Come in and Blog On!

2023 Welcome to your IE 3 class blog. The object of this class project is to log in and write your comments, web links, answers to questions, and your questions to others at least twice a week. It's fun and you can include pictures or graphics. Keep it original, helpful, and interesting. Don't forget to spellcheck your work before publishing. Also, when you create your user name, please use your real first name, in Romaji (ex. Ryuki, Mari, Lisa, etc.) so that we know who we are communicating with. Enjoy, and Blog on!

Thursday, July 25, 2019

due tomorrow

i have to write a report to pass a class but as i hate writing scentence, i left them unfinished until today and it is due tomorrow. i dont think i can finish this report in time but i will try my best.

Hair donation

Many people get surprised of how long my hair is. I want to have a hair cut as soon as possible, but also kind of like the length it is right now.
I had several hair cuts but was only a small amount, and haven't had a big one recently.

The reason why I'm keeping my hair longer and longer is so that I can donate it to people who lost their hairs by sickness and medicines. First, the amount of donated hairs are still not enough to make wigs for all the people wanting it. Second, even if there are some donated hairs, many young girls want a wig with long hairs so that they can arrange it by their fashion. Since I liked my long hair when I was in their age, I understood their feelings and felt very bad when I think of them not being able to have a longer hair.

About an year ago, when I was thinking if I should get a hair cut, my mom gave me this idea of hair donation. It is not a difficult thing to keep hairs long (well, sometimes it can be troublesome to dry it), so I decided to keep making it longer so that there will be enough hair for making a wig.

The website of the organization said that the length should be minimum 31 cm, so I'm deciding to have a hair cut when there are enough length even if I cut 31 cm. Hair donation is not a difficult thing, and I think anyone can do it and help the people who are struggling with sickness. Since my hair is long, I hope the wigs created will be offered especially to girls who wish to have long hair.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

English poet class

I have seen Kentaro's blog and I fell the same. Poetry is not really my thing....
So I guess I will be watching some documentary about it after our test is done.
I hope you guys are doing well on that class!


End of July is coming close but does anyone know whether “tsuyu “ is over or not?
I feel like we are having weird weather recently. It suddenly gets super warm or the other way around. Many of my friends are sick, even though tests are coming up soon... I hope everyone gets well soon...


It is never easy to learn a new language. I had a Korean finals (for 1st period) last Saturday. I studied for it but it seems like it was not enough. Unfortunately I think I have dropped my Korean test ... I have one more Korean Test (for 2nd Period) this coming Saturday, so for this class I’ll start preparing earlier... I don’t want to imagine myself coming to school on Saturday next year too 😭

Monday, July 22, 2019

Summer break

Summer break is coming soon! I’m really excited even though I don’t have much plans yet! I want to go out many people, so if any of you are planning please invite me. I’ll be willing to go!


Most of my final exams are on this week and I haven’t study for almost all my exams!! I had three tests today and I feel like I failed one of my classes! Tomorrow I’ll have another test with the same professer that I felt like I failed. I don’t think I’m going to do any better.

Study abroad?

Last week I went to a session about studying abroad with Narumi and Kitori. I want to study abroad, but it costs a lot of money, and I don’t even know what country I want to go. But if I am going with the school program, then I have to start preparing. And most importantly, I don’t know if I can get a good grade. Is anyone thinking about studying abroad?


During summer vacation, I think I am going to participate in the English Camp volunteering again. I am looking for chances to interact with elementary school or middle school kids. Does anyone know a good part time job or volunteering where I can interact with children?


It’s exam period and we all try hard to stay awake to study. I think people drink energy drinks or coffee, and I used to drink those when a was in high school. However, after finishing the college entrance exams, it seems like I’ve got very weak on caffeine. I started to feel depressed when I drink things like coffee. Maybe it’s like a “トラウマ” because I had a hard time when I was a 受験生. I’m bad at staying awake, so I’ll have to find another way to wake myself up...


I've been made to read a piece of poetry during class. Things that are romantic, mysterious and a lot more. However, I don't really feel anything after reading it. I am made to write a comment about the poetry, but there's really nothing to write about. Please stop asking for comments.


I think I failed Korean class. Reading and understanding the meaning of Korean words was easy but writing in Korean was such an disaster. I can’t imagine having classes on Saturday next year too😭

cafe !!!!!!!!!

I was planning on working at a cafe in Hakone with a friend of mine for about a week, because the owner is my friend's parent. He invited me to work there and the payments were high, so I was really looking forward to it. Unfortunately, I was too late to tell them when I could go, and they already hired other people. Then don't invite me from the first  place!!! Tell me the deadline!!!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

X1 Final episode>>>Korean test

My first term exam for this term was Korean. I have two classes in a row, so had two tests in a row.
I was supposed to study the night before, but turned out watching a live stream of a tv show, 'Produce X 101'. Since I studied Korean myself when I was in high school, I had this 謎の余裕 for the test.
It was the final episode of the program, and many things were going to get decided during the live, so me and Naruchan were texting while watching it. The tv show continued for a long time and I knew I will have no time to study Korean if I continued watching. I continued watching though.
After the program ended, it was about 12'30 am, and I thought sleeping is more important than studying, because I didn't have much difficulty for the class and  can still study in train for about an hour.
On the day of the exam, I think it went well, and I was able to leave one hour earlier than usual.
Korean was the only test I was confident, so I'm pretty scared about the coming two weeks. みんな頑張りましょ😭😭


On Friday after our IE listening class, I didn't have any plan but I also didn't want to go home because it was still early to go home and the weather was very nice (although it was very humid). One of the things I really wanted to do recently was to go visit the airport, because I really like the atmosphere of it and also like watching the planes depart and arrive. Therefore, I decided to go on that day. I actually like Narita airport the best, but it's too far, so I went to Haneda airport. It didn't take a lot of time than I thought, and it was also my first time going by train. I first went to the international airport, which is the only one I've been before among the three terminals. Then to the 1st domestic terminal, then to the 2nd domestic terminal. The airport offered a free shuttle bus between each terminals so I was able to go without paying. I went to the observation deck for all three terminals, and it really made me want to ride on the airplane and visit different places. The international terminal was my most favorite among the three because of its diversity, but still, the Narita airport is much more exciting.

Friday, July 19, 2019


So yesterday I called my mom and I told her I bought a watermelon for dinner. She was worried if it's too expensive in Japan because she used to saw it on news that a whole watermelon could be sold to over 5000en in Japan. And then she told me I can have how many I want once I come home cuz in China fruit is really cheap. A watermelon( normal size) only cost like 200en in our place.

Thursday, July 18, 2019


I've been eating melons almost everyday since last week, since my grandmother got them as a gift from her friend. Melon is my favorite fruit, so I love eating them. I feel bad eating in front of my brother though, who is allergic to melons🙄

English Central

My goal for the Vocabulary word count on English Central was 3000 words, but I don't think I can make it. I'm too tired of looking at words.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Before going home

I live in the student dormitory when I was in high school. And we can go back home every two weeks a month. What I have realized is that before going back home I can't really focus on study or prepare for exams because nothing really matters compared to the joys of going back home lol  Which is my status right now. I went to Big Camra and Uniqlo to buy something for my family yesterday after our French final test was done. Although I really need to study for other classes.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Favorite vegan restaurant

Seems like many of you are talking about vegan food, so I’ll share my top5 vegan places

1. PQ’s - Asakusa
A curry place ran by one person. The master is very nice and very enthusiastic about curry.
It is only open for a short period of time, 4 times a day. But it’s definitely worth going.
The only thing you can order here is a plate of curry for 1000yen (reasonable price!),
However, the curry is different everyday. I once had a sesame flavored one and it was delicious.

2. T’s tan tan - Jiyugaoka
Definitely a vegan place with the most variety.
They have vegan Tonkotsu ramen, vegan Prosciutto, vegan Mapo Tofu and more.
Their deserts are delicious as well; cakes, puddings etc.
I really like their ramen. Their Tonkotsu is actually better than real ones imo.

3. Nataraj - Shibuya
An authentic Indian curry place. Have both vegan and normal options.
Every weekday lunch time, you can have their buffet for 1000yen.
They always have 5 vegan curries to try out, on top of unlimited rice and naan.
Their vegan naan is delicious.

4. Crayon House - Minami Aoyama
A buffet place which serves healthy Japanese food.
Every Monday, all the food there are vegan for 1500yen.
Their food isn’t fancy, but feel like homemade dishes.

5. Loving hut - Jinbocho
Very famous vegan Chinese place, ran by a old Taiwanese couple.
Every Saturday they have buffet for 2000yen.
It might seem a bit expensive, but it’s definitely worth going.
Their vegan dumplings are really good.
They also have vegan Una-don, vegan cake and more

Monday, July 15, 2019


I have a very bad eyesight, and contact lenses are my necessities. However, knowing that I was running out of contact lenses, I didn’t go buy them because I was being too lazy the past few days. I finally bought them today, but they are being delivered on Thursday. Now I have to wear glasses for a couple of days. Ughhh I don’t like wearing glasses because they slip off of my nose 👃


My cough would not stop recently. I started to feel sick last friday, but last night I slept for about 10 hours for the first time since GW and my condition got better than before. I am a very long sleeper but recently I could not make myself enough time to sleep. Additionally, I don't feel mentally stressed or tired about my part-time job, but it seems like my body could not handle the physical tiredness that I was getting. I apologize if I disturb you with my cough tomorrow. I'll try to hold it as much as I could...

raw tomatoes

Tomatoes are one of my least favorite vegetables. I like ketchup and cooked tomatoes, but for some reason raw tamatoes don't suit my taste. I think tomato soup is really delicious because I can taste the sweetness of the tomatoes, but if you don't add heat to it the sweetness won't appear. Cooking is something more than we think.


I eat bread more than rice recently. I can't really enjoy rice by itself, but bread is amazing even if you don't spread jam or peanut butter on it.  The kind of bread I eat the most now is raisin bread. You don't even have to put it in the microwave to eat it, so it's very convenient. What's your favorite bread?


There is a hamburger shop “the 3rd burger” right behind the school. I’ve been there two times, and I like that place because the price is cheap, and it tastes very good. Their spinach smoothie was also my favorite, it was nice and fruity. I recommend you going!


Exams are coming up and I have a lot of them next week! I haven’t started studying and I have a bunch of things to do, so I’m really worried about! I’m just hoping that it wouldn’t be too hard and I would pass all my classes!

Club performance

I had to show the songs we’ve been practicing to the member of the club on Saturday. As I said in my blog a while ago I play the drums in the club. I got really nervous because we didn’t have much time to practice, but I had fun overall. Plus, I got presents from my sennpai! Apparently it’s a tradition that the second graders give presents to the first year people after this particular performance.


It has been a while since my earphone broke, and I finally remembered to call the support center only to find out that they aren't open today. I will try to call the place by next week.

Goblin 도깨비

Yesterday, I finished watching a Korean drama called 도깨비 (トッケビ), which means 'Goblin' in English and '鬼' in Japanese. It is a story based on a Korean mythology and is also a combination of historical and present life.
I watched it until the 7th episode, before entering the university, and restarted in the last few weeks.
It had 16 episodes in total, and the last few episodes were too unexpected. The beginning is a little difficult to understand, but as I watch the drama, it became more interesting. I think one of the best parts was that as the story continues, viewers get to know that all of the minor event were all related to each other.

I really liked all the characters, the osts, and the story.
The drama was just so good and I reeeaaaaaaaalllllyyyyyy recommend it to all of you!👹👧💀👩👦
Image result for goblin drama

Vegan Restaurant

After my Korean class on Saturday, I went to Ebisu to have lunch with my friend. Since my friend is Muslim, she found a Vegan restaurant for us to go, and it was very delicious! We got different type of spaghetti, and it was my first time eating a Vegan food.
Since a lot of my close friends are Muslim, it can sometimes be difficult for us to find a good restaurant. Even though we can go to places like Saizeriya and sushi restaurants, there are still very fewer variety of foods they can eat. Therefore, I thought vegan restaurants give them more choices, and thought that if there are more vegan, or halal restaurants, more people will be able to go out to eat😀😆👍
I wanted to join the Yokohama firework festival with my IE friends, but since my sister is back from America and has free time only on weekends, I had a plan with my family and could go😭😭 I hope I can hang out with them at least one day during summer!


Since high school, I really like walking to many places. By walking a long distance, there are many benefits. You get to save the money being used by public transportation, and walking can keep your body healthy or make it stronger. I think the most beneficial thing is that when you walk around a place for the first time, you get to find many new things.
I recently found out that four stations by Yamanote line and Tokyo Metro is not that difficult to walk. Shin okubo -> Shinjuku -> Yoyogi -> Harajuku -> Meiji Jingu is the route which I walked, and it was so fun finding the way just by the map on my phone. I also walked from our university to Ebisu station, and it took about 25 minutes. I got to find many fun shops and cafes on the way.
I really recommend to try walking for a long distance if you have time. However, I won't recommend it if the weather becomes too hot and humid, so the weather these days are really good!


On Saturday, I (or we) went to fireworks in Yokohama with IE members who were available that day. This plan was suddenly made the day before so some could not come.  It was raining, and we were very nervous whether the fireworks will be cancelled or not. If it wasn’t raining and the clouds weren’t there, the fireworks would have been seen more clearly😭 However seeing  fireworks with Akarenga was beautiful and I had a great time chatting and fooling around with members who were there.

just 10 minutes

Today (right now) i got up a little bit earlier than usual so i decided to take a short nap after finishing the preparation. But it was 8:00 when i opened my eye. Todays theme is dont get too relaxed even though you are about to reach the goal.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

My brother

My brother came to Japan yesterday, and he changed so much that I almost couldn't recognize him. He went to a road trip across the United States for months before he came here, so he got so tan. His skin used to be so white, so I was surprised. He is going to be in Japan for the next two weeks and will go back to the U.S. with my sister. I hope he has something fun to do here.

Thursday, July 11, 2019


Have you guys ever played Pokémon?
Maybe some of you just know it as an anime series, or just know pikachu.
Pokémon was really big among my friends when I was small, and I remember playing it a lot.
There is a new Pokémon game coming out soon (it’s a big deal because it’s not another spinoff) so I’m really excited.
Is there anyone who is as excited as I am?

French number

Our french test is at next week and we have to memorize the French number from 1 to 100.
BUT!! 71 in French is 60 plus 11 and 91 is 4 multiply 20 plus 11!!
How could it be like that! Why can't you guys just make it simple to one number!
It is killing me!!

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

eating a lot of food

Since my body is very slim and miserable、 I am recently eating a lot of food. However、 I don't think it will last long.


Definitely the young ones. Definitely. I don’t like the old ones because they are mushy.

((I just made a post because I couldn’t comment

Monday, July 8, 2019

What do you think?

I’m thinking of dyeing my hair again, but I don’t know what color I want. I can’t make it too bright because of my part time job. I’m thinking of maybe a bit blueish, but at the same time I’m worried it would go off soon. If anyone has any ideas let me know!


I used to do ballet from when I was 3 just until I graduated high school and the ballet class I used to go to in Japan had a recital yesterday, so I went to see it!! I stopped going there in my second year of high school, so it’s been about 3 years that I haven’t seen it. I surprised because the number of people really decreased! Because of that the young ones had to dance the hard parts as well! This made the level of  the recital kind of go down. It was sad because I know that they are really good.

Reading class' books

I need to read the 2 books for the reading class...
I don't think I like the topic for both books, though.
I wish I was able to choose the books to read.


Last Thursday, I went to a vegan restaurant for lunch because it was my friend’s last day working there. My friend changed her diet to vegan last year. She seems to be enjoying her new eating habit, discovering new menus within what she can eat. Although I enjoy eating vegan food, I don’t think I can shift my diet to vegan because there are not so many vegan restaurants in Japan and I love junky food. Do you have any special eating habits?


There are two different types of kiwis. Green and golden. I like golden kiwis better than green. Green kiwis are sour and only sour. However, golden kiwis are unbelievably sweet. Actually, if you eat golden kiwis before it gets ripe, it can also be sour. Therefore, golden kiwis can be both sweet and sour just by changing the timing to eat it. It's almighty. Which do you like?


Every day I eat bananas. I prefer the short, old, partly brown bananas more than the long, young, blueish ones. The old ones are sweeter and has a stronger taste of banana, on the other hand the young ones are a bit harder and don't have that strong sweet taste. My father said that he likes the young ones more than the old ones. I had no idea of what he was thinking about. Which do you prefer?

Sunday, July 7, 2019


I got a fever on Tuesday and I thought I will become better the next day but I was wrong. I've been sick for this whole week coughing and headaches, I even skip some of my classes. I try to focus on my study but my head is like not working. I think it's because I didn't exercise much last month and I wear not enough clothes on rainy days. Take care of your own health, people. It feels suck when you're sick.


Yesterday, I reunited with my friend from elementary school after four years. She lives in Shizuoka, so we barely had the chance to meet up. We had a lot to catch up and many things had changed in the last four years, but I was glad that my friend and I were able to get along like we used to. I really like the feeling of comfort when meeting old friends. Do you often see your friends from when you were little?

about time

I like to see movies at home, and yesterday I watched one called "About Time". It was one of the sweetest movies I have ever seen, and I truly recommend it to you, if you haven't seen it. The characters in the movie were so loveable, and after watching it I felt so happy. It had the elements of SF, romance, family and comedy. Recently I've seen "The Truman Show", "Rudderless", "Yes Man" "Eagle Eye" and other Japanese ones, and they were all good movies as well. I really want to know if you have any recommendations of movies!

Guess what

So... I dyed my hair on Saturday and my mom is all upset about how it turned out. The photo I showed to her before going to the hair salon was brighter, and she said it looks great, so I thought she gave me a permission todo so. In spite of the facet that I chose to make my hair darker than the photo I showed to her before, she got so angry about how bright it became. If my parents were paying the fee, I would have to follow what they say, but I paid for it with my money. Why do I still have to be scolded for doing whatever I want with my money? (I am sure it's not illegal to dye my hair 笑)

Friday, July 5, 2019

Aoyama standard

I like my aoyama standard teacher that I have for the last 4 weeks of this semester.
I have history and human relationship, with 3 professors rotating around each class after 4 weeks.
I didn't like the Japanese history prof., although I liked his name. I don't really know what the European language prof. was like because I never paid attention in his classes.
The prof. I have right now is Inoue professor, and he teaches Chinese history and how Chinese language changed over time. I think this is the only prof. I actually listened to in class for this course. I'm glad I have him last:)

Tuesday, July 2, 2019


There is a cage called 7cafe in our campus.
Their drink is cheap and decent, so I liked buying drinks from them.
But today I noticed that the amount of the drink they serve has decreased.
I don’t think it was only me, other people were getting the same amount, and it’s so much less than before.
Now maybe the price is no different from Starbucks.

Drinking water

Recently, I am drinking 2L of water everyday. The reason is because I heard that it is good for my health. At first, it was hard for me, but I got used to it


 Ronald McDonald was running away from the caps with a gun. Many people recieved damage from that. Then, the land suddenly corrupted and only a small area of the land was lefted with big boy and esso girl.
 I thought the message was that companies need to work together, or else, everyone will suffer.
Malibu,ici,french's,wal,gmctruck,pizz hut,betten,best western,energy smart,cruz76,Heinz,crunch,fanta,craftman,48state,nsta,bigboy,afri,haribo,evlan,audi,
roadmaster,diners club international,hot and spicy,gmc,mandm,hertz,levis,mtv,cal fed,nintendo,raf,formica,Freddy's,dunkindonut,paramount,carls jr,bmw,randys donut,uhaul,usa today,Kmart,McDonalds,
marlboro,the north face,snickers,pacific horizon,nintendo,walt Disney,nike,
universal studio,dole,mastercard,nasa,
milky way,pioneer


The film starts with Two Michelin men in their police car talking about their stuff. When the kind one go out of the car to buy something to eat in a fast food, he suddenly hears on the radio that a man, McDonalds, must be arrested. After having listened to his physical description, he spots him a block away from the fast food with his truck, and jumps into the car where the petty cop is waiting for him. Then, they start fallowing the villain everywhere in  the town and create hazard everywhere they arrive. Everything becomes serious when McDonalds runs into cars. The chock of the accident makes McDonalds truck fall down. The doors suddenly open and guns fall down. The villain takes refuge in the bar trying to kill inocent people. When one of the michelin men shoot in order to kill him, the balle touches one cops plane wich fall apart. All this uproar provokes an earthquake that destroy the city. At the end, only 2 characters stay alive having a rest lying on a piece of earth. 

Message (Theme): 
Through Logorama the creators wanted us to know about an entertaining relationship of icons, tags and signifiers in an artificially constructed world than it is about brands. There are many media-savvy witticisms in the film to appreciate but it is not an opportunity to build a credible case against marketing brands. Brands are not an enemy to be guarded against, brands enable people to makes sense of the world through meaningful interventions.

Malibu Rum
American Family Insurance
Ground Transportation
Cruise America
French's I’m 
Best Buy
Comfort Inn
Family Inns of America
Coop Foodstores
Builders Square
76 Service Stations
Shoney's Inn
The Home Depot
GMC Truck
S&H Green Stamps
Clarion Inn
Sleep Inn
Randy's Donuts
Afri Cola
American Cancer Society
Columbia House
Pizza Hut
AOL Instant Messenger 
Do It Best Hardware
City of Tampa
Hot Wheels
Slim Jim
Best Western
La Quinta Inn
Diet Dr. Pepper
Dominos Pizza
SPIN Magazine
Blockbuster Video
Rent a Wreck
Maeresk Sealand
World Wildlife Fund 
Taco Bell
Piggly Wiggly
Minuteman Press
Bic Pens
Nestle Crunch
McCain Snacks
Burger King
Bud Light
Yum Foods
Energy Smart
48 States Shipping


this movie is mainly about battle against terrorist vs police. Ronald McDonald was the terrorist. When Big Boy was captured as a hostage, the gun battle had started and Ronald killed one of the police officer. The battle ended when a giant earthquake erupted. Ground started cracking and building has started collapsing. Esso Girl and Big Boy who escaped together and they survived on the solituted island.
There are too many logos in the world
Pizza Hut, Nascar, Wendy's, Hard Rock Cafe, Ford, 7 Eleven, Columbia, Windows, Esso, Big Boy, Haribo, Nespresso, Malboro, BMW, Fanta, Burger King, M&M's, Nokia, Jaguar, Audi, Subway, Yamaha, Nike, Nintendo, X box, Phillips, VAIO, Lego, Panasonic, Nestle



The film is about a town that is filled with brandsfrom McDonalds to The Home Depot. However,these brands struggle to live in harmony,and one day,a war erupts. Ronald McDonald is among one of the cruelest killers in the army,running into stores and killing many characters. The story ends in s disaster,with oil shooting up from cracks in the earth formed by the violent battle.  


I think this film is a representative of the world we live ina world where everything is labeled with a brand name. Each brand is concerned about their own success,so battles between brands are a constant phenomenon,even when we dont notice them. I think the last scene,where oil shoots out of the ground,is a message that we are so caught up in these battles that we forget that we are damaging the environment. 

Logos featured in the film (It was virtually impossible for me to catch all of them)-
Burger King 
The Home Depot 
Seven Eleven 
Taco Bell 
Coca Cola 
Sleep Inn 
American Express 
Ban Dai 
Thomas & Friends 
Hot Wheels 
Red Stripe 


Logorama has the form of a crime-action film. It is based around Michelin men, who are depicted as cops, chasing down Ronald McDonald, who is a villain in the film. In the course of chasing, we can see the city, which looks like one in America, but the city itself is also made of logo. At the end, a major earth crack hits the city, sucking in many of the logo.

The city is full of company logo, and the fact that how recognizable they are, makes us realize how much logo we see everyday, and how we know them almost like we have been brainwashed. Moreover, the show intentionally adds impactful personalities to each logo-based characters, to potentially make fun of each companies' public image.
In conclusion, by creating a logo-based city and characters, the show makes us realize how "logo-rama" our real societies are, and how impactful those big companies are to our society.

Logo I knew
Malibu, Bic, T-mobile, pringles, McDonalds, Michelin, Johnnie Walker, Jack Daniels, Best Buy, Lego, Pizza-hut, Leica, Esso, Nintendo, Hot Wheels, Tamiya, 7 Eleven, Yoshinoya, Dr. Pepper, Nomura Securities, Domino's Pizza, Sega, X-box, Taco Bell, KFC, hp, Sprite, Pepsi, Fanta, Diesel, 7up, Dolby, Heinz, Haribo, Paramount, Big Boy, Lacoste, Mercedez, Levi's, Yahoo, MTV, Hard Rock Cafe, Colgate, Yamaha, EA, IBM, Windows, Evian, The North Face, Adidas


The film was set in a world where everything was made out of a brand or a company that are worldwide famous. There, Ronald McDonald is a villain that is being chased down by the police. When he succeeds to get passed the police, he falls into a massive crack in the road that was made from an earthquake. During this earthquake, a lot of mascots from brands gets crushed except for two characters. Then the city starts falling apart taking down every logo.

After watching the video in class, I started thinking of how there are so many brands and how a person living in this society can get labeled by it. Each brand has created an image about themselves and has its own social ranking. For example, if a person is wearing an outfit from Target and if it is not in trend some people would judge you from wearing an outfit that is considered "low" compared to higher brands such as Nike or North Face.

Sega, NASA, Microsoft, MTV, Paramount, Colgate, Nickelodeon, M&M, Levi's, Energizer, Subway, Pringles, National Geographic, Dominos, Pizzahut, Haul, Purina, Nintendo, Ghost Busters.

Monday, July 1, 2019


The story is set in the world of logos. The character of Michelin are the police and they are chasing Ronald McDonalds who is carrying a gun. Ronald McDonalds takes big boy as hostage and runs into a restaurant. Big boy escapes to Essa. When a huge earthquake comes the shooting stops and Ronald runs out, so Essa leads Big boy and they escapes with a car. The earthquake makes all the land fall and everyone sinks except Elsa and Big boy who are the only survivors.
I think this video was made to make people realize that advertisements and logos are everywhere around us at a point that we are able to make a whole world out of it and that these companies are making environmental damage to the world. Most of the companies here were those widely known around the world no matter what country your in and they are likely to have mass consumptions and other problems that could damage the Earth. With too many big companies like this, it could lead to a huge environmental damage to the world today like what happened in the end of the video, the whole world could collapse. I believe that the director wanted to criticize the developed countries for making too much huge companies and give awareness to us that companies with these logos are destroying the Earth.
Milkyway, Nasa, Pepsi, Nike, Essa, Hot Wheels, Pizza Hut, KFC, Seven Eleven, Taco Bells, Crunch, Sprite, Haribo, Big Boy, Evian, McDonalds, Pringles, Nickelodeon, Starbucks, Subway, M&M、MTV, Levi's, Nintendo, Duncan Dounuts, BMW, Wendy's, Marbolo, Microsoft, HollyWood, Lego, The North Face, IKEA, Walt Disney, Dole

My sister's math homework

Today my little sister (she is still in fifth grade) asked me to help with her math homework because she didn't understand some of the questions. It was about division calculation with decimal numbers, and I haven't done math for long time so it was actually pretty difficult to teach her... I almost forgot how to do it. There are some people in this class that teach students (like 塾講師) and I really respect you guys because I really felt that teaching something to someone is not a easy thing to do... 



This short film takes place in Los Angeles, and the city is filled with so many different kinds of logos. The Michelin is illustrated as the police, and Ronald McDonald as the criminal. The most of the story is about Michelin chasing the Ronald McDonald, but suddenly an earthquake occurs and the whole city will me messed up and gets collapsed. At the end, only Esso and Big boy survive.


I didn't really understand what this film was trying to tell us. But I think this video indicates that we are surrounded by thousands of brands and logos everyday, and we rely on them. However, like the city gets collapsed by the natural disaster at the end, I think this symbolizes that those brands can be damaged and disappear easily so we, as a human, should be creative and not rely too much on the brands.

Logos that I found:

McDonald, Pringles, Quick, LEGO, Pizza Hut, Esso, Seven Eleven, KFC, 吉野家, Fanta, Burger King, HARIBO, BMW, m&m's, Mercedes-Benz, Levi's, Windows, YAMAHA, Domino's Pizza, evian, Marlboro, Hollywood, DELL, IKEA, The North Face, SAMSUNG, Walt Disney, NIKE, Universal. 


I hate summer. I DESPISE it. I hate the heat, the UV rays, the humidity, and almost everything else about summer. I think summer clothes are cute but I really can’t stand the heat. I came from a country where it’s summer the whole year and I’m really totally tired of it.


An infamous criminal Ronald McDonald runs wild on a sunny day in Los Angeles where everything is made of logos. The whole city is caught in chaos as Michelin man police officers struggles to capture the criminal running loose. 

North face
Dr. Pepper
Universal studios 
Pizza hut

Logos are embedded in people’s daily existence in the world of Logorama which also empathizes that without logos, there will be also no identities and symbols in our world. The film also shows us the connections and ties between logos and brands in a metaphorical way. 


The setting is in Los Angeles, and probably in the modern days. The place is crowded with logos, everything has a logo on them. Two Michelin policemen chase after Ronald McDonald, who takes a gun and takes Big Boy as a hostage. The tension changes as the land breaks and many people fall into the gap of the lands.
The focus of the video shifts from McDonald to Miss Esso and Big Boy, in the end, the two that survives the earthquake.

I didn't really understand the purpose that the creators wanted to stress in this film, but I think it was to show how advertisements in the world are becoming dominant. No one considers McDonald as a villain. There are specific ideas planted in our mind that certain products or bland is good or bad, and those conscious is planted by the advertisements.
Therefore, I don't think the director had something against McDonald's but felt that it was the best icon to tell the audience about how his/her point.

Logos that I saw:
IKEA                                                 M&M's
Oreo                                                 NASA
Home Depot                                      McDonald's
Hotwheels                                         MGM Lion
Domino Pizza                                     Paramount Pictures
Nintendo                                           Burger King
Windows                                           XBox
Staples                                             Hollywood
Taco Bells                                         Toyota
Ghostbusters                                     7-up
Big Boy                                             Mountain Dew
Haribo                                              Internet Explorer
Esso Girl                                           Master Card
Milky Way


Ronald McDonald is the criminal and he was trying to escape from the police. While running away he made the citizens involved in the trouble. He ran into a diner with a hostage. The police was surrounding the whole place, and when the police's sniper targeted and was going to pull the trigger an earthquake suddenly occured. Ronald fell into a crack made by the earthquake and after climbing back up to ground level he was ran over by a car. At the end, the world was collapsing and the only characters thats survival was confirmed were BigBoy's and Esso's character.
This movie was filmed by France's director and the police in the story were the character of Michelin, which is France's company. The criminal was McDonalds character, which is America's company. There was a sign that said HollyWood in one scene, so I believe the story took place in America. Therefore, I think the message of this film is to tell how dominant America's company is in America and that it is hard for other countries to succeed.
Yoshinoya, Pizza Hut, Dairy Queen, Lego, Levi's, SEGA, IKEA, Nintendo, Slim Jim, Ghostbusters, Dunkin' doughnut, RAF, Nike, The North Face, Taco Bell, Seven Eleven, McDonalds, BMW, WWF, M&M, Disney, Universal Studio


The story takes place at a city which is filled with logos of companies. One day Mc Donald hi jacked a truck and started shooting people. The Michellins who were the police officers ran after Mc Donald.
However, suddenly an earthquake occurred and the ground started to crack. Eventually all the logos in the city were washed away.
The city collapsed after Mc Donald started shooting. Therefore I assumed that Mc Donald was depicted as a bad person to be criticized about selling food extremely cheap. I thought that other companies also sunk because those companies had their own faults as well. I think the creator wanted to warn the companies around the world that they need secure the soundness and appropriateness of company management.
Mc Donald, Hot Wheels, Nespresso, Big Boy, Esso, Pringle’s, Yoshimata, North face, Michelin, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Tacobell, M&Ms, Best Western, Seven Eleven, Master Card, Crunchie, Fanta


The setting was in a world made only by logos of companies. The character of Michelin acted as police, and Donald McDonald is the criminal in the story. In the first half, the Michelin polices chases around McDonald, but suddenly there is an earthquake (?), and all the logos collapses. Only the character of Esso and Big boy succeeds to survive, and they take a bite on Apple and just looks up the sky.

I kind of feel that there is some kind of meaning that the animation was made in France, and Michelin is a French company. Michelin is chasing after McDonalds, and I think that symbolizes the society where those major companies go overseas and messes up the industry in other countries. McDonald is a large company which we can see nearly anywhere in the world, and many people buy the food based on the famous logo. Logo has great influence on consumers, and the intention of the film maker was probably to cast doubt on the world where we decide things based on the logos, and are controlled by them. At the last, most of the logos collapses. Maybe they are telling us to rethink about those logos.

McDonald, Michelin, Esso, Big boy, Haribo, Apple, m&m, pringles, master card, Levi’s, Panasonic, KFC, Lego, Taco Bell, Seven Eleven ,Dominos, Fanta, Stripes, Crunch, Burger kings, fedex, Honda, Coca Cola, windows,  野村證券, 吉野家, Pepsi, Red Bull, Milky Way, Perrier, tictac, Heinz, nestle, Nintendo’s.


My younger brother who is in high school is skinny for his height, probably because he is a picky eater and he eats shin ramen almost everyday. Recently he started drinking milk every morning telling me that he wanted to grow taller. But I saw on tv that milk doesn’t help you grow taller. Do you know any food or ways that help you become taller?


Yesterday I went to Tokyo dome to buy the goods of Arashi! It was planned to start selling at 7:30, so I got there at 7:00. But it was already a long line! I thought I was going to go around the whole Tokyo dome! It took me 2 hours and a half to finally buy it, but I was able to buy the one I wanted the most. It was sad, but I still could buy the others. I never saw a line so long to buy the products! It was not at all normal!


I will be changing my hair color this weekend, but I do not know the borderline of hair color at my work. What I am having in my mind is pretty light, and I was looking forward to it, however now I am curious whether this color is acceptable or not. No one would tell me it is not allowed until after I dye my hair. (which I feel is unfair) Well... I think it is better regret doing it that regret without doing because there are always a way to solve the problem. Just crossing my fingers so that it won't become a huge problem.

Baby sitting

On Saturday I took care of my high school teacher's son after my Korean class, because he had some work to do. His son is 4 years old and I've known him since he was born because the teacher taught me since I was Grade 6. I brought him to a shopping mall, where there was some place for small kids to play. However, it was Saturday, obviously, it was full of people there. I decided to bring him to a place called Toshiba science museum, which was right next to the shopping mall. The museum was not so big, but was intended for small kids like him, so he was enjoying the place. I did baby sitting for him several times in the past, but this time, I think it was the most tiring one, and I dont know why. But it was very fun as usual because I love kids😀😀😀😀


On Friday, after our IE Listening class, I went to Shin Okubo with my friend. We ate lunch there and it was super delicious. We also went to some stores and saw many kpop items, but both of us did not get anything, and decided to go to Harajuku. Since we ate a lot for lunch, we decided not to use the train, but to walk. Its only 3 stations from Shin Okubo to Harajuku, but by walking, it felt very far. Also, it was so hot on that day, and the thermometer on the building at Shinjuku said it was 31 degrees. No wonder why we sweated a lot and went through buildings with AC as much as possible. We finally arrived at Harajuku and ate shaved ice, which was the best thing for the hot weather. Then we went to Sophia university, since both of us had a friend there. We said good bye for that day because my friend was going to go watch a movie. Me and my friend at Sophia walked to Shinjuku and got some bubble tea. It was a very fun day, but I was exhausted in the end because my fan ran out of its battery. 😱😱😱😱😱😱


I got up now (12:30) for the second time today. First I got up at eight and I thought my left eyeball was bleeding or something (well, it wasn't). It was that painful. I took the headache medicine, but it did not work at all. It seems that I have this headache every year when the season changes. When I checked my hospital notebook, it was written that I went to the hospital on July 3 last year. How accurate is my headache. So, people, according to my hurting eyeballs, summer is coming...


Last saturday I went to Shinjuku with my senpai, who's in the powerlifting club. We went there, because we both had nothing to do and we wanted to do something. Although it was raining I had a wonderful time.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Who’s inspiring?

As the first semester is ending, I want to know if you guys know any inspiring prof.
All my prof this semester were not so inspiring to be honest.
They were either like a high school teacher or they didn’t care about students at all.
Some of them even claims that their classes are boring because students don’t care.
However I think the lecture has to be boring first, for us to not care about it.

So, if you got lucky and had any interesting, inspiring prof, let me know in the comment!

Friday, June 28, 2019

Dealing with stress

I came across a video on internet the other day.
It was a video of a lecture, where the prof asked students, while holding a bottle full of water,
“What’ll happen to me if I hold this for a minute?”
Students’ answer was “nothing”
Then the prof asks again
“What if I held this for an our?”
Students answer “your arm might become sore”
“What if I held it for an entire day?”
“You’ll suffer a sever pain”

Prof let go the bottle and turns to students, saying
“Notice that the weight of the bottle didn’t change at all”
She continues
“Even if the problem is small, by holding that for a long time, it could become a major stress for you. Sometimes it is better to just let go of the problem, rather than looking for a right solution.”

This was kinda inspiring for me. How important it is to let go your problems.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

vocabulary builder

I try to involve with vocabulary builder every day although my grade on Friday's test is not that satisfying. It seems like there are always some new words coming out that I didn't practice before. I will try harder I guess!