Come in and Blog On!

2023 Welcome to your IE 3 class blog. The object of this class project is to log in and write your comments, web links, answers to questions, and your questions to others at least twice a week. It's fun and you can include pictures or graphics. Keep it original, helpful, and interesting. Don't forget to spellcheck your work before publishing. Also, when you create your user name, please use your real first name, in Romaji (ex. Ryuki, Mari, Lisa, etc.) so that we know who we are communicating with. Enjoy, and Blog on!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I must first say that, overall, I have enjoyed most parts of the classes and they have greatly improved my English-writing proficiency. Thanks at least partly to them, I got the score of 24/28 in an essay test (the 1st grade of Eiken) and passed the first screening stage the other day. It is not quite impressive score, but more than enough to take me to the second stage. I feel very thankful to you all for that.

As a token of my gratitude to professor, here I will write some points both good and remaining to be improved which I wish would be of some help. I wrote some on the back side of the questionnaire, but the time was not enough.

Good points:

Professor's talks were practical and of general application in that they seemed to be quite necessary not just to survive university courses, but to do well in the real world after graduation. The advice was quite impressive to the effect that to be successful, one needs to do more than expected, rather than to be contented with having doing just bare minimum(but in the presentation part, I could not do even bare minimum).

Professor's attitude and class room atmosphere helped make me quite sure that in this class, it was safe to express one’s opinions and thoughts freely and this belief encouraged me to write political and historical issues freely. Very fair.

Points remaining to be improved:

It is maybe useful to make narrow the range of media discussion subjects. By doing so, it would become much easier to acquire a number of subject-related vocabularies and to deepen discussions.

Looking forward to seeing Armstrong the next semester in the academic writing class, being the “third” opportunity for me to see him in a class.


I don't really feel yet that IE class has finished today. However, I will face the fact when the second semester begins. One year and a half. It is the time I spent for the class. Though it seems that I spent many long time, I feel it was over before I realized what was happening. Honestly, I wish I would choose IE seminar. I think this is the only class to discuss about something with teacher and students for me while most class forms are lecture style. It is regrettable not to talk with class members enough. But, it is no exaggeration to say that this class gives me a broad outlook on life and influences my ability to think and my view of life. I am so glad to know a lot of things through the class. So, farewell IE class and Hello academic writing and skill.

Summer Vacation

Do you have plans in summer vacation?
I am going to visit Grandmother's house. I visit her every year. I am looking forward to meet her. Ican also meet my cousin.

I want to play with my friends in this summer and will take some qualifications.
I want to know your summer vacation's plans^^!!

Last weekend

Last weekend, I went to Yamagata with my family to visit a grave of my grandparents. We went there with our car, and it took about four hours from our house. There were a lot of delicious food such as cakes, fruits, and meat, so I bought many of them. Especially, peaches were really good. They were very sweet and fresh. We stayed at a Japanese-style hotel that night. The room was so big, so I could relax. The food in the hotel were also great! I want to go there again some days.

July 10th

Last Friday was my sister's birthday:) After school, I went to eat with my sister and my mom in Doma-Doma. I was sooo hungry so I ordered food a lot. All of the dishes in Doma were delicious so I was happy to go there and could enjoy. At the last, the waiters celebrated my sister's birthday and brought a big cake for her! It was really big so we could not eat all. However it was really good and happy to eat it.

Monday, July 13, 2009


We use many media in our lives to get information. In fact, there are many media around us. Especially, we often see posters in the trains, at school, and on the road. I think posters have strong messages. We get impressions from its pictures, letters and colors. The person who made it have some porposes and think about the designs again and again. So each posters has each characters. I like looking the designs of posters and magazines.


I think the word of media is so ambiguous to understand clearly.
TV is media,books and magazines are media, newspaper is also media and ad is media.
But, when I hear the word of media, I can't imagine the vision of media.
By the way, tomorrow I'll have my last IE class. I feel it was too short but I also think it was too long. So, it's so strange.


We have presentation tomorrow class and then IE core will be over!! It is last one for us..I can't believe it! The time flew by quickly, yes? Actually it was taugh for me to do media report and this blog everyweek and two book reports the class was fun though. Also it is so nice to talk with you guys. I will miss the class...anyway THANK YOU SO MUCH. x

So much fun

Last weekend, I had so much fun!
On saturday I and my firiends who have known since high school went for high school festival! It has been over one year when I saw one of friends last time. So it was so lovely meeting them! We met some of friends at the school, too. Also we met teachers whom I was taught before. It was really nice visiting there and I recalled the memories of days at high school. I felt thet high students were really young! lol I couldn't believe that I was a student of it two years ago...
Yesterday I went for dinner at Saizeriya with my friend who is aussie. She is soo cute and great. It is amazing that I can talk with her and know different culture. Also I can practice speaking English as well!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

IE class

Next Tuesday, our IE class is last. It is very sad; Recently, I became to be able to talk with many classmates, so I hope we will become more friendly:)

Saturday, July 11, 2009


I have five tests in this term. Though it looks it is easy to prepare for tests, the two subjects are very difficult for me to deal with. the subjects are civil law and the Constitution of Japan. they are required subjects of the department of law and I didn't need to choose them. But, I was interested in them when I was searching for the subjects in April because I wanted to be a public employee in that time. Studying civil law and the Constitution of Japan are indispensable to become a public employee. But, I lost interest in the job and it is just a burden for me. First of all, they are essay-type tests. the preparation for the tests gives me a lot of trouble. And I don't know what I have to do for the test of civil law because I couldn't attend the last class. It sounded the professor told the information. I asked the friends of department of law to tell me about the information. But, nobody knows it. If someone knows about it, please tell me about it.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Oh, if anyone wants the picture we took today, it's this :P

Today, we had our last presentations. It was really unique of how everyone presented, and the surveys were very interesting to see. It might have been better if we had more time to prepare for the presentations. Although it was our last class today, hope there will be an opportunity to meet again :)

What I learned in IE core class

We have learned and thought about media, environmental problems, cross-cultural communication and relationship. I learned that everything on the Earth include these topics are connected and there is nothing which has no means.
Every time our class had been think about these topics from several aspects.
I always found something new thoughts in the video which Dr.Armstrong shows us.
For example, I'd never thought about race before and I surprised that race is not just groups of nationalism or color of skin. Now I think my idea at that time was big-headed.I learned the importance of having a diversity identity. Big-headed sometimes causes factor of prejudice.This is an important source for becoming an international person and changing the world peace.
I appreciate sharing ideas with all of you :)
Thank you!!!

The Offender of Foreiner

I heard the news of foreigner.
She set fired the worker office employee because she has no job.
I was very sad to hear that news.
I thought Japan has more foreigners from now on, because Japan becomes the lowest birth rate and has a lot of elder people.
So, many foreigners will help Japan society and will play a role in the future.
And I think the affair like this will increase.
She should think Japan environment because now the most Japanese also have no work.
On the other hand, Japanese should think the difference between Japan and abroad country and offer the job where the foreigners feel comfort.
I think when Dr. Armstrong came to Japan, he also felt bad tempered.
But Japan has good points, too.
I think it is very hard to live in the other country.

Obirin university

Obirin university closed the school from last Tuesday to this Sunday,
because many people in Machida get influenza.
I think this may be helpful to prevent more people from get it.
However, many other school don't do so, and I am afraid that more and more people will suffer from influenza.
I have to wash my hands and put on cotton mask till the influence of influenza become small.
Everyone, please take good care of your body.

Part time job

I quit my part time job. I have workd there for one year and half. I hated my boss because he was a idiot! He was not really efficient. But he left the job like escaping. In addition to such a fool boss, There is also a person who has no ambitious. She relly annoying women. So, I feel releived to say I quit!

Happy and Save Money

I took the listening exam, but it was difficult for me.
These days, I am addicted to shopping, shopaholic^^!!
Things I want are all expensive. I have bought, so I have to save money rest of this month.
However I am happy that I can buy things I want.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


About media, I heard an interesting story about keio university from my friend
who goes there. He told me that there are newspapers that tell the students which
professor has interesting lessons and which has the most boring.Interesting isn't it ?
I think we should have does in Aoyama too lol

Good evening

Why is everyone being so gloomy!!
It's not the end of our relation is it not?
I really had fun with my IE class and I'm
thinking of making a club for this class to
come together after class is over. So it's not really
goodbye. Like what Dr. Armstrong said, "Everything is connected!"
we might have a class with the same member again (although I doubt it lol)
Anyways, I must say thanks for being such a awesome class!!!

IE Class

I'm sad that IE Class will be over next week.
I was so uneasy at the first class.
Although the class was little hard, I enjoyed the class.

Thank you!


I watched the news that Michael Jackson's ghost appeared.

I doubt whether it was right or not.
However, I watched the video clip of it.
It was so real and scary.
I believe that a little, watching it.

But I think media must broadcast the truth more beliefly and they should not inform the thing which is not clear exaggeratedly.


Today, IE writing was the last class. I felt really early to finish the first term. I was so sad. Moreover, Dr. Armstrong's class will be ended next week. However, there is a big problem. That is to say, we have to finish a lot of homework and study for the exams. Although I must study hard, I really feel sleepy.
Next week, I am going to go Shizuoka for the concert. Do you know "ap bank"? The members of it are Mr. Children, Takeshi Kobayashi who is a composer and so on. I like Mr. Children very much so I'm looking forward to going there.

Last Weekend

I went to Oze because I had basketball tournament games there. After school on Friday, we went to Oze by cars. On Saturday and Sunday, we had basketball games. We couldn't win the games only one time, we could enjoy the camp with teammates. But, because I had a could since last Wednesday, I was very hard and tired. In addition, I have a cold still now. I hope it will get better soon!

Today, the classes on Thursday was last. This means that the tests will come soon X(
I have 9 tests!!! That's too much, isn't it?? I'm very nervus.

Winding Down

Yes, Yuri, never fear. I will be there with cable in hand (well, bag . . .). Enjoying the comments and observations. Blog on!

I love IE3 class!

I can't believe that our class is over in one more day:( I really liked IE3 class, and it was very comfortable to spend time in. I liked the classmates, class activities, and of course Dr.Armstrong!!
I really really want to keep in touch with all of my classmates even this class finishes.
I'm so happy that I was one of the students in this class and be able to meet you guys! I still remember about the first day of class :) I think Kotaro was the first person who I talked to in IE3
Well, I hope our group presentation will go well tomorrow.
To Dr.Armstrong, could you bring the cable to connect Tomo's laptop and school's audio tomorrow for our presentation?

I am very sad

Our IE (Core) class will be over next Tuesday. (>_<。。) When I noticed that, I felt so sad! What a short time we shared! I want to learn in this class with my IE class members! However, I am going to take part in the class of Dr. Armstrong after the summer vacation, too!! I am very happy and I'm looking forward to attend the class!! I will learn more things from him!

In the present core class, I learned a lot of things and I became to feel that I should study myself harder than before. What I thought about the class, in particular, is that we did our best in terms of media discussion! We had to prepare this every class, so we did 9 reports in total. I think we got used to write media report much better and we could obtain the ability of English speaking skill. Since we had continued to feel hard in our class, we were able to improve our English skills!
I was glad to have the teacher Dr. Armstrong in our class and also happy to meet the class members. I really enjoyed myself.

Let's enjoy our last class on Tuesday next to our heart's content!!!

Good-bye/~ ^_______^

Last writing class

Now, I am having last writing class.
Mr. Hardgrave is very strict, but he is kind.
I thought he made me strong.
At first, I was shocked at the difficulty of English.
However, at last I enjoyed his class.
So, I am very sad to say good-bye.

I hope to do my best at the second half and also, the last Dr. Armstrong class

where are the sheep?

My shirt is stuck onto my body and I can't sleep.
I blame it all on skype and also apple for making 2star quality products called iPods where it takes you hours to figure out how to make it quit syncing your whole music library every time you plug it it. By the way I dropped and broke my iTouch, and Apple gave me a brand new one! But still it doesn't make their products any better.

I've also been going to a lot of shows recently. My friend who can't make any friends at school and I have nothing to do but look forward to the shows on the weekends. Yesterday we went to go see WWE to refresh ourselves.

Some of the shows were all nighters which I absolutely hate because as a student I would like to keep my life cycle balanced. Not only does it ruin my skin, but makes me feel miserable when I get up the next day at 4pm and realised I wasted a perfect day off. But shows are still fun. There basically the center of my life now.

One fun show I went to was this fairly large festival at Kawasaki Club Citta.
There wern't any bands I wanted to see, but I just wanted to meet my friends.
It was all night so I did't have to worry about the last train home, and most of my friends were there!
My brother who reminds me of nam-plaa (that fermented fish sauce they use in Thai food)

I went with my friend from highschool. During my highschool years, we always ate lunch and hung out all the time until she quit and left her house. the last time I ran into hew was in Shinjuku and god knows what she was doing on the streets.

I was happy and surprised how she called me on that particular day before the show when we haven't spoken to each other for almost an year.
I introduced her to my friend and told her about how shes a year younger than me and is living with some random guy in Ikebukuro.
And an interesting thing my friend told me is that she said "I kinda guessed because people who had family problems, usually when they talk, they don't have any feeling in the tone of their voice. Theres one girl like that at my school too"
WOW! Has anyone ever noticed this? Do you think so?

Anyways people were very crazy but I just wanted to sit down. In the venue, this is what was going on... :
Kids these days are just energetic! What happened to me?
The show ended with some terrible DJing by geki-rock but I had a blast

I went to another show that was all night again and did some DJing.

I was going to ask people questions for the questionnaires for our group presentation but no one took it seriously! Is it just me, or is everyone getting one word answers only? or "no comment!"?
Even if they didn't give me useful comments, you still gotta love the Versace sunglasses!

Good bye Michael Jackson.

To Shuya: Thank you for your comment! I'm sorry for late to answer. I know what you mean. I also wondered how Japanese communicate with foreign people at that time. the key was Dutch. It was interesting, but actually, I don't know how Japanese learned Dutch at Edo period so much. But it is obvious that there were many Dutch learners in Japan, so-called Rangakusya in Japanese. They mastered with nou only Ducth and also medical science. I'm sorry I can't come up your expectation....

Today, I cried to hear the words of Michael's doughter at the memorial service.I think people all over the world might cry, too. it was so sad.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

about media

Penetration of our daily life by the Internet has made it
possible for us to form ideas different from that imposed
by mass media. I'm quite positive that the world has not
seen a situation like this before.

Conventional media have, understandably,tried their best
to stigmatize information conveyed and opinions expressed
online as unreliable in order to keep their position.
Until recently, they were in a position to and did in actual
fact convey information in a unilateral fashion and achieve
the manipulation of public opinion. This bare fact, that
is, their effort in stigmatization, I think, proves their
admission of the power of the Internet in the formation
of ideas.

Since diversity of opinions and ideas is an essential pre-
requisite for democracy, the great achievement of the Inter-
net mentioned above cannot be overestimated.

But I have some concerns about the Internet. Here, I will
touch on just one of them―Google. Google has, partly with
the help of aquisition, say, of Youtube,been growing at an
alarming rate. It has almost cornered the Internet adver-
tisement market and been invading the market of application
softs, where Microsoft has long been criticized, say, iron-
ically enough, by Google ,for monopoly(this is mainly because
it has been made possible for many application softs to
operate on brousers, making unavailable Microsofts' traditional
starategy of tie-in sales).

It is well known about "platform business" that once one company
has cornered the market, it becomes quite difficult, maybe almost
impossible, for others to challenge it. Just imagine you start
a new SNS and could challenge mixi.

The concentration of power in the hands of one company is,
considering together that it deals mainly with information,
horrible to think.

The situation might go back to the time when the Internet was not
available to us.

Manga cafe

Yesterday, I visited Kichityouji after my last class was finished. It took more than one hour from Machida to Kichityouji and the train is always crowded in the evening. I was very disgusted by that because I was so tired. But, my friend was really angry when I managed to arrive at Kichityouji. he said "I couldn't understand why you were so late". It made me really irritated. Well, dear my friend, I had an objection to that. First of all, as I mentioned, Kichityouji is far from my hometown, Machida. And, the reason you felt I was late is your hometown is very close to Kichityouji. So, you could get to Kichityouji only ten minutes. I wish you could be really an considerate person. Anyway, After that, we ate ramen in Bubuka ( Abura Soba is quite delicious) and played billiard for one hour. He is good at billiard though he has played billiard a couple of time. And we went to Manga Cafe. It is my first time to go to Manga Cafe in Tokyo. Honestly, contrary to my expectation, it was not good in service and room. room is not clean and I couldn't find manga I wanted to read. After all, I spent the night watching movie I borrowed from TSUTAYA. I don't recommend to go to Manga Cafe in Tokyo. I will never visit it.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Yes and No


MJ had complexes about just about everything about himself, it seems! Like you, I thought for a long time that he had bleached his skin and wore make-up to look white. I still think he did that as well, but it is now documented and well-accepted that Michael Jackson did, bizarrely and ironically, suffer from the rare skin condition of vitiligo, an auto-immune syndrome that manifests itself with attacks in the skin against melanin cells (the cells that give our skin color-the more melanin, the darker our skin; the less, the lighter). What a hard time this guy had!


We are going to take previousterm exermination in July and I have 8 ones at this time. How many tests do you have? I feel nervous even from now because they are all difficult. However, I had 13 ones when I was a freshman.

Nevertheless, I am going to do quite a few things during the summer vacation - Going back to my hometown, doing my homework (some reports), studying English, going shopping with my friends, taking part in a camp to get a car licence, and so forth. I also have more what I want to do during the summer vacation - going somewhere as a trip with someone or alone etc. , but I am not able to do them all. I also need to get some money by doing part time job!

For all students, studying is the most important thing and it is duty for us, too. Though we ought to consider it as an indispensable component, we always tend to forget this and aome students abandon it. We should notice it. Also I want to act like this.

See you then!

many works

I have many things to do. But, I'm so lazy that I finish them quickly. I have some plans for my summer vacation. So, if summer vacation start, I'll be able to have fan, but now I'm so nerves.

Last Tuesday Film

Different race can connect each other by singing and dancing.
They can enjoy even if skin color are different.
Michel messaged it by his performance, I think.

black or white

Michael Jackson wanted to tell us there is no difference if each people's skins are different. Once I heard he had a complex that he is African American. Then his skin started to be white. Some people said he had a disease of skin. I don't think so. But if he had a surgery to be white, why he did? There was contradiction between what he did and what he sang.

Last weekend

Last Saturday, I had a club activity. Some OB and OG were coming that time, and I was so happy to see them. It was a hot day, so we sweated a lot and needed to take drink much. I was very tired but could enjoy it. After the activity, we went to eat together! I ate a lot because I was really hungry and all of the food were really good. We then went for karaoke until 5 am. Although there were some people sleeping, we sang many kinds of songs and enjoyed till next morning. After we said good bye to my club members, five of us went to McDonalds to have a breakfast. We stayed there about 6 hours though we were tired and sleepy. It was sooo fun and I could spend a good time.

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Media

I think we can't avoid the media around us if we live at present because we get so much imformation from it while we don't notice that. We always think it is very convenient to have much imformation just through the media, but we also have to noice it is so dagerous to take all of imformation from the media, for it isn't necessarily correct imfoemation. Therefore, we need to take care of the point as much as possible. For example, comparing imformation such as book, TV and internet. I think the imformation by other people is also important media.

Under a large amount of imformation, we have got to think what to do in our daily life one by one. We will face more and more imformation in the future, so choosing right imformation for us is becoming important thing. We had better consider it more seriously.

see you!

This morning

I watched the prohibition part of "Black or White" in this morning on TV.

I don't know why this part was prohibited.

I think that he wanted to appeal that discrimination about people's skin should have been vanished.

This part has his message more strongly than the PV which we watched last class.

Black or White

I was shocked at the news of Michael Jackson's death. I could not believe at the first when my friend told me he died. Michael Jackson has greatly influenced people in the world by his songs. No matter the skin colors, languages, and customs, many people loved and listened to his songs. He tried to get rid of differences between people and this was one of his goals. I also think we should judge people not only their looks, but their inside things like their personality or kindness. Michael Jackson tought us a lot and I really think he was the king of pop and influenced everywhere in the world.

Hang in there, Yumi!

Sorry to hear of your bad day. I know the feeling about cell phones. I often turn mine off. Don't feel guilty. Sometimes we just need to be by ourselves . . . This is called "balancing your use of technology."

Things will be better another day.


Last weekend, I had circle activity at Shibuya and which was last one for the half term. Some OB and OG were coming for us to join it! It was so nice meeting them because I have not seen for a while. After activity, we had parties. I'm bad at drinking much so I just had foods and talk with friends. At the midnight, we went for Karaoke and stayed up all night! Some of us were sleeping and some were having fun, very tired though. In the morning, I went straight home and was off to bed right away!!!
I'm working on my book report for tomorrow...I don't think I will be able to finish during today.ummm..Although Pride and Prejudice is really great book it is hard to analysis. Try hard and do my best.

Animal Farm

I chose it for book report material. I had not been
interested in novels, but this masterpiece made me
into so-called dystopian novels. Im determined to
read brave new world and the time machine this summer.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The mass media

The mass media concentrate too much on the private lives of famous people.
I have three reasons for supporting this idea.
First, the media are very responsible to scandals.In fact, they expect the gossip and carry articles without confirmation and suggesting. This can easily influence on famous people's imagines whatever it is good or bad. It often makes famous people feel sad, angry, hurt. For example, Michel Jackson hurt his heart by black discrimination. I think it lead to his death.
Second, the mass media often give information which is an invasion of privacy as "Paparazzo" do. I think it is not fair. The mass media should respect famous people's private.
Third, the mass media sometimes tell lies. So I often can't believe the scandals or gossips.This makes me less interested about it.

Black or White

We watched the music video "Black or White" by Michael Jackson! I really love the song. In this video, there are lot of people who are from over the world. And the lyrics, "It doesn't matter if Black or White" as it is a title, we can see that Michael wants to insist people are all same. It doesn't matter our color of skins to get along. I think that all of his songs describ this kind of meanings. That's why his songs are loved all over the world.
Yesterday, I went for Karaoke with my friends and sang his songs , Thriller, Beat it, Billie Jean etc..for mourning!! Also I realized how sad we missed the King of Pop...RIP.


Yesterday, I failed at part time job.
I thought I had no part time job, so I wanted to sleep for long time.
I set silent manner mood of my mobile phone.
I noticed the phone was ringing.
I was late for an hour.

I do not like cell phone.
So, sometimes, I set this mood because cell phone seems to restrain me.
But I learned if I set this mood, cell phone is nonsense.
When it was necessary to coexist with carrying well, I realized it.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

transformer revenge

I watched "transformer revenge" in a movie theater in Kawasaki. It is far from my home in Machida and there is a movie theater near Machida. The one reason I took the trouble to watch it is IMAX. It is a motion picture film format and the quality of image is

the highest. therefore, audience can enjoy the the feeling of being at a movie scene. In Japan, there are only three theaters that the system is introduced. the one of them is in 109 cinemas in Kawasaki. And it is the first movie to be released in IMAX theater. Though it costs 2000 yen, it is worth watching it even if it costs 3000yen. By the way, the movie was really excellent, the budget is two hundred million dollars and the battle scene of autobots and decepticons are really exciting. You should watch it in IMAX theater. Incidentally, new Harry potter movie is also going to be released. I will watch it absolutely while it is test term.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Black or White

I watched "Black or White" music video by Michael Jackson in last class.
I think he wants to say equality of people in this video.
The color of your skin or the race is not matter.
You should judge the people not their races but their own personality.
I love this song so I searched its lyrics on the Internet.
I'm surprised when I looked at the lyrics because I'd never expected that content of this song is so serious. He was a first super star of Black. When he succeed in his business, the society still discriminate Black people. I think he might be tired of color discrimination.

Survey Cheaply!

Jaime, Ryosuke, Kotaro and others:

Want a way to get lots of survey responses quickly, without copy costs? Email or text the survey to all your friends. Be sure to carefully keep track of their responses. Just a thought.

*The Poster*

I have found the posters when I'm on the way to school. I also got interested in that because the pictures were so attractive and the messages made me to think the manner in the train. I hope people especially businessman to look at the poster and realize how their behaviors are.

My Idol

Since everyone is talking about Michael I thought I would blog about him a little too.
Michael Jackson has been an idol for me since I was in kindergarten. I went to his concert
when I was 1 (don't remember anything though) and I would dance to his video "Moon Walker".
He must have been one of the many favorite artists for many of the people who loves pops in Aogaku as well. Unlike what Anthony said last week, I don't think he was sexually into children.
I think since of the career he has been having since 5 in age, he really wanted to have a childhood, and take a break with all that work.
Michael rest in peace.

the pictures up on this are my three favorites

YUSAKU: I think they don't like the talking in trains cause of the pacemaker people on it gets effected.

pretty please with tomato on top?

Miki : Did you already go to Sakuragicho I missed the day where they had the gigantic spiders but I really want to go to the exhibition soon. In fact I only live 20 minutes away! And I always wondered how people were able to communicate using English and Japanese back then, but still, how did the officials of Nagasaki learn English?


I was going through some old photos from 2-3 weeks ago, and I totally forgot to share this :

What do you think this is?

YES! it's a veggie short-cake! The sponge is green from Komatsuna ( I looked it up online, and since it's a Japanese vegetable, theres no English name for it) and instead of straw berries, it has tomatoes inside!

This is a zucchini mousse cake, and the second photo is a avocado rare cheese cake & carrot tart.

It was very different from what I expected. I was very please by how they hardly use any sugar so it wont cancel out the distinctive flavor of each vegetable but it's still weak. You must have a delicate and sensitive tongue to enjoy the zucchini cake, but I really like the idea.

To tell you the truth, I hated this store because I thought the producer Aya Kakisawa
"stole my idea" hahaha
I have always had many ideas for cakes and even made cupcakes using vegetables on valentines day myself. When I first saw Aya Kakisawa on TV I was angry because they were making a big deal out of what I have been doing since 3 years back with my friend. She even said it wasn't her idea, but a customer asked her to make an unusual cake.

The neat thing was that she was going to visit the high school I graduated from to talk about her career. I skipped class and went to my high school to find out I came on the wrong day. I had to skip class again and finally got to see her.

I then completely changed my opinion on her. She has been studying macrobiotic cooking for a long time so she has the knowledge and skills on how to deal with different types of vegetables while keeping it healthy; something I was completely foreign to. She even visits numerous farms and picks out the best organic vegetables in the country. It just happened so that she had a customer who wanted her to bake a unique cake and she just had komatsuna leaves lying around in the kitchen. I saw her in a new light and had much more respect for her after her presentation.

After that I got to meet her. It was funny how someone told her that I came on the wrong date. She was very happy when I told her I went to her store.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Yokohama 150 anniversary

It is anniversary of Yokohama port's opening this year. The Yokohama was opened at 1859, an Edo period. Now, in the Yokohama city, festival is held. there are many events.
By the way, at that time, do you know who transrated the English into Japanese? The answe is the official of Nagasaki. The Nagasaki was opened earlier than Yokohama so there are Nagasaki officials called Nagasaki Tsu-ji. Nagasaki Tsu-ji transrated the English to the Dutch at first, and then, transrate it into Japanese, finaly,Japanese can communicate with Amarican.
I learned this fact at my basic seminar today.
The form transrating among two more language is called Relay Transration. This is a one style of many ways of interpreter. I thought that there must be many problems at that time when there were no erectrical dictionary.

Michael Jackson

We watched a video of Michael Jackson in our IE class.
In this Video, there are many people who are Black and White. Though the color of skinsare different, all of them enjoy the music and the space together. This video tells me that the color or race don't connect with life, we can enjoy thgether and all of us are same human beings.
I was shocked when I knew that Michael Jackson died. I knew that he had cosmetic surgery to change the color of his skin. I thought that he didn't need to do so. And I can't understand that people aroundhim said to him about his color of skin. I think if he didn't have cosmetic surgery, he could live longer.


Yesterday, when I got up, I had headache and throatache. So I took my temprature, I had heat, 38.6 X( I couldn't go to the practice of basketball. I wanted to go there because I go to the camp from this Friday to Sunday. I am anxiety about the camp ;O
Everyone, take care of your health!!


I think twitter is useful for many people because we can know what our family and friends are doing now. But it has also bad points. For example, people depend on some machines; cellphone, Internet, blog and so on. Then, directly communication will be gradually decreasing. Some years ago, people could get along with other people without cellphones. Also, there is some risks that bad person will use this system in a bad way. We should use it carefully.

Black or White

Michael Jackson was dead on last week.
I was very surprised at this news.

He tells us importance of our identity, I think.
It is important for human to look at our inside.
The appearance is not important.
But the person who was chewed up about the appearance was Michael.
So he had plastic surgery and broke his identity on himself.
And then, he was not satisfied with himself and wanted the perfect appearance.

I thought our identity is important.

Please do it outside.

On Saturday, Yuri and I were at Roppongi and at the station, I saw the poster of "Please do it outside". It was my first time so I was excited. I took a picture with my cellphone and I think everyone thought that I was weird. I looked for other, but I couldn't find any. I'll keep on looking for them!


I went to Macdnald yesterday. and I ate Happy set. I often eat Jucy Chicken Redpapper but yesterday had a figure of Pikachu!!


His death was very shock to me. When I was a high school student, I use to dance "Moon walk" I think that movie show us that the world is connected. If we cant't understand the language, we can communicate through dance and sing.


I had a cold and fever, so I was absent from school. Now I only have a cough and s sore throat. I staied at my house whole two days after a long time. I slept all the two days. I feel much better!!!
Be careful not to be had a cold like me! The due of the final book report is come soon!!!


I talked about this last class but I guess I'll talk about it again.
To everyone who is watching this blog. How do you think when a
person starts slurping juice after it is empty?
I just can't stand the sound. I was taught not to do it since childhood,
so maybe it's just me but I just can't stand it!!

Manners on the train

Personally, I don't mind people making up or even talking on the phone on the train. But I can guess why those behaviors are considered rude in Japan. What they have in common is that they possibly make people feel alienated or kind of neglected. When someone started to make up or talk on the phone, the people around him or her would become objects, I mean, not humans, or people he or she doesn't have to care at all. I guess that kind of sense makes some people mad in Japan, where "accordance" is a noble virtue.

I really enjoyed your video:)

Nothing is forever

I just looked at the poster Dr. Armstrong posted, but I thought the ban with the glasses was supposed to be the one LOOKING at the person with "bad manners" on the train, but that clearly is him, and no, you're supposed to barf in the restrooms!
I ride the subway so the manner posters I see on there are different and rather dull. I still don't understand why putting on make-up is considered bad manners. I bet I can ask the people at the train station or the person who made the poster, and they wouldn't be able to give me an concrete answer.
I'll write more on manners tomorrow.

Last week Michael Jackson passed away. Honestly, I wasn't a fan all that much, but when I read he passed away, it felt like my elementary school got burnt down, or perhaps a building I saw everyday that was in front of my house is now suddenly gone. If I said "it would never feel the same" I would be over-exaggerating, but he will be missed. It's just absolutely disgusting how his ex-wife who never looked after the kids is now all of a sudden claiming inheritance. Isn't she embarrassed? If MJ's father showed more love to him, maybe he would have lived a healthier life?
On Friday, right after school I went to Shibuya to meet up with my sister.
We went to Tower Records to see Michael's "hand"...

My sister who was a huge Michael fan would from time to time yell "WHY DID HE DIE??" out loud while walking in Shibuya...

On Monday, she played a show and after she sang her set, she came back out to sing a tribute song for Michael called "Ben"
She covered this song on her 2nd single and there were a lot of people in the crowd crying it was unbelieveable.

He may be dead, but his legacy still lives on in her.


June 25 2009, the king of pop passed away. When I heard this news first, I couldn't believe that.
I love Micheal Jackson and his songs, dance music video everything! I was still shocked.

Last Tuseday, we watched one of the Michael's music video "Black or White" in the class. I've knowen this video and song because I have the Michael's CD and DVD and have watched again and again before. I think Michael tried to tell us the color of skin is no matter. A performance which Michael strokes his face by his hand means that the color of skin is no matter. He was born as a black but at this time, Michael was in a transition point to be white man from a black man.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Listening to Kevin Kelly

Kevin Kelly said in his speech that although some of us might claim that the phenomenon of everything becoming a part of the web is very questionable, we are dependent on so many things other than the Internet such as languages and so on. And that, therefore, we should be willing to accept the total transparency, which is a consequence of total personalization through the web, in the future.
I really disagree with him because I don`t think we`re dependent on the languages we use on everyday life-for in my opinion we can be depend on sth that is external.

Barf at the Pub!

Admittedly, my favorite Yorifuji poster:

Black or White

The last class was my first time to watch "Black or White."
I think that PV suggested any people are same.
Whoever he or she is, how old one is, or wherever one lives, they are equal.
So the title of this song, Black or White, means black skin or white skin is not so important thing to live with.
I love the last part of the PV. Many people's faces changes one after the other.
I felt people's good connection.

And, I like this music too, "We Are The World."
This is very good song which means helping each other is wonderful.

Black or White

I watched a Michael Jackson's music video, "Black or White"
In this music video, people from all over the world were singing and dancing.
There is no difference between people with whiteskin and people with black skin.
In the past, people with black skin were regarded as inferior to people with white skin and discriminated. And man people had had this bias for long time, and it was very difficult to take this bias away. I don't know whether this bias has been taken away completely now.
And I think what "Black or White" wants to convey us is all people are equal and skin color is not important for us.

Michael Jackson is a very popular singer all over the world, and it played a big role in changing ideas of people about racial discrimination that Michael Jackson showed the racial equality through his work.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Black or White

We watched "Black or White" , Michael Jacjson's pv.
I watched it for the first time.

I think he would like to appeal that there is no difference whether people are white or not.
Additionally, he would like to say people should not discriminate by the race of people.

I was so astonished by the news of his death.
I thought he was crazy before, but I heard some news about him on TV, I feel bad about it.
I hope he has a good time and enjoy music in the heaven.

Michael Joseph Jackson "BLACK or WHITE?"

Our class watched a video named "BLACK or WHITE?" which is a Micheal Jackson's CD single and the video is the PV. In this PV, Micheal is a medium(we learned the word "medium" in our class today!) and he is trying to tell us something. I think what he tells is that there is no border on the earth because quite a lot of people with various races are appearing in the PV. Additionally, even if you are a white man, black man or xanthous man(it means "yellow man"), you can understand other people and other people can understand you as well. In short, we are all same, we are all human-beings.

"We are all a part of God's great big family~♪"

"Love is all we need~♪"

"We are the world, we are the children~♪"

You must know this song! The title is "We Are The World"

I also hope like Micheal that the border on the earth will disappear and we all human-beings will become equal, then we will be able to understand each other!!


See you then!

Black or White

Today, we saw Michael Jackson's pv, "Black or White." I saw it for the first time. I think this video has strong messages. At first, music is freedom for everyone. People should enjoy music. Let's sing and dance together. At the same time, everyone has freedom without regard to age, sex, race and generation.
Although I was not an enthusiastic fan of Michael Jackson, I was really shocked at the news of his sudden death. I like his songs and dancing. To look back his life, he had a lot of troubles because he was famous and popular man. I hope he can have a good time without caring other people in the heaven.

Michael Jackson

I think this is my first time to watch his music video. Before I watch this video, I consider him eccentric person by his gossip about sexual abuse to children and cosmetic surgery. But, this Video drove away my wrong impression because he was so cool. Now, I can understand why many people like him. I think this video describes that skin color doesn't decide who you are and the message is to overcome the difference of our sense of values. I interpret the message from

the scenes that many different people including native American were dancing with Michael Jackson. It is very impressive and I realized that he is really an excellent man. By the way, Do you know why his skin color became white? Most Japanese Media reported that he wanted to be white or he gave up being black. Neither of these report is true. The fact is he was sick called Vitiligo. It causes the loss of producing pigment in your skin. So, the reason he wore mask and sunglasses is to protect his skin from ultraviolet rays. I think it is shameful that the Media reported about it humorously and I am so sorry for him. May he rest in Peace!

Twitter is...

I think it is good because we can know that the person is doing now. I found that my favorite rock band joins twitter. It is natural that if someone you like such as actors or musicians write twitter, you are interested in it. Aren't you? So am I. But, I'm so lazy. So I think I'll be tired of it soon even if I use it.


I had BBQ in futakosinchi on sunday. But the weather was so bad. So we have to work so hard. After BBQ I back to my home and sleep.


I looked the manner poster in ie class. But I never seen the poster. So I want to see the poster in private. The poster is so simple, so we can understand what that want to say.


Today, we can get a lot of information from the media. It includes TV, newspapers, internet, etc. You can say that now we cannot live without them, and it is really necessary for us. Many people have accounts of SNS like mixi, facebook, myspace, blog, messanger, skype, etc, and enjoy their time on the accounts. We can make friends and good connections and tell your friends about yourself and the events you did. We can also share information, so we can know a lot of new things. I think it is a good thing for people who are not good at talking face to face, so I recommend using those accounts.


I checked Twitter the other day! It looks very easy and useful to tell the situation. But it is little bit troublesome because unless having machinery, we can't update our information. Maybe we don't have time to update many times. I think that it is useful for TV entertainer or so. It is very nice for fans to know what they are doing because usually we can't know the daily life of them! I have account of Facebook. I use it very much because I can keep in touch with friends who live far away. And it contains not only uploading statement but also photos etc. So I think it is useful than Twitter.
I'm going to visit Odaiba with my friend from Australia soon! can't wait!

Monday, June 29, 2009

My opinion about manner

I have seen those posters at some Tokyo metro stations. I think they are good to show what is good or bad to people. But, I also think those manners on the posters are all common senses and we should understand about them without seeing the posters.
And I can't stand someone sits on the train spreading his or her laps . If I sit next on him or her, I feel unpleasant. They can sit without spreading laps!


There are many ways which tell us information. Thanks to them, we can know many information timely and certainly. In addition, each of them have each distinction, so we can choose the way according to the situations. Recently, I often use the Internet to get information which I want to know. The Internet is useful to so so, because it gets information faster than the newspapers or TV. But I think the Internet have disadventage, too. It is that the Internet have some wrong information and uncertain information. In fact, there are many accidents with Internet. So we have to care about getting infornation from each media.

Yesterday, I went to bowling with my friends of circle. We enjoyed it, but the clerks were angry. Because we took too long time for one game. So we have to hurry! In addition, we drank then, so we couldn't do as usual>< We could enjoy it, so that's no problem:)


I like watching TV very much. I see news in the morning, variety show and drama at night. I enjoy it. At the same time, I can know a lot of things, for example, happenings of foreign countries, politics and so on. However, we should be careful to them because their information can be false. Moreover, media have strong influence. Both people sending and people recieving have to think deeply.

Manner poster :D

I think manner posters are a great idea to realize how bad manners annoy people. However, I don't think these posters are really improving bad manners on the train. I still see people who are listening to music in a loud volume,talking on a phone and fixing make-up. I think people who are behaving bad manners never realize their actions are annoying people around them. So are these posters accomplishing its goal? I feel its just attracting people who are passing by and giving enjoyment.

I wonder why are they only on Tokyo Metro.

This picture is Yurika being excited because she saw this poster for the first time at Roppongi station this Saturday!lol

About Media

I think that a lot of information is too much by mass media. Sometimes there is unnecessary information.
We are confused by incorrect informaeion, so I want mass media to spread only correct and true information and at the same time we have to judge and distinguish incorrect information.

Too Hot!!

Today is very hot(><)!!!!
Last weekend, I play with friends of my part time job and we went to karaoke.
I had fun time. Playing with friends I do not usually do is fun for me. Although these days I am very too busy and tired, I can reflesh by playing. However this week I have to prepare for book report 2, so I will be busy><.

My favorite ones

Manner Posters

I knew these posters last summer and I thought it's a good idea to let people know what not to do in the train. I hadn't realized that same guy is in every poster until Dr. Armstrong told us on last Friday. It's really funny. I feel irritated that people talk on the phone, throw up, spit, and eat some smelly foods in the train. I can't understand people who don't care other people around them.
Last Saturday night, some guy was spitting in the train and that was really really disguisting. I think he should have wiped his spit at least....

I love this poster best!


I sometimes see Mr. Yorifuji's manner posters on the trains or in stations. I think it is a good idea to make manner posters because people can mind their manners when they saw them. The train's manners are very important and people must know them. There are pictures on those posters, so they are easy to understand what we should not do. I often see people who do not obey the rules of trains. We need not to forget those manners when we use trains.

Manner Poster

I've seen the manner posters on train or at station. I thought that these posters are very funny and it is fun to see each poster. But it is proper that not to do the action of posters. I wonder why Japanese can't do something natural. Lately there are so many people who don't have common knowledge even adults. I even think that common knowledge doesn't exist.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


I'm kind of interested in Twitter. I've heard of it when I was in the U.S. But I had no idea what that is and i didn't care at all.
It's interesting that 140 letters at maximum and you can read people's messages around the world.
But since I can't keep up with writing down diary or blog regularly , I don't think I will make Twitter account. I think Twitter is very useful for short conversation though.

About Media

On Friday or Saturday, I watched a TV program about a sarin accident which occured in Nagano in 1994.Through this TV program, I realized how influential media are.

At first, many news programs said that Kouno Yoshiyuki might be a climinal. In fact, he was a victim of the accident and he and his wife suffered from the sarin. However, many news programs convey the information about the accident without enough proof, and he and his family suffered from the harassing such as silent calling. And this continued by the time it turned out that this accident was caused by Omu shinrikyou.
Finally, many media apologized to him, but we cannot forget this accident.

I think mass media have very big effect on our information so they have to convey true information and be resiponsible for what they convey.


I had never seen the poster which Dr.Armstrong showed us.
However, today, when I went to Shinjyuku with my elder sister to go shopping, I saw the poster at the station.
I think the poster makes us funny and that is really good.
Most of the manner poster is not funny that is the reason why we don't attract attention to it.
I think we have to more strict about manners and inculcate people's mind that breach of manners is not cool.


I saw the manner poster at Tokyo Metro for the first time at last class.

I think it is funny, simple and clear.
It is easy to understand. It is good for every people.

I hope public manner improve more by watching these posters.

Manner posters

I knew the existance of manner posters that serve the nine lines of the Tokyo Metro subway system by Bunpei Yorifuji for the first time at the last IE class. I honestly have never seen them before!! Then, I searched the manner posters in google and I found many posters. I'll show you some!!
I've not seen the person like this yet(^^;)

I love it(^o^)/

Both pictures are too funny!! \(>v<)/ I like the pictures Yorifuji drew and the way of painting! It's very simple and easy to understand! Also I like his way of reminder! The word "let's" doesn't make us think it is our duty and I feel it has a lot of warmth - like you can do it!

I think these social reminder is necessary for us because actually there are many people noticed they had caused some people trouble, thanks to these pictures. Even if these pictres are there, some people might not correct their wrong. However I'm sure these pictures help many people!

It should be continued in the future!

See you !!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I'd never know about Twitter before Dr. Armstrong told us.

I think Twitter is similar to mixi. I am mixi user but I never wrote my journal or post my picture.That's because I am lazy and I also don't want to do it. I don't know even how to post. I think I don't need everyone to know about my private life. On the other hand, I want to know my friends life. This is the reason why I continue mixi.
I think these Internet services like Twitter and mixi is really useful to communicate with people.
However, it is sometimes become a weapon to heart people, I think. Is this the reason why Dr.Armstrong never participate Twitter?

Tokyo Metro Poster

I have seen this poster many times. The first time I saw it, I thought the things written on the poster was perfectly natural. Why did they need to make this type of poster? Women don't want to put make up on the train, they're just using time wisely. Drunk people don't want to barf in the train or sleep on the seats, they just don't feel well. Of course, it doesn't feel good looking at people throwing up, but they can't help it. Is it only me who think this way?


Last Tuesday Dr. Armstrong showed us some posters but I have never seen them. I think these that posters are very unique. Most of posters emphasizes messages than designs. So they are sometimes boring. However, I think these posters have both messages and fun.
There are a lot of posters around us, for example, release of CDs or books, shops, sale information and special events. People don't tend to think of them deeply. Posters have various messages. In particular, messages for bad manner and smoking are very important. We should see wider area.


Today, we have a lot of media.
And it gives us the various information.
But I do not know whether its information is true or not.
I think we are controlled by media.
Now, Michael Jackson's news appear, a while ago, the media was full of new flu.
But now new flu is happening.
We cannot already get information of it...
It is very bad point of media.


Twitter is really useful.
I sometimes use it to know whether the train is overdue or not.
This information is fast and useful.

I have not joined it yet, only reading;(
But I want to join it if I have a free time.

Please do it at home

I have seen this kind of posters on the train some times.
But not until Dr. Armstrong introduced us the posters, I never cared about them because what the posters mean ia common sense.
I never put on making-up or lying on the sofa on the train, however I've seen some peoploe doing so. While I want nobody to do so, I cannot warn people who seem not to care manner.
So I think this kind of poster is needed to recognize us what manner is again.

On the other hands, I think it is not a good tendency that Japanese come to be less careful about manner. We should act neatly and try not to annoy others in public without any warnings. So we need to make sure how we should act in public again.

Friday, June 26, 2009


I have not seen the poster.
This time was the first time.

I thought all most of the Japanese, including me, have no moral mind, today.
So there are many posters in Japan like this.
Moreover, the age have changed.
Women who make up in the train are not ashamed, because everyone do the same thing in the train.
I thought The time when the age have changed was our parents age.
Grandmothers and grandfathers have moral mind and they take attention to something like making up.
But my parents age people pretend not to look at that thing.
We, our age people should have more moral mind.

Got manners?

Today, Dr. Armstrong showed us an article of a graphic artist who has produced a different kind of manners poster. I was really pleased that FINALLY someone has said something about people(generally businessman and college students) who vomit on trains and platforms. I think people who do so should take a good look at these posters and realise that it's something you are not supposed to do and other people are disgusted by these acts! However, I have a different point of view from the poster when it comes to the issue that women shouldn't put on their makeup on trains. I am used to seeing women putting on makeup on trains and it doesn't bother me at all.
The older generation tend to dislike watching women do so, but maybe it's just a generation gap.
If I could make a poster like these, I would draw a picture of a man reading an obscene manga or a dirty magazine on a train and write "Please do it in your own room" on top of it.

Michael has died

I can't believe it!!
Michael Jackson has died.

Everyone's talking about it.
There must be tons twittering about it too.


I think twitter is something very concise and wonderful.
Maybe if we make a movie with kids twitting and taking over school
might be fun.


It's been almost a full year since I came to Japan, and I think I've never been this busy in my life but I think I'm managing. During this time I've actually noticed something peculiar about how the Japanese don't really think about subtle implications when they interact with someone. For example I know an American man who married a Japanese woman. On the man's birthday his wife bought him a nose hair clipper. Now the man was worried about how his wife might be insinuating that his nose hair is always sticking out, but from his wife's perspective she was just simply buying it because it was his birthday. I can relate to this and I've had some times when I've wondered if the Japanese person I'm talking to is actually hinting at something when ever they say something that seems out of place. I've learned to not think too deeply about it but then if I overdo it then people will think I'm "KY"... Coping with different cultures is hard :(


The amount of reputation twitter is gaining for its role as a de facto news source is a bit absurd. The media (I'm looking at you CNN) are over glorifying twitter. They claim that twitter will herald a new era of citizen journalism but what they fail to realize is that these "journalisms" lack a critical aspect: credibility. How do we know that what these people are twittering are entirely true? The fact is that we don't. With big news corporations there are at least regulations that prevent these kind of faux news (no pun intended). Some may say that if the majority of the people are writing about it, it must be true, but then groups of people can coordinate to write something that is completely untrue or biased,l effectively making the story the majority; couple this with something that appeals to people's emotions (i.e. shocking photos, touching stories, etc.) and voila, you get people believing in it. My guess is that someday some organizations such as an internet forum will attempt to orchestrate something like this and end up duping the entire world. This kind of discredit to services such as twitter will actually be necessary. It's a bit unnerving how easy it is for us to believe information fed to us given the right circumstances.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Omg! This blog's background changed! Cool!

Reflecting on tegoyuri's blog, I believe paparazzi are a tough job. Even though they are actually destroying celebrity's privacy, they can't just scamp their job because we are able to get celebrity's information due to their I know that in Hollywood, paparazzi are just rude! and outrageous manner! But what if there weren't any paparazzi? We won't be able to know any of the interesting news about talents, which I believe most of the people have seen at least once on TV or Internet sites or magazines.

Oh! One thing I was surprised today was that we discussed about "Twitter" in different class :) It was in Ibunka communication class. When I heard the word Twitter in that class, I was proud of myself that "I know Twitter"!lol Thanks to Dr. Armstrong!

The media

I have been wondering how the media influences our thought and the situations in the world, in the United States the media is manly concerned of the number of the viewers they get. As a consequence they air those new that attract the viewer`s eyes such as the news of Iraq. The media is a source of our understanding of the world and if it`s unreliable, how can we understand the world clearly? In addition to the fact, most of the news stems from the same source such as AP wire survices, therefore, it`s really difficult to get the news that viewed the world events from the different point of view. I think we have to revolutionalize the media and out use of it.

Twitter: What are you doing?

I have never taken part in twitter and also I've never participated in mixi;; because it is very hard for me to write own journal and I don't like to check my friend's one - I feel I sneak a look at someone's private, or I hardly use my cell-phone every day and I haven't done packet discount since I bought my cell-phone for the first time!!(I know it is available by PC, but it takes a lot of time.) I always use it only to send e-mail or call someone. Of course my friends are all surprised after I talk about that. Dr. Armstrong also have never taken part in Twitter or mixi. That amazed me, but he said that he is always read a lot of books, so I think he feels the things like twitter is waste of time. He loves to read some books but he doesn't like that he can't gain any knowledge, I think. Am I wrong, Dr Armstrong?

Although I've never used twitter at the individual level, I think it is very good tool to share personal life with others because you can talk with everyone every time and everywhere. It is filled with fun, I think. However, I think there are some bad points to use twitter, for instance, we become to be the people who seldom talke with our family and tha bond with them will be thinner and weaker. It is very horrible and we somehow try to pretend this.

Anyway, I won't participate in twitter forever!!


I can't understand why Dr. Armstrong doesn't decide to take part in twitter. He doesn't seems to be too lazy to write its articles. He also doesn't seems to not good at using computer. May be he is secretive. I'm so interested in twitter because he said Paris Hilton takes part in it. I likeParis Hilton so muchi!!! I'd like to check twitter someday. But I'm not good at using computer and don't like to use it, so it would be later that I check it...


Yesterday, I saw a scandal news on the Internet about one of the members of my favorite group NEWS seen at kyabakura the other day. I don't know whether this is truth, but I think that paparazzi should give him more privacy. Even this news isn't true, if it's broad casted everyone will believe that it's telling the truth. So, I try not to believe too much on TV.


I think that robot represents humans and goldfish represents other living creatures in the nature.

I thought the robot was in the ocean but he was just walking on the ground, so i was confused. But I believe he was in the ocean. He was looking for fresh water out of plants. Robot can't drink salt water like humans i think. He even took water out of some plant in which the gold fish was living. I thought the goldfish was gonna die. The water was necessary to not only the robot but also goldfish. I thought the short film wanted to tell us the importance of symbiosis. Because he could get water out of the plant, he could survive and because he let goldfish stay in his stomach, the gold fish could survive.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

twitter and poster

I think twitter is different from other social networking service like mixi and my space. the most unique point is the way to communicate with other users. I just contribute my trivial muttering like " I want to eat sushi " or " I'm tired because I was up all night" and other user who notices my comment, replies to me. I think it is easy and plain communication style. But, I don't want to join twitter because it's troublesome for me to contribute my muttering intentionally.I think it's a waste of time to do such a it's a waste of time to do such a thing while I think it will be fun to see other muttering. I found the Japanese version and I may join it if I the Japanese version and I may join it if I feel like iï½”.

I'm surprised Dr. Armstrong told us that the poster which reminds us manner in subway stations in Tokyo is very beautiful and well-designed because I' ve never thought it's beautiful every time I see the poster. Actually, my friends were laughing about the sentence like " let's do it home" and the expressionless face drawn in the poster. Honestly, It was funny for me, too. But, I realized I was wrong after reading the articles distributed in class. In fact, the poster is more attractive than other posters because of the simple colors and composition. That's why we could notice the poster. But, I think it is difficult whether people follow the message, especially in rush hour. people tend to act egocentrically in this time because they are tired because of jam-packed train. Of course, whereas there are few old people or the handicapped, sometimes, they were there by chance. How many people could do something for them in rush hour? I have rarely seen such a person. What is the best plan to solve the problem?

To Yusaku.

Great photo, Yusaku:] It makes you realize actually how high Mt. Fuji is from this photo! Must have been a really tough challenge for you to climb Akadake. I heard some people die climbing up there during winters so I am really glad that you made it back alive! I'm curious which mountain you are going to climb next:)


I was absent last class because of this.

From the top of Mt.Akadake(2,899m)
What a mountain... I'd say Mt.Fuji is the national symbol of Japan! But I dare say this picture is rubbish. The real one is millions times more beautiful than this picture.

I like this new dark backscreen of this blog. It's much easier to read:)

Is this week's topic of this blog "Twitter"? Well, I googled it and read some gidelines, but it looks tiresome to do for me...don't know, maybe it's fun once I started but it just doesn't attract me for now.

Friday to Sunday

I had been to the Lake Yamanaka!! this camp was so hard. we, managers couldn't sleep well because we had alot of things to do, for example, washing and preparetion of meal. It was so hard, but, when the party had started, the hard work went to complete obilion! We had a good time at night party.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

social remainders

In today's class, we saw a handout titled
"Punchy posters urge Tokyoites to mind their

Let me first describe my overall impression
of this piece of paper. I think these pictures
successfully illustrate what is going on there,
that is, how embarassing their manners are, and
how they are responded to by others. These
posters are appealing in an effective and force-
ful manner to our visual perception. Conveying
a lot of things and convincing it would be even
without a word. Amazing and literally "punchy".

Next, I go on to the necessity or effectiveness
of "social remainders". Basically, I agree with
the idea. Some people may say it should be taught
at school or at home, not through social remainders.
There is, of course, something in this kind of
opinion, but given the current state of things,
just because s/he is in a teaching or "respectable"
position, it does not automatically mean that s/he
acts morally and can set an example to follow. We
know countless cases where parents and teachers
commit immorarities these days.

Things are getting a little bit complicated, but the
bottom line is, the idea of teaching respectable
manners in itself is good, but who will teach?

If social remainders are elaborated and based on the
consensus of well-mannared people, they will serve
as teachers(a received standard/roll models). To me,
it seems a more viable solution at least than we
naively expect all(or many of the) teachers and
parents to live enough morally to set an example.


We watched the short film "Mirage" in last class. The character in the film was only robot but I think it represents us, human. Because we can't live without water. Also human is always looking for everything we want. And as scene the robot got water from a plant which was last one, human don't care about others. We take action without attention for others and make much of us. After all we think only ourselves and egoistic.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day

Last Sunday was Father's Day, so I hung out with my family. First, we went bowling. I haven't played it with them for a long time, so I was so excited. We played three games that day, and all of my scores were over 100. It was really good for me because I usually get around 90. Next, we went for a dinner to a grilled restaurant near our house. We had a coupon, so could eat lots of meat with cheap prices. After we went back home, I gave chocolate to my dad (but I ate half of and we enjoyed Wii. I could have really fun time with them.


I have been very busy recently! Because I have lots of things to do..almost end of term papers including book report for IE class. And I also have part-time job for days a week..last week, I had to take complaint of customers. They were very angry with us and bawled at us even we didn't do mistake anything. I felt down so much about it. I want to quit this job..haha
Last week , wednesday, I and circle friends went for a movie "Angels and Demons".yay! It was fun for me, but one of them thought it wasn't interesting because the original book was better. There are lot of grotesque and painful scene in it, I felt bad after the movie. I want to read the book of it so much now!

Power to the people


If you pay attention, you hear "twitter" at 2:30~

Then this video came up next :

I was going to post how I thought Twitter wasn't all that appealing to me since I prefer long posts but after watching these videos I remembered the time when YouTube first got famous. I remember I was astonished thinking "wow, this is a revolution!"

Young people with the power of the internet could seriously shake things hard.
If the internet went into North Korea that country would change for sure.
I remember seeing a Democracy-Now! banner that said
"In the face of war, facts are your only weapon"

I really hope more and more people will make great use of the media. Not only twitter or facebook, but independent news and also music.
M.I.A. a Sri Lankan refugee which her lyrics are inspired by the status quo of Sri Lanka now, wrote in her song "20 Dollar" :
"I put people on the map who never seen a map."

.........And what are we doing?


The short piece of movie seemed to be thought-provoking, but
I couldn't understand well what it was driving at. Other
pieces we watched were also a little too difficult for me,
the one whose main character was a Snoopy-like creature,
for example.


I saw the video "Mirage" last Tuesday. I felt sad to watch this video because the robot was the image of human in the future. People can't live without water as well as the robot. Also, people can't live without other creatures. When the robot robbed the fish of water, the robot seemed very sad. After that, he put the fish into his body. He had a kind mind as well as people. We have to think of the environment in the future.

Twitter, mixi

Jme, thanks for answering to my question! Tell me if you signed up for Twitter! I think its a great idea if we use Twitter in some kind of way for class like one of the assignments. Maybe we could make community like mixi and chat I like how you describe twitter as "mini mixi".

I sometimes think that those networking service site are scary. Because you can meet people who you can't see their face and talk with them, and how can you find out that they are telling the truth to you or maybe lying? I always have a fear to open my personal information to those kind of networking services. So in mixi, I open my diaries and photos to people who are my-mixi and if there's someone who I don't know applied for my-mixi to me I will definitely refuse them. I guess to protect our personal information, we have to be aware about the negative side of media.