short film by Shaun Tanner " The Lost Thing"
Setting: at a beach. I'm not sure what time pireod it is because it's an imaginary animational world.
There are humans and alienish creatures living together in this world.
Point of view : first person
Conflict : the conflict is between the man and the lost thing and society. ( the lost thing is in the form
of a giant teapot with alien like tentacle legs and crab like claws)
Climax : when the man and the lost thing find a whole new world beyond the wall that encircles
their own world.
Symbol : the lost thing symbolizes people who can't find their place in society. They are different
from the norm and do not fit in the dull monotonous world around them.
The grey building and the wall is a symbol conformity mm and restriction.
Irony : the irony is how different the world beyond the wall is from the world inside. Also the
grey factoryish building with no windows is supposed to be a safe haven for lost things .
However, it is just a confinement place.
Theme : Finding yourself or your place in society. The lost things are each persons creativity, identity
and will. Peole in society get absorbed and lose their creativity. Everyone falls into a rut and
follow the same monotonous life everyday. The world would loose it's color if we lost our