Come in and Blog On!

2023 Welcome to your IE 3 class blog. The object of this class project is to log in and write your comments, web links, answers to questions, and your questions to others at least twice a week. It's fun and you can include pictures or graphics. Keep it original, helpful, and interesting. Don't forget to spellcheck your work before publishing. Also, when you create your user name, please use your real first name, in Romaji (ex. Ryuki, Mari, Lisa, etc.) so that we know who we are communicating with. Enjoy, and Blog on!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Golden week!

Golden week begins from Saturday! I haven't take successive vacation for about a month, so it' a big pleasure for me. But in fourth-five days, I have to work a part-time job. In the other holiday, I went to Yokohama with my friend. Though you may think going to Yokohama in holiday is not big deal because many freshmen and sophomores in Aoyama Gakuin Univ. live in Kanagawa, it is a very big journey for me because I live in Saitama now. Since we went there after having finished a part time job, we have not so much time to travel around tourist attraction. We mainly went to the outskirts of Chinatown. Where most entertained me was Yokohama World Porters where we can buy world sundry goods. You will be sure to find your favorite thing in there. This special holiday make me very refreshed. Next time, I would like to enjoy Yokohama all day long.

Almost a month has passed

Have you been used to the new environment yet? If so, I envy you.How fast you can get used to the different environment! Nearly a month is about to be passsince we entered this university.I think it will take me more than half a year to get completely used to it.Surrounded by new people,I always find almost only myself very anxious.At my high school,as it was in the countryside, there were much fewer people.
Anyway,from tomorrow,we will have a five-day holiday.I suppose each of you has your own schedule.Please relax and take an sufficient rest,so that you get can get yourself free of all the physical and psychological burden.By the way,I will go back home.But what I am most concerned with is that I may feel reluctant to come back from there once I have gone back home.

Machida Fun!

Hey Akane. I'm a big Machida fan. Your friend from Vancouver may want to visit the big Daiso there (next to Hotel Elcy), most foreign people do . . . You should also check out the map at the station and find the bus to the Machida Photography and Print Museum. Many people don't know about it but it is charming and interesting. If your friend is crafty, you should go to Okadaya (my favorite) but certainly also Tokyu Hands.
Definitely do karaoke with your friend and also check out some of the tasty crepe yatai.

I could go on . . .  but maybe enough. Hope you have fun with your friend. Let me know if I can give other info.

Blog on!

During Golden Week!!!!!

Hi! This blog article is the second article today:) What will you do during your golden week!?From the first day to the third day,I'm going to spend working, I'm going to see a track and field meet that younger teammates take part in to cheer up them with my ex-teammates on the fourth day. Finally on the fifthday, I'll go to Ueno with my friend. There is a sport shop that sell at the low price, so I want to buy a stopwatch! I am looking for GW:)


Summary: there were a boy who love imaging and a fish once upon a time. The fish went ashore and he let the fish back into the water. he was wacthing the fish,then he mistook the fish for a mermaid, but he believe that. That's why he got along with her, swam together friendly under the sea and spent sweet time. He brought her his home and let her in a big water plant. However the country that he lived in banned imaging freely so he was imprisoned and suffered from tortures to forget the mermaid. Finally he begun to forgetting her, and he returned back his home, but he can't saw the mermaid but only a fish. He brought the fish the sea, then waled into the sea and let her into the sea. Just then, the fish changed into the mermaid, in fact, it was only his imagine and he passed away because he was drowned.
What is he telling us?: His imagine is very vain, but he love her, even if his love wasn't realized.
My opinion: I think that this story is very sad and cruetly. Idon' t like imaging or dreaming too much and impractical ideas.Moreover I like happyending stories so Idon't like this story because this story leave a disagreeable aftertaste.


Good morning!
Today I have class from period 3, so that's why I'm here blogging on.
One day down to golden week! Yahoo\(^0^)/
What is everyone going to do on the break?
I'm going to hang out with my friends mostly, and part time job at subway.
Also, I'm going to go to Atami for a small vacation!
I'm really excited!!!
I haven't decided my circles yet, so I have to do that too.
Have a nice golden week everyone!
See you in 4 hours! haha


Summary:Mermaid is an imagination of the boy.But in this nation, freedom of imagination is forbidden. So the government tries to reform the boy and try various ways to change him.

I don't like love stories so much, but I thought this film was interesting. I felt sorrow from this film. I think Mr.Tezuka wanted us to never give up our dream and be more creative.

Good Morning!

I am so excited that the weather is getting warmer!
It's GW soon and I cannot wait. My friend from Aichi is visiting me for a couple of days.
She's one of my bestfriends and I knew her since highschool. I went to visit Vancouver last months with her and it was one of the best moments of my life!!!!
By the way, I currently live in Machida, and I was wondering if anyone knew a fun place to take my friend when she visits. I'm not yet familiar with the city so please let me know! Thanks :)

I can't sleep!

My next door neighbor is very noisy!
I've been hearing there voices, sounds that clapping there hands, and shouting for more than 5 hours!! It's really ridiculous! What in the world are they doing!? I can't even sleep :-(
Right now they are laughing, but you know, it's already 3 in the morning! Do I have to tell the manager of this mansion about this? ..Oh, but I don't want any trouble about the neighbors.
OK, I think I will do nothing for now, but I have to think something if this continues. Last week I thought same thing, but yes, I can be patient for next 2 or 3 weeks I think...
Well, but I think I have to buy some earplugs maybe :-D
Sorry for grumbling. See you at IE3 class! Bye!


One day left until golden week!!!
Well, right now, I'm packing my stuff to go back to Aichi.
I'm leaving on saturday morning. I can't wait!
I'm extremely excited to meet my friends, family, and my dog!
5 days is too short though. I have too many plans...
As soon as I arrive in Aichi, I'm going to have a BBQ with my best friends.
I think I'll just keep on eating, because I've been eating poor meals lately and I really miss

I hope everyone will have a wonderful golden week and I really hope that none of us will catch a cold or get sick during the days off!

Good night!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

6th post

Yesterday I went with my father to an rock concert by Gary Moore....the problem is I don't know him!
Many of the songs he performed were familiar to me but it doesn't ring a bell. I think I have heard it somewhere...
It was an very good concert but I feel rather strange.

Mermaid by Osamu Tezuka

Good evening everyone!
Today was a tough day because I had class all day long, but I really had fun in the IE class discussing about the videos :)

Anyway, I would like to write about the short film "Mermaid" we watched last week.
First of all, let me start with a summary.
There was a boy who liked to daydream. He fell in love with an imaginary mermaid which transformed from a fish he saved, and decided to bring the mermaid home. From the boy's point of view, it was certainly a mermaid that he brang home, but from the other (adults) people's point of view, it's just a fish. In fact, freedom of imagination was not allowed in his country.
The boy's parents and the adults thought he was crazy and tried to fix and control his mind by locking the boy up in a place like a hospital. However, the boy never forgot about the mermaid.
He ran out of the hospital and went home to see the mermaid. However, the mermaid happened to be a fish. He was shocked and took the fish back to the sea. When he returned the fish to the ocean the fish returned to a mermaid, and the boy swam into the ocean, which actually meant he died.

This film firstly seemed very lovely, but after I finished watching it, I couldn't stop feeling depressed.
I think Tezuka wanted to say two main things in this film.
Firstly, I believe he wanted to say that children's imagination should be done freely by any child who wants to. It should not be repressed by any adult or any policy. It seemed that Tezuka wanted to say that it is the grown-ups that are destroying children's imaginations and dreams. That should not happen in this world, and everyone should have equal right to imagine or daydream.
Secondly, I think he wanted to say that if you imagine a dream to come true, it surely will. Nothing is impossible if you hope it to become true. I believe Tezuka wanted every child to not be afraid of having a dream that might seem weird to other people.

Well, I think this is enough. Sorry I wrote so long!
See you tomorrow! Good night guys :)

Book Report

Hi!! I bought the book yesterday. The book title is "The last song", written by Nicholas Sparks. I have wanted to read the book, because the story will become the movie.
Is it a good book for the book report?


This is a post about the short film we watched in class last week.

I'm going to start off with a brief summary.
A boy saved a fish near the pond, and in his mind the fish transformed itself into a mermaid. He instantly fell in love with the imaginary figure. He wanted to show everybody, but in his town, imagining things were not allowed therefore the police tried to make him realize that the mermaid he's been seeing is not real. However no matter what they did to get his feet back onto the ground, he couldn't stop imagining. Gradually, from the pressure from the police, the boy went insane and forgot what the mermaid looked like. He has lost his ability to imagine. He let the fish back into the ocean and he followed it and suddenly disappeared.

The ending of the story, from what I observed, seemed to be a little bit depressing. The scene where the boy walks into the ocean and disappears illustrates the boy's death. I think that Tezuka was trying to imply that without being able to creatively imagine things in one's mind, people will go crazy. Just living by the reality is too dull. People should have the right to freely create and see what they want. Since this film is one of the first story he wrote, I feel that maybe he was reflecting the story to his real life career as a comic artist.

Watching short film Mermaid by Osamu Tezuka

Good evening!
I had a day off today, so I went shopping with my friend from high school.
I bought new spring clothes, and I'm excited to wear them!

Anyway, about "Mermaid". Everyone wrote the summary, so I will skip that part.
I was very shocked at the film.
First, I thought that it was going to be a pretty fantasy or something, but it wasn't that simple.
Watching the boy being controlled by the people of the town, I felt something very sad and sorrowful coming up into my mind. Especially the part where they make him watch the picture of the mermaid, tickle him, and repeat that process, so that whenever he sees the mermaid, he would laugh automatically.
That part were really scary and made me freak out.
The people of the town were not allowed to use imagination. There are no such town like that of the story in the world.
I think Osamu Tezuka wanted to send out a message to us making up such town.
Using imagination is very important, but sometimes in the world today, we are controlled not to use imagination. Sometimes, being creative and unique make people go out of the circle, but it is never a bad thing to be unique. For example, the trend. People try to follow the trend and forget to express their own selves. I'm one of them.
In the end, he goes into the sea and disappear. I think that he passed away, tired with all the stress from the town. It seems kind of sad, but I also think that he went to meet the mermaid again. I believe that he was able to meet her and play around in the sea again, and hopefully lived happily ever after.

Sorry if I have talked too much:(
Good night!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


My name is Minae Kawamuko.

This is the first time that I post so let me introduce myself.

I have lived in Sagamihara city since I was born. I have no overseas experience except for sightseeing so My English is poor so I'm very pleased if you help me!
My hobby is listening to music. I like rock music. If there is someone who likes rock, I want to talk with you!
I also like eating. I love deserts sooooo much! Especially cake and pudding!! I often eat out searching for my favorite restraunt.
That's all of my introduction.

I'm not good at English but I do my best.
See you in the next class!


It's two more days for golden week :D I'm going to visit my grandma who lives in Ehime with my family. I can't wait to see her.
In this while, I can forget going back and forth between my home and school.
We are going there by a car which takes 9 hours by driving.. but since we won't stay there for a long time, driving a car costs less so I will ejoy my long journey to Ehime.

I chose a book I'm interested in but it doesn't seem to have social theme..
Hopefully, he will accept it!

Breakfast At Tiffany's

Today I had only one class and after a little chatting with my friend, I came back home right away. It seems that everyone has few or no classes on Wednesday. I wonder why! Does Wednesday serve as an interval of the week? It's right in the middle of 5 weekdays. But I could say I needed no intermission this week because GW will start so soon; I can't wait until Saturday!

After back home, I saw an old film called "Breakfast At Tiffany's" that features such a famous actress Audrey Hepburn that you must have heard her name at least once. I have already seen "Roman Holiday" (which also stars her) in a high school English class. I read the original novel of Tiffany's which I bought in Aogaku store. I'm a bit surprised at the small difference between the book and the movie. Originally, the woman (Hepburn) flies overseas and exchanges letters with another character (her partner), and then the story ends. On the other hand, it ends in the couple kissing each other happily in the film version. I think the movie just sums up the novel story. It's a kind of free interpretation just like the story of Mermaid done in the last class.

About the Mermaid

Good evening everyone!
I'm not good at using computer, so it's kind of hard to write a blog, but here's my comment for the "Mermaid".
There was a boy who loved to imagine. One day, he found a fish in the beach. When he was watching the fish, the fish turned into a mermaid. They play in the sea with full of imagination.
After playing around with mermaid, the boy suggested to the mermaid to come with him, and he took the mermaid to his house. Boy show the mermaid to his parents, but for his parents, the mermaid looked like just a fish. The world boy lived banned to imagine, so boy was arrested.
Everyone tried to make him think that there is no such a thing like mermaid. Boy was tortured, but boy never forget the mermaid. So, people tried the different things. Boy was forced to read books, and than, his imagination start to vanish. When he got home, he noticed that he can't see the mermaid anymore. He went to the sea to release the fish. Everyone came to watch the boy.
The boy went into the sea with the fish. All the sudden, fish turned into the mermaid, and start swimming with the boy to the horizon.

What I think is, this is the story that trying to tell us that imagining is really free, and no one can ban this. Also maybe Osamu Teduka trying to aware the Japanese, don't forget your identity and be free to imagine. Well, it's really hard to explain and think about this because this is no voice, but this is what I thought about this story.
Thank you for reading! Good night ;-D
I'm trying these pair's of hard contact lenses I bought two days ago. I'm still not familiar with it as it is my first time wearing a hard contact lens! I've been using soft contact lenses for a while, but I decided to buy a hard contact lens this time. It's affordable (looking at it in the long term) and apparently hygenic compared to soft types. But the problem is that they fall out when you play sports! So I decided to wear "one-day" soft contact lenses when I'm playing football. Don't you think its a good idea??
Is everyone using contact lenses? Or do you have good eye sight?? I never knew soft and hard were so different! Someone tell me when there pairs of contact lenses will suit me!!


I had no class today, so I got up later than usual and I'm doing my homework for the next IE class. After I have finished it, I'm going to go to a book store and buy one for book report. Have you decided the book you are going to read?
After that, I'm going to watch a movie, "Shatter Island". I'm looking forward to see what will happen in the end.


I'm going to write about the story we watched during the class last week, which is called "Mermaid" by Osamu Tezuka.

The story is about a boy who owns a fish. One day, the boy brings the fish to the sea and all the sudden, the fish turns into mermaid. He had fallen in love with the mermaid and brings her back to his house. However, the world he lives in aren't suppose to have their own imaginations and so he gets caught. While he was in mental hospital? he was being forced not to think about mermaid. Then few months later when he came back to his house, the mermaid that was supposed to be in his fish tank were just a fish. He missed the mermaid and tries to turn her into mermaid again by bringing her to the sea. Police were after him by the time and so the boy tries to commit suicide if the fish doesn't turn into mermaid. But then as he went into the sea, the fish again turned into mermaid and so did the boy. The boy happily lived after that with mermaid.

I'm not sure what he really wanted to tell us, but I think he wanted to tell that we all have the right to imaginate and imagination has no limits.

Well, I gotta get ready for my work! See ya!

Mermaid, by Osamu Tezuka

Good morning everyone, it's raining cats and dogs, isn't it?
( I've never used this idiom before,lol)

Anyways, today I'd like to talk (or type) about my interpretations on the film, Mermaid, which we saw last week in IE.
First of all, I thought the film was strange. There was no dialogue, only background music, or music that goes with the movement, but strangely I was able to understand the main characters feelings, or what the film was trying to say.
A boy, who loves to daydream, lived in a place where fantasy was forbidden. One day at the beach, he saw a fish, which then turned into a mermaid. He brought the mermaid home, to show his parents. Unfortunately his parents only saw a fish in an enormous tank. He was arrested for this "imagination" and was punished, but he couldn't forget about the mermaid at all. So he was forced to read books, which made him forget about the mermaid. The boy was so shocked he couldn't remember the mermaid, so he ran away, to his house, where the "mermaid" is. Sadly, when he got to his house and saw the tank, all he saw was a small fish, and nothing else. There was no mermaid. The boy reluctantly decides to free the fish, so he heads to the beach. He forgot the police were right behind him (because he ran away), but it didn't matter. He freed the fish and went into the water with it. The next thing you know, there were two mermaids swimming in the ocean.

I think that Osamu Tezuka was trying to tell us, imagination has no limits, but fantasy is different from reality. Hmm... it's hard! It's hard to try to understand a movie with no words.

Well, I guess that's my interpretation. I've got to go now, so good-bye!
Thanks for reading, and I'll see some of you guys tomorrow

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Good Morning!

Hi! I'm Miho. I'm posting for the first time. I'm not good at computer, so Ifall behind. But I'll do my best.

I'm from SHinagawa, Tokyo. When I was in high school, I had played basketball. Though I don't belong to any basketball circle, I still love it! And I like omlet rice in Aogaku.

See you today's class.


Today I went to my soccer circle's practice.
I haven't been to the practice for a while so it was very fun, but I hurt my knees a little.
I ran around too much, so I will suffer for a muscular pain for a while.


I finished my homework!!
On this weekend, I was too busy to do my lots of homework, but now I made all of them done.

The students in the department of British and American Literature have lots of homework....
But, actually I love this department!! Even if it's hard, I believe someday my study will lead to my dream!!

First Post

Hi. My name is Yuzuru.

I'm not used to writing blogs so I am wondering what to write but I will try my best.

First of all, I would like to introduce myself.

I am from Kanagawa.I have been playing soccer since I was very little so I like soccer very much.I like to watch movies and listen to music. My favorite movie is 「OCEAN'S ELEVEN」 and my favorite music artist is a group called 「DEEP」.
That's my short introduction.


My computer is still broken, so I am in a bad mood as before.
Today I went go bowling with my friend, but I cannot do almost sports with ball well. My worst score of bowling is 9 and today is 38. This score is very goot for me. In sports, I am good at only swimming. In spite of my efforts, other sports are too difficult to do even as a standard.
I no longer expect to become good at sports, but I can enjoy doing! The atheletic capacities doesn't matter!

My favorite book

Hi, I'm Sho. I finished reading ''Norway no Mori'' by Haruki Murakami last week. Because Haruki Murakami has received great nationwide attention by publication of ''IQ84'', I have become interested in his past novel. ''Norway no Mori'' is his most famous novel and the circulation has exceeded by 10000 volumes as of 2010 all in all. Thinking of this title, I had thought that this novel was written about adventure at first, but the content was completely different from what I thought. His good phrases and descriptions drew me into his world and I became a big fun of them. Though it always takes relative much time for me to finish reading a book, this sotry was so attractive that I got through the book in five days. I would like to read ''IQ84'' and the others as soon as possible. If there are someone who read novels by Haruki Murakami or are interested in him , why don't you talk with each other about his novels?

Good evening!!

Hi, everyone!!
Today, I had a practice of my club, English Speaking Society. As I said before, I was a member of discussion section.

We will have a discussion meetng for freshman after the golden week, so we need to prepare a lot. It's very hard, but I'm looking forward to discussing with freshman.
Even if you are sophomore, you can come this discussion, so if somebody is interested in this meeting, why not join us??


I also worked at juku, and taught some students!! It was really hard, but enjoyable!! But, now I resigned from this job....

This weekend

Hello! I'm yuta. I'm going to match the game this weekend at Kasai Rinkai Koen. This place is Chiba prefecture near the Tokyo Disney Land.

My position is MF. This position is very tired, but it is joyful!

We are going to match "Keio University". Keio is very strong team. We practice very hard to win Keio university.

I want to win. I'll do my best!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

The third post

Good evening!

I've finished my part-time job just now:)
The job of mine is teaching at juku! It is so interesting for me to spend time with children because I like them soooooo much;p Moreover it's so challenging because it is difficult to teach them not only subjects but also manners because they are elementary school students and noisy a lot. So it is so hard also...

Does anyone work at juku?

Mizuki Funayama


Hi, good evening everyone!!

My name is Shun. This is my first time to do blog, so firstly let me introduce myself and my hometown easily.

My favorite thing is to read, sleep, talk with friend, play sports, and stroll! and I live in Saitama, where is so beautiful nature like mountain, river, or park. You may think Saitama is one of the country side. But there are also famous places such as Saitama Stadium, Seibu baseball parl or O-miya sonic sity.
Since I entered Aoyamagakuin university, I belong to English Speaking Society, which is called ESS, and I am a member of DEBATE section.

That's all for today!

See you later!

My high school day

Hello! I want to write about my hobby. I like baseball. Especially, "in high school baseball(kokoyakyu)" is the most familiar in the baseball. I had played baseball since a third year elementary school student for ten years. In fact, I experienced in high school baseball. It has intevestingness and pain that we understands only after we has experienced it. Habital practice is very hard. In winter, we run long distance. Also, in summer, we must play the game in very hot place,ball park. A baseball stdium is hoter than other place. Occcasionally, the temperature went above fourty.
In high school baseball is highly emotionally changeable sports. Everyone who played baseball in high school aim at Koshien(All Japan high school baseball chamionship). We can't lose to go to Koshien. If we lost the game, we must finish in high school baseball. So we desperately fight back tears and run for all we are worth. But school that can go to the Koshien is one team. This is grim reality. But, we can get important things. It is exert all our energy, believe our teammates and my heart was full of gratitude to parents, manager and teammates.
In high school baseball is the best sports in all sports for me. bye...

These Days

I'm on a diet. That's why I will be took a picture in golden week before coming of age day.
As you know this picture will remain forever and I want to tell my future daughter 'When I was a young I was a beautiful than now'
Therefore in these days I take a bath at least for thirty minutes, yesterday is one hour to beautify my skin. This costom is likely to become one of my hobbies.


This is the homework I'm assigned;

Characters : A boy and a fish which appeared to be a mermaid after he let it go into the sea. In the middle of the story, there come judges(?) and the police.

In the country, it seems to have a sort of restriction of imagination, and when the boy carried the mermaid home and release her into the aquarium, his parents(?) saw nothing but a little fish because the figure of the mermaid was only in the boy's head.

He went to court and the examiners around him asked him which fish he saw exactly in his eyes. Of course, none of them. What he had seen was the mermaid itself. But people never understood him and they shut him in a small prison.

He struggled to forget about the mermaid and could never stop remembering her. After a while, he started to think of researching on the mermaid with the use of so many reference books. But at last, he realized that no mermaid existed in the world and he himself couldn't see her as he could before.

Being at loss, he went to the sea again where he first met the mermaid. People were all chasing him from behind. But then the mermaid came alive as real, swimming away to the offing of the sea. (I wonder what became of the boy!)

Well, the lesson I think I've learned from this is that WE'RE ALL FREE TO IMAGINE ANYTHING. As in the film, when you dream of something, it will surely come true. We may stop dreaming if we are not allowed to conceive of things we've never done or seen before.

This movie reminded me a bit of John Lennon because of his famous song.


How was your weekend?

Hi, what did you do your weekend? I went to T.G.I FRiDAY'S at Yokohama. My friend works there as a part job. Thanks to her, we enjoyed having dinner! Yokohama FRiDAY'S has an event every sunday night. The bartenders give us a little show like jugling by using liqueur bottles. Their performance was so amaizing!! If you have a girl friend, I recommend you to see it with her! She will be pleased and thank you!
And then, I went to Yamate. Yamate is a famous town for sightseeing. I live near the town, and I took a walk by myself. It was lovely day! Many family and couple enjoyed theirselves. The Harbor View Park is nice place for a walking. Please come to Yamate. There gives you fantastic time, I sure.
Hello!! I look for a part-time job now.
I had sometimes worked part-time job as a examiner but I think I try to work periodic part-time job this year.
Frankly speaking, I want to draw high wages and work at a neaby area of the station so I don't work part-time job easily because I am aiming too high.
I must compromise on the hourly wage and favorably or unfavorably located, I think.
How about you?

Good morning

Good morning!! This is my first post. My name is Yuiko. I'm from Yamanashi. Yamanashi is famous for Fujikyu high land. It is an amusement park with a lot of roller coasters and haunted houses. I love riding the roller coaster, but I hate the haunted house. In Fujikyu, there is a record breaking haunted house called "Cho-Senritumeikyu". I went into the haunted house last year, but it was the horrible experience. I don't want to bring back to memory:( If you like haunted house, you should try it.
Well, I have to ready to go to school. Today, I have four classes. Busy:(
See you again!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Good Memory!

Good Evening!

Today(Sunday) a contest (concert) of group which my circle belongs was held. My circle deals with Japanese musical instrument. The concert is the one which mainly second-year students in many univercities show a performance and perform with instrument. If they are particularly good, an award is given.

I feel that listening to ensemble by other universal is very fresh. Ensembles were very beautiflul, and performances were very impressive. For example there were people dancing cool dance and man attaching crane to head. In this connection, we performed "Three minutes cooking." and could get an award! I wanted to get an award in performance by instrument but was very glad!

I could enjoy to see other performance and also perform by ourselves.

Alice In Wonderland:)

Good evening! Today I saw a movie" Alice In Wonderland" at local movie theater with my friend. This movie is very popular with peple all over the world, so I was looking for seeing this movie and I saw 3D movie for the first time!!!!! This movie is very thrilling and wonderful. Alice and Queen of white are very beautiful:) I want IE3 members to see this movie :)

mermaid comment

I write a comment about Mermaid,which is an animation created by Osamu Tezuka.

The story is following as ;
A boy who likes fantasy lives a town. But in this town, people is prohibited from imagining freely. One day, the boy catch a fish. but, he can see it as a mermaid. He loves her. He spend playing with her. But, his parents can't see it as a mermaid. They think it is a fish. Then, he is caught by the police. They force him to admit that a fish is not a mermaid but a fish by torture. However, he doesn’t yield to the torture,and continues to insist the fish is the mermaid! Then, the police compel him to read many book and forget the mermaid. Finally, he forgets the mermaid. He decide to take the fish to the ocean. But, when he goes the ocean, he remember the mermaid!
In the end, I assume he also becomes a merman and lives with her forever.

In my opinion, the author tries to teach us the importance of free imagination.
Nowadays, we are prepossessed by a stereotype and a bias. In consequence, we can't imagine freely. So, he created this animation ,told us the situation and wanted us to understand the importance of free imagination.

This animation is simple and no voice. But, I am impressed by it.

relaxing day♪

Everyone seems to have spent a good holiday :)
Today, I went to Harajuku and I had my hair cut.
After that, I enjoyed shopping in Harajuku.
I got a cute short pants at a low price.
It was a good bargain!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way, as I said, I like listening to music.
These days, I often listen "Kacho-Hu-getsu" by Remiolomen.
Do you know this song?
When we listen to this song, we can feel warmth of spring.
I recommend you to listen to it.

Then, I'll write comments~~~
yuri>> Your holiday looks like so interesting.
I rarely go to Yokohama, so I'd like to go there.
Where is the best place in Yokohama?
Can I enjoy shopping??

Good evening!

Today is hot and spring temperature, isn't it?

I went to Yokohama and to see Noge street performance with friends of mine :)
Before we went to street performance, we ate steamed meat bun, Annninn-flavored soft cream and so on, in a Chinatown.

After that, we saw the very interesting performances, such as juggle and very strange performance, and making animals and hats from ballon performance.

I felt this event was passed soon, so I wanted to see more interesting performances.

However, we enjoyed today!! I recommend you to see street performance!

See you next time.
Hello, everyone.
How are you?
I caught a cold on Friday, and I have a sore throat now :(
Maybe I couldn't stand wide range of temperature.
I wish you all are fine. Take care!


How was "Alice in Wonderland"?
I want to watch it, too!


Guiding foreigners is very fun!
We go to Asakusa, then speak to foreigner.
"Excuse me, do you speak English? We're university students and studying English, but we don't have oppotunities to communicate with foreiner. If you don't mind, please communicate with us and let us guide you!"
If foreigner accept us, we start guiding! Of course, sometimes we are refused.
Communicating with various countries people is very interesting:)


l write about the animation I watched last Friday.
After I saw it, I thought things you think are self-evidence are not always true.
Everyone in this town was realists and they didn't admit the boy who believed the fish was mermaid. They thought their idea was right and the boy was wrong.However, the fish became mermaid in the end, because the boy had been believing the fish was mermaid.
I'm not sure they could really see mermaid, but they began to understand there exists many different ideas and admit him.
I think the author wanted to tell us is that we shouldn't place absolute trust in our own ideas and shouldn't force our ideas on others.

many things I have to do!!

Hello! everyone! it's a fine day! It is getting warmer and warmer!

I went to Shibuya with a friends of mine yesterday. I enjoyed very much!!
There were so many people!! I bought a pair of shoes and clothes.

I live alone. So, i have to do many things today. Washing dishes, doing the washing, going shopping and throwing away garbage.
In addition to, I have to finish assignment! and i have to post the comment about Osamu Tezuka animation!! Oh!! I have to apply for a part time job and call Tokyo Denryoku!
I am busy today!

Anyway, I try to finish them!!

Enjoying Mermaid Comments

Keep the Mermaid comments coming. (Tuesday class will see it this week . . .) There are lots of possible interpretations in the animation that no one has mentioned yet. (Note that the name of a film, like books and newspapers, is always typed using italics.)

Shoichiro: "imagine" and "imagination," OK. Nice try, but there is no word "imaginate." (maybe we'll invent it here?!)

Yuki Y: Spellcheck! Not just you but everyone should respect your readers by spellchecking before you post your entries. A good habit to acquire . . .

Ranko: my family and I are going to see Alice today. Can't wait! We will see it in 3D (but not IMAX . . . too crowded!)

Chinami: Your blog entries are OK. We can read them!

Keep up the good work and blog on!
Hello! Today, I cleaned my room, especially bath room, kitchen and toilet after a long time.
I felt much better after having my room cleaned!!
By the way, I have lived with my sister since last April, but she is a great trouble to me because she never clean her room. she has not ever cleaned her room and cooked so I always do everything.
I hope that she keeps her room clean.

Part-time job

I start working new part-time job from April 1.
Do you think what kind of job I started?
May be most of friends think that you seem to work at cafe?
convenience store?or cram school teacher?

Last year I worked at temporary employment agency
which I was sent to every kind of places.
Occasionally, I had a chance to work at Akasaka theater
and can see the live stage by Anna Tuchiya who is a famous singer as you know!

Also I experience to sell Häagen-Dazs ice cream at the super market.
I had to promote as loud as possible,
"New items come out!!!
Please try on this good occasion!!"
Actually I know it is I that have a great occasion to try it! and
I ate them in secret.

In this way, temporary employment agency gave us every sort of job and good chance
last year.

oh! It's almost time to answer my new part-time job!
The answer is....
telephone operator!

As I was tired of type, I will tell it detail some other time!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

my favorite*

Good evening. I write my second blog about my favorite thing.
I studied Korean as my second language last year. That's because I like Korea! I went there last summer vacation. I enjoyed myself! Now, I plan to go to Korea in this summer vacation with my high school friends^^ Im loking forward to going! Does anyone like Korea?? I especially like the Korean drama named "My Lovely Samsoon". Do you know this drama?? I got to like "Hyun Bin" who is the leading actor. If you dont know this drama, I recommend to eveyone to watch!!!

It sounds so nice to guide foreigners!!
Please tell me about its datail.
Im really interested in that activity:)


My interpretation about this Tezuka's film we have watched yesterday, is simply,
people have the right to imaginate, We are free to imaginate. Whether your
imagination may not be true or not, we should keep imaginating. Don't let anyone rule your right.
Well, I guess that man was in love with the mermaid. But the Mermaid only existed in man's imagination.
Since imaginating is prohibited in his country, he was banned from imaginating, and thinking about the mermaid.
Eventhough no matter what happened to him, he did not stop imaginating about the mermaid, so the imagination about the mermaid
became true, they lived happily ever after.
If you keep believing, it becomes true.



Hi. I feel very bad because my computer has something wrong from yesterday. Now I am using old one, which is so srow to move.
I should fix my new computer, but I don't know how to do it. I was stressed so much!
Most of the homeworks I must do by next week are to use computer generally, so that I don' t have much time. I have to do something as possible as I can.
If you now a lot knouledge about computer, please tell me!

5th post-The mermaid

I'm going to write about the animation that we saw last Friday.
Well...there are many ways you can interpret from the end the film, so it's an really hard subject for me.
I have two ideas.

The first one is that the fish that the boy found was just an fish until the end. This happened because the boy believed in the mermaid to the end. So the moral is "If you believe until the end your wish will come true"
My second idea is at the last scene the boy went out of the country to be with the mermaid. This is because at the beginning of the film there was an subtitle that was written " This is an story of an country that free ideas are forbidden." So if the boy can have his free ideas if he simply goes out. This will mean"Do not give up your ideas just because you are told to." Tezuka Osamu probably wants the freedom to think to be protected forever, which is an esstencial for writers like him and for children.

I want to see your views too, everybody.

I like tokoyaki very mich:)

Good evening! Last Thursday I held a takoyaki party with my teammates at a teammate who live alone. We often held this party and make takoyaki by ourselfes. I'll talk about this time. Takoyaki is a food that the eggs are mixed with flour, and cutted octopusses are added and then the liquid pour into molds of an iron plate that mlds is sphere and brown. The knack of making takayaki is pouring the liquid into each molds without spilling out of molds. We often see that a clerk of a takoyaki shop pours the liquid the whole iron plate, but it is worse way when laymen make by themselfs. If you want to make takoyaki because of this article, please make by this way:)
Hi! Is everyone having a nice weekend?
Well, I'll write about yesterday's short film.
At the last part, the police and the citizens were
looking at the boy, and they saw the mermaid too.
So I think from that day, the country lets the people imagine.

I think Osamu Teduka wanted to tell us the importance of imagination.
Recently, because of the new invetions, it is getting hard for us to imagine.
For example, in the past, robots were imaginary things that didn't exist,
but now, we can actually buy them.
As a animation creator, I think Osamu imagines a lot, so maybe he wanted
people to realize how exiting it is to imagine.

Anyways, I thought the film was really unique!


I'm now perplexed by this blog.
Certainly I've already written blogs 2 times・・・
But my blog disappeared!!!!!!!!!
If Armstrong read this blog, please tell me why.

By the way, recently I 'm absorbed in watching new dramas.
Especially, I like "Sunaoninarenakute".
The story is about the relationships between people who got to know each other through Twitter.
Do you know Twitter?
It is popular and many entertainers also use it.
I'd like to try it, but it's a little difficult, I thik.
If you use it, please tell how to use.
Instead of Twitter, I use mixi frequently!
Probably I log in once in 10 minutes at least. lol
If you are my mixi, please check it!!
I think the communication on the SNS site is useful and interesting.
When we look at someone's notes , we can have information jointly.
It 's funny♪
I want to use various SNS sites for relationships with my friends.



I'm going to write my imagination ending about the movie we watched yesterday in IE class called "Mermaid" by Osamu Tezuka.
At the very ending, when the boy takes fish with him into the ocean, I saw two shadows jumping across each others at the last second of the movie. One of them is the fish turns to mermaid and I think another one is the boy turns to merman. And so, they lived happily ever after in the ocean :)
The citizens were watching them from the hill because I think they feel that no one can stop his imagination and give up on forcing him not to imagine.


Hi! yesterday, I watched the short movie made by Osamu Tezuka.
I gonna write how I thought about this story.
I thought the boy liked to imagine and wanted to meet a mermaid.
One day, when he touched the fish, he imagined the fish turned into a mermaid. He suddenly fell in love.He was happy and enjoyed with her.After, he proposed he should take her out to his watercase in his house.But his parents couldn't see the fish as a mermaid.And his nation didn't allow people to imagine freely.So, he had to receive punishment and to be tortured. I thought he was very tough. Because even if he was repeated to be tortured, he didn't forget love for her and continued to claim this was not fish but the mermaid. In the end, I thought he was very sad because he was forced to set her free in the ocean. But once the fish was in, it turned a genuine mermaid. I supposed the end of this story told us if we continued to believe and love something, even if it was just imagination, it would come true.
I thought Osamu Tezuka also wanted to teach us like the same thing, that is, even if it was just own imagination, as long as we hoped strongly, it would be certainly realize.
this is my evaluation of yesterday's short movie.
thank you and see you next time!^^


Hi! It's the first time to write my journal.
My name is Ai Tomita. Please call me whatever you like. However, almost all of my friends call me "Aipin".

I'll introduce myself first. I'm from Tokyo, but it takes about 2 hours from my house to Aogaku!! I always think I'd like to go to the Aoyama campus soon.

I have three dogs in my house. The kind of them are miniature dachshund. This is a picture of my loving dogs^^

They are all very very pretty! I'm a "OYABAKA". If someone have any pet, please comment! Let's talk about pet with me♪

In addition, my hobbies are going to shopping, watching comedy, listening to music and traveling abroad.

Thank you for reading my first journal:)


Hi! Nice to meet you!
This is the first time I write this blog, so let me introduce myself.
I live in Higashimurayama, Tokyo.
I am only child, but I wish I had a big brother, so I am on good terms with my cousin.
My hobby is reading a book books, listen to music, and wacthing a TV drama, especially love story.

I have worked my part time job at secondhand book store for 10 month,so I was given a new job, but it is difficult for me to do it.
However, therer is a lot of new member recently, so I'll try my best to be their role models.

I want to enjoy this class!
See you next time.
Have a good weekend.

good morning!

This is the second time I write on this blog.

How are you guys?
Today I have a class. It is so hard to go to school on Saturday because it takes me for 2hours from my home to school. Despite the fact, Im always looking forward to attending it. It is so interesting to learn. Does anyone take "education psychology"??

anyway, I'm extremely sleepy now:( lol

Friday, April 23, 2010

My recent challenge

Hello, I'm Sho. This is my first entry to this ie3 blog.
Recently, I began to study Russia because of my interest in Russian literature such as Dostoevskii or Tolstoi. Though I can't still read only alphabets and some easy words, to learn something new is very exiting for me.
What most surprised me is to know that the pronounce of same words are different from country to country. For example, the alphabet 'C' is pronounced 'esu' and 'P' is 'eru'. Moreover, Russia has interesting shape alphabets such as д, ш or ю. You may use these words when you send e-mail with your cellphone.
In the future, I would like to travel around Russia by myself.
But above all, I must develop my English ability in the university!

Good evening!

In today's class,we watched the short film made by Osamu Tezuka,Mermaid.I would appreciate if we could share our interpretation of the film.As for my interpretation,although I had almost no idea because it seemed rather abstract to me despite an animation,I could identify at least that the freedom to imagine something was probably prohibited.I also think that the boy is probably a main character.What was happening through the story is probably his falling in love with that mermaid.Sorry,so far,this is all that I can come across about that film.

Have a nice weekend!

I have already finished today's class.

Everyone, have a nice weekend!!

I'm going to go to a movie with my friend this weekend!

The title of a movie is "Alice In Wonderland".

I'm very excited about going to see it, because I'm a lover of Tim Burton who is a supervisor.

I really love films directed by him. For example, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, Edward Scissorhands, Batman and so on.

I also see other movies. For example, Life Is Beautiful, The Shawshank Redemption, The Butterfly Effect and so on.

I recommend seeing Life Is Beautiful especially!!!!!!

I think it's really masterpiece.

Oh! I also like "Konan".
I used to see Konan in the movie theater.


ha i wish to wake up in a nice sunny day, but unfortunately today is also another cold and rainy day. sob*
It's 6:45 in the morning and it takes me almost 2 hours to get prepared in morning so if I don't get up from bed RIGHT now, I'm so gonna be late for school...haha (pretty much i only have 40 minutes

how long does it take YOU to get ready for school??

I really have to get going now!lol
See you guys later in IE class!


Good evening!
I wonder when we will get to feel that spring is here...
It seems like tomorrow's gonna be cold again:(
Tomorrow, I'm going to go see the new Konan movie with my friends and am really excited! Every year I go see it it's like a routine.
I also want to go see Alice desperately.
What movies did you guys go to see recently?
See ya tomorrow!!!
Good night

Haruka>I was just looking for a new book to read. I'll try them.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

4th post

Good eve. It's my fourth post and I realized that I didn't introduce myself...not even a fragment!
The name's Jun, but I rather like to be called by my family name. (possibly because I have never been called by my name except my parents or a small number of girls I have met)
I'm a sort of person that takes things light but never crosses the line I also love justice and hate the evil.

My hobby?...hmm I like things tend out to be quite disturbing to others. I don't know why but...
anyway if you want to know my favorite band is called "Blue Stahli" my favorite electronic game to do is "dodonpachi daifukkatsu black label".

Okay, I think you have never heard of it. If you seem interested, go to youtube and see for yourself. You will know me better. Finally I will warn you again because the contents can be totally disturbing visually, and audiolly. But it can change your view what music is and why games are worth doing.

A few examples.



※ (I've left out the "h" in the "http" in case you click it by mistake.)

Wan shang huo!

Means "Good evening." in Chinese!
I had Chinese class today so I just wanna use it ;P haha
Oh, ”晩上好” in kanji.

Now I'm working on my newspaper-article-assignment.
I have some difficulties in typing a keyboard so it takes me three times as much as other students!!! eww...

I'm not good at using PC either!


Hi! I'm Ranko.
it's very cold today, isn't it?
Now, I'm in the PC room in the university and I use the Internet!
The reason why I'm in the PC room is that I had a homework.
I learn about programming, because I'm really interested in systems engineer.
But, It's very hard for me to make home page. I don't know the details about mechanism of a computer.

But I'll never give up!!!!!!

>Haruka Kobori
What a nice activity!
I also want to guide foreigners.

Good Evening!

Hi! Nice to meet you! My name is Haruka Jibiki.
I first write on this blog, so let me introduce myself.
I am from Kanagawa. There are four in my family; parents and a big brother.

My hobby is reading. Genres that I read is various and I like to read the works of
Tomihiko Morimi, Kotaro Isaka and Banana Yosimoto.
Also I like to listen to misic. Especially I like BUMP OF CHICKEN.

I want to have a great time with everyone in IE3! So please talk me.
See you next time!


Like Haruka, this is first time to blog on, so I'll introduce myself!
My name is Shizuka, and everyone calls me "sheeton" so you can call me that!(it's kind of weird when spelled in English lol) I live in Setagaya, Tokyo. I used to live in New Jersey for 6 years from second grade to seventh grade. I really am interested in English, and I want to get better and study a lot in university. I'm hoping to get better in this class!
Today I went to a club event in Shibuya by NACK, dance circle. Actually I wasn't really thinking of joining a dance circle, but this event was awesome, and it really made me want to join NACK. I'm interested in baseball circle too, so I'm gonna have to think more before I decide!

What circles are you guys going to join?

hikari> I like J-POP, R&B, hip hop and so on!
akane>My craving right now is definitely natto!

sweet dreams=)

good evening!

Hi, IE3 members!

My name is Haruka Kobori.
This is my first time to write on this blog, so let me introduce myself.
I entered the Department of English and British Literature because I like studying English. I want to improve my English skill, so I belong to English Speaking Society.
As club activity, i guide foreigner around Asakusa twice a month. It's very fun.

My hobby is reading books, and sleeping. My favorite authors are Riku Onda, Kotaro Isaka, Keigo Higashino. If you have books that you recommend, please tell me:)
Nice to meet you, and I want to enjoy this class!


I suddenly realized that I had a lot of things left to do. I haven't done my discussion reports for today(listening) and tomorrow(core). You could say it's a huge disaster! But I can explain why.

I got my new PC(iMac) recently and was spending the time setting it up. I'm writing from this Mac now. I needed to copy all of my data from my previous computer into my brand new one. I have so many songs in my iTunes that it took me over three or four hours to move all of them. This is why I'm so late with my homework.

In reality, except that fact, I wasted my time seeing films and reading books because that's what I live for (too exaggerated)!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My first job!

Good evening!
It has been a slightly warm? weather these days.Yes!
But, sad to hear that it's probably going to rain tomorrow..
Well...apart from that, I got an job for the first time! it's an
one day job. I'm going to work at SAPIX, as an proctor of the practice exam.
some of you might already know,, it's an cram school for elementary school students,
who are willing to take the entrance exam of the junior high school. I'm very excited!
Well, the good thing about this is that there is no need of interview! Just phone call,
and you are applied for the job! I've found this job at the AOYAMAGAKUIN's job introduction page.
If you are interested, you should check it out! it's able to access from the AOYAMAGAKUIN PORTAL.
There are lot of other interesting jobs there!^^


Beautiful day!

I hope everybody is enjoying this rare but amazingly sunny day! My plan for today is to eat Nabe with my neighbour :) I haven't eaten nabe since I left home so I'm pretty excited! Yesterday was a hectic day for me...I had class from period 1 to period 5. I never imagined it would be that hard. Tomorrow's schedule is going to be busy too, but I'm really interested in the ESS club, so I'm going to attend the meeting tomorrow after school. I 've never actually met any of my senpai so I'm looking forward to that. I'm addicted to pudding these days for some reason. As a matter of fact, I'm going to go to the convenience store later to buy one. hahaha What kind of cravings do you guys have??

I love R&B and hiphop too!!! It pumps me up :)

About my part tome job

Good aftermoon! Do you have any classes on Wendesdays!? I have two classes and finished them, went home just now. I'm tired, but I'm going to have part time job after this:( I work for cafe named "Doutor coffee shop". Do you know? I have worked for here for for one year, but I 'm still green at this job. My main jobs are making drinks, foods, washing cups, saucer and keeping clean the inside of the shop. Once you become skilled, these jobs are very simple but I couldn't remember these things easily, it was very hard and difficult for me. Now I grow up compared to what I used tobe. From now on, I wanna develop my skills in this jobs!


Thank god there's no class on Wednesday!
Hi everyone, such a lovely day isn't it?
Unfortunately tomorrow is going to be terribly cold!

Reading the past articles, it seems that a lot of people are going to join ESS. Well, I'm one of
The sophomores and juniors were so nice to me and I had such a great time talking with them, so I decided to join! I'm interested in the speech and debate section. Sounds fun.

Oh, I was wondering, what kind of music do you guys like?

I listen to all kinds of music, like rap, R&B, j-pop, and so on.
Anyways I've got to finish my media presentation!!Yikes.

thanks for reading♪
see you tommorow!

This isn't good...

Is anyone into football?? Or maybe should I say soccer!
I love playing football, I'm a great fan and I also play for real.
Yes! It was the Champions League Semi-finals 1st leg last night, and Barcelona played against Internazionale! I agree both teams are great, with quality players and some beautiful piece of football, but I personally favour FC Barcelona. The thing is Barcelona got beaten 3-1 against the Italians!! Nonono this isn't good... Well, there's another home game (2nd leg) for Barca, I hope they beat them and make it to the Finals!!


Good morning everybody!Today's weather is fine.
Yesterday, I couldn't attend a certain welcom-party. So, I went to my friend house that is in Huchinobe with some friends. I thought it was comfortable house. I enjoyed talking with them and I made dinner for my friend. My confidence was a little. But my friend said "it's yummy". So, I was relieved.
I felt I went back in the age of elementary school then.

By the way, have you already decided which clubs will you join?
I decided to join ESS club.Because I thought I wanted to talk with a lot of people in English and to brush up my speaking ability.

Yeah, I'm glad to teach you to cook.

I went previous ESS's welcom party. It was very fun and the seniors were kind to me.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hi!! I'm Remi Nakamura. Nice to meet you. And this is my first time writing in this blog.I'd like to introduce myself. I live in Tokyo with my father,mother,me and a dog.I always wanted a dog since I was so young, and my father finally bought me a tiny poodle when I entered this school.
I love to watch movies and listening to music . I love all kinds of music like pop, hiphop, R&B, reggae ,techno... right now I especially like Justin Bieber. does anybody know him??

Hello X‐D

Good evening everyone! I'm Saya. This is my first time writing in this blog :-)
Well well, it took me really long time to enter this blog, right? But I'm really happy to join this blog!
I just woke up and I'm still sleepy here, so I'm really muddleheaded now, but this is my first time, so let me write about myself.
In last class, I told that my secret(actually it's a hobby) is collecting miniatures, but I really love to make decorations of sweets too. Ah..I don't really know how to say this in English but "Sweets Deco" is the words in Japan.
Other things, I love animals(but not bugs), shopping, karaoke, and sleeping. I also like Latin music.
Sometime I look like I'm staring at you, but that's because I have poor eyesight! Please make friends with me♪
Good night everyone!

bad hair day...

Today, I couldn't wake up early so I had to go to school with my hair undone.
When I looked in the mirror it looked so poofy like it had been microwaved...that was very embarrasing.*sob
After the first period class I went back to the domitry to chill, eat lunch, and to straight my hair.
Sadly, when I headed for the school for forth period class it started rainning and my hair became poofy again. ><
I guess that the rain doesn't like me :( or maybe I should cut my hair..

Anyways, I'm looking forward to go to the ESS' new commers welcome party on tomorrow evening. It seems like a really good club!

I like many genres of books. Especially science fiction. Do you know a book called "The Swarm"(or "shinnkai no yrr" as Japanese title)? It's pretty interesting!
Hiya, I hope everyone's doing alright! I haven't blogged on for 3days or so, and I was surprised that so many people have written onto the blog! Does everyone read all the comments?? It does take some time to read all of them doesn't it lol
Anyway, what attracted me the most was, Keiyu!! Hows the 1Q84 book 3?? I'm a big fan of him as well, I absolutely love "The wind-up bird chronicle"!! It is LONG however it's a must read!! Have you read it as well?? I'm kind of a Murakami Haruki maniac, I'm reading the original version and the translated English version too. Ive read 1Q84 book 1 & 2 so I'm planning to buy it as well, but would you recommend it?? It was strange because book 2 ended in a unfinished way didn't it! I'm sooo glad book 3 came out.
What kind of books does the rest of the IE3 people read?? If there's a good one which you really push, do let me know!! Thanks xx

good evening

Good evening.In the last class,we kept on going to one person after another in order to detect all the classmates' secrets,didn't we? What really surprised me was the secret that someone's father had left her in the desert to punish her.

Anyway,it drove the fact home to me that the world is wide,for even such a father to exist.


Hi, thanks for people who replied to my entry!
Now I decided to join two clubs :D

Right now I'm typing this from computer area in the library.
I will have a trial practice for badminton club after the 5th class.
I can't wait!
But as I get busy with school activities, I must be good at managing the time since I'm getting new assignments everyday... I hope everything is going to be okay.

I found my article from The Japan Times website.
They have articles about Japan in English so hopefully you can find the one you like :]


I went to Tsutaya on Saturday and borrowed some DVDs.
・Flags of Our Fathers
・Otokotachino Yamato
・Boukokuno Aegis
・Uchoten Hotel

I usually watch Hollywood films, but this time I borrowed some Japanese films(half of them are war films...orz). I like action movies.

I live in Morino.A little far from the station!ioi

Teach me how to cook!:-)

Good morning #2

Good morning! I'm yuta. I'm too sleepy,because I have not got to bed yet. But,I can't sleep. I must go to early morning training in club activity.I belong to "Lacrosse"club in Aoyama Gakuin University. Do you know Lacrosse? But only a small number of people knows about Lacrosse.
Lacrosse is thesort that players scramble for a ball with a stick that is called "cross", and they compete thescore by putting the ball in the goal. Also,players may put pressure on the enemy by using "cross", so it looks like the American football or the Ice hockey. Tackle is permitted to the enemy. In short, Lacrosse is the very violent sport.
Please show "Lacrosse" on youtube! You can understand about "Lacrosse".

Hello! #1

Good morning! Nice to meet you. I'm yuta. This is first blog. At first, I want to write my family. I have parent, two sister, 3dogs. My big sister is 22 years old,and my little sister is 14years old.
Secondly, I'm from Nagoya.I graduated from Nagoya Gakuin high school. Do you know Nagoya?
Nagoya has many delicious foods. For example, Misokatsu, Hitsumabusi and Misonikomiudon.Nagoya is noted for its excellent "miso", so there are many foods that are made by miso.

Monday, April 19, 2010

It is my mistake.

Hi, everyone. this is my second article.
I am very nervous now because I forgot writing the news article of tomorrow homework.
I should work on the homework now, so I don't know what time I will go to bed.
To make matters worse, I must get up 7o'lock tomorrow morning.
I regret my easygoing weekends.
Probably Ican't sleep tonight!



This is second time I write on this site.

I prepare for discussion now and I look for theme on the Internet!
But I can't find easily. So, eveyone please tell me the news site.
I know BBC news but I'd like to know other news site.

I also enjoy to discuss with ESS members!
It's very difficult theme for me to discuss about the death penalty.
But It's very pleasant to exchange other person's sense of values, isn't it????
Hi! I'm Ranko. Nice to meet you.
I think I'd like to get along with new IE members!

I use this blog for the first time so I 'd like to introduce myself.
When I was high school, I belonged to tennis club.
I practiced very hard to take part in a tennis tournament every day.
Because the number of people who can join in the tournament was limited.
So, when I could take part in the tournament, I was very happy!

And my hobbies are to read book, listen to music, play the piano and so on.
Especially, I love music! I 'm very interested in taylar swift.

2nd time!!

Hi! This is the 2nd time to contribute this blog!!
Today, i had a club activity. i belong to ESS club, and enjoy discussion in English.
Now, we discuss criminal issue, especially death penalty.
it is very hard for me, but i really enjoy exchanging our values.
i love discussion, so i'm looking forward to discussing with you tomorrow at IE class!

Hello, everyone!!

Hi! I'm Miho.
I am very happy to join this IE3 Daily Blog♪

This is the 1st time to contribute this Blog, so let me introduce myself.
My name is Miho Sawatari, and me and my sister, Maho are twins! When i have a time, i'll show you our pictures!

And i love sports very much, and i belonged to basketball club, and track and field club when i was in junior high and high school.
If somebody likes sports, let's talk about it on this blog!!
i'm looking forward to your next blog!


It's first time I write on this site. I am Mizuki Funayama. Let me introduce myself.
What hobbies do you guys have? Listening to music? Watching movies? There are so many things to have a good time. For me, it's listening to music, especially Rocks and Electronica, such artists as capsule, Meg, RADWIMPS, the band apart and Avril Lavigne. Music always makes me happy! So everyday I listen to music in my way home, and often take part in some events!! If you like music, why don't you go with me?:)

I was gonna write more, but it is time to go to my part-time job.
ANYWAYS, I'm looking forward to making friends with you guys! So please chat with me!
Talk to you later!

Hi, everyone;)

Good morning. My name is Hanna. Nice to meet you all!
Now I'm in D420 and using school computer.
It is really fine today, isn't it? What a beautiful day!

I have a question to you guys.
Do you decide what clubs are you going to join?
I guess I gonna join NACK, the dance club, and TEVEC, the tennis club!

I'm getting so hungry...
Have a nice day<3

Nice to meet you★

Hi! Nice to meet you. My name is Yuki Yoshioka.
I like a computer so that this journal is very joyful for me.
Today I met my friends of high school. It was 6 months that passed from We met last time, and we were very glad to meet.
I seldom meet friends because of being busy but I thought that I try to meet many friends as possible for today.

Thank you for your reading. Please talk to me without constraint!
I think I am very easy to speak!
Hi! Nice to meet you. My name is Chiaki.It is really really difficult for me to make this blog because I'm not good at useing computer.So I'm very happy to make it at last!! I don't know and understand yet how system this is. But I try to write this blog happily from now on.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

3rd post

I have an problem... I can't draw the assignment for writing class.I'm just staring at this blank paper for hours...
Probably this is because I'm a sort of person that wants to do something perfect if I'm to do something.
Maybe I should keep more loose.
But the thing is, I'm so loose already so if I become more loose bits of me might begin to fall off.
Hi! Well, I haven't slept much these past 3 days so I slept about 10hours

today, and now I'm working on the drawing assignment for writing class

but I'm having such a hard time!! I'm terrible at drawing and I don't really know

what to draw.

Anyways I'm thinking to cook dinner tonight because I have to get rid of my tomatoes.

I bought to many because they were on sale but I getting sick of it!!lol

I still can't figure out how much to buy for a meal for one person!


It makes me happy when I meet people that know kariya! Really?? Where in Machida?


I'm kind of sick of the cafeteria too, because it's so crowded! I want to make lunch for myself but I'm not sure if I have time too...!!


Good afternoon everybody!
Today's weather is very fine! But unfortunately, I ran a fever last midnight due to recent exhaution. So, I'm so regrettable I can't go out today.
But I'm cheerful better now. I'm looking forward to meet everbody tomorrow.

Thank you for replying. I like sweets too. Let's talk about and make it together someday!

I'm going to join two clubs and my friends also do so. So, I think it's good to join many clubs.

Thank you for replying. I'm not also so good at cooking. But I like very much. I want to see your scrambled eggs!

I make it a rule to make my lunch everyday in the morning.
It's very cheap! So, I recommend it very much.
It was unbearably cold yesterday and the day before yesterday, but today is warmer than yesterday.So I am happy because I am sensitive to the cold . I hope that it gets warm as soon as possible.
By the way, do you like rainy days? I don't like because my hair is disheveled. I don't know why, but high humidity is harmful to my hair. So when it comes to rainy days, I am depressed by my disheveled hair. How about you?

Spring yet?

I just woke up and its already past noon! I couldn't get out of bed because it was so cold in my room. Oh, I rhymed just now.haha Anyway, have anyone noticed the hail on Friday?? I couldn't believe it! It's mid April and the temperature is still below 20degrees. I spoke to my friend in Canada last night and she told me that the temperature was definitely warmer than Japan...How could this be? I mean, Canada is supposed to be chillier, right?! My plan is for today is to work on my assignments and relax before my hectic week begins. I'm also planning to make lunch for myself and bring it to school because I got tired of the meals that they serve at the University cafeteria :p Is anyone else planning to make lunch like me??

I was going to the freshmen welcome party on the 20th, but apparently there were way too many people on the list :( I'm going to try to squeeze into the one on the 7th. It should be worth it :)!

It's sunday again...

Hey everyone! Good afternoon.
So it's warmer than yesterday and the forecast says it's going to be much warmer than last week. Yay!!
Has anyone noticed that Sagamihara is a little bit colder than Tokyo?lol
I guess it's because it's closer to the sea.

Anyways I had so much fun in IE3 on Friday, because I had a chance to talk with lots of people!
But I was surprised of my lack of vocab, so I'll work on that during my years at AGU!

Hmm...What do you like to do on the weekends?

mari>> I'm thinking of joining two as well! ESS and the planning commitee of Saga Fes. People around me are planning to join two circles, so I think it's normal :)

nanako>> Your friend is lucky to have such a nice friend ;) Hope you guys have fun! I think I'll be working next

yasu>> The cake looks delicious! I like to cook, but I'm not so good at it. Oh, but I make the best scrambled eggs!lol

thanks for reading♪
see you guys tomorrow!

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Yesterday was so cold! I went to buy textbooks at Sagamihara campus this morning and I saw snow left on the sidewalk. It's so weird, snowing in April?! o.o

Last night I went to a welcome party for the club with my friend. It was very fun and I'm looking forward to joining this club! But when I told my friends that I'm going to join two clubs, they told me that they've never thought of joining two or more. I thought many people are joining more than one club since there are many interesting clubs in the campus! I don't know a lot of people in the school so I'm wondering how many clubs are you going to join?

Thanks for replying:D I'm not yet the member of the club but I will go to a trial practice on next Tuesday. I have heard that there is a club which they become friends and hang out with foreigner students! That's also interesting!:D

and I'm taking Chinese!

How sweet! I hope you guys will have a wonderful birthday party! :D

Nice to Meet You!

Hello, everyone! I'm Nanako. I don't know whole members of this new IE class, so I hope we make friends with each other soon.

Two days ago, I had a party to welcome newcomers to our sports club. About 40 freshmen had come! I was so happy to meet them. They were so polite and cheerful, and they said us that they had a good time with us. The words make me so glad, so I'm looking forward them to joinning to us!

Then, I have another party next week. It's a birthday party! My important friend will be twenty at 21th April. We plan to say to her, 'Happy Birthday!' just at 12 o'clock! And then, we give a present and cake to her. I'm glad to be present in the time when she become twenty.
Isn't it nice?

What will you do next week?
See you on Tuesday!

> Chinami
I couldn't take the creative writing! I'm envy you sooo much! The risyu system is somehow troblesome. We have the same classes, so I count on you!

It looks so delicious! I love sweets, so if only I'm good at cooking, I could make many delicious sweets!


Hi, everbody.

I'm happy it is sunny today and a little warmer than yesterday.

Anyway, Since I had more time today, I made a cheesecake for my family.

As you know, my hobby is cooking. But I have no confidence about the cake's shape.

I'm glad at least it tasted good.

Do you like cooking? If you like to cook, let's talk about food and recipe.
I didn't understand it quickly. So, I'm convinced I'm not a smart person.
I also think Tokyo's chinese noodle is very expensive.
But fortunately, I don't like noodles.So, I rarely buy and eat it.
I like running and make it a rule to run in the morning.
But, I can't keep on running for more than 20min.
Please teach me how to run longer.

Too cold!

Yesterday, wasn't it too cold?? It was unbelievable!
Of course, I'm accustomed to coldness because I came from Sapparo.
But, I couldn't adapt to cold wether of yesterday.

By the way, I think you are busy to decide courses.
Aogaku risyu system is a little troublesome, I think.
Almost all of Aoyama Standard subjects are determined by lot.
I wanted to take "Kansei-Business", but I draw a losing number. Omg!!
If you could take the subject, you are lucky!!!!!!!
But I'm so happy because I could take "Creative Writing"!
I don't have acqaintances in this class, so if you could take it,too...
Please talk to me :-)

Then, I'd like to make a comment on your blog.
Saki (Uzuki)>> I like running, too!
But I'm good at a short-distance race such as 50m or 100m.
I'm not good at a long distance because I don' t have stamina.
I want to talk about running with you and please teach me a knack of running in a long distance.

Bye :->

Nice to meet you!!!!!!

Hi!!! My name is Saki Uzuki. Please call me "Saki" , "Uzuki" or " Ucha". 
My hobby is running! Since I was child, I like sports so I had played tennis, socceer and so on. However I specially think that track and field is cool :) I belong to a track and field club since I was 12 years old. My subject is 800 meters. This subject is so severe that I am always dead tired after every races. However I cannot help running :)! I love this subject and I want to keep on running after this. On the other hand, I am bad at playing ball games :(
Though our class have only a half year,I want to make friends with this IE3 members!

Good evening,everyone!

Hi! Nice to meet you!  I use this blog for the first time!
My name is Junko. I am from Fukuoka. When I went to Tokyo for the first time, I was surprised at the price of Chinese noodles soup. It is so expensive! The price of Chinese noodles soup in Tokyo is about 1000 yen. But, in Fukuoka , it is 500~700 yen! It is amazing!
My hobby is shopping, listening to music and collecting Rilakkuma goods! I live in Machida. Machida is good city.

I have not lived abroad ,so I can not speak English well. Thank you for helping me in yesterday's class!! I want to improve my English skill! See you, next class!

It's in April, but it's in winter.

This cold! It's high time we got used to the cheerful mood of this university and felt warm and relaxed. I mean there is no other luxury than sleeping comfortably in the snug classroom right in the middle of the lecture. But the low temperature interferes with my dozing and it forces me to stay fast awake. I just can't stand it but after all, I have only to make my usual sleep time longer at night and it might sweep away all the nightmares when I'm asleep in the class.

On my way back home from school, I just dropped in a bookstore and bought a novel which came out just yesterday, and its title is called 1Q84 (BOOK3) written by the famous Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami. I've been a really big fan of him since I started reading his works about two years ago. I have already finished that of BOOK1&2, which is very impressive to me. I suppose he has the habit of writing something easy to read, but great stories and maybe that's why I love all of his efforts I have read.


Friday, April 16, 2010

If You Can Raed Tihs, You Msut Be Raelly Smrat

According to a research at Cambridge University, it doesn't matter in what order the letters in a word are. The only important thing is that the first and last letter be in the right place. The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem. This is because the human mind does not read every letter by itself, but the word as a whole.

Amazing, huh?

Japanese Ver.

Thanks for the advice:-)
I'll use New York Times next time!

I was surprised to hear that you are from Kariya high school.And hey, I live in Machida too.

Just can't balieve it is the spring.

Good evening.It was very cold compared with the usual weather and temperature that it should be in this season.I had never even imagined that it could be so cold here in this season.So far,how often and how many companions of circles have you visited? Were you told to DRINK?
Tody's IE calss seems to have been rather tough for me.I could not do my presentation clearly enough,which is what I should regret and also a mistake that I must not make next time when I do another presentation.
It takes me time to get used to this environment,and I have trouble sleeping.And during the class,I feel very sleepy.By the way,have you finished handing in the paper to register which IE seminar you will attend later??


Hi everyone! This is my first entry so I would like to introduce myself.
My name is Rika. My birthday is on May 14th, and my blood type is A.
I'm from Inagishi, Tokyo.
Right now I'm living in a domitry and I miss my home so much><
My hobby is to draw pictures, listen to music, go shopping, read mangas and magazines, and any other things that are fun but don't take up so much energy from me : )

Eventhough I spent my whole junior high school years in Dallas, TX, my grammar skill...actually my overall writing skill is very weak(I cannot write so good in Japanese I will try my best to improve this year!

Today was my first day in this class since I was absent last week. I felt like I have missed bunch of things... :<
Sorry Dr. Armstrong! I'm never gonna be absent again.

Since I only know few people in this school I still feel kinda lonely and scared but I was so happy that I got to know some people in this class today! I hope I can get to know everyone very soon XD

BTW Friday night..or Saturday morning is exiciting for me because I can watch my favorite anime!Yay

Anyways, have a nice weekend everyone!


I don't believe this season is spring now. Recent temperature drops abruptly.
I remember last year, this season was very warm.
I don't like winter rather than summer. So, I'm very uncomfortable now.
Anyway, it has passed a week since we started class.
I felt time passed very fast. Is everybody accustomed to study in Aoyama Gakuin University?
I'm still a little nervous when I attend class. But I really enjoy in this school and I can talk a lot of friends and people.
So, I'll try to do what I haven't experienced before from now on.

> hikari
I don't decide which clubs I will join.
But I like to talk and speak English , so I want to join what I can communicate with a lot of people in English.

Finally Friday!!

Yay!Finally it's Friday! Times flies so fast, but it also seems kind of slow..wonder why. Anyways
I love the weekends because I can sleep till noon ;p
Unfortunately I have my part-time job, and I'm going to a shinkan (sorry, don't know how to say it in English) so I'll be a bit busy.

Have you decided to join any clubs or circles? Which?

Nice picture:) Didn't realize it was the chapel at AGU because it was so beautiful!
It looks so much different in the daytime, much better at night;)
I'm taking French! The pronunciation's really hard, but it's fun. Our class is going to France at the end of the year;) (Don't know if it's true, but that's what the teacher said)

Really?! I don't really know so much about Japanese musicals (like Shiki, Toho) I know more about the ones on Broadway. But I'm really interested in the musical at shiki so please teach me;) By the way, my favorite musical is Legally Blonde! Do you know it?

the answer is no, but I have a reason :p If you can't find anything on CNN you should try the New York Times, they have interesting articles :)


After today's classes, my busy week will be finally over!!! I have a lot of things going on this weekend though. I'm planning on catching up with my friends from a different faculty. I barely bump into them during school days so i'm looking forward for that. Also my bed is finally arriving on Saturday!I was getting so sick and tired of sleeping on my futon so I'm stoked to be able to feel comfortable :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The first week has almost passed.

I'm pretty surprised at how fast time goes by. Now I'm coming to grasp what it is like to be a university student. I feel so comfortable with my recent life that I have few troubles in my mind and can fall asleep earlier at night than I did when I was an examinee studying and preparing for entrance exams (though I still wake up a bit late in the morning).

I'm considering joining a music club since I like playing instruments such as guitars and bass guitars although my technique as a player is so poor that people listening to me will surely shut their ears trying to prevent themselves from going deaf. Anyway, as long as I love rock music and always think of it as one of the most influential thing to me, I believe I should go on playing.



Yesterday, I bought glasses for the first time.
I was very happy because when I saw blackboard with bare eyes, it was blurred and I hardly understood words on it.

After it, I joined the freshman party of ESS club.
its programs and activities are very interesting.
The seniors were kind to me and spoke to me easily.
I enjoyed with many friends and talked to a lot of people.
It was very fun!!


I'm not done with my homework yet!!And it's due tomorrow right?I'm looking for an article about "relationship" in the CNN website, but I can't find a good one.
Have you finished yours??

So many things to do!

Hello everyone!

Hi, nice to meet everyone, I`m Hideyo.
I have lived in America and Canada for a few years, but I haven`t used English in a long time so I forgot most of it. I`m not sure if I can keep up with everyone, but I will try my best. I`m looking forward to having a great time in IE3. See you in class!

hi everybody!

My name’s Yurina, and this is my first entry to this IE3 blog! Maybe I’ll start with a short introduction of myself. I was born in Yokohama, then moved to New York when I was 11 months old due to my father’s transference, and then moved to Houston, Texas when I was 4 years old. When I was in 3rd grade of elementary school, I moved back to Yokohama, Kanagawa, and ever since then I’ve been living here. I don’t remember much about the days in New York, but I remember a lot about Houston. It’s a wonderful place! I love singing and dancing, watching movies and musicals. I also started cooking these days, and it's really fun!
Well, I think this is enough for now. I’m really looking forward to reading everybody’s blog and posting my one :)

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you guys on Friday’s IE3!!!

>Chinami…or maybe Chinatty lol
A Cappella Circle sounds great!! It’s always amazing when they do those singing…especially that voice percussion! Can you do that?! Please let me know when your club is doing some show or something! I’m really looking forward to hear your singing!

I love watching musicals too!! Awesome I found someone who has the same hobby!! ;) What kind of musicals do you watch? Gekidan Shiki? Toho? By the way, I like all kinds and I’m a bit a mania. lol

Pretty picture! :) That chapel looks sooo romantic in the evening, doesn’t it? I can't wait until the party of that international club. It's got to be fun!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Great to meet you all :)

Hi everyone! I see a lot of people already posted their blog entry...I feel so left behind but I'm going to try my best to catch up! I would like to introduce myself first. My name is Akane. I was born in Japan but I moved to Kuwait when I was 3 because of my father's business. I've lived there until grade 9, then I decided to study in Canada. I experienced a Canadian university for a year in the faculty of engineering, however, I didn't enjoy what I was studying so I moved back to my home sweet home Japan to study English :) Anyways, today I went shopping for some new stationeries with my friend. It's funny how I get motivated when I'm surrounded by brand new things. Like a couple of hours ago, I was so pumped to start working on my Spanish homework with my new pink pen. Maybe I should buy myself something new every week :p I also took a picture of the chapel at the Fuchinobe campus! How pretty!! I'm finally getting use to the new environment and new friends :)

Which second language are you all taking at AGU??

Badminton sounds interesting! Are you a member of the club? I still haven't decided which club I want to join, but I'm thinking something 'international'. Like hanging out with exchange students from all over the world :)


I had a day off today. I haven't signed up any classes on Wednesday. But I think I should take at least one class because I want to move the class from my another full scheduled day.. I'm worried if I had done choosing the classes correctly..
By the way, I didn't introduce myself in the first entry so here I am. I was born in Ehime prefecture and moved to the US when I was thirteen years old. I just came back to Japan an year ago. I like playing badminton. Is anyone interested in playing bagminton? or joining in aikoukai?:D

For me, most of my classes are what I wanted but I have two blank periods in a row on Tuesday after the first period. I wish I could take the same lecture that is in the second period so that I don't need to spend 2-3 period learning nothing.
But since it's necessary to take, I can't move:( It's hard to schedule the classes if there are classes that are already chosen.. ;_;