Come in and Blog On!

2023 Welcome to your IE 3 class blog. The object of this class project is to log in and write your comments, web links, answers to questions, and your questions to others at least twice a week. It's fun and you can include pictures or graphics. Keep it original, helpful, and interesting. Don't forget to spellcheck your work before publishing. Also, when you create your user name, please use your real first name, in Romaji (ex. Ryuki, Mari, Lisa, etc.) so that we know who we are communicating with. Enjoy, and Blog on!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Message for you

Hi, it's Shinnosuke...
The end of this IE3 is coming soon......
I'll send a short message to each of you!
(Your names are listed according to the alphabetical order except the teacher and me.)

To Dr. Armstrong
Two unique points of your class are Media Discussion and Book Report, I think. We were required to complete Media Discussion report every week! It was very hard for me to do so, and I thought it was enough to do so once a month or so. However, I found the importance of seeing frequently what is happening in the world through your Media Discussion. As for Book Report, especially Literary Analysis was new for me. Literary Analysis was very hard, but I learned that to make better book reports, it was essential to know about the context. Thank you very much for teaching!

To Ayaka
I took many same classes as you such as French and teaching course classes. Let's fight for continuing teaching course together! One of the most impressive events with you was when I was confused with your name and Natsuki's name during Media Discussion. I was confused the two names, so Haruka helped me saying "Shinnosuke, call her A-chan." I called you so. This was the first time for me to call you by your nickname. Thank you!

To Haruka
You may be the first person of the IE members to introduce myself to. Your seat was next to mine in IE2 Listening Class, so I had many chances to do Interaction with you in class. At first, you called me by my last name, but one day, I noticed that you had changed the way to call me. You started to call me by my nickname "Shin-chan." When noticing that, I was able to feel closer to you. Thank you!

To Hideaki
Every time I became the same member as you in Media Discussion, I felt that your English was much better than me because your pronunciation and reports seemed to me much greater than me. Moreover, you helped me twice in Law class when I overslept and was late for the class. I am a careless person... Thank you for your help when we become second year students. Thank you!

To Hiroyuki
You joined the class from the 2nd semester, so I did not have so much time to talk with you. However, I've found that you can speak English more fluently and can write English better than me through IE3. I remember well that when we were sitting on the same bench, some IE friends said that we looked like colleagues, seeing our backs. Thank you!

To Kanako
I didn't have much time to do Interaction or News Discussion in IE2 probably because we became leaders on the same day. However, in IE3, we had chances to interact together in Media Discussion several times. I think it was good. The most impressive thing about you is the signature "Kanako" you often put at the bottom of your Blogger posts. That's unique! Thank you!

To Kodai
The most pleasing experience for me is when you found me at Shibuya Station during the evening rush-hour, when the station and the train were so crowded and went home together. In the train, we talked about how hard it was to complete our book reports and how much time we had to spend on IE homework. I still remember this event well. Thank you!

To Koki
Whenever I became the same member as you in Media Discussion, I found that the topics you chose for your reports were always scientific ones. When I asked why, you answered that you liked science and were good at it. I envy you because I am so poor at science, and my grade of science was so bad in high school. You often answered my questions about classes or homework in LINE. Thank you!

To Miharu
I often saw you reading books between classes, so I guess you like reading very much. If so, I want to be a good reader like you because I'm not good at it. I was so surprised when you and Mizuki and Kodai were second graders. It also surprised me very much that you went to university from Utsunomiya. I cannot imitate your habit! Thank you!

To Miwa
Since we took a lot of same classes, we had many opportunities to talk together. You often made me laugh during Media Discussion saying something interesting or meaningless, and this made me happy. You sometimes said that you had very bad habits and should improve them. I have similar bad habits, too, so let's improve them in 2015! I'm excited about knowing which of us get higher score in the exam of Educational Psychology. Thank you!

To Miyui
Besides IE, we took the same classes Reading1 and History of American Literature. You often said that you didn't want to attend History of American Literature in the 5th period every Friday. To tell the truth, I always felt in the same way. I'm not good at that class. You helped me to prepare the juice I brought a few weeks ago. More precisely, I had you prepare all cups of juice! Thank you!

To Mizuki
You are the first person to help me much with my college life in April. For the first month, I wasn't a member of the IE group LINE and couldn't get any information about IE homework, but sent me e-mails about what was happening in the LINE talk many times. Thanks to your help, I was able to complete my assignments properly during that period. Moreover, I remember choosing a book for the 1st Book Report in IE2 together. Thank you!

To Natsuki
In IE2, you once chose an article about Mirin for a topic of your News Discussion report. You said that you had made the report staying all night, and the report contained a lot of grammar mistakes. It gave me your strong impression then. Your Blogger posts are always full of topics about your club activity ESS, and I think this shows how hard you always take part in club activity. Fight, ESSer! Thank you!

To Natsuko
We recently talked together about the first time we talked. The first time for me to talk with you was when your computer didn't start working well and I taught you how to start the computer. I was able to teach that because I had experienced the same situation. After the class, you thanked me for teaching very politely. At first, I wasn't used to calling you by your nickname, but now, I completely got used to use "Nachiko." Thank you!

To Ryuhei
I have experienced two great presentations with you in IE2 and IE3. As for the earlier one, we got crazy about choosing beautiful pictures of sushi in order to use them in PowerPoint. It was really interesting. As for the other, we went to the teachers' room as many as three times to get advice from the teacher. I cannot remember how many times we revised our slides and scripts, but these two presentations are important memories for me. Thank you!

To Saki
When I told you that I had sent many e-mails to reset my password I had forgotten in Media Discussion, you laughed very loudly. This made me surprised. I wondered why you laughed so much, but your laughing made me laugh, too. I really enjoyed the discussion. As for your English, you can listen properly to what is said and can speak English fluently, so you helped the members to understand what the teachers said. Thank you!

To Shiori
I think you are good at giving your opinion in English very clearly with reasons and good examples that support your opinion. I found this through Media Discussion. Probably you have developed those skills through your club activity ESS. You often looked exhausted with ESS, but you've obtained precious experience from it, I believe, and you'll grow up more with ESS. Fight, ESSer! Thank you!

To Yu
I remember having lunch with you and Nachiko once after Reading1. While eating, you talked much about what your life as an examinee was like, and I was very surprised to know that you originally had wanted to enter the same university as me. You also told me that you had got many other admissions from universities that I can never pass! I found you were a much smarter student than me. Thank you!

To Yuuka
At first, I didn't know that you were a 2nd grader and you had studied at Sagamihara, so I was so surprised when I knew these two. You always sat next to me in IE2 Writing and we had many chances to revise each other's essay. Moreover, you were the only student to give me a comment on my post about a white tree-like product. Your comment made me very happy. Thank you!

To Shinnosuke
Study more! Be more active! Smile more!