Come in and Blog On!

2023 Welcome to your IE 3 class blog. The object of this class project is to log in and write your comments, web links, answers to questions, and your questions to others at least twice a week. It's fun and you can include pictures or graphics. Keep it original, helpful, and interesting. Don't forget to spellcheck your work before publishing. Also, when you create your user name, please use your real first name, in Romaji (ex. Ryuki, Mari, Lisa, etc.) so that we know who we are communicating with. Enjoy, and Blog on!

Monday, June 30, 2014

It's Monday again

After having nice weekend, it's Monday again...
The happy time goes fast like wind, and the busy days come back.
My feeling is like this:

I just wanted to share this funny pic with you

home stay

     My brother is in the first grade of high school now and he is going to go home stay in Wimbledon, England this summer. He is feeling very nervous now. He says he doesn't have confident in his English because a long term of time has passed since he came to Japan and that his English speaking skills are getting weak. Also he says he is nervous of the English accent.
     I have been to a home stay in Canada when I was in the 3rd grade of junior high school. It was a good experience for me because it was the time when I was forgetting my English as well. I could speak only English for three weeks. I was able to feel more confident when I came back to Japan. Speaking to foreign people in the actual place gave me a lot of stimulus and it made me motivated to speak and study more and more English in Japan.
     I hope my brother will regain his English and have a fulfilled time in England.

My pet fish

A few weeks ago, I bought a little white and blue and red colored fish. I thought that his color was like the hero Captain America, so I named the fish Steve. (Captain America's real name is Steve)

He is a fish called a betta, these species have a habit of fighting with male bettas. If you put two male bettas in one fish bowl, they will fight with each other until one of them dies. So I decided to take care of him alone.

How to use bananas in seven unexpected ways

Who are these guys?

They are a good friends.

What happened last night?

They had a big party and they were drunk.

What will happen at 12:30pm today?

His parents will visit him.

What are the seven unexpected uses for bananas?

1. Wipe shoes and jackets.
2. Wipe plants.
3. Wipe the edge of the wood furniture.
4. Rub on to the mosquito bite.
5. Rub on to the ink stains.
6. Rub on to the CDs.
7. Make the room with no fruit flies.

Why do you think the tall guy knows so much about banana?

Maybe he was making bananas before in his farm and selling it.

Using bananas in 7 unexpected ways

Who are these guys?
A shorter man has the house. And the taller man may be the spirit of bananas which were thrown away unused or uneaten.

What happened last night?
Big party

What will happen at 12:30 p.m. today?
His parents will visit his house. They must clean up the house before they show up.

What are seven unexpected way?
1. Shine your shoes.
Rub the inside of a banana peel on anything made of leather.

2. Clean your houseplants.
Wipe houseplant leaves. The peel removes dust and dirt and leaves them soft and shiny.
3. Polish your furniture.
Smear pieces of an overripe banana on woodenmade furniture with fingers.
4. Soothe a bug bite.
Take the itching out of a mosquito bite with the inside of a banana skin.
5. Erase ink stains from skin.
You use the inside of a banana peel.
6. Remove scratches from CDs.
Remove them by smearing some banana on the scratch with the inside of the banana peel.
7. Get rid of fruit flies.
Put a banana peel in a resealable plastic bag with the top half inside out. Wait an hour or two for all the fruit flies to gather on the peel, then seal the top of the bag and throw it away.

Comparing myself with my high school days

Throughout the weekend I just suddenly wondered if I have changed from my high school days.
The answer was yes.
Since I started working hard for the entrance exam during high school, I really changed my feelings against studying.

I started to be keen to know more and more.
I became greedy, I think.

But then I had a conflict in my feeling that I had to study a subject that I'm not even interested in, because I had to use it in my exam.

So I had to endure from studying whatever I want to.

Then after entering this university, I started to study whatever I had wanted to.
I don't really have much time to hang out with my friends and join the circle activity, but I feel satisfied.

This might sound a bit busy for a moment, however, nothing is more fun than doing something you have always wanted to do.

I wish everyone to spend a satisfying university life.

Thanks for reading, and good night!!

Everyday is so fun!

It has been about three months since we entered in this university. June is almost gone and July comes right here!
Did you guys get used to these busy but fun days in this university?
I still have some parts that I cannot follow, such as tons of homeworks or some reports, but I'm really enjoying this school life!
I go somewhere with my friends literally everyday after classes and having fun, but I realized that the test days are coming gradually... I have to prepare for the tests as soon as possible because I'm a person who puts things off until the last minute. Today I have a plan that going out for eating dinner in Shibuya with my friends, so I WILL begin my studies for the coming tests after that plan.

How to use bananas in seven expected ways

Q. Who are these guys?
One man is tall and the other is shorter than him. They are friends.

Q. What happened last night?
They had a party at the shorter man's house. The room became a mess.

Q. What will happen at 12:30 pm today?
The shorter man's parents will visit his house.

Q. What are the seven unexpected uses for bananas?
1. Rub leather such as shoes and jackets with a banana peel and then wipe it with a cloth to make it
2. Banana peels remove dirt and dust on plants and makes them soft and shiny.
3.Polish furniture with an overripe banana and then wipe it with a cloth.
4. Heal mosquito bites by using the inside of a banana skin.
5. Remove ink stain and erase it by a banana peel.
6. Remove scratches on the back of a CD with a banana peel and then wipe it with a cloth.
7. Put banana peels in a resealable plastic bag with its top half folded down.Wait for an hour to two
    so that enough fruit flies will gather. Seal and throw it into the garbage.

Q. Why do you think the tall guy knows so much about bananas?
Maybe, the tall guy's past situation in which he was placed was similar to his friend. He might had no cleaning equipments but bananas. He invented the useful ways of bananas and got out of a crisis.  


Have you ever read an ad paper on the plate when you ordered some products in McDonald? Actually I hadn't done, but recently I've come to read one whenever going there. It seems to be just a normal kind of advertisements apparently, but I noticed it told us some important information from time to time. Not always, though.

I went to McDonald near my apartment to study over dinner the other day. I hadn't carefully read an ad inserted between the plate and the products, but I paid attention to the ad at that time with no reason. It said like this: "We are trying some environmental-friendly actions." After reading it, I got interested in its actions and felt like knowing more specific information about them, so I decided to look them up in the Internet.

According to an official McDonald's Japan website, it does three kinds of actions for our environment: cutting its energy consumption, reducing its consumption of bags, and recycling its products.

The first action is cutting its energy consmption. McDonald makes it a rule to adjust the amount of electricity it uses: e.g, the use of air-conditioners. It makes them clean in order to make them work effectively, and it doesn't turn them on except hot days and cold days. In addition, it always makes sure that its energy consumption doesn't exceed its norm. As a result of these actions, it succeeded in reducing about 3 tons of CO2 emissions a year in each branch store.

The second action is reducing its consumption of bags. McDonald has begun 'easy wrapping' since 2008, and as a result, roughly 50 percent of bags were cut back. Moreover, it doesn't make its products in plastic bags unless the products need more than 2 paper bags. Also, it doesn't consume any bags in case that a customer orders 1 drink only. These actions are all aimed to CO2 reduction.

The third action is recycling its products. It's called 'made for you' system. It forces its employees to cook just after receiving orders from coustomers. This action leads it to avoid wasting precious food. What's more, the food wastes are to be recycled as stuffs like manures, feed for livestock, and biogas. After all, 47.6 percent of its food was recycled in 2011, which exceeded 7.6 percent more than its original goal.

I was absolutely amazed at how hard McDonald contributed to conserving our environment. Before, I thought it was just a fast food company and knew nothing about such actions behind its services. Customers tend to receive its services without noticing its hard work because it's always invisible. I think it's important to pay attention to such a "shadow" work which is often inclined to be overlooked. We'll be able to see the company from a different perspective by doing so.

I learned two crucial things from the information above. Firstly, advertisements are sometimes worth paying attention to. Of course, not all of them are necessary and reliable, but chances are that we can get some profitable information from advertisements just like my experience. Secondly, just a small thing has an infinite possibility to grow bigger and bigger. McDonald's actions themselves had been initially quite small, but after all, they became bigger and contributed to conserving our environment. That reminded me of a proverb: "Many a little makes a mickle."

Environmental issues that we must tackle in this age are certainly quite complicated and seem to be hard to solve, but it is true that we must take some actions in order to make the earth alive. In my opinion, just tiny actions can be the best solutions as I said before, regardless of how serious the problem is. Taking this into consideration, there are not a few things we can do in order to save our environment. Once everybody in the world takes small actions, then they'll definitely grow bigger to solve environmental problems. Once again, "Many a little makes a mickle." I believe that there are still some chances left to save the earth.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

It's almost July!

June is almost over and I realized that there is only one month left before the summer holiday. I'm looking forward to it, but July is a very tough month to overcome all the tests and reports. In order to work on my assignments, I decided not to have plans on weekends for pleasure such as going out with my friends except only one day. (I am going to visit Mitaka's Ghibli museum with my friends!) I am worried if I can really manage to complete all the assignments. I will try my best to accomplish them in an efficient way of studying.

How to use bananas in seven unexpected ways

Who are there guys?
They are friends and we're drinking the other night.

What happened last night?
There was a big party.

What will happen at 12:30 pm today?
One of the guys parents will come to his house that was messed up from lat nights party.

What are the seven unexpected uses for bananas?
① Rub the inner peal on leather such as shoes and jackets. Then wipe it off with lint-free cloth.
② Remove dust off plants using the inner part of the peal. Then wipe it off  with lint-free cloth.
③ Polish wood furniture with a flesh of a banana. Then wipe it off with lint-free cloth.
④ Rub the inner peal onto a mosquito bite.
⑤ Remove ink stains of stains by rubbing the flesh of a banana.
⑥ Remove scratches on CDs by rubbing the inner peal.
⑦ Put the bananas in a plastics bag. Have the top half of the plastics bag folded down and wait for an hour or two. Seal the top of the bag and throw it in the garbage.  By doing this there will be no fruit flies in the room.

Why do you think the tall guy knows so much about bananas?
I think he just made all of ideas by himself for the love of bananas.

How to use bananas in seven unexpected ways

1) Who are these guys?
I guess they are friends. The short man is the owner of the house and the tall man visited his house.

2) What happened last night?
They had a big party, and ate and drunk.

3) What will happen at 12:30 p.m. today?
The short man's parents are going to visit his house.

4) What the seven unexpected uses for bananas?
1. Polish something made of leather such as leather shoes.
2. Get rid of damaged part of leaves by rubbing inside of bananas skin with leaves.
3. Repair and clean something like scarred furniture.
4. Apply bananas skin on insect bites.
5. Erase scribble written in ink.
6. Remove scratch on CDs and polish CDs.
7. Put bananas skin into a plastic bag and use it as a flytrap.

5) Why do you think the tall guy knows so much about bananas?
I think he loves bananas very much, and devised seven uses for bananas to recycle over-ripe bananas.

how to use banana in seven unexpected ways

who are these guys?
the short man the owner of the house, the taller man may be his friend.

what happened last night?
a pig party.

what will happen at 1230 today?
the short man's parents will visit him.

what are the seven unexpected uses for bananas?
polish leather-made goods
shine house plant leaves
polish furnitures
take sting out of a mosquito bite
erase ink stains
remove scratches from CDs
get rid of fruit flies

why do you think the tall guy knows so much about bananas?]
he probably did some research on bananas

How to Use a Banana in Seven Unexpected Ways

Who are the two guys?
The tall guy with the beard might be majoring in bananology or something at university
or graduate school.  The guy with the closely cropped head seemed like he was a bit of a

What happened last night?
They had a big party.

What will happen at 12:30p.m.?
One of the guys' parents will visit.

What are the seven uses for bananas?
1. Rub the inside of a banana peel on any leather goods and use a cloth to get
    rid of the residue and polish it so it's glossy.

2. Remove dust and dirt on house plant leaves with the peel.

3. Polish wooden furniture by smearing pieces of a overripe banana and wipe it
    with a cloth.

4. Rub the inside of a banana peel to remove a sting from a mosquito bite.

5. Rub the inside of a banana skin on anywhere you have an ink stain and erase it.

6. Smear pieces of a banana on scratched CDs to remove the scratch.

7. Put some banana peels in a resealable plastic bag and fold the top half.
    Wait a couple of hours till the fruit flies gather in the bag and seal it
    and dispose it.

The Iron lady

Yesterday, I watched a film called the Iron lady.
I'm going to hand out a report about this movie in British culture lecture, and that's why I watched that movie.

The Iron lady was the first woman prime minister in The Great Britten.
She was very determined, active, and smart person. Her father who was the mayor in her city effected her belief very much.

Since she was born as grocery store's daughter, members of the Diet didn't like her. But she struggled and struggled every single day, and at last she had become a prime minister.

If you are interested in Margaret Thacher, please watch The Iron Lady(2012)!

Seven unexpected ways of using bananas

Q1 Who are these guys?
The short man is the one who ones the house, and the tall guy visited his house and stayed over.

Q2 What happened last night?
They had a big party at the man's house.

Q3 What will happen at 12:30 today?
The short man's parents are going to visit his house.

Q4 What are the seven unexpected uses for bananas?
1 Rub the inside of the banana peel on anything leather, like shoes and pocketbooks. Then wipe it with cloth.
2 Wipe dust on house plant leaves
3 To polish wood furniture, smear banana on the furniture and wipe it off with a cloth.
4 Get a sting out by a mosquito by rubbing the inside of the banana peel.
5 Erase ink scribbles off by rubbing the inside of the banana skin.
6 Can get scratches off on CDs by rubbing the banana skin in a circular motion and wipe it off with a cloth.
7 Can gather fruit flys by putting the banana peel in a plastic bag and wait for an hour or two.

Q5 Why do you think the tall guy knows so much about bananas?
I think he really loves bananas and he is interested recycling so he thought of these seven ways to reuse bananas.

my dad is back

Good evening everyone!
What did you do today and what is your plan for Sunday?

 Today was a good day for me because my dad came back from India after six months from his last return to Japan. He recently works in India so we do not get to see each other but I really like listening to his stories about India.
 It is always fun listening to the cultural differences between India and Japan. I heard that people in India are more optimistic and not really punctual than the people in Japan. I have visited India twice, but I always get fascinated by the unique cultural traditions and the atmosphere of India. If you want to visit somewhere new or experience new things, I highly recommend India for visiting!

Thanks for reading!
good night

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Book report

Good evening.
Are you enjoying your Saturday night?

I've started  working on the second book report for Lord of the Flies.
Doing research about the author and the historical events that took place
around the time the book was published really helped me understand the concept
of the book even more.

There seems to be  thing that you just can't see by only reading the book.
Knowing the author's background and influences may be important in terms of
understanding literature on a deeper level.    

How to use a banana in seven unexpected ways

1,Who are these guys?
Two random guys. Probably room mates, or a friend from the party they had last night.

2,What happened last night?
The man had a party and drank too much last night.

3,What will happen at 12:30pm today?
The man's parents will be visiting his house.

4,What are the seven unexpected uses for bananas?
・wiping leathered items
・removes dusts on plants
・releases itches from mosquito bites
・polish wooden furnitures
・erases ink on skins
・remove sketches on CDs
・getting rid of fruit flies

5,Why do you think the tall guy knows so much about bananas?
I guess he liked to think of economizing and saving things.

How to use bananas in seven unexpected ways

1) Who are these guys?
I guess they share a house; the short guy is the owner of the house, and the tall guy lives together with him.

2) What happened last night?
A big party was held in his house, so his house was in a mess with trash and empty cans.

3) What will happen at 12:30 pm today?
The short guy's parents will visit his house.

4) What are the seven unexpected uses for bananas?
1. Polishing anything made of leather, such as shoes and jackets.
2. Removing dust from leaves.
3. Polishing scratch on desks.
4. Healing mosquito bites.
5. Erasing ink on skin.
6. Removing scratch on CDs.
7. Getting rid of fruit flies.

5) What do you think the tall guy knows so much about bananas?
I think the tall guy is interested in recycling and usually tries not to waste bananas. He believes it helps the short guy save on expenses. I'm sure even he doesn't want to waste anything other than bananas.


Recently, I'm working on some stuff that are quite motivating. So today I'm going to talk about them.
One is that the book I'm reading for my Reading class.
It's a biography of Nelson Mandela. Before I read this book, I knew little about him.
But by reading it, I was surprised by the fact that he was in prison for nearly 20 years for treason crime. What is more, the condition of the jail was harsh that his eyesights were damaged. But even under the condition like this, he continued studying in prison and finally was able to get out of the jail. How can you imagine being confined jail for nearly 20 years? And not giving up? I think his unyielding spirit is what made him a historical giant.
The other one is the video that I'm working on Listening class. On this video the speaker talks about the importance of grit. She started teaching when she was 27 years old. Then she realized that IQ score is not reliable factor when measuring children's ability. Instead she found that grit is the most important thing by studying psychology.
Although keeping motivated is not easy, I thought trying hold them as much as I can is important to achieve any goals.

Book report #2

I chose Anne of Green Gables for the 2nd book report. I just finished watching the film.

I was moved to tears by the movie. Especially, I was touched by Anne's growth as a person and the warmth of her friend, family, and a boy who is likely to be a boy friend of Anne.

Anne is an imaginative and talkative person, and I like her personality. I wish I had a friend like her. If so, my daily life will get more exciting.

The movie helps me understand the content of the book, and I'll make all my efforts to write the 2nd book report, it'll take me a lot of time to finish it, though!

Good night :)

Friday, June 27, 2014

How To Use a Banana in Seven Unexpected Ways

Q1:Who are these guys?
They are brothers who live in the same house.

Q2:What happened last night?
They had a party in their house last night.

Q3:What will happen at 12:30 pm today?
Their parents will come to their house.

Q4:What are the seven unexpected uses for bananas?
 1)Shine your shoes
 2)Clean your houseplants
 3)Polish your furniture
 4)Soothe a bug bite
 5)Erase ink stains from skin
 6)Remove scratches from CDs
 7)Get rid of fruit flies

Q5:Why do you think the tall guy knows so much about bananas?
I think it is because he is a student who majores in science or chemistry, or just a man who likes eating bananas and did a lot of research on bananas just for his interests.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

The final world cup

few days ago, about 10 of my friends came to my house and we watched the world cup together.  I live in a small house so my room was just full. I don't have any interest in soccer, but it was pretty fun. However, it was not a very good game, and japan loose by 1-4. Japan became the worst in the group, and were't able to go the next league. I don't know much about soccer, but many of my followers tweeted about the game, and many of them were proud of the team. I was surprised about how much Japanese people were interested in soccer, and the crowdedness of the scramble crossing during the world cup was surprising for me. This year was the first time for me to watch world cup, but I thought I want to watch again 4 years later, and I hope Japan will win next time.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

How to use banana

1) one guy knows so much about banana and the other guy learns how to take most advantages of banana from him.
2) There was a birthday party of his friend, so his house was so messy.
3) His patents will visit his house.
4) 1, to clean shoes with the inside of banana 2, to remove dirt of leaves 3, to get a great polish in furniture like desk 4, to lessen itch, banana can be used as soothing lotions for insect bites 5, to erase ink on skin 6,to remove scratch on CDs 7, to get rid of fruit flies.
5) maybe he is an American and consumes a lot of bananas. Because American buy so much grocery at one time and stock them, he couldn't eat all of bananas which easily go bad. But he didn't want to waste the bananas he bought, so he tried to think of ideas of how to use banana in a different way inserted of eating.

How to use a banana in seven unexpected ways

1) Who are these guys?
The short guy is the owner of the house, and the tall guy is his friend. Perhaps they drank too much and fell asleep without consciousness, judging from lots of empty bottles being in a mess.

2) What happened last night?
A big party was held in the short guy's house the previous night, judging from the unorganized room as well as the calender hung on the wall.

3) What will happen at 12:30 pm today?
The short guy's parents will visit him, judging from him hurrying to clean the room up just after waking up belatedly, as well as the calender hung on the wall.

4) What are seven unexpected uses for bananas?
They are polishing shoes, removing dust and dirt from leaves, polishing tables, healing mosquito bites, eracing ink stain, removing scratches from CDs, and getting rid of fruit flies.

5) Why do you think the tall guy knows so much about bananas?
He is an environmentalist or a botanist, who researches how to recycle stuffs that are otherwise to be thrown away. That's why he has a plenty of knowledge about bananas, I guess.

Even though this film is much shorter than what we watched previously, it seems to me that it tells us a strong message we should carefully think about; the importance of recycling. We humans are apt to throw the stuffs away after the use finishing. This film, however, makes us realize how important it is to recycle them. The supplies are limited, not infinite. There are still some areas where food supplies do not arrive. Moreover, many people are suffering from diseases due to the poverty in much of the developing countries. We should think about poverty more seriously, and take actions in order to make the world a better place for everyone.

How to use a banana in 7 unexpected ways

Questions and answers on "How to use a Banana in 7 unexpected ways"
- Who are these guys?
I think they are friends. The short guy is the owner of the house, and the tall guy is his friend.

- What happened last night?
There was a big party in his house. As seen in the video, the house was quite messed up with all these trashes and empty bottles.

- What will happen at 12:30 pm today?
Parentsprobably short guy’swill visits his house.

- What are the seven unexpected uses for bananas?
You can use it for polishing shoes, removing dusts of plants, polishing tables, healing for mosquito bitten part of skin, erasing inks on one’s skin, removing CD scratch, getting rid of flew flies.

- Why do you think the tall guy knows so much about bananas? 
I guess it’s because he loves bananas. Also, I think he doesn’t like wasting things. Probably that's why he came up with these great 7 ideas.

It was interesting to see that there are so many ways to use bananas. I think we can apply this saving principle, to other things, not just foods, and finding a way to not wasting it. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


I went to Tsukiji last Sunday with my friends and my seniors of my club. The reason we went there was to eat kaisendon and tamagoyaki. But it was Sunday, we all didn't know many restaurants and stores closed on Sunday, what's more it was rainy. We went there anyway and found good place to have kaisendon. It was colorful and seems fresh, it got uni, hotate, chutoro, otoro, which were all my favorite seafood:)!! It was my seniors' treat, I was so happy!! Then we went to streets where we could make an eating tour. We had pudding made of ostrich eggs, tamagoyaki, and raw oyster. Those were all great, and made me full of happiness. Although it was not a very perfect day to go to Tsukiji, we really had a fun time.

Over-ripen banana usage!!

1.    Who are these guys?
2.    What happened last night?
3.    What will happen today at 12:30?
4.    What are the seven unexpected uses for bananas?
5.    Why do you think the tall guy knows so much about bananas?

The bald guy is the owner of the house and the tall guy is his friend, I think. The reason why I thought so was because the owner of the house wasn`t surprised by the existence of the tall guy sleeping and was acting pretty naturally. There was a big party held in the bald guy’s house last night and they slept unconsciously. So when the bald guy woke up, he hurried to clean up the mess before his parents came to visit at 12:30 pm.
The seven unexpected use of over-ripen bananas is to polish shoes, remove dust and dirt from indoor plants, polish the desk, take the sting of a mosquito bite, erase the ink stain, remove the scratch on the CD, and get rid of fruit flies using re-sealable  bags. A lint free cloth is also needed to polish a desk.

I recognized the tall guy as a fairy of banana taking shape of a human, judging by how much knowledge he had and his atmosphere, being a little bit unique. Since the whole film is a little bit of a comedian taste, I thought it could be reality for a fairy to exist. Also I couldn`t manage to catch all the scene, however as far as I remember, I think the tall guy put the empty cola can in the trash bin by telepathy. If I have to exclude fantasy, I would consider him as a specialist of over-ripe bananas. Maybe he has tons of over-ripen bananas at home researching positive usage.

How to use bananas

Who are these guys?
One of them lives in the house, and the other man is a complete stranger that slept all night in the short man's house.

What happened last night?
The short man had a big party. Everyone left their bottles of alcohol and cups.

What will happen in 12:30 p.m. today?
His parents are going to see the man.

Seven unexpected ways to use a banana.
1.Rub a banana peel to anything made of leather, then wipe it off with a towel. It will make it look shiny.
2.Rub banana peels on indoor plants and rub it off. It will make leaves soft and shiny.
3.Rub an over ripen to furniture with your finger and wipe off with towel.
4.Apply banana peel to a mosquito bite. It will heal faster.
5.Rub banana peel to ink stains to get rid of them.
6.To eliminate CD scratches, polish the scratches with the inside of a banana peel and wipe it off with a lint free cloth.
7.If you want get rid of fruit flies, put over ripen bananas to a sealable plastic bag and fold the upper half. In afew hours the flies can be collected then can be thrown away.

I thought that maybe the taller man often has over ripen bananas. If you don't have an over ripen banana, how can you think of things you can do what you can do with them?


 Last week we watched a video, "Varmints." That was a interesting movie, but I couldn't get some points. Especially, I couldn't get why the jellyfish thing appeared and why they saved the creatures. It was also hard to describe all situation without any lines.
 There are several questions, but watching this movie, it made me think about environment problems such as air pollution. We have to think of what we can do for our future world.
Good morning :) I'm on the train now. There's only 50minutes before 2period starts!
I hope I'll be in the classroom in time....
I have a lot of homework lately and I can't sleep well ;0
See you soon.

Last Sunday

Last Sunday, my job place held a welcome party for whoever started working from April and May.
It was not just my first time to go and eat with so many adults, my first time to go to karaoke with grown ups.

I was able to talk to so many people personally and was able to get some life advice.
However, in terms of people who were drinking, it was dissapointmg because they all got drunk and I could not manage to talk to them.

At the karaoke, I was astonished on how much they were vital. They were singing all the time. Even though I was the youngest, I thought at that place, I was the oldest in the aspect of health.

Overall, everyone was unique  kind, and  nobody forced me to drink alchohol so I was relieved.

Ie class

Hi guys. How are you doing? Right now my voice is rusty and I am not myself. We'll, I can't believe that four months have already passed since we entered university. The first semester is going to end soon. I really enjoyed the ie classes so I'm disappointed that we're going to be separated.  There's still some time left, so I hope that we can go out eating again! See you in class!!

Watch movie for book report

I realized that the due date of the book report is two weeks to go! However, I haven't finished reading my book  yet. While reading the book, an electronic dictionary is necessary for me to look up
the words that I don't know. Also, there is a film which I need to watch in order to compare with the original novel. I heard from my friend that it can be watched on Youtube so I would like to watch it this weekend!  

Enjoying my Badminton club

Today(actually yesterday) I had badminton club activity at Shibuya's gym. Although I hadn't finished  my homework for IE class, I practiced badminton until 9 PM. It was very hot and humid inside the gym, but I enjoyed playing it with my friend. When there was no space for us to practice due to all the courts occupied, we chatted including other people and that was fun, too! I like my badminton club because the practice isn't tough and there are many cheerful people! I heard that some people will have dinner together after club activity, but I didn't go because I needed to complete my homework for tommorow. Next time, I hope I can go!   


Last week, we watched a movie called Varmints. I thought this movie symbolized a environmental problem in this world and realized that we all have to solve the environmental problem and even small efforts can change the situation. I guess that,by using a cute character, the author wanted to emphasize the threat and danger of the problem.We must change this world for the next generations.

Helen Keller

I read a non fiction book for my reading class. The book I read was an autobiography of Helen Keller. I came to read this book because when I was a junior high school student, I watched a movie about Helen Keller at my school and I remember how impressed and moved I was to it. It was interesting to read not a biography but an autobiography because it is written by Helen Keller herself, and her actual feeling during the period of time is written throughout the book. I believe Helen Keller is one of the people who proved that there is no barrier between the disabled and the non-disabled.
I hope my presentation will work well in that class...!

A pile of homework

Hi, guys!
How was your weekends?

I spent this holidays in doing my homework.
I have a lot of homework such as Book Report for IE and Reading, Persuasive Essay, Online Listening Report and two 3,000-4,000 words reports.
I am almost overwhelmed by these homework.
I didn't imagine this busy college life before going on to college.
We are very busy and short-handed.
In addition to a pile of homework, I must study for IELTS test.
It is almost impossible to decide what to start.
I hope I can get through this difficulty and joyful vacation is waiting.

Keep it up, everyone!

World Cup

Lastweek we had the world cup. I haven't seen world cup ever before, and I don't know much about soccer, but it was fun watching  it. I borrowed the uniform from my friend, and we watched the game together in my friend's house. Japan loose the game finally, but I thought watching world cup was fun!


I loved the video Varmints we watched in class last week. It was new for me to watch an environmental issued video that was animated and it was very interesting for me.
I think the cute animation makes the viewer look into the problem more and become interested into the video. If this were just an ordinary environmental document, it will target less people to watch it because some people may think the topic is boring. I want to share this video to more and more people and make people aware of the topics discussed in this video.


Last week was my 19th birthday. So my friends in my circle activity arranged a birthday party for me, and about 20 of my friends came to me and my friend's birthday party. It was so fun, and I really thought I am having a great time in this university with my friends. Yesterday was also my friend's 20th birthday, so tomorrow after the circle activity, we will arrange the birthday party for her. I am excited about that.

Monday, June 23, 2014


 Last week in class we saw a short film called 'Varmints'. The movie tells about the issue of urbanization, and the small creature character's struggle through it. The main character never forgets about the nature that they had before urbanization and tries hard to get the environment and their peaceful lives back.
 The story starts off peacefully with the imaginary creatures investigating on plants with heir magnifying glass at surrounded by beautiful nature. However, suddenly all the nature and the plants get destroyed by the construction of enormous buildings. In the end of the movie, the main character's small act of love against nature eventually saves his and his companion's lives.
 I believe that the message of this film was to remind us how important nature is to people and how we all tend to forget them. Urbanization might be necessary in modern lives, but it is important to keep in mind that it is difficult to maintain the balance of urbanization and protecting the environment.


I watched a short film named "Varmints" again in order to complete my assignment for IE core class. The film tells us a lot of messages and we can freely interpret them. To be honest, I didn't like this kind of film since I wasn't imaginative that much, but I like this film for some reasons. Watching this film, I remembered being asked a certain question when I was in high school.

I would often visit Akita International University to take lectures for high school students when I was in Akita. During one of the lectures, I had a discussion activity there. I don't remember it clearly, but I guess I was asked a question like this; "Should we build business offices more in the contryside?" I'm sure that I answered 'yes' to this question with confidence, without seriously thinking about it. I wasn't flexible enough to realize that it had both good aspects and bad ones. I just thought many people would be able to work and that employment opportunity would be expanded. I wasn't able to notice the shadow part of this question at that time. Also, I always wished I had been born in the city, not in the country like Akita. You know Akita is located in the countryside, and the life was sometimes inconvenient there. I thought how good it would be if Akita were urbanized. I didn't think about the issues caused by urbanization at all.

After watching this film, however, I realized how self-centered I was at that time. It is clear that urbanization has a lot of good effects on human beings, but it does harm to other creatures in the earth. The vast nature, where many creatures once lived, has been destroyed in order to build skyscrapers. It seems to me that the earth is thoroughly under control of human beings. The air and the water are to be polluted as a result of urbanization, and after all, envronmental problems are to return to human beings. We humans should notice that what we act in our daily life has a huge impact on our life itself, as well as other creatures in the earth. We should also think about both good aspects and bad ones whenever we do something in our life. The earth is a place where a variety of creatures co-exist, whose diversity should be conserved forever. The key is, of course, in the hands of human beings.

A cappella

Today, I practiced a cappella with one of my club members. I was tired from singing and had a bit of a sore throat just after the practice, but now I feel happy to be able to see some progress in my performance. I hope the more I will practice, the better it will be. This time, I'm gonna write about my club activity in detail.

I would often watch a capella performances on TV when I was little. I even watched them over and over again on YouTube. I was moved by how beautiful the harmony was. Also, it was just surprising that we were able to create music without using any musical instruments. Even though watching and listening to the performances certainly made me feel excited at first, I gradually began to think that I had to know about it more profoundly, as I got absorbed in it. Doing it in reality was the only thing that would satisfy me. That's why I decided to join a cappella club in this university.

I've started to practice a cappella with my club members, aimed to a live concert for freshmen, which is to be held in July. There're four in my group, and every member loves singing, of course. We picked up two songs for the live concert, and have practiced them twice a week. I realized that doing a cappella was much harder than I had expected. I've totally been enjoying it so far, though. We have only less than a month until the live concert, so we must practice them even harder. I hope everything's gonna be alright and that we'll be successful in it.

"What makes a performance harmonious and syncronized?" I've been seeking the best answer to this question, which has yet to be found. Perhaps it'll be found after undergoing a lot of conflicts and overcoming such difficulties. I'm just in the beginning of the long process right now. I'm gonna try to find the answer, as well as improve my singing ability. My dream is, of course, making people moved by my a cappella performance in the future. I hope the day will come when I genuinely enjoy a cappella and find the answer to the question above.

Happy Sunday

 Yesterday, I went to see WICKED with my friends. I've read the book, and I have a soundtrack cd, but I had never seen the play. It was just amazing!! The songs, dances, stage settings, I loved it. The story, that made me cry! (I'm not going to talk about it on the blog.)
 It would be perfect if the play was in English, but that's ok, I enjoyed it anyway:)

Weekend with my daddy

I usually don't talk with dad on weekday. It's not because we don't like each other but he doesn't at home. He leaves for work early in the morning and comes home late at night. However, he supports me in everything. Just we don't have time to communicate.

This weekend, we went to Chiba for driving and grocery store and had dinner at sushi place. I had a great date with him even though we listened music and talked randomly in the car. Sometime it was awkward though. He is worried me and cares a lot about me. I love him and need him forever.

New languages

Last Wednesday, I attended the reading of Beowulf in old English with some friends and professors. It was very interesting for me to read and learn it. Even though old English looks like English, it's not easy to read at all. We have to see the chart as reading to check verbs: those are almost irregular change. It made me exhausted after 2hours of reading.:/

By the way, I'm taking spanish class. I really love leaning it because it is kind of similar to English. I want to go to Spain someday to blush it up. I believe that learning languages leads me to everywhere I want to go and have to go. The reason I went to study abroad in the US as an exchange student was that I love and wanted to interact with people who have different cultures and ideas.

Anyway, I realized that I can do anything through making an effort. I don't give up what I want to do because I'm still young I think.


Hi! How are you guys spending your weekend? Hope you had a good one.
Next week's media discussion is based on the film "Varmints" which we saw last week. When I first saw the film, it was hard for me to understand what the author wanted to say. I understood that it was about ecology and the urbanization taking over control. I couldn't get what the jellyfish meant at the last part. Moreover, the film didn't have any lines so we had to pay attention to the pictures and the bgm. There were sounds of  like birds flying and varmints building skyscraper. Those sounds helped us to understand the contrast between the peaceful life and the life full of sadness and illness.
This film made me think seriously about the environment. I think that it is a complex issue because we just can't say to stop building bildings to developing countries because rousing the industry by building things will help the country to prosper. I think each one of us should take the environment issues seriously and make the world a better place to live in for our descendants.

Last week's lesson

Last week we watched varmints related to environmental problems.
At first, I thought it was such a slow life movie. However, buildings approached suddenly and everything was covered by darkness. Then a branch which main character smashed off grew up, and helped people.
This movie seemed heart-warming one in the end. However, it has a huge serious message toward us.
We should do something to protect the environment from now on.

Do you know that this film got a prize at Sapporo International Short Film Festival and Market?
The prize was the best original score.
Needless to say, the story is good. What's more, the music in the film is admired.

Sunday, June 22, 2014


The next media discussion paper is based on the video we watched last Tuesday called Varmints. I finished writing it today. Through having done this assignment, I thought about the importance of nature. 

I'm not so interested in nature and hate insects. However, if almost all nature disappears from this world like this film, people will become ill due to the polluted air and the world will come to the end. What's more, by watching this film, I could realize that nature has power to cheer people.

This film could change my mind as to nature, so I want to thank to it!!

Sweet dreams everyone! :)


Good evening everyone.

Today I was working on my homework a lot.
Not only the media discussion paper about Varmints, but a book report for reading class,
persuasive essay for IE writing class, listening report for IE listening class.
Of course, I couldn't manage to get everything done in a day. But still have a couple of 
days so might as well enjoy doing it. 

The book I'm reading for reading class is called Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain.
I might have written about him before on the blog, but he's a chef. He reveals quite much about
his personal experiences, his hard times in the kitchen, and how many psychopaths he had encountered in his life. 

If you're interested in cooking, it might be good to do a search on the Internet.
You may find a good recipe of his or two.

My weekend+response to Brianne

 Hey everyone! How is everybody spending their weekend?

 This weekend I went to hangout with my friend from my junior to high school and some of the friends from her university. It was the first time for me to meet them but they were all friendly and we got along together very well in no time. I love meeting new people so I enjoyed spending time with theof the friend's house. I love meeting new people so I enjoyed spending time with them.

 Since I went out hanging out with my friends all day, I did my assignments for next week. I already borrowed the movie of the book that I am reading for my next book report which is called 'In Her Shoes'. I have already seen the movie quite a while ago, but I decided to watch it again. 

Response to Brianne;
Whenever I get stressed up, I like to listen to good music and just go out for some fresh air. It doesn't always have to be quiet places like parks but going out for shopping also always helps me relieve stress. Also, I like to keep my mind positive therefore I can avoid being getting too stressed! Hope it helped!

Thanks for reading!

Friend's birthday

Tomorrow is my friend's birthday.
I bought a handkerchief from a shop, and some stuffs from a Disney store because she loves Disney a lot.

A few minutes ago, I sent pictures of them to my another friend to ask if these presents would be OK. Then she replied, "it seems nice but she already has ones from Disney store."
So surprising.... Now I wonder what to give.
I'm gonna find something good! :D

Thinking about the environment

Hi, guys! Are you making progress with your homework?

We watched the film "Varmints" whose main topics is the environment.
I think that this movie is the work with a strong message because the characters appear on this film don't speak.
This film reflected the world we lived in and made us think about the environment.
We should tackle with the worldwide problem about the environment.
Japan is the one of the most developed countries in the world and has a lot of environmental issue.
Frankly speaking I don't know how we should do to solve the environmental issues.
I hope we can solve the issues and the environment will become better.


 On our last class, we watched a film called Varmints. Some of you commented about it on the blog. It’s really interesting to see these opinions.

 For me, watching the film, at first I thought it was a happy story. But soon the atmosphere changed suddenly and I was really got in by its story.  Jumpei mentioned that there weren’t any words in the film. I think this is one of the notable point on this film. Conveying such deep message without any words is amazing.  Also, I think this video has succeeded in telling people about scariness of environmental problem more than ordinary warning. Nowadays, a lot of people saying and warning about environmental problem. There’s no doubt these are important thing. But I think conveying warming by this kind of method is really interesting and effective way.

second book report

my second book report is about the lady of the camellias, this weekend I also see the movie based on the novel, which stars Greta Garbo, Robert Taylor. But I think the movie is not as good as the novel. and the story is also a little bit different from the original. So I am not going to discuss the movie in the report.


This weekend, I didn't take part time job, instead, I stayed at home and had a very good rest, I did the laundry, cleaned the room, cooked myself a meal which I learned from youtube, and did some research on the second book report which will be due soon. After two weeks, I will return to Shanghai to spend my summer holiday there, I hope time flies faster.


I had my hair cut and permed yesterday!
When I change my hairstyle, every time I regret, but this time, I like this hairstyle.
I also want to dye my hair soon, and I'm considering what color looks good on my hair.
Right now, I finished my part time job and looked my iPhone, there was a notification that said that my friend was in the hospital.
I was surprised it and I'm rushing to his house. I have to go home soon and do my tons of homeworks.

About Varmints

Hello. Are you enjoying your weekends?

Last Thursday, we watched a film called Varmints and our next media discussion paper will
be based on the film. I thought it was amazing that a twenty-four minute film could convey
the importance of nature. I've been thinking about the title, and thought that maybe the main
character new the fact that he was becoming a varmint. Compelled to obey something he doesn't
believe in.  That dilemma, I thought, was what made the film something emotional with a strong message.

The film had provided an opportunity to seriously think about nature.
It seems to be a good idea to try to live in harmony with nature, not being a nuisance.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Feel better now :)

Hi, this is Momoko. Last week, I had a cold and made it worse. I know that's because I've been pretty busy these days and I didn't sleep well. I was treated with I.V. Fluids two days ago and I don't have a fever anymore and feel better now, but still I can't stop coughing. It was the first time in three years that I caught a cold! Take care of yourself not to catch a cold :)

Friday, June 20, 2014


 On our writing class, we are now working on Persuasive essay. I picked up theme about E-Learning. Do you know what the E-Learning is? It's learning method using electric devices such as computer and smartphone. When I was learning English words for the entrance exam, E-learning has helped me a lot. There are many benefits of E-Learning. One is that you can study at anywhere, anytime, and you don't have to carry heavy textbooks or dictionary. In addition, you can listen to native speaker's pronunciation more easily. This is huge advantage when learning language. In my case, I like to study and memorize by listening so this advantage really worked for me.
 Although there are some disadvantages, generally its advantages surpass disadvantages. I highly recommend you to incorporate E-Learning on your studies. You can start today and it won't cost much too.

Let me have a sound sleep!

HELLO everyone! How's it going?

My dance recital is only three weeks away!
I stayed up all last Wednesday to practice dancing with the members of the dance circle.

We usually do the circle activities on Wednesdays and Saturdays, so last Wednesday I participated in the circle activity as usual and went home to take a shower and take a nap. Then I went to Shibuya again and danced from 0:00am to 5:00am. After that I went home and went back again to school!!

I didn't get much sleep, so the next day I was crazy all the day. lol  I'm still tired.

I love dancing, but I don't wanna do that late at night anymore!! Unfortunately I have to do that next Monday again and once more in July. Let me have a sound sleep!!!!!!

Anyway I hope the dance recital will succeed.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

TGIF! having fun in the middle of the night

After i went out for IE dinner, i went bowling with my friends in ESS.

Since it was quite late at night, i thought there won't be that many people but when i went to Hikarie to meet up with my friends, there were many people!

Looks like many people decided that bowling on Friday isn't a bad idea.

I am very bad at bowling, despite that fact i had a really good time. I enjoyed it a lot.
I would like to practice more if I have time.

After bowling, me and some of my friends decided to play soccer in the park. The time was 11;00 pm.that it was
It was even raining, but we still went because we knew that it our last chance of going out and having fun because we have to prepare  for the debate competition coming up and we want to win.

We went to Komazawa park and it was my first time to go there.
I was amazed by the cleanness and the size of the park.
Even though I'm not good at playing soccer, i had fun. i could relieve myself from stress i have from school work.

I thought that human should sometimes exercise.
Exercise is good for us.


-What do you all do to relive stress??

Next time, let's play sports all together to relive our stress from our home work.

After playing sports, we went home on foot. The reason for this is because it was too late and the train has already stopped.
It took 3 minutes walking back to my house.
But i actually enjoyed walking in the Setagaya area. There were many houses that i never seen in Nagoya.

I was moved by the fact  that  there were still beautiful area in Tokyo.

Also, it became my dream to live in a beautiful house and have a happy family.

I recommend to you all to walk in the middle of the night.
It is vary quiet and you will feel relaxed, but you must not do that by yourself because it is very dangerous, do it with your friends.

Getting along with IE class members so far.

Hey guys.
These days, don't you all think we are getting along together quite well?

Do you all still remember what we did last Friday?
During 2nd period, after our IE3 listening class, we held a little surprise for Jumpei and Momoko.

First, I want to thanks all the people who sit up late until late at night and plan the surprise and also to who made the delicious chocolate cake and blueberry cake.
I really enjoyed the cake. It teased really good.


Unfortunately, since i wasn't the Birthday boy or girl, i wasn't able to eat a lot of the cake.
I wanted to have some more of the cake!

I love this class picture.

After all of our class on Friday, we went out for dinner!
We went to eat all you can pizza Shakies!

I had so much fun eating so much with you all while talking about nonsense.
Thank you all so much.

After eating dinner, one more surprise for Jyumpei.

Happy birthday and thank you Chie for making the wonderful message board.
Sorry every for going home early, but i enjoyed so much.
I want to thanks everyone for the wonderful opportunity.

I am happy to be the member of this class which there are filled with funny and unique people.

Thai transgender power.

1 What is Crystal's job? What company?

She works at L'occitane and she is a job manager. L'occitane is a Cosmetic company.

2 Tell us some more interesting things about Crystal.

She used to be a men, she transgendered.

3 Something happened to Crystal, what happened.

She was declined by the hotel because she is transgendered.

4 As a result there was a big change of constitution in Thailand? What was the change?

As a result the constitution of Thailand changed. The assembly rewrote the base line of equal rights.
Gays and transponders can have equal rights because of this.

5 Japan compared to Thailand, would they have this kind of change in the future?

I don't think this is possible for japan because there are too many stereo types towards transgender and i am sure that many people will be against it.
In my perspective there are not much freedom in japan.

Virtual Water

The topic for our media discussion was "environment", and we discussed so many issues related to environment in our IE core class yesterday. I talked about the water crisis there. I regret that I didn't prepare much enough to make the discussion active, so I'm gonna introduce an interesting concept that I wasn't able to mention yesterday in this blog.

Do you know the concept of "virtual water"? I guess some of you have already known about this. In short, it is the water used when we produce some products. Wikipedia explains it like this: the hidden flow of water if food or other commodities are traded from one place to another (Wikipedia, 2014). Searching for more information about it, I found a shocking fact that I hadn't expected.

According to Wikipedia once again, more than 2,400 liters of water is used as "virtual water" when producing a hamburger that costs less than 1 dollar. Also, 2 tons of water is included in a bowl of gyudon (rice topped with beef). How shocking! Because I eat out almost every day after starting to live alone in Tokyo, these facts shocked me a lot. I didn't expect that a hamburger and a bowl of gyudon consumed lots of "virtual water."

The water crisis is one of the biggest problem and it has been disscussed for years, but the solution of this issue still remains unclear. In my opinion, however, only small acts can influence this issue, and they may become a solution. For instance, we can easily reduce the amount of water we use when doing dishes, taking a bath, taking a shower, or stuffs like that. Environmental problem is a big theme for us, but we can act environmental-friendlily in our daily life. Being aware of the virtual water, I'll try not to waste any food and any water in order to solve the water crisis from now on.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I started writing the media discussion paper for next week, according to the short video "Varmints".

The first impression when I watched this video was that I thought there were too many messages. I was able to recognize the theme in various ways. I regarded it as a confusing movie.

However when I watched it the second time, I managed to catch the general message, I believe.
Because everything was in silence, with no communication in words, it was hard to scoop up the hidden message.

Anyways I was really moved by this clip.

I also looked for some extra information on the website to make my opinion more conclusive.

During the investigation, I found out that this film has earned 27 awards.

There is a reason for the film to gain so many awards, and I deeply agreed for the acquire.

Thai Transgender Power

Q1:What's Crystal's job and what company does she work for?
She works as the manager of a French cosmetic company L'OCCITANE and her job is to make sure that everything is okey.
Q2:What are the interesting things about her?
She liked man and she didn't want to have relationship with women when she was a child. She doesn't drink, smoke, and she is a vegetarian.
Q3:What happened to her?
At June 22, 2007 at 11:00 pm, after going with a friend to the concept CM2 nightclub in Bangkok's Novotel Silmon Hotel, she was told at the entrance that the hotel cannot allow transgender person to come in.
Q4:As a result, there is a big change of constitution of Thailand. What's the big change?
All the people in diplomacy agreed totally that they should add the sexual identity into the constitution draft, and on August 19, 2007, Thailand voted in favor of the new constitution, with 58 percent approval, insuring that Thailand would have transgender and gay rights for the first time in its history.
Q5:How about Japan compared to Thailand?
I have heard that there was an wedding ceremony at Tokyo Disney land for gay couple in Japan. Although it is not allowed in Japanese law that marriage of gay couple, Japanese people think human's rights as one of the most important things, so I think there are less kind of discrimination things here in Japan than in Thailand.

Power of football

Hi, guys!
Now I'm watching the World Cup soccer game-Portugal vs. Germany-.
What an exciting game!

I'd like to talk about the power of football.
Football is one of the most popular sports in the world.
In 2011, Great East Japan Earthquake struck Japan.
Shock waves passed throughout the world after the earthquake.
Football showed its power the world.
A lot of football players sent mourning messages.
Many encouraging messages had been sent to Japan.
And many charity matches had been took place in Japan.
Football united people all over the world.
The tie of people through football was very strong.
I felt the power of football at that time.

I think football is not just sports, and I love football forever.

Guide foreign people around Meiji shrine

 Hi! It's Momoko again. How was your weekend? I had a wonderful day!
I guided foreign people around Meiji shrine as a ESS club activity :)
We had to ask them if we can guide them or not, so at first I was nervous because I was afraid of being rejected. But in spite of my worry, two very kind men allowed to guide them. They're from New York, and one of two people is a student of Colombia university. This was the first time for them to visit Japan, and thet told me that they really enjoyed their trip. It was a nice opportunity to communicate with foreign people, so we had a great time guiding them.  

After guiding, we went for a picnic to Yoyogi park. I heard that this park was full of beauty nature and a lot of people visited, and I understood that meaning. If you have a time, you should visit there :D

Good night.

Birthday party☆

Good evening everyone :D
We had a great time last Friday! We celebrated Jumpei and Momoko's birthday.
After the first period, we gathered in the cafeteria and had a surprise party.

 After school, we went to Shakey's. We talked a lot and got to know more things about you guys. I love you all!

Media Discussion Paper #7

Last Tuesday, we didn't have IE classes so I'm reviewing my Media Discussion Paper which I typed last week for tommorow. I think every week's discussion is a very important opportunity to know what's going on in the society and what kind of opinions people have by listening to my classmates. Also, if I didn't know so much of the news I am going to write, I can do some search about it and gain knowledge which I get to know for the first time. I would like to keep making efforts through this assignment.     

Monday, June 16, 2014


Once again, happy birthday junpei and momoko! Celebrating their birthday in the cafeteria with cakes reminded me of my high school days. Whenever it was our friend's birthday, we bought two small cakes at the  convenience store. One is for eating and the other for throwing it at the birthday girl. We also bought presents for our friends. Celebrating my friends birthdays was one of my favorite things to do beacause it made me happy looking at them smiling and having a good time.
 After we celebrated junpei and momoko's birthday, we went to eat out for dinner. It was a good opportunity for me to get to know more about my friends. I'm looking forward to the second dinner party!  Good night

A funny episode from my grandma

Right now, my grandmother is staying at my house from Saturday. I haven't met her since spring holidays but she looked fine as usual. I enjoy going shopping and eating in restaurants with her. Also, she keeps regular hours so it's a chance for me to improve my bad habit of staying up late at night. Incidentally, I heard a very funny episode from my grandma which I want to share! My grandma was trying on a pair of trousers at a clothes section's fitting room. She didn't like it so much, so she decided not to buy. She came out of the fitting room and walked off to find other ones. While walking away, she looked down and realized that instead of her own trousers, she was wearing the ones that she was trying on at the fitting room!! She soon went back and found her trousers on the hanger for sale! My family all laughed. 

so many birthdays on June

 Good evening everyone!
I hope you all had a very nice weekend like I did!

A lot of people seemed to have enjoyed watching and cheering for the world cup game but I am not really interested in soccer so I didn't know about the game at all! Well, unfortunately Japan lost the game.

 This weekend I spend most of the time celebrating birthdays. For some reason, there are so many people around me who were born on June including Jumpei and Momoko! Last Friday, Anju made two amazing cakes for Jumpei and Momoko, and we did a surprise for them at the cafeteria. Unfortunately I could not go to the Shakey's at night with my classmates, but I am looking forward to having those class parties again!

See you guys tomorrow!

Grapes of Wrath

I`m planning to write my next book report about the book "Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck.

My previous one, which was "Of Mice and Men" was written by the same author.

Although the book was written by the same author, I found out that the writing style is similar but not too close. The latter was actually written for a stage so the text is more like spoken English. Lots of the words were abbreviated and was hard to read through. However the latter one is more like a formal English so it is easier to read.

So far I`m having fun reading the book and I hope I can finish it early because there's 537 pages....

Good night everyone! Have a nice dream!!!!

Thank you guys!!!

 Last Saturday, 14th was my nineteenth birthday.
Thank you, IE classmates for celebrating!! I was really surprised about the surprise birthday cakes because I was completely expecting that the surprise was for Junpei. I had a happy happy birthday!
 I'm glad that I am with these IE classmates! Thanks again!!

World Cup

Yesterday morning I got up at nine and ate breakfast while watching the World Cup, which is an unusual thing for me to do. I've never been interested in watching a soccer game. To tell you the truth, I never saw a full game beacause it was so boring watching people going after a ball and not making a goal so often. Somehow I was watching the World Cup. I knew all the player so I was able to enjoy watching it. Moreover, I was completely absorbed in cheering for Japan. I never knew it was so exciting to watch a soccer game. Ninety minutes passed so quickly. I should have noticed earlier that watching soccer is so much fun! Unfortunately, Japan lost to Côte d’Ivoire but I'm looking forward to the next game!  


To Kentaro
 My favorite place in Tokyo is Jiyugaoka. This is because it is convenient because I live near here and there are many sweets that I love such as macarons, pancakes, cakes chocolate and fresh juice. Also there is a street where there are many benches. It makes me very relaxed and I sometimes go for a walk to there.

To Masato
 I don't like rain. I guess I don't get motivated because I get the feeling of being lazy from the rain. I like days that are sunny with a little wind. I don't like it being too hot but if there is wind, my feeling gets very excited and happy.

To Mikako
What I want to do before I die is spend time with my family and friends and talk about memories while eating delicious food.

To Brianne
 My birthday is March 23, 1996.

Open Guide

     As a club activity at ESS, we guided foreign people at the Meiji Shrine yesterday.  I guided a family from the United States. We explained about the first gate we pass through, the Japanese casks and French wines, the main shrine, the couple tree, ema which is a wooden wishing tablet and omikuji which is fortune telling. I was very nervous if my English would come out fluently. However, the American family was very nice and appreciated our guide. I was very happy that they appreciated us for guiding and it made me want to do it again.
     Other than guiding we were allowed to talk about other things with the family so I talked about what part of the US they lived in. The girl answered that they live in New York and as we talked, I found out they lived very close to where I used to live. Free talk was also a fun part of guiding.
     I am looking forward to more ESS events!


I joined ASEAN festival as a student volunteer. The purpose of this festival is to interact with ASEAN countries. There were Asian's spicy foods, ice cream and market. Our job is mainly to collect all the trash outside and sell Asian beers. I love to see people's smile. Whenever I talked with foreigners at this festival, I like to see that they were so filled with love and made me rethink that all humans are on the same ground. I love people. I really enjoyed having lunch for free at Thailand food place (was super hot and spicy)and shopping with friends.

After I came back to my local station, my sister and her boyfriend took me home by car. It was third time to see him. He is really nice and I love him. Then we all had dinner at home. It was a great day.

Second Book Report

Hello. How are you guys doing with your book report?
I've decided the book and started reading. The book I choose were To Kill a Mockingbird. At first, when I saw the title, I thought that this novel was some kind of hunting story. But while I'm searching books for second book report, I realized that it's nothing to do with hunting. Actually, the title was named by quote from the character's set phrase. Then I found that this story depicts both main character's mental growth and fight for injustice. I was interested in story and thought it would help my understanding of discrimination of the United States. This book is quite long, about 400 pages. So I'm now reading it as much as I can since I'm not so good at fast reading. Yesterday, I reached almost half way of the book. I'll keep reading.

The World Cup in Brazil

Hi, guys!
How was your holidays?
I had a good time this weekend.

The topic of the world is the World Cup in Brazil.
The World Cup is a football festival which takes place once in four years.
Do you watch soccer games?
I watched almost all games.
In the opening game of the World Cup- Brazil vs. Croatia-, the Japanese man, Yuichi Nishimura refereed.
This is the very splendid thing Japanese should respect.
Unfortunately Japan team lose its opening match to Cote d'Ivoire 1-2.
I believe Japan can get into the final 16.

I'll watch the soccer games after this and try not to fall asleep!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Breaking Bad

Hope you're having a good time.

For those who looked at the title of this post and thought I'm up to something,
don't worry. I'm not committing any crime.

Breaking Bad is an American TV series that has five seasons in total.

The main character is a high school chemistry teacher whose name is Walter White.
One day he gets diagnosed with lung cancer and starts thinking a way to make more money
in order to make sure his family will be provided even he passes away.
So, he decides to partner up with his former student who is a drug dealer and ends up
becoming a very intense criminal. Hence the title.

It was definitely not a happy ending, but I have to say it was awesome.
And the soundtrack was great too.

Open guide

Today, I guided two foreign people in Meiji Shrine in English as ESS club activity. They are from New York and students of Colombia university!! They said they came to Japan for sightseeing and visited Hiroshima, Kyoto and Nara last week and they are going to leave for Thailand tomorrow. It seemed that they liked Japan and travelling. I could guide them in Meiji shrine well and they also teached me about American culture. It was very interesting! I was really glad to make myself understood and understand what they said.

Great party last friday

I can not but agree with my dear class mates on that the party last Friday is extremely great, for me, a foreigner, it is also a great chance of learning a different culture, I wish we will have more activities like that even after we get separated by different IE seminar in the next semester, and I also want to thank the organizer, great job Jumpei!!

the 2nd round book report

I choose the book whose name is The lady of the Camellias by Alexandre Dumas for my second book report which is a tragedy. To be frank, I have read this book in Chinese version for two times, I like this book, it is really a classic. But when it comes to English version, since there is a lot of new vocabulary and words which is not used nowadays, make it not easy for me to read smoothly. Yesterday, I don't have any appointments, so I went to the library of our school to read this book until library closed. maybe you will ask why not read it at home, because library is a good place for me to concentrate, if I am at home, I can't concentrate on study, computers, talking with friends on telephone, eating snacks, but in the library, there are only books. I have already finished two thirds of the book, and I also plan to see the movie this time.

Welcome party

Last Sunday, I went to the welcome party of my tennis circle and it was amazing!! We all went wearing dresses and enjoyed the party.
I could make some new friends so it was nice for me although the party costed me a lot. I can't take time for my part time job much these days because I'm busy so I have to save my money..


First of all, last Friday was soooo much fun!!!!!!!!!!!! wasn't it?! :D
I enjoyed Jumpei and Momoko's birthday party and eating with you guys at Shakey's, and hope everyone had a good time too!
Happy birthday Jumpei and Momoko <3

Today I'd like to response to some of your questions.

To Kentaro:
To improve my English abilities I watch foreign films and dramas and listen to music.
At the first time when I learned English, I listened to English CDs and imitated what the CDs spoke again and again. It's just to repeat, repeat, and repeat...
For me it's the best way to improve English abilities, recently I haven't been doing that though, since I can't do that without motivation.
So watching foreign films and drams and listening to music could be a good way to improve my English abilities cause I can do that with great enjoyment whenever I want to do.

To Mikako:
What I wanna do before I die is traveling all around the world. Traveling makes me realize that what is usually taken for granted looks different in foreign countries and escape from reality. In the world there are a lot of things that I won't know unless I go to see. Hopefully I wanna see a lot of world heritage. It must be inspiring.

To Haruka:
Next summer I'm going to England for a month. I'm gonna do a home stay, study at university, learn British culture and travel to famous places in the UK like London, Oxford, and Bath.(One English word, "bath" came from this place, Bath.) I know some people in IE class are going to Oxford University next summer, but the university that I'll go to is not Oxford University.
I just can't wait to go to the UK!! xD I have to study English hard though...

Also I'm gonna practice dance for Aoyama and Sagamihara festivals, since I'm a member of a dance circle, ADL.  If you have time to see the dance recital at the festivals, plz come to see me <333

To Brianne:
My birthday is January 18th :)

Again happy birthday, Jumpei and Momoko!! <3
Hope you have a great year*\(^o^)/*