Come in and Blog On!

2023 Welcome to your IE 3 class blog. The object of this class project is to log in and write your comments, web links, answers to questions, and your questions to others at least twice a week. It's fun and you can include pictures or graphics. Keep it original, helpful, and interesting. Don't forget to spellcheck your work before publishing. Also, when you create your user name, please use your real first name, in Romaji (ex. Ryuki, Mari, Lisa, etc.) so that we know who we are communicating with. Enjoy, and Blog on!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

This weekend

On saturday, I had a dinner with my family and my uncle's family.
Because he married last year and to celebrate it.
So it was first time for me to see his wife. I was nervous because I'm shy and not talkative in front of people who meet for the first time all the time.
However she was really kind and nice woman so I could talk as usual.We enjoyed the dinner very much.
And after it, I thought that they seem so happy and my uncle looks different from him who I know.Marriage is what a great thing in life it is a little bit early to marry for me though.

I'm working on my book report now. But I'm wondering I can finish it..
It is REALLY tough homework!!


I slept all day\(^^)/ Thank you for your advice, Izumi!!
I was cheered up by your words;) I'll rethink about my part-time job.

Now, I'm confused about our Writing topic 'Persuasion Essay'. I can't come up any ideas about the essay. Did you decide what to write?
In addition, It took long time for Book Report yesterday!! I got tired very much.

It'll begin a new week from tomorrow:( I have many things to do!
Tuesday, I have to go Shibuya for drawing for tournaments of my circle. And Wednesday, I have basketball games from early morning X(
I'll do my best(^o^)


Today, I took TOEFL test. That was so difficult for me:(
It is second time, but I can't still get accustomed to the test.
A lot of words which I never seen was appeared in the reading section. So, I very worry about the score right now... I have to get at least 68points for becoming an exchange student.
I' d like to try my best!!!

First Book Report

Today, I took TOEIC test for the first time.
I did not have time to finish all questions and I need to practice listening more.
Next is maybe September or Octorber.
I study harder than before.

And now, I do Book Report.
But I do not know what I write in Works Consulted.
I am writing about Tom Sawyer, so I wrote the author of background by using Internet.
Please help me, if you find good article, Internet site ad so on.
I hope everyone's message..

Biological... something

That dance shows us about encounter. A man meets a woman, an animal meets a plant. Then something happens. and I think this dance shows also us the encounter that life and death. all living things face to the death. But, other living things are born from death.


I went to school yesterday to finish book report.

I searched about Salinger.

I was so surprised that he is still alive.
He became 90-year-old in December, 2008.
He lives so long!!


On Tuesday, Mr.Armstrong showed us a video, "Pilobolus".
I was surprised at their appearance and their technical movement.
I didn't know what they wanted to express at first, but gradually, their movement came to seem the movement of animals or plants.
I came to think they expressed many creatures on the earth.
They danced slowly and smoothly, and I think this made me think they expressed the environment on the earth.
The evolution on the earth didn't happen suddenly, so it took too much time for the earth to become what it is now.
And even now, the earth is changing own environment slowly.
I think we can realize that the environment on the earth is the result of long history by watching this video, and this realization is important for us.
People have destroyed this precious environment, seeking for usufulness or benefits for a short period.And we tend to forget the gratitude for the environment.
Now people come to take action to protect the environment gradually, and videoes like this are very useful for us to make us reminds of the importance of the environment.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Today, I prepare for the first book report.
Despite this, I'm worring that I can't finish it by the deadline :(

Dear Shino
I'm worry about you :(
Are you OK? What happen to you?
Hmmm...let me think.
I sleep or watch movies to forget about it when I worried.
Talk about the problem to your friends is also good.
Because your friend will always be your side.
So, if you do wrong, they point out the problem or if you do nothing wrong, they cheer up you.
I hope you will be do fine on the part-time job.

Dance Film

We watched the dance film in our IE class last Tuesday.
I thought that dance expressed the beginning of the human beings. At first, man and woman appeared. They are almost naked. It is the beginning. Human beings were same in the beginnig. But, today there are many races and tribes. In addition, people compare each other by the colors of the skins, cultures, and lifestyles.
So I think the dance expess that the wrong thing, to discrime people.

By the way, I had bad thing at my part-time job yesterday night!! I annoyed very much;< But I have to go to my part-time job today, too. I'm nervous now...
When you have stress, what do you do to remove it?

All in one post.

This time, I will try to write about art, tribes, cross-culture and environment all in one post
by deciphering the symbols. The symbols that are passed on from generation to generation.
What is art anyway? Generally, anything that has something to do with the use of the imagination to express ideas or thinkings fall into the category of art.
Since harupika* has written a post on the Maori and their tattoos in her previous post, I want to write about tattoos used by various tribes around the world.
The polynesian people believe that a person's mana, their spiritual power or life force, is displayed through their tattoos. A couple of years ago, I had a chance to work with the members of The Classic All Blacks when they had a friendly match against Japan. Many of them had a great big Polynesian tattoo on their body. When I was having breakfast with one of the players, he told me that their tattoos all have a meaning, like where their ancestors came form and when and where they were born. Their tattoos are a symbol of themselves. I found it very interesting to know.
I recently found out that in Japan, there are clay figurines which have been recovered from tombs dated 3,000 B.C or older and these figurines had their face painted or engraved to represent tattoo remarks. It is said to be, that such figurines were used to symbolically accompany the dead on their journey into the unknown, and it is believed that the tattoo marks had religious magical significance. They believed in symbolism.
When Japan opened itself up to west in the Meiji period, the government prohibited Irezumi due to the fear of contempt from the Europeans, but ironically, masterpieces by Japanese tattoo artists drew the westerners attention and many of them were introduced to the world. In fact, because of its refined patterns and bright colours, it is now considered as a "form of art" by many people around the world. In other words, if it wasn't for the power of cross culture, the Irezumi-culture could have been wiped off the page of Japanese history. Japanese tattoo artists were able create "Japanese tattoo symbols" and took Irezumi to a higher level. For example, a carp(koi) climbing up a waterfall is a symbol of bravery and aspiration. And then, the stoic fish came to be associated with masculinity and the ability to attain high goals, and overcoming life's difficulties. So that is why they display a flag of a carp (koi-nobori) on May 5th in Japan.
Again, they believed in symbolism and had the sense to understand the power of symbols.
However, in today's Japanese society, in my point of view, there are still divided emotions about the Irezumi. In some baths and spas in Japan, a tattooed person is not permitted entry because they "spoil the good mood of the other guests".
Even in a swimming pool at Tosimaen-a theme park in Tokyo, you are not allowed to enter the pool unless you cover up your tattoos or Irezumi.
In such an environment, foreigners who visit Japan not knowing this custom and have a totally different perspective of Irezumi or tattoos, are sometimes told to get out the baths or spas or refused entry. Most of the time, the people at the facility are unable to explain the reasons in other languages, so they tend to use blunt words like "Get out!" or "No Tattoos!"
As far as I know, there some people who have their eye-brows tattooed for cosmetic reasons. Maybe they are allowed to enter such facilities because they don't "spoil the good mood of the other guests", but still it is undeniable that they also have a tattoo. I wonder what happens if you have a tattoo of eye-brows on your arm. huum.
What I am trying to say here is, I think not trying to undestand what the symbols in tattoos really mean and stand for is like not trying to understand the other person's sense of values and ideas. I think this prejudice and ethos in the Japanese society against people with tattoos is so outdated and it's pure anachronism.

Friday, May 29, 2009

about the video

That video was shocking to me. At first, I couldn't watch it seriously. However, I began to think that they wanted to express something, then I tried to find their message. Maybe there are a lot of feelings as well as the number of person who watched it. I think this video expresses the situation of human communication. Also, it reminded me of communication of an old period. After seeing the video, it is so difficult for person to understand other's feeling without using words. Though we can understand other's feeling by seeing his face and behavior, it isn't perfect.

About the dance video

On last Tuesday, we watched the dance video which theme was "Biological cross culture".
In the video, a man and a woman were almost nude and danced. Their dance was not fierce.Their dance was silence and beautiful and they dance like animals.
Honestly, I tried, but I couldn't understand what they want to express.
However, I didn't feel obscene even they dance without clothing and I felt they are animals, are not human.

I was in dance club when I was a high school student. I danced many kinds of dance like hip-hop, jazz dance, cheer dance, ballet, aerobics and creative dance. Creative dance is a dance which shows to others some feelings without a word. I danced about worry, happy and sad feelings at that time. "Biological cross culture" is one of the creative dance, I'm sad for not getting means of dance,but I could enjoy it.

Hanky Panky

I enjoyed drinking with my friends on Wednesday!Since I had a practice for cheer leading club on that day, I went to my friend's house after 11 and the drinking party had started at 12 midnight at my friend's house❤Because I was exhausted I got dunk easily...drinking too much is not good for our health i think but sometimes drinking alcohol makes me feel good^^But, if we want to drink too much like creazy, we should control ourselves to not like a Japanese pop star, Tuyoshi Kusanagi(・_・;)

About the video

I watched the film and try to understand, bit i didn't understand it at all. The film was so difficult for me to understand. I also realized that my English skill is very poor... Though I didn't understand the meaning or message of the video, I enjoyed wathing it! Their show was soooooo wonderful. The woman as if she has no weight or she is air. The man's muscle looks so beautiful. They would practice hard many times and there wewe many difficulty..... It's so splended, I think.

I need, I want, I will

I guess you can say a tribe is a group of people who have something in common, and where they are committed to each other?
But at the same time I can imagine a barbaric tribe that's rather similar to a herd of animals.

Airi & Ayaka :
I don't think Japan being an island country has to do with anything at all.
Most of the south-east Asian countries are small islands with many tribes. Some are even unidentified. They gradually developed a tribe with a set of rules and values.
But that's when we are talking about this kind of "tribe" :

But if we think about "tribe" in different terms like for example, the poll Dr. Armstrong made.
We can call Otakus, Johnny's Jr. fans, young/old people tribes too. They each have something in common and there are even movements too.

If you think of Japan back when it was a imperialistic country where the government was absolute, I guess you can see that as a tribe?
We had people willing to die for the country. That twisted sense of patriotism could be defined as a "tribe" I have no idea what I'm talking about though. :P

But! How do you write "family" in kanji? :
That's right! The first character is "House" and the second is the character for "Tribe"
In Japan, our family is a tribe!
Each family has their own rules and tradition, their own taste for miso soup, their own way of folding underwear. Its all true.

We have family traditions. Hmmmm.
Don't we?


And on the videos we watched in class.
Honestly for "Seers and Clowns" I was pretty disappointed in myself. I thought I didn't have an eye for judging animations. I would just say I enjoyed the random scenes where people were getting eaten though. I also liked how the movie was gloomy over all with a ominous seasoning to it. It kinda reminded me of Salad Fingers.....

The other video however, I interpreted it slightly different from Dr. Armstrong. He said it was as if the dancers had to be connected and they had to have physical contact during every moment.
Seeing the title being "Biological cross-culture" it reminded me of coming together/failing in a biological aspect like evolution!
Two different creatures come together to be one. However it just didn't work out. They don't (biologically) mix well together so they detach, try again, fall apart, try again....

For example we see many new hybrid animals such as this hybrid stag beetle.
This stag beetle is half female, and half male.
The interesting thing is that it doesn't have a reproductive system.

And here we have a hybrid of a Galapagos ocean/land iguana.
This is a iguana with the body of a land iguana, but the claws and color of an ocean iguana.
Recently, due to global warming, there has been a severe decrease in the amount of seaweed in the ocean. Therefore the Ocean Iguanas came back on land to eat the cactus. With their sharp claws, they are able to climb cactus trees when normal land iguanas aren't able to.
Soon all the cactus will be eaten to extinction. Except like the stag beetles, these hybrid iguanas do not have a reproductive system as well.

Just like the dancers in the video, two creatures come together in order to evolve and attach to their surroundings, but fail. I saw the performance as if this routine was repeated over and over again. They form a new breed, but after a while it doesn't work out.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Art into words 2

As for the dance film we watched in the last class,I think it represented the form of love.
At first the men and women meet each other and become one form,then women tends to be dependent on men.Therefore,men wants her to grow up more and be together again in the form superior than before.Afterwards men grows up with the women,too.Finally their relationship gets spoiled,but facing the difficulty of staying together they strive for love they were in before.

movies and cross culture

I think I caught a cold... I don't feel good. Maybe because I went to bed without drying my hair>< Oops!

About the 2 movies we watched on Friday, to tell the truth, it was really difficult for me to understand so I had to think really hard.
What I thought was that no matter how different you look, everyone is somehow the same.

Dance Film

I think it is interesting and amazing to represent the form and motion of animals.
I think it is impossible to reenact their performance for general people
But, I don't know why they danced in naked style. I was so surprised when I visited their web

site.( You know what I mean if you enter the site) Honestly, I am somewhat repulsed by their dance style. I think there are many kinds of ways to represent the theme except the style.I feel there is a different attitude to being naked in public between I and them. And, I also think people have much knowledge about nature and animal are easy to understand the dance.

It got more and more difficult for me to understand what they represented while I was watching the motion.

About the movie

Seers and Clowns-Though, there were many people who have different cultural background, they all looked same. I think the message was we are all equal.

Biological Cross Culture-With man and woman together, they created shapes of animals and many kinds of shape that we can't create without a partner. I think the message was we can't live by ourselves.

I have a question!

I have a question to Dr.Armstrong and everyone in this blog!
I want to use my English skills to my advantage, and through my 8years of experience in the U.S, I want to support foreign people who live in Japan, who has trouble living here because of the language walls. It can be volunteer activity or some place that I can work for. Also I'm think about tutoring American children who doesn't understand Japanese. But I don't know how to find those places where I can meet people from foreign country and support them.

Does anybody know some organization or company that I can work/support foreign people by using my English skills?

about the film

The film thet we saw last week I though that it was weird because I couldnt understand what it wanted to say.Altough I though that it was incredible that humans could move in ways like they did in the movie.


It was bad Wednesday for me... because my compute broke so that I couldn't do my homework and blog here and also I had a flu so I had to stay in bed.
So I'm blogging this from school's computer! But still, I don't feel good:( I think I'm going back home after blogging this. I feel really really sick. I hope I can go to Dr.Armstrong's class tomorrow.

About the movie we watched in last class, it was a little difficult to understand its message but I caught some symbols from each movie. In Pilobolus movie, the message it contained was that people or animals can't move by themselves without relation with others. I found that message by looking two dancers forming many objects by using each other's body.
In seers and clowns movie, I thought the message was even if our appearance is different, our thoughts are similar.

The Pilobolus performance

Our class watched the video which two people of Pilobolous company were dancing. I think the theme or lesson of this art is that we human beings are originally the same as other animals on the earth. The performers on this video danced as wild animals and reminded us that there is no border between countries. This dance might say there is no difference between nations in terms of our original nature. We were the same each other when we were born.

Anyway, the dance is so ingenious and I think it is no wonder that the Pilobolus company has gotten quite a few awards!!

What do you think?? If you interpret the dance in different way, please tell me.

see ya!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

about last week film

I learned from this film that each person has many kinds of tribes even if they live in same country. Some are feminists other are subgroups and so on

I think that tribes are separated by difference of thinking such as religions sometimes. Though in Japan religions are not so much, other countries have a lot of religions. This tribe has strong power!! Sometimes differences of religions happen wars.

The Dance Film

I felt that in this film movements between a woman and a man create something such as plants, animals and so on. The dance also expresses emotions each other, I think.
Although conversation between two people is not, they communicated by touching bodies each other, I think.

"Biological Crossculture"

What we should learn from "Biological
Crossculture" is, I think, the idea
that two things(of cource including
humans here)of essentially different
kind, belonging to different tribes,
could combine to perform the feat of
transforming into almost every imagi-
nable kinds of forms,literally, to
"cross biological cultures"(tribes).

To be more general, to see things in
more than one perspective helps us to
gain a broader mind. In this point,
learning a foreign language(s) is quite
illustrative. And I think it is this
very broaden perspective that enables
us to cross boundaries of cultures.This
is what I learned from the piece of film.

The film we watched yesterday

I think the theme if this dance is nonverbal communication. They maybe express nature such as plants, animals, and so on. I feel this dance is similar to the beninning of human beings.

Dance Cross- Cluture

We watched dance yesterday.
There are only two person, woman and man and music.
Music is slowly,sometimes rhythmic, sometimes gentle, so they move as slowly as the music.

At first, one of them start to move, another person does not move.
They look plant and animal, but gradually they begin to move like animals.
I think one looks very lonely and it seems as if they run away from something.

And when they unite their bodies together, they seem one animal like gorilla, elephant and so on.
Until then, they express separate thing. However from this time, they make one thing.

At last, they become human beings.

I think this movie tells us to cooperate with each other.
If you do not have interest in someone or somethings, he, she or it would be lonely even if they are different race and ethnic.
Cross culture needs the mind which we should have.


I live in dormitory "schoonmaker" it stands in AGU. As you see, my dorm is management by university. So rules fixed in this dorm are very strict, especially curfew. In January, I brake this curfew. Many people (about 14 persons) scold me at reception room and I was prohibited from staying out for one month and that month's curfew was 10:30. I had spend very,very hard time for that month. Never the less, I break the time again. I scold again and I take penalty again. So I decide to leave this dorm. I have to various proceedings. It is so boring but this is the only way for me to take freedom!! I will fight last one month in this dormitory.


I saw blowing tree and playing animal in this dance. One time they looks like swimming in the water. Each move go smooth so I thought they looks like octopus. It was really amazing.

Anywayz,today I went to yakiniku and I eat a lot. My stomach went full but I kept eating. After eating yakiniku, I began to eat icecream and softcream. It was really enjoyable for me. I wont to go there again.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Last Week Class

I am mistaken about last week class.
I thought today we should hand in last week's DVD report, so I am writing about the tribe.
We watched the DVD last Tuesday.

There are many faiths in the world.
One of the efaith is Juwry.
A Jew woman made Barbie doll.
We can change its cloth, hair and so on. Sometimes, it looks llike cabin atendant, Canada's president and American girl.
We have tribe.
The tribe is various human group like barbie doll, so we have to look in the world and love all people more.

I think this TV show is difficult, because I do not understand all English wards.
I do not know there are various people all over the world and I contact with only Japanese, some Americans and Australian. It is hard for me to understand tribe. I think the tribe is important to understand cross- clutural communication.
The tribe means the same tribe people have a common thing like language, culture and ethnic. And that thing is inherited from our ancestors to descendants. So we have to agree to all people and understand defference between me and them, and love all over the world. From then on, we understand our minds with each other, I think.

I do not form today's vedio opinion yet.

Art into words

In the last class we`ve watched some films and put the impression we felt into words.
In the first place I didn`t understand why we`er expected to do this kind of things,usually I hate the act of translating some form of arts into words,for example,I don`t want to hear the conversation which takes place in the museum regarding colors,figures and so on,but I really appreciate the last class because it reminded me the dynamics of our cognitive understandings which can`t be done by words.
As for the animation film,I thought it showed the stages from the begging of our life to the end of it understanding from the point which is different from our own.

I've forgot...

I remember that the Barbie doll was produced in Japan. Japan had a good skill to produce dolls. I knew from newspaper. Now I'm watching the movie "Boy A" on DVD. It's a story about a young man who had been in jail. Then he start a new life. He had been arrested when he was about 10 years old. It's a shocking a little but, it's worth to watch and I can't help thinking about teenagers' crime.

last week

I had many good event in last week. One was BBQ. It was first time for me. And I can made some new friend in that. The other was dinner. We had dinner with many friend, and after that, we went to karaoke. Also, I went to birth day party for friend. There were many good looking guy and lady. So I'm so happy.

What is my tribe?

I think my tribe is perfectionism because I always tend to do something completely. For instance, abount sprts, I want to practice until I can do the sport entirely which I challenged for the first time. About cleaning, I cannot help cleaning from wall to wall in my room. About assignment, I keep doing a assignment until I feel it's perfect. Therefore, I have not finished homeworks many times;; I was often told it's good tendency by my friends, but I think I am just tactless person campared with smooth operator. I want to be a person who has measurable severity.

However, I have standed to gain thanks to my perfectionism. In my junior high scool days, I belonged to a softball club, and in the first year, a coach of the club told freshmen to make a practical swing at least 10 times per a day. So, as he said, I practiced swing more than 10 times a day. And then, I became the first person of freshman to launch a home run. The menmory will continue remaining in my memory.

As another good thing of my perfectionism, I often surprise someone with carrying things too far and I am prased. When I was a high school student, on a assignment of biography, I searched Hideo Noguchi too much and many teachers were amazed. As a resolt, my report was displayed in days.

Thus I got good points as well as bad points by my perfectionism. It is my character, so I want to value it.

see you!!


After school, I went to Machida with my friend to eat something for supper. We didn't have much money, so we went to Saizeriya because most of the dishes were reasonable prices. We ordered drink and some dishes to share. I love making "Apple milk tea" which my another friend thought up and taught me how to make it before. It is really good and I love it! Then we ordered a custard pudding which is my favorite one. If you've never eaten the custard pudding, must try it once! We talked a lot and stayed there more than three hours.. I know it was too long. However I was happy to talk with her about lots of things today.

Tribe and Religons

Hi,I agree with Airi,too. As she say, Japanese don't think about tribe because of the island country.And also I think the reason why they so is because Japanese are not interested in religion.Some of us belong to religion like Christian, Buddhist, Islam, Jewish and so on but almost all of us do not.Not to believe in religion is strange from foreigners..When I went abroad, it is one of my culture shocks.Talking about religions, I told I don't believe any religion, foreigners said it was strange .Even we are not into religions, there are needs to understand them and have knowledge about them.When we visit foreign country, we should obey the rule of the country. And the rules are often relate to the religion.Why does not Japanese concern about religion compared with foreigners? Does it have something to do with island country?It is very difficult question,isn't it?;(((

Monday, May 25, 2009

This weekend

On the evening of last friday, I went to Kagoshima by airplane. I went to the airport for the first time so I lost my way. But I could ride on the airplane in time. I was really surprised at the airport because it was very beautiful and large.
In Kagashima I had very good time. At first, I went to Sakurajima by ferry. I ate ice cream of sweet potato. It was so delicious. Next, there is the aquarium near Sakurajima, I saw a lot of kinds of fish. It was so exciting. Finally, I went to Ibusuki for sand bath. Although it was very very hot, I was refleshed after that.
During this trip I usually walked so I was tired. However I want to travel anywhere again.

Tribe by watching video on last tuesday

I agree with Airi!I think most of Japanese people don't think that much about the tribe...
that's because If somebody asked me what my tribe is before, i would say only I'm Japanese...however, thorough this class, I realized that i'm not only Japanese. When I think about the tribe, I think I have to think who I am. So the tribe can be depended on who I am as I think.

The Tribe

I think Japanese people don't think much about the tribe compared with other foreigners.
One of the reasons is that Japan is an island country.
However, United Kingdom is also an island country, but there are many ideas of the tribe.
What did its difference make between two countries?
The history of each countries made the distinction outstanding, I suppose.
The national isolation in the Edo era is the most infulential event for unconcerning with the tribe.
People were tend to think that Japan is a homogeneous state.
Now, of course, we know that idea is wrong.
For example, Ainus, Ryukyu people and their offsprings live with us in Japan.
We should know other tribes more earnestly.

a cockroach

Last Saturday, It appeared suddenly from an overflow when I was watching TV and relaxing.

It was my first time to see it. It was smaller and quicker than I expected. I was so frightened by it and couldn't leave from my bed. After an short time, I determined to give it a good beating and managed to get slippers fearfully. Then, I called up all my courage and searched it all over my room. But, it was disappeared. I don't know whether it ran away or is still hiding in somewhere.

I'm afraid to go home for a while.

I think most Japanese would sympathize for my experience because its looks is so grotesque. But, Do you know the surprising aspects of a cockroach?

It is used for meal all over the world and raising it is so popular. Generally, people in East Asia fry up and eat. Furthermore, it is utilized as medicine for fracture and sprain.

If I knew the aspects, I didn't try to get it away. I'm so fool. I'd like to eat a fried cockroach Next time I happen to see it.


Yesterday I enjoyed Karaoke in Shinjyuku.
I have not been to it since March, and I can't sing songs as what I want to.
But my friends are very good at singing!!
I really enjoyes listening their songs.
One of my friend sang EXILE's "Lovers Again ", and it was very very wonderful.
I was really modved.

I want to be able to sing songs well too.

It was nice holiday for me.
This week, I wil busy doing my homework, so it made me refleshed to have such nice time.

See You.

And you always believed...

Recently I'm feeling better about things.
Its as if I'm jumping from side to side from being super motivated, to being unenthusiastic and wither
ing away.
To be honest, it's kinda embarrassing (well not really) but listening to cheesy music has been mak
ing me feel better for the past week.
You know....the music about believing?

I've been an In This Moment fan since 2005.
Now if you don't know In This Moment, you will be amazed by their stage presence!

I've seen them live last year and their energy hasn't changed!
It was just Maria's (the lead singer) screams that had got
ten croaky. She really should work on changing how she screams. There is a vocal trainer named Melissa Cross who works with many metal singers (such as Angela Gossow from Arch Enemy, and Matt Heavy from Trivium) I really don't want Maria to loose her voice.

I also just love her dresses! The gap between the tattoos and her vivid dress is just breath taking! They're designed by Sheri Bodell!

I was so jealous that my so-so friends/rival-band called Crossfaith played opening for In This Moment. Oh well, that's going be me on stage for the next tour!

I mean, I have a fan base already. In fact I made it in less that 20 seconds.
Look for your selves:

The show ended very fast! They didn't play my favorite songs but they played so many new songs.

After the show I was still in the venue talking with people when on of the roadies came out. She gave me left over drumsticks! I remembered her from last year and she was nice enough to tell me to stay because the band was going to come out in a few minutes.
I couldn't believe I was going to meet one of my favorite bands AGAIN!

Maria looked tired and sick at first, but as soon as everyone came up to her she looked happy and energetic as usual. I was so nervous I only talked with the bass player Jessie.

I had so many questions I wanted to ask but since I'm such a timid loser I just asked for a picture and giggled and ran away.

Maria decided that it would be more efficient if we did a group photo so she was trying to get things in order.

here are some random clips ->
(Oh and yes...they had BALLOONS!! )
The whole band was super nice.  I didn't know they would be that generous to us fans!  I have so much more respect for this band now.

Hopefully they will come back and I will keep a note on what to ask them.
Like about her
Mark Ryden (my favorite artist!) tattoos on her hands.
How many of your are shy? How do you approach people you adore?

Anyways, I'm going to go to bad while listening to In This Moment and going back to being sappy.

When things go wrong and get painful, and you feel like giving up,
. B . E . L . I . E . V . E .

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Today was rain day. I hate rain, because my hair will be untidy by moisture.
So I don't like rainy season.

Today, I went to Nishitama cemetery to place my grandmother's ashes in the grave. My grandmother has been dead for a month. I was very shocked when she died. When I was a little girl, my grandmother often take care of me and I loved her so much. She was a cheerful, outgoing and kind woman.One of the respect persons who I think. I'm sorry for telling such a sad story :( The ceremony made me sad, but I was happy to meet my cousins. I have six cousins and all of them are women. I haven' t seen them for a long time, so we talked a lot and have a good time.

May 23-24

I went for a trip to Izu with my team members. It was a trip for only 1st and 2nd grades to make good friendships with each other. On Saturday, we were divided into four groups and each group did several activities in different areas. Our group got off at Yugawara and ate Ra-men in a small restaurant. There were many kinds of Ra-men and all of them were great. After that, we went to the park near the restaurant. Although we couldn't spend long time in there, we could enjoy the time because there were a river and waterfalls. Then we got together again and went to the hotel. After we relaxed a few minutes in it, we went to the sea and had a good time of there. Then we returned to the hotel, ate curry, and played some games. Around the midnight, I went to the sea again with some of members and talked a lot. I slept at 6 o'clock, just before an hour and half to get up, so I am really sleepy right now.. However it was a great trip and I could really enjoy it.


Yesterday, I went to LaQua, which is the spa facility in Tokyo, with my friend.
It was my first time visit and very exicited.
There are a natural spa and many kinds of sauna baths, so we spent a lot of times.
One of the most favorite is the mist shower, which give lavender scent.
Lately I am very tired and busy, but it healed my weariness.
Moreover, it made my skin greasy and my condition better than before!
I really love a spa, and I want to go Hakone or somewhere if I have time.
Well, I must do my best from tomorrow.
So long;)


Today, I did part time job from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
My cafe shop has special morning menu.
I made these at first time, so I made mistakes a lot.
But I remember everything!
I already do not mistake it!

I went to Yokohama after part time job.
My friend and I looked for the jewelry, we could find these.
We bought the same jewelry:)
I like it very much, but I do not like spicy food.
Today's BIBINBA was a little spicy for me.
However, it was very good:)
Today I enjoyed the time with her!
We plan to meet next month!

This weekend

I went for trip to Atami with my circle members only 1st and 2nd years.
Fist day, we were divided into four groups and each group did some activities.
My group went up to by ropeway , enjoyed the view from the observatory and ate icecream the taste was castard pudding!!yammy!
And then we got together again and headed down to the hotel which was nearby sea.
When we were enjoying at the sea, accident happened..!
One of 1st year boy was injured..;((( terrible! He went to the docter and took up four stitch after all...oh my god..!!
After that we went back to the hotel, played game and had a bush!!It was so exciting to be with guys all night! Some of us stayed up late and others was just off to bed earlier.
I think that we might know each other much more than before our trip.
It was so lovely to have such great trip ever :)

this weekend

I went to Izu this weekend for staying togather in a camp of FC INTL. It was hard schedule for me, but I made a good memory thanks to this camp and I was glad to talk with many people in the camp. During the camp, we did a lot of things. For example, barbeque(BBQ), experience of sandblast, and going to glass museum and so on. Also, we could see the ocean from the window of our bus(we went to Izu by bus). I was so excited because I saw the ocean after a long time. The place where we stayed was covered in forests and we were able to feel clear air there. In the night, we could see many many stars in the sky more than those of urban are though it was a bit cold.

I took a rock bath for the first time. Do you know rock bath?? It is a kind of hot spring and it is surrounded with rocks. Since I hardly go to hot spring, I could relax in the hot spring bath.

At night, we had trouble sleeping because our tension was too high. So, we all were sleepy next morning.

Anyway, I had great experience in the camp. I want to go there again. At the same time I felt like gouing to my hometown Fukushima because there are many greens like Izu!!

Thank you for reading.

The Busy Days

Hello! And very sorry to write this blog not so much..
These days I am very busy. Yesterday, I had the welcome live of my club at Noborito.
I was very very veeery impatient about it and nervous. Because my band formed just before two weeks from that live. So I had not much time to practice. We performed five songs; three from "Kurahashi Yoeko," and "Kojima Mayumi," and "EGO-WRAPPIN'." They are not so popular musicians. So we did not get these band score. It means we must play not with score but by ear. We practiced together just two times. But yesterday's live was very interesting and successful. I was very happy:) But very tired! Today, I will do my homeworks.. ;O See you!

The Tribe

The video that I watched on last Tuesday was a little complicated because, English was quite too fast to listen for me. I tried to catch up with that English but, I wonder if I could. I thought it was interesting the Babie doll was created by Jewish woman. It was difficult to imagine by seeing the doll with blonde hair and blue eyes. In Israel, there is a definition that who is Jewish. It says the person who was born from jewish mother or is Judaist is Jewish person. So, I think I can't tell one's tribe or race by looks.


I met a lot of high school friends at alumni meeting (^^*)!!!!
It brought me back high school days.
Because the school rules of my high school were lax, appearance of my friends did not change between the high school and the university.
I was happy that I felt came back to high school days.

However, I drank too much ><
I felt uncomfortable at a train when I came back home.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


I went to Ikebukuro and Harajuku with my friend.

We bought clothes, perfume and ate constellation parfait.
Parfait was so delicious.

I had a good time today.


Today, I went to Shibuya for participating Reedy's adviser group.
We ate dinner at Asian garden.Have you ever been to there?
Asian garden is placed at Miyamasuzaka, Shibuya. They serve curry, tacos, chicken, pizza.
You can eat as much as you like for 2,100 yen at this restaurant. I had really good time there.
I haven't been to Shibuya for a long time, so a few shops which I liked are disappeared. I was very shocked about that.

I think I get May disease :( I don't feel like anything to do...Do you know how to recover from this? If you have a good advice, please tell me. Bye!

Yesterday& Today& Tomorrow

Yesterday, after I finished school, I went to the part time job.
I passed the test to get promote my positon!
I made mistake only one question, so I was happy:)
But I am busier than now and have to have responsibility..
I manage company's money and I am equal to the occasion for everything.
Since yesterday, I started to practice the business of manager.

Today, It was very hot!
I went shopping at my favorite shop:)
I bought sandals.
And then I cleaned my room and while I read the book, I slept for one hour.
I went to part time job to practice the business of the manager.
It was very difficult to learn too many works by heart.

Tomorrow, I go to Yokohama to meet my friend i high school.
We plan to buy jewelry;)
I am looking forward to meeting her!

Cybles Dreams

That part really left strong impression in my mind, too. I vaguely remember she's caring her hair in front of a mirror, then I heard woman's desperate shout and saw her hair falling out. From Seer's point of view, I guess it might mean too much caring of hair will result in loss of hair, or it might mean, however beautiful her hair is when she's young, it will be lost someday.
I want to know if you've got any idea:)


The second video we watched was "Biological" performanced by the Pilobolus in 2005. I thought their performance was mystic and beautiful!! The way they form animals and how they move very smoothly was amazing!!
What I thought through their performance was it seemed like a journey. During the journey, she gets to this unfamiliar place and I thought that linked to our theme "cross-culture".


Our class watched two videos which was based on the topic of cross-culture. The first one we saw was an animation "Seers and Clowns", which was made in 1994 by Faith Hubley. The animation was really unique and I think it's rather artistic.
The part in "Cybles Dreams", where almost everyone had their hand on their hair really been on my mind. I can't get what it was trying to tell us. If anyone has an idea, I would definitely love to hear it.
There was this phrase I really liked was "sap courses the trees when blood courses the veins". This phrase is great!! I'm just at a loss of words since it's so amazing!

I will talk about the other video later:)

Masks Revisited

Well Shuya, you may be right. I am rethinking the mask issue amd may reconsider soon. Certainly, at the very least, masks are considerate to others . . .

*note to self: find special mask that can cover an extra large nose!*

My Tribe

Hello! Recently it is very hot, isn't it? But sometimes cold!! So I am confusing which cloth should I wear X( Please be careful about your health.

I'll talk about my tribe. Let me see...It's difficult.
It may be an improper expression, I belong to 'indecisive' tribe. In fact, because I am a delegate of my basketball circle, I have to decide many things, for example, schedule of our camps, what to do during practice time, starting members of the game and so on...But I can't decide by myself;( Anyway I worry about everyone's eye. I think someone doesn't be satisfy or I can't decide. I want to fix this side(><)

my tribe, my amorphous, my indefinite

If you were to ask me what I was doing at this moment,
I would say I just cancelled work because I was feeling productive and had better things to do,

AND I'm also crossing my fingers for a pandemic.

yes you heard me.
I'm hoping for an pandemic. The ignorance of the people on this earth just amuses me.

I wish everyone single person who makes fun of masks, somehow "know for sure" they wont get infected, underestimates the flu, to just get infected and suffer and beg for mercy and say it to my face that they were wrong and sorry.

I thought it would be nice to promote masks.
except, the reactions were unbelievable.
I recently had a picnic with a friend and she said "you're so Japanese. Please take it off you look creepy."
I would go to school and people will not only criticize me for caring about my body, but they would laugh and say "Japanese people are the only ones who wear masks hahahaha We're not going to get infected!"
Well guuuuurrrrrrrrrlll, I have a mirror in my bag and I could of pulled it out so you can look yourself in the mirror and realise you're a Japanese person with no pride AND NO MASK. Who cares if Wearing a mask = Japanese. At least we will be the only ones who wont have to suffer in the end. I just cant believe how people are so self-conscious about how they look and not worry about their insides. This is where I think the problem is. We're lost in the "market" where "western = everything that's in."
If we don't flaunt our Japanese-ness, we will always be seen as "the outsider, who is not with the times."
That's why I lost total respect for Sawajiri Erica and her husband for writing on their blogs that its embarrassing how its only Japanese people who wear masks. I hope they both get infected and see who's laughing in the end. They are famous celebrities with a chance to promote masks. Yet they had to emphasise the fact that they think they are "international people" who get to experience different cultures first hand. and are people who oppose Japanese customs.
I am a citizen of the planet where I believe there should be no negative judgments towards others. Especially by abusing my position in the media.

Therefore, I have realised that it wouldn't make a difference if it was only me who tried promoting masks....We need someone who is followed, draws attention :


Oh look! If I say Beyonce wears a mask would you?
I bet you would.
I'm sure she could get away with anything by saying "But, it's the latest trend"
and people will copy it.

So I really appreciate tegoyuri for spreading the word on masks.
Isn't sad how we have to actually make an effort so others will wear masks on trains?

Whats ironic is that masks are sold out everywhere!

Friday, May 22, 2009


Last Tuesday, we watched an interesting video about tribe.
The video was very fashionable and pop that made me excited.
Honestly, I can't really understand what tribe is. Because there is a lot of ways to class and it is very difficult to divide. The only thing I can say is tribe is a small or large group of people who is shared their nationalities, identities, bloods, religions and spirits etc...
I have never feel tribe in my everyday life, but I learn that tribe close to our life through watching video.


I went to Shinjuku to meet my high school friends. There is only men in my high school, so yesterday, there are 7 mens. We didn't meet long time, so our conversation was so excited. We had dinner, and play boring. That't really fun. I laughed many many time. And I think that was really rare for me.

On last weekend

I went to Tokyo Disney land on last Monday...Since the flu has spread out in Tokyo area, my friend and I were thinking that there shouldn't be so many people in there...but, there were so many people in Disney land...I wanted to ride new attraction, Monsters Inc, but it took more than 100 min to get the ride, so I gave up>-< however, I had a really good time in there!

re:be careful

Roger that tegoyuri!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cross Cultural Relations

I usually talk to foreign people in shops, streets, and subways to find new
things. It is interesting to hear each people's reasons to why they came to Japan.
It was astonishing to hear that some of them came just because they loved the Japanese
animation and comic!! Since there are many reasons to why they come to Japan, I try to
look into as many interesting subcultures as possible so that I can put a spark in the conversation.

I wonder.... what do you guys do?

Computer tribes

Computer tribes......something I cannot be.
I just can't understand it! How can you people keep
watching the screen! Talking about it, I think tribes
are something that make you part of a group to feel
that you exist, and that you are not alone.

Be careful!!

Swine flu has finally landed in Kanto Area! I have a few friends who live in Hachioji so I'm very worried about them.... Oh, wait!! I live in Hashimoto. I should worry about myself, too!! Don't forget to wear your mask on your way to school!!


I think tribe is a group of people who share with the common cultures, religions, customs and so on.
But there are some prejudices.

For example, Aboligini, who is Australian tribe, was considered as pitifully savage in the past. But they were contented with their things as the were.

I think their attitude, they don't want things over their need, includes the hints which relieves the ill that we call desire, which spread in present time.

However, understanding Aboligini is important to visit or live in Australia.

I hope prejudice of the other tribes will vanish in the future.


For the last two weeks, we discussed about tribes.

We can classify ourselves into various points of view like looks, jobs, religions and so on.

Of course, races come under tribes and I think many people sorts ourselves by this point.

But, I wondered who to think of race for the first time as I turned my head around it.

So, I examined it and found out the interesting idea. according to various Internet sources,

Johann Friedrich Blumenbach is a first person to classify mankind into some groups in 1775.

But, his idea was based on the Christianity and he thought European are the best of all because

christian considers white as holy color and black as dark color. Consequently, he thought

European are the most beautiful and the fundamental form of human and other groups like

Asian and African are degenerated from it.

Honestly,I'm so surprised about the lasting effect of the Christianity to people. What happen to

our world if a idea that Asian or African is the best of all in the same time is spread?

my tribe

Answering to Dr.Armstrong's question which is"What is your tribe?", I view myself as a "freewheeling tribe", in other words, "self-centered tribe":P
That is because I always take an action just as I wanted and avoid things that I don't want to do. If I think something interesting or will be benefit to me, I work on it very hard. But if I find it difficult or not fitting on me, I quit. For example, I used to play violin about 7 years, and learned swimming for about 10 years but both of the practice was too much for me so I quited. But on the other hand, when I have a singer or idol that I like very much, I tried to go to all of the concerts, collected all of his/her goods, watched and recorded all of his/her TV show, and so on.(This sounds like I'm a Also if I decided to do something, I will never give up until I achieved the goal. For example, when I really wanted to loose weight, I went to the gym every day and exercised more than 3 hours/day and I never failed one single day until I reached my goal but after I reached my goal, I clearly stopped going to gym.

So.... I guess I am in "freewheeling tribe" because I'm living in freedom:)

The second thought on the word `tribe`.

The last time I commented on this blog I finished saying that making connection with the people around us with sth we share is critical for this world to improve.This time I want to emphasize the important of the content we share and through which we are to be connected.
As you know there are a lot of leaders in the world who associate the negative content of the people such as prejudices,anger and so on and form `tribes`,like Hitler in my opinion.Therefore,
it becomes so important to see the good traits in people and accept what they are,I guess.

Company as "Tribes"

Yusaku's post lead me to think how the Japanese view "tribes". Unlike America, Japan is a homogeneous society so the concept of tribes must have a whole different meaning. If I recall correctly loyalty to one's company is a traditional Japanese aspect. In Yusaku's case it may show how loyal a Japanese person is to their company, considering it as their tribe. I think I also heard something about how the Japanese tend to want to become a part of a unique "tribe", and that is why they see joy in finding a particular difference from one another, for example the blood type horoscopes. In a heterogeneous culture, their blood type maybe the last place a person looks for difference, but in Japan, it is one of the few physical differences among one another. Maybe this is also the reason why we see a lot of radical fashions in some places like Harajuku, to feel like they belong in a unique tribe.

What's Your Tribe?

So, if you have to identify yourself in a very clear way, what's your tribe? (Yusaku's example of his teacher's husband was clear: that man was self-identified as a member of the "Light Company Tribe.") In other words, what, to you, is your core identity? Who, really, are you?

For me, I have always felt like a creator, a member of the tribe of "Makers". I feel most comfortable with artists, musicians, actors, imagineers, seekers, and learners. I am always making something or writing something or planning something, almost involuntarily sometimes. This feels much more deeply "me" than being male, American, a friend, my age, a New Orleanian, a highly educated person, or any of my other affiliations. Teaching and directing and narrating are acts of creation so that fits. So does being a father (creating and nurturing life), as does being a life partner (creating and nurturing a relationship). So, the Creator tribe . . .

What's yours? Blog on!

New influenza

I heard a news about H1N1. I was shocked because Hachioji and Kawasaki is too near. We should to wear a mask and wash hands. I wonder if it is this university closed.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Last Sunday I saw seventeen again, a foreign movie. While seeing this movie I really felt that differences of Japanese culture and American one. For example, I think that Americans always touch someone, shaking hands and hugging. Japanese don't touch someone especially person of the opposite sex. Also, to see the school life of America, I feel American is more free and cheerful than Japanese. I have some images that American students often dance and talk with many friends.
There is own country's culture, so it is a little difficult to get accustomed to other culture. However I want to know various culture. On the other hand, I should cherish my culture.

Life is just so interesting!

Interesting story, Yusaku. I understand what you're talking about. I don't know how to say it right, but when I'm out of Japan and surrounded by a different culture, I sometimes find myself acting differently than the others and more like a typical Japanese person . You know what I mean? For example, bowing to a person who is on the other side of the phone, missing so much a nice hot miso soup, and feeling uncomfortable wearing shoes all the time indoor. Those stuff are maybe coming from my experience living in a Japanese society: a society that helped me acquire my personal virtues and sense of values. Although there are customs and rituals in Japan that I don't like, I still know you can learn a lot from them. I hope It makes sense to you.

Changing the subject completely, I'm going to write about what I did last night. I had dinner with a girlfriend of mine-Nagisa and her boyfriend Shinya. Shinya is a professional cameraman and takes pictures for musicians and sports magazines. I'm glad I got the chance to meet him cuz he was such a nice guy.
We had dinner at a restaurant in Kanda called Omachido. The person who runs this restaurant is a guy called Kohei-san. Actually Kohei-san is a Japanese professional rapper and goes by the name of Kohei-Japan. A professional chef that can spit dope rhymes in Japanese, now how cool is that!! Maybe you guys have never heard of him, but I personally admire him because I used to go to school listening to his music when I was in junior high. I couldn't even look straight into his eyes cuz I was so nervous like a 6 year-old.

Kohei-san, Thank you so much for a pleasant meal. You made my day!

Yuri>I liked the way you described the relationship between food and culture. I like to try all sort of food that I've never tried. When I eat other country's ethnic food, I feel like I want to know more about it because the food represents their culture, religion, and special products. I love to talk about food, because I'm such a gourmand-a kuidouraku. The bad thing about it is that I eat like cookie monster!Cookieeees!
Jaimie> Lovely pictures. I can tell you had a great time with your buddies:)
Chris>What the hell is nam-plaa attractive?! I gatta see that picture!

Cross cultural

Last year, I had a Canadian native English teacher who married Japanese man. She told me a story about them in an Airport in America. They were in the embarkation office, then the officer asked her Japanese husband,
''What's your job?''
he answered,
''I work at light company.''(light company:Koito Manufacturing Co., Ltd)
His answer confused the officer. Noticing the officer's suspicious face, she supported her husband saying,
''He is an engineer.''
Then they were able to go through the procedure.

This is an example of how much we Japanese have a sense of being part of a group. Isn't it interesting? I would answer same as him were I asked:) What about you?

I like western. I don't know why!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

cultural difference in food values

Jamie's blog about food culture reminded me when I had international food party held in ESL class at my high school in the U.S. There were students from Korea, India, China, Japan and Brazil.
One day, we planned a party which each students had to bring their own country's traditional food. Every one brought their traditional foods that their moms made and it was just gorgeous! There were lots of foods that I was expecting like Kimchi(korean), ma-bo- tofu(Chinese). But there was one thing that I was was Indian food. Well, I imagined curry with nan(I But the Indian student brought two desserts, but both of them smelled very spicy. I was very scared to try it but if I avoid only that food, I thought it will be impolite to them so I tried it. I guess you guys can imagine my reaction. I couldn't say that it was delicious.
I brought dorayaki as a snack for them, but my teacher(American) and students from Brazil and India seemed they disliked the sweet beans inside of dorayaki.

I believe there is definitely a difference in cultural food values too. We grew by eating our own culture's traditional food so that it can sometimes be difficult for us to accept other cultures sense of foods. You know....Americans hate seaweed because they are not used to eat black foods.

The first experience

The other day, I participated to a flea market nearby Saitama super arena with my friends.
I brought used cloths, accessories, toys, and so on. They were so old and wore out that I thought that most people would hardly have interest to my goods. Although we hadn't finished preparing to sell, people came to watch our goods earliy morning. I didn't know what to do, because it was first time for me. But it was not diffcult. When people asked us how much is this, the one of us who brought the goods priced it and told people the price. All of the goods ' price depended on our mood at the time! Most of the goods were sold for about three hours. I was surprised! Because although my goods were just like a trash, I managed to sell everything.
Our sales amounted to about ten thousand yen! It was more expensive than I had expected. And then, using the money, we had lunch. We had enjoy ourself.
If you have many disused goods, I suggest to participate to flea market. The profit may be much more than you expect.


Relationships between Japan and Central and South America.
I took a lecture about South America. And I learned that Japan has been supports Central and South America by various methods. But we have to do more things for reinforcement concerned from bottom of our hearts. And I thought that Japanese government should recommend us study abroad to Central and South America and give the student a scholarship and support at the spot. Not only it but also government should accept more immigrants. If many people come to Japan, we could talk each other and we could deepen interchange, so Japan and Central and South America could make reinforcement concerned that is not Superficial relations or Support only for the money.


I watched so strange movie. That was so funny. The almost of all character was man who is 40 or 50 years old. And they do best for lady in the water. They want to send her to her home. But some monster interrupt them. But I don't know why they appear. This story originated with fairy tale.

Cross-cultural marriage

I think cross-cultural marriage is cool. Though there must be some difficulties like languages and values between a cuple, they would be really good couple when they get over them.And some foreigners who marry to japanese wife / husband live in japane,I think it means they love their partner and get to love japan,too.So they can exchenge and shere their culture.
Also it does not matter what wedding style they choose. It would be ok that they satisfy with it and it would be memorial for them.Some wed, others do not sometimes. So what's important is their mind not the style. But I think that wedding is important for couples. Because it might be only once in life. And maybe to wear wedding dress is a dream of all girls!!I'm also into the styles of wedding of the world. How many styles are there??
I'm sooo sleepy and just off to bed!!

cross culture

I went to america at uncle's home. It was first time for me to visit foreign country. So I'm so expected for the life in america. I went to high school with my cousin for three days. And I can't understand anything. I'm so hasty. But after that I'm so make effort to understood what they said. And I did my best, use gesture, look carefully,communicate eye to eye. So now I think that experience was valuable for me.

Monday, May 18, 2009


I saw a picture of Maori and fashinated in their tatoo. They put a tattoo as the different physical decoration for a face and a whole body by each village and social position.
The haka which is an ethnic dance. They dances haka in the welcomes and before a fight. All Blacks which are national team of the rugby dance haka before a match, it is well known to the world.

Last Friday

Last Friday, I went to play bowling with my club members and other ski club members. There were about 60 people, so we used eight lanes. We made pairs and could get prizes if we got the highest score. I paired with a freshman. She was really nice, so we could get along very well. On the same lane, there was a freshman who was really good at bowling. He said his best score was about 250! He looked like a pro bowler because he made lots of strikes and spares. Although our score was over 100, we couldn't win the game. However it was so fun and I could enjoy that time.

Class Reunion

I had a school reunion at my elementary school on Saturday because it was its 50th anniversary. Although all of my classmates didn't come (since it was prom night for most of them), it was really nice seeing my classmates and the other grades I used to play with. They just got soooooo big!! Some people I didn't even notice who they were LOL
My classmates(from the left): Michael, Shaon, Anurag, Seaun, Ryo, Matthew, Christine, Melisa, and Jaimie (me)
But the interesting thing is that there are students from all over the country so it's pretty cool talking to them. Kind of like cross-cultural communication?haha
Well, for example, there was this girl in our class who was Islamic. I didn't know anything about religion when I was in elementary... well, maybe only Christianity. So I didn't know the system about Ramadan, which is similar to Lent. Her parents were strict Islamic so I sometimes thought it was pitiful for her...
Also, when there are events held at school like this day, the mothers make traditional foods of their country so it is really unique and a good chance to get to know the food culture of different countries.

Since international schools end in June, I was the only university student in my class!! It was pretty shocking... I felt like I was REALLY older than the others...haha And the sad thing was all of my friends are going to the university abroad like the U.S., Canada, England, India, and so on. Most of them are leaving in July and it makes me really sad when I think I can't meet them for a loooooong period of time. We were really good buddies and we always met three times a year and that won't happen for several years...very sad:(

Well, after we ate the scrumptious food, we went to our classmate's house who lives right behind the elementary school.

Since the boys had the prom night, Melisa and I choose the blouses and neckties, and the colones which suit them. Since I started going to a Japanese school from junior high, I had no experience of prom which is a BIG bummer. It just sounds like fun!!

The boys invited us for the after prom, but we decided to go to the after grad held next month instead. I'm pretty excited already hehe

Well, that's what I was up to on Saturday:)


I met my best friend of high school yesterday!! I was glad to talk a lot of recent incidents with her. She is like my sister, so I can talk anything with her and relax by talking. These days, I was tired too busy (> <)!!! However, I felt refreshed thanks for meeting her.
I also read the book written by Becky that my friends have. I respected Becky after reading it because she tries to think things positively even if the things are bad. The book is filled with wonderful sentences. I try to do my best as possible as I can because she works hard to do anything and I was encouraged by reading it.

About marriage

In my high school, many native speakers taught. Most of them got married with Japanese people. So, I think international marriage is not so special. And these days, it has been rising. It may be called that Japan is becoming more cross cultural. But, I think it different from that Japan is becoming more international.

My Hair

I had my hair cut on last sunday!
It's too short for me, so I have strange feeling:<
I have been having long hair, and I would keep it by the coming of age day.
However, I can't wait for it.
It's too soggy, isn't it?
I don't get with my new hair, but feel refreshed.

I want to go to watch the movie...
There are a lot of movies which I am interested in now.
I don't have time to spend for my hobby.
Well, I will do my best!
So long.

Cross Culture

I spent my weekend busily. Friday and Saturday, I went to part-time job until 2:00 a.m. I was very tired. But I had many homeworks, so I had to get up early.
...In fact, i couldn't get up early on Sunday;( In addition, I had slept all the time on Sunday afternoon!!! So I have many homework today.

Tomorrow, I and my friends plan staying at my friend's house and we make an album for our other friend as a birthday present. I'm looking forward to it:)

I think that the cross-cultural marriage is good thing. Because the couple can know the cultures, rules and lifestyles each other. And people who will have connections with the couple will be able to understand them.

Cross Culture

I don't know cross culture well. But, I think Japan is so cross cultural. There are so many shops sell a lot of things from foreign countries. And I've eaten dishes from other countries though I'm in Japan. I think Japanese people don't resist to take in foreign culture. My house has western styled dining room and tatami room. It may be strange to foreigners but it isn't weired to Japanese people.


It's a very long time to read a word "burakumin." I think there is a difference between them and the other minority groups like Ainu people and Ryukyu islander. Though the other groups have their own cultures and customs, they don't have such ones. In other words, they are the same tribes as we are. So, why did they have to be insulted? The origin of burakumin is being discussing among the researchers. But, the most reliable theory is that the origin is related to their ancestor's jobs. In kamakura era, some people worked as disposers of dead domestic animals and executioners. These common peculiarity is no one else wants to do them. therefore,

the disposers are hated by people in the village. Gradually, they got to live away from the village.

therefore, the villagers considered the place they lived as a horrific one. It continued until the Meiji government declared the abolition of social status systems. But, the consciousness of discrimination against people from the buraku regions were taken root in people's mind. It affected the marriage and getting jobs for them. Now, the problem seems to be settled, but it is continuing the small regions. It is difficult to get information about it because mass communication rarely report about it. but, we should know about it to learn our history properly.

Monday mekes me tired;;

On this weekend, I'm going to participate in a camp held by FC INTL (a kind of circle). Although I' m looking forward to joining the camp, I'm feeling nervous because my precious Saturday and Sunday will be disappeared owing to the camp. In spite of lots of homework;; Anyway I will enjoy myself with my friends of this circle. I want to make more friends during the camp!!

Well...recently, there is what I thought deeply-I'm often asked for directions by anybody while I'm walking on the street even the place where I have never been. I've been asked even by foreigners before many times;;. I am bad at direction!! Though it is said that I walk so fast by my friends, I 'm easy to get lost!! The other day, I 'm asked the place of Tokyuhands in Machida by a Chinese or Korean(of course in Japanese!!). I knew where tokyuhands is, but because I walked on the different street from usual, I can't tell him the place. However, Tokyhands was in front of me;; As soon as I noticed it, I ran and told him;; Moreover, I have been spoken to by one group of Americans (?) and they asked me "Where is the Mike's restaurant?" Of course I answered "I'm sorry , I don't know." (I didn't know completely the restaurant then anyway.)

One of my friends in high scool is good at showing someone the way. I was very surprised when I saw her telling the way to someone. I want to be able to direct someone to a place very well!!

In addition, foreigners often come to the restaurant where I work part-time and I like to talk a little bit with them. I want to increase the opportunity to talk with foreigners like showing the way...

no dice

What a crazy day.
And may I add, extremely unfortunate.

I had to go to my part time job. (I work at a shady English studio called GABA) but I was late. Luckily my first client didn't show up.
There was a show in Komazawa Daigaku where a band called Grave Maker(from Canada) was going to play, and I was going to go.
I finished work and sprinted to the station and got to Komazawa Daigaku station around 5:30 but the show had just ended. I talked to a friend there and she told me she might go to Shinjuku to see a band called Trash Talk play. I decided to go too. Right then another friend called me on my cell and told me she was at the Thai Festival in Yoyogi Park (which I wanted to go as well). I decided to go to the Thai Festival first and I got there at 7:00. It ends at 8pm so there was nothing special going on but people desperately yelling on the top of their lungs out of their booths, so they can sell the last of their food. Everything I tried to order was sold out but I fell in mad love with these coconut pancake-ish things :

I ended up eating something I didn't know what it was...something on a skewer
But you can tell I'm having the time of my life. :P

The festival ended and We went back to Harajuku to take purikuras.

I don't even remember the last time I took purikuras, but honestly, I don't see then fun in the anymore.
My friends and I were discussing school life and who we find attractive at school.
I told them I find this one person who looks like a tadpole, and this other person who looks like nam-plaa attractive. I didn't even know how someone could look like nam-plaa but if I showed you a picture of that person, I'm sure you couldn't agree with me more.

Apparently I looked like a "fried banana" today.

After that I went to Shinjuku and went to go see this band from the U.S. called Trash Talk.
Now Trash Talk is a crazy crazy CRAZY band. I saw them this January (Pump Up The Volume Festival) but the kept throwing guitar stands, mic stands, microphones everything they can possible move into the crowed. One girl got hit right in the forehead by a mic I DUCKED! I've never been in "survival mode" at a show except for that show!

But unfortunately I didn't make it to the venue on time. It just ended. But I met many friends I haven't seen, so I was glad I went. The singer had a red bruise on his forehead because he would always jam the mic against his forehead.... The drummer had a bleeding elbow..... Maybe it was good after all that I didn't go.

Oh and I absolutely have no social skills. Must work on that. Anyone have any tips?
I'm a timid person but once I open up you would be begging me to shut up.

Or maybe I'm jinxed?


I still don't know what to say about tribes.
But what I can say about weddings, is that I'm going to get all my wedding clothing designed by Harriet's Muse for sure! ;]
I want to have an exotic wedding. (I don't mean it as in tropical exotic) Pagan weddings seem interesting too.
I've heard of people having weddings in museums before....That's also a excellent idea.