think he is dead. I don't know if he committed a suicide or executed by police but he looked very happy. It was kind of strange feeling. Was he  really happy? Was he satisfied? I felt sorry for him.

for Hikaru

You delivered a good lesson.You wear nice shirts.
I heard you have a part time job to teach students English,but you can make it.

See you next day‼

from Ms.Wakui

I got a response from Ms Wakui and this is what she want everyone to know.

Mitsuyasu and others, Thanks for your email, Mitsuyasu.

I think all of you could understand about Appendix 3, but just in case, I'm writing it here.

You don't need to follow all the guideline. They are suggestions the English department made. You can fill in my paper or prepare the extra paper attached, if you want to make it longer.

It means you don't need to write 10 lines of sentences, but if you want, please do.



About Oktopadi and Mermaid

Good evening!
  When I watched Oktopadi and Mermaid, I thought that Oktopadi was very humorous but Mermaid was very thoughtful.

  In Oktopadi, two octopuses may live  together in the sea but they were maybe netted before the first scene we watched. After the two incidents that the pink octopus was carried away by the man and the orange one was snatched away by a gull,these octopuses get a full life in the sea from their obstacle like human beings or other animals. I think that the creator may want to tell us that human beings  wholly always live together with someone.

  In Mermaid, the boy is enclosed in the dungeon(but it is not clear)and crammed with various knowledge by adults. I think that the creator Tezuka Osamu tried to tell us that cramming knowledge will spoil imagination all children have.

  Yesterday I finished writing my book report, but I'll check it many times to make it better and to correct my spelling mistakes.

  I'll spend this Golden Week going out with my friends and doing my assignments.


about the movies

I liked the octopi couple(*^^*)I really enjoyed it(^-^)/ The other movie was quite complicating(ヽ(;▽;)ノ I thought both of the movies finishes with a happy ending(*^^*)

April is about to end

Today's the last day of April!

1 month is about to pass since we first came to Aoyama gakuin.

I thought that April seemed so much longer than March.
Maybe because I was hanging out with my high-school friends, which I know all of them very well, in March.

April was a starting of my new life.
I met new people, I am a university student, I am now living on my own...
I still know only a few people, but I really enjoy being in this school.

BTW, is anybody planning to study abroad for 1 year?
If somebody is, can you please tell me about some stuff? ;(
Thank you~!

About Mermaid

At first, it was difficult for me to understand the theme of  "Mermaid".
However, after I read Yumi's post, now I understood. Thank you :)
When I researched about Osamu Tezuka on the web, I found one of his famous quotations, " Nothing comes out without imagination"
This is one evidence to support that Osamu Tezuka implies us "the freedom and the necessity of imagination" through this video.

I really enjoyed reading my classmates' posts!!!

Oktapodi and Mermaid

I enjoyed watching both movies. There're two octopus (one is male, and the other is female) in the first movie "Oktapodi" and they love each other. However, one day, the female octopus was caught by a man, and the male octopus tried to save her. But unfortunately, when they finally came together, a bird caught the male octopus and flew away. Then the female octopus tried to chase him. This movie ends with this scene, but if the movie was longer, I think similar situations would be continued. As to the second movie "Mermaid", I couldn't really understand what the movie was trying to say at first, but when I watched it for few times, I recognized that the producer wanted to tell us about the importance of imagination. Well, this story is about a boy who likes daydream and a fish which the boy imagines as a mermaid. But he was forced to forget about the mermaid by police, since he was not allowed to imagine in his country. Finally he lost his imagination, and he disappeared after he returned the fish to the sea. I thought the boy died at last, but I saw two mermaids swimming in the end. I guess he didn't completely forget about the mermaid and didn't want to be apart from her, so he became a mermaid and had a happy ending with her. I think it's a beautiful story, but I don't agree with the police.

About Mermaid! ヾ(^∇^)

First, I became very sad when I first watched "Mermaid".
I don't think daydreaming is a bad thing, and nobody has the right to control one's thought.
What police was doing to a boy is not a right thing!
And, I felt very sad at the ending, too.
When boy was going in to the water, nobody stopped him, and there was no expression in people's face.
It was like telling "Go ahead because we don't need you.".
Excluding the people who is different is not what society should be like, I think, so that film was very shokking to me.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

About Oktapodi (^^)/

I thought Oktapodi was a very cute short film!
It was very hilarious! I laughed so much!
I don't think Japan could make this kind of film.

Well, what I liked about Oktapodi the most, is it's music.
The tempo and the sound really described what was happening in the film, so I was easily drawn in to the story!

And, I liked the town where story was placed.
It's a seaside town, and there are a lot of pool!
I like the shine of a water, so I thought that town was very beautiful!
I found out that film was made in France.
Does French town looks like that?
I don't know(・へ・;;)

After orange octopus was taken away by a bird, I think pink octopus did the same thing as orange octopus did to her.
That means, she chased after birds and tried to get back orange octopus back.
But I don't think she can get orange octopus back because bird can fly and she can't.

Oktapodi & Mermaid

Story takes place in Greece, and main characters are two octopus. They love each other, but female octopus got caught. To save her, male octopus (the red one) chased after the truck. Right after saving her from the man, he was caught by a sea bird, and now, pink octopus is going to save him. Like Haruka, I think this story will continue on with some more similar situations.
What I thought about this movie is that even though main characters are octopus, we can all feel like them and enjoy story in their point of view. It was very interesting and the love between two of them was strong!

Story is about a boy who likes to daydream, and one day, he finds a fish, which he was imagining as mermaid. He went home with her, but when he introduced her to his parents, they only saw a fish in a tank. In his country, it was forbidden to imagine things so he was arrested and forced to change his minds about imagining about mermaid. When he saw the tank again, he could only see a fish. He was shocked by it, and at the end, boy goes into the water and never returns...
At first, I thought boy killed himself and the last scene in the film was just his imagination, but watching it for few times, I began to think the last part is telling us about how imagination is important in our lives. This boy gave up his life for imagining things and claiming what he thinks is true. Osamu Tezuka surely gave us a strong message about importance of freedom of speech through this film.

I read other people's post about the films, and I think there are more than one way to think about them and get a different messages from them :)
I loved both films!


I went to Shinjuku with my friends from high school today.

We had not seen each other for a long time so it was very fun !

I can not believe we have school tommorow. It's a holiday!!!!


Yesterday when I hung around Harajuku, I run into Naoto!!

We were really surprised and just said "oh~"to each other! haha

What a small world!

About two movies

The first movie “Oktapodi” was really funny movie.

After the end of the story, the female octopus was going to save the male one, and the same thing would happen over and over again.

I couldn’t understand what this movie tried to tell me until I saw Kazuma’s post, and now I really agree with his opinion! It tells us the relationship between nature and human beings.

As to “Mermaid”, I guess Tezuka Osamu tried to tell people that “Freedom of imagination is important. Regulation for imagination kills imaginative people, and that is serious issue. ”

When Tezuka Osamu made this movie, I think there is still a national restriction on citizen’s imagination in Japan.

It seems that many people thought the boy was dead, but for me I thought he turned into a merman, and they had a happy ending. What’s your opinion on this?

To Cory and About "Oktapodi"

Cory! I didn't understand what "Mermaid" was trying to tell us until i saw your post!
Thanks to you! :)
I deeply agreed to your way of thinking.

About Oktapodi.
It was super fun to watch! The characters were adorable!
I just loved how they chase after everything that tares them apart.

I thought about what will happen after the part when the orange octopus was "kidnapped"...
I think they'll chase the kidnappers again and again and again until they finally escape to the sea.
Then they will live happily ever after...

BUT. The sea isn't a 100% safe place!
So the chasing still might go on and on.

Maybe they're enjoying it? haha


She's my dog Sally and now I just felt like taking photos of her :P


I enjoyed the setting of this story. White alleys surrounded by blue sea. The two octopus were very charming and the animation was very cute. The conflict between the two octopus and the man. I think there is a message behind this conflict and the fight between animals living in nature and human beings in the real world. This film does not have any spoken language and is very simple. Yet the film is very easy to understand.


Hello everyone

my friend is coming to have a sleepover tonight

Its gonna be an awsome nighr!!

Fish or Mermaid?

Which would you like to have, sir? Oh, you've never eaten mermaid. If it's your first experience with it, I would recommend slices of raw meat from the tail. They melt in your mouth. The mermaids we have are from Norwegian Sea. They are the best in the world.
Certainly, sir. That's fried scallops, a seaweed salad with tofu in it and slices of raw meat from the tail of mermaid.

Seriously, here are my thoughts on the movie, Mermaid.

I liked the introductory music. It made me feel as if I had been on a magic carpet destined for the fantasy world of the movie so as to explore there. The first half of the movie where the mermaid takes the boy around the marine world is filled with amusements. I especially liked the scene where the conch leads the couple into another part of the world. How wonderful Osamu Tezuka's imagination is. To talk a little bit about cinematography, I noticed that there are big clouds in the sky resembling real ones at the opening scene where you see the great ocean current, while the sky for the rest of the movie remains watercolor gray. I think the big clouds helps increase the greatness of the opening scene.

The movie mainly deals with the problem of liberty, with the boy believing in the mermaid and the government forcing him to stop believing in her. Along the story, he becomes unable to see the mermaid anymore, but at the end, after he releases the fish into the ocean, it transforms into the mermaid again. So the question arises: Which is it, a fish or mermaid? Is it actually a mermaid that only the boy can see or just a fish when the mermaid is merely his imagination? Well, after I watched the ending, I got the answer: It is the former. At the ending, you can see the two mermaids take a few leaps out of the surface of the ocean near the horizon if you watch closely. Who is the other one? It is the boy. Because he keeps on believing in her and himself, Not only he sees the mermaid, but also becomes a merman himself. This is Osamu Tezuka telling you that if you keep believing in things you do no matter what other people do to you, something will happen.

So which do you think it is? Tell me in your comments. I'll be looking forward to them. On that note, I'm gonna concentrate on finishing up the rest of sashimi of mermaid tail. I'll see you guys on Monday. Have a good Sunday. Bye.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Oktapodi and Mermaid

I thought both movies have a profound meaning.
" Oktapodi" is a story about  struggling to get back their partner because of their deep love.
First,a  female octopus was caputured by a man and a male octopus wants to get back a  female octopus.
I think they fell in love with each other. In short, they are boyfriend and girlfriend. So each of them never gave up getting back their partner. I think this story took place in  Greece because there were a lots of beautiful white houses.  The story ends with  a male octopus being caught by a bird, but I think a female octopus will chase a bird and be going to  get him back. The same cycle will continue on and on I think.
" Mermaid " is a story about boy who likes imagine something. I think the theme of this story is the importance of imagination, creation and dreaming something. Symbol of it is imagination.  In this story, a boy imagines a mermaid but actually it's not. It`s just a fish. A boy forced not to dream and create new things by  the government. They also forced the boy to forget about the mermaid which he created, but he never forget. I couldn't understand what was being said in the end, but I think this is a happy ending. I think Tezuka Osamu wants us to know that anything you believe or pursue something, your dreams will come true
even if someone hurt your feelings or get in your way.


At first, I didn't get the ending. I just couldn't buy the fact that the boy died. However, it does make sense. Since the only one jumping, after the boy went into the ocean was the mermaid. And nobody would take in the boy's imagination and see is as a good thing. Not even his parents.

First I thought "was it bad enough to die for?". But when the world is against you, and you lose all hope, I guess it is that bad.

I think this film represents another message which is "caring for each other". If anybody cared for the boy and praised his imagination, he wouldn't have to die. I think this film was strong and provoking.


I really enjoyed watching this movie. Two octopuses fell love in each other but the man tried to sell one of them. Rest octopus chased her and finally they weren't caught by men. However, the male was caught by a sea gull in a few seconds... I think the location is Greece. The bule and white building was beautiful. In my opinion, they will do same thing after the female octopus save him. I mean, they would be caught by someone again and again before one of them are eaten.


The last scene of the short movie "Mermaid" was very interesting.
I thought that it was a message from Osamu Tezuka implying,
"Everybody has the freedom to imagine, and no authority can regulate it."
"He'd rather die than abandon the freedom of imagining."

Both movies had a strong message and
it was so amazing that the producers expressed it without using verbal language.


Oktapodi, I thought, raises a big problem about relationship between nature and human beings.
It is like: "Is it good for human beings to do whatever they want to nature?"
fmm...must be something good to discuss about.


Ive never watched short animation created by Tezuka Osamu, and the Mermaid, was really unclear.
But I will show my own interpretation of this story.
  I think this story is kind of a criticism of some countries which suppress peoples' freedom of having any kinds of thoughts. This Animation came out in 1963, and in that age, there might be many countries like that. Osamu might had known the fact that a nation's suppression on peoples' thoughts destroyed their imagination.
so, when the boy finds a fish becoming a mermaid, and took her to a town, the boy was arrested by guys who looks like police. Through the reformation of the boy's thoughts by those police, the boy becomes unable to see the mermaid. this indicates the destruction of the boy's imagination.
In the end of this story, the boy goes into sea with mermaid, which represents the boy's free imagination, but I think this scene indicates the boy's death. He chooses his imagination, instead of his life. from this scene, I think we can see an Osamu's special wish to people to have free imagination.

After watching short movies...

Both of them were so interesting. Oktapodi was adorable to me. At the end, when a sea gull caught the orange octopus, pink one shot her?self to the target.After that, they all would fall into the sea. Those two get together again. But a fisherman would catch them and put them in a water tank. Then, they do the same routine like in the film, I guess.
Mermaid was a bit difficult for me. I just couldn't understand how people in that country knew he was daydreaming. He wouldn't tell anybody about his fantasy because he was one of the people and must have known the rule there... Anyway, I guess the theme of Mermaid is freedom of ideas. Also, Osamu Tezuka, as a cartoonist, maybe wanted to tell us how precious our imaginations are.


In the end, the bird abducted one of the octopuses. But if you look close, you will notice that the van hitting the water caused the birds to fly.
My guess is, if the pink octopus is able to save the orange octopus without causing anymore problems, they can live happily ever after.

Friday, April 27, 2012


So, in this animation, there are two main characters, a male octopus and a female octopus, and they are a couple. they live in a water tank in fish shop.
I think the biggest theme of this story is the importance of making effort.
In the first scene, female octopus is taken away, and the male tries to take her back. then, eventually he gets her back, but after that, he is taken away next. and the female octopus tries to hit the bird who took the male. Although the story ends at that point, I guess they could get togather and escape to the sea.


I think they had many problems before that driver came to the shop, so they are used to dealing with problems. What they want to do is to live peacefully and they think sea is more dangerous than the water tank, so they always go back to the tank. BUT! People come to the shop to buy them. They always play it by ear. They're so smart.

Book report

I decided to read "THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA" for my book report instead of "A Christmas Charol". I couldn't find " A Christmas Charol" at a book store,but there was "THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA" luckily and fortunately, I watched the movie of it before, so I quickly decided to read it. I'm going to read it right now!
I think the octopus short film we saw in class today was cute!

My impression of the mermaid

It was a difficult and imaginative short movie, but I'm kind of used to something like this, so I didn't get lost during watching the movie. It was my first time to see an animation by osamu tezuka but Mighty Atom. I knew he makes many strange stories, but this was my first strange movie by him. It's a kind of style that it can be interpreted in any ways, but what I think of the story is going to be two ways. One is that the boy was crazy from the start and hallucinated. Every psychedelic experience he was experiencing was caused by taking too much drug or something. The other is that the mermaid was actually real and she was created or only seen by people who have free imaginative thoughts, but the country which the boy lives in doesn't accept the way of ideas, so he was abused not to think like that again. The ending is I think about the boy's death. The mermaid he saw at the last may be either hallucination he saw when he was committing suicide by drowning or a small fish turned back into the mermaid by the boy's last remained imaginative power gotten from the ocean, but there were many soldiers chasing after him, so I think he is going to be killed for breaking the law of the country. Oh, this impression got absurdly long!

My Impression of Oktapodi

Although, I couldn't feel much originality from the movie, it was a very cute and thrilling short movie! When it first began, I thought it's going to be a little bit sad story, but it was fun and oppotimistic, so I was relieved. The way the man who was driving a car punching the octopuses was so serious that I could felt eagerness of the man for catching the octopuses and which makes me unable to help admiring him, though he was a kind of villain in the short movie. The ending was expectation of the next battle between the girl octopus and the bird, so it's apparent that next thing going to happen is going to be this.


OMG! I was absent for all the classes I have today o.O"
I was there lining up in the immigration since 9am.....
Do the people there really have to be that picky on everything?


I love oldies music so much. For example, The Eagles, Queen,Led Zepplin, Bee Gees, and of course The Beatles are my favorites. There are many artists that are influenced by them. The artists what I mentioned are not only musicians but also panters, dancers, and any kind of people who associate with art.
 I want to be a person who have big influence to people around me.
Does any of you like oldies too? If you have recommendation, please let me know.

Viva library!

I have not decided which book to read.
So I decided to borrow some from the recommended list!
How great we are to have libraries around us. I guess when I was in junior high and high school, I went there less than twice a year. But now I realized how useful it was!

My experience of today

Today, I mean just a while ago, I ate a daily changing bowl of rice!! It was extremely good!!


I think that there will be the exact same thing happening again. The female octopus going for the man octopus and they will live happily ever after.

But I do not want to have a life like those two because they might get eaten very easily and I hate getting hurt or eaten because I'm human and human these days don't get eaten.

Good morning

Thanks for the help Tkumi!!

I've chosen an easy one.

Somebody help me

I'm in a hopeless situation, because of my homework X(
Somebody help me!!!

On Oktapodi

Here's my thoughts on the movie.

I think it is a computer-animated short movie that has a variety of flavors in it. It features action and romance.It is also comical. It is very unique that the main characters are a man and octopuses, and they chase each other. I really like the dynamic camerawork. My favorite scene would be where the octopuses leap from pool to pool on the roofs. The theme would be how tricky life is because all the main characters aren't able to get what they want.

What Rena thought would be the theme is interesting because I failed to see the movie as a process of transporting food when the man is a probably a cook. I've enjoyed reading the other comments. I wanna know which scene is your favorite. Tell me in your comments. See you tomorrow.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Answer to Cory

Good evening, Cory.

I think the topic doesn't have to be so serious because on the list, it says “How to ask a Women/Men on a date”. Is that a serious problem?

I'm not sure but movie should be 2 minutes. Anyway, it's our first time. No one will blame you for making mistakes.


I have a question about tomorrows IE 3 class.

I'm going to do a presentation about a video in class.
Does the video have to be something with a serious problem that we can debate?
...or can it be something light and we could be like, "oh, yeah. that wes good, haha"

It's hard to find a 2 minute video with a serious topic, or extract 2 minutes out of a long video.

Can someone help me?

Viva Amazon!!

 I decided to read "I, Robot" for my book report and I looked it up on the Amazon and they were only 613yen! Thank goodness for Amazon. I really like the way that there are so many stuffs from all over the world for such a low price!

Book report

I decided to read "Anne of green gable" for the book report.
I don't read English books so much, so I 'm pretty surprised at the number of pages, but I'll do my best.
I like reading Japanese novel in train, but I guess I have to read English one for a while! (**)

Speaking of Japanese book, I like novel of Ekuni Kaori.
I like her novel, "kira kira hikaru" the most!
I like how she writes people's feeling.

See you in tomorrow's class!
Thank you for reading(*^^*)

Book report

Today, I went to a book store in Yokohama but I couldn't find the book that I am looking for (A Christmas Charol ). Does anyone know a book store which has many English books? I really want to read the book as soon as possible!!

book report

I decided to read Christmas Carol for my book report.

I really wanted to read THE NOTEBOOK, but I couldnt find it at the library.

I saw the movie last Sunday, and it was amazing.

Hate rainy days.....:'(
Sunny weekend, please;-)

Good night...

Thank you for answering my question, Haruka;-) I’ll look for a movie tomorrow. By the way, I can't fall asleep tonight because I took a nap about 2 hours although I had woken up 11 a.m. this morning! I have little confidence to make a class in first period... Good night, everyone.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My name is Haruka Kadoyashiki.
I'm not used to this blogger system.
BTY I still haven't  finished my homework :(


My TV has broken, although it is new!!!! I can't watch TV until Saturday...


I don't know. If I hear it's good, maybe I'll watch it. Tom Hardy's an awesome actor. Can't wait to see him as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises.


I MUST find a book to read for the book report...
I've been reading "To Kill A Mockingbird" for these few days, but this is just killing meX(
I don't have so much time left, obviously.
So I must find another book by tomorrow, or I'll have to keep reading this book.
I'm getting concerned if I'm gonna be able to finish the report...

Answer for satsuki

I think you are right!If you haven't your presentation on Friday, you only have to hand in self directed listening report. If you have presentation on friday, you have to do both presentation's paper and self directed listening report. There's no other homework to do until Friday. Is that make sense?

about IE listening class

What should I do for IE listening class the day after tomorrow? What we have to do is to find a video and prepare some questions on it, is it right? Does anyone know if we have any other tasks or not?

For Group 5 /I・E Listening

I have no classes today,and I prepare for the class especially,I・E and Reading.
We have first interaction friday and in group 5, I  am presenter.
I hope every one in group 5 will attend,but in case some of you are absent,I present adress  and the title
.(I want to use "Nicenet",but I cannot remenber your names completely. I'm sorry.)


title      How To Lose Weight Fast

Then,let's meet friday 1st period!

About "Oktapodi"and "Mermaid"

I think "Oktapodi" is a story taken place in Greece and about two octopus (pink and the orange one) getting away from the man.
First, they were loving each other but the man took the pink octopus so the orange octopus went to get her back. They got rid of the driver eventually but then the sea bird captured  the orange octopus and went away.
That was the end of it but after that I think the pink octopus will get him back by attacking the bird and something different will capture them again...

The second story "Mermaid" is taken place in a country not aloud to imagine.The boy couldn't forget the imagination of the mermaid and the government(?) try to make the boy forget about the mermaid.
I didn't get what happened in the end but I think this story is saying that even if nobody believes your imagination, it might come true if you believe in it strongly.


Did you see that movie? or Are you gonna see it ?Ya, it sounds ridiculous. Do you like him?
I like the other one.

About "Mermaid"

IMO, the second movie we have watched in class was all about how important freedom of thought is and the boy is a symbol of someone who thinks differently from others.

At the end of the movie, he obviously committed suicide so the mermaid could swim freely.
What do you guys think?

Book Report

I decided to read “Christmas Charol” for my book report. When I was a high school student, I read this book which was about 50pages . So I kind of know what the story will be, but I want to know more about this book by reading the long version. I'm excited to know more deeply about this book!


Wednesday morning - how wonderful!
A cup of coffee listening to Norah Jones makes me refresh.
Good morning. Good morning. Good morning.

About Oktapodi

The first movie is about two octopuses loving each other.
The problem is that the driver carries the female octopus for sale and the male octopus tries to get her back.
It takes place in a port town in summer.
The male octopus finally gets her back but the story has a twist ending...

The theme can be " Every food we eat has a story, so we should appreciate eating"

I will write about "Mermaid" next time!
Enjoy Wednesday :)


I know that movie. It's about two spies fighting over for a woman. The story sounds ridiculous but it looks really fun. Plus, Tom Hardy looks really cool as a spy.


I can't believe MASA is going to finish reading a book in a week.

Answer for Naoto

Some how I can imagine you singing. Good luck on the club!

Book Report

I am going to read The Remains of A Day written by Kazuo Isiguro..

I have to read it as soon and much as possible.

Book Report

I decided to read "The Catcher in the Rye" written by J.D.Salinger as an assignment.
I read it in only a few pages so I'm reading all pages until this time on next Thursday.

Today I went to a room where the Sagamiharasai Festival Student Council takes some action and I cleaned there because my 3rd period were no lecture.

Tomorrow I'm having an interview for my new part-time job.
I'm nervous now if I think so.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Book report

ok, I give up to read wuthering heights for my asignment.
Instead, I would like to re-read flowers for algernon.
but I will try to read wuthering heights out of class someday...

To Takumi

Thanks for the long answer. I think Im going to join URC. We basically sing in it. I saw them singing and it was so much fun! So actually Ive already chosen.

To coe

No!!!! I am going to sing!!

Book Report

I decided to read "The Devil Wears Prada".
I thought it has a bunch of pages (like 500) but it was actually 400 pages.
Hmm... I think it's still a lot of pages. haha
But I asked my big sister, and she said it's not SO hard to understand the story, because the story isn't complicated. She also said this book caters to a female audience primarily.

To understand your book more, you all should watch the movie if there is!

I'm moving to shibuya tomorrow! yepee!
I'm so excited but so worried at the same time. I'm going to live by myself so... ;(

If you know any tips, please tell me!
How to clean "something" easily, the simplest recipe you know, how to keep strangers away from you...
I'll be waiting~~

Two movies I saw today

Just like the title, I saw two short movies in IE class today. The title were “Oktapodi” and “Mermaid”.

First one was funny......I think. I can't tell much about the second one because I couldn't understand the contents of the movie.

First movie was a couple of octopi which is probably for sale. One octopus was about to be taken away to a restaurant (maybe) and other octopus was trying to save the octopus. It was like comedy.

The secon movie was about a boy playin with mermaid. No one see the mermaid except him because it was probably his imagination. The country he lives in  didn't accept his imagination. I thought a content of a movie was that the world is always realistic and it is important for children to be imaginative. What do you think?

Book report

I decided to read "The Notebook" for book report. I've watched the movie and I like the story. In the movie, my favorite actor appears!!! He is James Marsden. He also acts Scott in the "X-Men" and Prince Edward in the "Enchanted". I love these movies!! Have you ever seen these movies?

Book report♪

I decided to read "Christmas Charol" by Charles Dickens for my book report‼ I watched a movie of the story so I have a rough image of the story. I'm planning to buy the book on Amazon or simply buy at a book store. Did anyone choose to write an essay about "Christmas Charol"?

Answer for Naoto

Good evening Naoto.

I already know that you almost forgot to blog and nearly got out of time today. I didn't think you came out of this question. What a surprise. It's a question to me.

Well, I belong to a circle called “peace badminton” now. I was playing soft tennis when I was in middle school. I was also playing badminton two days a week. One in the class and one in the weekends with my friend. So I can play badminton a little. What was good about “peace badminton” is that it's practice was once a week which is Wednesday. Not hard at all and you can go into the court whenever you like.

I'll say that you should take part in the club you like. Besides, we still have time. But you should hurry because the dead line for the club was probably end of this month.


Hi Naoto i think you should join the football team and play with us!
Like no joke.


 It`s very unusaual in Japan to have a thunderstorm. It started to pour down on me just as I was walking home! Now I`m all wet and I curse myself for not bringing an umbrella with me because the weather was so nice in the middle of the day. Damm it, why do I always forget to check the weather forecast everyday?


I almost forgot to comment on the blog. I cant choose what club to join. Takumi ! What club are you going to join??

sorry, but i don't have enough time to feed the fish

it could have been a much happier morning to wake up in the sunshine if i had written a blog last night like i was going to and got up early enough to make it for the class in the first period, not woke up next to my laptop. hope this counts for the last week's requirement when a new week has already started. see you guys later.

chuo line train stopped for few minutes so I hope I won't be late for the class( ´・ω・`)


Good morning.

I still haven't decided which book to read,
but I think I'll go with "The Jungle"

Dr.Armstrong said it will make you sick and you'll never want to eat meat....
I don't like meat so it should not be a problem.

Movie :)

Hi :)
I'll go to Sakuragicho and see a movie with my friend on May 2nd.
I'll see "BLACK AND WHITE." Do you know this movie?
I saw an advertisement of this movie in Italy so I'm looking forward to it!
I don't know the story well, but it's kind of an action movie, I think.
Did anybody see it?


I forgot to write what book I chose for my book report.
I chose "Devil Wears Prada"!
My sister had the book, and she said I can have it :)

I asked Mr.Armstrong if "A Walk To Remember" is fine, and I still want to read that so maybe I'll choose that one next time!

Monday, April 23, 2012


Hi, every one!

Yesterday my mother bought me a Shingen-mochi.
Do you know it?
This is what it looks like.

It looks delicious!!
I've only known this since high school, so I haven't eaten it even 5 times. But I love shingen-mochi so much.

Here's some information.

Shingen-mochi, is a Japanese souvenir mainly made and popular in Yamanashi prefecture. It's kind of like a rice cake, covered with soybean flower called kinako and black honey(kuromitsu).

The name "Shingen-mochi" is named after the famous shogun Takeda Shingen.

When you take it back home, like my mother did, it comes in a special package, and this is what it looks like.

There are 3 in this package. I've only eaten it like this.

I thought Shingen-mochi is so rare that you can't get it so easily, but it looks like you can buy it at Shinjyuku, Ikebukuro, Machida and many other places.
Machida! That's close from school! Now, let's go and get it right away.

(All pictures from Google Image)

For HW

I'm tired looking for an article that is suitable and not too long. (but not short) x_x
Did anyone find out any good websites??

BTW I decided to choose Animal Farm as the book for my Book Report.


I went to take a IT test and it was so hard...
I really recommend you to take pre-tests!!!

For the book report, I've decided to read The Treasure Island :)
Did anyone chose it too??

Dear Mr.Armstrong

Good evening.
I'm thinking of reading "The Notebook" for the book report.

I'm going to join soccer club tomorrow with my friend. so excited !

Dear Mr.Armstrong

Good evening Mr.Armstrong
I was wondering if I could borrow the book To Kill a Mockingbird for my book report if it is possible.


It was rainy today.
I wish tomorrow would be sunny day!

A book I read these days is written by Emerson.
I like his books. Difficult but deep.


We just finished our presentation. I realized I don't have the ability to explain things in Japaneseヽ(;▽;)ノ

My book report

I am currently reading The Hunger Games novel for my book report. I'm not much of a reader. And the book has 374 pages. More than 100 pages over the minimum of 200. But I want to be prepared for the movie. So I will try to finish it in time!

Very tired…

I had a badminton game yesterday, but actually I supported members of the team who played in the game. Despite the fact that I didn't played in the game, supporting is a kind of exciting thing‼ Everyone in my team shouted loudly like "go!". So my throat really hurts today…(^^;; Even though I'm having preciouse experience now, I’m very worried about how to manage to study and participate in badminton club, but this is my own decision so I'll do my best!


I want to see new Conan movie!

Have you guys seen it before?

Today I went to Bookstore, Junkudo in Ikebukuro.
I like the store because there I can feel so relaxed and read many books.
I am sleepy....
Good night.


Today, I wrote a report for tomorrow and I finally finished!! Although I thought I copied the contents and send to USB and felt that I'm perfect, there is no essay I wrote within the USB!!! I'm really shocked. I must rewrite the essay tomorrow morning(;_;) How to use USB?!

The AGU football team

Today i went to the football game at Kawasaki Stadium.
The Lightning fought with the Meiji Gakuin Saints and the score ended up 14-14.
It was a great game and I am thinking of joining the football team.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

new clothes!

Today, I went to Machida.
I went there because I wanted new spring clothes, but I had to do my homework first to shop happily.
So, I did my homework first, and then, searched for the cute clothes.
I had very hard time because I didn't have so much money!
Almost all of the cute clothes I found was so expensive.
But at last, I found a cute skirt which was only 1990 yen!
I liked it in a first look so I am very satisfied with today's shopping.

See you in tomorrow's class!
Good night (*^^*)


I went shopping in Ikebukuro today, because the Marui shopping center had a big bargain sale.

I had to do a lot of homework today, so I was planning to leave Ikebukuro in the morning, but I couldn’t. I am a terribly indecisive person! :(

That’s why I have to finish writing this blog and start other assignments now…

See you then.

To V. Hiro

Wuthering Heights is indeed a very difficult book (Victorian English). If you feel that it is too difficult from the very beginning, then you are probably right. I seriously recommend that you choose something easier that you can enjoy reading immediately. The point is your positive challenge, not a torture contest!
Im going to read "wuthering heights".
I already got a copy of it, and just read the first page.
...OMG, its so difficult.
maybe I should get translation too...


Why is it cloudy these days? I can't dry my clothes outside and in the inside it is takes so much time to dry out. I washed it this noon and it is not dry yet. It better get dry by tomorrow morning or I'll have to wear something wet. If wore a wet clothes, it will feel uncomfortable and I'll have a horrible day. I hope next week will be sunny and have a dry clothes by night.

Looking for a Good Book?

Just a message to encourage you in your book search. Don't feel constrained by the limited copies of books in the libraries. We live in an international city with many resources. I have some copies of books that I am happy to lend you (Dracula, Great Expectations, And Then There Were None, The Notebook, 2 copies of To Kill a Mockingbird, Big Fish, The Great Gatsby, Summer by Edith Wharton, . . . ask me if you have interest in one of these books). Also, the Aoyama Book Center (across from Shibuya Campus) has an OK selection of classic English books. The Yurindo in Yokohama Station Lumine (6th floor) has a very large selection, as does the Yurindo at Queen's Tower. Also, AGU bookstore has a few copies of classics. Project Gutenberg is an Internet resource with many books that are free to download (because they are no longer under copyright . . . Twain, Fitzgerald, and others). Even random old bookshops in backstreets of Shibuya almost always have a few classic books in English. Yesterday I found a very old reprint (1907) of Great Expectations By Charles Dickens for only ¥200! Just offering some options. Blog on!

How will I teach mathematics??

Hello,everyone! I'm MASA.

Yuki. I did nothing special for you. I did anything natural as a friend.

Yesterday, I went to the AGU to take an interview test of Sagamihasasai Festival Student Committee.
After the test, I went shopping in Machida on the purpose of buying the textbook of  junior high school mathematics because my boss asked me if he wanted me to teach math to his student who is a junior high student.

Now I'm studying mathematics which we already learned in junior high school.

See you for the next class!


Yesterday, I joined a welcome party held by the masukomi-kenkyu club, and enjoyed BBQ!

Though it was the first time to meet masuken members, I felt relaxed because they cared a lot about us and made us all laugh.  I was wondering which clubs to join  until the party, but now I’m sure to belong to the masuken club at least.

Have you joined any welcome party? If you have, please tell me about that :)


Thank you for answering my questions:)

No I don't mistake Mr.Anderson for Mr.Armstrong, just wondered if  it's better to write my essay in MLA style.

Yeah It's kind a hard...
I'm now doing my essay sleepyyy


I asked if "The Giver" was fine for the book report, but it wasn'tXD
But I really love that book, and I don't own it, so I bought one on Amazon just to read it for fun.

I am now thinking of reading "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", but I couldn't find it in the library.
Of course I searched it on the computer, and it said the book was available, but the shelf it mentioned didn't have any.
So I borrowed "To Kill a Mockingbird" from the library for now instead.
I once read this book for class when I was in Gr.7. However, I don't remember a thing.
The only thing I remember about this book is that it wasn't so interesting for me.
I thought this might have changed over time, so I started to read it over again, but I'm already getting tired of reading it...
I should go to the library again to find Huckleberry Finn for goodX(

for Yumi

I think you will mistake Mr.Anderson for Mr.Armstrong.

On Mr. Armstrong`s resume,it is written that you should use A4 paper and type in12point size,but on Mr.Anderson handout,that kind of restriction is not written.

I could not answer your question.

BY the way,Mr.Anderson`s essay is difficult and challenging.Good report takes time,he said.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Questions about HW

I have a few questions about Dr. Armstrong's essay HW!

Should I also write an essay in MLA style?
I mean, use A4 size paper and write in 12 point size?

If you know, please tell me:)

Wow, winter came back

I really do not like coldness.
Today I went cycling to Lake Town ( the biggest shopping mall in Japan), which I had been planning since last month. Then I thought it would be much warmer this month. As I woke up this morning, I was a little bit disappointed that it was cold. I think I got cold.
I want to hibernate when winter comes every year.


Today I had a chance to eat yakiniku! I haven't eaten it for more than a month and I really really wanted to eat meat but it's pricey so I didn't eat it. Today it was a special day I could eat meat because my aunt and uncle  came to Tokyo for a trip so I had a chance to meet them and eat lunch with them. They said I could choose what we eat today so I said I would like to eat yakiniku and took me to a place where the meat costs a lot. when I looked at the menu I couldn't choose because everything was so pricey. So I just ate what they ordered and the meat tasted too good and I couldn't stop laughing. I think I will never eat these kind of pricey meats in rest of my life.

I'm So Sorry

I woke up just now and I can hardly sleep, so I'm posting this.

I must apologize to Dr. Armstrong because I was absent in his class on yesterday.
When I woke up yesterday morning, I felt like I was sick, so I took my temperature. I was so surprised see "38.8" on my thermometer, and consequently I had to be absent for classes.

I'm so sorry..

Welcome party of tennis club :P

Today I am going to attend a welcome party, which is held by some kind of tennis club in our university.
It was sort of challenging at first... since so-called "Tennis club" usually has bad impression for freshers. (maybe seniors/teachers too.)
But, in fact, it was fun.
"Senpais" were soooo funny and six of them were also from our course.
Their knowledge about classes/teachers/school systems totally solved all the questions I had.

And now I'm confident that I'm going to enjoy the party again. :P

Friday, April 20, 2012

hisotrory of the English

  Good evening!!


 History of theEnglish class met today.we have a great teacher in Kazuyoshi Yamanouti.He is a little old but very active and smiling at any time so that we encouraged.It is doughtful whether I was powerful when I am old,so I look up to him.


Hi, everyone ! Few weeks have past since we entered Aoyama Gakuin. At first I was worried about a lot of things. But it was unnecessary everyone is nice, good environment to study. So far I am glad I entered here . I know there are going to be tough times but I want to enjoy those times too.

Mayuko's Book Length Post

The book report book should be around 200 pages. A little less is OK if it's a great book. More is OK if it you can handle it and it isn't too much more . . . Make sense?
Blog on!

the rest of my day.

Gonna look for my media discussion article while listening to nicki minaj's new album.
then watch a tv series called "chuck"

Nice to meet you, everyone!

Hi, everyone! I'm not sure what I should write here right now, but I think time will solve the problem.

I'm not sure I can post a comment!

Let's see I can post a comment here!

Thanks to Hiromasa and Shota

Yesterday I was checking the list of the classes I will be taking this year. And then Hiromasa found out that I had not registered IE Seminar A for the 2nd semester. I thought what I should do was just to hand in the paper on which I wrote the class I wanted to take. Although I thought it was too late, Shota told me to go to student center and discuss it. And I did it so.
 Miraculously they accepted my pleading! I am glad to be able to see some of you in 2nd semester IE class!

for Haruna

I also have disney smartphon, and can't master it. Let's rush into a Softbank!!:) By the way, I have too much free time now because I have no second class today. Is there anyone who are free too?!

about IE book report

Does anyone know if the book for the book report has to have 200 pgs or more???

I thought it's okay for books on the list to have less then 200 pgs (like revised ver.) but I'm not sure... :(

somebody please answer my question!!

I had a great time!

I had a very good time yesterday! As I said in the previous comment, I went to Bible class. We pray before starting the program and pray after the program ends everytime. There is a Spring Camp on 4/28 but I can’t go… because I have to go badminton game and support my members to win the game. Both clubs are very important and indispensable to me , but I’ll do my best to root for my team . I think I have responsibility to do that so I am going to go camping next time…‼
Today, I went to Shinjuku and had dinner with my friend who was in the same high school :)  We had a great time eating and talking!

Now it's time to go to bed because I have to get up at five thirty tomorrow...
Good night*

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Just now

I went into itunes and found out about Linkin Park's new single "Burn It Down". It was so catchy and awesome! I'm so excited for their new album. If there are any Linkin Park fans in IE, let's talk!

about club

Yesterday I attended a welcome party of ESS.

There were so many kind and funny seniors and their activities were really attractive to me, so I decided to join in ESS!

If you guys are interested in ESS, feel free to ask me about it: )

I’ll see you tomorrow!


It's Rena, from Tuesday 2&3 period class :) Everyone is talking about the clubs... There are so many clubs in Aoyama Gakuin. I'm indecisive and I don't know where to join. So, if you have any recommendation, please let me know. I really enjoyed reading Ryuichi's post, because I like dancing as well.


hoping I will be on time for the 2nd period.......

Go to chapel‼

Good morning everyone! I am in train now. I am very sleepy because I woke up at 5:00AM. By the way, I want to let you know that there is a Bible class today♪ It starts at 16:40 in chapel. Everyone in ACF is very kind so don't hesitate to participate in ACF‼ If you have any questions, please ask me.

To Takumi

I  want to add my experience to what he said.

If  you don`t make it to the due ,you can`t lend books for the days you have books.

Beware of the due!

great time :)

I went to Shibuya today(yesterday) for an event of dance club. I had a great time there and was impressed by great dancers. All the members of the club were so cheerful that they kept screaming during performance. Of course, I couldn't stop applauding them. After the show, I had a dinner with friends I met there.

Though I'm a beginner of dancing, I want to dance like they do!

Good night.

Takumi's question

For 2 weeks.
We can extend lending period 5 times.

For more details:

Mitsuyasu :)

Today ESS had a party for us, freshmen. We can talk with members of ESS everyday except for Wednesday. We can know the place by e-mail, so if you want to know the place, please ask me :) I'll tell you. After you go there, you should tell them your e-mail address. We have a camp on May 3rd and 4th. It'll be fun!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Books for the report

Can someone tell me how long we can borrow a book from the library?

tired !

Hello !

Today, I didn't have any classes, so I went to Shibuya with my friend!

We went shopping, but we just talked and talked and talked!!

It was really fun, but I got reaaaally tired and sleepy the moment I came home.

I have to get up early tommorow because it takes me about 2 hours to get to school from my house.

Good night !!


iPhone application

Just found out that there's an application for blogger on app store. Go download it~! :')


I went to karaoke with my friend today. It was so much fun!


I tried to write a blog from my cellphone but I couldn't... Although I'm using Disney smartphone, I can't use it efficiently! By the way, I love Disney very much(^ ^) Is there anybody likes Disney??


     Good  evening.

      Though  I was not good at English,I am interested in English(especially,etymology and dictionaries themselves).For example,I was surprised to know the word assume came from to take in Latin.For this reason,could you tell us concrete date(What the club do,and when it meets).Let`s enjoy English!


Hello! I'm Haruna Tjima. Please call me Haruna. I'm from Hokkaido so I don't know about Tokyo. Please let me know the nice place to visit!!

Thanks for commenting on my blogpost, 光安!

First of all, why kanji? I just thought that since we're both Japanese, it'd feel like we're closer if I write your name in kanji than in romaji (what's the English translation of romaji?), and I actually don't know the correct kanji characters used in your name, but I think that it'll be something for us to have a little laugh at, whether I'm wrong or correct. Second of all, you don't have to call me Mr. Aizu. Masaya is okay.

I'm glad that you have positive feelings for Aomori. If you go there, I recommend that you eat scallops(hotate). I have to say, they are really good! I especially like sliced raw scallops. These are the several places where you can enjoy scallop meals.
My hometown is famous for apple. I plan to go back home in this summer break. So, you know what, I might be able to give you, as a little present, the latest model of iPhone that isn't in stores then. No, I'm joking( notice that apple isn't in the plural form). Sorry it's too samui. Actually, I have an bottle of apple juice from my hometown that I haven't opened yet. If you want, I can give you that. The other thing about Aomori that I can come up with is that, there's the cherry blossom festival that I talked about in the former post in spring, Nebuta festivals in summer, you can enjoy climbing up Shirakami-Sanchi in fall, you can enjoy snow in winter if you've rarely seen it. What I'm trying to say is, I guess you can go there pretty much anytime. Anyway, if you go there, I hope that you have a great time.

Yes, I'm happy to have lunch with you! Or, I have only one class on Fridays, so I'm thinking of going to the library and see some books Dr. Armstrong recommended. Why not go together if you have free time then?

To people in the class, lately, I've been wondering what is the use of learning things in the past like history, archaeology or philology, or what can we do with things we learn from the past? I guess we can say that we can learn lessons from the past in order not to make the same mistakes again, or that history is the gold mine of the great wisdom of the great people who ever lived. But it doesn't really get me excited to study things in the past because those ideas are like old cliches. Right now, I'm more interested in discovering things that haven't been discovered preferably in scientific terms. Do you guys have any thoughts or opinions as to what is the use of studying disciplines like history and archaeology or what to do with the knowledge of them? If you do, please make a blogpost (apparently, you have to make a blogpost to make a comment on a blogpost.) and let me know. On that note, I'm gonna go buy some food for dinner. See you soon.
These days I go to ESS after classes. This club is very interesting! We talk about ourselves, dreams, or  love in English :). If you like English (I hope so...), you should come! Is there anybody who's interested in ESS?


I was confused like Cliff is right now so I mailed Dr.Armstrong for answers.

There are no comment icons or reply icons.
When you want to reply to someones question,
you post a blog with a title like "Answer to Corys' question" or you could just post a blog and have the answer written in it somewhere(like I'm doing right now).

second time

this is my second time on this blog
someone help me out. i wanna comment on one of the articles but i don't know how.
if any one knows id appreciate it

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Answer for Maria

I'm sorry for being late. Thank you for replying, Maria.

I couldn't understand what to hand out and to do in lecture on Friday.

The teacher's explanation didn't make sense to me. It sure was difficult.
     We had  a demanding  lesson and Dr Armstorong(not Anderson)  gave us a challenging assignment.We had a intensive debate,but I was not the person enough to incentivize others.
I want to write papers in  MLA style  as soon as possible.(the style is a must.)

     Mr. Aizu,I looked through your log(I can`t find out better cliches.).As far as my knowledge goes,Tsugaru has abundant food. My acquaintance,who came from Hirosaki gave our family many kind of fruits and fish and sea plant,and all of them were very good.Especially,I like sea plant.Also,I know people lived there are warm hearted-persons.I want to travel travel there.By the way,I wanted to eat lunch with you,but we couldn't`. So let`s eat lunch together,and talk next time.

       I hope to choose a book in order to weite book reports(Iwas about to put book review out this blog),but Doraqula seems interesting,and you  will know the reason if you are in this class.

If you happen to know the better cliches,please tell me.


right now....

I'm reading the book, "Anne of Green Gables" at the library. Actually, I just read it all. I also met Cliff(*^^*)He's finding books I was lucky I brought an umbrella with me(o^^o) Bye bye♡

Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival

Now, I've finished writing an evaluation for IE Core 3 class tomorrow. I had a week to do that and started it the night before it's due; I even found the article at around 8 PM today. I have a really really storng tendency to do that kind of thing. Well, I guess I should start using the time schedule table Dr. Anderson gave to the class.

Today, I'd like to tell you about Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival in Aomori Prefecture because I'm from there and have been to the festival several times and think it is a wonderful festival. It is held in May, around Golden Week Holidays (since it's colder in Aomori, it takes about a month longer for the cherry blossoms to bloom than in Tokyo) and takes place in Hirosaki Castle Park, and thousands of people come every year. I guess some people in Aogaku have come to the festival. It is famous all over Japan. In the past two or three years, I've seen Chinese people in the festival. You can enjoy the cherry blossoms basically everywhere in the park.

Last year, I went to see the nightly view of the cherry blossoms (yozakura) with one of my friends. It was amazing! Just imagine that surrounding you are cherry trees beautifully lit up, some of which are big, old ones with drooping branches covered with the white pink, so long that they can almost reach out to the top of your head while you are walking down the path. As you go on encountering the gates, turrets and so on, you finally see Hirosaki Castle built on the stone wall on the other side of the beautifully red-colored wooden bridge charmed by old history. There is nothing bright except them; it is all dark. Being there, I felt as if, in the historical context, all modern things had been absorbed by the darkness, leaving only the cherry trees and the castle, and I was living in the Edo era.The cherry blossoms reflected on the surface of the sterams around the park are also very beautiful.

Oh, it's already 1 AM. I guess I gotta go to bed. I have a class in the first period today, but talking about something in my hometown makes me wanna call my friends. So I'll either go to bed, or call my friends and stay up all night doing something. I also want to say that I really like writing in English because I've spent approximately three hours making this blogpost. I hope to enhance my writing skills at Aogaku and  maybe become a journalist or editor. I'm thinking of going to graduate school, though. I guess I'm gonna call my friends in my hometown. I'll see you guys at class if I don't oversleep. Bye.

really Nice day!!

Today, I attended the communication class after the IE class, so I entered the classroom almost on time. Almost all seats backward were already seated and I had no choice but to seat forward. Then I did not know how terrible this choice would be!! After some minutes, teacher suddenly gave his microphone to a student sitting near me and asked a question. In this moment I realized I would be asked some questions. I was thinking ゛What should I do, What should I do, What should I do!?゛ I was in great confusion because I didn't know what should I do!lol Unsurprisingly, I got a microphone from MITSUYASU seated nearby!!!!! Oh my god!!!

I forgot something important!!

Hi,everybody!I'm MASA. When I posted before, I forgot something important; it's my introdution.
I was born in Niigata ,but moved into Davao in Mindanao Islands , the philippines when I'm only one-year-old baby.After two years later from my first move, my family  spent 6 years living in  Ottawa in Canada.And then , when I was nine , I returned back from Ottawa to Kashiwazaki city in Niigata.

It's my introduction but if you have any question about me , don't hesitate to ask the question .

Finally, I came across a cockroach at my kitchin yesterday. I hate it !!

Good night!

My weekend

My weekends have disappeared for some reason.
I was to clean my room on Saturday since I still have several boxes left with stuff in it.
Then this club orientation thingy avoided me from cleaning my room.
Then on Sunday I had this important promise to meet my friends from high school.
Will there be any chance to clean up my room or not......
Oh, this doesn't mean my room is messy, it's just full of boxesXD

My Best Friend Leaves Japan For America

I'm finally back home...I'm super duper tired, but i had a great day.

Today was a tough day for me and i feel like this will continue this whole week... :(
I left my house this morning at 8:00 to go to school as usual.
I had 4 classes in a row... I realised, college is actually really busy!!

I headed to Toyoda station to see my best friend who's leaving Japan for Misourri, America, though I was able to see her only for an hour. ;(
But I decided to see her again tomorrow morning, before school starts!!

After I left Toyoda I next headed to Tachikawa to meet my other best friend.
She failed her college entrance examinations and is studying to take them again.
But we used to study together all the time.
We talked for 2 hours and left, and here I am now!

I really enjoyed talking with them :)
I will really miss my friend who's leaving.
The next time I'll see her will be January, 2013.

Do you have any friends who's studying abroad?
Are you planning to study abroad during college?
I'm not sure, but I want to. I want to go to England.

Thank you for reading! :D

Monday, April 16, 2012


How's everyone doing tonight?

A week has past since classes started
but I'm still not used to going from building to building for the next class.
We only have 10 minutes between classes....and some building are far to walk in 10 minutes.

I still have not decided which club to join.
Anybody have any good ideas or information?


Today I bought 2 CDs.
One is KID A, a famous album by Radiohead.
The other is Bon Iver by Bon Iver.
Those two albums are really good....check them on YouTube!


My plans

Good evening everybody! I just wanted to say that I am really looking forward to my plans for the next few days. I am going to be very busy in a good way. Oh I can't sleep! I hope you guys can sleep. Good night!

That's it !!!

Today, I went to Tower Record in Machida after school in order to buy my new fav band The Novembers' 2nd Album.
When it comes to The Novembers, I was invited my fav brand of clothes' A/W collection at Yoyogi Taiikukan on 5th, April.
The band was playing their songs while models walked around.
I found the movie taken by DOMMUNE on youtube.


Models appear at 7:11~

I really enjoyed it :D

Answer for Takumi.

 Takumi, it was hard for me to understand the explanation in IE3 on Friday too.
I read handouts and a little bit I could understand,but I will ask questions this Friday.
I'm sorry that I cannot help you.

Not a good one

Good evening everyone or some people might be already asleep but good evening.

One of the classes I had today was terrible. but i should not say which one cause it is not nice to say who it is but i am still going to post it here because i got stressed out.

Well good night everyone and let`s meet in IE3 tomorrow!

Today I met with my friend from my high school :))


Aoyama Christian Fellowship♪

Today,I went to Chapel Lunch! I am participated in ACF (Aoyama Christian Fellowship) and this Chapel Lunch is a part of activities in ACF! We pray before eating lunch, sing a worship song, and have a chat. ACF also has Bible Class! We read Bible and discuss about the topic and tell each other what we felt or thought. We hold summer and winter camp too. I am Christian so I am very glad that ACF has this kind of activities! If you are christian or not, feel free to join our club‼ We welcome you!


Yesterday, my new washing machine`s finally arrived! Yay! Now I don`t have to go to the crappy coin laundry any more. Can you believe it costs 1000yen just to wash and dry your weekly laundry?
Hi, everybody! I’m Masaya.

It is my first post, and it’s about three hours past midnight and I’m still up.
But that’s not really a problem because today, i only have a class in the third period and IE writing class in the forth! (Sorry if you have a class in the first period.)

I am really excited about this blog because I was always a blogreader and have wanted to start my own blog. Now I’m making a blogpost! This is so great!!

As I blog more, I’ll talk more about myself.
I’m really really looking forward to sharing with you guys, too!
On that note, I’m going to bed.
See you at school!


I went to Harajuku yesterday. I've got a lot of new stuff! It was kind of nice day.


Good evening!

I'm MASA.Yesterday I took part in a party for fresh people in Machida.
The sophomores and the juniors participated in the party are very kind and open-hearted.

I'm going to bed in a minute because we'll have some lectures tomorrow.

good night :)

This is Rena :) I am going to write a few sentences before I go to bed. Well...I finally have recovered from my cold!yay My throat still hurts a bit but I don't care :) I am excited to go to school after one week of absence tomorrow. Have a nice dream :) P.S. How can I make a comment on others' posts!?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Answers for Takumi

Takumi asked if anyone could explain the assignment for next Friday's IE3 class (Tuesday is the same). Can anyone help Takumi out?

Smart phone!

This is Aki Tsuji writing.
Today, I went to au shop and had my smart phone.
But it is really hard to manage it^^;
I had very hard time writing a mail!!
Although, it's so fun touching it (*^^*)

I took this picture with my smart phone.
It's my favorite stuffed animal.
he's so cute!^^

Hello :)

Hello, this is Saori Enomoto, and it is my first time posting on to this blog. I'm from Tokyo, and I used to live in a place which is close to Tokyo Disney Land, but unfortunately, my whole family moved to a new house so I cannot see the amusement ground anymore, but I can see "sky tree" from my new house which is good. My hobbies are drawing pictures, swimming, and cooking, but recently I don't do these things, so I'm not sure whether these are my hobbies or not. lol Well, it's nice to see everyone in IE class, and I'm hoping to make friends in this class, so please feel free to talk with me :)

my first post!

Good evening guys! How was your holiday?

My name is Tanaka Ryuichi.
I'm from Yamanashi prefecture and now living here in Sagamihara.
I was born in Kawasaki, but soon moved to Yamanashi and spent my whole life there.
I like to watch movies and listen to music. I love pop, R&B and especially divas!

Please talk to me and ask me any questions.
I'm literally shy ;)

Great day

Today was really good. It didn't rain so I could wash my clothes and dry it outside! If it rained I had to dry it inside and I would of felt very uncomfortable staying in my room.

since I love cooking, I try to cook dinner every night, even though there are some dishes, which are already cooked, sold in grocery store...
btw, what you can see in this pic is called "Huí Guō Ròu", which means "twice cooked pork" in English.
It supposed be chinese food, but I don't remember well...
anyways, it tasted great and Im gonna cook it again someday. 


This is Hikaru and my first time posting on to this.

Anyway, let me introduce myself briefly.
I was born in Holland and spent 3 years there (so I can't speak Dutch now and can speak English a bit. lol)
I like to playing football(soccer) and listening to music(especially, rock and electro music).

This is my new fav song.

Pumped Up Kicks - Foster The People

Thumbs up if you like it :)


This is Orie writing from my friend's Laptop, and this is my very first post^^
I visited my high school friend's apartment with some other friends, and ate supper with them.


Good evening. No school today, so I just watched a movie called The Incredible Hulk.
 It was so awesome!! Anybody who loves superheroes should check it out. If you're looking forward to seeing The Avengers coming this summer, its a must-see!


Hey this is riki and nice to meet everyone in IE3!!

today was good

Hello my name is Coe and its my first time posting on to this blog.

Today I went to the AGU football club and had a joined there practice.
It was fantastic! Everyone was so nice and i had a good time!
I`m still wondering if i should join the lacrosse team or the football team.
Well I think this is enough for my first post bye bye everyone.

I don't get it

Did someone understand the explanation in IEⅢ on Friday?


My name is Sayaka Muraishi from Tokyo, and I have never lived in other countries.
So, I’m now a little anxious about this class, but also looking forward to enjoy learning English with you.

Well, I enjoy shopping, playing the piano, and I started cooking recently ( but too difficult for me:( )
Also chatting with my friends is great fun for me.
So please talk to me anytime!
I want to make friends with you all:)

moved! :)

Yesterday, my whole family moved to a new house!
Before, I had to walk for 15minutes to go to the station, but now, I only have 3 minutes walk to go to nearby station :)

Now, I'm working on cleaning up my new room and try to fit every stuff into the cabin.
I only have short time to do my assignments...

Well, see you all in the next IE class!


Today I re-signed up for this year’s class, because I won only two Aoyama-standard classes.

…Honestly, this is worse-than-expected result. lol

But I managed to register the course to almost maximum credit, so it’s OK.

Anyway, which IE seminar will you take?

For my part, I will join in Dr. Armstrong’s vampire class!

I love fantasy, like the Lord of the Ring or Harry Potter, so I’m really looking forward to that class :)

Night world!

setting settled

hey! this is going to be my first post
not sure if I'm doing this correct.
well, my name is Clifford Eisei Iwamoto.
since i have a middle name you can call me either clifford or eisei.

alittle about me. an adjective that would best describe me would be active.
love all kinds of sports and don't like being still.
in my free time i watch movies and TV shows. right now I'm watching a TV show called chuck
has anyone heard of it? its full of action and at the same time funny.
if you ever go to tsutaya take a look.

I'm in IE3 and i think you've seen me once or twice. so feel free to talk to me, ill be waiting.
i plan to have a great 4 years here at AGU.
see ya at school


Hello !!

My name is Yuko Takasaki.

Please call me Yuko.

I want to be friends with everyone in my IE class,

so I hope we can get along with each other !


Hello guys!!
I'm Jeff :')
So I guess I need to introduce myself just like you guys did.
I'm from Canada and Taiwan, so I speak English and Mandarin Chinese.
I stayed in these two countries until 15, and I came to Japan for high school.
By the way, I don't speak French ~.~"(well...maybe some dirty
and that's why I'm taking French this year :')'s getting late, so I'll make it short this time :'p
Just feel free to ask me more if you want to know more about me ;')

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hello world

This is Kazuma Koizumi, and I'm writing my very first post on the IE3 blog, nice to meet you!(though we're not like face-to-face)

A little self-introduction
I do love music. I play keyboards in a band called DONFAN. If you want to listen to, simply find "DONFAN soundcloud" on Google!
Kichijoji is my hometown. (If you don't know - its in Tokyo. A small town but everything is cool in Kichijoji. I love it)
I have lived in Sacramento, CA and Potenza, Italy. So I speak Italian.

Please do not hesitate to speak to me in classes.... Ciao Ciao!


Although it was Saturday today,I had Korean classes.After that I had lunch with some of my friends and I had a great time.
The weather changes so often so everyone be careful not to catch a cold!


Good afternoon,everyone

It was raining heavily and even wind  was  brown so that my umbrella was broken(strictly speaking, it was my father`s).

A   cherring  party meeting(I`m never never a cheer girl!!)  met  today and  we ate delicious food
surrounded by kind seniors,and then  went to  karaoke shop .I  sing WATASHI NO MAMADE(Kuninaka Ryouko) and BASHO HU(Natukawa Rimi),but both songs are the songs they are not interested in and they hardly gave me a hand. However,the reception was interesting,if not funny.



Today I went to my high school to prepare for a concert.
I'm going to sing three songs.
I have to learn the lyrics, but I'm looking forward to the concert!


Today,I went to badminton club. Today was the first day that I participated in club activities in this university so I was very nervous! Everyone in this club is very good at playing badminton,but I will do my best so that I can catch up with them! Also,I will do my best in IE class‼


I'm Ryohei Kato from Aichi and I don't know much about kanto area.
So please tell me a lot of stories about kanto area and please talk to me because I need to make more friends!!


Hi. My name is Koki. I like listening to music and watching movies. I recently started playing the guitar. Please don't hesitate to talk to me in class!