Come in and Blog On!

2023 Welcome to your IE 3 class blog. The object of this class project is to log in and write your comments, web links, answers to questions, and your questions to others at least twice a week. It's fun and you can include pictures or graphics. Keep it original, helpful, and interesting. Don't forget to spellcheck your work before publishing. Also, when you create your user name, please use your real first name, in Romaji (ex. Ryuki, Mari, Lisa, etc.) so that we know who we are communicating with. Enjoy, and Blog on!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

I hate winter

Hi, this is Mao.
Now, it is getting colder, so I see those who wear coats in Shibuya and Omotesando.
It is Autumn, so it is comfortable to live.
But I know that winter which is the season I hate most is coming soon, I'm very nervous now.

Most of my friends say that they like winter best of all the seasons, I cannot believe what they say.
I don't like coldness, really.
I don't mean there is nothing in winter, but it is worst point to be cold in winter.
Except coldness, I love winter.
Foods in winter is delicious and winter fashion is very cute.

But, when I tell it to my friends, they always say "You hate winter if you hate coldness!"
.......I understand what they say.
Surely, to hate coldness means denying value of winter.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

my part time job

Hello! This is Nami.
I'm going to talk about my part time job.

As most of you have already known, I work for Starbucks near my house.
I make lattes, cappuccinos, caramel macchiatos, or whatever in Starbucks as a barista.
I work there three times or four times every week, I know that's kind of overwork, but I can learn a lot from work. That's why I can't quit overworking.
If you have an opportunity to come around my hometown, please drop in :)

On my way to uni

Good morning! This is Nami.
I'm very excited to see my lovely friends of IE3 class in less than 1 hour!
IE3 is a little bit hard for me to keep up with, but it's possible for all of us to pass, right?
So, let's have a fun!

Monday, October 28, 2013


Hello this is Narae.
Today I'd like to talk about the event which i joined, called 'Night-hike'.
This is a very simple event, all participants walk from the Aoyama campus to the Sagamihara campus through the night.
I joined in this event as a group leader, so I have to manage the other group member all the time in the Night hike. I was worried whether or not I could took care of my group members. Because I'm not good at sports at all, and I don't have much stamina. With those worries, we started walking at 10:00 P.M. And we walked for about 15 hours to get to the Sagamihara campus. It was really hard, but also it was a great experience for me. I had been worried about my stamina and if that would be connected the careless for my group members. However, I tried my best to pay enough attention to my group members and there was NO one to give up this challenge in my group!(including me:)) oh I thought I would die because my leg had no feeling and I was so tired and sleepy while walking. But the moment I saw the top of the highest building of the Sagami-hara campus, I felt much better and I thought 'a little more!!!' I'm so proud of myself to finish the full Night-hike course.

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Today was the first full day off on Sunday since this semester has started. I had meet on almost every Sunday except for the day we had Sagamihara Festival. I was very looking forward to have a day off since last two weeks or so, but what I felt today was little different from what I thought to be.
It is a special rare full day off, so I have been planning to do all the things I have been wanted to do, like cleaning up everywhere in my house, room, kitchen, sink, bathroom, and bathtub, go shopping the things I need, do my homework, and watch and read for my book report. I thought there are too many things I need to do, but helped by the typhoon 27, the Saturday practice was canceled, so I could do almost all these things using this weekend :)
I haven't finished reading my book though, at least, I could start thinking about what to write for the report and watched the movie, so it sure does help me getting what is happening while reading. Also, I would not have a full day off until November 24, because of the Aoyama Festival and meets, so I was lucky to have a time to watch before the due day for the report.
I think I could use my precious day off very usefully because I could have finished most of the things I wanted to do, but what I feel now is kind of bored lol
Having nothing (actually, I do have to read, though lol) to do is boring! I feel like I am wasting my time. What I learned from this off is that moderate busyness is a good thing at last!

Friday, October 25, 2013

what made me cry

Good morning!  This is Nami.
I have one thing to confess.
Last evening, I cried a lot.
Can you guess why?
That was because of the book I've been reading for the book report, The notebook.
I could easily feel sympathy for the characters as they feel, even though
I've never shared such a real romantic relationship with anyone.
I knew I was almost crying on the train at one certain scene, but I could not stop reading.
A conductor who had to check passengers' tickets were so surprised to see me.
I smiled in a little shame.
So I recommend the book for you, but you'd better to read somewhere you can be alone.

Wedding movie

Wedding movies!!!!!

I am soory for late posting.

Just now, I am really interested in watching Wedding movies on Youtube.
The other day, Karuna recommended me good wedding movie and sent me URL. Today, I watched it and felt so happy and heartwarming.
I actually do not want get marry at this point, however, these wedding movie somehow makes me feel like to geeting marry. I guess it's maybe people in the movie look really happy.

I do not know abou my future, but I definitely would like to have a boyfriend by my graduation.
I also would like to make such a heart warming movie, when my friend gets marry in the future.

I guess even just watching their wedding movie make us feel so happy, we are not related people in the movie though.

About Logorama

I'll talk about Logorama.

Setting: Town in the United States where cited near the ocean

Conflict: Police vs Mcdonald, nature vs Logo chracter, Mcdonald vs other logo characters

Symbols: Many kinds of famous logos

Irony: Mcdonald is popular and loved all over the world, but he was seen as evil criminer in the movie.

Theme: Mcdonald is well known company in the world. Thus it will be horrible, when such big company occured the accident like Donald destroy the city and make people confused.


At the place where every logos and characters live.

The criminal McDonald VS the police. Some polices are killed by him.

Climax of the story is when a huge earthquake happeded.

The whole "logo city" symbolizes our society today.

McDonald thought that he could run away from the police but a huge earthquake happened and everything went off. Moreover, he was killed by a car accident.

No one can predict about the future and what is going to happen, so it is important to always try spending a best time.


 The modern city in the U.S.

 It seemed that the conflict was between crime and justice at the first half because policemen, Michlin tried to arrest a crazy killer, McDonald.
And end of the story, it seemed that it was between nature and human civilization because a disaster happened due to behaviors of modern companies' characters.

The world ended and all of characters and logos sank in the sea. I thought it menat that the world will end if human consider only themself  and developping science and destoroy nature.

I thought that almost all of them were symbols. I think they symbolized human and modern human society.

McDonald was very crazy killer and  hated by everyone, however, in real world a lot of people tend to eat McDonald's food and love eating them. It was an irony.

In the world we live, there are too many logos and we tend to think goods with logos of famous companies. But, we should not be confused. We should see, feel and think ourself and understand what is good for us truely. A killer McDonald is a very good example. A lot of people eat McDonald's food and love them, but we don't know how they give bad influence to our bodies.

 Why they used McDonald as a bad guy
Above stated, McDonald has both good aspects and bad aspects. In real, we tend to look at good aspects and do not tend to look bad ones. However, they focus at bad points in this story. I thought that they want to tell us that we must consider not only good points of human civilization but also bad points of it.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


setting: Somewhere near the ocean in US, in the daytime.

conflict: It was a conflict against police and Donald as a criminal. At the end, the conflict changed against characters and nature.

climax: The city started to collapsed because of the earthquake.

symbols: The whole city symbolize the modern society which is full of imperfect things.

irony: The part which Donald was run over by the car.

theme: The city and the characters were all made by logos. However, some of them like Donald caused a big problem and nobody was able to stop it. I think this movie tried to tell people to be careful to control the things people make.



1.      Setting

A present day in the summer where everything we can see is logos.

2.      Conflict

Ronald Macdonald, who is a wanted criminal and a very dangerous guy, is chased by the police. However, they couldn’t catch him.  

3.      Climax

I think the climax was where very big earthquake was occurred.

4.      Symbols

The oil – human’s greed

Two survived people – Adam and Eve

Apple – The new start of the human beings. (Adam and Eve)


5.      Irony

1)      Oil was the thing which human have been wanted for a long time, human even waged the wars for earning the oil. However, in the final scene, the world in the video was ended by the oil.

2)      In the last part, there were two who survived, and the world which the whole thing was filled with logos was over. It means the new world will be started. However, on the surface of the earth, there was a logo and even the universe was composed with the logos.

6.      Theme

The things human beings are doing to make money are too much.

There are lots of logos in our life, and it means there are lots of conflicts between the human or companies.


Hello! This is Nami.
I'm going to write about Logorama, we saw on last Friday.

It was filled with a large numbers of famous logos.
This video was located in the afternoon, in a big city by the sea, probably Malibu it showed, and it was sunny.

McDonald was in conflict with polices. He had to run away from them because of his nuclear things.

The climax was when all the streets started going to collapse. After a while, everyone and everything went in chaos. Even the continents on the earth got flooded, and the earth looked definitely different from what it had used to be. Interestingly, it also appeared like a logo.

I think "the animals in the zoo" represented peace. No fight, no noise.
Also, I guess those many logos represented what people had created in the modern human society. Cities which represent how the world exactly is are too crowded with many people and things. The technology made these cities incredibly convenient for human beings. However, it also gave them hazards such as nuclear things which are absolutely danger even if they can produce huge amount of energy.
I'm afraid that might turn the world in chaos like in this video if human beings would keep going as it is.

The irony in this video was when a police trying to shoot McDonald was shot by him. I covered my eyes with my hand at that time because it was scary! Also, when not only McDonald, but all the people except Esso girl and big boy had died was unexpected.
I'm sure no one could have imagine that.

The theme of the video was “the world is in danger because of human beings.” It seemed that technology could break humans lives.

In the video, McDonald were treated as a terrorist. It seemed like McDonald was trying to mess everything including children. I guess that's because their items have a fear of causing illness. They use toxic materials as they know they are harmful.

Since I didn't get much about the video, I'm afraid I misunderstood in many points. However, it was quite nice movie in term of using lots of logo familiar to every viewer.

my favorite food

Hello! This is Nami.
I'm going to write about my favorite food, sweet potatoes.

Today, I had baked one during 4th period when I have no class.
That gave me energy enough to be fine whole this afternoon.
I like them cooked in both ways of being baked and steamed.
If I could choose something to eat when I'm dying, I would choose baked sweet potatoes.
I'm kind of addicted to them. I'm crazy about them.
So if you would give me a gift, it should be sweet potatoes!

My favorite music

Hi, this is Mao.
I will introduce my favorite music today.
I love rock music very much and I  don't know which artist to hear because there are too a lot of music I want to listen to to finish listening to all of them.

Few months ago, I knew "9mm Parabellum Bullet".
But, I didn't become interested in it then.
A week ago, I listened to their music on a whim and I was very surprised.
That's because I found myself fascinated to their music very much even though I thought them not good before. It was very strange!
I think their music are similar to my favorite artist, "Rin-to-site Sigure".

I have lent all of their major albums, but I have not lent their indies albums yet, so I will lend them at TSUTAYA in Shibuya.
But, I want to lend other artist's CDs, too, for example, creep hype, champagne, KISS, NIRVANA, The Beatles, Green day. I have to get more and more money...

Last weekend

Last weekend was really excited!  I went to a two-day trip to Izu with circle members.  Unfortunately, that days were raining, and I had a cold a little.  However, such a thing did not the matter  when we spend the all time together.  We stayed a  cottage, Pony tail.  The cottage has a big living room, BBQ terrace, hot spring, and some bed rooms.  We did BBQ at the terrace.  It was really comfortable house.  I want to go to there again someday.  Next day, we went to Atami, and at there,we ate kaisen don.  After that, we got to home.  Really good weekend. I was happy:)


Impressions of "Logorama"

The city of the U.S.

First, the conflict was against a police and a criminal, but after that, it ended as a conflict against the human society and the natural disasters.

The climax is when the world collapsed. I guess it meant as the collapse of the world of business by the companies which is competing with others.

There were a lot of symbols. The characters and the world was fulled of logos which represents a company. For example, the butterflies which were flying were an logo of  the company "Microsoft".

In this story, Ronald McDonald was an crazy terrorist though in real he is loved in by a lot of people all over the world. This was an irony. 

 I guess the theme is the logos which is filled in our lives. Day by day, the numbers of the logos are increasing, and we tend to think famous logos are completely fine to purchase, but I think this movie wants to tell us we mustn't forget to doubt even its a well-known company.

"Why they used McDonald as a bad guy"
I think they chose McDonald because McDonald is the most famous company in the world which every body loves. It was easy to break the audiences preconception of thinking well-known companies are proper.

The story of "Logorama" was hard to understand for me, but it was fun to find the logos, and I was impressed how the work was done elaborately.


Setting: modern United States.
Conflict: person vs nature
Climax: all the buildings and town were destroyed.
Symbol: logos are representing the developments of the modern city.
Irony: just after when Donald came up when he has fall into the hole, he was run over by the car.
Theme: even how much the town developed, human ability can not fight against natural disaster.


     The time was near future.  Place was the city near the ocean in the other planet.
     At first part of the story it was police vs Donald so it was Person vs Person.  However at the end large earth quake had occurred and every one tryed to survive so it was Person Vs nature.

 Climax was when Donald besieged in the burger shop and earth quake had occurr.

   The gun was beginning of the chaos and the earth quake was the anger of the earth.
   When they had car chaise Donald did not kill M&Ms.  However the police killed  them.  They are the people who should protect them so it is ironic.

   When two little boys tryed to get money from selling guns that Donald had, they got hit by Donald.  This part of story telling us to not try to get money illegally or easily.

Cold Cold Cold!

Last Sunday, I had another meet. This time, it was a meet for girls and boys were supporters. It rained really hard on that day, so the game was shortened. However, it rained so much while we were shooting and of course, we can not use our umbrellas while we are shooting, so we got soaked. It blew a lot on that day, so it was crazily cold. Freeeeezing! After the game, the boys bought girls some hot drinks for pledge. I never felt those hot drinks makes human body relaxing, warm, and comfortable!
I took shower as soon as I got home and made myself warm. I really do not want to catch any cold since I live alone in Tokyo. If it were back in Hamamatsu, where I am from and my family live, my mother would help me with things, but I can not get those helps in here!
Living alone is a good experience to learn how to take care of myself. Sometimes I feel lonely, but it is a very important thing to live alone and learn things that can not be learned from living with family.


Hi, this is Fumika.
Last week, I went to Harajuku with Mao. Since we are commuting to an collage which is in the middle of Tokyo, we always wanted to stroll through the streets in Tokyo, so it was a great time for us to look around.
We went a little inner part of the main street of Harajuku, and found a lot of wonderful places.
There were many beautiful coffeehouses, and places we want to go in.
The biggest discovery we had that day is the Togo shrine.
It was very surprising that Togo shrine was placed just next to the Takeshita street. Though we went there in a late time, we couldn't get into the shrine, but it was a very big place than we've expected.
Compared with the noisy main streets, it was strange that the shrine was very quiet. We never knew there was such a mystic place in Harajuku.
 So if you have interests of Togo shrine, I recommend you to visit there.
And I am hoping to go more places in Tokyo.


I think everyone in this IE3 class know what "Pokemon" is like, and most people have watched Pokemon cartoon animation in their childhood.
There are many cute and cool characters in Pokemon like "Pikachu", and the new series of Pokemon had started selling about a week ago.
In the new series of Pokemon, they have many new Pokemon so that Pokemon has about 700 characters in a game.
It is good to make new Pokemons but I can't remember the name of all Pokemons!
Pokemon is very popular in my club and many people plays at the club room so I want to follow them and play more!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Hello! This is Nami.
I heard an interesting news on the radio in this morning.
It went like this: Japanese cultural diet, washoku, was added to heritage list on UNESCO.

As you know, since I have a kind of unbalanced diet, well-balanced washoku is quite nice for me.
So, I'm really excited it will be regarded officially as one of the cultural heritages in the world.
I hope it would be an enjoyable diet by people all over the world.


Hi, this is Karuna.
Today, I ate lunch with Mizuki. We went to Ohtoya. Ohtoya has many kinds of Japanese set meal. It is not that expensive, so I really like Ohtoya. Also, Mizuki went Ohtoya for the first time so she looked excited!! We talked a lot and after that we both went to part time job.
By the way, it has been 2 weeks since my iPhone broken!! It was a very shocking happening for me, because 4000pictures were gone!! Therefore, recently, I am taking pictures very often. I'm trying to fill up my camera roll!!!!!!!! Everybody, please take picture with me!!!!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tokyo Disney Land!!

  Hi, this is Minori!
  Last Sunday I went to Tokyo Disney Land for the first time in six years!! Since I always choose to go to Tokyo Disney Sea than Disney Land, I really do not remember  how Disney Land was like, so I was looking forward to go there.
  As we guessed, it was really crowded but it was the happiest day recent I wished if I could stay there a little longer. When we were finding a bus to go home, suddenly they started fireworks! So surprised but I loved it so much....
  I bought my IE class chocolates to I will give you next class!

Monday, October 21, 2013

my last day of September.

      Today, I’d talk about my day on September 30th. (This is belated diary) It was my birthday, and my family, friends, club members (and boyfriends) celebrated my birthday so I was really happy. There is another important thing, I'M HATACHI NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! It is some kind of heavy burden for me because becoming adult means there will be more responsibility of mine now. However, I will make my best to enjoy my Hatachi life! Oh I almost forgot to talk about my short trip to Motomachi-chukagai in my birthday. My passport was to be expired October 1st, so I had to renew my passport. I’m Korean so my procedure to renew the passport was little different from Japanese. I had to go Korean Consulate General in Japan, in my case, I had to go the Korean Consulate General in Motomachi-chukagai. I went there alone, and I was little nervous if or not I could do it well alone. My mother used to do those things for me, but that time I realized to do those things by myself. However it was a great trip for me, because there were a lot of nature such as park, trees and flowers. There was full of peace, and there were not so many people in there so I could enjoy those nature. I guess I will go there someday in the future when I’m tired of some kind of the city things.
     Time flies so past recently:( I can recall my last day of September vividly, but October almost passed and I can't believe it!!!!!

Friday, October 18, 2013

My protective equipment

On Sunday we have Shibuya city tournament so I went dry room to bring home my protective equipment.  Unfortunately when I took out my bag for them the right wheel was gone.  I despaired with that because it cost more than ten hundred yen.  To not to by new one I made wheel from gummed tape and kendo taping by trying more than twenty minute.  Finally I made it to move my hand made wheel.

These days

These days, I have been busy with my homework.  I am sleepy and tired, but I try everything and I want to get something new skills.  In addition, this weekend, I will go on an excursion to Izu with circle members, so I can do my best now:) I'm looking forward to going on an excursion and I may not sleep tonight! 

a belated post of Octapodi

I'm so sorry to be late to post this.:(

- Three main characters
There were three main characters in this video. Pink octopus, Orange octopus and truck driver.

- What happens?
Pink octopus and orange octopus was a lovely couple and lead a happy life in the bottom of the water tank. Then suddenly one human came, took the pink octopus out of the water tank, put pink octopus into the icebox and drove a truck with the icebox. Orange octopus chased the truck to help the Pink octopus. Finally, the Orange octopus was able to get the Pink octopus back, however, the bird took the Orange octopus and flied away.

- What's the problem?
The problem was that the human separated them:(

- The climax
The driver was aware of the Orange octopus and they fought. Driver was driving, and orange octopus fought to get back the pink octopus.

- What is likely to happen next?
The angry pink octopus will chase the bird to get the orange octopus back, and I think(hope) the pink octopus will finally get the orange octopus back from the bird. And they will dropped into the middle of the sea, and they will lead a happy life of two:)

Last weekend

Last weekend, I went to Sagamihara festival with my friend,  and there, we went to kerakera's live.   Surprisingly, our seat is the infront of  the artists! It was very excited. We met some friends, and we thoght that want to go back to Sagamihara campus.  Sagamihara campus is really beautiful, and don't smell  a ginkgo nut like Aoyama  campus. 

addition to my previous post

Hello, this is Nami again.
Sorry, I forgot to write the characters of Stanley Pickles in my previous post.
Stanley, his clockwork mother, his clockwork father, a girl, and her friend bird.


Good morning! This is Nami.
I'm going to write about my head.
It has a little troublesome power.
Though some of you might not believe it, it usually predicts earthquakes.
As I rarely catch cold, every time I feel headache, I guess an earthquake would probably happen soon or later somewhere in the world, and I'm right.
On this Monday evening, I was suffering from quite bad headache. And then, as you know, the big earthquake occurred in Philippine on this Tuesday, the next day of my headache..
I know it's quite strange and annoying, but it cannot be helped.

As some people do, I also predict rain.
However, the forecast could tell that even if I didn't. So the power is unnecessary, isn't it?
I hope it would be useful in any field one day.
That's all about my head.
Thank you.
Have a nice day!

Stanley Pickle

1. Stanley, his parents (clockwork toys), girl, and a bird.

2. Stanley is about 20~30 years old.

3. I think Stanley wanted to have someone to live with.

4. Conflict is that Stanley couldn't live by himself after losing his parents.

5. He made a clockwork toys which exactly looks like his parents and live with them.

6. Climax of the story is when girl ran away from him. He wanted to make her happy by making a clockwork toy of her dead bird but she was afraid of it and ran away. He looked shocked.

7. At the end, he knew how life is an important thing that can't be remake and made graves for his parents.

8. I guess that Stanley would try making friends outside his house, and marry the girl who had a bird. As Stanley is good at making clockwork toys, he can make a lot of toys for his children.

9. Clockwork and the bird represent "life" in this story. They tell Stanley how "life" is important.

Stanly Pickle

I will talk about Stanly Pickle.
1. What does Stanly want?
It seemed that Stanly want eternal life.

2. What's the problem?
The problem is that he can not get eternal life for he is mortal.

3. What happens to solve the problem?
Stanly wanted to make people eternal so he put screw in their body.
He made them into clockwork people.
He even made their parents into clockwork people.

4. Where is the climax of the story?
I guess the climax is when Stanly made the bird revive by attaching a spring.

5. What happens at the end?
His parents have stooped moving and his clockwork arrange does not work anymore. He  buried parent's body under the ground.

6. What do you think happen after the video end?
He will be dissapointed and sad  for he could not make people immortal.

7. Who are the characters in this video?
Stanly's parents
Girl who cared about the bird
The bird which made to revive by Stanly

8. What might the " clock work" represent?
Clock work represents immortal and brevity. It's because, no one can live forever like clock work will stop working unless people made clock works to work.

9. How old is he?
I guess he must be around 25.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Stanley Pickle

1. Stanley, his father, his mother, a girl, and a bird.

2. I think Stanley is around 18 years old.

3. He wanted to go outside and meet other people. However, it seemed difficult for him to put into practice.

4. A bird which girl used to play with died. She buried  the bird as she was crying.

5. He finally pluck courage to go outside and he dig the bird up. Then, he put the clockwork into the bird to make it run. He thought that the girl would be happy if  the bird move again. Nevertheless, when he showed the clockwork bird to her, she was very shocked and run away.

6. Both his father and mother were clockwork humans. After he realized that the clockwork things don't satisfy people's demands, he buried parents.

7. After he realized that the clockwork things don't satisfy people's demands, he buried parents.At last, he left home and run all around the forest.

8. He would start to live a new life and communicate with real people. Therefore, he would be able to feel the true love through the human relations.

9. I think the clockwork represents reality. It made Stanley to face the reality.

Stanly Pickle

I answered some questions about a video of Stanly Pickless.

① In this video, there were Stanley, his dead parents who were made to clock by Stanly, and a girl.

②It seems that Stanly is over 20 years old.

③I think that conflict is that he could not go outside even though he is not child but adult.

④He saw that bird a girl love died and went outside, picked it up and made it a clock. Then, he showed it to her.

⑤He showed a clock bird  in order to make her happy, but she was very afraid of him and went away. Then, he learned preciousness of live and he decided to go outside.

⑥He decided to bury his clock-work parents who already died and went to the forest. It showed that he was not any a child. He tried to be adult and did a thing that he could even if how little it was.

⑦I think clock-work represents his unmoved time and childishness, so burying his clock-work parents meant that he could get out of his dark term.

⑧I think that he will be able to lead his normal life and use his ability of making clock, for example working at a clock factory.

Going back to Shizuoka

Hi, this is Mao.

Last Friday, I went to Shizuoka and stayed there for about four days.
I could meet people who I wanted to meet, go shopping and buy many clothing. I was very happy!

I went to an Italian restaurant in Mothimune to eat lunch with my mother.
It is better than any other Italian restaurants I have ever been to, so I always go there when I go back to Shizuoka.
Its menu is always different because cooks try to use vegetables and fruits in season. In the fact, I have not eaten same menu.
Dessert I ate was pudding of Japanese chestnut with sauce of Japanese persimmon.

 Staying in Shizuoka is always very fan, so I could not start part-time job, because I could not go back to my hometown easily if I start it

What I did yesterday

Hi, This is Fumika. Today I would like to talk about what I did last day.
Since the class had gone because of the typhoon, to tell the truth, I was feeling a little happy to spend my time relaxing.
I was hoping to stay home all day, but I had to go to the driving school,  I unwillingly went out.
The weather wasn't so bad in the day times, but still the train wasn't in time.
At the driving school I actually drove the car which was very exciting. I think I will soon get along with driving, but it is also a little fearful, so I must be a careful driver.
After I got home, I was already tired to do nothing, so thats why I'm doing my assignments now.
Also today, I heard a news that another typhoon is coming again.
Is it going to hit Kanto?

Typhoon Day

The typhoon 26 was so big one that we had no IE III writing class this Wednesday.
I missed you all very much since I really love this class!
Also, happy birthday to Minori :)

What I did on this unexpected day off is cleaning up my room and changing my bed from summer stuff to winter ones.
I thought there would be no archery practice on that day, so I was planning to put away my summer carpet and take out my hot carpet for this coming winter, but there was archery practice as usual, as if there was no typhoon, so I could not take it out.
This means that I have to spend these cold days without warm floor at home.
I have archery practice on Saturday and meet again on Sunday, so it is impossible for me to use my hot carpet until next Sunday, October 27th.
I hope it would not be so cold until next Sunday lol

Stanley Pickles

Answers for Stanley Pickles questions.
1.In this video clip there were Stanly ,the woman, and his dead or clock work parents.

2. Stanly looked like around 23.

3. Conflict is that he can not go outside for some reason.  However when he saw he had mental conflict that he would go outside and get bird or not.

4. He went outside and got bird then he created the clockwork bird.  Then he showed that to the girl to make her happy.

5.When he showed clock work bird to the girl she rejected that and an away.  As a result he learned how noble the life is and that made him one decision.

6.  At the end he decided to bury his clock work parents which they were already dead.  From this he made his first step to become an adult. Finally he went out of the forest.

Clock work representing his child heart so at the end his childness got died and buried.  Bird representing the growth of Stanley.  As bird changing its state, Stanley got grew either.

In my prediction he will live as a normal man just little weird.  He use his skill of making clockwork for his work and become famous with them. However he will never make clock work form the lived thing.

Stanley Pickle

Impressions of "Stanly Pickle".

"Who are the characters in this video?"
Stanley, his parents, a girl, and a bird.

" How old do you think Stanley is?"
The first time I saw this video, I thought he was an teenager, around 18, but now I think his mental age and physical age are not same. His mental age might be more younger.

"What does Stanley wants?"
To see from his circumstances, I think He wants someone to be beside him. 

"What’s the problem?"
Since his parents had passed, he was alone, which was a big sorrow to a little boy.

"What happens to solve the problem?"
Stanley puts a clockwork into the bodies, and brings back their parents to life. Yet it only moves the same way like a mechanical doll which was not a real life. 

"Where is the climax of the story?"
The climax of the story is when Stanley gave a bird to a girl which he resuscitated. He tried to make the girl happy, but he frightened the girl and made her cry.
"What happens at the end?"
He realizes the difference of his mothers kiss after the day when the  occurrence  happened with the girl. He takes out the clock works from his parents and bury them. Finally He overcame his sorrows, and opens the door.
"What do you think happens after the video ends?"
In my opinion, I think he will live in a real world, which is not moved by a clock work. Though his  made up world was moving with clockworks, his real time had stopped since he lost his parents, but I think the time will start again. 
 "What might the "clockwork" represent?"
I think the clockwork represents "life". Every living thing has a end as like the clockwork, and that is why life is precious. We have to live as hard as possible till the clockwork stops.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My day off

Hello! This is Nami again.
Today, since my IE writing class was canceled because of the typhoon #26, I stayed at home all day except taking a walk.

After preparing a little hearty breakfast by myself, I had it with my mom.
Sometimes I do this to please my mom.
Then, I did my homework, which took much more time than I've imagined, and some workout. These days I haven't had much time to workout, I'm happy with that.

In the evening, as the rain stopped, I went outside to take a walk for an hour.
Every time I take a walk, I feel very refreshed. My favorite place to get to is the beach near Kamakura high school which I graduated from. The wave is quite big, so I didn't go down to the beach. However, even just looking down on it in the distance always makes me feel blessed and alive.
Afterward, I read for my book report, and watched TV.

Though I tend to dislike bad weather because it usually causes headache, I've been feeling comfortable today as I could have done what I wanted to do.

How was your day? Are you all okay?
I'm excited to see you all tomorrow, and to see Dr. Armstrong getting better with his throat on Friday!
Good night :)

School festival

Saturday and Sunday was a school festival at Sagaihara campus of the university.
The place where Sagamihara campus located is really far away from my hometown and it took about two hours to get there. I and my friend met at Shibuya station and went to the university together in the early morning.
As I belong to "Manga(comic) club", I wore a costume of some character:)
What we did in the festival was a portrait. It was quite difficult to draw a face of seniors.
I wanted to draw small children. However, I drew about 10people in an hour and half.
I was exhasted after drawing a lot.

I went to Kanaho and Minori's places on Sunday and had fun talking with them too :D
If anyone is doing something in Aoyama Festival, please let me know and I'll be happy to visit XDDD

my teeth straightening

Hi! This is Karuna.
Today, our writing class was  canceled because  of the typhoon. So, I was able to sleep as long as I wanted!
In the afternoon, I went to dentist to finish the teeth straightening! I took off all of the braces. I had been putting on the braces for about 2years so it is kind of weird, because I can touch my teeth with my tongue!  However, from now on, I have to wear retainer which is a new device to avoid moving teeth all day long. This gets on my nerves for I can't speak easily. I think it will be difficult to pronounce English too.  Therfore, I think I will neglect to wear retainer.

Stanley Pickle

Hi, this is Nami. I'm going to write about the video "Stanly Pickle" that we saw on last Friday.

I guess the boy, Stanley, is around 15 years old from his appearance.

As seeing the video, we all were surprised to find out his mother and father were clockwork toys he had made, but I think he did it because he could not stand to live by himself.
Also, he wanted someone who stays with him. That's why he watched a girl who was running around in front of his house. He seemed to wish to make a friendship with her.

In my opinion, the conflict was he never got the real love by clockwork toys. It was a little hard for me to see him being alone.

The problem was he seemed to have the perfect clockwork parents, but they often went slow down or stopped.

The climax was when he found out he could never receive the real love from his parents or the girl after he made a dead bird the girl had buried into the clockwork toy, and she screamed and was frightened to see it. He found out it was quite different from what it used to be when it was alive. He also noticed that his parents were nothing but just clockwork toys. So, he buried his parents and the bird.

At the end, he left the home and was running around in the woods. He looked feeling woods, leaves, breeze, and some natural things like that.

In my assumption, after the video ends, he would go to city, get a job which offers him works like making clockwork toys, and get married with someone who is really alive. It's rather my hope.

Those clockwork represented "hope". He hoped that the deaths of his parents were not truth, and hoped to see them again. Also, he hoped to make her happy to see her friend bird again.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Stanley Pickle - My Impression

              I really appreciate Mr. Armstrong to give me an opportunity to watch the video. I said “Ah…” with loud voice in the scene he put the clockwork into the bird’s body, cried the last part of the video. I know some feeling of Stanley because I had gone through the same thing with him. I had lost my father when I was junior high school student, and I had thought I could do anything if my father could be around me, once again. In the last scene, Stanley looked up the house he and his parents made a lot of memories. I could guess the feeling he felt and the hardness he should overcome. He has to live alone in the house which is full with the memories of his parents, and I know how hard it is. Oh… it was really touched me deeply, because I know some of feelings which he felt. Some people who never been that experience, they cannot understand his work and even feel disgusting. However, I want them to know, there is a feeling which makes people not to think straightly. This video inspired me the lasting memories with my father. I’ll never get over the missing and loving him.

Stanley Pickle - The answers of the questions

Stanley never goes outside. He likes to play with his clockwork toys and every night his mother kisses him good night. How old do you think Stanley is?
I thought he was about 7-8 years old when I just read this sentence, but after watching the video, I think he is about 16-18 years old.

              What does Stanley wants?
He wants to be friend with the girl.

What’s the problem?
Stanley wanted to be friends with the girl, who is likes to dance with her friend bird. However, the bird died and she was badly sad and she consigned the bird’s body to the grave.

              What happens to solve the problem?
Stanley didn’t want her to be sad, so he brought the bird out of the grave and put the clockwork into the bird’s body.

              Where is the climax of the story?
The climax of the story is, when Stanley and a girl met and Stanley handed a bird which he performed an operation to put the clockwork into the bird’s body. The moment she saw the bird, she screamed and felt scary. She ran away but the bird was chasing her.

              What happens at the end?
The bird which chased a girl finally went to be nothing, and Stanley saw it. He learned something, and finally he recognized his parent’s dead and buried his parents in Cemetery which he made for.

              What do you think happens after the video ends?
Stanley finally became to know what is ‘dead’, so I think he may be sad at the first time. It is hard for any people to accept the thing which they don’t want to accept, and it is also hard for Stanley, too. However, I think Stanley will overcome that and he can be brave enough to go outside from his house. I think he will become friends with a girl and he will be happy in the end!

              Who are the characters in this video?
Stanley, His mother, His father, A girl and A bird.

              What might the ‘clockwork’ (and especially the ‘bird’) represent?

I think the ‘Clockwork’ represents the admitting, especially the admitting of the die. And the ‘bird’ was the tool to make Stanley admit the dead of his parents, because the bird showed him that it is no meaning to keep the people who died besides him.

Cafeteria in Aogaku

As people in the school know, we have cafeteria.  There are two types of cafeteria : the cafeteria on the ground and the cafeteria in the under ground.  In my opinion if you want to eat delicious meal you should go to the under ground cafeteria.  On the other hand you should access to the above cafeteria to use your cellphone or a computer with wi-fi.
By the way do you have your favorite meal in the cafeterias?  My favorite meal is chicken nanban (it means southern barbarians.).  It contains shredded cabbage, miso soup ,rice and chicken with tartar source with 480 yen.  This is very good price for this containment so I eat them at least once a week.  However probably it is too much containment for girls because even I have hard time to eat the last slice of the chicken.  Even so you should try it once

About my part time job

Today, I am going to talk about my part time job.

I am working at KFC in Giza. About 5 months have passed since I started working there.

I really like working there and this job suits me most, I guess. It is because, the atomosopher of there

and people working there are really nice!!!

I also like talking or communicating with people so, in this point, this job suits me.

Now, I have a goal that I want to be a Shift manager who is responsible for making shift. To be a

shift manager, I have to acquire a lot more things so I will make an effort to be a shift manager


I would like to work there as long as I can and to learn how to make costomer happy and satisfied.

Sagamihara Fastival !!!!

     Hi, this is Minori. Yesterday, there was a school festival in Sagamihara Campus and our club sold a "Sui-gyouza"  which was super delicious and we sold 500 or 600(four Sui-gyozas each) in two days. In our closing party we had to pay ¥3800 at first and thanks to our sales that it became only ¥500 each (we booked the hole restaurant!)!
     During the festival, we had works to do, but in free times, I visited the Archery club to see Kanaho. At lunch time she came to buy our Sui-gyouza, also Ayame came too! Ayame was doing a "cosplay" and it was really cool! I always wanted to do cosplay like Ayame did but had no chance to do so, so I am looking forward to our Halloween Party in coming October

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Stanley Pickle

1. The main character Stanly is maybe about 25.

2. Stanley wanted an eternal life with everything he has spend with as long as he live. So he made them into clockworks and lived with them. He even made his parents' clockworks.

3. Stanley could never learn the way to over come the sadness of loosing something very important to him and could not mature mentally.

4. Stanley realized that it is not the right and best thing to make everything into clockworks by getting rejected by a girl to receive a her bird which he made it into a clockwork with its dead body. Also those clockworks of parents broken down and noticed that everything has its own the moment of end.

5. The climax was where Stanley bury parents in the ground to get over with them and determined to live on his own.

6. Stanley got out of the house and felt nature.

7. Stanley became normal person and live as an ordinary people.

8. The characters were Stanley and a girl.

9. Those clockworks were representing that lives are not eternal, that you can not against it.

This video was very scary.

Friday, October 11, 2013

No speaking IE III

Thanks for everyone's cooperation today as I was recovering from painful throat and sleepless night . . . By the way, in looking through your Oktapodi comments, I notice good ideas but lots of misspelling. Why not use the spellcheck button above?


     This is Minori, last class we saw a short movie "Oktapodi", which recieved an Academy Award of 2009. I wold like to describe how the story was in several points.

(1) Who are the charactors?
     There were two octopuses, one was pink, probably a girl judging from her eye lashes, another was an orange octopus. There was a driver too.

(2)What happens in the movie (What do they want to do)? What is the problem?
     Two octopuses were having a romantic time, but the girl was suddenly taken by the driver, so the boy octopus followed the truck to rescue his girl friend.  The driver noticed that there was an octopus hanging out of his truck so he tried to get rid of him.
     After he got his girlfriend back they try to go back to the sea, the driver tries to catch them,  and since the driver lost the control of the truck, the truck crushed into the sea. They were relieved but then now the boy had been caught by a Seagull, so now girl is going to help him.

(3)What happend in the end?
     The girl octopus shot herself to help her boyfriend.

(4)what do you think it will happen next?
     I thought of two endings. I thought that the girl will reach the seagull but she will also be caught, or she attackes the seagull and defeat it so they bring it and eat

My circle

I introduce me circle.  My circle is all round sports circle, espoir.  We say espo.  We do sports every Wednesday, and play various sports, for example, tennis, volleyball, basketball, football.  Our circle is very friendly.  Last summer vacation, we went to the sea, Summer land, Yomiuri land, Mt. Takao, and so on.  We spend almost all  time together in summer.  In addition, we have event each season.  In spring, we have welcome camp, and we play tennis at there.  In summer, first, we go to summer camp, and we play tennis at there, go to the sea, do clash water melon, and do  fireworks.  I like the summer camp very much.  Secondly, we go to summer pleasure boat, wearing Yukata.  It is really fun.  In fall, we sell fried ice at Aoyama Festival.  This evnt is very interested.  In winter, we held christmas party.  Everyone dressed up that day.  These events make me happy.  Moreover, we held the volleyball tournament game twice a year.  At the tournament, the championship can get a prize.  Espo makes my school life enrich.  I feel a sence of fulfillment everyday.  Compare with my high school days, I think I can try various things. As I write, my circle is really nice, happy, delightful, friendly, and wonderful!!  I really love me circle and friends.  I want everyone to know the charm of my circle:)


It's very hot like summer!!  I think it's enough  of summer!!!!
We'll, I'm on the train right now, going to school. Today is Friday so it's end of the week!!!!
Yesterday, I  ate lunch with Mizuki. We went to restaurant in Gaienmae. We chatted for a very long time, we spent a good time!!! The food were good too. After that we took prikura. (I know that my face changes a lot)
I'm looking forward to go out with IE family too!!!!


I'm going to write about Oktapodi we saw last Friday.

There were three characters, a pink octopus, an orange octopus, and driver.  The two octopuses were living together happily in a water tank.  However, the driver took out a pink octopus from a water tank suddenly, and he took a pink octopus in a car.  At the same time, an orange octopus worried that a pink octopus might be cooked, so an orange octopus slipped out of the water tank, and went to help a pink octopus. 
An orange octopus caught up with a pink octopus, then, the driver prevented an orange octopus from helping a pink octopus.  It began fight between two octopuses and the driver.  They overcame some difficulties.  At last, the driver and his car fell  into the sea, and two octopuses were on an electric wire.  After that, a flying bird took an orange octopus, so a pink octopus flew at a bird by using an elctric wire. 
Next, I think a pink octopus will crash a bird, and two octopuses fell into the sea.  Two octopuses will live together happily in the big sea.


this is a story of two octopi trying to be together.
they were living happily in a water tank at a human's house, but the human takes the female octopus out of the tank, probably to sell her away.
the male octopus try to get her back and chases the human who got into a car.
the octopus is just an octopus which people think it cannot do anything so bothering to a human, so it's a problem the audience might expect the octopus to have.
However, it makes the movie fun and exciting since the male octopus unexpectedly fight well with the human.
At the climax, the two octopi defeats the human by letting him go down into the ocean with his car.
But the story of the octopi trying to be together is like to continue since the male octopus has now taken away by a seagull.


In the story of "Oktapodi", there are a orange octopus and a pink octopus who is in love with each other.
In the warter tank they were doing well, but suddenly, the pink octopus was taken away by the fisher man.The orange octopus trys to get her back, and chases the man.
Finaly the octopus gets her back, but at the last, suddenly a seagull grabbs the orange octopus and flys away. For this time, the pink octopus trys to get back the orange octopus and then the story ends.
 I guss what ever happens to them in the futuer, the two octopuses will help each other and will live happily ever after.
It was a video with no voice, but it was nice because we could imagine the story by our self!

About okutapodi

I will talk about Okutapodi

Main character: Pink ocutopus and orange ocutopus

What happened to them: They were loving eachother in the water tank, but suddenly someone

                                         grabbed pink one and took it to the car.Right after pink one was taken,
                                         orange one tried to chase the car to get back her.
The problem: pink one was  suddenly taken by someone and is likely to chopped and served as a dish

The climax: Orange one managed to get the car where pink one is there. Tried to get her from the car
                    and finally he got her back, but right after that, orange one was taken.

What is likely to happen next: Pink one may get orange one back by her strong attack. The car is
                                                 lkely to fall in the water.

Java sparrow

I'm going to talk about my pet bird, "Kanoko".
I wanted to have some kind of pet about a year ago, but my father didn't arrow me buying.
What I did was to buy a java-sparrow without getting an acception from my father. Java sparrow is very small bird so I could keep her out of my father's eye. Now my father really likes Kanoko.
Kanoko is an angel of my house. She disturbs people doing work but everyone can't scold her because she is so cute.

happiest day...

Hi, this is Minori, today was the second happiest day I had in my whole life!
Last week I wrote about my boyfriend taking responsibility,  well I did not believed that he is really going to do something, but actually he did.
He sent an e-mail to Ms.Nakasone (cannot say what it was written since was long) and she read it aloud infront of everyone. Usually he never does thing like this since he is SUPER "Tsundere", so this was a big surprise to me.
I do not know how to express this feeling and also I am afraid that everyone going to be like "nha..not again" so I am going to stop here. lol
Good night!

Oh, in this weekend, there are Sagamihara festival in Sagamihara campus, we are selling "Sui-gyouza" and I am really happy if you guys visit and buy some♡

Thursday, October 10, 2013


There are two characteres in Octapodi.
One is a male  orange octopus and the other is a female pink octopus.
They are on good terms and they lived together happily, but suddenly a thing unexpected happened.
The female octopus caputured by a man, and brought.
Then, the male octopus thought that she would be cutted and eaten, so he rushed to her.
When the man brought her and drove a car, he was surprised to see that there was a octopus on car's window and he was panick.
He drove a car very violently and slipped on the road. At that time, she managed to escape out of his car somehow and two octopuses could go outside.
I expected that they would live in the sea forever until they died.

My first Live!

Last Saturday, I went to a live of my favorite artist with my friend, Karen.
It was my first time to go thier live, but she is a enthusiastic fan of them, so she got me to talk with them.
I know their music and I am a fun of them, so I was very touched!
It was wonderful time for me to talk with them and  this time was first that I thought it was lucky to have come to Tokyo.

I was very pleased when the vocalist of them touched my sholder!
I would not be able to wash my jacket for a while even though my jacket got smell of tobacco.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

My role model

Hello! This is Nami.
I'm going to write about my role model, Miranda Kerr.

She was born in Australia, and grown up in country.
After she graduated from high school, she studied nutrition, became a model, and now she is one of the top models of Victoria's secret which is a popular lingerie brand among young women all over the world.
She is working not only as a world super model, but also as the producer of an organic cosmetic brand, KORA organics, and as a mother of one lovely boy named Flynn.
At the same time, she is well known as Orland Bloom's wife.
As you can see, she lives a hectic life.
However, she doesn't show her tiredness at all. She says that's because she is very good at taking her mental and physical care.
For example, by doing Yoga, cooking some healthy Organic meals, taking time for her beauty, and something like that.

Even with her success, she's always humble. That's why I respect her.
I'd like to act like her. I don't mean I want to be her.
I've never imagined my life as a super model, her life and thoughts are always inspiring me.
I hope her future success and happiness.

Thank you :)

Girls party@Ropongi

Last Saturday, I did Girls party what is called " Jyosikai" with IAESTE circle members.

We went to Ropongi and had delicious dinner. The atomosophere of the room was so good and the design of the room was really pretty. It was like Sweets factory!!!

During the dinner, we talked and talked about many kind of things like about love or friendship and so on.

Maybe, it is too much to say, but I felt like I  was in Gossip girl, haha.

Anyway, I had really good time there and looking forward to next one!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

helping my friend's homework

the other day, I was seeing my friend's English homework assigned at Keio university.
when he asked me to help on it, I got so nervous from growing interests in seeing what keio students learn in their English classes and the fear if I can't understand what he doesn't even understand.

his homework was to read a few passages about characteristics of 'high-class culture',
and the passage was written rather powerful with a simple definition, explanation and an example for each.
I was surprised he eventually have to elaborate those two pages to a fifteen minutes presentation because I think it's so long! :o

I found the text very hard to understand and had to read it again and again to fully understand it.
by helping his homework, I really enjoyed going though the stages of understanding and was motivated to read more English books that are higher levels.


I'm going to write about the video "Okutapodi" I saw in the last class.

In one room of a Greek white house, there were a pink octopus and an orange octopus in a water tank.
They were in love.

As they were telling their love each other, a man came into the room.
He took pink one from the water tank and put her into his freezer box.
He got back to his car which belonged to a seafood restaurant the car showed, so the orange one imagined that she would be cooked. It looked awful.
Thus, he decided to get out of the water tank, and followed the car.
He pulled the pink one from the freezer box, and they were trying to get out of the car.
At the same time, however, the man noticed that, and he was trying to get her back.

As he lost control of the car while the man concentrated on getting her back,
he crashed into the wall.
Though it seemed they had made it to run away at one moment, he still chased them.
Conclusively, he didn't get them back, what's worse, he and his car dived into the ocean.

It seemed that they could live happily ever ever after.
However, they were on electric wires.
To make the matters worse, a seagull came to take the orange one.
At the end of the story, since the pink one got angry, she was trying to fly to it.

I guess after she would hit the bird, she could get the orange one who is her boyfriend, and they would live happily in the beautiful ocean ever ever after.

Sorry, but I'm not so sure about the detail. Please excuse me.