Come in and Blog On!

2023 Welcome to your IE 3 class blog. The object of this class project is to log in and write your comments, web links, answers to questions, and your questions to others at least twice a week. It's fun and you can include pictures or graphics. Keep it original, helpful, and interesting. Don't forget to spellcheck your work before publishing. Also, when you create your user name, please use your real first name, in Romaji (ex. Ryuki, Mari, Lisa, etc.) so that we know who we are communicating with. Enjoy, and Blog on!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Word chain

Minutes ago, I chatted with my friend on LINE. At first we talked about ordinary things, and soon later we started playing Shiritori(Word chain).
Shiritori is a Japanese word game in which the players are required to say a word which begins with the final kana of the previous word. No distinction is made between hiragana, katakana or kanji. (Wikipedia, 2011)... Well I think almost all of you must have played.

The Shiritori was very exciting because we both hadn't played it for a long time.
We played normally at the beginning, but in the middle she tried writing words which end with "u(uu)" as far as possible. It made me hard to continue Shiritori... that was good brainstorming!

I had really fun! My friend won the Shiritori, though.. :D

Practical Skills

Throughout the two activities we did at our last class, I learned not just about books and cross culture. I learned some practical skills how I should introduce the book, and how to discuss about a particular topic.

1.Book Report

Writing the book report, I was able to write a report in a different way I have done, previously.
Previously, I wrote reports based on my feelings, how I felt, or do I recommend it or not. However, through this assignment, I was able to face the book I chose in a different way. Looking up about the author, history, comparing with the movies, and evaluating. This was a new way to approach to the theme of the book and think more widely. I enjoyed the process of making the report very much.

2.Discussing about cross culture marriage.

It was the first time I discussed about one topic, using many sources at one time, using your knowledge, experience, and Internets. I felt a pleasure cooperating and heading towards one or more answers with the members of the group. The important thing was to share your idea, to respect others idea, facing oppositions, and heading to a agreement or an answer.
Also scanning was something I thought I need to improve more.

I really had fun and was satisfied to the activities we did at our last class.

Hope to see you guys next week! Good night!

About My Grandmother

First of all, I thank Sayaka for such a touching story about her grandfather. Related to her post, I'm gonna talk about my grandmother here.

My grandmother lives in Akita, which has lots of nature. As you guys have already known, it's located in the contryside of Japan. There're espacially lots of nature, fields, and farms around the place where she lives, whose air is absolutely fresh and whose water is absolutely clean. We can even see beautiful stars in the sky at night. I, too, once lived in Akita as well, and my house was not that far from hers, so I would often visit it when I was little.

My grandmother is the strongest woman of all for me.

She is a farmer who has a heavy heart disease. She has been forced not to excise since her childhood because of the disease. In addition, my mother told me that my grandmother had received a 7-hour-long heart operation about 14 years ago. I guess I was around 4 years old and knew nothing about it at that time. I still remember how surprised I was when I was told the fact by my mother for the first time.

Her heavy disease notwithstanding, she works as a farmer in vast farms every day. She has about 4 vast farms and a garden, and grows heaps of vegetables and flowers there. My grandfather helps her with farm working from time to time but it's not that common, so she works as a farmer almost all by herself. Her morning starts at around 4:00 a.m. She starts to harvest her vegetables from early in the morning, and works until it gets dark at night. Then, after she goes back to her house, she starts packing to ship them in the nearby supermarket. She continues to work almost all day long on both hot days and cold days -- it's hard for me to imagine such a severe life.

I would help her with farm working during summer vacation when I was in Akita. I harvested some summer vegetables like egg plants, tomatos, and cucumbers. It was then that I first realized how hard farm working was and what a great work she were doing. My concentration lasted for at most one hour, and I quickly felt exhausted because of the heat in summer. And one day I asked her, "Why do you work so hard?" Then she replied, "Because there're people who are waiting for my vegetables." I still remember her words and I'll never forget them. I learned how wonderful it was to work for others from her.

Her vegetables contain lots of love, so they're so delicious. I was glad to hear that some people who bought them telephoned her to tell that her vegetables were really good. Even after I moved to Tokyo, she sometimes sends me her vegetables and other food from Akita. Now, I really think that I am such a happy person as I was born as one of her grandchildren. I'll definitely go back to my hometown Akita, and help her with farm working during summer vacation. I can't wait until it comes! I really want her to live long and enjoy her life.

Thanks for reading.


I went to my grandmother's house after classes and ate sushi for dinner yesterday!
My grandmother lives in Koenji with my grandfather and I often go there when I have free time because I can go for about 30 minutes from university.
My grandfather smiles like a kid when he sees me, though he seldom smiles. He was a really bad guy when he was a teenager and he was in a group of gangster. He looks scary and no one wants to approach to him. But he thinks seeing grandchildren is a source of his power and he is really kind to all of grandchildren, so we love him.
I also personally love him because he actually has sweetheart in his mind. I think there is  someone who likes you whenever you feel you are alone, so we have to remember that all time and it encourages us.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Discussion on book report

Last Tuesday, we had a discussion based on our book report.
It was really interesting than I expected.

In my first group, 2 books were discussed about. One of them was "The Great Gatsby", which I knew the name of it. However, I've never tried to read it.

During the discussion, many characters and their situations were explained. That novel is about the complicated human relations, including some ironies. Though it wasn't a book review which just recommend to buy books, as Mr. Armstrong mentioned before,  I found it very interesting!

I'm planning to read that novel or watch the movie of it.
Thank you for the discussion!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Shopping with Haruka

Today, I went shopping with Haruka in Shibuya. We first went to Shibuya109 and bought some clothes, then ate some delicious french toast. Haruka bought dresses that really looked good on her. I bought a check shirt and a white Tshirt.

And we found something cool on a bridge.

Atom the Astro Boy!!!!

If you look close you can see that it's made of  tiles. 

We had so much fun!

Book Report Discussion

Hello everyone.

 On our last class, we discussed about our book reports. It was quite interesting and fun to know other's books. The book I choose was The Great Gatsby and it has a little complicated story so I was struggling to tell my classmates the exact story.
For the first discussion, I couldn't depict the story well, so for the second discussion, I prepared a list of characters. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to present my book this time. But still, I think that paper worked well. Next time, I'll prepare more for better discussion.

 I'm now wondering the book for my second book report. I'll keep searching...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

International marriage

In yesterday's IE class we learned that tens of thousands of Russian women look for foreign husbands. The article said that 23 percent of Russian mothers would like their daughters to marry foreign citizens. I believe this is because Russian men are alcoholic, lazy and don't earn a lot of money. So many Russian women are eager to marry foreign men, not Russian men.

On the other hand, Russian women attract foreign men. They are beautiful and love to do housework such as cleaning, cooking, and caring for their children.This is why some men from other countries want to marry Russian women.

When people marry foreigners, they have to understand other cultures more to build a good relationship. Anyway whether people marry foreigners or not, true love is the most important thing.


 Yesterday in IE class, we read an article about Russian women marrying foreign men. According to the article, it said that 1,500 marriages with foreigners are registered in Moscow every year. In addition, 23 percent of Russian mothers would like their daughters to marry foreign men.

 It surprised me how Russian women stick to the idea of marrying foreign citizens. In my opinion, the advantage of marrying a foreign man is that Russia will be able to construct a stronger relationship with other countries.

 I do not completely have a positive opinion about how Russian women register theirselves to get married, since I believe that the love between husband and wife is the most important thing when getting married.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Yesterday, it was raining all night. It started raining in the evening and I was still at school for the club activity. I didn't have an umbrella with me so my friend let me in. How nice!
Anyway, do you like rain? Well, I hate them. I have a natural curly hair and whenever it is raining,  before raining, or after raining, my hair goes even more curly and fluffy. It's a little strange to use the word 'fluffy' but it does become really fluffy. So annoying.
Only natural curly hairs can understand me:(

My weekend

     This weekend I went to a camp with my circle members. I am in an indoor sports circle and we do all kinds of indoor sports. In this camp we did volleyball and basketball games. My team was third place in total and it was very refreshing because it has been a long time since I last did sports.
     I was able to get along with my seniors and peers. I also got to get along with girls from Aoyamagakuin Girls Junior College. I was happy to meet many new people.
     On the second day we went for a walk to a park.
     I felt very active and I had a very nice time. I am looking foward to our activities later on!

Welcome camp

I went to Gunma as a welcome trip of a club activity. The hotel was very isolated and there was nothing to see. It was a very countryside. But we enjoyed playing volleyball. Two teams, first year of boys and second year boys competed for girls' icecream. I bet the second year of boys would win, but they didn't, so I couldn't get icecream...
After that we had a BBQ. I could eat a lot of meat, so that's okay!!!
The students belonging in my club activity are very funny and nice. I m very looking forward to getting know each other.


     Last Tuesday we listened to Ms. Keiko Tamura's lecture about a project called "Save the children" in Syria that she is participating in.
     I learned that there is bombing in populated civilian areas and that is making children having sleeping disorders, depression, fear and adults are increasing in violence against children. This decreases self-esteem and makes children feel discrimination. I was very shocked to hear that so many children are in such a devastating environment. "Save the Children" are making a child friendly and secure place for children to regain their childhood and let their fear and stress go away. I felt how strong Ms. Keiko Tamura was because it must be hard to be in the same environment with children with such a harsh background. I wouldn't know what to do if I were her.
     She said that "Save the Children" has a quote saying "NOT TO LET THEM GIVE UP THEIR FUTURES AND DREAMS". This quote impressed me and I agree exactly what this says. Every child should have a chance to be happy and be confident in themselves.
    I am glad to have heard this lecture and I learned a lot from this. I think it is important for us to know about this project. People should not forget about this problem and know more about it and support this Syria problem.

where abducted girls

This morning I found the article in newspaper on missing girls in Nigeria.
However parents of the girls cant be told where they are because its a military secret.

The Terro group abducted 276 girls on April 14. Dozens of girls has already been released, but still more than 200 girls are missing. This terrible act make us intense and draw international condemn.

It hurts me to think of how much and how long their parents waiting for children. I pray for them to be healed their minds and this is going to be solved as soon as possible.

The future of Syria

I didn't know and understand anything about why there is a serious conflict and what problems are until last week's lecture.
 I learned that the goal of her organization is to protect children from the fear of the conflict and protect them through helping them mentally and physically.

Fortunately I had a opportunity to think about the the educational system of Northern Europe especially Sweden. They offer children free education and the equality of gender is almost there. This obvious educational gap made me think of this issue.

The only thing what I can do is to learn and ponder these problems from many angles. I'm excited to learn them from now on!

About Syria

Last Tuesday, we had class to know about Syria conflict. I actually knew nothing about it so it was a good opportunity.
First of all, the short video we saw, that was kind of shocking. The video showed how a girl suffered in Syria. At the beginning of the video, she looked very happy but as the video goes on, her face changed fearful. How heart aching...
Ms. Tamura talked a lot about Save the Children(SC). I really agreed with the motto, "Every children have the right to live happily from the moment of their birth."
She asked us, "If you should live in a shelter for a long time, what would you think?" I have no experience so I'm just guessing but I think it would be awful. Limited food, space, no private time. I think I would be depressed. More effort should be made to help those people(like SC), not only in Syria, but in all over the world.

The lecture on Syria

Hello everyone! It's Momoko again.
I'm going to talk about the lecture on Syria we had last week. How did you feel about it?
I was so surprised by the situation of children in Syria, and felt sad.
"We all have the rights to live happily ever since our first cry as an baby." I was impressed by this words, because there are many children who aren't applied to this words. In spite of this words, children in Syria are suffering from explosive weapons, economic difficulty, interruption of study, fear of bobing, sleeping disoders and depression. I can't imagine how stressful the life of them is.
I didn't know about Save the children. It helps children in 120countries including the United States.
We watched a short film about a girl in Syria, and it was shocking. Children are in danger and killed as we speak. We have to think what we can do from Japan for the children in Syria. There must be so many things to do to help them.


Yesterday, I saw a nightmare. It was horrible . I was on an air plane with my dad. Then suddenly the airplane started to dive down towards the city. Everybody one the airplane was panicking. The plane still went down and it finally crashed into a train station in the city. I opened my eyes and looked around. Smoke and fire was everywhere . I luckily survived.  I looked beside my seat. My dad was covered with blood. He was unconscious. He didn't have his seatbelt on. He forgot to put them on. This nightmare made me take precautions before whatever I do these days . And it was also my worst nightmares I had this month.

Best weekends :)

Hi, this is Momoko! I'm going to talk about last Saturday and Sunday.

Last Saturday
Firstly, sophomores of ESS took some freshmen for a drive to Osanbashi, Enoshima.
Osanbashi is one of my favorite places!

 When I was young, my family took me there. I was so moved by the view from Osanbashi. We could get a full view of Yokohama. It was breathtaking. We ate dinner there and took a lot of pictures.
This picture below is the best shot :D  ↓

Secondly, we went to Enoshima. It was my first visit to Enoshima, so I was so glad to go there and spent a good time with my ESS friends. The sea was beautiiful though it was night. After that, we went to the place where we could command  beautiful night view.

There were many couples! I want to go with my boyfriend sometime! haha

Last Sunday
We had a birthday party of my ESS friend, Kasumi. We bought 2,5kilograms of fried chicken, cake, a lot of balloons and crackers and birthday presents.

The party was a great success!! It was so fun, and I was so glad Kasumi enjoyed the party, too.

I really enjoyed my weekends :) Did you do something special?

Monday, May 26, 2014

Answering to questions!!

Since I didn't do special things this weekend, I would like to answer to my classmates' question!

to Brianne:
It took several hours for me to write my opinion about obaachan's garden. I saw the important part of the film over and over again! It was not easy, but it was a good opportunity to learn the situation at that time in Japan.

to Momoko.S:
Yes!! I do enjoy club activities. Recently, I went to do BBQ with the members of the badminton club called Peace. It was really sunny, and I got sunburned. I think I will join this club!!

to Jumpei:
1)I'm interested in badminton because I belonged to the badminton club at highschool. I prefer to enjoy badminton for fun!

2)My best way to spending my weekends and holidays is to go out with my friends or eating delicious food with my family.

My impression for last week's lecture

     Last week, we listened to a lecture by Keiko Tamura, the project manager of "Save Our Children".
Although I had the background knowledge from the video about Syria crisis which we saw the week before last, I learned many new information from the lecture that I didn't know before. For example, 40% of the children can't go to school because schools were destroyed or they have to work for their life. Also, they are so afraid of the bomb that hearing just a door slammed, they get scared. The price of the water in Syria compared to Japan made me think about the preciousness of food, too.
     To be honest, I think it is difficult to stop the dispute. However, what we can do is to learn and understand the situation they are in and to be concerned about them. We can help in our own ways such as donating money and maybe sending things like toys or clothes that can be reused. Moreover,  I think always keeping the problem in mind and sometimes researching the state in Syria is a very important thing.  

Thanks and about Syria

First, thank you for answering my questions Jumpei and Dr.Armstrong. It really helped.

The lecture of "Save the Children" was quite shocking than I  had expected. I didn't really know how much damage the conflict was causing. The adults are concerned, how couldn't the children not be? I thought that bombs and terrorism kill innocent people and that they also kill the souls of people. The pain when a family or friend pass away is immeasurable. I can't imagine my friends and classmate dying everyday. Charities like Save the Children and UNICEF take an important role in international relations. I think I'll donate some money to them if I see donation boxes somewhere.


I had Aoyama Standard class today.
In this class I thought about my parents.
What I thought is the greatness of my mother.
I live alone and do all housework now.
Doing housework like cleaning, washing and doing the dishes is very hard.
Especially I don't like doing the dishes.
I always become tired of doing the dishes.
I respect my mother because she did housework everyday.
So if I marry someone, I difinitely help my wife do housework because I know bitterness of housework.

Obachan's Garden

We watched a film "Obachan's Garden" two weeks ago. The film is about a woman's life which has many ups and downs.
I thought Obachan's fault was that her mercurial character which cause difficulties.
On the other hand, her good point was that she sticked to her principles and her decisiveness. Her life was difficult one to get over, but she did and she lived till 104 years old. I want to be such a strong woman like her.

the talk about Syria

Last week we listened to Keiko Tamura, who works for Save the children.
There were many things I didn't know, but especially 2 things (information) of them really sticks to me.

First of all, A woman was arrested by helping children in 1919.
Her name is Eglantyne Jebb. She wanted to help German children who were suffered from WWⅠ, so gathered money and sent it to German(enemy's country). Her claim was that " It is the adults who started the war. We should help children because they have nothing to do with it." I didn't know that there was such person who think in a modern way in those days. And also, there was people who dominated money to them! It is such a heart-warming thing, I think.

Secondly, pictures children wrote were full of sadness in contrast to which written by children in other countries.
All of them concerned to the war. Pictures with dead person, and about having birthday party but someone is missing. I realized that they really need not only health care but also mental care.
Now I understand why Save the children insist on doing mental care of children.

"Save the Children" Lecture

On May 20th, I had a chance to attend the lecture about not just the Syria problem but also learning what the "Save the Children" NGO has for their motto, and what they do in general.
2 women, Ms. Tamura Keiko and Ms. Sakurai Maiko was the teacher for that day.(Mainly Ms. Tamura)

Before she started her speech, she showed us a short film about a girl gradually being embroiled by the evolving conflict in the country she lives.
It was such a simple video, but very effective.

After watching the video, she told us that no children is responsible for the war, and the impact of the prolonged war. There were 5 main circumstances what will happen due to the war.
1.Limited recreational activities, reduced physical capacities.
2.Decreased social experiences, limited role models.
These 2 were the most impressive facts for me because these have been common throughout my life. It is hard to think without it.

The NGO`s target is "Not to let them give up their future and dreams".
Changing the point of view, this means that some of the children are giving up their dreams with no choice.

Every word she said had a weight, and made me think very deeply. A problem that seems like a local problem, could possibly, be an international problem. Students like us might be hard to take action, but at least, I think it is a necessity  to "know" about the issue.

 I am very satisfied, and appreciate to all the people who organized this lecture.


Let me answer questions!

"Did you all find it easy making report on Obachan's garden?"
Well... I didn't. I had difficulty in writing evaluation. Making my opinions and trying to view from other aspects was difficult. However, I think that it was such a good experience to try!

Congratulations! Brianne and Momoko!
"Do you guys enjoy club activities?"
Yes! several weeks ago I was at Freshman meeting in ESS, and there I could learn how to talk in English with good attitude, and gained some friends from other universities.

1) "What kind of sports is everybody interested in?"
I'm interested in playing tennis, and swimming. I played tennis when I was 12, but I couldn't be a good tennis player! I'd like to practice from now and improve my skill. As for swimming, I'm planning to swim during this summer vacation.

2) "What is your best way of spending your weekends and holidays?"
I like to talk with my friends, so I usually go out with them! Otherwise I go to the library and do my assignments there.

Lecture about Syria

 Last week in IE class we heard a lecture about Syria by a Japanese lady who belongs to the NGO group called 'Save the children'. 
 First she showed us a short video made by the organization. The movie showed a small girl from living an ordinary life to slowly suffering from living throughout the war. The video made me realize how people tend to think that social issues are none of their businesses until these issues are related to the people themselves. 
 The lecture reminded me that there are many things we can do to save the children in Syria. I strongly believe that people in developed countries are one big key to saving the people from suffering in other countries, and should always keep in mind to take more actions such as donating.

india curry

last week after work, my friend took me to taste the indian curry in shirogane, that was spectacular.
let me show you some pictures.

lecture about Syria problem

last week we had a lecture about Syria problem, it make me realized that the people especially children is now leading a miserable life due to the war. what astonished most is that over 1100 child death estimated. I think we should do what we can to better the situation of the children in Syria, such as donating money. Just as said in the lecture, every child has the right to lead a happy life since given birth.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Book report


How is your book report going?

I read The Great Gatsby and was working on the book report today.
Didn't no the book was not successful when it was first published.
The book started to take off during World War Ⅱ after the author had died of
heart attack. I guess it takes time to win public recognition. Although, it's kind of
ironic that a lot of great writers and artists fail to see their work being accepted while
they are alive. Vincent Van Gogh is a great example. He believed that his work was
a failure until he decided to end it all. And what happens a century later? His works
become worth of millions of dollars.

Sorry, that was kind of negative wasn't it.

I would like to answer Brianne's question now.

I kind of thought it was difficult because I had to pause the film several times
to think about the important lines for a minute. So it took a bit of time. But it was
enjoyable so that was good.  

The lecture on Syria

Today I'd like to talk about my impressions on the the lecture of Syria. I've seen the video about the girl before ,but when I first saw it I couldn't understand what was happening. When I saw the video for the second time during the lecture, I couldn't believe those things are happening in reality. We Japanese live in a safe country. We don't have much risk of being involved in a war compared to other countries, and because if that we tend to forget that there are many people suffering from war. I think what we need to do is search more information about Syria and other countries that are suffering and to think what we can do for the people living in that country. As it said in the video, just because it's not happening here doesn't mean that it's not happening. Therefore,  I think what we need to do right now is think what we can do for them.

Lecture about Syria problem

Hi, everyone!
Are you making progress with your Book Report?

We listened to a lecture about Syria problem by Keiko Tamura.
I thought that children in Syria live in the worse environment than I had expected.
Children always are exposed to danger of life.
I can't imagin such a life in Japan.
Keiko Tamura asked us the question "What can we do?" .
To tell the truth, I don't know the answer to the question.
But I must think about solutions and I must not forget that problem.
I hope that Syria problem is solved quickly and children are saved.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Syria conflict

Hello everyone!
 Last week, we took the lecture about Save the Children and conflict in Syria. Before I took the lecture, on the website, I studied and understood why the conflict happened and how serious the problems children in Syria facing, but, in that lecture, I understood that it is very difficult to find the solutions against the conflict.  Save the Children is essential for children in Syria. I think that it isn't easy for us to find a solution, but we can think over this problem. So, we should grasp the situation more seriously.

About Syria

Hello everyone.

Today I'm going to be talking about my impression on the lecture by Ms. Keiko Tamura.

On listening to her story, I realised that things were much worse and complex than I had
imagined. I knew about the financial and political issues however, the fact that the conflict
was affecting domestic problems was an astonishment. Never made that connection before.
Even when things that don't seem to be related there sometimes exists a significant connection.
Being aware of this might make it easier for people to look at the different aspects of things.
To find a solution is very difficult, but I would like to continue on thinking what can make
the world a better place.

Aoyama bread festival

Today I went to Aoyama bread festival held at United Nations University across from Aoyama Gakuin University with my friend before dancing.

I was so hungry that I bought 8 kinds of bread. Now I regretted that I bought so much bread, it cost a lot of money...

Before dancing, I ate a croissant and a melon pan. They were yummy! I took the others to my home and will eat in my home.

I thought it would take much time to finish eating all the these bread, but actually it won't take so much time to do because they are yummy and I'm always hungry to eat something!

This festival is held once in two months, so if you have time to go there you should go! It is held very near Aoyama Gakuin University, there are many foreigners, and you can buy a lot of bread like me :DDD

Impressions on Syria problem lecture

On our last class, we attended lecture about Syria problem taught by Ms.Keiko Tamura.

Before the lecture, I searched the cause and what is happening on Syria problem, so I understood some of the political side of this problem. But the lecture taught me that there is another side, Children problem. She described about Syrian children in detail that are hard to know by just watching ordinary news.
I think all children, especially younger children are sensitive to anything. From her lecture, she said that many children were killed or killed their family or friends at front of them. I think mental damage by such traumatic experience is can't be imagined. I felt relieved to know that her NGO helped many children and they are getting better. For example the girl named Noura, who was on the paper that we got on the lecture.
Interestingly, I learned about NGOs in other lecture too. At that lecture, I was taught that in US, NGOs are relatively famous. But in Japan, the popularity of NGOs are not so high. I think one thing we can do as developed country is, know about NGOs more and support them more.

It was great to hear lecture and information from a person who are working on the spot.  


Today, I have the tournament of my tennis circle and after that, I have part time job.
For the tennis tournament, I woke up 6:00 in the morning so I'm sleepy right now.
I think I need more time for sleeping these days, but I have a lot of things to do so I can't. Tomorrow I'll go to high school which I graduated from and play tennis with my friends. Also, I MUST finish reading book for my book report and start doing my book report as soon as possible.
It's gonna be so busy day but I'll do my best everything what I do.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Book report

 Hi everyone.

 After my last blog article, I managed to finish my book report. It was hard for me because I had a lot of homework from other classes as well. But anyway, I was able to complete it. So, let me write some impressions of the book.

 The book which I choose "The Great Gatsby" is relatively a short novel, but I felt that even short story could describe great plot and great story. For me, this story exactly represents my images for American dream, like sumptuous mansion, luxurious car, big parties. But despite that wealth and power, loneliness and emptiness are can't solved by money or wealth... At first, I thought Gatsby is the guy who are wealthy and attractive, noting similar to us. But after all, it turned out that he was having a fragile heart like anyone else. As I said, wealth and power doesn't always mean happy.

It was very interesting to read one of the best novel in American literature history.

>To Anju
Happy birthday to your younger brother! He's a really cute boy :)

Syria problem

Ms. Tamura talked about Syria last Tuesday,and through her presentation, I could know about Syria in detail.

When I watched the video she had prepared, I was so shocked that I couldn't say any words. There was a cheerful girl, but due to the war, she became quiet and came to hide her feelings.

I was impressed by this words, "all the children have a right to live peacefully from their births". Everyone should be equal. Everyone should live peacefully.

I thank Ms. Tamura, who gave me opportunity to know about Syria.

Reply to Anju Regarding Setting and Symbols

Any locations or times in the book should be listed briefly.

Note as many symbols as seem important to the theme of the book. Remember to be complete in answering: "______ are symbols of _________."


Reply to Anju

 I think you`re in a hurry so let me give advice.

Blue letters are the examples.

Sorry, I haven`t read your book so I have no idea what the content is like, but I suppose you should only write the important symbols. Symbols that might have to do with the theme of the story. Same with irony. (Only if there is too much)

I think the important thing about the book report is that you write it concisely, so just pick up the most important ones.

About the settings, again, I have`t read your book so I cannot give you the exact advice but, let me do my best.

If there's so many places to pick up, for example, one story takes place in Town, Somebodies house, airport, in the airplane, in a different country, and back to their home country again.
I don`t think all the places are important in this story. There should be a turning point in every story so you might need to pick up that.

Or else, I don't think you have to write the location specifically, perhaps it could be abstract.
Write down just 3 or 4 important factors: around 1919, after World War 1, taking place world wide, especially in America (America could be where the turning point was.)

Sorry to say this in the last, but I think the best thing for you to do is send a email and ask Dr.Armstrong.

It would also be helpful if other people would reply as fast as they can.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

About the book report

I started to write my book report, and we need to write the setting, right? But my book changes locations and I don't know which place I should put in my report. Should I write the main place the story located? And about symbols and irony. You don't have to write all of them down, right? I thought it'll be too much if I write about them all.
Did Mr.Armstrong say something about that? If so, can somebody please tell me?

birthday boy brother

Two days ago, May 19th,  was my younger brother's 13th birthday.
My mother bought him a birthday cake, but I didn't buy him a present so bought bought home some Krispy Kreme Dounuts. His birthday cake was a strawberry short cake with eight strawberries on top and two candles that say "1" and "3".
My youngest brother is really cute and sweet, he's also hard working. I really love my family.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Obaachan's garden

 Last week in IE core class, we saw a movie called 'Obaachan's garden'. The story was about a 100 year old Japanese-Canadian lady, directed by her own granddaughter, Linda Ohama.

 The movie showed obaachan's (grandmother in Japanese) earlier days back in Japan, and how she lived all the hard circumstances throughout her life. Through the movie, obaachan never forgot to be kind to others, and to have a positive attitude toward life. She also had the strong identity as a Japanese person. Later in the movie, the directer Linda Ohama discovers that obaachan had two more daughters back in Japan from her previous marriage. The scene where obaachan and the daughter met after long years was very touching.

 This movie had given me the opportunity to know about the Japanese-Canadian's lives during and after the war, which is not usually focused on in other movies. I would like many more people to see this movie.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Obaachan's Garden

I was confused with some points of the movie so I watched the video again at my house.
I was impressed with Obaachan going through many difficulties on her own. She went to Canada byherself but in order to do that she had to marry a person in Canada so she did a picture bride. However she didn't like that person so she worked for 3 years so she can pay back the man she was supposed to marry the money he paid for her to come to Canada. Working for 3 years is very tough so I respect her for enduring the work for such a long time.
Also, making decisions in Canada as a Japanese should had been very difficult for her and her family.

Obaachan is very determined and it made me feel how week and unexperienced a person I am.

Long Time No See

Hi everyone.

Do your remember me?

Sorry for not being on the blog.

I will make sure I will be on blog from now on.

Today we are going to learn about Syria!
I very excited because I have been interested in this topic for quite a while.
The reason I am interested in this topic is because I used to be a member of model UN in my high school and we often discussed about this topic.
I am interested in topics that UN are involved. Because of that,I have been on a trip to NYC to go to the UN building. I still remember it clearly.

About obachan's garden.
I watched the movie twice last night, but I found it difficult to understand and the big problem is, I don't even know why. For me, it seemed a story if a very cute grandma who had experienced many difficulties in life.

I have a question.

Did you all found it easy making report on obachan's garden?

Thank you.

Obachan's Garden

 We saw a movie, "Obachan's Garden". After last week's class, I watched the movie one more time. I thought that Obachan was such a strong woman because she went oversea alone, married, divorce, and marry again. I can't imagine in my place.
 The movie showed me to live strongly like her. I think it was worth watching it.

University life

It has been almost 2 month past from the enterance ceremony of the university. I was really worried because all of the things was new, and non of the people inside the gym is the people I noticed. I was being a student in the private school from elementary, and I haven't ever changed classes and being in the same class for 12 years. So to make new friends in the new place alone, was one of my newest thing to do. However, I was able to make many friends, and I am having a great time now in aoyama right now. Because my high school life was so fun, I first thought I am going compare with those days. However I am having a good time now, and I hope it will keep going to be a good days also.

Went back to Shizuoka

Last saturday, I went back to my home city, shizuoka. Saturday was high school's culture festival, and I visited my school with my old friends. Many of my high school friends will go to the foriegn university, so many of them are still living in shizuoka, until Summer, right before their school starts on September, so I really want to meet them as possible as I could. When I went to the culture festival, I was able to meet many of my old teachers and my juniors. I was really glad. I thought I want to go back to my high school days a bit. My days when I was in high school was really fun, and I miss my friends a lot now. I want to hang out with my old friends before they are going to go far away.

Freshman Discussion :D

Hi! This is Momoko.
I had discussion competition of ESS in AGU last Saturday. There are four sections in ESS, discussion, speech, debate and pronunciation. In discussion section, we discussed death penalty world and non-death penalty world. It was so difficult to understand the system of Japanese death penalty.
And....guess what!! 
Brianne and I got prizes :)
I was so glad, and I came to like English and this club activity more!
Do you guys enjoy your club activities?
  I hope you do!
See you in 10 hours :D  

Monday, May 19, 2014

Meeting my highschool friends

On Sunday, I met my highschool friends at Shibuya and we talked about our recent conditions. It was lucky for me to meet at Shibuya because I had a commuter pass for the train. We first went karaoke and after that we chatted at McDonald's. One friend goes to a different university, and my another friend will go to a university in America from this summer. It was interesting to hear how their everday life is because all of our conditions are quite different. Also, we talked about our common hobbies, study and targets to achieve while we are university students. I relaxed talking to my old friends and listening to their targets made me think about my own target. I haven't set a particular target like them, and I am self-aware that I should. I would like to challenge high scores on the TOEIC and TOEFL tests at the moment. I think it is important to spend an enrich campus life with a target.

My impressions of "Obaachan's Garden"

Yesterday, I watched "Obaachan's Garden" again in order to work on my media discussion paper. After I finished watching it, I had a feeling that I want to meet my own great grandparents. If they were still alive, they would be the same age as Asayo Murakami. I'm sure they experienced many severe things because of the time they lived in including the Great Kanto Earthquake and World War two. Although I can hear about them partly from my grandparents, there is nothing like learning the situation directly from the people who actually experienced. Unfortunately, most of my great grandparents had passed away before I was born, so it is impossible to hear from them now. Even my parents said they didn't hear so much from their grandparents. This film made me recognize the importance of listening to the people who actually lived each era while they are alive. 


First of all, I thank all those who answered my question: how to deal with the heat in summer. All the ideas that everyone suggested seemed to be really practical, so I'm gonna put them into action in order to deal with the hot summer in Tokyo. Again, thanks a lot for your kindness!

Then, I'm gonna answer for Jumpei's questions here.

1) What kind of sports is everybody interested in?
I like to play basketball and to wacth volleyball. I belonged to basketball team when I was in elementary school and jr. high school, and played it for 6 years. Even though I wasn't able to do any cool performance like dunk shot, but I really enjoyed playing it with my teammates. I also like wacthing volleyball games. Do you remember the games in the London Olympics? Japanese women's volleyball team took the third place for the first time in 28 years. I was really touched by their games and almost cried. Volleyball is one of the most exciting sports to wacth for me!

2) What is your best way of spending your weekends or holidays?
I like going shopping and karaoke with my friends, but just sleeping at home is the best way to spend my holidays. Nothing special, just sleeping :) I feel happiest when falling asleep!!

Thanks for reading. See you guys again soon!

Syria problem

Tomorrow we have an oppotunity to listen to a lecture about Syria conflicts.
In fact I don't know well about the present in Syria.
I think Syria conflict is the worldwide issue we have to understand.
So I want to have a right understanding of Syria problem through the lecture.
But I can say that it is very important to save children and provide safe place for children.
Adults have to protect children because they will lead the next generation of the country.
Tommorow's lecture will be a very good chance for us!

Syria conflict

The conflict in Syria has caused to make people losing their house and the number of children becoming refugees are growing. The number of children affected by the crisis has skyrocketed from 1.8 million to more than 5.5 million. And the number of child refugees has more than quadrupled, from 260,000 to over1.2 million. I think what we need to do is provide children food. It is true that child refugees need shelter, medical care and education,but I think what they need most right now is food. Due to the conflict it is hard for refugees to get food in hand. I'd like to get to know more about Syria and child refugees so I' m looking forward to the tomorrow 's lecture.

The Middle East

I went to Arab charity bazaar yesterday as a embassy staff. I really love to interact with people who have different culture, language and appearance. My work is to do things at raffle corner charging of Kuwait. Although ticket is 2000yen for once, tons of people came to get valuable gifts. 

In our class, we are going to take a lecture from women who is working for Syria. To prepare for that, I asked some of stories about Middle East with embassies. Moreover there are a few NGOs assisting local people to improve their education and skills to live by themselves. I was convinced that I want to be strongly related to those countries.

My weekend

 On Saturday morning, I woke up at 4:00 in the morning because I was so was finally the day of my cousin's wedding! My mom, sister and I went on the Shinkansen and headed for Yamaguchi prefecture, the place where my father's relatives live.
 I had not visited the Yamaguchi prefecture or met my relatives there for about seven years so I was truly excited. The wedding was amazing and my cousin looked very beautiful in her dress. After the wedding, we went sightseeing. There was a small ferry near the hotel in Shimonoseki (Yamaguchi prefecture) bound for Kyushu. It was a good experience for me to look around new places and old buildings.
 I was able to have so much fun eating amazing food and seeing new things. I really hope to come back again.


Hello again :)
Here I'm gonna answer for Junpei's questions.
My answer for his first question is volley ball.
I love playing tennis but I prefer watching volley ball game. I would like to go to see volley ball game someday :)
And my favorite player is Kimura Saori because she has been working so hard to improve her ability as an athlete for so long.
And for second question, my answer is just relaxing. I love sleeping so i sleep till 12 pm when I have no plan for the day, and just listening music or watching my favorite movie and relaxing :))
It seems to be just wasting time but it's necessary for me to take some time for relaxing because I'm getting much stress while I don't even realize.
That's pretty much answers for his questions and I hope you guys have good night sleep. Bye :)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

response to mikako and jumpei

Response to Mikako…I have some experiences of being spoken by a unexpected person. But, special things didn't happen. The people just asked me how to get to somewhere.

Response to Jumpei 1… I like volleyball the best though sometimes my arms hurt.

2…usually, I do my homeworks on my weekend because I am very busy with the preparations for the next lecture, part-time job and club on weekday.

Video:obaachan's garden

On last Wednesday, we watch a movie, obaachan's garden. The movie was about the war about from 1900 to 1950, and cultural difference. I thought the chief character and her  husband had great difficulty adopting Canadian culture, though they originally lived in Japan and left her children in Japan.
I have never been to other countries. So, I don't know what are cultural differences and how hard to overcome it. I may also experience the same case. But,the difficulty they had was still more different. It was during the war. Which should they want to win, Japan or other countries? If I had been them, I could not have decided.


Good evening!

I would like to respond to some of the questions.

To Kentaro
Dealing with the heat and humidity in Japan is one of the hardest things, I figure.
I use to sit in front of the fan at home for hours but it didn't help so much, and I thought
"well, if I can't deal with the heat by trying to cool the surface of my body why don't I eat
something cold and cool down the inside". So I decided to eat ice cream, shaved ice, and
anything eatable that I found in the fridge. Surprisingly, this worked. And that's essentially
how I deal with the heat. So if you want to cool yourself down go get yourself a cup of ice
cream or two my friend!    

To Mikako
Actually when I was on my way home in high school, this woman abruptly asked me if
I was wearing a wig. At that time I had relatively long hair and I told her that I wasn't.
She seemed very surprised to hear my answer. It truly is an unforgettable moment.

To Jumpei
answer 1: I am very interested in sumo. Not getting on the ring to participate, but I enjoy
watching it very much. And the wrestlers I like are Chiyomaru, Gagamaru, and Aoiyama.

answer 2: I usually play my guitar and go to a cram school and do my homework and
assignments. My teacher in cram school has a pet cat and I pretty much enjoy playing with
her as well. She's the sweetest cat I've ever seen and I hope I get to see her soon again.



Today I stayed at my house and did some assignments.
Since nothing is interesting about that, let me introduce where I live.

First of all this is the nearest station from my house.
"Inage" station. It`s near Chiba station.
Some people mistake with "Inagi", but no, it`s "INAGE".

On this picture the red arrow is pointing where Inage station is, and there`s 28 stations between Shibuya. It takes 1 hour and 30 minutes everyday to get to school.....!
There`s pretty much nothing like Shibuya around Inage, but I love this place.

Source, last picture from...

vivienne westwood

I bought myself a new purse from Vivienne Westwood last Wednesday. It's navy blue, shiny and has the Vivienne logo mark on the middle. My old purse was small and was getting kind of ragged, I also used it for quite a while so I decided to change it. It was a little bit expensive, but my earnings from my part time job came in. A great thing to shop with the first money you earned.


Hi everyone :)
Did you have a nice weekend?
Yesterday, I stayed my friend's house and had a great time with my friends!
We watched horror movies and made a noise all night! Then we went out at midnight to test our courage but we returned immediately and went home because it was so scary out
We had so much fun time but when I came home, I realized that I have to work on my homework!!:(( I hate this feeling but I have to..
Next week, I'm going to go to karaoke with my friends and I'm really looking forward to it!!
And for that, I have to do my tons of homework NOW...

Reply to Jumpei

I'll reply to Jumpei's question.
I love football very much.
I'm interested in soccer league of Europe.
There are the top five soccer league in Europe.
- the Premier League in England, Bundesliga in Germany, Liga Espanola in Spain, Ligue 1 in France, 
and Serie A in Italy-     
I like Manchester United very much, but ManUtd didn't do well this season.
I expect next season will be successful for them.
And there is World Cup soccer this year!
I'm looking foreword to watching soccer games!
I think Spain will win the championship.

Reply and some questions

 To Mikako,

Yes, I do have an experience that someone unexpected talk to me.
When I was in high school I was in the tennis club and one day we had a tournament, so we were heading to the game venue by train. I was with my friend but suddenly, a guy started talking to us. He was a stranger to us, so we were a bit scared but as we spoke, we eventually ended up discovering that we had a friend in common. It was really surprising, and I noticed how small this world was.

Questions to everyone

1) What kind of sports is everybody interested in?

2) What is your best way of spending your weekends or holidays?

I just wanted to know because we didn`t really have a chance to introduce ourselves and this media might be a good way to communicate when we don`t have IE classes.

Conflicts in Syria

Last week, we watched the short movie about the problem in Syria.
I've seen some news which says about Syria's problem, but never checked the main cause of that.
Since we see those kind of news often, I probably got used to watching them.

According to the short movie, In Syria, there are children facing the fear of the war everyday. A boy lost his hear day by day because of the stress. I can't imagine how big the stress can be for those children and how they feel everyday. For them, to live healthy is difficult, unstable thing.

I knew the name of "Save the children", but never tried to know more detail of it.
So, I'm so glad to have opportunity to listen to the speaker who works with "Save the children" this time.

Now I'm looking forward to hearing her talk.

A response to Mikako
"Have you guys ever had an experience spoken by an unexpected person? "
Well, I've spoken by some strangers asking me which way they should take to get to the destination. However, those person were ordinary people, I guess.
I'd like to have the experience!

obaachan' Garden

during the IE core lesson we saw the documentary called "Obaachan's Garden",  we can tell that Obaachan whose name is Asayo went through so many hardships including getting to Canada by picture bride, in order to get rid of his exhusband her makeing money by working in a canning factory where the salary was extremely low, the bombing of hiroshima which is the her hometown and being forecd to change living place because of the world war ii. her life is painful but she tried her best to go through it and finally she made it. I admire her incredible endurance and spirit.

reply to hirano san

yes, I have experience of being spoken to by unexpected people.

During the last half year of university, I did an internship in Fourseasons Hotel Shanghai which is a low key but extremely luxury hotel owned by Bill Gates and the Prince of Saudi Arabia. The internship is like a crossing training carried out in the form that first to go around several departments of the hotel to learn their working procedure and then after the graduation of university, the trainees have to decide a department that they want to work in best. and finally the trainees need to pass 5 rounds interviews consisting of  the interview of Director of HR, Dept manager, vice Dept Director, Dept Director and GM to be a formal staff of the hotel.

My choice is being an front desk receptionist because I can contact the guests directly and also it is the most skillful job in a hotel which concerns currency exchange, solving complaints, handling computer systems. Since Fourseasons Hotel is beloved by famous actors and athletes, business magnates and national leaders. for example, Jacky Chan, Beckham, prince of Saudi Arabia and princess of Thailan and king of Morocco and so on..., so we don't lack chances of talking with them or being spoken with by them. It is very common that we share an elevator with a famous actor, or some business magnates come to front desk to chat with you or ask you for help.  But when we sign the contract, we also promised not to leak the information about any guest of the hotel such as their real age, photos and some strange preference.

Saturday, May 17, 2014


Hi there! Please look at this picture for a moment...

You see that my friend and I are jumping, and a Samurai is coming out. 
You are right but actually you aren't! :P
Here is the same picture, but from another angle.
We didn't jump but laid on a floor! The Samurai and all the things in this picture is painted on walls.
It's called "Trick art". We are tricked because of optical illusion.   
I took this picture in a Trick Art Museum in Odaiba. There are a lot of trick arts which you can take some pictures with and enjoy. I recommend you to go there if you haven't been such a place.
It's very fun!

Obachan's Garden

Hello everyone!

I hope you're having a good time.

Today I watched Obachan's Garden again realising how much of a kind and tenacious person
Ms. Asayo Murakami was. When she was talking about flowers it seemed that she truly loved
nature. From this I assume she was a considerate person always trying to think how others felt.

Deciding to emigrate in a foreign country when it wasn't so common for people to get out of
the country must have been very hard. She must have confronted many difficulties. To make
this kind of decision you need to be truly prepared, and therefore I thought she was a very tenacious
person as well as kind, gentle and generous.

Getting to know your roots might be something important in order to always remember to whom
you owe your life.

Coffee meeting

Yesterday I took part in the coffee meeting held at Aoyama Gakuin Uni from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. A lot of exchange students came there.

Firstly, we played the telephone game, 伝言ゲーム in Japanese. We sat in line and the exchange students were in the back of the line. We conveyed each long Japanese sentences in each lines. After all of us conveyed the messages, we checked the answers. Of course, since the exchange students were in the back of the line, they answered. Though there were about ten groups, only one group answered correctly. I thought Japanese is so difficult.

Next we played strange bingo. There were a paper with grids in each groups and we wrote words about images of Aoyama Gakuin Uni on it. One person said the images one after another and if they were the same as the paper ones, we could wipe out the words. My group was lost but it was so fun.

Lastly, we talked a lot and exchanged each Facebook accounts. I made friends with many exchange students. I wanna participate in the coffee meeting again.

Watching the Syria Video

Watching this video, it had made one of my determination even stronger.
One of my dream is to go to more than 100 countries(there are about 195 countries in total).
Of course this means that I want to visit not just developed countries but also, developing countries.
My actual dream is to help or go to the country as a volunteer and save whatever situation that is not good in that country.

This video made me think even deeper than before.

Right now when I have time, I`m studying about the culture and the situations of other countries so this site(The guardian) looks really helpful for me.

I`m really looking forward to listen to the speech of "Tamura Keiko".

Syria problem

 Next week, we’re going to attend the Syrian lecture. It’s great to hear about what is going on in Syria from one of the leading person. Because of that, I was looking into about Syrian problem. As I’m searching I roughly understood general ideas of this problem. But it is very complicated and I couldn’t come up with any good solutions of it. I’ll see what I find after hearing the lecture.

To Mikako,
 That’s very surprising and nice experience you had. I’ve never really had an experience like that. I’ve only asked by strangers about the way which should they take, or where is the station, that kind of questions.

The amazing spider-man 2

After my part time job, I went to watch the amazing spider-man 2 with dad in the theater last night. Honestly I didn't want to go because I was so tired and it was around 9 pm. 
However it was super duper amazing!!lol I had a lot more fun than I had previously expected. I just thought spider-man saves the city from danger. The real 2 reason why I became to love this film is that spider-man so cool and handsome and the couple was sweet! The other is how spider-man teaches us how to recover from inescapable saddest event. At the end of this film, I almost cried because of the words of Gwen who is spider-man's girlfriend. I want you to hear and empathize her words.

I strongly recommend you to watch this. It's not only for coolness of spider-man but also teaching us about life.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Second period

Today,I didn't have any classes during the second period so me and my friends went to Omotesando. While we were heading back to school, we stopped in front of a store. We were talking, then a foreigner came out of the store and began to speak with us.  He  spoke little Japanese. I thought he was the staff of the store, but as we talked more I realized that he was just stopping by to buy something. He was in his mid twenties, had beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes. He asked us some questions like which college we go to and if we ever been abroad. He seemed to be in Tokyo for business.He said he is the CEO of a electronic company. First, I didn't believe that he really was the CEO. Then, he handed out his business card. It really said that he is the CEO. He said to contact him. I couldn't believe that I was talking with a CEO. It was unbelievable .
 Have you guys ever had an experience spoken by an unexpected person?

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Impressions of "Obaachan's Garden"

In our last class, we watched "Obaachan's Garden". 
As watching the film, I thought that adopting in different culture is not easy.
The scene that strongly imprinted on my mind was, on World War II period, when some guy asked Obaachan's husband, 
"Which side are you on, which country do you want to win!? Japan or Canada!?"
I think that is one of the hardest questions of all. 
Physically, he's Japanese, But he speaks English and living in Canada too...
If I were him, I don't think I can answer that question so easily. How can you make a choice? 

Besides killing and destroying, I thought that this kind of culture and mental problem is also serious problem of war.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Great Gatsby

 Today I would like to talk a little about the book I am reading for my book report. I chose the book called 'The Great Gatsby'. The story is about a man's life from living in poor to becoming rich, all for one woman that he has fallen in love with. The story is set in New York City in the 1920's.

 I have never read the book before, but I have seen the new version of the movie and it has been my favorite ever since. I also really like how the main character, Gatsby is played by one of my favorite actor Leonardo DiCaprio:) I even listen to the sound tracks of the movie!

 I love the setting, the background and mostly the story of it so I decided to read the book. If you have not still seen the movie, I highly recommend you to see it!

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Saving children

What can we do to save poor children? Think about it. Is working as a volunteer only a way to save them? Surely it's a good idea, but what we can do for poor children isn't only the way.

We should, first of all, know about the country where the poor children live. If we don't know about it, we can't do anything.

Then we can do a lot of things such as making a donation and contributing something like clothes and pencils.

It's important not to take it for granted that we are in a safe and peaceful country.

Media Discussion, responses

Good Morning:)
From today, the topic of our media discussion changed to a new topic, cross culture. Though it was
a little hard to look for an artice, I am looking foward to the discussion.

Now I would like to response to some questions.

I don't know the perfect way to do away with the heat but I sometimes freeze my water botle so it is cold whenever I drink it and it can make me cool down.

My annual family event is celebrating birthdays by going out to eat dinner. Most families probably do this but I am always very happy when my birthday is celebrated.

My hobby is listening to music. I just bought a new laptop  and I love putting
 on music while researching some thing else on the internet.


Setting : somewhere in a town in Europe. Someday in the afternoon
Point of view : third person
Conflict : two octopuses and a man, male octopus vs a bird
Climax : when the man fell into the sea with his truck. When one of the octopus was taken by the big bird.
Symbol : the two octopuses represent for love.  The man symbolizes evil, the bird symbolizes un-expectation.
Irony : The octoposes cannot be together even they overcome some troubles because there is always another trouble coming to them.
Theme : How strong the love they have is,


Setting: The place seemed to be a port town.

Conflict: the man vs the two octopuses

Climax: The man falls into the water and the octopuses gain a victory.

Symbols: The man stands for evil. Octopuses stands for love or relationship. The seagull stands for a new trouble to get over.

Irony: The man is gone, the pink octopus was saved, and the octopuses thought that the story would end happily ever after. But then the seagull came and carried away the other octopus.

Theme: With love, you can overcome any difficulties.

last year

My part-time job is to teach students in a clam school, I teach world history and english. Yesterday, I taught a girl who is in high school. She is not good at learning by heart. So, she always get bad marks when she take a world history test. It reminded me that I also didn't like to study when I was studying for the entrance examination. It was very hard for me. But, thanks to myself that I studied hard, I was able to enter Aoyama Gakuin university.It is a good memory now. I really want her to go to the university she want to enter.

A quiet night with a cup of a tea

These day, one of my favorite time of the day is during night. I didn't like to wake up late. You know it makes me tired next day. I also didn't like to fall asleep on class. However, I noticed that it is only night that makes me calm especially from 10pm to 2pm. What I do is , of course, homework and preview of the class drinking tea. I keep a diary as well. My cat often come to be with me on my bed and heal my tiredness and pain of the day. I don't recommend you to stay up late but I want you to find the time to be relaxed and think of the day and it might be your future.


Setting: During day time, near the ocean and in the town.

Conflict: Two octopus vs the man, and it will probably become two octopus vs the bird, if the story continues.

Climax: There was the judgment on the man for burying them, and he finally fall down to the ocean, probably dead. It seems like it was the happy end; however it's been one thing after another, and one of the octopus had taken by the big bird.

Symbol: The two octopus was symbolized love and heart

Irony: We know they can't be together easily by watching the last part of the film which that even they get rid of the man, they got in trouble again.

Theme: The strongness of love.


Setting: One day in the afternoon, in a town seeing sea

Point of view: Omniscient

Conflict: Two octopuses vs. a man

Climax: When the octopuses escaped from the man

Symbol: Octopus=intelligence
             Octopuses of Oktapodi=true love
             Seagull=unexpected happening

Irony: After escaping from the man, two octopuses took one-two punch

Theme: Nothing is impossible if you have a power of love.

Monday, May 12, 2014


To Ririka,
I don't like sweets such as chocolate and whip cream, because they are too sweet . But I'm so obsessed in matcha. They are delicious . I eat some kind of snack of matcha everyday .  Just because I don't like sweets doesn't mean that I don't eat them at all. I sometimes eat sweets when I'm with my friends, but I don't eat them when I'm eating alone. I prefer rice, to sweets.

To Sayaka,
My hobby is to dance. I just love to dance that I sometimes dance when I hear  any music playing . When I' m listening to my iPod , my hands move a lot, too. It might sound weird,but I also dance in my room in front of my mirror checking my positions.  It's really embarrassing when my parents come into my room while I'm  dancing.

To Kentaro
How to deal with the heat? I also want to know that answer to that question. We'll, it's pretty hot in Tokyo during summer, so mabye going to the pool or the sea is a good way to cool off. It's also hot and humid during the night so when I sleep I put a ice pack under my head and neck and sleep.