Come in and Blog On!

2023 Welcome to your IE 3 class blog. The object of this class project is to log in and write your comments, web links, answers to questions, and your questions to others at least twice a week. It's fun and you can include pictures or graphics. Keep it original, helpful, and interesting. Don't forget to spellcheck your work before publishing. Also, when you create your user name, please use your real first name, in Romaji (ex. Ryuki, Mari, Lisa, etc.) so that we know who we are communicating with. Enjoy, and Blog on!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

My first experience

It was exciting.
I was so nervous before doing it.
I was going to faint because it hurt somewhat.

I laid down on a bed and a needle was injected into my arm.
Yes, I made a donation of blood in Akiba today.

After that, I ate a lot of snacks and drank a lot of beverage for free.
I recommend it!

Gempatsu-kun and Nuclear boy

I guess it is an appropriate way to teach children the problem of the nuclear plant. Any difficult words cannot be found in the video and it is easy for kids to understand the circumstance we are facing. There is a certain difference between Gempatsu-kun and Nuclear boy videos.
The latter one looks scary for kids in some way. For example, the depict of medicine makes kids feel nervous about the medicine. It looks like the doctors force the baby to take medicines. Kids may think they will experience the same in the future.
From another point of view, I am wondering who made the video. The video tells us that nuclear plant is safe and there is little possibility of tragedy. I think it is inappropriate to teach children that it is safe and we should rely on the nuclear plant. It should be stopped and we must substitute some other power generating sources for it.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Difference between Genpatsukun and Nuclear boy

I understand what they says in the two of video were about same, but find difference in their animations. One obvious point I found was the map. When they use a world map to show where the three mile islands and Chernobyl are, the center of the map is different. In the Genpatsukun, the center was Japan while in the Nuclear boy, was near atlantic ocean.
I thought it would be effective to explain the accident in Fukushima nuclear plant for children. The reason is not only because it was easy to understand, but also it was attention grabbing way of explanation. For example using words that are more familiar to children, such as "poop" or "medicine". The use of those words would make it easier for them to catch the idea of what's going on in the nuclear plant.


I didn't get what this film wanted to tell us.
But I thought it interesting because the image that I had was broken because of this film.
For instance, I didn't have a image that Mcdonald is bad.
But maybe he looks bad to other companies because Mcdonald is very popular, and almost everyone knows it.
If you think the Mcdonald as a company that exploits other company's profits, maybe that will make sense.
But I don't know why the world of logos dissapered in the last!!!

Geothermal energy

I think it's very nice way to make energy because it's cheap, and ecological.
But maybe Japan don't wan't to introduce new kind of energy plant because Japan has put alot of money and labor to the nuclear power.
And also, Japanese nuclear power plant's technice is advanced. In Japan, there are a sientists who can make powerfull nuclear plants such as "monju". (although this power plant is not working because it had a accident.) Maybe Japan don't want to release this advantage.


 This movie includes countless numbers of famous logos and sings of new and old and reminds us that there are numerous logos in our daily lives and we all got used to seeing these so much that we don't really recignize it unless we see a world that's different from us with them included. I don't know why Michelan was acting as cops but I have a pretty good guess that Ronald McDonald was the bad guy because he looks freaky for little children and McDonald is one of the most unhealthy foods served that leads to becoming fat! I also feel very sorry for the M&M's, Mr. Peanut, and Colonel Sanders.
 In the last scene where the big earthquake happened is the part I thought that the movie was tryimg to tell us that as easy as we can make new logos, logos can also easily be erased and disappar and the part where the universe was also made up  of logos might be represnting that us humans are influenced by logos wherever we go.
 Neverthelss, the movie was really fun and exciting to watch.

About geothermal energy

 After the 3-11 disaster, many people in Japan started to feel uneasy about using nuclear power plant to get their electricity. So, I believe it is a great idea to use the geothermal energy to generate the power plants. Yet, I heard that nuclear power generation is 120 times more efficient then the  thermal power generation and we wouldn't have enough energy without somehow relying on nuclear power. Although Iceland cosists Japan on using geothermal energy, we don't have the time and money to do so. Even if the geothermal energy is more clean and safe, it would take many many years to build the more expensive generators enough to supply the same amount as today. This does that mean that I'm against building geothermal power plant but I think that Japan can't change it suddently and that we should gradually change the way we get our electricity. Iceland minister do have a point and I'm aware that Japan is a bit lazy so I don't blame him for saying harsh things about making geothermal power plant. Japan should have listened to Iceland long time ago.

geothermal energy

Many people are opposed to the idea of nuclear power which Japan are using now and I think there are lots of advantages if we use geothermal energy insted of nuclear power. But I wonder how much does it cost to construct. I think it is impossible for Japan to change.


 I watched a short movie which is called ''logorama.'' Many characters and logos of company appeared in the movie and it was very fun to watch. I didn't understand why each of logos acted like that, my image of logo changed a lot after watching logorama. I thought the impression which logo gives are very big.

geothermal energy

I think japanese government should immediately accept the idea of geothermal energy.
Geothermal energy doesn't have the fear of radioactivity.
Therefore, many japanese can live even comfortably than now.
Also the energy is cleaner than coal and gases.


This movie was very funny :)
I think the movie tells the both advantage and disadvantage of logo.
The impact which logo gives is tremendous in a positive and negative way.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

geothermal energy

There are already a few geothermal power plants in Japan, and the government is planning to build more. I think Japan has already utilized geothermal energy, but it is not enough and it is far less than nuclear or thermal energy.


It was very funny movie!
I didn't know Donald is evil >:-)

By the way, I think this movie tells us that logo gives us a strong impression, and that becomes our image of the company. We don't know what the company is really like. We can take advantage of logo, but we have to be careful not to judge a company only by logo.

Geothermal energy

I think it's unnecessary for Japanese government to do exactly what Iceland said.
It's not like an easy thing that you can do if you want to. It could cost a lot of money.
But considering everything, having geothermal energy might be a good thing for long term.
On the other hand, Iceland could be right about everything they said about Japan's geothermal
energy, but I don't think they have to put that on news on their national day.


I think the reason why it won Oscar for best animated short film is not only using all the logos,
but there is a message behind it.
It's only a 15 minutes film, but it shows today's society, using a humorous way (by animation).

The McDonald clown symbolizes crimes, and there is a gun battle scene.
The Michelin men are obviously symbolizing the police (or justice), but they killed M&M'S (innocence)
while they tried to chase the McDonald clown, so we can explain it as there's also dark side in justice.
Then, an earthquake happened, people were running but they ended up dying, which is telling us that we
can't avoid disasters. But after that, oil came out and spread to the ocean, which I think that they are trying
to emphasis the "BP oil spill."
In the last scene, the film tried to lead us back to another fact, which is the popularity of Apple Inc.
It's trying to tell us,"Even though everything is gone, Apple will still be with you." LOL
So the filmmaker may be a big fan of Apple Inc., or Apple Inc. might had sponsored them. :-p

Geothermal Energy

Why Japan won't change all the power source to geothermal energy? First of all, the government has the thing called "amakudari", which the people who used to work as politics gets to work at ordinary company. If they say something hard to the company, the whole party will have a hard time trying to work at the company. Which means they try hard to protect the company. they must stop doing this. Second of all it is a closed market. One company controls all of the electricity in Tokyo. They get to do whatever they want. They have the power not to change anything and they get all of the money. If the government tries to make it a open market, they will get pressured by the company. They only care about themselves. If Japan really wanted to help out the environment and the country, they would change it by now.

Geothermal energy

I don't understand why Japanese goverment doesn't use geothermal energy. I guess we should use geothermal energy for summer as soon as possible. However, Japanese goverment may not have enough money. I think the rich should make donations.


I can't get enough sleep these days. I close my eyes but can't fall down to sleep.


I saw a movie "Logorama" which was......weird. There were a lot of logos I had seen before such as Stop & Shop, Pringles, Pizza-hut, Sprite, Evian and etc but I couldn't understand what the movie wanted to say. Although more simple the logos are more people remember the products.


Logorama is a word meaning the world of logos.
Now, this world is full of many logos, as you know.

Do you remember that McDonald is treated as if he were a devil or evil?
Why did the writer do so?

I think that the writer hid his massage in the secret. To sum up, McDonalds was or is accelated into Americanization-uniformation to America. The writer tried to critisize the point.

Geothermal Energy

I think that the seggestion from Irish expert is innovative to Japan where we lost our way in creating new and safer energy instead of nuclear power after March 11 disaster.

Surely, Japan have many volcanos. However, it is the fact that benefits from them are hardly utilized now. It's because we'll have to invest mush money to develop and establish a system that will be focused on change electricity from geothermy.

I think that nuchear power plants shouldn't be stopped right now. On the process of developing those earth-friendly energy sources, the proportion of the plants should be decreased.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


This movie was the most interesting in the movies we watched in IE class. Using logos as character is a wild idea. I guess this movie tells us that there are so many logos and each of them has a meaning.
I was shocked because Colonel Sanders got under a fallen signboad. Be kind to the aged!!!!

Chinese Language

I like Chinese. The prosody of Chinese poetry is very interesting.


I think the message behind this film is that how a logo carry's a description of ones character. The description is usually not correct all the time. Ronald McDonald is a friendly character we all know. In the film he was evil and killed many people. McDonald maybe a delicious fast food but it is also the number one reason why so many Americans are obese. Obesity can cause many health problems and could also result in death. I think this is what Ronald McDonald was represented in the film.

IE class

I'm very sad that IE class in this semester is going to an end. I like this class and classmate very much and I miss all of you...(><) I wish I could continue this class all year! Maybe, I can meet good people in next IE seminar so I want to enjoy it and do my best.


I agree with Koki on the part that it is like Grand Theft Auto!

Well what i thought that maybe people thinks that McDonald are doing so much advertisement that they want them to slow down a bit. So that's why McDonald is the bad guy in the film.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


What an interesting world! Logos everywhere and McDonald cursing:) The whole crime aspect of it reminded me of the video game Grand Theft Auto. I think the whole world flooded in the end because we live in a world of too much advertisment. Advertising is inevitable but if you over do it, it may not be good.


I thought the massage of this animation, was a warning to people who are easily influenced by just impressions of products or companies from lots of "logo" marks.
In the beginning of this film, the whole city is filled with logo marks and all the characters are also come from famous companies' image character, such as Lonald Mcdonald, or Big Boy, and those charaters act outside of our image which was inplanted by companies in order to make us buy more products.
Then, in the end, this whole weird world is destroyed because of black liquid which might be petroleum, and there seems to be no logos any more, but just before the endroll, when the universe was shown, there are still more logos that covers people. I thought this scene indicates that even though there are so much logos that confuses us to decide which to buy, those logos will never be gone. I believe the author wanted people to realise this fact and to think well when they buy products.


In this movie I found a lot of logos such as LEGO, Master Card and HARIBO.
My image for McDonald is friendly and he brings happiness into people's life, but in the movie he seemed insane and violent.
I think the animator tries to say that there are so many logos in the world and our image of them isn't always correct, so we should find out their actual shapes by ourselves.


I slept really early yesterday but I'm a little bit sleepy.


I think Japanese goverment have no budget to do so.

geothermal energy

I was surprised to know that Japan is already using geothermal energy. But I think it isn't enough. The government should use geothermal energy more effectively. When nuclear power is regarded as questionable, we must find other sources to make electricity.


I went shopping in Shinjuku on Thursday. I bought 2 bottoms and a knit. The formers are lad musician and the latter is cabane de zucca. I had a great day:)

Geothermal Energy

Using Geothermal Enagy is a good way to Japan, but it needs a lot of experts and time to train students to become experts. Like French and German, there are countries which succeed in generating energy by using atoms. The important thing is to select the correct leader like French and Germany.


I'll go to Tokyo Disneysea tomorrow with my friends. I'm so excited. I'm glad tomorrow is going to be sunny day:)

Geothermal energy

I think Japan should use geothermal energy. For me, I don't know why we still use nuclear plant. We know those are dangerous so we should stop them. I think we can reduce people's concerns if we change to geothermal energy.

To Mayuko

I′ve done nothing so its ok. We will be ok!


I think that geothermal energy is very good. I don't know why no one ever said about this. I think Japanese government is thinking too much about the disadvantages. This morning I saw the news. I can't believe what they are talking about. Stop spending useless time and start working!!!

Geothermal energy

Japan is mostly using nuclear power plants to make energy but I think Japan should promote more geothermal energy.Geothermal energy doesn't discharge carbon dioxide and it is really good for our environment.The problem is about the cost but I think we need to take some risk to stop increasing global warming and air pollutions for our future. Also, a hydroelectric power plant and a wind power generation doesn't discharge carbon dioxide so I think we can use these ways to produce electricities.


Today i think i am going to go work out at the fitness center after class.

I don't know if i will but i'll try to go

Geothermal energy

I think geothrmal energy is very good!!
I have visited Hachijyo zima in Tokyo,and Tepco Hachijyojima-Geothermal Power Plant exists.
hachijyo island is a volcanic island and so people there enjoy this kind of energy.

However , in most area of Japan,we cannot make use of this kind of energy.
So perphaps it is important to go to the peculiar power stations when we were places where the power plants are.

In Japan, In Iwate prefecture , Shzukuishi Geothermal Plant and In Kyuushu area, Minamata Plant are.

Here is a photo of Geothrmal Power Station at Hachijyozima.



I was studying German for tomorrow's test, but now, I'm going to sleep! Good night :)

Geothermal Energy

I searched on the Internet, and it looks like Japan has 18 geothermal power plants.
So it's not like geothermal energy is completely not used in Japan.
It looks like only the ratio is low.

In my opinion, I don't think we should just wait for the government to have interest in the geothermal energy.
I think it's us who's the one to make a change.
Because most people use nuclear power energy, other eco-friendly energy systems are not used.

Thermal power plants has problems like carbon dioxide emissions,  hydroelectric power plants destroys forests by building dams, and nuclear power plants has problems, as you know, like radio active contamination.

We should use solar energy, wind power energy, biomass energy, and of course, geothermal energy. These are an example of eco-friendly energy.

Although it's expensive, if we all start using them in exchange for the non-eco-friendly ones I mentioned above, the charges will eventually get cheaper, and the environment will be much better.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Geothermal Energy

I think it is great idea to use this energy source in Japan. If we use money for the system of geothermal energy instead of restarting nuclear plants, then I think it will help both the economy and environment.
It feels strange to me that Japan doesn't use this source although it has more energy here than other country where it uses geothermal energy fluentry.

Geothermal Energy

I agree with Dr. Armstrong. I don't know why Japan isn't interested in geothermal energy. There must be something hidden about this. Unless there is, it doesn't make any sense that a country which imports many energy resources like oil and coal isn't interested in using something very useful and reasonable on its own land. Should be something to do research about.


Im also planning to go to Korea with some of my friends to see a friend who studies abroad, Yumi!

Geothermal energy

I think we should use geothermal energy instead of nuclear power plant. It's more safer and I'm surprised to know that iceland uses this already and what's more its much cheaper.

geothermal energy

I think it's so good idea and I cannot understand why Japan didn't use geothermal energy for developing energy!
Iceland is a perfect teacher of Japan to show how to manage energy control for this large population.
Japan is a island and so is Iceland and a hot spring is as popular as Japan.
Our country and Iceland have many things in common, so Iceland is the best teacher, I think.
We should learn from them.

summer vacation

Do you have any plan for summer vacation?
My family will go on a trip to Korea.
I'm looking forward to it:)

Geothermal energy

Japan should use geothermal energy. If we have the why don't we use it? Its a waste and there are lots of countries which wants to use it but can't and Japan is one of those which could and they should use geothermal energy.
Last Thursday we went to some kind of Italian restaurant as a class activity( not IE. Reading) It was definitely awesome to get along with classmates who I didn't know and I'm now looking forward to gathering again at the Friday's!


We have to hand in our book reports. Also, me and my friends are going to Disney Sea on Wednesday. I'm really looking forward to it.

about geothermal energy

I think Japan should use geothermal energy. I think Japan should take action and use it right away.

I recommend these songs to you all

Slow love song:
Your Body Is A Wonderland by John Mayer

R&B song:
No Diggity by Dr.Dre featuring Blackstreet
(This song makes you want to wear sunglasses. haha)

Up-tempo song:
Disco Romancing by Elena

If you like dub step:
Get up! by Skrillex and Korn

But my BEST BEST recommendation is BIG BANG♥
Watch videos if you can! I think you should start with "Fantastic Baby".


geothermal energy

Japan should definetly build a geothermal power station. If there is an absolute environmental benefit for Japan, there is no reason not to do it. I was very shocked to hear about this.

Work ・・・・・

To put information, reference into works consulted column is very irksome.
Textbook is a little unkind.


This movie was really interesting. This movie tell us that we have a lot of image against the logo. Donald has the image of evil because many Americans think that McDonald's is the reason for fatness. This animation shows us the image of each symbol. This movie made me feel like as if we are living in a city of a logo. Every where you look, there is a logo. The director wants to tell us that some day, the things that we made, logo, will be gone and we must do what we can do now.

The phrase I like is・・・・

The phrase I like is as follows: Don't let it get to you! It's only a game!.

I want to think of the report as written above when i feel depressed!!!!

Also famous phrase is Don't worry, be happy!!!.
I am writing Book Report #2.
Book Report is very challenging ,and it takes a lot of time to write a good report.

I do my best!!!

My friend :)

One of my friends will come to Aoyamagakuin University this Friday to meet me and my friends who went to the same high school. She is from Mexico. She is so beautiful and fun!
We met when I was a junior high school student. I'm looking forward to seeing her and would like her to enjoy Japan :)

Harajuku :)

Today, I went to Harajuku with my friends. Harajuku was very crowded but we looked for cheap and cute clothes:) I bought a pair of really nice shoes♡ We also went to the sweets shop. I forgot the name of the shop but you can make your own parfait by yourself and decorate them! It was soo delicious! After that, we went to Ikebukuro and played darts and ate Chinese noodle for dinner and went home:D I had a really nice time today♡

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Today, I went to the Shibuya district to do some research for the book report at the university's library at the Aoyama campus. There were so many people at the Shibuya station like the countless ants inside and around an ant colony. I was not comfortable around that many people. I often don't feel comfortable even near or at the Machida JR station early mornings. I don't know if I'm going to be able to make it for the rest of my college years. But I have to. Maybe I'm just being a little bit too self-conscious. I hope I get used to it in time.


It was a very funny, unique and shocking short movie. I couldn't understand what the movie was trying to message, but probably there is some reason McDonald's clown was so evil and like Joker of Batman, but I don't know what it is. It had a powerful sense of speed from the beginning to the end and I couldn't guess what was going to happen next, but I could expect the last scene going out to space a little bit, because it often happens in unreasonable stories like this one.

Iceland national day:Japan should tap vast geothermal supply

I've seen some videos and TV programs which talk about Iceland's geothermal energy. It's really amazing that such a large amount of power can be supplied from geothermal energy.This article stimulates my interests toward Iceland. Firstly, I like the country's name very much. It's very unique and makes me imagine intensely how the country is like. Also, it's natural, ecofriendly and healthy ways of supplying energy and products are incredible. I don't know any knowledge about geothermal energy or any form of supplying energy, so I don't know why Japan still can't utilize the geothermal energy, but I want to use it somehow personally. Furthermore, I didn't know that Kumamoto prefecture is looking to launch geothermal development. My part of family lives in Kumamoto and I like Kumamoto's volcanoes and foods, so I would like Kumamoto prefecture to do his best.

geothermal energy

I think Japan should build some kind of geothermal power station. This artical saids that Japan has the potential of producing around 24 million kilowatts with the geothermal electrical resource alone. I think Japan should adjust geothermal power because of this reason. Also, this article saids that if we put the geothermal hot water into space heating or free up the electricity for domestic sales, we could be doubling that figure. This fact very surprised me and I don't know why Japan shoudn't do these things. Of course, there might be many problems like the budget but I think all prefectures in Japan should challenge and try. It is a good opportunity to move to geothermal power plant instead of nuclear power plant since we experienced Great East Japan Earthquake on 3/11. I think Japan should make actions. 

Great Gatsby

It was difficult and confusing but finally finished it.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


I think it is impossible for Japan to gain energy from geothermal power plants.
It takes too much time to build the plant and to produce & provide the energy.
It is also expensive to build and maintain the plant itself.


I went to a Thai restaurant with two of my friends.
I ordered shrimp fried rice. I didn't know they have it in Thai cuisine. I thought it was Chinese food only.
It wasn't spicy at all, well, there wasn't any spice in it.
There were some containers with different kinds of it, so I tried one and it was super super super hot I almost cried. hahaha
I loved the asian atmosphere in the restaurant. If you want to go too, search  "Thai restaurant Dougen-zaka Shibuya"


I LOVE this kind of videos!
I don't really like a full fiction book or movie.
Instead, I prefer fictions that includes nonfiction things, and Logorama was just the thing.

Usually, in comics of novels that are fiction, Logos of actual companies are arranged a little so that it is not 100% related to the actual company.
I think this has two reasons; one, if a logo of a famous product was used, consumers will be affected a lot. For example, when we see a commercial of an ice cream, we will soon start to wish for one.
This is called the subliminal effect.
Second, if the fiction uses a logo in a bad way, the company's brand image will be broken easily.
However, Logorama used hundreds of logos, and even made McDonald's very evilXD
But it still did very well on things, because I never hated McDonald's after watching it.

I think of a logo as a "name and clothing the company wears."
Our names represent us, and our clothing change impressions to the others.
I think it is the same thing about logos, that they represent and explain the companies.
They tell us what the company is about, what they do/sell, and what we get.
It's a bit hard to go into a store without a logo, isn't it?

Found the full movie of Logorama on YouTube, and I had time to do so.
I managed to find logos of 59 companies that I know about.
I think I've still missed some, and there were even more logos of companies I don't know.
Still, I've counted and listed the ones I know. Just for fun.

Geothermal energy

The utilization of geothermal energy in Japan might not be as effective as one in Iceland. In Japan, there usually are hot spring related facilities in those place where the geothermal energy exist. So, I have heard of those hot spring facilities being against making the geothermal energy plant.
I don't think it's so big problem, but there is another reason why Japanese government takes no action to make geothermal plants. I heard making electricity through geothermal power, is not the cheapest way. Unfortunately, we can make electricity from nuclear power cheaper than other ways. Even though Japan have to import, still it's more effective to use nuclear.

hello from the aoyama campus!

Hello everybody~
now i'm in the aoyama campus, the new building!
im gonna do some dj thing here :) excited!


The huge is the influence of "Logo". I have heard that in Japan, filmmakers cannot put any company's logo intentionally into the films because its influence is too big. For example, if Coca Cola's logo or products show up randomly in a movie, people are unconsciously made to want to drink Coca Cola after watching the movie.
Logos are the media for us as stimulus to buy the company's products. Talking about cloth fashion, especially Japanese people are obsessed with wearing and having "Brands". People mostly buy brands because they like its logo and style. Some buy them because they want others to see them as good as possible. Personally, I do not care about brands. I do not have expensive cloths or shoes, but the influence of logo is still huge to me too.

Iceland national day

Reading this article, I soon realized that there was something wrong with Japanese government.
I guess what we hear about political corruption is true. The reason they cling to nuclear plant is money. Bribery case takes place. If not, they would obey the advice and electric power distribution problem should have been resolved now. Also another reason is that Japan boasts its technology too much, so they do not want to let Iceland share them the technology, which Iceland claims to be the best. Pride keeps them from receiving benefits of its land's abundant sources. The Iceland ambassador really has courage to do such thing. What he does is necessary and Japanese government is the one that needs to be humble and listen to as many ideas for solution of electric power distribution as possible.

I hate rain

I was happy it became sunny afterwards today.
I don't like rain... it makes me gloomy too ;(

I want summer to come!!!! HURRY UP SUMMER~~~~~~

Friday, June 22, 2012

Stayed up until 4am :-O
I think I'll fall asleep early tonight

The Freshman Camp

 Tomorrow I will be going on a freshman camp in Nagano with my racross club members. 3days of practicing will surely push up my skills, I hope. I can't wait to go there. Hope it's sunny there too.


 Today I woke up to find my bed was drenched because I accidentally left the window open last night, and fell asleep. It was a pain to dry my bed sheets because I just washed them yesterday! Never underestimate weather.


Waking up and opened the window, I was surprised to see the weather. However, I was more surprised to see that there would be no lecture cancellations...


I love this movie.
I think this movie wanted to tell that natural sources in earth are limited.
We human beings use them as they aren't limited but we should never forget that we are blessed with nature.


One more day till weekend! :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012


I was impressed by this movie. I think it wants to tell us that it is not too late to save the earth. We sometimes seek only our profit or development of technology, but we should know that the earth is not ours. We should try to save the earth. The most imortant thing is hope.


I think the message of this video is the importance of nature (especially plants).
In the video, new varmints suddenly come up and build a huge, concrete city.
The nature disappeared, except for the twig the main character saved.
In the end, the city dies, probably because of air pollution.
Ironically, the city varmints who killed the nature were saved by the only plant the main character had saved.
This pretty much shows the importance of nature, and how we should save plants on Earth.
The video clip we watched last Friday was pretty nice:-)
But the environment thing is just not the thing for me.
Experts already said that what human beings are doing now, trying to save the earth, is 50 years late.
So instead of doing those unnecessary things, human being should try looking for other planets or other ways for us to live.


I have been playing the guitar for about five years.
Three years ago, I recorded my guitar and put it on Youtube.
Please watch it if you would like. I was not that good that time, so if you will watch it, please have patience.


I couldn't sleep well last night. I can't take it. Good night.

Geothermal energy

During IE3 class in Tuesday, we read about geothermal energy in Japan. I understood that it is a good power source, but Japan is not using that much. I didn't know why so I did a research about it. There were about 8 demerits about geothermal energy. I'll put just three here.

1.It takes time to find a source, activate plant, and costs a lot(15~20years)
2.The source is under the national park and it is hard to dig it out
3.Poisonous gas come out and pollute atmosphere and soil

These are the three main demerit that making Japan hesitate using geothermal energy. Even though this is my idea. What do everyone think about geothermal energy?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


After hurricane comes, it's usually cool in daytime because of the wind. But today it was extremely hot even though there were wind. The classroom was really hot and outside was of course much hotter. It's getting hotter and hotter every day. How am I suppose to survive this heat?

Japan should tap vast geothermal supply

I didn't know that Japan was blessed with the geothermal energy, and after reading this article I can't understand why Japanese government is reluctant to study the Icelandic way and to introduce geothermal generation. Using geothermal energy can solve the problems of nuclear power generation, energy shortage and it is very eco-friendly. Japan should develop it more.

Lots of homework!!!

I have a lot of homework to do today!
I don't know if I can finish it, but I have to(ノ△・。)
And also, I have some job to remember for the part time job....
I wish I won't fall a sleep when I'm doing it!


I think this is what creator wants to say.
"Only nature relaxes us. We are developing and industrializing to make more comfortable society, but does industrialization create a comfortable society without nature which is only thing gives us relaxation. We probably made mistakes on the way. Aren't you following such wrong trend? Changing the all is less difficult than it seems. Your small action has a strong power of changing the whole world."

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Heavy storm

Wow!! What a crazy wether it is! When I walked with putting up a portable umbrella, it was blown inside out by the strong wind. I've never experienced such a heavy storm so, it is a little fun!:-)

off day

hangin out with my friends.
someone stop the rain!!!!
What a great weather it is!
My umbrella makes no use...
Dammit I just hate it.


though it's raining today, my girlfriend came to sagamihara campus to see me!
now we're in the building F, chilling. lol
she said the campus is so beautiful, but it's a pity she couldn't come when it's sunny.........


I knew it would rain.
I knew the storm was reaching.
I knew I would be soaking wet.
But I did not bring the umbrella!
I am wild, ain't I?

Cafe Katsuo

I am now at Machida, eating lunch with my friends at Cafe Katsuo. I don't wanna go back to school :'-(

Ray Bradbury

I was really surprised to hear he predicted many things so accurately. He saied even a small change can make a big influence. This implies individuals’small actions can help make environment better or recover.


The sky is so dark. I wonder if I have class for the 5th period.


I think a circle represent peace.


I think that circle is a symbolism of food chain. It might seem like the top animal doesnt get eaten but when it dies it goes back to nature by bacteria and plants grow then animal eats plants and so on. So we have to keep the nature the way it is. Because of the global warming habitats are changing we should stop that.
This sunday I watched a movie called snow white. Well it was boring a little discusting. Snow white was absolutely beautiful. The story was too long and not concise. I prefer everyone to watch termaeromae.


When it comes to a circle in Japan, Japanese yen has an interesting history. The first coins  in Japan were the Wadou Kaichin made by the imperial government in 708. The design of which lools alike hanryousen made by Shihuangdi. Also, wadoukaichin was made for the purpose to establish the currency system like the one in the Tang Dynasty. Today, we can see the coins of the similar design as 5-yen-dama.


I practiced a song in a band which is supposed to show on the stage this Saturday. The title of the song is hanataba, which was made by the back number. Thumbs up if you come to see me this Saturday:)

With French people!

On Sunday, I hung out with French people in Shibuya. It was so fun! Before doing that, I went to Asakusa and guided foreign people. I couldn't do well, so I was depressed. However, they were very kind and fun, so I could enjoy the day. They go back to Paris this morning. I'm so sad. Hope they have a good trip.


I think circle is existing everywhere. For instance, money, environment, life, and human relationship. And also circle means peace, I think. I heard that old people wrote their name on a piece of paper to be shaped round. They can't know who wrote first by writing like that, so there were no gap between people. Circle is so important in our life.


I'm not sure if this is relevant to the assighed topic, but the central red disk in the flag of Japan symbolizes the sun.

Here are some backgrounds. Britannica says that According to tradition, the sun goddess Amaterasu founded Japan in the 7th century bc and was an ancestor of the first of its emperors, Jimmu. Even today the emperor is known as the “Son of the Sun,” and a popular name for the country is “Land of the Rising Sun.”

Thinking, Feeling machines

The article says that in his several stories, Ray Bradbury explored artificial intelligence. He thought about the philosophical implications of AI advanced enough to possibly produce machines that can feel and think. I can't imagine if we will ever have them or what on earth would happen if we ever did. I don't even know one fifth of what the writer knew. But I would say that there might be a problem when disposing of them. If robots actually thought, felt and talked alomst the same as human beings and we made nice friends with them, I don't think we could power them off completely and throw them in dumps and go buy the latest models without feeling any guilt. what do you think about a society with thinking, feeling machines?


In my opinion, his idea of circle is similar to our environmental circle. Water from ocean evaporate and become cloud, then that will be rain and our drinking water. In addition to that, this idea looks like Buddhist thought, Rinnne Tensei, which means our spirit won't die and reborn.

Endless .....

I have many assignments I have to do.
Now, I have three final reports....
To make matters worse, next Thursday's German class has a word quiz.
I have to study German for the quiz.

I'm wrestling with the choice between getting asleep from now or staying all the night .


  I watched the animation called Varmints at last Friday.

What is a message of it trying to convey?
I think that its message is the importance of nature and the stupidity of human beings.
In the beginning of the anime, the world is full of nature. However, human beings drive nature out and start to reign this world.
Do you remember a scene that the main character is attacked by something like water flood in the start? I think that it is a flood not of water but of concrete, which is a symbol of civilization of human beings.

Then, nature starts to revenge human beings by making clear that human civilization (namely our present life) don' keep to flourish forever. And, the ruler of this world will be or is already defeated by the supernatural power.


OMG I missed Monday 9 drama .


I believe that circle represents the earth if it comes to environment not only because the earth itself looks circle, but also for its property of nurturing continuous repetition of lives at the same time.

meaning of the circle

Circle represents everything around our daily lives. Even our relationships are part of the circle. I think living in the circle and get connected with other things like nature is important for the human.
Circle also means change according to the text. It includes things like seasons.
I think understanding the meaning of the circle will help us to get in harmony with the environment more.

Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury predicted many things in the books he wrote  and I think this is amazing.
His imagination helped the world to come up with new technology like slim TV. RIP

Monday, June 18, 2012


I am in Coe's house with Rina and Yusuke!
Soooooo excited!

The Meaning of a Circle

I think the circle has so many symbols.
  • Wholeness
  • Focus
  • Unity
  • Cycles
  • Initiation
  • Everything
  • Perfection
  • Centering
  • Revolution
  • Infinity
  • Mobility
  • Completion
I think the biggest meaning of a circle is eternity.
A ring is for an example.
I think a ring means "eternal promise."

I love my IE friends!

I'm having fun at my friends house!
We bought  food at McDonalds and we are playing some video games right now.
I think I'm going to end up sleeping over at my friends house.
And I'm glad that I finished my homework before I came here.

Disney Land

I went to Tokyo Disney Land with my seniors and friend of futsal circle. It was raining, but I really enjyed!!! We rode "Splash mountain" twice and "Bigthunder mountain" three time!!

I want to go there again with them!


It was so hot today so I wish tomorrow would be cooler than today.
Anyway, today I met one of my high school friends and had a very good time.
Meeting people is one of my favorite thing so I feel happy whenever talking to each other with someone.

Disney Sea

Im going to the Disney sea next Wednesday and I'm totally excited! I hope it won't rain!

Ray Bradbury

I was very impressed of what he had predicted. Most of his predictions really came true and I am very surprised. Its sad that he died.


I can't even believe how hot and humid today is. Even though it's still mid of June... X_X

the circle

I think circle represents our life in this world. Everything is connected. This means, if some problems would happened, we have to solve it as soon as possible. We should think about our daily customs to find what we can do to make this world better.


I'm joining the basketball club in AGU. I never really learned how to play basketball before,but I'm having fun doing it. Of course, I'm not good at it so I hope I can improve!

losing isn't fun

Today we had a game and we lost.
After that we had to run. It was so hard.
But it was worth it.

good night and see you all tomorrow

Sunday, June 17, 2012

What a wonderful weekend it was!!!

It was definitely the best weekend I ever spend (at least I came to this university). On saturday, after I went to the club activity, I had dinner with my friends and sang a bit at karaoke. And today, one of my friend and I went skate, and had feast again!!!
One thing I have to worry about is just money management...

Ray Bradbury

It is a really sad thing that such a clever man had died. He was predicting what it will happen in the near future. The thing it surprised me the most was that Ray Bradbury mentioned in the "Fahrenheit 451" that people will talk to their friends through the degital wall. I think that will be what is called a Facebook. We can communicate to your friends by posting and sending messages like Ray Bradbury predicted. I wonder why he was able to predict so many things happening in the near future. He must have been so clever.


I think circle is everywhere in the world. For example, I did a prentation about carbon cycle in the listening class. Carbon is everywhere in the atmosphere and also in the ocean, too. Some carbon can get into plants and when an animal eats that plant, carbon will get into their body and when the animal dies, the carbon will go back to the atmosphere again. This is all about the carbon cycle and I thought that this can be one of the circle in the environment. Because there are circle like this carbon cycle, we can make up our living. Also,there are circle between humans like friends and family. We can deepen our relationship among these circles, too.

The circle

I think the circle means the essential source of life.

In space there are many circles which are essential to our lives, such as the sun, the earth, planets and an atom. People can’t help but consider the circle as important thing before we realize it.

In Japan, kanji character “” shows the meaning of the circle. “” is an old shape of “”. The fundamental part of this kanji character is “”, which means circulate. We can see many circulations in our life such as food chain and economic system. These circulations are really important for a living thing, so I take the circle as mentioned above.

To Haruka

I'm also looking forward to listening your book report's presentation too:)!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012


I think what this film wants to tell us was the importance of nature and how we live in the condition without nature. In the beginning of the story, the whole world was filled with full of nature and blight atmosphere. But soon after other people come, the whole nature was destroyed and filled with dark and polluted air. I thought the main character in this story is a environmentalist, and what he was doing at the first was investigating the nature. There were also some other people who seems to be environmentalists. If you look at this point, it is sarcastic in a way because you can take their investigation as preparation of making the city with lots of skyscrapers.
But in the end, the city wasn't lasted forever, and what there were left was decadence of the man-made society and leftover of strong nature power which seems to last forever.

Ray Bradbury

I was really surprised about his imagination!! I think there are a very few people who can do this kind of thing. Like Cliff, I want to read "Fahrenheit 451" someday too and it was very sad thing that such a wonderful and clever man died. The most thing which surprised me is that He predicted digital hub that enables us to post and see messages: Facebook or Twitter. If I lived in his period, I think I couldn't think about that kind of epoch-making invention! He also envisioned automated banking machines in this novel. This person reminds me of Tezuka Osamu which all Japanese knows. He predicted future and put his image of future in his own animation. I respect both Ray Bradbury and Tezuka Osamu!


I think this movie had a very direct criticism against civilization. Also, a respect towards nature. The way this movie showing that nature gets destroyed by civilization is completely depicting civilization as an evil. When nature was still there, everything was peaceful and great, but once civilization had taken over nature, everybody became lifeless, gloomy and like a slave.This theme, comparison of nature and civilization is something very common in American literature, so I think this movie has been created in America or intended to be an American style. I think the last scene that some nature revived floating in the sky and snow falling didn't have much deep meaning in it. I think it was just a meaning thing to make the movie seem abstruse.

Touch the Earth: The Meaning of the Circle

There are a lot of things or words which related to the meaning of the circle in Japan. For example, all universities in Japan have "circle" which is like club and it means gathering together and have  good relationships between those who participated in it. Circle in Japan is called "輪(wa)" which represents that  getting along well with others  and this kind of thing is very important in Japanese culture. A lot of people really care about getting along with their class mates at school or at work.
Therefore, the meaning of the circle in Japan is good relationships between people. Also, ring is circle and this represents forever love or endless.


We watched the video "Varmints" on last Friday's class. What that video wanted to tell to us, I think, is the importance of nature, and the power of the nature. First, the world inside that video was full of nature, and everybody was happy. But when the nature lessened because of buildings and concretes, everybody living there became dark, and unhappy. Everybody was looking down when walking, and everything in that world was in dark color. That fact was telling us that nature is very important to us. And although there was no place for nature to live in the place where people of that world made, in the last scene, nature revives from the tiny creatures. I think that represents the power of the nature. And I think this represents the kindness of the nature. that is because, nature even saved the people who destroyed them.

To Nanami

I'm very glad that you enjoyed the movie!! I like that movie too. I'm looking forward to listening your book report's presentation(^ω^)


Its message is that we need to be friends with nature. We cannot live without nature, but we do not conserve its sources such as water and trees. If nature is destroyed, society will be corrupted too because we are dependent on nature. The main character was friendly to nature and wanted to protect the tree. He was finally saved because he was nice to nature.

Ray Bradbury

I agree with this author and think that our world that we live in depends on technology too much.
Its amazing because he predicted everything that was going to happen in his book.
I hope that i get the chance to read Fahrenheit 451 someday. i wonder why the title is "Fahrenheit 451."
Its a shame that such an amazing author died.


I think that circles represent connection.
Everything is connected, the Eco system food chains etc.
The circle is the only shape that doesn't have any edges meaning that it is smooth and has a flow.
Circles are also used in many religions like the connection between us and god.
Circles also are a symbol of promise like a wedding ring. promise to be together

A Christmas Carol : )

I'm reading A Christmas Carol for my next book report and I saw the movie yesterday :) It was a really good movie and it made me move my heart. I will tell you how good it was on the book report day :D (Thank you very much Haruka for borrowing the DVD for me at TSUTAYA!) And today, I'm going to meet Minori in Shibuya:)!!

Friday, June 15, 2012

I'm a happy boy

Three people answered my group's survey. It may be a few people but one of them is my friend and I didn't even know two peole. Someone from other IE3 class is helping me and I'm so happy about it!

Images of circles

 There are various things in the chain which represents. I first of the word "rine-tensei", a Japanese word which means a all living things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth. People of older days thought that this was the system of the life and have to be a good person to be released from this endless chain to have to go to "gokuraku-jodo" which means like heaven. People who were bad or not good enough will rebirth and lead a new life in the same world without the previous life's memory.
 Although the "rine-tensei" was thought as something like a curse, many things go round and round which makes it impossible to tell where is the starting place and where is the destination, making the symbol or the meaning of a circle "complete object".


"circle" represents various ideas and things. We were taught to make a circle to discuss with the friends in the childhood. We learned about food chain, recycling and economic system at schools. We joined circles in the university. Additionally, we see many circular shape things around us such as a clock. In these ways, we are living with circles.

To every one who are looking at this blog (again)

Good evening to the people who know me and nice to meet you who don't know me. I'm Takumi Kuroda from IE3 class on Tuesday by Mr. Armstrong. I'm working on a final assignment with my friends and our group's theme is about cross culture. So we decided to do a survey on different habbits that different countries and generations have. I'm sorry. I know it might take your time but it would be a big help. If you have time, please answer these questions and send it to my address.

First please write

male or female(or other which I hope nobody are)

your country which you are raised or born

Q1. What is your principal food?
Q2. What do you drink mainly at home?
Q3. Have you ever taken any lessons?(for example, piano lessons)
Q4. Which sports are you familiar with? (Up to two sports. It doesn't matter whether you are playing it or not. examples:baseball, soccer, ice hocky, swimming, basket ball, tennis, volleyball, table tennis, golf, any martial arts, dance and etc)
Q5. What religion do you believe in?( If you can' answer it, you don't have to or just say none)

Sorry for the long writing. Thank for your cooperation and time.m(_ _)m


I think a circle could represent so many things.
It could represent the food chain which starts from a plant and comes back to a plant again.
The word "Circle" is used for clubs too, which has the meaning of WA(輪).
A circle is also the opposite of figures with edges such as triangles and rectangles.
I think this could show an endless peace.
In Japanese there is a word "角が立つ" which means to become offensive to someone, and also a word "角が取れて丸くなる" which means to become affable by becoming less offensive.
Both phrases include "角", which never shows up in a circle.
A circle is a round, harmless figure.

Ray Bradbury

By hearing about Ray Bradbury, I thought he's a very smart person.
He's not something like a psychic who can see the future, but was a type of person who had enough knowledge and wit to predict what will be invented in the future.
Not anyone can do this, and even if you could, it won't happen so many times as it did with Ray Bradbury.
I think he was a very, very smart person.


There is circle everywhere, when we talk, we are in a circle. Being in a circle is really good because it is the best way to talk with each other. When you look at the lid of a cap bottle, it is circle. It fits your mouth and it makes it easy to drink. Circle just fits into everything.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


In Japan, I think the meaning of circle is equality, peace, and satisfaction. We can see them in Japanese words 円滑 and 円満.
Additionally, Japanese national flag includes a big red round. Of course it means hinomaru (the sun), but I think it could be the symbol of Japan because a round reminds us equality and peace.


I think the idea of circle also applies to the weather.
The water evaporates and it becomes to the could.
The could gets bigger and it starts to rain.
At last the rain goes back to the ground and evaporates.

Ray Bradbury

I have heard many predictions of the future so far, and Ray Bradbury's is one of the most precise visions among them.

By the way, I like the phrase: "Everything we can imagine will certainly come true". It's impractical, but encouraging when we imagine the future. I believe surprising products like a flying car or dokodemo-door will come true in the future.

Ray Bradbury

I was impressed by how he predicted the future.
I wish I had ability to predict future like Ray Bradbury had.


When I read this article, I remembered the song, "Circle of the life". This is a BGM of "The Lion King". The song tells us that all creature is connected. Lions eat zebras and if lions die, they become the solid. The solid raises the plants and zebras eat the plants.  It's a food chain.

If we look for more circle, there may be interesting circles in our lives.

I'm looking forward to...

Recently, I'm looking forward to see my cousin who live in America. She is coming to Japan the end of this month!! She wants to improve her Japanese skills more although she can speak both English and Japanese. She wants to become a translator in the future. I want to go to a lot of place with my cousin and especially, I want to study English from her(^0^) Also, I'm looking forward to Justin Bieber's new album:"Believe". It'll release on 6/20 so I can't wait! I'm looking forward to both of these things.

Idea of circle

I don't think the idea of circle is something special only to those Native Americans. It was surprising to know that Native Americans had similar idea though.
In the case of recent Japanese society, for example, it is recommended to conduct recycle of products. This also follows the idea I guess.
Maybe it's something we have to do to live without wasting natural resource we need.

the survey project

Our group decided to have a survey on how to save energy. This topic is timely and interesting. Tell us something you do to save energy :)


Today's IE3 listening (Mr.Bundt, 5th period) is cancelled!
Does anyone know why??
I wonder if our presentations are gonna finish in time...

my expectation

This past two days were so cold, and I just  wore the short sleeve.
Today I expected it to be also cold so I decided to wear the long sleeve.
The result was that my expectation went wrong.
It is hot today. I am so sweaty. I guess I will wear the short sleeve!
I hope it will be as hot as today.

The future

 After reading the article about Ray Bradbury, I was really surprised to know he predicted so many things that we use daily. These things thought of 100 years ago were thought to be out-of-mind but now, they are perfectly normal to have around and we depend much on them. In 100 years, we might be witnesses to what we thought to be impossible to build. The author of "I, Robot" also thought of a future which we now think is unbelievable to make. An era of robots, but who knows? The modern technology is developing day by day and the discoveries today might be history by tomorrow. One thing I am certain of, is that we will be living in a unexpected future full of unexpected gadgets.

The circle

In IE3 class we are supposed to read a paragraph about the meanings of the circle in world and comment it about Japan here. I couldn't find a good one but I'll put it on.

"Ensō is a Japanese word meaning "circle" and a concept strongly associated with Zen. Ensō is one of the most common subjects of Japanese calligraphy even though it is a symbol and not a character. It symbolizes absolute enlightenment, strength, elegance, the universe, and the void; it can also symbolize the Japanese aesthetic itself. As an "expression of the moment" it is often considered a form of minimalist expressionist art."

It was little of Buddhism but I don't believe in Buddhism so much.

What is a meaning of a circle??

  What is a meaning of a circle?
In Japan, the sign often means good relations, for example, among your families.
And, if you make a circle with your thumb and forefinger, this gesture sometimes means "OK" but in the other time the sign means money, I think.

Ah! the outside is getting light.
I stayed up all night at end...

Predictions from Futurist

  Last class, I read an article about Ray Bradbury, the futurist.
As you already posted, the futurist predicted that we would invent ATM or "butturfly effect".
I was very atonished!

  I'm too sleepy to type exactly. However, if I fall into the sleep, maybe I can't get up in the time.


I read an article about Ray Bradbury's in the IE3 class last Friday.
It was really impressive.
Could anyone predict about ATM machines? I was so surprised

To Haruka

Good luck on your tests. I don't want to take two tests in one day. I can't take it.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ray Bradbury

I was very surprised by his prediction of future. Especially, the prediction of "ATM" is unbelievable!

It seems that people copied his idea. I wonder what he would predict if he were living now.


It is strange how Ray Bradbury predicted future when there is no technology that is alike. It is like predicting what will exactly happen tomorrow. If I had to predict about the future for a whole day, it would drive my head crazy. I can think about the future for a minute or so but predicting future for a long time is impossible for me. I think people who predict about future technology is great.

Visions of Ray Bradbury

I am surprised at the fact that Bradbury predictions on his novel actually happens and appears now.
"butterfly effect" indicates how changing one small thing in history could have larger, unpredictable effects on what to come, and this word is derived from Bradbury's story "Sound of Thunder". This is exactly true I think because things we did in the past actually effect our future.
This is a simple but important rule for creatures on this planet I think. For example if one plant a seed and grow carefully for a long time, the time will come when a beautiful flower will come out. Anyway, I want to plant good seeds (endeavor) to bloom many beautiful flowers(to succeed) in the future.


I have Chinese test and English philology test tomorrow, but I have badminton club today so I'm very worried if I can study for those test. Maybe, I can't sleep today...(>×<) Anyway, I'll do my best!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

To the people who are looking this blog

Good evening to the people who know me and nice to meet you who don't know me. I'm Takumi Kuroda from IE3 class on Tuesday by Mr. Armstrong. I'm working on a final assignment with my friends and our group's theme is about cross culture. So we decided to do a survey on different habbits that different countries and generations have. I'm sorry. I know it might take your time but it would be a big help. If you have time, please answer these questions and send it to my address.

First please write

male or female(or other which I hope nobody are)

your country which you are raised or born

Q1. What is your principal food?
Q2. What do you drink mainly at home?
Q3. Have you ever taken any lessons?(for example, piano lessons)
Q4. Which sports are you familiar with? (Up to two sports. It doesn't matter whether you are playing it or not. examples:baseball, soccer, ice hocky, swimming, basket ball, tennis, volleyball, table tennis, golf, any martial arts, dance and etc)
Q5. What religion do you believe in?( If you can' answer it, you don't have to or just say none)

Sorry for the long writing. Thank for your cooperation and time.m(_ _)m

Ray Bradbury's predictions

I thought his predictions of the future was really accurate. Especially the prediction of a car without driver was impressive. When I heard the news about the unmanned car under experiment by google, I couldn't believe, and thought it was a joke or something. but Ray Bradbury could predict it about half century ago. It's just amazing.

Linda Ohama

I enjoyed listening and watching the story about her obachan. I'm glad that we had an opportunity to watch it before the lecture. I miss my obachan


I'm really looking forward to summer holiday. This year I want to go overseas. Anyone have plans for summer??

Linda Ohama

I really enjoyed listening to her obachan's story. The cloth message Linda Ohama was doing, I thought that was a great idea.

Linda Ohama

Linda Ohama is famous movie director in Canada. and Last week, we got a chance to hear her story.

But like everyone said on the blog, we spend most of our 90min on watching the Obachaan's Garden... and I thought student should've watched it before her lecture, like Rina said.
Anyways, I think this chance of hearing people's ,like Linda's, story at school is wonderful. I wish we could have another chance to hear different people's lecture too!

Linda Ohama

Linda Ohama came to AGU and talked her grandmother, obachan. Obachan had a very very pain memory and I can't even imagine how much it was. I want to say about how tough Obachan was she could have committed suicide. She never gave up finding her children and she actually did find them. I can't believe it. In the last she shouted banzai I thought that was her best way of expressing her feelings. The cloth letter from Tohoku to Canada is a great thing to do I want to go and see it if I have time.

Its cold...

Why is it so cold these days!
Last year wasn't that cold. I think.
But i prefer the cold weather so i like this weather.

Linda Ohama

Linda Ohama came to AGU and talked about her family last week.

She said that obaachan kept being in Canada because it was too painful to speak about her two daughters. It's so hard for all mothers in the world, I think.
Her violin is so important to express her feelings. When I saw the movie in a class, I was surprised, because she brought her violin out side when she feel sad. I didn't understand the meaning of that action.
One of her family members speaks only Japanese. It means something important too.
It took 75 years to know what happened to Chieko and Fumiko.
It's so long time and obaachan can't help worrying about them.
After listening to her story including the earthquake, I thought I had to respect my family and appreciate being with my family.

Linda Ohama

We had really precious time to hear Llnda Ohama's lecture. Though, I'd watched the movie, “Obachan's Garden’”, before the lecture, I didn't fully understand the story. So, it was a good chance to hear the story in more detail by her. Her speech was really clear and easy to understand. I think her attitude to respect her grandmother is really admirable.

To Masaya,and Maria

Thank you for referencing to what I wrote!!!

Linda Ohama

I was happy to go to her lecture.
Her project that embody people could communicate well ,if they spoke different languages is very good.

What she wants to tell us is the fact that dream comes true and not to forget Tohoku area.This motto is very simple, but we have along way to go to pass as a good successor.

Anyway, I want to cherish everyday life.Little thing is important.

Linda Ohama

Ms.Linda Ohama, the director of Obaachan's Garden, came to AGU the other day.
She told us about the details and the parts that's not shown in the movie.
I was really surprised at the fact that obaachan never spoke English even once when she was in Canada.
Linda said that it was because obaachan wanted to be close to Japan.

But I was sad that we couldn't listen to her stories that much.
We were watching the movie most of the time, even though we've watched it already.
It looks like most of the IE classes were the first time to watch the movie.
I thought we should watch the movie first in class, and then listen to Linda's story.
Then we could've heard more of it.


Today, I watched a TV program," Fear Focus" in IE Writing.  I was very shocked by the scene of cockroach. Oh, no... It flashes across my mind... I will have a nightmare of cockroach tonight...

Linda Ohama

It was totally amazing to welcome her as a guest speaker.
Her explanations about Japanese Canadians' enforced internment reminded me not only what I had learned in my high school, but also many other information and what I felt when I had seen pictures of the incident.


I have a test today! OMG! I do have to study German.

Monday, June 11, 2012


I finally got a DVD of The Notebook!
I'm reading it for my second book report and everyone who read this book said that the movie was great, so I can't wait to watch it :)

Well, gotta study for German Test!

Linda Ohama's talk

She showed us Obachan's Gaden and explained about it during the talk. She told us what was not in that movie, such as her obachan had mental break down when she knew Hiroshima's bomb. She sometimes stop the film and explained historical incident at that time. She also said that she is making new movie about 3.11 earthquake.


Linda Ohama came to our school last week and we had a special time with her.
It was sad that she only had 90 minutes to share with us and most of it was spent on watching the movie we had already seen.
Her work to encourage Japan really touched my heart.

She was a very nice woman and I hope we have another chance to talk with her.

Lots of work

I have lots of work to do.
First i need to clean my room.
Second, I really don't know. I think i don't have any so, well i guess that was it.
To add another thing, i just saw a spider!

To Cory and Mitsuyasu

Yes! Today is a father's day Cory thank you for reminding me!

Well, Mitsuyasu I was surprised at your sister's picture...She resembles you !!!!!

Linda Ohama

Ms.Linda Ohama came to Aoyama Gakuin and told us about the story of Obaachan's Garden. Obaachan only spoke Japanese and never English. The reason was that she wanted to be close to Japan after the picture bride failure. The last scene when Obaachan finally met her daughter was very touching. It was a great experience.


Didn't do it so gotta stay up late:(

Linda Ohama

Ms.Linda Ohama came to Aoyama Gakuin University last week. She told us about many interesting storys about Obaachan's Garden. She told us that Obaachan only spoke Japanese in Canada, not English. The reason for that was because she was far away from Japan so she only spoke Japanese to be near to Japan. In the end, she told us not to forget about Tohoku and never to give up so I'll try to keep that in mind forever.

Linda Ohama

I'm glad to know that she cares for people in Tohoku. I know that they still have many difficulties. I want to do volunteer works there.
Her movie was very inspiring. I want to trace back the history of my family before my parents die, hopefully even before my grand parents die, so that I'll be able to appreciate my family more.


Good to hear your little sister had a good time on sports day, Mitsuyasu. And nice pictures! I wonder how my sister is. She just entered junior high school. I hope she's doing ok.
Oh, Father's Day. I guess I'm just gonna call him then. But when I go back home in Aomori, I think I'm gonna buy a little bit expensive bottle of sake for him. He loves sake. Tell me what you guys are gonna do for your fathers next Sunday.

To Cory

Thanks for reminding me!! I forgot all about it. I need to buy beer for him.

obaachan's garden by Linda

Linda came to aoyama university to talk us about obaachan. I'm glad she came here because I could understand more about that film. She explained us very well. The film was little sad but heart-warmed.

To haruka

I think It's good idea to study aboard. It's not easy to do, but I think we are lucky that we have a chance to do this kind of experience! Also, It's a good way to improve a foreign language. I hope you can get good informations!

study abroad

I'm planning to study abroad while I'm in university, but I have no idea when should I go and what should I do to do that. Maybe, I have to take TOEFL test and get a high score and get a good grade in this university. I took TOEFL test when I was in high school but I have to get more score
than that. I'm in badminton club, ACF and learnig calligraphy so I'm very worried if I could do both studying and doing all of those things. Today, I'll go to International center to get some information about studying abroad!!


yes, fathers day is next sunday

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Touch of the earth: The meaning of the circle

I didn't know that Indian's circle-act was related to the natural world. I didn't even thought about how Indians act, so I was really surprised to know that Indian's circle dance has some reason. Also, I thought this circle act of Indian could be the common thing. It is because I think it's a natural thing to follow to how the nature works as a human beings. And I think it's how the human beings show how they worship the nature.  For example, the windows in Japanese house is sometimes round. I think that's one of the circle-act that Japan has.

To Cory

I'm not trying to be a sarcastic, but isn't Father's Day on next Sunday? :o

Tom Cruise

I'm listening to "Celebrity Interviews" now. Tom Cruise is talking about the movie, "Last Samurai" and Ken Watanabe who is Japanese actor. I've never seen the movie. Have you ever seen the movie?

Ray Bradbury

        When I read this article, I was very interested in how he wrote the current tools  like TV and facebook. We use those kind of books without thinking a lot, but when I read this article, I thought it may be a very weird thing. For instance, it sure is a very weird  thing to talk to the wall, and this is what he wrote about the facebook.
        But I thought Bradbury was overreacting to the current tools. The article said that he was feared of  the television, If you just care about how and how long you use it, it could be a good tool. I think he only watched it's bad part and ignored it's good part.
        Maybe it is our job to look carefully to the good part and bad part of newest vehicle, and decide carefully what and how to use those vehicle.

Part-time job

I worked part-time job for 10 hours today.It was tough for me because I had to stand up for about 6 hours without doing anything.
What I had to do was to monitor my students during exams.
After that, I cleaned rooms, moved desks and chairs, and threw out the garbage.
On Sundays, there are lots of things to do!
Next week, I'm gonna go to Asakusa and guide foreign people!
I'm looking forward to that!

Sports day !!!

Two weeks ago, a sports day was held in the elementary school my sister went to.She belonged to a cheering party and I was free then,and so I went to the school.It was sunny and I needed much water!!

She is my sister!!

Though it is difficult to see, see is raising"Bonbon". She was in White Team.In the school, teachers broke students into two groups: White , Red Team.

We had lunch with her.After that, she invited her friends to the party.She is very active!!
Her cliche is "Asobou".

We had a very good time. Her group was lost ,but she tried hard and said that her team was best.

I never imagined today is fathers day.
I also hope Cory's father spends one year enjoying his retired life!!!!


Today is Fathers day.
I haven't seen my dad for over a year. I'm not sure where he's at and what he's doing but I think he's in the Philippines enjoying his retired life.

Just finished

I just finished 25 units of Real English!!
Now I can focus on other assignment i have!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Obachan's Garden~Linda Ohama~

Linda Ohama came to AGU on 6/5. She told us that this movie tells us to never give up on anything we are facing right now. Also, this movie tells us that the fear of war or a dispute and the importance of family. She is supporting Higashi Nihon Daishinsai's victims in the stricken area. She emphasized many times that we shouldn't forget about the earthquake happened in 3/11 and there are a lot of people who need help right now. I thought I should donate to people who need help from her speech. I want to support them so I'll make actions !

Beauty and The Beast

Today, I went to see the play, Beauty and The Beast by Gekidan Siki. I love the movie sinse I was young. It was fantastic and beautiful!! I love it!!

By the way, I promised to lodge together in Hokkaido with my IE members!
I hope that they would come to my hometown!!!

Obachan's Garden~movie~

This movie is about a women who moved to Canada from Japan in a particular reason. She had 2 daughters and husband before she married in Canada but she forced to part with them. During her whole life in Canada, she never forgot about them and she brought a photo of her 2 daughters everywhere and anytime. Also, she loves playing violin. Since her family in Canada was Japanese Canadian, her family are caught between Japan's win and Canada's win in the war. They didn't know which nation to support. This movie tells us that we shouldn't give up if we face some difficulties and the importance of peace , life and love.

Obaachan's Garden

Linda Ohama came to AU last Tuesday.
She explained about Obaachan so I could understand more.
I thought her action to look for Obaachan's 2 daughters is great because Obaachan must have been wanted to see her daughters.

Pouring Rain

All the birds were gone this morning, which made me feel really bad.
Where should I go today?

Yesterday I watched a film titled BABEL.
It was really good! As titled, its theme is language and communication.
It must be really interesting especially for IE3 students. You should watch it!
I'm wondering if I can choose its novelized version for my next book report...

The meaning of the circle

There are many round things around me. I guess circle has some symbols such as eternity, friendship, and peace. We have a good word in Japan, which is "円満"-Enman. The left character means circle, and the right one is full, so the situation or the relationship is with no conflict. In English it is translated into"harmonious". In my image, circle sounds like moving very smoothly. As we ride bicycle, train, or car, we know they all have wheels. It can move quickly with little hindrance. Thinking of it, circle may be the ideal shape in both physical and mental aspects.

Visions of Ray Bradbury

As we were discussing how his predictions became true, we doubted if all of his predictions came true. Since I have not read his book, I do not know how many things he predicted. As for the predictions written on the article, I was surprised how well he had predicted, because the book "Fahrenheit 451"was written and published in 1953, as old as half a century ago. I was especially surprised at his prediction that people are obsessed with the large, flat-screen televisions. Everyone on the train checks if they receive message from anyone every few minutes.

Touch the Earth: The Meaning of the Circle

This was shocking. I have never realized this law. Certainly, there are many round things which are powerful or essential. I wonder how the indian people found this. The explanation of the law is very persuasive and interesting. Hehaka Sapa is a remarkable person. His career or history is so unique and fresh that I almost just forgot everything I've read about him in the article, because it was very different from any biographical stories I have ever known and I couldn't realize that it was actually about someone real. I'm interested in how they have developed the law. I want to be taught something by the priests too.

Futurists (Ray Bradbury and E-books)

Ray Bradbury has predicted the future that have come true, but he didn't use any supernatural power to do that. He was so experienced at what he predicted that was able to see what is going to happen. I'm not sure E-books are going to be so popular, because I think demand towards physical books won't disappear. It's easier to search a page you want to go, unless it's a dictionary. Also, it's not stimulating to your eyes and most importantly, it feels much better to have something physical than something digital. Furthermore, I've heard that Physical data are more preservable than digital data for some reason.

to Cory

I was looking forward to seeing you yesterday.

In I,E Listening, we had the activity that we often do: listening, interaction.Also teams that do presentation are decided.


It sucks when it rains...especially on weekends.
I'm going to Shibuya today to play basketball.

Friday, June 8, 2012


I think we're going to have it again soon :-D
Too bad that we're going to be in different classes next semester:-(
Well, I hope that we could really go to Hokkaido this summer!!!!

Linda Ohama

She visited AGU on Tuesday and talked about the movie "Obachan's Garden", and the activity for Tohoku recovery. She said that when she had known 3.11 earthquake and tsunami, she had dreamed of working on helping people in the stricken area. I was surprised to know that many people had gathered till 3.12 to help Japan by raising funds, and impressed that so many people all over the world had cared about us.


I'm looking for a part-time job but I can't find one:( I want to work at bakery or sweets shop but there aren't good ones near my house. I think I should find one in Tokyo, maybe in Shinjuku or Ikebukuro :)


We went to the pizza place in Fuchidome with IE member!! We had 12 people and it was a lot of fun!!

Obachan's garden

I thought it was a very challenging decision of her to going to Canada and deciding to not merry a guy she was going to. I though it must be really hard for her for not being able to go back to her own country and spending a life in other country.


We had a dinner yesterday with IE class menbers!
It was very fun!

no homework

In I.E Writing, we have no homework this week!!!!!

I don't like Anderson's class very much but I try best!!!!!

Don't say・・・・say◎◎!!!!!

English Linguistics Overview

I learned pronunciation for Dr Tooike.
Dr Tonoike's lecture is sometimes boring and his way of speaking is arrogant.


 Yesterday I found a band called Nightwish on YouTube and I felt shivers down my spine when I first heard their song. It's sounds like a rock music but I'm not so sure. I've been listening their songs since yesterday and I'm listening to it just now while I'm writing on this blog.
"Wish I Had An Angel", "Nemo", and "She Is My Sin" "Amaranth" are my favorites so far. If you have a chance, please try listening to them. Maybe you will find it interesting too.

Obachan's Garden

 The fact that one should go get married just by recognizing the picture of the other person is maybe a bit careless. We won't know if that person is sweet, handsome, beautiful, or the other way round. So, it must have been really hard for obachan when she found out the person who she was going to marry was very short! If she had not brought her violin with her, she might have committed suicide.

Obachan's Garden

and OH, about that movie.
I couldn't go to the seminar because I had a class on that time, but the movie still interested me a lot.
This obachan must be really courageous, for a Japanese, especially on that time, to go living in foreign country.
The best part was when she was talking about the man she must have married with. Chiisai...So


Aww, I'm out of money...
Should I change my part-time job, cause they only pay me 900yen for an hour?
I can't really say of that because people are so nice in my restaurant...

And yeah, I've got to make myself a lunch and a dinner I don't spend money...


Playing "MONSTER HUNTER Portable 3rd" now.
If you have any of the Monster Hunter series, I think you'll understand.
I don't think my IE class girls play it though......
I'm going to talk about this game today, so I hope someone knows something about it...
It's even better if you have once read the comics or seen the anime of INU-YASHA.

Obachan's garden

I thought Obachan was so sweet.
However, I wonder what she was fighter for every time in her life.
She looks very happy but also somehow she looks a little sad.
I felt that I have to go back to the start of her life to understand Obachan fully.


I'm craving for SNICKERS!! :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Obachan' garden

Obachan came to Canada to marry a man. But soon she regreted that and she decided to pay money to be free. I was really surprised with her ability to take action. My favorite part of this video is when obachan strongly refused the man because he was short. It was fun.


I had a dinner with IE3 members. We had a great time! Thank you for planning, Satoshi : )
I wanna hang out with all the members next time.


I think Obaachan's secret is that she had married to another man before she came to Canada, and had two children. If I were her child I would be sad not because she had other children but she hid the truth.

got a cold

 Maybe I caught a cold when I overslept with a friend who already had. (;▽;)  I think I need more time to sleep.


I had a dinner with IE3 members after school. We ate pizza! I had a fabulous time with them.

Obachan's Garden

I was very very surprised to hear that obachan emigrated to Canada for picture bride. If  I were her, I wouldn't be able to do such a thing. I can't marry a man I have never talked with. After watching this movie, I came to want to see my grandmather! I miss her.


Did she say something about Movie log?
I think it is due on June 15.


We're going to have dinner after this class:-)
With the ie3 classmates!
Not so many people is available today, so we might not wait for a long time lining up for the dinner

Linda Ohama

I was not able to see her but I heard something about her from my friend.
Though I cannot write a comment about her much, I respect her to help Japan after the earthquake last year. I am so surprised so many people have been helping Japan even the fact does not come into the light. Actually I had an opportunity to join a volunteer tour to Sendai last month. I could do little thing to people there, but at least I recognized that there were still many who suffer and we are the ones who help each other. Linda Ohama is one of the good examples to me.

Snoop Dogg

Do you know him?
I knew he was a hip-hop singer or something.
What I did not know about him, or American singers was that they had their own clear opinion about politics. When I was preparing for Listening report, I happened to watch this video.
It was the time there was an election for new president.

Movie log do tommorow?

I have a question to people who have IE3 class on Friday first period. Cory heard that movie log is do tommorow. Is that true?

book report

I am thinking about reading The Notebook for my next book eport.

I saw the movie yesterday, and it was great.

I will try hard on my next book report too.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I thought that I had done my assignments, which should be finished in this week.
But, I forgot doing my Media Discussion about environment.
Last time, I chose an article about it but I couldn't summarize the article so I have to change its paper.
And, I also forgot posting about Obaachan's Garden.

Although I'm finishing the first assignment after my bathing, the second one should be completed right now. Obaachan have a good bravery. it was very worried for her to go out Japan and to live in the foreign country then. Picture marridge means grooms and brides dicide to marry by looking a picture each other, I think. I don't want to do so. Hahaha! At that time, it's normal? I wonder.